• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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Truth or Dare Pt-16: The Princess and the Pebble

Author's Note:

Before reading this chapter, please visit this blog page for information pertinent to this chapter, as well as a helpful recap and thank you to all those who kept me focused on continuing this beast of a story!

"He who fights monsters should see to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
— Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil

October 21st, Canterlot, Late Morning

"Twilight, this is nuckin futs, you know that right?" Volare said as he floated back to the colonnaded front lawn's grass, the Royal Library's delicate Sextant cradled gingerly in his hooves. He and Twilight had been hard at work on their planet theory for most of the morning, and the more data they attempted to gather, the stranger things had become; even stranger than finding out that Twilight actually kept a protractor in her saddlebag, for "angular emergencies."

"Nuckin futs?" Twilight cocked her head for a moment before blushing as the pun hit her, as well as its reasoning considering Scootaloo's close proximity to the studying ponies as she explored the Royal Lawn with Spike keeping a close watch over her. "O-oh, right. Eh-heh, you could certainly say that," the Librarian conceded as he once more placed the sextant back among the various other instruments she'd gathered at his behest. From the moment that she declared that their planet probably wasn't round-as deduced from her rather cryptic conversation with Celestia weeks ago-the pilot's mind had spun nearly out of his head as they went through progression after hypothesis after test, each one coming up as empty as the last...or so it seemed.

To start, he'd suggested finding the horizon to confirm the lack of roundness of the planet. "Cuz if we can find a horizon, we can take an angle measurement, and then deduce the size of the thing. Simple geometry. Besides, I got a feeling that Celestia was just pulling your leg," Volare had chuckled. But after multiple attempts at flying high enough to locate the horizon only to find that the country just kept going and even gradually curved upwards into the clouds at the edge of his vision, so high that he could no longer safely fly up to view it without his wings icing up, Volare had about run out of ideas. One thing was for sure: this planet was definitely not playing by the same rules as Earth.

"Like I said," he groaned as he collapsed on the warm lawn, limbs splayed everywhere in Rainbow Dash-fashion. "Nuckin Futs."

"Hee-hee, come on, Volare, it's not nap time. At least we've determined that gravity works at the same rate as Earth, based on free-fall rates and how tired you are."

"Oh hahaha, very funny," Volare rolled his eyes as Twilight ran a hoof through his sweaty mane. Poor guy, he'd been working so hard today. It was one thing she'd come to like about him: that he almost always gave it his all in everything, like he was afraid of failure if he didn't. Kind of like her... Once more, she felt that urge deep within her, an urge she knew was just...wrong, especially considering what Luna had told her last night about Volare's condition.

Condition...he's not sick, she chided herself as she continued to stroke out the mats in the yellow and black mane. He's just fine...he's going to be ok. She'd keep him safe...safe from those who'd pre-judge him, safe from the thing in his head that threatened him and Luna. Safe even from himself, for she felt she'd deduced from both conversations with Luna and Volare the significance of that crystal to him. Though she didn't fully realize the extent of the danger, she felt a hint of deep in her bones...like reading a horror novel about a creature of shadow stalking its prey just out of sight.

No, I don't know how, but I'll keep him safe from that.

"Hrm, who's gonna be ok?" Volare cracked an eye up at his friend who froze in her stroking, almost as if she'd done something wrong. "Who's gonna be safe?"

"Huh? N-nopony, I mean nothing, Volare," Twilight deflected his question and went back to stroking his mane, eliciting a faint little noise of contentment from the winded stallion. "Heh, you like that?"

"Yes ma'am, your Princessship," Volare chuckled and took the expected bonk between the ears in stride. "You're gonna have to get used to that eventually, ya know."

"Yeah, yeah, well that's waaay off yet," Twilight replied and resumed her stroking after a moment. "Besides, if I'm a Princess, what am I doing stroking your mane, hm?"

"Ha, good question," Volare yawned and settled back down. "Remind me to find a big ol' palm branch so I can fan ya later, your Princessness."

"Grr, you're as incorrigible as Rainbow Dash sometimes, you know that?"

"Yep, they make quite the pair," a voice chirped, causing the two ponies to jerk upright in surprise as Lyra came trotting up, a wily smirk on her face. "Whoa, was I interrupting something?"

"N-no, not at all," Twilight insisted as straightened herself back to a reading position over her copious stack of notes while Volare pretended to look very interested in the sextant. Lyra broke the sudden silence with a giggle-snort and plopped down between the researchers, tossing her saddlebag off with a clatter of what sounded like metal and glass.

"Sooo, whatcha up to guys?" Lyra grinned with all the subtlety of a train wreck. "Looks like you got half the Library dragged out here. Seems a little heavy for poetry in the park." Volare gaped at her assertion but Twilight headed him off.

"We're testing our planet theory," Twilight declared proudly.

"Which one is that?" Lyra cocked her head curiously before being bombarded by data from Volare and Twilight, from the lack of natural weather patterns compared to Earth, to the way the sun and the moon had to be moved by Celestia and Luna. By the end of their little spiel, Lyra was doing her best to keep her head from exploding.
"Jeez, you guys seem to have this thing all figured out," the mint-green unicorn rubbed a hoof across her aching forehead as she glanced back over the myriad of notes and measurement tools. "The planet's obviously not round, going by what you've said."

"Yeah no kidding," Volare sighed in exasperation. "Problem is, I'm just so used to tackling this from an Earth point of view and Twi just isn't used to this at all, and between us I think we've run out of ideas in determining the shape of this crazy place."

"But why's the shape matter, anyway?" Lyra scuffed a hoof at a pair of brown leaves that had drifted across the lawn on a chill breeze, evidence that winter was surely coming soon. "What would it explain? And why the sudden obsession, no offense."

"It would explain everything," Twilight declared with so much torrid conviction that Lyra actually recoiled a bit "It would explain why all of these things have to happen this way. I just didn't think about it until Earth was discovered, a different place that plays by different rules and one that makes the perfect experimental comparison. All our lives we've just accepted that they do, but why hasn't anypony asked why these things happen this way?"

"I dunno, ignorance is bliss?" Lyra shrugged with a grin that drew an eyeroll from Twilight. "Ok, government cover up? Like, brainwashing us all into believing that everything is normal and nothing should be questioned?" Twilight and Volare's facehoof replies echoed throughout the courtyard.

"Haha, I can assure you that's not likely the case," a cheerful laugh danced through the air as they looked up to behold Princess Luna approaching down the Palace steps and drawing respectful bows from everypony alike, including the dozen or so Royal Guards that flanked the colonnades around the lawn. To her grateful eyes, the duo looked no worse for the wear, considering the previous night's epiphany about Volare's "condition." She and her sister had spoken well past midnight about a plan of action for Volare, with Luna firmly in his corner and citing his benevolent behavior as evidence that he was different from those that were carbuncle-dependent in the past. And now Luna was here to begin the first phase of that plan: making sure Twilight knew the full implications of that crystal, if need be.

"Heh, sure you couldn't get used to that, Twi-oof!" Volare's chuckle was cut off by a purple hoof to the ribs as Luna halted before them, taking in the bewildering sight of the mish-mash of instruments and notes flung all over the lawn.

"How goes your theory, Twilight, Volare?"

"Could be better," Volare replied as Scootaloo came bounding up out of nowhere upon hearing the Night Princess' voice and, without hesitation, launched herself at Luna in a flying tackle-hug that very nearly brought the weapons of the Royal Guards to bear before catching the sidelong warning that Luna shot them. They returned to stoic attention as Luna returned the hug in kind, allowing Scootaloo to scurry around onto her back and huddle among her flowing mane and wings, giggling all the while. It was a sight that very nearly slayed everypony within sight with cuteness.

"Heh, guess we've got another totally incorrigible pony around here, eh Twi?" Volare chuckled as his little sister finally climbed down and grinned up at Luna.

"Hi Princess! What's up?"

"What's...oh I know this one: the Sun, of course," Luna beamed proudly.

"Um, yeah, I guess so," Scootaloo scratched her mane for a moment before looking up at her brother as Luna breathed a silent yes and pumped her hoof in triumph; it seemed modern slang was still a bit over her head. "Hey, are you sure there's nothing I can do to help you guys out here?" she asked for the umpteenth time that morning. She gave them all the puppy eyes but her pre-disposition for incidental destruction counteracted it as thoughts of her somehow redirecting the Sun's rays through a telescope and melting the Royal Palace sent bolts of fear through the two researchers.

"Yep, we're pretty sure, Scoots," Volare smiled and patted her head. "Besides, it's uh...probably too boring for ya anyway. Lots of numbers, calculations, notes, and books."

"Eew, sounds like school," Scootaloo pulled a face and raced out of the courtyard. Moments later, a winded Spike arrived from the opposite entrance, leaning on the wall as he caught his breath.

"Lemme guess...she went that way?" the young dragon groaned as everypony nodded in the direction that the rambunctious filly had bounded off in. "Oh gimme a fire breathing break," Spike grumbled as he gathered himself and jogged after Scootaloo, determined to keep her out of trouble while Twilight and Volare worked on their theory. He was a dragon on a mission and Celestia help anypony that got in the way!

"Haha, he's certainly a loyal little assistant, isn't he," Luna chuckled and settled herself upon the grass next to the three ponies.

"So what's this other theory I keep hearing about, huh?" Lyra grinned at the two researchers. "What's it about, if not the planet's shape?"

"Well, er," Volare glanced sideways at Twilight, unsure of how to begin or even if it was ok to let Lyra in on it; she wasn't exactly the most scientifically-minded of unicorns after all. But Twilight gave him a simple nod and he shrugged and turned back to the still-grinning mare. "It's about this planet, how the weather works, and how things are always in order rather than random and chaotic like on Earth."

"Huh, never thought about it before," Lyra gave a little shrug of her own and gazed thoughtfully upwards at a team of pegasi pushing clouds to and fro over the capital city. "Guess I kinda took it for granted. Then again, if I came from a different place like flyboy here, I'd probably notice the differences pretty quick, eh? I mean, from random to 'holy crap, those ponies are pushing storms around and two Princesses control the sun and the moon!'" Twilight's brows rose in surprise, never expecting Lyra to be so intuitive, albeit in her own way.

"Well yes, that's quite right," Twilight nodded.

"Hey, don't look so surprised. I am kinda the leading source of human research here in Equestria after all," Lyra grinned proudly. "Anyways, so what's the theory?"

"Well...you know that huge bronze globe of Earth in your collection, Lyra?" Volare asked. "We think that this planet...well."

"Spit it out, dude," Lyra thumped him in the shoulder. "You're acting like I'll think you're crazy or something."

"Yes, I too am curious about this theory I've heard whispers of lately," Luna added.

"Oookay," Volare and Twilight shared another quick glance, and he heaved a small sigh. "We think this planet, outside of a few physical similarities like the atmosphere and the gravity, shares almost no other similarities with Earth and runs on a completely different set of rules because of it."

"We think it's due to the planet's shape," Twilight nodded. "Unlike Earth, which is a round planet and has...what was it again, Volare? That thing that makes the weather work there?"

"The Coriolis Effect, formed by the Earth's rotation as it travels around the Sun, causes rotating storms and weather patterns that-"

"Ok, ok, I think I get it," Lyra rubbed her forehead with a hoof. Meanwhile, Luna herself was struggling to wrap her head around such a force being in effect and humans being at the mercy of such a thing. Relativity certainly accounted for her own growing headache. "So what, I guess we don't have that Corioli-whatsit here?"

"No, which is why the weather must be manipulated by the Pegasi, because otherwise it likely wouldn't happen on its own."

"But what of the Everfree Forest?" Luna interjected curiously. "How does your theory apply there, as the weather seems to act of its own accord within its bounds and above the trees."

"I...we haven't quite figured that out yet," Twilight admitted with a sheepish grin. "Probably something to do with all the Zap Apples there, but in all things there are probably anomalies, so let's just stick with the big picture here for now." She rustled through a short stack of notes she and Volare had compiled that morning. "As said, this planet and Earth share similarities, such as the atmospheric makeup and more importantly, the roughly identical Gravitational Acceleration Rate of 9.8 meters per second squared. And since gravity is defined by the amount of mass of an object, for this planet to have the same gravity as Earth, it therefore must have the same mass as Earth." Over the next few minutes, the Librarian rattled off a myriad of numbers and formulas so ingrained in Volare's mind that he couldn't help but stifle a giggle at Lyra's wall-eyed expression and Luna's obvious struggle in simply keeping up with the on-a-roll researcher.

"So, any questions?" Twilight screeched to a halt so suddenly that Lyra had to fight off the urge to fall forward. Instead, the green unicorn simply raised her hoof like a school-filly. "Erm, yes Lyra?"

"Seriously, when's the last time you got laid?"

"Lyra!!!" It took every bit of self-control Twilight could muster to keep from flinging Lyra over the walls of the castle at that, but she was even more shocked to see Princess Luna hiding a grin behind a wing. "Luna, really?!" Twilight fumed, turning to Volare for help only to find the pilot red as a beet, whether from embarrassment or from trying to withhold his own laughter she couldn't tell. "Volare, c'mon! Back me up here!"

"Erm, well uh Twi, um..." was all Volare could muster, his cheeks blazing at the thought. He knew Lyra knew the truth and was just ribbing her, but...dammit, Twiilight was just so adorkably awkward sometimes! Oh lord, if Dashie saw her now she'd probably crack a wing laughing!

Seeing that she wasn't being immediately reprimanded by the tickled Moon Goddess, Lyra pushed her luck a bit further as she let loose with a raucous peal of giggle-snorts.
"Hee-hee *snort*, I'm just sayin', it's probably-haha-been a *snort* while!" Lyra crammed her hooves into her mouth to try to stop, but she just couldn't, and the murderous blush on Twilight's face wasn't helping! "HAHAA, Twilight you should see your face right now! If Luna were still on the moon, she'd probably see it from there!! HAAHAA-hey!" Lyra suddenly felt herself pushed onto her back by Luna's magic, and she looked up to see mix between a stern glare and a small yet lingering grin on the Moon Princess' face.

"Alright, that's quite enough Ms. Heartstrings," Luna chided as the lyricist sat back up. "You've made your point and I think you upset Twilight," she gestured to the Librarian, but she was no longer blushing and on the verge of exploding from embarrassment. On the contrary, she wore quite the thoughtful expression as she turned to Volare with a growing, rather hungry-looking grin.

"Um, Twilight," the pilot's wings bristled as the Librarian stood up and approached him. Neither Luna, who was still curious about Twilight's feelings for the pegasus, nor Lyra who was staring incredulously at Twilight's sudden boldness, made a move to stop her as she got nearly nose to nose with Volare before grabbing his face in her hooves and speaking a single word.

"Eureka! That's how we can find the shape of the planet! Princess Luna!" she turned to the Alicorn who jerked back to her senses, nearly causing Volare to flop to the ground as Twilight suddenly let him go. "Volare has told me that humans have advanced so far in their sciences that they've even sent astronauts to their Moon and beyond!"

"That's truly fascinating, but I'm afraid I don't quite follow," Luna cocked her head curiously.

"Ugh, don't you get it!?" Twilight stomped a hoof in frustration before nodding up at the sky. "The humans could see their planet from space! They could finally confirm with their own eyes what centuries of data had pointed to: that their planet was round! Haha, that's how we'll figure it out here! Volare, you see it, don't you?"

"I think so, and I'm gonna tell you right now: there is no way in hell that you're launching me into orbit, Twilight."

"What-you, ugh no!" Twilight facehoofed, once more frustrated why other ponies just couldn't see the obvious answer like she could sometimes. Taking a few breaths to calm down, she nodded at the very confused Lyra. "Lyra, you mentioned Luna being able to see my face from the moon. Well, I'll bet that's not all she could see, am I right, Luna?"

"Um, I think so?" Luna shrugged helplessly, still confused about what Twilight was getting at. But it suddenly clicked for Volare and he too cracked an excited grin.

"Luna, you were sent to the moon for a thousand years," he explained, very aware of the pain that flashed across Luna's face at his words. "And I'm sorry that happened to you, but surely while you were up there you were able to see the planet, right?"

"Oh, I get it now!" Lyra beamed as it hit her. "Luna is like Equestria's version of an astro-whosit."

"Astronaut," Twilight deadpanned.

"Right, that thing," Lyra waved a hoof. "And just like the humans who could see their planet from space-man, that's still a trip of a thought by the way-you should have been able to see it from the Moon, right?" But as the trio of researchers stared at Luna, their smiles faded as the Alicorn Princess gave a soft, awkward chuckle.

"Erm, eh-heh, whatever gave you that idea, my little ponies?"

"Oh come on, quit playing games Luna," Twilight urged her, but the Moon Goddess' expression didn't falter, her mouth didn't crease into a 'gotcha' smile. Rather, her lips dipped even deeper into a frown that threatened to smash the other ponies' joy to pieces. "Princess?"

"I'm afraid I must disappoint you, Twilight Sparkle, for while I was sent there while under the influence of Nightmare Moon, I was not imprisoned on the moon itself." The old story, as true a history as it was legend to Twilight Sparkle, came back to the Librarian, and her hope was dashed as she remembered the age-old words:
Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, Celestia defeated her younger sister, and banished her permanently IN the moon.

"But I...just...oh balefire!" Twilight fell to a heap upon the grass once more. "It's like every time we get close to an answer, the door slams right in our faces!" Despite her knowledge, Twilight was still a young mare who hadn't lived long enough to deal with disappointment as well as she should, and it was illustrated no better than in the frustrated kick she gave to a stack of books, sending them flying over Lyra's head and all over the front lawn. Her actions drew concerned looks from the posted Royal Guards and left Luna and Lyra at a loss for words as Twilight grumbled into her hooves.

"Hey, it's alright Twi," Volare broke the awkward silence and reached over to stroke her mane with a hoof. "I'm pissed off too, but we gotta be more grown-up than this, ya know?" he said as he comfortingly nuzzled her ear.

"Yeah, well," Twilight faltered at his touch, just enjoying the contact for a moment before realizing that Luna and Lyra were staring at the them. "Ahem, right, you're right," she gathered herself up once more, brushing her hoof across the pilot's, leaving them both wearing slight blushes. "Thanks, Volare."

"N-no problem, Twi."

"Oooh~," Lyra began before Luna flicked her ear with her magic, leaving the green unicorn looking around for the fly that must have bitten her. But unable to find said pest, she shrugged and turned her mind back to the suddenly fascinating conundrum that was the shape of their planet.

Lyra was the sort of pony that liked a good mystery now and again, and this was no exception. True, she'd never cared much for it before, but now that its question had been raised, she knew-just like her obsession with human artifacts-that she'd likely obsess over this as well until the question was answered. Besides, she had a feeling that Bon-Bon would likely call her a nut if she kept bringing it up at work. However...if she had two Princesses plus Equestria's only human-turned-pony backing her up, Bon-Bon would have to believe her then!

"Alright, I'm in," the green unicorn suddenly declared. "I mean, I'm gonna do whatever it takes to solve this little mystery so we don't all lose sleep over it, go bonkers, and eventually annoy our co-workers and her Scoltspony coltfriend to death about it. Am I right?"

"...riiiight," Volare nodded, a bit concerned for Lyra's sanity for a moment before realizing this is Lyra, she's just wired that way, and smiled in return. "So, Twi c'mon. Let's attack this thing from a different angle."

"I dunno Volare," Twilight blew out her chops and gathered up the scattered books with her magic. "I'm just about all out of angles here. And no protractor jokes!"

"Hrm...hey, here's an idea: we can still use the moon to determine the shape of the planet."

"Huh, how?" Twilight queried.

"Well, during a lunar eclipse on Earth, the planet's shadow crosses the face of the moon, and you can see its outline. At the very least, that'd give use a general idea of the shape of the thing." Volare turned to Luna with a grin, in doing so missing Twilight's quiet facehoof. "Does that sound plausible?"

"I'm not so sure," Luna rubbed her chin. "How is it that a shadow can cross the moon where you come from?"

"I...what?" Volare cocked his head in sudden confusion. "It does it when the moon passes into Earth's shadow, which cuts off the light from the sun for a little bit."

"I don't understand why the sun's light would have anything to do with the darkness of the moon, though," Luna said with a bit of a huff, the suggestion of anything darkening her moon without her permission an unthinkable reality. Meanwhile, Lyra had to restrain herself from guffawing, preferring to see how this panned out instead.

"Why, because the sun shining on the Earth casts the shadow across the moon's face," Volare explained as one would to a child. Surely Luna wasn't that naive, was she? She couldn't be-she was the Moon Goddess for crying out loud!
"But you knew that already, right? Stop pulling my leg, Luna."

But instead of a sly smirk, that same look of genuine confusion and curiosity remained plastered upon the Alicorn's face.
"I assure you, I'm not pulling anypony's appendages, Volare. I sincerely don't understand why you feel that Earth's moon is the same as my moon. Wasn't it you who claimed to have 'learned the rules' by now?"

"What..." Volare gaped, knowing she was right but unable to comprehend what she meant. How could it be different? A moon is a moon, right? I don't-"

"Volare, listen well," Luna closed her eyes and spoke in a stern tone. "For anypony to question my authority over the moon is folly, but to presume that something other than myself holds sway over my moon...to presume that I've lost control over it...well, that is just plain dangerous thinking." Her eyes opened and fixed themselves upon the Pegasus before allowing the corners of her mouth to curl up ever so slightly. "But it's a good thing you're my friend, and not just anypony, eh?"

The tension immediately evaporated, leaving Volare chucking nervously. "Heh, thought you were going to blow me up or something for a second."

"Pshaw, for something so small? Don't be ridiculous," Luna chuckled before resuming. "That said, I still find it strange that you'd believe that my moon is governed by the same rules as your moon. Or did you not know of how my moon works?"

"Apparently not," Volare shrugged and looked over at Twilight. "I don't think the Keeper of Knowledge there explained that bit to me."

"I never thought it would make this much difference," Twilight offered weakly before sighing. "Volare, this may come as a shock to you, but...the moon's face isn't lit by sunlight the way your moon is. It gives off its own light which is controlled by its Stewardess Luna, and Celestia during her absence."

"Oh wow, I...what," Volare uttered once more as that little reality sunk in. "What about half and quarter moons," he muttered; he could have sworn he'd seen them in the show. Luna reached over and patted his stunned form with a wing.

"That is why I was confused by your assertion, Volare. Please forgive me, but I thought your idea as foolish as attempting to spot a shadow cast across a candle flame," Luna chuckled, partly at her analogy but mostly at Volare's flabbergasted face. "Now that said, I can dim the moon and create patterns across it, such the half and quarter moons you speak of-"

Oh, well that explains a lot, Volare thought.

"-but lessening the light wouldn't help the ponies at night, you see," Luna explained sagely. "Creative, but not very practical, unless it was Nightmare Night or something."

"I got it now," Volare assured her, though he still shook his mane in disbelief. It's not Earth, Volare ol' boy, it's not Earth. "Heh, next thing you're gonna tell me is your crazy moon doesn't create tides." But his relief returned to mild horror again as his friends blankly stared at him.

"What the hay's a tide?" Lyra asked with a scratch of her mane.

"...oh you cannot be serious," Volare facehoofed at their nodding replies. "You don't have tides here in Equestria?"

"I'm afraid not, Volare," Luna shook her head. "Why, are they important?"

"Well, kinda, uh..." Volare scratched his head before shrugging. "Tides on Earth are when bodies of water rise and fall due to the moon's gravitational pull."

"That sounds like it could be perilous," Luna declared.

"It can be. In some places, the tides rise so fast you can be stuck for hours on high ground or flooded out before you know what hit you," Volare replied grimly. "So none of that rings a bell, though?"

"Nope, nothing like that here, Volare," Lyra chewed her lip thoughtfully. "Wonder why that is. Heh, don't know why you're getting all flustered, Twilight. This whole thinking outside the box thing is kinda fun."

"Not so fun when you've been pondering it for months," the Librarian grumbled into her gravitational glossings. "But you're right, it does raise the issue of the lack of tides here. Not that I'm suddenly craving sudden oceanic shifts or anything, but rather why our moon doesn't create them."

"Maybe it's too far away?" Volare offered, but Luna quickly shot that down.

"I don't believe so, no," the Alicorn Princess shook her mane. "How far away is your moon from Earth?"

"Uh...damn taking me back to elementary school here," Volare chuckled as he furrowed his brow in thought. "Er...something like 230,000 miles away, I think." Lyra let loose a low whistle at the massive number but Luna merely snorted.

"My moon isn't nearly that far away, I can assure you."

"How far away is it?" Volare queried.

"I'm not entirely sure of the number, but..." Luna closed her eyes in thought. "But even now I feel its presence on the other side of the planet, so it can't be terribly far away."

"Alright, well then maybe it's just much smaller than Earth's moon?"

"Even if it was, we'd still see some kind of tidal influence here. I mean, the damn thing has to have mass-no offense, Luna," Twilight interjected as she scribbled a few hasty notes. She squinted at the quill tip, nearly blunted by the morning's note-taking, and reflexively glanced up for Spike who was often nearby with another one at times like this. But finding no dragon assistant, Twilight sighed softly and soldiered on, forcing herself to slow down so she didn't wear the quill out too quickly.

"Yet again, we're just finding more questions than answers." Volare reached over and patted Twilight's hoof with a wing as Luna sat in brooding silence, frustrated at being unable to help Twilight in her hour of need. But answers often came from the strange places, as they were about to discover. Luna, Twilight, and Volare all three looked up at the sound of Lyra's amused snickering as she followed a wind-driven feather that Volare's wing-patting had loosened.

"Heehee, you guys are hilarious when you're all serious," the mare ribbed despite the stern glares sent her way. "Oh come on, it's totally obvious what's going on here."

"Well Lyra, why don't you enlighten this Celestial Student, Moon Goddess, and jet pilot?" Twilight snarked irritably. "Please tell us what these three great minds put together are missing."

"Heh, not calling you guys dumb or anything, but...heheh, you guys are looking at the big picture so much that you're missing the answer right in front of your noses."

"And that is?" Luna raised a brow.

"Hang on a sec," Lyra fished into her saddlebag before pulling out a rather beat-up looking Earth light bulb. With a smile and a spark of her horn, the bulb flashed to life, glowing and humming with a golden glow. "Works a lot better than horn light at night, I've found," Lyra declare proudly before continuing with a dramatic clearing of her throat. "Ahehem! Right, so what Luna said earlier about trying to find a shadow in a candle flame got me thinking. And then what Twi said about the moon having to have mass got me thinking further. And then I saw one of Volare's feathers flying in the wind-"

"Get to the point, Lyra," Twilight snapped.

"Shh, calm down Twilight," Luna urged gently, intrigued where Lyra was going with this. "Give her a chance."

"Heh, no problem," the lyricist grinned before continuing. "Anyways, that kinda took me back to foal-school where we learned that feathers are bigger than rocks, but they aren't as heavy, you know. Feathers fall slower and float whereas rocks, ya know don't."

"...I give up," Twilight facebooked into her notes but Volare gave her a hopeful nudge.

"No Twi, I think I get what she's saying."

"She's talking about foal-school, Volare," Twilight muttered into her notes. "How the hay does that help us here?"

"Hey, going back to the basics got me this far, Twi," the pilot crooked his hoof under her chin and raised her gaze to his. "She's right: we're probably thinking way too deeply about this. Just trust me and listen to her."

"If I had a bit for every time I've had to ask my advisers and friends the most basic and trivial questions since I came back from the moon..." Luna added with a wink. Twilight rolled her eyes and heaved a sigh before sitting back up and swatting away the parchment stuck to her forehead.

"Fine, ok. Lyra, I'm sorry," Twilight nodded at the unfazed unicorn. "Please go on."

"Righto," Lyra nodded and raised the light bulb with her magic once more. "So here's the skinny: I think the moon is like a giant light bulb."

"...Lyra what the heck did you eat this morning?" Volare chuckled while Twilight and Luna simply stared in confused silence. "Because I want some of it," he grinned.

"Wait, what?!" Twilight cocked her head in further befuddlement.

"Indeed, 'what' is more than appropriate here," Luna scratched her ear.

"Twilight, Luna, she's right," Volare declared and held up the light bulb in a hoof. "I mean, it sounds nutballs, but what she's saying makes perfect sense."

"That the moon is a giant light bulb?" Twilight scoffed.

"No, but it's kinda like one," Volare tossed the bulb to Twilight. "Think about it: it's fairly large but without a lot of mass, and it gives off its own light with Luna acting like hand on the light switch." As Twilight turned the light bulb over in her hooves, against her better judgenment, the wonderfully ludicrous explanation began to make more and more sense. "Aha, I see that smile, Twi," Volare teased. "You believe it now, eh?"

"I-yes, I think I do," Twilight nodded and looked up at Luna. "Princess, how would you describe your efforts in moving the moon? Basically effortless?"

"Well, not quite effortless, but yes, it comes fairly easily," Luna replied. "Why?"

"And how would you describe your stay in the moon?" Twilight continued, her hopeful smile growing with every word. True it wasn't really leading to the answers she wanted, but some good news was better than nothing at this point. "You say you couldn't see the planet from up there but what could you see?"

"I, er..." Luna did her best to recall but after a few moments, she shook her head. "Nothing. Once I became Nightmare Moon, everything was but a blur. And once my sister sent me up there...I remember naught but darkness every time I tried to open my eyes." Luna's brow furrowed into a pained frown. "I longed to see my moon's light, but I could not, and so I slept. For a thousand years I slept, until Nightmare Moon returned."

"Yeah, always kinda wondered about that," Lyra tapped her chin. "About Nightmare Moon's return. Why'd it happen in the first place?" Her comments drew a glare from Luna. "I mean, no offense Princess, but you'd think the Elements' spell would be more, I dunno, permanent like the legend says."

"Well believe you me, nopony else is happier that it wasn't than me," Luna snorted in mild annoyance. Something dark pricked at the corners of her mind at the thought of her return, of the Elements' spell that sent her there, and how Celestia had told her she'd come to discover the exact day of her return. She recalled her sister saying it wasn't under the most pleasant of circumstances...

"-Luna, you ok?" Volare's voice startled the Moon Goddess back to the present and she gave a short laugh in reply.

"Ha, yes just er, daydreaming you could say," Luna assured him with a wave of a hoof. "Now then Twilight, what was the aim of your inquiries just now?"

"I mean that if you couldn't see the planet, only darkness while imprisoned in the moon. And if you say that moving the moon is almost effortless on your part," Twilight clicked her teeth thoughtfully. "And it's not causing tides, then maybe it really doesn't have much mass at all. Maybe it is like a giant light bulb! Lyra, you're a genius!"

"Wha-who me?" Lyra looked up in surprise. "I mean, yeah of course I am! Ha, wait till I tell Bon-Bon that Twilight thinks I'm a genius!"

"Haha, I think you may have gone too far, Twilight," Luna chuckled. "Still, a giant light bulb. It seems a bit tough to swallow."

"Well either that and it's made of cheese," Lyra suddenly declared, drawing the strangest looks of the day yet. She fixed Luna with a sudden accusatory stare. "And the reason why you're so acting so un-accepting of it is cuz you're holding out on us, Princess! Which is a bad idea, cuz I love cheese! Well, we're onto you, you, you hoarding-a-whole-cheese-moon type Princess!"

"Um, I...what," Luna sputtered as Twilight and Volare collapsed upon each other in helpless laughter. But Lyra's serious scowl quickly cracked into a chuckling smirk, which then devolved into uproarious guffaws that Luna soon added to once she realized it was all a huge joke. As the four researchers rolled about in a giggling fit, a few Royal Guards on station couldn't help but worry for the future of their country just a bit.

After several minutes of hiccuping giggles, the four ponies finally calmed down enough to gather their senses and the notes that had been scattered every which way by their mirth. "Ok, ok, so I'm willing to buy the moon being like a big hollow light bulb for now, as crazy as that sounds," Twilight acquiesced as she tidied her notes up. "We're still kinda stuck where we were in regards to the planet's shape, though," her smile melted into a frown once more. That brought the other three back to the reality at hoof and left them sitting about in heavy silence once more.

"Man, I'm hungry," Lyra suddenly declared as her stomach gurbled loudly. She stood up and gathered her saddlebag before heading for the Royal Kitchens. "You guys want some cheese?"

"Nah, I'm good Lyra," Volare waved a wing while Luna and Twilight remained within their ruminations.

"Hmph, if you say so. Lemme know if ya figure it out, guys!" Lyra waved cheerfully and headed on her way.

"Heh, she's certainly a different sort of pony," Luna chuckled softly.

"Yep, that she is," Volare nodded in agreement and nudged Twilight. "What do you think of her, Twi?"

"Huh? Oh, uh. I dunno," the unicorn shrugged as she flipped through her notes. "She's definitely out of the ordinary."

"I don't think 'out of the ordinary' quite cuts it. You heard how she stole me from the hospital when she found out I was a human?"

"Oh zounds, I didn't hear that part of the story," Luna giggled. "Though I'm quite familiar with the aftermath." Her face grew stony as she recalled the events of that night, and how she'd failed to apprehend Ray and Jill; how since then nopony had even so much as taken up the bounty on them. If only they were captured, she was sure she could confirm hers and Celestia's worries about that creature Luna had seen in Volare's dream the previous evening. But now wasn't the time for dark thoughts, and she stuffed them back in the shadows and put on a cheerful smile.

"Well Volare, perhaps we're not entirely at an impasse here," she offered.

"How so? I think we've about run out of tricks, ma'am."

"Not entirely," Luna insisted and drew herself back upright. "Twilight, you said that humans were aware that their planet was round long before they actually saw it from their moon, correct?"

"According to Volare."

"That's right, Luna," the pilot affirmed.

"Did they always know it was round?"

"Pfft, no. In fact, we thought it was flat for the longest time," Volare chucked. "Thought we could actually fall off the edge of the world if we traveled too far."

"Then when did the change in thinking take place? What changed your views on the planet's shape if you couldn't see it from without?" Luna asked with a sagely smile.

"Oh that's easy," Volare chuckled. "In the 1500's, the explorer Magellan sailed around the world, proving that the world wasn't flat." At his words, Twilight looked up in astonishment while Luna's smile grew ever wider. "What, Twi? What'd I say?"

"You never told me that!" the Librarian thumped him in the shoulder and cursed under her breath. "Of course, of course, I'm so bucking dense!"

"You never asked!" Volare offered feebly before Twilight tweaked him with her magic, sending him tumbling onto his back. She quickly leaped on top of him with a grin. "Er, Twi?"

"That's it! That's how we'll figure it out! Oh Volare you big idiot, I could kiss you!" Just as suddenly as she'd leaped onto him, she jumped off and disappeared in a flash of light.

"...Well, that was kinda weird," Volare muttered while Luna chuckled behind a hoof. Catching her look, he cocked his head. "What? What's so funny?"

"Oh nothing terribly consequential," Luna insisted. "I just find it amusing and a bit refreshing to be in the company of intellectual ponies." She sighed slightly before shaking her mane. "Not to be so harsh as to call our ponies dull, just that so many of them are so content in their own little towns and families that they rarely have any need to think deeply beyond the next harvest or the next rain shower. But you, you humans are fascinating in that you always seem to be reaching further beyond what most others would be unwilling to go, either due to fear or lack of interest."

"Huh, never really thought about it that way," Volare nodded in appreciation. "I take it Alicorns are different than the average pony i that regard?"

"Oh yes, almost out of necessity," Luna replied while waving a hoof beyond the city walls. "While the average pony may live 80 or more years-which is a fairly long and successful life for most-an Alicorn can live for thousands. And so while the average pony may be content with harvesting and rain-making and governing small towns for their lives, Alicorns inevitably crave something more. Sometimes much more," she said in a near-foreboding tone.

"If we don't satisfy that itch for more be it knowledge, wanderlust, power or what-have-you...we can quite literally be driven mad by boredom." Her short laugh caused a small chill to roll up Volare's spine at the implications of such a concept. "Ha, many would be jealous of Alicorns due to our long life, but...it can be more of a curse than one may believe. After all, there's only so much one can see in this world..."

"Damn...I know you guys sought out Earth as a new place to live way back before Equestria was founded," Volare recalled. "But did your thirst for knowledge have anything to do with it too?" A funny look crossed Luna's face for an instant before she tossed her head back and laughed.

"Haha, I don't think it will ever cease to amuse me how, despite how different you humans and we Alicorns may seem, just how similar we can be at times," the Moon Goddess laid a hoof across Volare's and winked. "But to answer your question: maybe a teensy bit."

"Heh, interesting," Volare mused, not quite sure what to make of this new wrinkle in his growing knowledge of Equestrian history. "Does kinda make we wonder about Twilight though."

"Hmm, how so?"

"That she can think so much more deeply about things than the average pony can," Volare poked thoughtfully at a grass tuft. "Pretty much on a human level."

"Or Alicorn?" Luna smiled once more, but before Volare could say anything they both looked up as the unicorn in question flashed back into existence, carrying a huge leather-bound tome in her magical grasp.

"Ha, found it!" she declared as she sat the book down with an audible thump between Luna and Volare. "Celestia showed me this when I was last here and I gotta admit, I was kinda disappointed in myself when I saw it," she chided as she opened the book and flipped through the myriad of maps and sketches that littered its pages.

"Heh, mind telling me what the heck you could possibly do that would be disappointing?" Volare ribbed her, unaware of the small jolt of pain his comment raised in her. But as she glanced up at his warm smile, that pain was replaced by a slight fluttering in her chest. "C'mon, you're amazing on your bad days, Twi."

"Well, I, er...ahem," Twilight coughed and shook her mane to hide her blush as she continued to search for the map Celestia had showed her. "You'd be surprised, Volare. When I saw this-aha, here we are!" She placed a hoof upon the yellowed pages spread before them, and the pilot's eyes grew wide as he took in the vastness of the world they were living in.

"Wow..." he breathed as his eyes swept over countries like Heliopolis, Prance, and the Zebrican Empire. Over mountains, deserts, and the vast oceans that surrounded them all. Yep, still not in Kansas, flyboy. But as astounded as he was of the vast lands beyond Equestria, a small chuckle nevertheless managed to leak from his mouth.
"Oh, it's nothing, just kinda familiar," he replied at Luna and Twilight's curious looks. "I mean to Earth maps; oceans, continents and all that."

"Why would you assume our planet to be so different from your own?" Luna queried.

"Well so far they've pretty much been night and day, so to speak," Volare replied, yet again wondering how the hell he was going to eventually explain to them that the majority of his knowledge of them still came from a TV show. But the show never talked about anything quite like this! "Just how big is this place and what did you mean by being surprised, Twi?"

"Eh-heh, about that," the unicorn shuffled her hooves in a way that Volare found adorkably awkward. "Believe it or not, until Celestia showed me this map, I didn't know much at all about the world outside of Equestria."

"Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah," her ears fell in shame. "I was a real homebody right up until Celestia practically kicked me out of Canterlot to go make friends in Ponyville. I guess I was just so wrapped up in the books right in front of my nose that I just never had time to worry about the affairs of the world outside the walls of the city. Kinda pathetic, huh?"

"Pathetic?" Volare closed his eyes for a moment before snorting softly and resting his hoof upon hers, much to Luna's curiosity. At his touch, Twilight looked up at his suddenly stern face. "Twilight, you're one of the most awesome and amazing ponies I've ever known, and without you I'd be dead a buncha times over by now."

"But I wasn't the only one who-"

"No Twi, don't try to put yourself down," he held a wingtip over her mouth but allowed his lips to curl into a terse smile. "Just you remember this: I don't care how crappy you might feel or how bad things may get, know you've always got a fan in me. You'll never be pathetic to me, cuz I'd be dead without you." And with that, he pulled her face into a firm nuzzle with his. "Just promise me you'll remember that, ok?"

"I-I..." Twilight stammered, a bit stunned by his sudden embrace, but in a definite good way. She simply sat there for a moment, enjoying his closeness before glancing to the side and seeing the way that Luna's brow was cocked in amusement, as well as the looks that the Royal Guards at their stations among the colonnades were giving her. The suddenly self-conscious unicorn chuckled awkwardly and quickly returned the nuzzle before pulling away and clearing her throat, giving Volare's saddlebag a quick glance.
C'mon Twilight, keep it together...just because the possibility is there doesn't make it right. For as much as she'd love for it to be possible...considering the events of last night and the fragile little thing his saddlebag housed that would allow it to be...it broke her heart, but...no... Besides, she knew somepony else needed him even more than she. For she had been just fine if a bit lonely before Volare arrived. But her friend...no, her friend needed somepony like him.

"I promise," Twilight nodded and smiled at the pilot before adding. "But don't forget Rainbow Dash. I mean, she saved you to begin with, ya know."

"Haha, yeah I know, and she'll probably never let me live it down," Volare laughed warmly and tossed his mane. "Trust me, I'll remember that till my last day, Twi. Anyways..."

"Yep, anyways," Twilight giggled and nudged the map book. "Guess my tangenteering rubbing off on other ponies still works."

"Ha-wait, what?" Volare gave her a strange look that threatened to multiply her giggles. But before they had a chance to, Luna caught a double-flash of sunlight from the balcony that ringed the top of the Archives Building in the near-distance. She knew that be no mere reflection off of a window, and she swiftly nudged the map book as well.

"Ahem, so Twilight, what brought you to bring this map out in the first place?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, what's up with it, Twi? I'm gonna guess you didn't bring it out to here to rag on yourself, eh?" Volare nudged her ribs and received a magical tweak of his ear and a snarky smile in return.

"Guilty as charged, smart-flank. Now check this out," Twilight spread her hooves to either side of the circular map. "According to the markings on this map, the whole known world is roughly 8000 miles in diameter. And I know enough about Earth from our studies and a globe I have to notice a similarity between the two planets"

"That's practically the same diameter as Earth," Volare gaped. "So similar sizes?"

"Similar masses to be more correct, as determined by our near-identical gravities," Twilight nodded with a smile. "Though not the same shape, which is really throwing me off, because if Earth is a sphere and this planet isn't, then what the hay kinda shape could it possibly be? And here's the weird thing," Twilight's tone suddenly turned rather eerie. "Let's assume this planet isn't something ridiculous like a giant cylinder or a crazy blob with a near-flat plane on one side-the whole flat plane being weird enough anyway-floating in space. If we assume that...and it's not a sphere but an unknown shape...where's the rest of the planet?" She spread her hooves to the edges of the map once more.

"What...the...hell," Volare breathed as he ran numbers through his head as the truth began to dawn on him. It's too small. "You sure this is the whole world?"

"The whole known world, yes," Luna suddenly spoke up, catching both ponies' attention. "And I can almost certainly assure you that it's not some ludicrous flying blob that I have to steer my moon's path around."

"Well that's kinda reassuring," Volare licked his drying lips and looked back to the map. "Luna, how did this map come to be, if nopony can see this place from space?"

"This? This map is an amalgamation of multiple ponies and creatures' travelling accounts throughout the centuries, specifically mariners and wilderness explorers," Luna explained. "This map was hoof-drawn from their personal experiences and journal entries."

"But this...this just can't be right," Twilight protested. "For the planet to have the same gravity as Earth and not be spherical, it needs to be bigger. Much bigger, especially if it has a round plane like this. The surface area required to hold such mass means this map should be nearly four times this size, not to mention this whole flat layout thing is a really weird way to map a planet."

"And why would you say that?" Luna cocked an amused brown once more. "Besides, I'm not sure why you're so convinced of its roundness anyway."

"Because it...urgh, because science says so!" Twilight took a few slow breaths to calm down. Why in Equestria didn't more ponies just understand basic geometry, especially the damn Princess of the Moon!? "When a map is stretched into a circular shape like this, it distorts the shape of the continents and oceans in order to fit them on the map."

"And why would they be distorted?"

"Because..." Twilight paused once more, in disbelief that Luna could be this dense. "Because they have to be shrunken, squashed, and stretched to all fit such an overly-perfect shape, which by the way, all the laws of physics say shouldn't exist in nature."

"No offense Twilight Sparkle-and I sense your frustration, by the way," Luna chided gently. "I believe that if you were to compare the accounts of the ponies themselves with the map, you may be surprised at just how squashed or un-squashed things appear," she added with a sagely smile.

"...okay, both you and Celestia know something I don't," Twilight cocked a suspicious brow, to which Luna only continued to smile. "Is this some sorta test or something? Cuz if it is, this is the dumbest damn pop quiz in the history of Equestria!" At her dorky little outburst, Volare couldn't help but bury his face in her shoulder in laughter, to which she replied by tossing him aside with her magic and glaring at him in mild warning, almost as if she might leap on and pummel him at any moment.

At her actions, Luna's attention was once more drawn to the top of the Archives Building by another double flash of sunlight, and she sighed inwardly, knowing it was time. I hope to the moon and stars this goes well...
"Volare, why don't you go get a book to help keep Twilight's head from exploding?" Luna chuckled. "I'll keep her outside to preserve the architecture."

"Heh, that's probably in everypony's best interest," Volare chuckled, shrugging off another magical tweak to his ear as he hopped to his hooves. "What sorta book am I looking for?"

"The Rhyme of the Equetic Mariners, located within the Archives Building," Luna nodded towards the spire-like structure towards the northern end of the Palace. "Technically that building is still off-limits from the Changeling invasion, but I personally feel it's high time we open it back up soon anyway. Go there, head up four flights of stairs, and the Explorers Den will be through the second door on your right. If anypony gives you trouble, simply tell them that you have the moon's blessing, and they should let you pass."

"Ookay, I'll do my best not to get lost," Volare threw Luna a salute and couldn't help one last little rib at his frazzled comrade. "Don't think too hard, Twi; it makes you even more adorkable."

"Gah, get outta here, you!" Twilight resisted the urge to chunk a book at his flank as he trotted away, instead opting to magically tweak the back of his leg so that he stumbled instead. He looked back and returned her playful raspberry with one of his own before trotting around the corner and out of sight, his echoing hoofteps quickly fading into the background noise of the city. Swiftly, before Twilight could get involved in her notes once more, Luna scooted over next to Twilight and laid a comforting wing across the unicorn's back. This was by her sister's design, and as much as it pained her to go through with this, Twilight needed to be made aware of the danger that Volare potentially posed.

"Twilight, I'm afraid I must speak with you about Volare for a moment," the Moon Goddess began as delicately as possible, but Twilight's reply caught her off guard.

"I figured as much," Twilight nodded and stared at the short grass rustling in the plateau city's breeze. "He told me about the dreamscape. And as you know, I've studied dream-scrying enough to realize the significance of those visions, especially that crystal. And I think I know what you're going to tell me."

"Oh?" How was that possible? Did my sister and I not erase all mention of those crystals from-

"We can't be together just because something so inconsequential-yet something so easily lost or damaged-like that crystal allows us to," Twilight hung her head and sniffled slightly. "It wouldn't be fair or safe for either of us, especially if it got lost or, heavens forbid, got broken. Haha, could you imagine us, living in the same close confines and it suddenly broke or something. What would stop me from overloading and, I dunno, blowing up half of Ponyville?" Twilight laughed dryly. Or doing crazy something we'd BOTH regret...like jumping his bones, as Pinkie puts it. "Ah, I don't even know why I'm saying this crap," she held her head in her hooves until Luna patted her on the back.

"It's alright, Twilight," she nuzzled the student gently. "Nopony is forcing anypony into anything."

"But that's another thing: what if he likes me and I have to break his heart?" Twilight suddenly had to fight off a sob. "I dunno if I can do that, Luna."

"Twilight, from what I've seen of him, he's more than a reasonable stallion," Luna held her close and rocked her gently with a wing for a moment. "Explain to him just as you did to me, and I'm sure he'll understand."

"Y-you think so?" Twilight wiped her muzzle and gave the teensiest of smiles. "But I don't even know if he feels the same way. How can I tell him without looking like an idiot?"

"Haha, that's for you to decide, Twilight Sparkle," Luna gave her one more firm wing-hug before rising to her hooves and shaking the grass from her mane. "But considering your track record, if anypony stands the best chance at letting him down easy, it's you."

"Hmph, wish I could say I'm proud of that. Oh, where are you-?"

"Oh, I'm sorry Twilight, but er," Luna's eyes flashed towards the Archives, to the Palace, and then back to Twilight again. She cursed herself for bring such a coward in this but...she just didn't know if she could face Volare after he met with Celestia. "I've got some...royal business to attend to," she replied with air-quotes of her wingtips. "It's been building since breakfast and-"

"O-oh, right!" Twilight suddenly blushed at Luna's implications and waved her off. "Go and er...take care of that."

"I shall," Luna bowed curtly and trotted quickly off towards the Palace, leaving Twilight rather embarrassed. But as soon as Luna was out of sight, she turned from her course towards the Lavatories and headed for the colonnade balconies as covertly as possible, deciding at the final moment that while she might not be able to face Volare herself, she would at least make certain that he returned with her own eyes.
You're so full of it you might as well visit the Lavatories anyway, Luna, she cursed herself as she climbed the marble stairs.

The Canterlot Archives

The smell of fresh paint and lumber hung heavily in the air as Volare trotted along the hallway that circled the interior of the spire-like Archives building. Ladders and scaffolding were stacked neatly against the wall, evidence of the final touch-ups construction ponies were completing as they labored through the repairs and renovations of the building, taking special care to preserve the sanctity of the structure as much as possible. The floors were swept clean, the suits of armor dusted, and the tapestries brushed, straightened, and re-hung with the utmost care to billow in the light breeze that whistled through the Archives. New stained glass windows sparkled in the afternoon light, neatly set within their panes and erasing most of the evidence that the building had been so much as touched, much less violated, during the Wedding Incident.

Luna's pass-code apparently worked without a hitch as Sergeant Graymane and Corporal Spiral swiftly lowered their spears and let him into the as-yet still off-limits building, with no more than a grumbled "don't break anything else" warning from the Sergeant. And although Volare had been given specific instructions by Luna as to which door to enter, he couldn't help it as his eyes were drawn towards a stubby, low shelf-more of a cabinet, really-flanked by suits of archaic-looking Pegasus armor. But it wasn't the armor that beckoned him approach, but the single book situated upon the cabinet. Its title re-igniting the spark of curiosity within Volare's mind and standing out plain as day as he reached a curious hoof towards it: Pegasus Flight: A Military History, by Typhoon VI.

"No way," the pilot mumbled as his hoof graced the rich red leather-bound tome, brushing away a layer of dust that even the renovation ponies had missed. It was clear that nopony had read this book for some time. Hell, according to what Typhoon had said in his other Pegasus Flight book, it was practically against the law for any civilian pony to even touch it-

"Well, well," an amused voice composed of infinite wisdom and tinkling bells resounded down the hall, causing Volare to freeze in his tracks-his hoof still upon the book-and glance towards the source of the voice. But he needn't have even looked, for there was no mistaking the pony from which that voice originated. Even so, it was the sense of unchallengable regality that forced Volare to behold its source with a combination of awe and "shit-his-pants-cuz-he's-probably-in-trouble" fear. It wasn't that he was scared for his life-still, he was in a technically off-limits area with only Luna's blessing as protection. Surely that meant something though, right?! Oh dear gawd, he hoped so...

Clip-clink, clip-clink, clip-clink the sound of intricately gold-shod hooves accompanied the appearance of their owner as she materialized out of the shadows, a graceful, intimidatingly tall alicorn Princess that just as many adored as feared: Princess Celestia. Volare's tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth while a cold sweat broke out between his wings and he found himself rooted to the spot as she approached with cool, measured steps. Her small smile reflected the amused tone of her voice as her eyes roved over the features of the blue pegasus frozen before her in a rather guilty 'hoof-in-the-cookie-jar' pose.

"Hmm-hmm, skinny as a bean-pole, indeed," she finally chuckled lightly before halting half a wing's-length in front of Volare. "I believe that's how Twilight described you in her writings. Tell me," she leaned towards the pilot while still wearing that amused smile. She allowed Volare to gulp before continuing. "Is that how you managed to slip past the Guards into such a restricted area?"

"Um...y-you see, I-" Volare mumbled as he tried to get his mind to un-stick itself. He was caught and if he tried to run, she'd zap him to dust-or worse! Images of Princess Molestia danced morbidly through his mind as he tried to focus. You're dead where you stand, dude! You're six feet under, you're meat, you're screwed! "Please don't evaporate me, I'm just looking for a history book for Twilight! I swear-it's called "Rhyme Of The Equetic Mariners!" He finally managed to cry out and threw his hooves over his head in a pathetic expression of futility. But to his surprise, instead of feeling his atoms flying apart, he heard the sound of bell-like chuckling muffled behind a hoof and a massive, yet gentle wing being laid across his shoulders in an almost motherly gesture of comfort.

"Hee-hee, you're quite the comedian as well," Celestia chuckled as Volare lifted his hooves to behold her smiling face, immediately feeling his cheeks and ears burn in embarrassment. "Although Shining Armor offered you a place in the Royal Guard, perhaps you'd fare better as a court jester, hmm?"

"Wh-what, huh? You're not gonna evaporate me?" Volare swallowed hard as his blush scorched away his earlier cold sweat.

"Evaporate you? Why does everypony assume I'd do such a thing? Why, it's almost as common as the assumption that I'd simply send anypony to the moon on a mere whim!" Celestia tossed her mane and laughed once more before meeting his confused gaze with her own. "Oh don't look so bewildered, Volare. I make it my business to know everything about my subjects where needed. And you," she paused as her horn flashed for a moment, conjuring up a pair of sitting cushions and a small table complete with sandwiches, muffins, and tea cups, setting the spread upon the ground before turning back to him. "Are quite the interesting individual from what I've heard-jester or not." Celestia settled herself on a cushion and beckoned towards the table with her hoof, her eyes momentarily flicking towards the saddlebag in which lay the true object of her intentions, or so Luna had said. "Come, I can tell by how jumpy you are that you must be famished. Eat a bite with me and tell me more about yourself."

"R-right," Volare shook his head and shrugged the saddlebag to the side as he sat down, still trying to process this sudden turn of events as Celestia magically poured herself some tea while taking a small bite of her sandwhich. He had so much he wanted to ask her, but he felt it improper to do so after being caught like this! In all honesty, he was just glad to still be in one piece and wasn't exactly privy to pushing his luck by bombarding Equestria's resident Sun Goddess with questions. Whatever his internal struggles though, Celestia seemed to be indifferent, rather than upset as she partook of the food and drink she'd conjured.

"Ahhh, mango-peach," Celestia sighed after a sip of the tea before turning back to her guest who was silently eyeing the sandwiches. "Oh go on, they're not poisoned. If I wanted you dead, I truly would have evaporated you by now," Celestia's dark little joke faded with her chuckles as she looked intently at Volare. The pilot got the gist and sampled a celery and watercress sandwich with a crunch and a satisfied little smile.

"It's good, ma'am," Volare nodded as his stomach rumbled, demanding more. Celestia heard the rumble and nodded her permission as he tucked in hungrily, much to the Princess' amusement. After nearly five minutes of allowing him to eat in silence while she sipped her tea, she coughed lightly and spoke again, eager to begin the true purpose of this conversation.

"So, Volare. I heard from Twilight that you were involved in many Earth organizations, correct?"

"Mppmmph, Ah-wash-"

"Don't rush, dear. Hate for you to choke," Celestia waved a hoof for him to finish. "Take your time and gather your thoughts, for I wish to hear of your exploits...specifically your military ones." At her tone, Volare paused in his chewing and met her gaze once more. Her amused expression hadn't changed, but something dark and sly flickered in the back of her eyes as she stared at him, awaiting his response. Suddenly, Volare wished he'd taken a bigger bite of that sandwich. Still, he knew he couldn't chew forever, her staring at him so intently or not, and so with great effort, he swallowed and spoke.

"Ahem-erm, why would you wanna know about those?" he said reflexively, his usual response when most folks asked him the details of his flight missions. Few though they were, the details were still classified-both by law and by his own morality. Instantly though, Celestia's eyebrow shot up and she leaned forward ever so slightly; not enough to seem threatening, but a measured and well-practiced stance that did just enough to get her point across: obey.

"You sound like you have something to hide," Celestia mused with a light chuckle before sipping her tea. In truth, it didn't truly matter if he did or not-Twilight hadn't simply learned how to scry on her own after all-but she wanted to give him the chance to answer willingly, to earn her trust...and to give her answers to the questions that had been gnawing at the back of her mind ever since she'd gotten word that a human had found his way to her country: just how dangerous had they become? "Trust me, Volare, that's not a good idea with me, for as much as I enjoy playing this little game...I never lose," Celestia took another sip of her tea and beckoned him to speak.

"Eh-heh, well, you see, er..." Volare hesitated, which did nothing to alleviate Celestia's assertion that he was hiding something, but... Here he stood at yet another crossroads between Earth laws and their laws. But it was more than that, for his own morals-and his shame-had a hand in keeping his mouth shut all this time. Oh well, maybe if I give her enough info, she won't pry too much. Not like she can keep me too long here without Twilight wondering where I am anyway, right?

The Naval Aviator heaved a small sigh and took a sip of his own tea before looking up at Celestia, waiting and watching like a foe in a fencing match, ready to counter and riposte at the slightest hint of weakness. Oh come on, Twi loves her like a mom! This is all in your head, dude. Just show her you're not afraid! Yeah, maybe even brag a bit about what you've done! Yeah, show her who's boss here!
"W-where do I begin?" he managed to say.
Oh yeah, smooth, dude...

But Celestia either hadn't noticed or didn't care as she tossed her mane and smiled-whether in encouragement or in hunger he couldn't tell-and waved a wingtip in a small circle. "I already know of your manner of transportation-jets-from Twilight. But what can you do with them? How fast can they go? How powerful are they?"

"Well, um..." Volare forgot his fears for a moment as he rocked back on his nethers to tap his chin thoughtfully with a forehoof. Ok, ball's in your court! Dazzle her a bit with whatcha know! "Kinda depends on what sorta jets you're talking about, ma'am. Er-Princess."

"Either one is fine, Volare," Celestia smiled and sipped her tea. "Let's talk about the jet you fly, this...Hornet, I believe Twilight called it?"

"Yes ma'am, that's what I was trained to fly."

"I'd assume they must fly quite quickly since Rainbow Dash had to break the sound barrier to save you from the crash," Celestia said almost bluntly, though the fact that Volare flinched slightly at her statement wasn't lost on her.

"G-good deduction, Princess," Volare nodded tersely. "That jet has a top speed of just under twice the speed of sound." At his statement, Celestia's eyebrows shot up and she took a sharp sip of tea. Heh, not so smug now, huh?

"H-how is that possible? I thought humans didn't possess magic," Celestia said incredulously, her mind whirring through fears of those jets ever coming to her country-they'd be difficult to stop indeed if they could truly fly that fast.

"No ma'am, it's not magic like you have here-it's complicated technology," he shook his head before adding: "Though I guess you could say that since it was born of human's willpower to fly faster and higher than their foes, it's sorta like the same thing. Just pushing ourselves past our limits."

The willpower of humans, Celestia mused darkly. It had been a long, long time since she'd heard that phrase...the very concept worried her even more now than it did back then. Back when all they'd have to contend with were chariots and spears...

"Um, Princess? You ok?" Volare's words startled Celestia out of her thoughts and she took a reflexive sip from her cup. But it was empty.

"Um he-heh, yes, yes, I'm fine. Just fine," she insisted as she poured herself a new cup. "So I take it these jets go even faster?"

"Oh yeah, way faster. Faster than any pegasus, that's for sure," Volare couldn't help another small smirk from crossing his lips as Celestia's brow creased once more. He quickly buried the smirk in a sandwich as he awaited Celestia's reply. True it might have been a tad sadistic, but to see the almighty Princess at a loss felt a little...empowering, to say the least.

"And er...these jets. Do they fight with wingblades like pegasi sometimes do?" Celelstia's inquiry was met with a short bark of laughter as Volare strove to not choke on his sandwich, bringing a smirk to her lips that she in turn hid with her teacup. Ha, I know what you're trying to do, human, and it won't work. You won't be intimidating me so easily. But once Volare swallowed his sandwich, his answer blew her smugness to a thousand tiny bits.

"No ma'am, they use machine guns for close combat and missiles and bombs for long-range encounters," the pilot answered plainly.

"Machine guns, missiles, and bombs?" Celestia leaned forward slightly, ignoring the edge of her mane dipping in her tea. The way in which he so plainly said these things...by the heavens, how dangerous could they possibly get in such a short time?! "Are they like arrows, spears, and spells?" She felt almost foalish for asking such a thing, but Twilight had either neglected to tell her these things, or simply hadn't been told at all, and so though her pride was stung for the moment, she knew bigger things could be at stake here...like the safety of her ponies.

"Much bigger," Volare smiled, leaning back and crossing his hooves over his chest. "Care to hear what I've been trained to use?"

"Yes. Yes that would be most...insightful," Celestia nodded, conjuring a quill and parchment for notes. Volare had to suppress a chuckle at the very "Twilight-ness" of it all, but he quickly got serious and closed his eyes in thought.

"Well, I suppose we could begin at the beginning...the "humble" M-61 Vulcan Cannon..."

Back on the Canterlot Front Lawn...

Twilight had been known from time to time to lose track of the time when she got involved in a good read-or three at once sometimes-but even she was starting to worry about Volare ever so slightly. Never took him for the "lose himself in a good book" sort, she thought to herself as she glanced at the massive sundial situated just to the side of the entrance of Canterlot's Main Gate, Shae the osprey perched upon it and warming herself in the near-noon light after having flown in from her morning hunt. But he's sure been looking for that reference for a long-

"Man, Volare's been gone almost half an hour," Spike's words broke through her musings as he scratched his scales, he too glancing at the sundial, having finally corralled Scootaloo back onto the front lawn. "Think he got lost?"

"Heh, that's always a possibility. He is new in town," Twilight nodded, that worry gripping her just a bit more tightly. "And it is a big city..."

But before she could stand up, Shae chireek'd softly and took wing without a backwards glance, soaring in the direction of the Archives Building.

"Ok, that's just a little bit creepy," Spike muttered and flopped back down beside Twilight. "It's like that bird's got it all figured out or something. You ever seen anything like her before?"

"Outside of maybe Philomena, I'd say no," Twilight shook her mane and chuckled. "But you gotta hoof it to her: she's got a knack for being in the right place at the right time. I think she's got it handled. Us on the other hoof..." Twilight trailed off in a mixture of worry and amusement as she watched Scootaloo do her best to just barely not touch one of the Royal Guards posted before the Main Gate, trying to get some sort of reaction out of him besides that stony stare. "Heh, how Volare handles her being is sister is anypony's guess, huh?"

"Yeah no kidding," Spike rolled his eyes and headed towards Scootaloo in an attempt to keep her from being tossed in the dungeon. "Kids-pfft. Glad I was never this darn difficult when I was one."

"Yeah, you simply grew to the size of a building and blew a hole in the roof right after you hatched," Twilight snickered softly.

"Hey I heard that!!" Spike shook a scaly fist. "And that was mostly your fault anyways! At least I didn't turn my mom and dad into crazy catuses!"

"Cacti," Twilight couldn't help but correct him as the baby dragon did his best to usher Scootaloo away from the Guard. But she quickly dodged him and ran circles about him, laughing and kicking up the front lawn as she went, just being a typical, happy little filly. Just barely, so that nopony could possibly notice, the Guard allowed the corner of his mouth to curl up into the tiniest of smiles. What? If your heart was attempting to explode, you'd have a reaction too, eh?

Just above them, Princess Luna looked down from a palace balcony, amused both by Scootaloo's antics and by how close Volare and Twilight were growing. Sure, her sister wasn't too keen on it, but it was naught but a harmless attraction, right? Besides, they both seemed to be content in each other's presence, and who was she to meddle with that?

"Still," she sighed and shook her mane, understanding where her sister's worries came from, worries that Celestia refreshed her upon after her tale of Volare's dreamscape. She knew that, despite how happy he might make Twilight, if she continued along her destiny's path...they would have to part eventually. And Twilight's own conclusion that a relationship between them wouldn't be safe due to the fragility-rather than the danger-of that crystal saved Luna from having to break Twilight's heart herself. At least Twilight was happy knowing that her friend would be safe and that their friendship would remain intact.

"'Better to have loved and lost,' as old Whinnyson once said? Doesn't make it hurt any less," Luna muttered and snuffled before looking back down at Spike who had given up on chasing Scootaloo and had collapsed on the lawn, winded as the knowledge-hungry Twilight continued to pore over the Map of Equestria, subtly making marks around the edges while Scootaloo changed tact to stalking the butterflies that flitted among the rose bushes that lined the base of the palace wall.

"Dammit all to the moon," she grumbled and ground a hoof into the balcony in frustration, knowing that she'd been right all along, that Twilight truly did feel a genuine affection for Volare-more than what a simple magical overload reaction could produce-and yet, due to fate's cruel twists, it was to be killed before it ever had the chance to sprout...for the good of everypony. She didn't want to break this up, but her sister was unfortunately right. "Grr, I just hope you can tell him with more tact than I, sister. For I scarce relish to do it myself, especially if he shares Twilight's feelings..."

The Archives Building

Volare wasn't sure when it happened, whether it was during his rather passionate description of the accuracy of an AGM-65 Maverick or the sheer destructive capability of a B-61 Nuclear Bomb, but during the process of explaining what his Hornet could carry and what he'd been trained to use, he never noticed the moment when Celestia's emotions turned. Such were the powers of her well-practiced Princessly poker face. And in his eagerness to wipe that smug, 'holier-than-thou' smile off her muzzle, in his efforts to up the ante with ever more powerful weapons information when the previous one did nothing more than cinch her eyebrows, he completely forgot the possibility that she could harbor first shock, then fear, and then hatred towards himself and the human race.

For it was quite obvious to her that they'd not advanced, at least in the compassion department, but certainly in their capacity for destructive behavior. But she wasn't about to cave and flinch, no sir-not when her ponies' safety was potentially on the line. For if this human-turned-pony had the will to do such terrible things-her gaze once again wandered over the saddlebag, no longer in curiosity, but in fear of his weaponizing that too-he'd best not be given the tools or the chance to do so. She'd heard quite enough to make her decision, never truly considering that her past paranoia of humans might be influencing her own behavior, despite the promise she'd made to Twilight Sparkle to give him a chance. Well she had, and he'd failed...miserably. Her subjects might not like it, and her student might even hate her for it, but...no, this was for the best; she was well aware of how close her student was growing to him, both out on the lawn and in the days before. He's too dangerous for you, Twilight. I won't let him hurt you.

"Ahem, please pardon me," Celestia interrupted Volare's description of the Hornet jet's landing capabilities with a cough and a raise of her gold-shod hoof. "So sorry to cut you off like that, but I think those sandwiches may be, er...disagreeing with me. Come," she beckoned as she rose to her hooves. "Help me trot this little spell off. I want to show you something in the meantime."

"Er, yes ma'am," Volare nodded, a bit embarrassed by Celestia's forthrightness on such a matter as he took to his own hooves and followed, the lunch spread disappearing with a flash and a pop as they trotted down the curving hallway and towards a stairway that wound its way further upwards into the Archives. "Um, are you-"

"Yes, I'm quite alright; just a little sick to my stomach, that's all," Celestia's answer caused a small alarm to go off within the pegasus pilot, but he attributed it to nerves and ignored it. After a few silent moments of trotting up half a dozen flights of steps and past hallways in various states of near-finished repair, Celestia halted and sighed deeply before turning to pilot and gesturing just above their heads. "What do you see up there, Volare?"

"Hrm-whoa," Volare breathed in awe at the sight of a massive stained glass window that dominated most of the wall from the top of the door archways to the ceiling, similar to the ones that lined the Great Hallway in the Palace, though in much greater detail here. The colorful panes followed the gentle curve of the Archives Building architecture and depicted what appeared to be a highly stylized map of Equestria, complete with winding rivers, towering mountains, lush fields, and above them all a bright sun and moon peeping up from the far left and right hand sides of the painting-like creation. He certainly didn't remember THAT from the show.
"Wow Celestia, it's-"

"Beautiful, I know," Celestia nodded as she gazed at it. "It was the only one untouched during the Wedding Raid here, whereas all the others were shattered beyond repair." The tall Princess reached up and brushed a wing along the bottom edge of the window and smiled softly before glancing sideways at Volare. "Curious, isn't it?"

"What's curious, Princess?"

"That whatever it was, Changeling or otherwise, that rampaged through here, didn't even touch this. To think, that something that hellbent on such destruction would have enough mercy, morality, or what-have-you within it to spare this alone."

"Maybe it just appreciated the workmanship put into it?" Volare offered but was only met with dry laughter from the Sun Princess. "Or I dunno, maybe it just..."

"What? Loved this country enough that it couldn't bring itself to shatter it?" Celestia chuckled, though as that thought coursed through her mind, a sudden and dark, terrifying thought struck her.
What if it...what if it really was...no, no, that's impossible, Celestia! You know that! He can't be back...he just can't-

"Um, Princess? Ma'am?"

"Huh-wha?" Celestia shook her mane and blinked a bit as Volare's words interrupted her macabre musings.

"You were, um...muttering to yourself," Volare reached out a tentative hoof. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine. Damn sandwiches," she snorted and ruffled her feathers. "Ahem, now then. Where was I?"

"We were talking about this window, ma'am," Volare withdrew his hoof, wondering why Celestia seemed so...unhinged; completely unlike anything he'd ever seen her as in the show. "Are you sure you're-"

"Yes, perfectly fine," Celestia firmly insisted before gathering herself with a deep sigh. "Now then, in regards to the window, don't make the mistake that it's a perfect work of art. Just like the country it represents, it has its flaws: a pit here, a tiny crack there, even a few chips missing from when your friend Rainbow Dash performed a Sonic Rainboom during the Wedding," she gave a bell-like chuckle before her features suddenly became serious. "But make no mistake, taken as a whole it is still beautiful. Just like this country, just like this peace I've striven so hard to maintain over the past millenia. Just like this window here, though it may have its flaws, I will strive to keep it safe from any wayward dangers that may appear, be they as complex and intentional as an invasion, or as simple as a lost and far-flung pebble accidentally hurtling towards it, unaware of the danger it may itself pose."

"Um, ma'am," Volare, growing increasing uncomfortable with this metaphor, tried to speak, but she silenced him with a wave of a wing and and almost condescending smirk.

"Make no mistake, Volare, that I will do whatever it takes to defend this peace, even if it means hurling said pebble all the way back from whence it came." Celestia folded her wings and half-turned from him back to the window as she let her warning soak in. Despite it being the middle of the day, Volare noticed a distinct dimming of the sunlight streaming through the window, further adding to the chill that crawled its way up his spine at the Sun Goddess' words. "So, my little pebble-er, pony. What exactly are your intentions here?"

"I don't wanna hurt anypony, if that's what you mean, Princess."

"Then why are you so willing and eager to let lose such horrid weapons upon your enemies, hmm?"

"Hey, I never said I was eager to-"

"Please don't interrupt your Princess, Volare," Celestia flicked a warning gaze at him. "And yes, before you argue, I am your Princess according to the citizenship documents you signed in order to create your Ponyville Bank account. Before you ask how I know, I've already told you: it's my business to know of the goings on of my little ponies in regards to their own safety. And to be honest, you're the biggest threat to their safety since before the time of Nightmare Moon, even greater than Discord and the Changelings." She turned and took a step towards Volare, practically looming as she continued. "Because while Discord may have caused loss of life due to his antics while the Changelings would simply feed off of emotion, your race seems to be hell-bent on violence for violence' sake."

Volare suddenly felt very small as she tilted her gaze downwards and took a step towards him. "I don't mean to offend you, but from what you've told me today, of how willing you are to do what you're capable of, and what I know of humanity now, you could never comprehend such a peace as the one here could you? How much effort is put into keeping my ponies safe." She leaned in very closely as her voice dropped to barely above a soft whisper. "No, you'd rather choose the easy way out and resort to death and destruction to advance your cause, wouldn't you? You'd rather shatter it just because you can."

"Whoa, hang on a second Princess!" Volare attempted to interject once he realized what she was getting at, but it was too late.

"No, I've given you humans over a thousand years worth of seconds to change my mind about your barbarism, but nothing has changed at all," Celestia paused for a moment as something soft, almost like regret, entered her eyes. She'd truly been so hopeful... "I'm disappointed in you Volare, for according to Twilight you seemed like such a better pony than you've made yourself out to be this day. Not very wise, considering I see you as an emissary for your species; you need only look in the mirror to know why you failed in that role."

The realization of that fact hit Volare like a ton of bricks, causing him to hang his head in shame. What he saw as good-natured enthusiasm for what he'd been trained to do, to one outside of his military background he seemed like a monster bragging about all the horrible things he was capable of doing. "But Princess, please. I didn't mean to-"

"Considering the delight with which you described your combat capabilities, I'd say you most certainly did, Volare," Celestia cut him off once more. "Thank goodness you don't have the means to cause such things here. However, that brings me to my next point," her eyes once again flicked towards his saddlebag. But in light of what Luna had told her, that his life was likely tied to that crystal, she held off on speaking her true mind instead of seizing it then and there and seeing the pain in her dear student Twilight's face...and possibly causing it to happen again.

For a moment a pair of angry, slate-green eyes flared up in her mind; eyes that, despite their burning rage ran with tears of hatred for the Sun Princess...no...please understand Volare that this is for your own good, for Equestria's good...for your friend Twilight's good. Mercifully, she deflected down a less-severe, but hardly less painful, course. "Your little plan I've heard about-of returning to Earth to 'tie up loose ends' as it were: I don't think that's going to happen either."

"What, why not?!" the pilot cried, near-panic gripping him at the thought of never seeing his home planet again, not even to say goodbye.

"Because of the risks of you bringing more humans back here with you, military especially. You've been trouble enough, or have you forgotten the Supercell you spun up with Rainbow Dash? You endangered one of my Element Holders. Do you have ANY idea of the consequences of one of them being out of action in times of trouble that you and your kind might bring?" Celestia returned to nearly looming over him. She didn't enjoy this, not by a long shot. She knew by Twilight's letters that Rainbow Dash likely egged him on, and more of the blame lie on the rambunctious mare than Volare himself. But she had to guilt him into this decision...for the good of everypony. She just hoped he'd realize his small sacrifice within his own lifetime. Volare's sudden response, however, caught her off guard.

"Stop assuming things about humans based on me!" he practically shouted, rocking Celestia back on her haunches slightly-a bit of an improvement over a cocked eyebrow in Volare's eye as he pressed the advantage. "Look, I know I'm not the best example of my species-I get that. Most people don't even wanna fight unless they're backed in a corner or something."

"Then why do you fight? Is it to bully those who won't? A fine family yours must be, to raise you to think so," Celestia needled him once more and it was all Volare could do to not explode at such an ignorant assumption.

"Look, Princess," he paused for a breath. "With all due respect, you know nothing about the military on Earth, or my family."

"I know enough just from you today," Celestia said as she conjured a teapot and cup in midair to calm her mind and chase away the guilt that her words brought her. True she might have been getting a teensy bit harsh and carried away, but it was for the greater good, was it not? Despite her inner bravado, her confidence began to erode as she felt herself torn between compassion for this beast, and her blossoming desire to simply end it to save her ponies and most of all, her dear student.

Hmm-hmm-hmm-hahaha...look in the mirror, Celestia...so...much...hatred! a familiar voice growled within the depths of her consciousness. But she ignored it and continued. That was the past, ancient history. It was nothing.

"You've not changed, you've only gotten worse over the centuries, especially if you've got no qualms about killing millions in one go. Your race has zero compassion for the lives of others, and never will as far as I'm concerned." She knew she was ignoring the deeds that she herself had praised him for since he'd arrived, but she didn't care; that voice in her head told her to press on and hate him.
"And for an emissary of his own race, as I've said you're certainly not doing a good job of changing my mind on that. Hmph, as great as Twilight claims you to be, at least prove that you're different, that your "wonderful" family raised you differently," she tittered dryly as she poured herself a cup to clear the darkness she felt growing in her heart, one she couldn't place the origin of, why it had appeared, or how it had gotten there. And yet, there it was, choking off the last shreds of her own compassion and understanding like a thorny, twisting tendril of terror...or perhaps that was merely what she hoped, and by that hope, she was blinded. For long life was both a gift and a cynical curse to all alicorns, and if they didn't remain wary and keep it in check, the shadow could take them over.

Fear is my domain, and with every ounce of your struggle...

"Celestia, please...leave my family out of this," Volare ground his hooves against the stone floor, gritting his teeth so hard that the Princess could hear them squeak as he tried with every fiber of his being to not lash out at her condescending, scathing words, knowing that despite her little joke earlier, she was very capable of putting an end to him as quick as thought. Even so, he could feel the hot tears gathering in his eyes as he screwed up his courage and spoke with the last bit of control he could muster. "I don't think you have any right to say anything negative about them. If it makes you feel any better, they're totally innocent and...they're in no position to threaten your precious peace."

"And what of Scootaloo? What would your real sister back on Earth say if she knew you'd replaced her with a pony?"

"She wasn't replaced...nothing could ever replace Aggie...I just won't stand by and let Scoots get run over in life," Volare steeled himself for what he was to say next, wiped his nose with a hoof, and continued. "And if that's wrong of me, a "compassion-less" human, to do...well, then you can stick that damn teapot where not even YOUR sun'll shine."

Celestia reeled backwards from his words, amazed that a mere mortal pony could speak to her in such a way. But instead of seeing it as courage...no...the darkness wouldn't let her.
...I come to realize what you fear all the more.
She saw it as naught but insolence.

"Silence you animal!" Celestia hissed and drew herself up like a viper preparing to strike. "How dare you defy your Princess this way? I should throw you in the dungeon for your insult, or..." the darkness curled her lips into a malevolent smirk. "Perhaps I should just take Scootaloo away from you and give her to somepony else more worthy of being her big brother, hmm? What do you think of that, my little pebble?" the Princess chuckled as she took a deep sip of her tea.
Even the gods lack purity in their hearts...

That was the last straw. Something snapped within Volare as he glared up at the Sun Princess, so much more snide and nasty than the show or Twilight, or anypony had described her as. She was almost a farce of a character, and if he hadn't been hurting so much from her barbs he'd have seen through its artificiality...but just as she'd been blinded by her hope, he was blinded by his moral rage. She could insult him, his actions, and his race...but nopony messed with his family. Screwing up his courage and damning the consequences-for at this point he could care less about them-he took a deep breath and replied:
"I think...I think you should go FUCK OFF!"

It must have been centuries since Celestia, a well-practiced tea drinker even by her own standards, had choked on hot tea. But as she sputtered and coughed the scalding beverage from her nostrils and lungs, she was well-reminded of how easy it was for even a Goddess to be made helpless against the simple words of a mere mortal pegasus as he shouted and vented his righteous fury against her.

"Just who the hell are you to call out me and my race and my loved ones for their flaws in everything that they do?! You call us bullies because we take up arms, but I see who the real bully is here! People and ponies that think they can do whatever they want and treat others however they see fit just because of how high up their asses sit compared to everyone else! Ponies like you! Well I've got news for you, Princess!" Volare stomped towards the choking monarch who, to his surprise, scooted back from his advance, fear in her eyes.
"People like me have made a living fighting against people like you for hundreds of years so that others don't have to! You think you're perfect and without flaw, but I know of quite a few smudges on your record, ma'am!" He knew this had long since escalated past the point of no return, but he couldn't take this uppity Princess' bullshit anymore!! It was time for somepony to take a stand.

"G-get back, human," Celestia managed to sputter as she scrabbled away from a pony she no longer perceived as a pegasus through her tear-reddened eyes, but somepony much more horrible. Whether this was a flashback or fear-addled vision, she wasn't sure, but she knew this: she was more terrified for herself and her ponies than she'd been in nearly a thousand years. For instead of a saddlebag slung across Volare's back, there sat a flowing cape. Not burning blue eyes but a scorching crimson. Not a strong-willed voice of moral anger and reason, but a mocking one of torture and tyranny.
I can taste your wrath...

"Ha, not so brave once somepony stands up to you, huh? When's the last time that happened? Tell me, did anypony speak up when you banished Luna, your own sister, to the moon rather than try something else first? Wonder how much you really love her if you'd just toss her aside like that!"

And your sister's contempt...

"No Luna, please..." Celestia choked out, too quiet for Volare to hear as her mind finally embraced the re-visitation of that long-ago battle.

"And you say that us humans would rather resort to violence than reason? Well, I call you a hypocritical bitch for that!"

"Sister...it doesn't have to end like this," the Sun Princess coughed as she struggled to rise to her hooves.

...and both are delicious!

"Makes me wonder if she knows the truth behind any of it," Volare went for the jugular. "Wouldn't blame her if she hated a crazy, high and mighty bitch like you, even if you are her sister." Unbeknownst to the pilot, his rant had precisely the opposite effect he intended; indeed, they had the same effect that Celestia's had had on him. "Hard to believe anypony could love you, the way you treat your subjects."

The words awoke something even more deeply buried within the Sun Goddess. Years fled forward from the confrontation with Sombra, to an even more terrifying time in Celestia's long existence. Volare's outline blurred...his eyes morphed once more, now replaced with those same draconic, slate-green orbs, burning with an all-consuming hatred...the shade of his form soared towards the ceiling, shrouding the hallway in the very darkness that choked Celestia's heart. She could no longer deny that she knew all along the true source of the shadow, and that it laid to shame anything that the Dark King had been, for he was merely its plaything all along...the raven blackness...the Sun Princess' greatest failure. There was no more room for foalish pretending, for it was very, very real.
Come, you need only look in the mirror, Celestia...see the monster you are to me! The monster you KNOW you are!! Hahahahahahaaaa!!!

She would not fail again-a solemn vow taken in that ebon laboratory of foul deeds.
On the longest day of the thousandth year...the stars shall aid in her escape...and she shall bring about nighttime eternal...
Never again.
For we both know, don't we? That you could never harm your precious little sister...in the end, into darkness you will plunge them all...you selfish monster.

"LUNA!!!!!" Celestia suddenly sprang to her hooves, her face full of fury as she bore down upon the troublesome pegasus who'd been a thorn in her side for far too long. Rather than squelching the spark, his words merely ignited it, burning away her fear and leaving nothing but rage. And what a firestorm he'd awakened.
"You...HOW DOST THOU SPEAKEST ABOUT OUR BELOVED SISTER WITH SUCH ARROGANCE, BEAST?!" Celestia let the archaic words blast from her mouth as she felt her mane, tail, eyes, and wings suddenly explode in heat that staggered Volare back against the bottom of the mosaic window.

Well, that explains where Twilight learned THAT trick, Volare's stunned mind managed to whimper as he stared up at the towering inferno that Celestia had become. Flames licked from her mane at the tapestries hanging from the rafters, sparks flew in the hot wind gusted by her mighty wings, and her very gaze blazed in fire, scorching away her tears and becoming as blazing golden coals that burned into his fearful blue ones. The flames from her body dwarfed that of the window's light, nearly blinding the pilot with the full might of her terrifying majesty. He tried to speak, but his mouth was scorched dry as a desert by the blazing heat and fear without and within.


But before she could bring down her wrath upon him, before Volare could even attempt to run or wonder where the Royal Guards were-for surely they had to hear this-before either of them could think about the ripple effect their actions would have outside the Archives Building, they were both interrupted by a loud chireeeeeeek screech as a bundle of black and white feathers screamed through an un-repaired window, flashed between the two combatants, and landed upon Volare's head. Golden orbed eyes bored into Celestia's own as Shae the osprey spread her wings wide and hissed as she crouched upon the pilot's head, daring Celestia to go through her to hurt her friend.


Chiirekeekeekirrikeek!! Shae chattered and furiously clacked her beak. She glanced down into Volare's face for the barest of instances, more to see if he was okay but also as if to say shut it for now, before redoubling her glare at the Sun Princess. To Volare's incredulous surprise, Celestia halted her advance and cocked her head to the side, whether in curiosity or confusion he couldn't tell. But a cord of something familiar was struck within Celestia as this not-so-normal osprey stared her down with more concentrated wrath and bravery than any normal creature had any right to possess. Her amazement at Shae's courage allowed a small piece of wisdom to pierce the dark shade of anger which enveloped her mind:
You need only look in the mirror...

The Alicorn glanced up and sideways before gasping and recoiling at the reflection which greeted her eyes in the mosaic window: an image of a towering, fiery tyrant hellbent upon turning a brave pony into cinders just because he'd stood up against her hurtful words...hurtful words he'd done nothing to deserve.
She'd become the monster, not him...

"I...I..." was all Celestia managed to mumble before her body extinguished itself and she stumbled backwards against the wall. A tiny part of her wished that had all been just a bad dream, that the creature she'd seen illuminated in the window was just a nightmare. But she only needed to crack one shaky eyelid and see Volare huddled against the opposite wall, chest heaving and eyes dilated in fright, with Shae still protectively covering him with her wings to know it was all horribly real. And she could clearly see that not once had he harnessed the power within the crystal in his bag. She'd merely terrified him for her own reasons he had no fault in. She'd been wrong and she'd nearly-

What would her precious student think about all this...what would her little ponies think?

There was no more room for foalish pretending as she threw her wings up to hide her shame-filled face from the shaken pegasus. Yet, despite his fear, she could tell by his tentative hoofsteps that he was making an effort to approach her, to see if she was alright despite Shae's chittering protests. That selflessness broke her further and it was all she could do to not teleport out of the Archives and hide in her bedchambers like a terrified filly after a nightmare.

"No. No, Volare, I'm...I don't need your...I'm fine," was all she could mumble before regaining a hint of her composure and looking out from behind her wings and the stallion, his hoof extended in a gesture of aid she didn't deserve. "Eh-heh, perhaps it's wasted breath, but are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, just peachy," Volare quipped as he lowered his hoof and back up a few steps towards the stairs at Shae's urging pecks at his mane. He wasn't sure in the slightest what had just happened, but he'd long-since gotten into the habit of not questioning good fortune, be it a generous meal, a warm bed, or his miraculous non-incineration just now. He'd completely forgotten about the book he'd been sent for and just wanted to get the hell out of there and leave the Princess to brood over...whatever the hell just happened. "S-sorry I said that about Princess Luna," he said as he turned to go, but he quickly saw Celestia's horn flash and felt a small tug on his shoulder.

"N-no, it was...understood, if you can believe that," Celestia muttered, still avoiding eye-contact with Volare and confusing him all the more by it. She'd just nearly ended him and now she couldn't look at him? Again: what the hell just happened?!

"Um, excuse me ma'am, but um..." he didn't even know what to say or how to say it, and his question died into the heaviest awkward silence either individual could remember being stuck under in the longest time. But luckily, Shae had little use for awkward silence, and at a sharp cheerk from the osprey, Celestia regained her wits.

"Yes, very 'um', indeed," Celestia attempted to joke, but there was no simple pun that could undo the insults they'd just hurled at each other, however justified they may have been. "Perhaps we should let cooler heads prevail, and...talk about this at a later time?"

"Yeah, I can do with that," Volare nodded hastily, eager to get back to Twilight and the others. "So, um...have a nice day, Princess?"

"Ha," Celestia couldn't halt her dry bark of a laugh that only further fueled her melancholy mood. "I'll try. And I'll do my best to give you one as well, Volare."

"Right," the pilot nodded, but was yet again stopped by an almost tentative magical tug as he turned to go. "Yes?"

"I believe you came here for this," a large, green-bound volume winked into existence near him, it's title clear as day: "Rhyme Of The Equetic Mariners." Volare looked from the tome to Celestia's forced smile, feeling this was an attempt at patching things up. A bit of a lame attempt but again, now wasn't the time to look a gift horse in the mouth, all puns non-withstanding.

"Thanks," he replied tersely as he hefted the book under a wing. "So...um-"

"Have a nice day, Volare," Celestia echoed the pilot and gave him a dismissive wave of her hoof. With little more than a nervously muttered "yeah", Volare hustled down the stairs and past the Archive Guards in as dignified a manner as he could muster, but Sergeant Greymane knew the look of a pony who was putting on a brave face despite being inwardly shaken. But before the old stallion could put much thought to it, Celestia suddenly appeared from the Archives entrance and passed them with hardly a sound save what sounded like...sniffling? Spiral caught it as well and the two exchanged a worried look.

"Hey Sarge, did you hear thunder up there earlier?" Spiral queried hesitantly.

"Nonsense, the pegasi don't have any storms scheduled for today," Greymane huffed, though that meant he was only confirming his own worries: that he hadn't heard thunder either, but the rumblings of the Royal Canterlot Voice being used high up in the Archives. The veteran pony glanced at the retreating forms of Volare and Celestia again and shook his mane to fight off the chill he felt growing up his back. Yet again something very out of the ordinary had happened inside that building, and just like before, he'd been unable to stop it.


At the sound of an approaching set of hooves she'd become more and more accustomed to hearing as of late, Twilight glanced up to see Volare returning with Shae in tow, the weathered green tome tucked under his wing. In an instant, the plan the unicorn had concocted in her mind about speaking with Volare and the feelings they might still mutually share for each other evaporated and turned to dust in her throat, choking her greeting to a simple wave of a hoof and a "hey."

"Hey," Volare replied just as tersely, and though Twilight could tell that something other than their studies seemed to be on his mind as well, her nervousness on the possible subject forced her to focus on the tome instead. "Made it back in one piece."

"Heh, I can see that," Twilight nodded, taking the tome and laying it out upon the lawn as Shae returned to her over-watch on the sundial. The Librarian opened the book and was confronted by a mish-mash of Ancient and Modern Equestrian smattered across the pages, most of it by dozens of different authors with different pensmarehip styles. Facehoofing and groaning, she slid a hoof across the pages, pointing out to Volare the topics ranging from weather reports, to flora and fauna, and sea level findings. And to make matters worse, it looked like a good half of it was written in Archaic style, with plenty of thee's, thou's, and for sooth's tossed in for good measure. For them to find what they were looking for, she explained that they'd likely have to search through and possibly translate the writings she'd found, not only into basic Equestrian English but Modern as well. It wouldn't be terribly difficult, but it was like the planet itself was fighting to hide its own secrets.
"Ugh, we just can't get a break today, can we?"

"You can say that again," Volare laughed dryly, and Twilight looked up to see him searching around the courtyard for a moment before it dawned on her what he was doing. "Where's-"

"Oh, Scootaloo went off with Spike to the market to grab some lunch. Lyra went to the kitchens, and Luna..." Twilight paused for a moment. "She went to take care of some paperwork."

"Ah, right. Duty calls," Volare nodded and despite her nervousness, Twilight had to really try not to burst into foalish giggles. Instead, she laid a hoof across his and simply smiled.

"I can handle this. Go find your sister and get something to eat. Goodness knows Spike could use the help at the very least."

"But I'm not-I mean, right," the pilot nodded once more and rose to leave. "You sure?" He received yet another magical tweak to the ear and a snarky smile.

"Hey, you know how to decipher and translate Olde Prancian and Zebrican to Modern Equestrian while still maintaining the proper tense and context required to even make sense of their maritime usage of astrological azimuths?"


"Pfft, go on, I got this," Twilight chuckled as Volare staggered off, his mind turned to mush for a moment. But just as suddenly, he halted and turned with a small smile of his own.

"But wait a sec Twi, if we can't find the horizon, then how the heck could they use azimuths to-"

"Oh quit trying to show off and go find Scootaloo before she burns down the Marketplace," Twilight laughed as Volare finally trotted away with a slightly larger spring in his hoof steps. But as he left the lawn, Twilight's smile faded into a frown of uncertainty. Not at the "Rhyme" oh no, she was fairly certain she had that under control...but more to how in the hay she was going to break it to Volare that they couldn't be together after all. And the worst part of it was that she didn't want to tell him, for how could she be sure she'd find a stallion as sharp as him in her lifetime. She felt he was one in a million, and she had to let him go. It just wasn't fair! And so, to take her mind off the subject, she delved head first into the "Rhyme" with an intensity that surprised even herself.

But while Twilight wasn't as skilled at sensing ponies' internal distress, even that of her friends, Luna most certainly was. She could feel it even before Volare glanced up and she saw the worry in his eyes from her lofty balcony. Something had happened to him when he met her sister, and it had shaken him to his core. Swiftly, she made her way down from the Palace as Volare left to find Scootaloo, and she caught up with him right before he entered the Canterlot Marketplace.

"Hail, Volare," Luna's greeting caught the Pegasus by surprise and he jumped slightly before turning with a smile.

"Oh, heya Luna. How goes it?"

"As well as it can be," Luna replied, subtly giving Volare the once-over and, seeing as how he was physically unharmed, gave him a warm smile. "What happened to yours and Twilight's studies?"

"Oh, well we kinda got to a part that involves translations and stuff that I couldn't help much in. And since Spike is kinda handling Scootaloo all alone in the city..."

"Oh yes, your point is well seen," Luna nodded with a small gulp, none-too-keen on the idea of Scootaloo wandering the city, especially after yesterday's incident with Prince Blueblood. She was certain the Prince wasn't fool enough to try anything like that again, but if Scootaloo wandered away from Spike and the Prince found the filly alone...well, he was nothing if not an opportunistic stallion. "I'll let you be on your way then."

"Thanks, Luna," Volare nodded and prepared to go before he felt a wing laid across his back. "Princess?"

"Volare, I'm sorry if this may come across as well, strange," Luna began, trying her best not to spook Volare into silence; but she had to know. "But how goes it with you? I mean, is everything as well as it can be?" Her cyan eyes stared imploringly into Volare's own, and for the briefest of moments he considered telling her everything. But he knew that it could lead to a conflict between the two powerful sisters, and he'd be damned if he was the cause of another rift between two ponies. Even worse, this would make the argument between Twilight and Rainbow Dash look like two toddlers scuffling over a toy in comparison.

"Y-yeah, it's all good, Luna," Volare lied, nodding fervently and dropping his eyes toward the cobblestone street. He knew that Luna likely knew he was lying, and could almost certainly feel his withers shivering beneath her wing as he recalled the image of Celestia, wreathed in flame and towering above him less than an hour before.

"You'd tell me if there was something wrong, right friend?" Luna emphasized the final word with a gentle nudge of her wing, but again Volare refused to look her in the eye as he simply nodded. Convinced that she wasn't likely to get anymore out of him without forcing him, Luna settled for giving him a gentle wing hug and a soft smile. "Go find your sister and Spike. You'll keep them out of trouble like I know you will, right?"

"Heh, you got it," Volare chuckled dryly and headed into the Marketplace without another word, his neck drooped slightly and his wing tips flicking, all the signs of a Pegasus trying to hide internal distress. But Luna hardly needed to see that to know that something had upset her friend. The Moon Goddess trotted out of sight of the Marketplace entrance before letting her hoof steps grow heavy and angry, letting anypony know to stay out of her way. Her eyes flicked upwards towards the Archives Building spire and she growled deep in her throat.

Somepony had hurt her friend, and though she had a damn good feeling who, she was going to get to the bottom of it nonetheless!

Location Unknown

"Corvus? Corvus, what's going on?" Twisted Vision's normally unhinged voice was full of an unusual concern, for the pony she pined for and followed with a near-religious fervor was doing something she'd rarely seen him do in all the time she'd known him. He was sitting in a dark corner of their hideout, the shadows enveloping his tall form with only his gray muzzle and slate-green eyes visible; but that wasn't the unusual part What was strange was what he was doing while in the corner, and that was staring out a nearby dusty window and-
"Why're you laughing, my love? What's so funny?"

"Hehehehahaha...hrm-hrm-hrm..." his laughter rolled across the room, a deep-throated sound like dried leaves being rustled over cracked cobblestones with an underlying lower tone of some unknown beast of Tartarus. Even to a mad pegacorn like Twisted, the sound reached into her mind and ignited the barely-lit spark of fear, raising the hairs on the back of her neck and causing her to ruffle the feathers of her over-sized wings against a sudden chill.


"Don't you see it?" His chuckled suddenly ceased being replaced by an annoyed cynicism. "Of course you don't, but allow me to show you. Please, come closer." Twisted obeyed, her hooves' clip-clipping the only sounds in the room besides their breathing. When she was close enough, a dark gray wing splotched with midnight blue lashed out of the shadows and wrapped its pinions around the back of her long neck, pulling her closer to the window pane. Twisted dared not resist his pull, having fully witnessed what those wings were capable of even before he struck down that dragon in the swamp.

"W-what am I looking at, Corvus?" Twisted shuddered despite her devotion to him, and he responded by lifting her chin up to stare out the window and towards the sun. She squinted her eyes against its brightness, but soon she couldn't bear the burn and she shut them in discomfort. "Why're you staring at the sun, my love? Are you alright-?"

"Yes, more than alright, my precious Twisted," Corvus practically cooed as he stroked her neck with a wing tip. "For don't you see the sun up there? It and the moon are bound to their respective Stewardesses, allowing Celestia and Luna to alter their course and brightness as they see fit...as long as they remain in control of their emotions. But look closer and you'll see," the wingtip tightened and Twisted forced an eye open.

"I see nothing but the blinding light of Celestia's sun, my liege," Twisted groaned as her eye teared up.

"Ah, I expected more from you after all I've taught you, my dear Twisted," the wing tip slowly released her and allowed her to move away from the window. "Be glad I hold you in such high esteem."

"I shall always be glad of that, Corvus," Twisted nodded feverishly, his form obscured by the dancing spots the sun's light had burned into her eye. "But what is it that I failed to see?"

"The sun's course changed ever so slightly," Corvus returned to glancing out the window and smiling, his bright teeth shining in the dark. "It wobbled, which means that its Stewardess must be in quite some distress. Haha, maybe she's even upset and crying! Hahaha! Reason enough to have a good laugh when that tyrant is knocked off her pedestal, wouldn't you agree, Twisted?"

"Hee-hee, yes, yes! And it will be nothing compared to what we have in store for her, right my love?" Twisted trotted forward and laid her hoof across Corvus' in the shadows.

"Hrm yes...there will be much wobbling of the sun indeed when that time comes!" Outside the room, the guards posted there shivered in their armor at the sound of Twisted and Corvus' laughter, like a chorusing of demons straight out of Ponyhell itself.


Volare: Well shit...this ain't good oO

Author: You got that write! Haha, get it, 'write', it's a joke!

Volare: Yeah, that's about as funny as V-Pony taking this damn long to update our story!

Author: No kidding. Hopefully we don't have to beat his ass when he does this again, cuz he WON'T be doing this again. Right, V-Pony?

Me: Eh-heh, right! ^^;

Dash: And just when the hay am I gonna be back in this thing, huh? Flyboy, you better get on his butt to get me back out there again!!

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