• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,751 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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14: Quantumn Engineering

Engineer lay back with a soft smile, gently stroking the filly sleeping peacefully in his lap. He'd spent the better part of the day wearing her out so she'd sleep peacefully now. There was something he needed to check, needed to be sure of. He was already 90% sure, but he needed to do one last thing to confirm. But to do so, he needed to have Fluttershy with him, he needed to otherwise be alone...and he needed her to be asleep. What he was going to do, he couldn't risk it having an effect on Fluttershy. It wouldn't be fair to her, or anyone else...but this was the only way to be sure. Once he was certain she was fast asleep, he pressed a button on a remote control.

A panel slid aside on the wall, revealing a device he had shown to no one else. The main aspect of the construct was a dispenser. However, a teleporter appeared to be riveted to the back of it. A television had been built into the top of the front, and what looked like the device that had been built for the Mann brothers to keep them alive was wrapped around the outside. Projecting from it were various other technical components that were too complex to interpret, even without some of their parts fading in and out of reality. He had even managed to scrounge some octiron out of the Luggage of a passing Wizzard for these, which appeared pitch black except through his special goggles - and to Pyro naturally for some reason - where it glowed with a light of an unknown color.

This was his pass-time machine. It's primary function was to work as a TV, which allowed him to watch any TV show that would ever be made, although he only watched the best ones. It had other functions as well, one of which he was going to make use of today. Tuning the device to do so and donning his special goggles, he tuned into the show he was looking for.

As he watched, he saw the energy that the device gave off...and saw the same energy emanating from Fluttershy, at the same frequency. This confirmed his suspicion: Fluttershy was the character from this show, as an infant somehow.

This didn't unduly surprise him. It wasn't the first time he'd came across the idea of stories having more reality than fantasy to them. This very device had, amongst its functions, the capacity to tap into other universes to track and retrieve various items, although it couldn't do so with living things. Once you came across the idea of alternate universes, it wasn't that big a leap to assume that every conceivable universe existed somewhere out there in reality. It only made sense that there was one out there that matched the story of this show. Actually meeting Fluttershy - and confirming that she was from an alternate universe this way - his main question that would likely never be answered was if there was some analogue to their world in Equestria. Probably not a TV show, but a game perhaps? He discarded the inquiry, as it was irrelevant to the current situation.

What he had discovered had revealed certain other facts to him, ones that were unpleasant to contemplate. However, he couldn't think of them in silence, he needed to voice them. Sighing, he turned off the pass-time, knowing he would likely not turn it back on for many years to come. He then turned to the still sleeping filly in his lap, gently stroking her mane as she breathed, her quiet sleeping noises sounding almost like a purr.

"So you're from another dimension," he said quietly. "Not surprising. I've been picking up that weird energy since we got here. Soldier's probably more right than he knows that our mission here is to protect you. It's not you we're here to protect, but whatever it is that allowed you to come through here...and you're the key to that. Someone wants to make use of it, whatever it is. Make use of you. But we won't let them. We'll protect you, no matter who we have to fight to do it.

"But someday it will all be in vain." Frowning, he pulled her gently into a cuddle, managing not to disturb her slumber. "We'll want to hold onto you for as long as we can, because you've become our baby. None of us could bring ourselves to let you go...but someday we'll have to, for your own good. You aren't of our world, and you're the only one of your kind here. We'll do all we can to make sure you grow up healthy...but you will grow up.

"You'll mature, become a teenager, and eventually an adult. And when that happens, you will have to return to your own world, wherever it may be. Whether because of some unknown dimensional phenomena or biological imperative, you won't be able to live a full life without others of your kind. Like the man raised by wolves, one day you will have to return to your own kind.

"And when you do..." His voice trailed off. He thought about how wrapped up in this little filly they had all become over the course of less than a month. He wondered how much deeper they would fall in love with this tiny angel over the course of years. There was only one conclusion he could draw from this. "And when you do...it will destroy us." He stroked her mane again as she slumbered. "We won't want to let you go, we'll care so much for you. We are nutcases, the lot of us, each with an insanity that preys on us, so easily turning us into monsters if we let it. But you heal us, make us whole...make us family. When the time comes, and you ask us to help you find a way back to where you came from...we will help, we will weep, we will say goodbye...and we will let you go.

"And we will die inside, knowing we'll never see you again. We will become our monsters without you. And yet, even if we all knew this, we would still send you away with a smile, a hug, and well wishes for your future, even as ours returns to the dreadful madness and slaughter that will one day consume our sanity."

Engineer continued to stroke her mane as she slept through his soliloquy. "But if in your sleep some bit of this remains in your mind, don't blame yourself for any of it. We have always been monsters inside, enjoying the daily slaughter of our lives, barely clinging to our last shreds of humanity. We were doomed to fall into the mad abyss eventually. Even all together, there was never any escape. Your presence has given us a slice of heaven before we fall to hell. And not one of us will have any regrets when the day comes when we have to say goodbye.

"Our greatest epithet, the greatest tribute and honor we could ever receive...is knowing that someday, when you have children of your own, you will tell them of us...and we will be remembered with love. That is all we could ask for, and more than we would have hoped for less than a month ago."

He lay back against the wall, gently cradling the beloved filly in his arms. "But you don't need to know all that yet. All you need to know now is to be a child, and that we all love you...so very much."

Fluttershy slept on in peace and contentment, wrapped in his love as much as his arms.