• Published 2nd Nov 2011
  • 37,215 Views, 2,740 Comments

The Mystery of a New World - Fanthrose

A human gets transported to Equestria and has to adjust to the new world

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Going back to normal

(Finally pulled my head out of my ass and started calling Ponyville a town instead of a village. I went back and fixed it in all the old chapters.)

Chapter 12

Twilight and Rarity were waiting outside of Prince Blueblood’s tent as he and Celestia went inside and talked things over. After AJ left, Celestia wanted to talk to Blueblood about how he handled things around Ponyville. They were in there for about ten minutes before the two of them exited the tent.

Celestia looked over to Rarity and smiled. “You’ll be happy to know that Blueblood will no longer be overlooking the reconstruction.” Rarity gave a triumphant smirk in Blueblood’s direction. “Captain Aquilinus, from this moment on you will be overlooking the reconstruction. You are to send daily reports about everything that happens. I’m sure Spike would be happy to help you deliver them.”

“Of course your highness.” Aquilinus trotted off to begin his new duties.

Blueblood, who was looking at the ground until now, was now staring between the two ponies before him. “I apologize for everything that has happened here today. I acted without thinking.” He turned to Twilight and bowed his head. “As brief as it was, it was nice to see you again Lady Twilight.” He then turned to Rarity and gulped. “A-and I apologize f-for all the trouble I’ve caused you and your sister.”

Rarity was enjoying the sight of Blueblood being forced to swallow his pride. “Apology accepted.” She started glaring at him once again. “But if I ever see you again, you will be sorry.”

“P-p-please don’t sodomize me with my own horn! I promise I will never bother you again!” Blueblood turned and ran to his personal carriage; ordering the drivers to get him back to the castle as fast as possible.

Celestia and Twilight stared at each other with clueless looks on their faces. Celestia turned to Rarity. “I’m almost afraid to ask, but what was that about his horn and...sodomy?”

Rarity blushed as she was reminded of her little…outburst earlier in the day. “Umm, nothing. It was nothing. He’s just crazy, that’s all.” She gave Celestia a sheepish smile.

Celestia shook her head and giggled as she turned to Twilight. “I should be getting back to Canterlot. I left Luna in charge while I was gone and I promised her she could have the day off.” Celestia gave Twilight a hug and left in her chariot.

As Twilight watched the chariot leave, Rarity had a thought. “Twilight, I have a question.”

“Hmm, what is it Rarity?”

“I was wondering, Blueblood was talking to you like he knew you personally right?” Twilight nodded. “Were you two…friends?”

“Oh no.” Twilight smiled and shook her head. “He was a classmate back in Princess Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. We talked a few times, but I wouldn’t call him a friend.”

Rarity gave Twilight a smile. “Well, I really should be getting home. After all that work I really need a bath. I’ll see you later Twilight.”


It took AJ a lot longer than he would have hoped to get to the hospital. He felt tired and sluggish and couldn’t wait to sit down and rest. His entire body ached, especially his shoulder. He was also feeling quite hungry as he didn’t get a chance to have any lunch. He was too preoccupied with getting to the hospital that he didn’t notice all the stares he was getting as he walked down the street.

He finally got to the hospital after about a half an hours walk and to him, it seemed like a beacon of hope. Nurse Redheart noticed him as he walked through the door. “Ah AJ, hello again. Go o…*gasp*!” As she got a better look at AJ she noticed all the dried blood that covered the right half of his shirt and the sling his arm was in. “What happened?!”

“Umm, let’s just say I had an…altercation. Everything’s been taken care of though, so no worries.” AJ gave a weak smile hoping that would be enough.

“Are you sure your OK, it looks like you lost a lot of blood?”

“I’m tired, hungry, and I ach all over, but I’m fine. I’m just going to go see Ditzy if that’s alright.” AJ gave a sigh of relief as Redheart nodded.

As AJ started down the hall to Dinky’s room, Redheart called out to him, “the cafeteria is still serving dinner if you’re interested.”

“That sounds pretty good right about now. Maybe Ditzy’s hungry too.” AJ waved to Redheart and continued down the hall.

He opened the door to see Ditzy and Dinky playing with some dolls. Ditzy had gone home earlier in the day to grab some of Dinky’s favorite toys so she would have something to do. Whatever they were playing, it seemed like Dinky was winning as she pounded down on Ditzy’s doll with her own and laughed manically. Hearing Dinky try to pull off an evil laugh was one of the most adorable things AJ had ever seen and he let out an ‘aww’ announcing his presence to the two ponies in the room.

The smile on Ditzy’s face quickly turned to a look of horror as she saw the shape AJ was in. She covered her mouth with her hooves and gasped. “Oh Celestia, w-what happened?”

“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine,” AJ said trying to assure Ditzy every thing will be fine. Her face told him it had not helped. “*sigh* How about I tell you over dinner, I am so hungry right now.”

“OK, I want the whole story though,” Ditzy demanded as she got Dinky out of bed so the three of them could go to the cafeteria.


It was dark when AJ and Ditzy got to the farm. Ditzy insisted she walk him back to make sure nothing happened. She asked Nurse Tenderheart to watch Dinky until she got back and she happily accepted. Around the house sat a few tents where the visiting Apples were staying while working on the house. At the moment all the visiting Apples were sitting around a campfire having a good time.

AJ pointed Ditzy in the direction of the CMC clubhouse and they started walking through the trees. It wasn’t long before they came to the small wooden tree house. They heard talking and laughing from the inside of the clubhouse as they walked up the ramp. Applejack and Big Mac turned to the door as AJ and Ditzy walked through the door. “There ya are. After Apple Bloom told us what happened, we got worried.” Applejack looked AJ over. “Not ta be rude, but you look like hell.”

AJ chuckled. “Yea, I’ve been getting that a lot today.”

Ditzy gave AJ a small shove to get him into the clubhouse. “Now you better get some rest, do you hear me.”

AJ looked at Ditzy and gave a warm smile smiled. “Yes mom.”

“I’m serious. I was worried about you.”

AJ kneeled down and gave Ditzy a hug. “I know. Thanks for walking me back.”

Ditzy returned the hug and smiled. “I should be getting back to Dinky. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She wave bye to everypony in the clubhouse and flew off; only to fly straight into a branch and fall to the ground. She got herself up and rubbed her head. “Stupid branch.” She made her way to a clearing and began flying again.

Applejack gave a chuckle. “Th’ two of ya are cute together, ya know that?” AJ gave a small chuckle as he sat down on his ‘bed.’ Her face got serious. “So, how did everything go with Blueblood? He still trottin’ around like he owns th’ place?”

AJ shrugged. “I dunno. From what Fluttershy told me Rarity had to put Blueblood in his place earlier today. Sounded like she went as far as threatening him to get her way. Can’t say that I blame her.”

Applejack got a dreamy smile on her face. “Yea, Rarity’s a gem ain’t she?”

AJ looked to Big Mac who had a playful smile on his face. “So, are we goin’ ta be hearin’ weddin’ bells in th’ near future Applejack?”

Applejack blushed and glared at her brother. “Shut it Big McIntosh!” She looked at AJ again. “Ya know, Rarity could probably help ya with yer shirt. If anypony could fix an’ clean it, it’s Rarity.” She glared at Big Mac again when she heard him trying to hold in his laughter. “What did ah just tell you?”

AJ laughed as he looked around. “Where’s Apple Bloom?”

“She’s with th’ rest of th’ family,” Big Mac said. “Last ah saw she was playin’ with Red Gala an’ Golden Delicious.”

“Cool. If it’s alright with you two I’m going to get some sleep. I feel like I haven’t slept in a week.”

“Go ahead, me an’ Big McIntosh were just about ta go spend time with th’ family before ya got here anyway,” Applejack said as she and Big Mac got up. “G’night Sugarcube.”


The next morning AJ decided to take Applejack up on her suggestion and see if Rarity could do anything about his shirt. It would probably be a bad idea to walk around with a blood covered shirt any longer than necessary. He knocked on the door and heard Rarity’s voice, “Come in.” AJ entered the establishment and saw Rarity cleaning up a mess. “Ah AJ, so good to see you. You’ll be happy to know that brute Blueblood will no longer be bothering you anymore. Celestia sent him home and left somepony much more qualified in charge.”

“That’s good to hear. Hey, I was wondering if you’re not to busy, could you do something about my shirt? Applejack suggested you could do something about the blood and the hole.”

Rarity got in close and studied AJ’s shirt and started rubbing her chin with a hoof. “Hmm, it may take a bit of work, but I should be able to get the blood out. The hole will be no problem. Please take your shirt off and I will get to work right away. With a little help from Rarity, AJ got his shirt off. “If you’d like, I have some fresh cookies from Sugarcube Corner in the kitchen, help yourself.”

AJ perked up at the sound of the sugary confectionaries in the kitchen. Who was he to turn down such a generous offer from his host? And besides, free cookies. He thanked Rarity and headed into the kitchen. There on the table was a plate full of white chocolate and macadamia nut cookies and another plate of colorful cupcakes.

AJ was about to eat a cookie when he heard the front door of the boutique slam open. Three sets of hooves could be heard running in and three voices were cheering and giggling. AJ poked his head out as Rarity started yelling. “Sweetie Belle, I thought I asked you not to track mud in the house!”

“There’s not that much mud,” Sweetie Belle said as she turned around to look at the mess her and her friends had made. In that short amount of time, the CMC had somehow managed to cover the floor, the side table, and everything else in about a ten foot radius of the door in thick mud. “Oh.”

“*sigh* Go get yourselves cleaned up. I’ll take care of the mess.” Rarity shooed the girls upstairs as she began to clean up the mud. “And when you’re done you may have some cookies.” The combined shout of the three fillies cheering for cookies made Rarity cover her ears.

After about a half an hour, the girls started rushing down stairs again. “I bet I’m going to eat the most cookies!” yelled Scootaloo

“No ya ain’t, cause Ah’m goin’ ta eat th’ most!” Apple Bloom drawled.

“I wonder what kind they are.” Sweetie Belle added as the three of them ran into the kitchen. They all skidded to a stop, nearly piling on top of each other when they saw AJ sitting at the table with a cookie in his mouth. “Hi AJ!”

AJ swallowed the cookie and wiped his face. “Hey girls. What’cha up to today?”

“We were trying to get our mud wrestling cutie marks,” Scootaloo said. “It didn’t work.”

“I can see that.” The antics of the CMC never ceased to humor AJ. “Oh well, pull up a chair and join me. These cookies are great.” Scootaloo and Apple Bloom happily took their seats and started munching away. AJ noticed Sweetie Belle was still standing there. Her smile turned to a look of sadness as she looked at him. “What’s wrong Sweetie?”

“Are you OK? After that mean pony attacked you I…*sniff*.” Sweetie Belle started tearing up as she remembered the events of the previous day.

AJ got up and wiped the tear from Sweetie Belle’s cheek. “Don’t worry Sweetie. I’m fine, and everything was taken care of.” He smirked and looked into the store front. “Rarity made sure of that.”

“*sniff* Are you sure?”

AJ nodded. “Now come on. Those cookies aren’t going to eat themselves.” Sweetie Belle smiled and sat at the table. The three fillies made quick work of the cookies on the plate. Scootaloo’s and Apple Bloom’s eating contest made sure of that. AJ made sure to save a few for Rarity.

A few hours passed as the four of them talked about the many misadventures of the CMC. Rarity walked into the room holding a folded shirt in her magic. “There, it took quite a bit of effort, but I was able to get the blood out.” She levitated the shirt over to AJ who put it on over his arm. Rarity smiled. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go see if I can be of any help somewhere.”

“Have fun out there.” AJ waved to Rarity as she left. After she was gone, he pulled out his bit purse. “Hey Sweetie, I know your sister wouldn’t let me pay for this, but I’d feel bad if I didn’t. Give these to her for me would you?” AJ dropped 10 bits on the table and Sweetie Belle nodded as she scooped them up. “Right, I gotta get outta here. Ditzy's expecting me at the hospital. I’ll see you three later.”


A couple days have passed since AJ got his shirt fixed at Rarity’s boutique. The reconstruction of the farm house was nearly complete. A couple of the Apples were on the roof putting on the finishing touches while the rest were busy moving in furnishings that were brought along. The first items they moved in were the appliances for the kitchen. Things like beds and living room furnishings came next. It was about mid day when the house was finally complete. It was a thing of beauty. Due to Applejacks wishes, the house resembled the old farm house. Though this time it was built a lot sturdier with better materials. The orchard itself was returned to its former glory. Thanks to the help of the unicorn specialist that was brought in from Canterlot, most of the trees that were uprooted or damaged were able to be replanted and restored. There were a few that were so badly damaged that they were beyond repair. Applejack made sure they would be given a proper funeral.

A tear of happiness rolled down Applejacks cheek as she looked over her now restored farm. “It’s beautiful, ain’t it Big McIntosh?”


“That she is cuz,” Braeburn said as he came over to sit with the two of them. “It’ll take a few days ta hook up, but y’all should get yer water, gas, an’ electricity back soon.”

“Well, we always got that old well till then,” Big Mac said.

“We could also borrow some candles from Twilight an’ Fluttershy fer light.” Applejack noticed AJ coming out of the trees with the remains of Mr. Bun bun in his hand. She called out to him, “Hey AJ, where ya goin’ with that thing?”

“I was just going over to Fluttershy’s. She said she would fix him up for me,” AJ said as he held up the tattered stuffed animal.

Braeburn got up. “Ah think Ah’ll go with ya. Ah ain’t spent enough time with Dashie lately.”

“Any other takers?” AJ looked around jokingly to see if anyone else would want to go. “No, OK. We’ll be back whenever.”


It didn’t take long for AJ and Braeburn to get to Fluttershy’s cottage. They found Fluttershy outside feeding the animals along side Rainbow Dash who was busy being assaulted by chickens at the moment.

“You stupid birds, get off!” Every time Rainbow managed to throw off one chicken, another immediately replaced it. This went on until Fluttershy shooed the chickens back into their chicken coop. “Stupid chickens, see if I ever try to feed THEM again.”

“Still not that good with animals Ah see,” Braeburn joked.

Rainbow’s ears perked up and she turned her head to see Braeburn and AJ standing there chuckling. Her good wing immediately sprung open and started slowly fluttering. A bright smile grew on her face. “Oh Braeburn hi! Heh, I guess not.” Rainbow ran over to Braeburn and the two of them embraced. A barely audible ‘aww’ could be heard from Fluttershy. “Do you mind if I leave Fluttershy?”

“Oh, not at all. You two go have fun.” Fluttershy smiled as Rainbow hopped in place and squealed in delight. The two of them walked side by side along the stream that flowed by Fluttershy’s cottage. “They’re so cute together.”

“Mmhm.” Fluttershy eeped and hid in a bush. She hadn’t realized AJ had come up next to her. “Heh, sorry.”

“Oh no, that’s OK.” Fluttershy pulled herself out of the bush and blew a leaf from her mane. “What can I do for you today?”

“I was wondering if you wanted to check on my wound.” AJ lifted Mr. Bun bun. “I also thought I’d bring Mr. Bun bun over in case you wanted to start working on him.”

Fluttershy took the no longer stuffed rabbit from AJ’s hands and stared at it in sadness. It saddened her to see her favorite fillyhood toy in such a state. She hugged the toy to her chest as a tear rolled down her cheek. “Don’t worry Mr. Bun bun. I’ll make you all better.”

“You gonna be OK Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy nodded and wiped away the tears. “Yea. Let’s go check on your injury.”

Fluttershy led AJ inside, placing Mr. Bun bun gently on the table. She had AJ sit on the floor and take off his shirt as she got some warm water, clean towels and disinfectant. She unwrapped the bandages around his shoulder and, using a gentle touch, cleaned and disinfected the wound. She re-wrapped the wound in clean bandages and reapplied the sling.

As AJ was putting his shirt back on, Fluttershy’s stomach started to grumble at her. She blushed as AJ looked at her with an amused look. “Umm, I guess it’s time for lunch. Are you hungry?”

“A bit, yea.” Fluttershy smiled as the two of them went into the kitchen. “So, anything I can help with?”

“Oh no, you just relax and let me take care of it.” Fluttershy smiled and turned to begin on the meal.

What she didn’t see was the look of disappointment on AJ’s face. “Oh, OK.”

“Is everything alright?”

“It’s just…ever since I got injured I’ve just felt so useless. Every time I try to help around the farm, everyone just shoos me away and tells me to take it easy. They won’t even let me help with the simplest tasks. It’s aggravating.” AJ sighs and leans forward in his seat, looking at the floor. “I can still do things. I’m not useless. I just wish everyone would see that.” He closed his eyes and started to get lost in his depressed state.

He felt a soft hoof on his chin as his head was lifted. He opened his eyes to see Fluttershy’s smiling face in front of him. “Please don’t be sad. Don’t be upset with Applejack and Big Mac. They just don’t want to see you get hurt anymore. And besides, if you want to be mad at somepony, I’m the one you should be mad at, not Applejack. I’m the one who asked Applejack to make sure you take it easy. I didn’t mean to make you feel this way.”

AJ looked into Fluttershy’s eyes for a minute. He closed his eyes and mulled over what she said in his head before a smile appeared on his face. “That’s not fair, I can’t be mad at you. It’s like, physically impossible or something.” AJ started laughing for a moment. “Thanks.”

“My pleasure. Now, how does oatmeal and toast sound?” Fluttershy asked as she turned back to the pantry.

“Sounds good to me. It’ll be a nice change of pace from apples all the time.” Fluttershy giggled as she started preparing the homemade oatmeal.


As AJ entered the hospital, he was greeted by Nurse Redheart as usual. The thing that struck him as odd was the site of Ditzy gleefully dancing down the hall towards the lobby bobbing her head from side to side with her eyes closed like she was playing a tune in head. “Hey Ditzy. What’s the occasion?”

Ditzy opened her eyes and the smile on her face grew even more. She dashed over and gave AJ a big hug. “Dinky’s finally being released! There just finishing a few quick tests and my muffin will be free to go home.”

“That’s great news and all Ditzy, but you’re kinda squeezing my shoulder. It really hurts.”

Ditzy released her hug and started to blush. “Oops, sorry. I’m just so happy she’ll be home with me and Carrot.”

Nurse Tenderheart came out of Dinky’s room with a bag in her mouth and Dinky on her back. She placed the bag in front of Ditzy and smiled. “Well, everything checks out Ms. Doo. Dinky’s finally free to go home.”

“Hi mommy.” Dinky waved to her mom from Tenderheart’s back.

Ditzy trotted up next to Tenderheart so Dinky could transfer to her back. Ditzy looked back and smiled as Dinky nuzzled into her neck. “Are you ready to go home my little muffin?”


Ditzy looked over to AJ. “Would you like to come with us?”

AJ shrugged. “Sure. I don’t have any other plans for today.”

“Yay! We can have a movie night like me and Carrot always used to have!” Ditzy started happily dancing in place. She always had so much fun on movie nights. “Come on, let’s go!”


The sound of somepony clearing their throat brought Ditzy back to her out of her euphoric state. She turned to the counter to see Redheart looking at her with a knowing smile. “Oops. I almost forgot to pay.” She looked at AJ with a sheepish smile. “I’ll be right back.”


“Ya threatened ta do what, with his what now?” Applejack asked Rarity in amazement.

“Please don’t make me say it again darling. I still can’t believe I said it out loud,” Rarity said rubbing her temples. Ever since the Blueblood incident, Rarity has been more stressed out than she has ever been, and with the spa closed until the town is rebuilt, she’s had no way to relieve that stress. That is, until she got a visit from a certain orange earth pony. As soon as she saw Applejack smiling at her front door, it felt like almost all her stress just melted away. At the moment the two of them were sitting in at Rarity’s kitchen table talking over some apple cider. “Worse yet he mentioned it in front of Princess Celestia.”

“Ah’m sure everythin’ will be fine.” Applejack placed a comforting hoof on Rarity’s shoulder. “How ‘bout Ah tell ya th’ pony that Rainbow’s fallen fer. Would that cheer you up?”

Rarity’s ears perked up. “Ah yes, her and Braeburn do seem to be happy together don’t they.” Rarity smiled. “At least she finally found somepony who managed to tame her wild spirit.”

Applejack looked at Rarity with surprise. “How did ya know about Rainbow and Braeburn?”

Rarity waved her hoof at Applejack. “Oh please darling, I’ve known for a few months now.”

“How th’ hay was Ah th’ last pony ta find out about this?!”

“You mean she never told you?” Rarity asked. “She told us all over lunch one day. I believe you were busy delivering apples to Canterlot that day. I thought she would have told you when you got back.” Applejack grumbled something under her breath. “Cheer up Applejack. At least they’re happy.”

“They are happy,” Applejack said. “Braeburn’s been spendin’ all his free time with Rainbow.” A thought crossed her mind that caused her to frown. “Ya know, we haven’t had a night ta ourselves in awhile.”

“We haven’t, have we?” A seductive look flashed across Rarity’s face. “Well, how about tonight?”

Applejacks eyes lit up. “Aren’t ya’ busy tonight?”

“Oh heavens no. Ever since the storm I haven’t been getting any orders.”

Applejack got a seductive look of her own. “Ah reckon we could do somethin’…special tonight.”

Applejack and Rarity both started to lean forward and close their eyes. They got closer and closer until they were connected in a passion filled kiss. The two of them were in a state of utter bliss until, “awwww.” Rarity had completely forgotten about Sweetie Belle. Both of the mares blushed and looked over to the open doorway to see Sweetie Belle covering her mouth with her fore-hooves. “Umm, hello.”

“S-sweetie Belle, darling heheh, how much did you see?” Rarity asked in a panic.

“All of it!” Sweetie Belle squeaked happily.

Rarity’s blush intensified as she began to panic even more. She started looking around trying to think about what to do. She looked over to Applejack, mouthing the words ‘help me.' Applejack thought for a second before her getting an idea. “Hey Sweetie Belle, as you know th’ farm house is rebuilt. Why don’t you an’ Apple Bloom have a sleep over? Ah’m sure she’d love ta have ya over.”

Sweetie Belle’s face lit up. “Really?! Can I sleep over at Apple Bloom’s house Rarity?! Can I, can I?!”

“Yes of course. Now why don’t you go get your things ready and head on over to the farm.” A squeal of happiness filled the room as Sweetie Belle ran up to her room to get her things. Rarity sighed a breath of relief as she turned to Applejack. “Thank you Applejack.”

“Why are ya so scared of yer sister findin’ out about us?”

“It’s not Sweetie Belle I’m worried about,” Rarity said. “I’m worried that she may tell mom and dad. It wouldn’t be the first time she’s told them things about my life when she went back home.”

“Aww, don’t ya worry about them. Ah’m sure they’d be fine with it,” Applejack put her leg around Rarity’s withers as Sweetie Belle tore through the house and out the door carrying her saddle bags. The two of them sat there for a minute to make sure Sweetie was gone. “Now that she’s gone, how ‘bout we go upstairs an’ have some fun.”

“Oh Applejack you naughty little filly.” Rarity started looking around the room as if to make sure nopony was listening. “You go get ready, I’ll get the toys.”

Applejack smiled at Rarity. “Now who’s the naughty little filly?”


Many hours have passed since movie night started at Carrot Top’s house. It was about 11:30 and they had just finished watching ‘The Princess Bride.’ Ditzy noticed Dinky let out a big yawn. “Are you getting tired Dinky?” Dinky nodded her head as she rubbed her eye. “OK, let’s get you to bed.” Ditzy picked Dinky up in her fore-hooves and carried her up the stairs.

AJ watched as Ditzy flew up the stairs. “I think she’s happy to be home.”

“Happy is an understatement.” Carrot Top looked over to AJ from her spot next to the couch. “In fact, she seems happier over all ever since she met you.”

“Really?” Carrot Top nodded. “Huh.”

“Are you two talking about me behind my back?” AJ and Carrot Top looked over and saw Ditzy lazily floating over to the couch. She had a smile on her face. “She fell asleep almost instantly.”

A yawn escaped from AJ’s mouth. “I think she had the right idea. I’m starting to get pretty tired too.”

Ditzy looked at AJ and giggled. “Oh come on you wuss. You can stay up longer than this. I’m not the least bit ti…” Ditzy was interrupted when she herself yawned. She blushed as AJ laughed back at her. “OK, so maybe I am a bit tired.”

Carrot Top was busy looking through their movie collection for the next movie to watch. “So, you two think we should watch another one. I’ve been itching to watch something with a bit more violence in it, and with Dinky asleep now’s the perfect time.”

“*yawn* I suppose I could try to make it through another one,” AJ said as he leaned into the arm of the couch. Ditzy took her place next to him and nodded.

“Great, I’m just going to get some more refreshments and we’ll start.” Carrot Top grabbed the now empty bowls of popcorn, placing them on her back before trotting into the kitchen. She opened the cupboard and pulled out a bag of popcorn kernels, pouring them into the bowls. She covered the first bowl in melted butter from the stove top and put it in the microwave. She did the same with the second bowl; humming to herself as she went on.

In total she spent about ten minutes in the kitchen before finally returning to the living room. “Alright. Are you two ready for some more movie nigh…” Carrot Top stopped dead in her tracks when she looked into the room. In the time it took for her to get more popcorn, AJ and Ditzy had fallen asleep on the couch. AJ was now lying down on the couch with Ditzy lying on top of him as if he were a pillow. AJ’s good arm was wrapped around Ditzy as if he was giving her a hug. Carrot top smiled at the sight. She took the bowls of popcorn back into the kitchen and started picking up the mess they had all made as quietly as she could. She went to the closet and grabbed a blanket, draping it over the two of them. She grabbed one of the bowls of popcorn for herself and started walking upstairs. ‘I guess I’ll just go read for a bit then’ she thought to herself as she turned the lights off.


Big Mac was finally able to get Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle to go to bed after the two fillies decided to have an all out war with pillows. “Ah didn’t think they could be so crazy with only two of them. You owe me one Applejack,” Big Mac muttered under his breath.

“Ahh, ta be young an’ so full of energy again.” Big Mac laughed as he looked over at Braeburn who was sitting on a chair in the living room. “Don’t you sometimes wish we could be foals again Big McIntosh? Always playin’, goin’ on adventures, all that fun stuff?”

Big Mac sat on the couch and thought it over for a few minutes. “Nnnope.”

“Why not?” Braeburn asked with a playful look.

“If ah was a foal again, how would ah be able ta protect mah family. Ah’m th’ oldest one in th’ house now that Granny Smith is gone. It’s mah duty ta watch over th’ farm an' everypony in it.”

Braeburn nodded. Even when the two of them were little, the thing that meant the most to Big Mac was family. He would have given anything if it meant protecting them. “It’s good ta see yer values haven’t changed.”

Big Mac nodded. “Hey Braeburn, can Ah ask ya somethin’?” Braeburn nodded. “You didn’t happen ta bring yer special cider, did ya?”

Braeburn smiled knowingly. “You know Ah wouldn’t come here without bringin’ some with me. Ah’ll go get some.” Big Mac smiled; tonight would be a good night.


(Bahh, I’m splitting another chapter guys. Looking at my notes for the chapter if I don’t it will probably end up being close to 12-15 thousand words and that’s too long XP.)

My little pony © Hasbro
Friendship is magic © Lauren Faust

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