• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,747 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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18: BLUtiful Disaster part 2, Accidental Badass

Fluttershy paced back and forth in the intelligence room, her only company the suitcase on the table, a dispenser full of her favorite snacks, and a few weapons that her family hadn't taken with to go fight. She didn't understand what had happened. A message she didn't understand from a voice she didn't recognize had broadcast from her communicator, her Big Brother had said "That bitch!" and stuck her in this room. Dadenji had come in and set up the dispenser for her, telling her to be moderate so she didn't spoil her dinner. Big Brother had told her that the suitcase was a surprise for later. Each of her other family members had come in to hug her, tell her everything would be okay, and leave something with their scent for her to keep her company. Then they had left and locked the door behind them.

She didn't like it. It reminded her too much of what one set of parents had done in one of the stories Big Daddy had read her. After the parents said goodbye to the children, the entire rest of the story had been the children trying to find out what happened to their parents. And then there was the sounds of gunfire and explosions from outside, interspersed with shouts and the occasional scream. She was afraid. Was something going to happen to her family? To her? She hugged Chompy close to her, whimpering. She didn't want anything bad to happen to her family. Why did this all have to happen?

Her ears perked up as she heard the sound of the electronic keypad. The passcode was being entered. Someone was unlocking the door. She looked up to see what had happened.

The door opened. At first, she thought it was Mama, coming to check on her...but something was off. There seemed to be a strange corona around Mama. She looked closer, focusing her gaze...and the red seemed to part to her vision. It wasn't Mama who stood there, but someone who looked like Poof Daddy, but blue. And they were disguised as Mama. Fluttershy backed away in fear as they looked at her.

BLU Spy stepped slowly and carefully into the intelligence chamber. Their mission was clear: capture the Pegasus. Obviously, the Pegasus - whatever that was - would be in the Intelligence room. So, while the rest of the team was distracting the RED idiots, he backstabbed the first RED merc he got alone - the Pyro, it turned out - and walked calmly into the fortress, seeking the intelligence room. Evading the RED Pyro charging back out, he had found the place and entered the code. He hardly needed to guess: no matter what team it was, Soldier always chose the code, and it was always 1-1-1-1.

That's what he'd thought, anyway. Finding it wasn't the code, he had examined the keys...and found the ones that had been pressed the most, and arranged them. He couldn't figure out what significance the code 3-7-4-9 could have. Luckily, no alarm went off for an incorrect code.

When he saw the small creature inside, he knew it had to be the Pegasus they were after. So small, so soft, so scared, so adorable...he wanted it!

He slowly walked forward, making the Pyro's nonsense sounds, trying to sound comforting. The Pegasus backed into the table, causing a suitcase to fall to the floor beside her. The black thing beside her bounced and barked like crazy. The Pegasus suddenly closed its eyes and seized the suitcase.

"Not the Mama!"


BLU Spy let out a high pitched wail as his eyes bugged out of his head.

Scout had raced back in to grab more ammo for his shotgun while Engineer was working on repairing the dispenser. After restocking, he decided to check up on Fluttershy. However, as he approached the intelligence chamber, he heard her shouting.

"Not the Mama!" Thwack "Not the Mama!" Thwack "Not the Mama!" Thwack

Running as fast as he could, he reached the intelligence chamber to find what looked like Fluttershy breaking every bone in Pyro's body with the suitcase. However, her shouts of "Not the Mama!" suggested to Scout that this was actually BLU Spy, and that Fluttershy could see through the Spy's disguises as well as his invisibility. They'd never tested for that.

However, despite Ms. Pauling's assurances that "You could beat someone to death with it without disturbing the contents", he didn't want to get blood on the case, given the nature of the contents. Walking up, he gently placed his hand on Fluttershy's shoulder, making her stop and look up at him with a smile. He gently took the suitcase from her, set it on the table, and - after a quick glance around - handed her Demoman's frying pan.

Fluttershy took it with a smile, then brought it down hard on her victim's skull with a bellowed, "Not the Mama!"

Her victim's skull split open, spraying blood and brain across the floor as the body reverted to the BLU Spy.

Fluttershy (Pan) Spy

Scout couldn't help but grin widely. "Hey guys!" he called into the communicator. "Fluttershy's had her first kill!"

"And I missed it?" Heavy wailed into the coms.

The entire team charged into the Intelligence Chamber, seeing Fluttershy standing over the corpse of the BLU Spy - which Chompy had already started to eat - holding the frying pan. Smiling nervously, Fluttershy pointed at the dead body and said, "Not the Mama!"

Engineer face palmed, but he was laughing as the others started making much of her. Their revelry, however, was interrupted by a voice over their comms.

"BLU Team is approaching the control point!"

Soldier swore under his breath. "Everyone to the control point!" Reloading their weapons, they all charged out.

Curious, Fluttershy slowly followed, Chompy - slightly bigger after having consumed the corpse - trailing at her hooves. When she reached the outside, however, she gasped.

Her family was getting their asses kicked. Daddy Sir, Mama, and Daddiem were pinned down by BLU people that looked like Big Daddy and Daddiem. Bang Daddy and Boom Daddy were cornered by sentry guns tended to by a BLU version of Dadenji, who had his back to the BLU version of Big Daddy. Poof Daddy was trying to slip from behind his cover, but kept having to duck behind from pot shots from the lookout tower, where she briefly caught sight of a BLU version of Bang Daddy. And her Big Brother was trying to cover Dadenji at his own Sentry guns as they were under attack by a BLU Mama and Daddy Sir.

Then she gasped as a grisly sight came to her eyes. Big Daddy had fallen backward, a massive hole in his chest. "Doctor!" he called weakly as a BLU version of Boom Daddy approached him, grinning ear to ear as he took a swig from his jug before leveling a bomb launcher at him, a sword with an eye in his other hand.

Fluttershy thought she'd be afraid. It looked like her family was about to be slaughtered before her eyes and her Big Daddy was calling for help. She thought she'd be terrified. But as she heard Big Daddy call for help, she wasn't afraid at all.

The fury left no room for fear.


That shouted word, filled with venomous hatred and unadulterated fury, brought a lull to the battle as everyone turned to the source of the sound. Fluttershy flapped slowly into the air as she hovered towards BLU Demoman. "How dare you!" she yelled. "You think just because you're big, strong, and well armed, you can come into my home, slaughter my family, and kidnap me?" Her eyes bored into BLU Demoman, and he clasped his hands together as he started praying like crazy. "You think you don't have to feel guilty about tearing a family apart, just because some bitch orders it? Well you may be big and well armed and a bunch of bullies, but-"

As the sword and bomb launcher fell from BLU Demoman's nerveless fingers, Fluttershy grabbed the sword in her hooves and spun. "Nobody!"

The sword passed completely through BLU Demoman's neck, sending his head bouncing across the ground and straight into Chompy's waiting mouth.

Fluttershy (Eyelander) Demoman

The sword came to rest in the trigger of the bomb launcher, causing it to randomly release its payload of sticky bombs.

"And I mean-"

Three of the sticky bombs flew straight towards the BLU Pyro, Medic, and Soldier. One stuck to the BLU Pyro's flamethrower pack, where the resulting explosion ignited all the remaining fuel and incinerated the BLU Pyro.

Fluttershy (Fire Sticky Bomb) Pyro

One went straight into BLU Soldier's open-hanging mouth, which closed reflexively. The explosion vaporized his head.

Fluttershy (Sticky Bomb Head Shot) Soldier

The last went right into the barrel of the BLU Medic's medigun, which was still set to overcharge. The sticky bomb absorbed the energy before exploding in a blazing flash of light and shrapnel.

Fluttershy (Overcharged Sticky Bomb) Medic

The BLU Soldier's rocket launcher flew back towards Fluttershy, where she had just managed to pull the sword from where it was embedded in the ground to hit the rocket launcher's trigger with the hilt.


The rocket flew upward, spinning. Many of the earlier launched sticky bombs had gone nearly straight up, and the spinning rocket flew right through a cloud of them. Many of them stuck to the rocket, weighing it down, and causing it to slam into the top of the lookout tower, vaporizing it and the BLU Sniper inside.

Fluttershy (Sticky Bomb Rocket) Sniper

The BLU Sniper's rifle flipped down towards Fluttershy as she backed up from the rocket launcher. Her hind hoof came down on the trigger.


The rifle went off, and the bullet took the BLU Heavy right through his eye.

Fluttershy (Headshot) Heavy

The dead body fell over, bumping into the sentry gun, causing it to tip over and autofire.


BLU Engineer was torn to shreds by his own malfunctioning sentry gun.

Fluttershy (Sentry Gun) Engineer

"-family!" Fluttershy shouted, her last upswing of the sword slicing the BLU Scout's arm clear off as he tried to hit her from behind, making him scream in pain. The force of the swing sent the sword up into the air spinning, but she caught the BLU Scout's falling arm and the shotgun it was holding, managing to shove the barrel into his mouth. "You got that?" she asked as the gun went off.

Fluttershy (Headshot) Scout

The entire RED team stared in awe as Fluttershy fell back, breathing heavily. As they approached her slowly in awe and concern, the sword flipped end over end downwards before stopping in midair with a sickeningly wet thunk. A distortion in the air formed around it, and BLU Spy - respawned - appeared, the sword embedded in his head, neck, and chest up to the hilt.

"Merde," he whispered, before falling over, very much dead.

Fluttershy (Eyelander) Spy

Fluttershy stared around at the carnage she had unwittingly wrought, her mouth agape. When she found her voice, she whimpered out, "Did I do that?"

Her entire family raced up to her, scooping her up to toss her into the air between them, a spontaneous cheer erupting that even Engineer couldn't bring himself to groan at.

"Fluttershy! Fluttershy!
Fluttershy will make you die!"

As Fluttershy blushed at the praise, she noticed BLU Soldier staring over the wall, his jaw hanging again.

BLU Soldier had a lot on his mind right now. He knew his team had been at their peak. He knew RED team had gone soft. And yet the Pegasus they had been sent after had slaughtered them all without trying. He was beginning to reconsider this mission.

Then he saw the black, sharp toothed metal ball on a chain. It was eating the corpse that had been BLU Heavy. As it ate, it slowly increased in size, its metal body hardening and thickening.

Seeing that, one thought crossed his mind. How much does it need to eat before it can kill its own food?

As he thought that, he made his decision. "RETREAT!" he shouted to his team, and they fled for the hills, their portable respawner taken with them.

From her point of observation, Helen could only stare at the...impossible result of the battle that had taken her plans, torn them to shreds, and danced on the grave. As she wasn't hooked up to broadcast, she felt safe in voicing her reaction.


In his office, Saxton Hale stared at the carnage the cute little filly had wrought. He had only one reaction.

"I want one!"

Author's Note:

After the session, Fluttershy's dice were examined for tampering. Despite finding no signs of weighting to the dice, she was still forbidden from using them in any future sessions.

In regards to the passcode, translate it into texting.

And apologies for any minor or blatant warping of how actual TF2 battles work that may have slipped into this chapter. When I write combat scenes, most of it is based on what I think sounds cool, and then toned down to try to be more realistic. For example, in the original concept for this chapter, everything Fluttershy did was intentional and planned on her part...but when it came time to write it, I decided that was too OP, and it was cuter if it was lucky accidents.