• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,748 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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9: Exploratory Cuteness

Medic smiled as he cradled Fluttershy in his hands. "Tell me, Fraulein, are we ready to study medicine?" He chuckled at Fluttershy's eager nod. "Well, the first thing we need to know to practice medicine is anatomy, so let's begin the lesson. I've prepared a study area, so just poke around and I'll tell you what's what. How'd that sound?" Fluttershy squee'd, her wings bussing. "Just be careful with your wings, don't want to make a mess." As Fluttershy smiled, folding her wings flat to her sides, he set her down in the prepared study area.

Looking around, Fluttershy poked a small, bulbous thing off to one side.

Medic smiled. "That is the appendix. Not sure what it does, but it's fragile, so don't poke it too much. No, Fluttershy, it is not a chew toy!"

Giggling, Fluttershy turned around, glancing at the sticky stuff getting in her mane and coat.

"That is blood, Fluttershy. Everyone has it inside them. It's often fun finding new and exciting ways to get it out of them, though." At Fluttershy's giggle, he added a caution. "Be careful of the intestines, though. Those are the loops and thick cord like things getting tangled around your hooves. If one of them breaks, then you'll have bowel fluids in the mix, and that's not nearly as fun. Stinks something awful, too." Medic then groaned. "Fluttershy, intestines are not for making necklaces. As cute as that looks, put them back."

Fluttershy giggled, disentangling herself as she poked at another large, bulbous thing.

"That is the liver," Medic explained. "It cleans the blood and recycles the dead blood cells." At Fluttershy's confused noise, he elaborated. "It takes things out of the blood that shouldn't be there, like alcohol." Fluttershy spread her hooves wide, and Medic laughed. "No, Demoman does not have an extra large one. However, I did improve its efficiency during his last physical."

As Fluttershy giggled, she glanced over at two other strange shapes, poking at them with a hoof.

"Those are kidneys. They filter out the blood." When Fluttershy pointed back at the liver, Medic laughed, pleased to see she was absorbing the lesson. "They filter out anything in the bloodstream that's no longer needed, including those things the body puts there as a natural function. It is called ultrafiltration."

Fluttershy nodded, turning to another large sack that sloshed.

"That is the stomach. It's where food goes after it's eaten, and where digestion begins." He reached in and tickled her tummy. "Right about here," he said as she squirmed. "Careful you don't break it, though."

Nodding, Fluttershy turned her eyes further into the study area, poking what looked like a pair of balloons.

"Those are the lungs. That's where air goes when you breathe."

"She learning good, Doctor?" Heavy asked.

"It seems like she is absorbing the lesson," Medic replied. "Children under the age of five do absorb new things far more rapidly than those who are older. Thanks again for helping me with the lesson."

"Is no problem, Doctor," Heavy replied happily. "Anything for Fluttershy-ooph!"

"Careful, Fluttershy," Medic cautioned. "That is the heart, which keeps us alive by pumping blood. And the metal thing is the interface for my Medi-gun, for both standard and overcharge healing. It's not good for it to be poked."

Fluttershy squeaked curiously, turning her eyes up to the large size medi-gun that hung down from the ceiling.

Laughing, Medic lifted Fluttershy out. "Want to see it in action?" Fluttershy nodded. "Finished studying anatomy?" Another nod. He set her down on a slab. "Alright, watch carefully." Swinging the medi-gun around, he switched it on.

Before long, Heavy's torso was completely sealed up. Even his uniform showed no signs of a hole. Heavy sat up. "That was fun, Doctor!" he said happily.

Medic grinned. "Glad you had fun." He turned to a happily clapping Fluttershy. "Glad you enjoyed the demonstration, too, Fluttershy. But now you need a bath." As she smiled up at him, waiting for him to pick her up, Medic turned to Heavy. "Aren't little ones supposed to hate bathing?"

"Only if it's not made to be fun, Doctor. You make it fun."

Nodding, Medic scooped up Fluttershy before carrying her over to a tub with a shower head suspended over it. He proceeded to use the comfortably warm water to scrub the blood and other fluids out of Fluttershy's coat, mane, and tail. She sat there in the tub, plainly enjoying the process. Once all the fluids were cleansed, Medic grabbed the shampoo that he'd mixed up for her coat and mane, proceeding to scrub that in. He couldn't help but smile at how luxuriant both looked once he was finished, and how soft they became. Once he'd washed the soap out, he grabbed the next bottle. "Spread your wings, please."

Smiling, Fluttershy spread her wings. Medic uncorked the bottle of feather soap he, Pyro, Engineer, Demoman, and Sniper had managed to formulate for the feathers of Fluttershy's wings. He carefully worked it into her small, downy feathers, gently working free any that had come loose and needed to be removed. Fluttershy, for her part, sighed happily at the ministration, needing Heavy to hold her up with one hand as she became completely relaxed from the gentle cleaning and preening.

Heavy suddenly belched, a small yellow feather coming out of his mouth. Catching it, he glance at Medic. "Perhaps we should have done preening before anatomy lesson, Doctor."

Medic glanced at the feather. "How did it get into your throat?" he wondered, continuing the preening. He glanced back at Fluttershy, seeing she'd almost dozed off. Shaking his head, he rinsed away the last of the soap before filling the tub with warm water. The added water woke her up as she began to splash a bit. Smiling, Medic lowered in a rubber ducky, which she hugged with a happy squee that was drowned out by the duck's noise.

Heavy shrugged. "She really likes animals," Heavy commented. "She need pet!"

"I don't think she's ready for the responsibility," Medic pointed out. "She isn't even old enough to take care of herself yet."

Heavy nodded. "I suppose. Though I think she might tame giant angry bear easy."

Medic raised an eyebrow. "And how do you arrive at that conclusion?"

"She tame us."

Medic paused, turning back to the happily splashing Fluttershy. "Perhaps," he murmured, smiling softly as Fluttershy ducked her head under the water to blow bubbles. "Perhaps."