• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,748 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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10: Lighthearted

Heavy slowly opened his eyes, a huge grin already covering his face. Sitting up slowly, he turned to his left. There, in the little bed beside his, was Sasha, a blanket pulled up to cover his beloved mini-gun. And, curled up between the barrels and also covered, his even more beloved malyutka, Fluttershy. Stepping silently from his own bed, he gently removed Fluttershy from between Sasha's barrels, setting the filly down on his own pillow and covering her with part of the pillowcase. She barely stirred from the entire process. Since she wasn't awake yet, he took the time to tend to his mini-gun, gently polishing the entire construct and oiling the gears. Once that was done, he set Sasha down on his desk before turning to the window to watch the sun rise.

As the sunlight slowly marched across the room, a single shaft made its way up the bed until it shone gently on the back of Fluttershy's head, as Heavy had been careful to ensure that she was facing away from the window. He didn't want a ray of light shining into her closed eye to wake her up. However, the warm light of day on the back of her head was enough to make her stir and raise her head, blinking owlishly.

Heavy smiled widely as he moved to stand in her field of vision. "Dobroye utro, Fluttershy!" he said happily, sprinkling his native tongue into his speech with her as was his wont. "Did you sleep well?"

Fluttershy closed her eyes, rose to her hooves, and stretched like a cat, arching her back and spreading her wings as she silently yawned, her mouth opened wide before she relaxed her posture, looking up at him with a smile.

He chuckled as he scooped her up into his massive hands, where she was able to seat herself comfortably on his palm. "In that case, is breakfast time!" He clomped easily from his room towards the kitchen, noticing that - as usual - he was the only one up other than Soldier, who was playing with the teleporter in his room. Ignoring that, he walked easily into the kitchen where he gently placed Fluttershy into her high chair. "So Fluttershy," he asked good naturedly, "what you like for breakfast: milk or baby food?" He held up a bottle and a dish for her. She eagerly pointed to the bottle. "Alright!" he said, putting the dish away as he began heating up a bottle of goat's milk.

Once it was properly heated, Heavy checked the temperature to make sure it wasn't too hot by putting a drop on his own hand, and one on the carefully constructed temperature scale Engineer and Medic had designed because few if any of them had any idea of what was proper temperature for fluids being offered a child. Confirming both from his own experience and from the scale that it was proper temperature, he capped the bottle with the nipple and handed it to Fluttershy.

Smiling eagerly, she seized the bottle in her forehooves and positioned it to her mouth, latching onto the nipple and sucking eagerly. Heavy sat back to watch, staying close to make sure she didn't choke or have anything go down the wrong way. He needn't have worried, though, because she drank the entire bottle down without incident. When she set the bottle down, he scooped her up and rested her against a towel laid over his shoulder. Holding her there with one massive hand, he gently patted her back between her wings with one large finger. After a time, she let off a quiet burp.

That done, he returned her to being cradled in his hand. "So Fluttershy, what would you like do now?"

She tilted her head in thought, then pointed towards a shelf upon which several large print children's books were stacked.

Heavy chuckled. "You want me read to you?" At her eager nod, he went over to the shelf and scanned it, looking for a good title to read. In the end, he settled on her favorite, Clifford, the Big Red Dog. Settling her down on his leg, he opened the book where she could see the pages, and read it word by word, tracing the progress of the words with his finger. She followed along eagerly, although she often held up the story as she tried to pet the image of Clifford in the pictures. When that didn't work, she settled for petting Heavy.

He remained where he was until he had finished reading the entire story once through before closing the book. Picking up both book and filly, he returned the former to the shelf and - noticing a dampness - took the latter to Pyro for changing while he washed his hands. Once Fluttershy was changed, he took her to the kitchen where he made her a dish of mushy carrots, which she enjoyed immensely. He then picked her up carefully and carried her to the counter. Stoppering the sink, he filled it with three inches of water just slightly warmer than room temperature. He then divested Fluttershy of her diaper before setting her in carefully to wash the orange gunk from her coat. To distract her from any chance tugs of mane and coat that might hurt, he placed a small rubber ducky in the water with her. It had been made by Engineer, and had a voice chip inside. It floated and, when squeezed, quoted them in each of their voices.

"You are dead! Not big surprise!" Heavy always chuckled when his voice came out.

"UAHAHAHAHAHA!" Pyro's laugh, on the other hand, creeped him out even more coming from a rubber yellow duck.

"On your feet you worthless maggots!" Soldier's quote was indistinguishable from his normal voice, though humorous coming from a duck.

"It's time to practice medicine." Medic's words always seemed...unusually creepy coming from the duck.

"It needs to be about 20% cooler." Heavy had no idea who that was supposed to be, or why the voice reminded him of Scout, but Fluttershy was always happy when she heard it for some reason.

Once her bath was finished, he lifted her out and wrapped her in the towel. Then he pulled the plug, and let her watch the water drain away. She was always fascinated by that for some reason. Once the sink was empty, he dried her off gently but vigorously, getting all the water out of her coat, mane, and tail. Once he was finished, she shook herself a bit, and her coat, mane, and tail promptly fluffed up. Chuckling, Heavy brought out a brush. He then spent the next hour carefully brushing her, getting first coat, then mane, then tail to lay flat, her mane and tail once more curling fetchingly around her. He then put her diaper back on before carrying her back to his room.

Setting her down on the floor, he sat down across the room from her. Once he was braced, he pulled out a small ball, tossing it up and down. Before he could begin the game, however, a twittering heralded the approach of a close friend. "Red Army Robin!" he said happily as the little bird flew up to his shoulder. Reaching up, he gently stroked the bird. "Where have you been?"

The little robin twittered happily, fluttering its wings. It then paused, noticing Fluttershy staring at it in wonder. Heavy smiled. "This Red Army Robin. He's my pet. Want to say hi?"

Fluttershy nodded eagerly. The robin fluttered over to her, alighting on Fluttershy's shoulder under her mane. Smiling widely, she reached up and gently pet it with one hoof.

Heavy chuckled as he watched her playing with his pet. After a time, her eyes were drawn back to the ball in his hand. Smiling, he batted it gently towards her. As it bounced towards her, she reached up and batted the ball herself. However, she put too much force into it. It ricocheted off two walls to smack Heavy hard in the back of the head, releasing a balloon out of nowhere as he fell over.

Fluttershy (Ball) Heavy

Fluttershy meeped, staring at Heavy as he lay there. After a time, he sat back up, rubbing the back of his head. He then smiled at her. "Nice shot!"

Fluttershy smiled widely, and they proceeded to bat the ball back and forth for a time, although Heavy insisted Red Army Robin watch from the desk.