• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,747 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

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1: Arrival of Cute

Medic slowly walked through the base, carefully stroking Archimedes, his pet dove. Despite the joy of yet another mission the team was given all together, the nature of the mission had left them all somewhat nonplused. Their mission had been to protect a newly constructed fortress from any and all invaders, nothing new for the RED team. However, enthusiasm quickly waned as they discovered a few things unusual about the mission.

First, it wasn't intelligence they were protecting, but the fortress itself. Second, there had only been one assault since they had been there, and that half-hearted. And third and hardest to deal with, their assignment was somewhat protracted. They were told to remain in position until further notice...and had received no communication since.

While the team was normally tight knit, the enforced inactivity was starting to strain the unity of the group. While normally each member of the team could entertain themselves between missions, the absence of anything to fight made each of their idle activities less and less satisfying, and they were beginning to get on each others nerves. If they didn't find something to distract and unite them soon, the team would likely tear itself apart as they turned on each other.

"Then again," Medic commented to Archimedes, "perhaps that is exactly why we are here. Perhaps our superiors are experimenting in psychology? Perhaps they want to see how long before we start killing each other, and which of us stays a team longest?" He laughed. "Dreck! They do not care about psychology, only explosions. Still, an interesting experiment. Perhaps I can study it myself?"

Archimedes suddenly flew off, following a large flock of doves. "Archimedes?" Medic asked, confused. He followed, deciding to see what could have caused such strange behavior in his pet. Was he seeking a mate? However, any natural, logical speculation was brought to a halt as he reached his bird's destination.

Archimedes and the flock he had joined were not the only animals at the destination point. A wide assortment of insects, small rodents, cats, dogs, and even a coyote had gathered peacefully, almost worshipfully, around a small paper bag. Medic tilted his head in confusion. While his studies hadn't progressed into animal behavior - preferring to focus on how to use medicine to warp nature rather than how nature normally worked - he was fairly certain this wasn't normal. Deciding to investigate further, he slowly approached the bag and poked it. The bag shifted back and forth, as though something was inside it. He pulled out his bone saw, just in case whatever was in the bag were dangerous...or unique enough to warrant dissection. However, all such thoughts left his head as the creature inside the bag popped its head out the top.

Medic stared at the creature before him, shocked at what he saw. The contrast of pink and yellow; the soft features; the huge smile that now became a nervous frown; the big, sparkling blue eyes that stared up at him from underneath the hanging pink hair... There was only one thing he could think to say.

"Bezaubernd," he whispered, slowly reaching forward and lifting the small creature out of the bag. He was quickly able to determine that the creature was some form of equine, and possessed small feathered wings. "A pegasus?" he asked curiously, carefully positioning her on one arm more comfortably so he could examine her more carefully. At least, he assumed the small creature was female, given the absence of male genitalia.

As he gently stroked the shivering filly to calm her down, her shakes subsided as she seemed to grow more comfortable with him. Looking over his elbow, she began to babble at the animals in something that sounded like baby talk. After a time, the animals left in their various ways, with the little one waving goodbye. Archimedes chose to land on her mane, just over her left ear, which caused her to giggle.

The more Medic examined the little one, the more adorable he found her to be. As she looked up at him with her big, beautiful eyes and a wide smile, he couldn't help but smile in return. He carefully carried her towards the kitchen, deciding that little ones of any sort were always hungry, so he would feed her.

Reaching the kitchen, he set her down carefully on the table before heading to the fridge. "Let's see what I can feed you, shall we?" he said aloud to her, opening the fridge door. Unfortunately, the fridge was completely empty save for four items: a BLU spy head kept alive on a battery; a bottle of Demoman's booze; an...unidentifiable object that had been added by Pyro; and a Sandvich. Only one of these objects was something Medic would risk attempting to feed to an infant of unknown species or origin. Even with his total disregard for life and proper medical practice, he had his standards. That, and the resupply station that brought them new supplies only resupplied foodstuffs when they were completely out. "Heavy will not like this," he muttered under his breath as he took the Sandvich from the fridge.

Setting the plate before the small filly, he smiled. "Eat up," he said encouragingly.

The filly carefully examined the Sandvich for a time. She then carefully ate the bread, chewing slowly. She then ate the lettuce and tomato with care, along with the rest of the vegetative matter. She then ate the cheese. She did not touch the meat.

Medic looked down at her speculatively. "Not a carnivore, hmm? I can fix that." His mind went to what he might learn from her insides if he was careful.

She looked up at him, her eyes big and pleading, one small hoof going to her tummy as it gurgled a little. Her ears were flat against her skull, her wings hung limp against her barrel, and her lip quivered.

Medic resisted the full power of her cute pleading for as long as he could...exactly 3.794 seconds. "Oh alright. I won't experiment on you. Just don't look at me like that. I haven't given myself a heart strong enough to take it yet. I'll find you more fruits and veggies..."

She smiled happily, walking up to the edge of the table to nuzzle into his chest. Smiling, he couldn't help but pet her soft, silken mane.

"Who took Sandvich?" Heavy bellowed from the fridge, making Medic and the filly jump in shock. "I vas going to eat Sandvich, but it is not here! Only I eat Sandvich, so where-" Having turned around, he saw the meat left on the plate, and gasped. "NOOOOO! Sandvich! You were taken too soon, and in pieces! Who vould do this? Why?"

The filly whimpered softly and quietly, cowering away from Heavy. A bread crumb tumbled from her muzzle.

Heavy stared at the filly for a time. "Oh," he said softly, "I sorry, malyutka. I not mean to scare you." Scooping her into his arms, he gently stroked her mane and cheek. "Please no be scared, Heavy not hurt you. Heavy keep you safe."

The filly looked up into Heavy's eyes apologetically. Making the connection to the plate, he chuckled. "Oh, you ate Sandvich? No worries. Heavy always let child eat first. But why no eat meat? Not grow big and strong like Heavy if you don't eat meat?" The filly wrinkled her nose as she turned away from the meat. Heavy let out a deep belly laugh. "You no like taste of meat? Heavy make taste better next time."

"Actually, friend," Medic interjects, "I believe her to primarily be an herbivore. I don't think meat would agree with her digestion."

Heavy thought about that for a time. "Oh. Then I make little pony lots and lots of fruits and veggies and milk, so she grow big and strong and eat enemies instead!" He glanced down at the filly nuzzling him. "You so cute," he said softly, once more gently stroking her. "You need somewhere safe to sleep."

"I was just thinking that," Medic spoke up. "She just appeared here out of nowhere, and I think it best if her introduction to everything here is gradual."

The filly yawned cutely, then stretched in a catlike manner. Heavy chuckled. "Look at her cute little wings fluttering. ...pony has wings?" At his comment, the filly hid behind her mane.

"Shy little one, isn't she?" Medic asked.

Heavy grinned. "Malyutka needs name. We call her Fluttershy!"

Medic paused. "I'm not sure if that's the best name for her..."

"Majority vote say it is!"

"Majority?" Medic asked, confused. "You say yes, I say no-"

"And Sasha say yes, so that two votes to one!" Heavy insisted, hefting his mini-gun. "Besides, she likes it."

His assertion seemed true. When he had said 'Fluttershy', the filly had perked right up. Medic looked at her closely. "...Fluttershy?"

The filly's eyes lit up, her smile beaming.

"See?" Heavy pointed out. "And I know where sleep. Fluttershy bunk with Sasha! She like the filly already."

Medic gazed at the now named filly, curled up at the base of the barrels of the mini-gun, already dozing. He nodded. "Can't argue with that."

Heavy chuckled, taking out his handkerchief and laying it over Fluttershy as a blanket. He then began to sing.

"Sp'yat us'talye ig'rushki,
Knizhki sp'yat ta-da-da-dam:..."

Medic couldn't help but watch as Heavy sang "The Tired Toys are Sleeping" to the dozing filly, smiling softly to himself. "Well, I did think we needed something to do to pass the time." Archimedes silently flew away, leaving Fluttershy to her slumber.