• Published 29th May 2014
  • 31,747 Views, 3,773 Comments

Fortresshy: The Nine Fathers - Tatsurou

Red team finds a tiny filly in a paper bag. They decide to raise her their way. Hilarity, adorability, and explosions ensue.

  • ...

Epilogue 1: Goodbye

As the group walked towards the portal Discord had opened, Fluttershy gasped. "Oh no! In all the excitement of remembering Rainbow Dash, I nearly forgot Chompy!" She turned, whimpering. "Oh I hope he won't be upset! He gets to do so little with me as is..." She blinked as she noticed Rainbow and the other mares her size and the dragonling giggling. "What?"

"Oh, we're not laughing at you, Fluttershy," Twilight hastened to reassure her.

"We're just so glad so much of you is still...well, you," Rarity pointed out.

"I can't count the number of times you've fussed over some poor critter right in the middle of things," Applejack added with a smile.

"Oh! Remember that time we were attacked by a manticore when we were looking for the Elements of Harmony?" Pinkie piped up. "And Fluttershy stopped us from fighting it because she noticed it was already injured, and she pulled the thorn out of its paw and it started licking her face? That was soooo her all over!"

Fluttershy smiled. "Glad to hear I haven't changed all that much," she said, putting her hoof to her mouth and giving a sharp whistle.

"Betting Chompy's a dog," Spike said in an aside to Pinkie.

"Might be a crocodile," Pinkie pointed out. "They've got tons of those here in Australia."

"Arf!" echoed over the landscape.

"See, dog," Spike said, before there was a sudden resounding crash. "A...big dog?"

Chompy crashed through the outer wall of the fortress, mouth wide open as he bounced towards Fluttershy. With a scream, six ponies and a dragonling raced through the portal. Chompy landed right next to Fluttershy and nuzzled her, leading to her caressing him. "Oh, Chompy. Guess what? We've been reassigned. We'll be going through that portal."

Chompy glanced towards the portal - and the fact that it was about a third his circumference - and gave a curious bark.

Fluttershy blinked. "Oh, that is a problem. Discord, can you make the portal a bit bigger?"

Discord chuckled as he stretched the portal out. "Still befriending the really scary animals, I see," he chuckled.

"If it's going to be that big," Engineer said, turning towards the fortress, "I can dig up our respawner and take it through for our new base."

While they waited, Luna looked over Chompy. "A rather endearing creature, I must say. I don't see why my sister and the others found him so frightening-"

Chompy rocked back, opened his mouth, and his tongue shot out, seizing a passing aerial spy drone from a couple thousand feet up and dragging it into his mouth to be devoured.

Luna stared. "I am the Princess of the Night," she said slowly. "One of my duties is to watch over the dreams of my subjects, ensuring they are pleasant and helping them to deal with the nightmares. As such, I have seen every monster ever conjured from the dark recesses of the subconscious mind, spawned from every bogeyman and fairy tail ever told. At one point as Nightmare Moon, I even crafted them. These things never held fear for me.

"...and I just soiled myself," she finished with a whimper.

"I'd be more inclined to laugh at you had I not taken shelter from that tongue behind and under you," Discord sputtered, snatching Demoman's canteen to clear his mouth. He then hiccupped. "Damn! ...That'sh...that's the good shtuff!"

As the mercs all laughed, the group headed through the portal, which closed behind them.

Saxton Hale watched, doing his darndest to remain stoic, as he watched what he knew would be the last he ever saw of Fluttershy and her family. He didn't blame the mercs for breaking their contract: had they contacted him, he'd have ordered them to go with her. His only regret was that he would not follow, and would never be able to see Fluttershy at work in her adorable bloodthirsty antics. But she had her happy ending now...and that was what mattered.

He stroked his hand over his chest. He had tried wearing a shirt to pin Fluttershy's pin to his breast pocket, but it was too instinctive to tear it off to fight. He had tried pinning it to his thick chest hair, but it didn't stay on. So he had instead tattooed the symbol onto his own chest. His fingers caressed that symbol now. "Goodbye, Fluttershy," he whispered, his vision of his desk blurring.

"Sir?" his aid asked. "Are you...crying?"

"No!" he proclaimed hotly. "Not crying! Real men don't cry!" His hand went up to his eye, and he felt the water. "This...this is liquid pride!"

"Liquid...pride?" the aid asked.

"Yeah!" Saxton asserted. "Collect some samples and take it to the lab. See if you can't turn it into a bomb to turn hippies into real men!"

"Sir!" the aid said quickly, rushing to do as directed.

Saxton turned his chair around as he let himself be lost in thought. Alone, he realized just how much he had come to care for Fluttershy. The sheer magnitude of merchandise in his room - from the tiniest figurine up to the life size plushie of Fluttershy with all her armaments (which actually worked) - opened his eyes to how much knowing that little filly was happy really mattered to him. He had to find some way to check and make sure.

"Wait!" he said, leaping to his feet. "My fist is the mightiest this world has ever seen!" He held up his clenched fist. "My punch can break steel, break mountains, break records, Break Bad! Who says it can't break into other people's worlds?!" With that, he drew his fist back and with a very DBZ style power up scream (it took a full ten minutes) he punched the air in front of him with all his might, and watched the air in front of him fall open.

Passing through the portal, he found himself in a world full of anthropomorphic animals obsessed with fighting. He stayed there for a time, enjoying duking it out with all the characters there where it was actually a challenge to hold his own, before eventually punching his way back into Mann Co. Headquarters.

Upon his return, he discovered that the Liquid Pride Bomb was a complete success, and did in fact turn hippies into real men. However, for some reason it gave them all rainbow colored hair. Saxton didn't see the problem here, as Fluttershy apparently liked Rainbow hair, given how eagerly she hugged Rainbow Dash. Saxton then proceeded to debate with himself whether he should dye his hair rainbow colors so she would like him better or to dye it pink to remember her by. The debate lasted for many hours, and by the time it ended with the decision to craft wigs of both colors and alternate, he had forgotten about his plan to go to Equestria and his ability to punch into other worlds until it became plot convenient to remember.