• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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The Running-Pt 7: There's a Storm Coming...

September 7th


“Sooo, what gives? Why’re you two acting so weird and looking at the ground instead of each other?” Scootaloo frowned, looking from Rainbow Dash to Volare with a bit of disappointment. Here were two of the coolest Pegasi she knew, and she figured if they were awesome apart they’d be even more awesome together! But instead, they were practically ignoring each other!

“Oh, um, she’s just way too awesome to look at directly, that’s all,” Volare chuckled, Dash smirking at his overly-emphatic compliment.

“Yeah, well, I was just…checking out this sweet pebble,” she suddenly grabbed a non-descript grey rock from the ground and held it up with a grin, causing Scootaloo to scratch her mane in confusion; those definitely weren’t the answers she was expecting.

“If you say so….but what’s so great about that rock, anyway? And what was all that thunder doing coming from your house,” the small Pegasus peered up at the cloud spire floating high above them.

“Excellent questions, squirt. This particular rock has the power to make any stallion do anything you want,” she held the rock up proudly, though Volare snorted in disbelief.

“How the hay could a rock make a stallion do anything?” the orange filly eyed the rock skeptically.

“Observe: it can…make him flinch!” she pretended to hurl the rock at Volare’s head, hanging onto it at the last moment as he predictably jumped. “Heh-heh, and…it can make him do other stuff too!”

“Ooh, like what?” Scootaloo asked, completely engrossed with this suddenly not-so-ordinary stone.

“It can do this. Hey Volare,” she called out to him.


“Go get it!” She hurled the rock as hard as she could, sending it flying a good distance up the road before it bounced to a stop in the dirt, puffing up a cloud of dust in its wake.

“…you’re not serious, are you, Dash?”

“Yep, totally serious,” she gave him a grin.

“Not gonna work, I’m afraid,” he stood his ground and returned the grin with a fierce one of his own. “Not even for you, Dashie.”

“Oh, yeah it will,” she sauntered closer to him, a strange look on her face. “Cuz if you don’t go get it…I may have to embarrass you in front of Scoots,” she whispered the last bit as teasingly as possible. That got Volare’s attention, and he stumbled back a step, suddenly reminded of the other reason why he was avoiding the rainbow Pegasus.

“Alright, alright, no need to play hardball,” he shook his head and turned back up the road, guesstimating where the rock had landed before trotting that way, leaving Dash and Scootaloo behind for the moment.

“And that is how the rock works,” Rainbow Dash smirked and ruffled the smaller Pegasus’ mane who giggled at her personal idol’s antics. Maybe she wouldn’t have to pummel Volare’s head in after all, cuz that look on his face was priceless. “So, what brings you two down this way, eh?”

“Well, Volare and I heard thunder, but there’s totally no clouds in the sky,” Scootaloo glanced up. “So we were like: huh, where’s the thunder coming from? Then we heard it coming from here, so we just ran down here to check it out. What’s going on up there anyway?”

“Heh-heh, how’s about instead of me telling ya,” she knelt down slightly. “I show ya instead. Hop on, squirt.” Scootaloo’s eyes suddenly got very large, and her ears laid back on her head in worry.

“Uhh, I dunno Dash. It’s pretty high up there and I can’t fly yet,” she gulped.

“Don’t worry kiddo; I won’t letcha fall,” she beckoned her. “Come on.”

“Erm…you sure Volare wouldn’t get mad?”

“Mad?” Dash cocked her head. “Why would he get mad?”

“Well, he’s kinda…sorta,” she hesitated, trying to find the right words. “He’s been looking out for me and…I dunno how bad he’d freak out if I went that high in the air.” Well, that didn’t do much to answer Dash’s question. In fact, it raised multiple other questions, including the one she’d had for a while of what Volare had done for Scootaloo back in town last week. But she quickly replaced her frown with a confident grin.

“Trust me, he won’t get mad; I’ll make sure of that,” she assured her. “Besides, didn’t I hear ya say once that it’d be sweet to check out my cloud house one of these days?” That brightened up the filly’s features substantially, much to Dash’s relief. She wasn’t just trying to show Scootaloo her home; in truth, she wanted to speak to Volare alone, and this was the perfect way to do so without seeming suspicious.

“Yeah, I remember,” she gulped again and clamored up on Dash’s back. “Just don’t let me fall, ok?”

“Never, squirt,” she gave her a quick nuzzle. “Now hang on tight cuz here we go!” And with that, she took off from the ground, albeit much more gently than she usually did in order to accommodate her smaller charge on her back. As she circled to gain altitude, she felt Scootaloo lift her face out of her mane and begin to look around.

“Whoa, everything’s so…different up here,” she grinned in spite of the whirling feeling in her stomach. She felt the cool wind whipping through her mane in a way her scooter-riding never could duplicate as they climbed higher and higher, eventually reaching the base of Rainbow Dash’s house over a quarter-mile up in the sky. As the pair glided down towards the path that led up to the house itself, Scootaloo gazed in awe at the customization that the clouds were capable of.

Falling off of the edge of the house were little trickles of what looked like rainbow essence, though she couldn’t exactly remember if that was the right term from Ms. Cheerilee’s lessons. The trickles spilled out of the clouds themselves and fell over 100 feet before dissipating into the mist which explained the flashes of color that surrounded the house. The house itself towered up over them, a full 4 stories of dark blue and white clouds interlaced with columns of ice carved in an ancient-looking style that Scootaloo couldn’t place. The crowning glory of the home was the massive rainbow sprouting from the roof of the dome that topped the tower, spilling back down and disappearing into the cloud base again.

“Whoa, your house is awesome, Rainbow Dash,” Scootaloo gasped as they landed on the short path that led up to the front door of the home, above the lintel of which was a large, stylized version of the rainbow Pegasus’ cutie mark that curled its way along the edge of the door frame before terminating in a swirl of prismatic clouds that wafted in the high-altitude breeze. “Brrr, it’s cold up here,” the smaller Pegasus shivered and tried in vain to wrap her small wings around herself.

“Ah, yeah, I forgot about that,” Dash smiled sheepishly as she trotted up to the door. “It’s something ya gotta get used to if you’re gonna be high in the air. Fortunately, there’s no breeze inside, so let’s head on in and check the place out, ok? Wait, you know how to cloud-walk, right?”

“Y-yeah, I think so,” she replied uncertainly. “Ms. Cheerilee says it’s all in a Pegasus’ instincts, right?”

“Yep, that’s right. Just be confident in yourself and think of the cloud as the ground, and…” It wasn’t quite that simple, but for now, it’d suffice as she watched Scootaloo gingerly step out onto the path, a thrilled grin breaking out on her young face as she realized she wasn’t tumbling through the clouds but standing on “solid” gound. “That’s it squirt! You’re a natural!”

“Hey, this isn’t so hard,” she pranced and kicked at the puffs of white for a moment before another cold breeze cut through her excitement and she quickly huddled back up against Rainbow Dash, struck with a fresh bout of the shivers.

“Maaaybe we outta getcha inside where it’s not so chilly, eh?”

“S-sounds g-g-good,” the orange filly chattered as Dash opened the door and trotted inside out of the wind. The first thing she saw once her eyes adjusted to the dimmer interior was the massive, shimmering red lightning bolt banner hanging from the vaulted ceiling. “Whoa, what’s that?”

That, Scoots, is a little something Rarity made for me that represents my Element of Harmony: Loyalty,” she grinned as she looked up at the ruby-encrusted cloth that billowed softly above them, the only real sound in the house besides the wind outside.

“It’s kinda quiet in here,” the filly observed, giggling at the echo that bounced back at them.

“Heh, well, when ya live alone, that kinda tends to be the norm,” Dash chuckled despite the slightest of twinges in her chest. Scootaloo, as young as she was, caught the tinge of sadness in her idol’s response, and she looked back up at her. She’d never thought much on Dash living alone; she’d always thought she liked it that way…

“Dash, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing Scoots, nothing,” Dash waved a hoof dismissively and shook her head. “Now then, ya wanna see what all that thunder was all about?”

“Hay yeah!” the filly quickly forgot her worry and hurried after the rainbow Pegasus who led the way up the spiraling staircase of the house towards the top floor. “Hey, I got a question!”

“What’s up?” the older Pegasus looked back as they neared her training room.

“Why’ve ya got stairs in here?” The question struck Dash as odd until Scootaloo explained herself. “I mean, if you’re the greatest flier in Equestria, what would you need stairs for?”

“Hahaha, that’s a good question, squirt,” she chuckled and tapped her chin. “I dunno; guess it’s just the style up in Cloudsdale I tried to recreate here. Plus, I guess it’s pretty helpful if somepony that can’t fly like Twilight or you dropped by.”

“Or Volare?” Scootaloo said with a grin, nearly stopping Dash in her tracks. But the mare quickly regained her composure and laughed it off.

“Ha, never considered bringing that whacko up here, though I guess if he ever wanted to, I’d”- But she stopped short as Scootaloo hoofed her in the leg, and not in a friendly fashion. She looked down in surprise to see the smaller filly practically glaring up at her. “Whoa, what’s up, Scoots?”

“Don’t call Volare a whacko,” she said in a stern tone so unfitting for such a young filly that Dash nearly laughed out loud again. But she soon realized that she must have struck a nerve somehow. “He’s not…”

“I-I’m sorry Scoots,” Dash relented and frowned, completely at a loss of what to say.

“You just…you don’t know how much he’s helped me, that’s all,” Scootaloo finally said, her eyes riveted on the cloud puffs between herself and Dash. “He wouldn’t let me get called a chicken cuz he believed I’m better than that…and I don’t want him being called a whacko…cuz I think he’s better than that…so, yeah, just don’t, ok?”

The rainbow Pegasus was torn emotionally between being proud of Scootaloo for standing up for herself and her friends like this…but she never expected to be the one she’d stand up to. “Scoots, I”- It then dawned on her that this might have something to do with she’d overheard the little filly saying a few days ago; about what Volare had done for her. The things that Dash had wanted so badly to ask Scootaloo once she was out of earshot of Volare…she suddenly felt like this was the wrong way to go about things; to manipulate Scootaloo, however minor, in order to get information.

…Just buck up and ask him yourself, Dashie!
I know, I know! And dammit, you show up at the worst possible times, you know that?
…Only when I’m needed the most, Dashie.
Grrr…I dunno if I can.
…What have you got to lose? What’re you afraid of-finding out that Volare is a bigger influence on Scoots in the short time that he’s known her than you’ve ever been?!
I’m not a coward!
…Then go ask him what happened!
Alright, I will!

“Hey Dashie? Scoots? Where’d you guys go, huh?” a voice rang out from down below them.

Well, speak of the devil, Dash thought as she turned to Scootaloo and gave her a smile. “Hey, I’m sorry I called Volare that…I didn’t know.”

“It’s ok Dash,” she looked up at her. “Maybe if you knew, you wouldn’t have.”

Oh gimme a bucking break, Scoots too?!
…Looks like I’m gonna have competition.
Like hay you will!
“Maybe…hey, tell ya what. Come check this out and I’ll be right back, ok?”

“Ok, what is it?” The orange filly followed Dash as she trotted through a door and revealed her training room. Various implements involved with building strength and endurance lined the room, from ice-weights to drag-chutes made to increase wing strength, to weight belts and medicine balls for increasing hoof strength. “Whoa, is all of this stuff yours?”

“Every bit of it. Ya think I keep in this great a shape by lazing about?” she flexed a toned foreleg with a grin.

“Actually, I kinda did.”

“Oh,” Dash’s grin disappeared as rapidly as it appeared. She quickly trotted over to a cloud floating off to the side of the medicine balls and gave it a swift kick, creating a short crack of thunder. “That’s what that thunder was all about; I was using these to build my hoof speed up for the race.” But Scootaloo was barely listening, instead making a beeline straight for a bright red and white medicine ball that had caught her eye, causing Dash to deflate slightly at the fact that she was unable to impress her fan further.
“Well, um, if ya want to, check out the equipment and the rest of the place. I’m gonna go have a word or two with Volare. Just don’t try to fly off the edge of the house, ok?”

“Ok, ok, I got this,” Scootaloo waved a hoof and hopped over and tried to pick up the weighted ball. “Urgh, what the hay kinda beach ball is this?!”

“Heh-heh, keep tryin’, squirt,” Dash chuckled.

“Helloooooo? I swear Dash, if you ran off with Scoots, I’ll…I’ll…I’ll sic Fluttershy on you!” Volare called out from down below.

“Holy horsefeathers,” she grimaced at the thought of having to deal with The Stare. “That won’t end well…coming, dude!” With that, she left Scootaloo to her own devices and zipped out the window, spiraling down quickly and landing with a dramatic thump in front of the blue stallion, her impact sending road dust flying in all directions. As she shook herself and turned to face Volare, she had to suppress laughing at the sight of him attempting to grin around the rock he was holding in his mouth. “What the hay are you doing?”

He spat the rock out before speaking again. “Found it, I think. Can’t believe you thought a rock was cooler than me; you wound me yet again, Dashie,” he feigned a Rarity-esque swoon before catching himself and chuckling, not noticing the guilt that flashed across Dash’s face as she took note of the crippled wing still trussed up next to his ribcage. She quickly shook it off and replaced it with a stern look, approaching Volare determinedly. “Dashie?”

“Volare, in all seriousness, you know you’re not supposed to be here,” she growled. “Why?! What if Twilight finds out you broke your promise?! She’d be mad at you and me!”

“Nah, she’d probably be surprised you didn’t break yours first,” Volare chortled again, causing Dash to take pause. Something had changed since she last saw him up close. She couldn’t quite put her hoof on it though…he just seemed a little less…well, feeble. A little stronger. She half-wondered what Fluttershy had been feeding him.
“Hello, Volare to Dashie?” he waved a hoof in front of her eyes. “Thought you wanted to know why I’m here.”

“Oh yeah, right,” she shook her head and listened as he recounted the events that had led up to his running down the road with Scootaloo on his back, and that who was he to deny her the joy she so badly deserved?
“So…I guess you know about her then, huh?” Rainbow Dash, ever the pillar of strength and pride in the Ponyville community, actually had to resist the urge to wipe at her own eye for a moment. It wasn’t that she’d never heard Scootaloo’s past before; on the contrary, she was more familiar with her origins than most. It was just…what pony with a heart could hear it and not have it ache for the poor filly? She quickly changed the subject so she wouldn’t have to resist the urge again.

“I take it that Scoots and her friends don’t know about where you’re from then, huh?”

“Nope, I figure there’s no real need for right now. They’re just little kids that don’t really need to worry about that kinda stuff at their age, ya know?”

“Yeah…oh, what about…well, this,” she gestured at his wing.

“Double-nope, Scoots doesn’t know the full truth about that either.” Dash was about to ask why he felt the need to keep that a secret when he preempted her. “Dash, when I was younger, back on Earth…remember how I told you I played sports?”

“Yeah, I think so,” she recalled the day when she, Pinkie, Applejack, Twilight, and Volare had spent lunch at the Gilded Griffon swapping stories and personal history. She suddenly longed for another day like that…

“Well, I played a sport called baseball when I was a little kid, and I grew up wanting to be just like this big-time, major league player that I looked up to and always wanted to be like, ya know? Well, one day, I finally got to meet the guy and…well, he turned out to be the complete opposite of what I expected,” Volare frowned at the memory. “He was constantly on his phone, hardly smiled, was always yelling, and then when he signed a jersey of his that I had, he told me to “give it up kid; you’ll never make it to the bigs anyway.”

“Jeez,” Dash’s gaze drifted around the road, trying her best not to meet Volare’s. He sighed and continued, turning as if to speak to the empty road for a moment.

“I guess that day, I found out the hard way that just because you look up to someone because of what they do, doesn’t mean they’re the best person to look up to. The image of this guy I’d modeled my own playing style on went out the window, and I threw out everything of his I ever had, wanting to distance myself from this jerk. It’s not quite as extreme, but I haven’t told Scootaloo what happened because I know she’s a huge fan of yours and…" he turned to face Dash once again. "I know she holds you in such high regard and if I’m afraid that if I tell her the truth, that flawless image she’s had of you…it’ll be tarnished for good. And I know you’re too good of a pony for me to risk her thinking that way of you and ruining whatever past you guys might have." He looked back down at the ground for a moment before raising his eyes to meet hers. "And that’s why I haven’t told her, because I think she deserves a role model like you, Rainbow Dash.”

For the second or third time that day, Dash was just plain stunned to silence. What Volare had just said…well, it made her feel something she didn’t quite understand…but it made her wanna laugh in joy, cry in guilt, and just plain hug the hay outta him for doing something like to protect her image.
…And to think you called him a whacko.
Shut up, you think I don’t feel worse about that now!? Jeez, it’s bad enough without your “help”.

“Yeah?” he cocked his head curiously, unaware of how much his story had just affected the Element of Loyalty. She very nearly asked him to give her a hug, but she stopped herself yet again.

“Can I ask you another question?”

“Sure, what’s up?”

“What happened when you first met Scootaloo?” She had to pick her words carefully because wasn’t sure how he’d react if he found out she’d been spying on him, albeit to protect him from those creepos, but still. But by the time that Volare had finished describing how he’d met Scootaloo and how much she’d reminded him of his little sister, from the brave face she’d worn while being harassed that initially made him jump into the fray and save her; to the way that Pinkie said he’d brightened her day and made her smile like nopony had in years-not since the very mother that Dash had herself flown with; and finally, to the way they’d pushed each other in their training-him to help her to fly, and her to help strengthen his resolve…As tough as Dash considered herself, she just couldn’t stand there and take it anymore! Damning her worries for what Twilight might say, she trotted forward and wrapped Volare in a strong hug that she held him in for several long moments.
I mean, what the hay, it should be HER teaching him how to fly...this poor guy with a crippled wing that SHE caused shouldn’t have to be the one to go out of his way to do that…or be the one to save her…
…maybe a little jealous there, Dashie?
No…I mean, maybe…just more, I guess, disappointed in myself…that I’m not keeping up my end of it…that I’m not the great role model he says I am. The one Scoots deserves.
…feeling a little like that ball player he told you about, huh?
…well, tell him!

“Heh, is this what you meant about embarrassing me in front of”-

“Just shut up and hug me, you big-hearted idiot,” she hoofed him in the shoulder and buried her face in his neck, hugging even tighter as she did so. “Sorry I snapped at you like that.” But those weren’t the true words she’d been wanting to tell him for the past two weeks, though...a confession that overshadowed even the question that had been burning in her mind ever since she’d reached into his burnt flight jacket and found that prismatic little patch… Try as she might, every time she tried to look at him and say it, she just…couldn’t put aside her pride and tell him. She could only hug him.
…meh, I guess that’s good enough for now, Dashie.
S-shut up…just shut up…

“Dash, it’s ok…it’s ok,” he rubbed her back gently, being careful around her wings, but not truly understanding why she was hugging him so darn tightly. “I can get a little snappy too when I get interrupted doing…um, what exactly were you doing to make your mane like that?” he asked, noticing as she brushed against him that her mane had taken on a very frizzy element, almost as if she’d been electrocuted. She jerked back from him, half-wanting to smack him for ruining the moment, but also in realization of what she’d looked like when she ranted at him…no wonder he’s not taking me seriously…

“Aww, horse-apples,” she groaned and tried to at least smooth her forelock down, but to no avail. “I was training with thunderclouds and I got zapped…crap, not cool!”

“Meh, I kinda like it,” Volare smirked. “A little edgy and loads better than this rat’s nest I’ve got growing on me,” he shook his spiky mane and rolled his eyes. “Can’t do a damn thing with it somedays.” Dash chuckled as well, appreciating his unintentional attempt at brightening the mood, and bumped him with her hip.

“I dunno; I’ve seen worse.”

“Like when you and Pinkie dyed Rarity’s tail green?”

“Bwahahaha! Dude, you saw that?”

“Yeah, saw it when I was stuck in Twilight’s guest bed for four days,” Volare guffawed loudly at the image of Rarity rushing into Twilight’s room, an absolutely bedraggled mess, only to scream at the sight of the battered and bloody Volare laying in the middle of Twilight’s bed. “Did she ever get you back for that?”

“No, I’m sure that’s coming sooner or later though,” Dash rolled her eyes before focusing back on Volare as a sudden thought hit her. A mischievous grin played across her lips as she began to circle him in a slow canter, looking him up and down before giving a low whistle.
…Dashie, what’re you doing?
Just havin’ a little fun with the guy, relax.
“Wow, not gonna lie flyboy, but you’re really looking a lot better since the last time we met face to face. What’s Fluttershy got you doing?”

“Heh, that’s for me to know and you to find out at the race,” the stallion winked as he followed her with his eyes, not about to give her the pleasure of having turning his whole body to keep her in view until she disappeared behind him. “See something you like there, Dashie?” His eyes went wide as he suddenly felt a warm breath by his ear as she leaned in from behind until her head was even with his. He turned to find himself staring into her rose-colored eyes.

“I dunno…how bout you?” she waggled her eyebrows and grinned.

“Um…Dashie,” he managed to mumble.


“Y-you know I don’t like this teasing crap, right?” he shivered despite himself. He had to fight the urge to back away, but he was absolutely certain that was what she wanted.

“I know,” she leaned in so close that the quickening breaths from their muzzles began to intermingle.


“How do you know I am, eh?” she asked as the ends of their muzzles touched ever so slightly. Volare hitched in a breath and swallowed hard, trying to clear his suddenly dry throat. He was very aware that his left wing had begun to flare out completely against his will.

“Because…because you and I both know that it can’t go beyond that.” He really wasn’t sure if he felt stupid or thankful when his words caused her to back off slightly…and hoof him in the chest yet again.

“Ugh, you’re still off on that,” she grumbled.

“Probably for the best right now, Dashie,” he blinked away the drop of sweat that had snuck into his eye and sighed slightly. “And you know why.”

“Yeah but…what if you weren’t, hmm?” she brightened a bit. “What then?”

“Right now?”

“Yep,” she locked eyes with him again and moved up just a bit closer. “What would happen right now if you were a natural-born pega”-

“Rainbow Dash, are you just gonna leave me up here all day?” Scootaloo’s voice broke into their dialogue, causing them to both look up to see the orange filly leaning out of the window and peering down at them. “Hey, what’re you guys doing down there anyway?”

“Oh, um, nothing, Scoots, nothing!” Volare called back and shot Dash a look. “She’s coming up to get ya right now…right Dashie?”

“R-right!” the rainbow Pegasus gave him a squinty glare before shooting up to the house and retrieving Scootaloo. “Well Volare,” she muttered as she returned. “I think Scootaloo officially broke half my house on her own.”

“How’d you break a house made of clouds?” the stallion eyed the small filly, who sat twiddling her hooves guiltily.

“Well, first I tried lifting this big heavy beach ball, but it kinda fell down the stairs and might have possibly knocked over some furniture…which then may or may not have fallen down the second flight of stairs and torn some pictures from the walls.” She looked up at Volare with a misty-eyed expression. “Wanna hear the rest?”

“There’s more?” He gaped.

“Um, yeah, kinda…I sorta knocked a hole in the floor of Dash’s training room too.”

“With what?!”

“Some ice weights.” Volare glanced between the Pegasi mares in disbelief. Maybe there was more than a kernel of truth in how Fluttershy described Scoots and her friends as a twelve-hoofed hurricane…jeez, this was only one-third of that…
“I’m sorry…” Her nearly-tearful apology melted any shred of irritation he might have had against the little filly as she hugged his forehoof.

“Aww, it’s ok, Scoots,” Dash mussed her mane with a soft smile. “The place is made of clouds, and is easy to fix and rebuild. Heh, it kinda needed a revamping anyways.” She grinned sheepishly and looked to Volare. “Well, guess you guys outta get back to Fluttershy’s before she thinks a dragon ate ya or something; Celestia knows what the hay she’d do.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” Volare chuckled and prepared to leave, Scootaloo already getting ahead of him before he felt a tug on his tail. He turned in time to have Dash give him a quick nuzzle before whispering into his ear.

“Hey, it was nice catching up with ya; I missed you."

"Same here," he smiled and nodded sincerely, watching Scootaloo out of the corner of his eye.

"I’d like to know more about what happened at Twilight’s when ya get the chance…and just, ya know, the other stuff I’ve been missing the past two weeks. When ya get the chance of course,” she looked him dead in the eye and poked him in the chest with her hoof. “And this never happened.”

“You got it, boss,” he chuckled and took off after Scootaloo, leaving Dash standing alone in the road, a little proud that she had resolved to stop spying on him and just learn what was going on fairly. Part of her hoped that Twilight didn’t find out…but then again, another part of her didn’t care. If this was what it was gonna take to pull her out of this funk and finally learn the truth about him-as well as tell him the truth-then she’d do whatever it took. Her thoughts then roved to what he’d said about how she’d have to wait to find out about what kind of training Fluttershy had been giving him…holy hay, what if he was hustling her this whole time?! What if *gasp*…maybe he really didn’t want her teasing him because he’d already put the moves on Twilight while he’d been staying with her?!
It made a lot of sense…
Whatcha think about that, eh?
…I’ve got no positive input on that one, Dashie
Oh buck you, then! He’s hiding something and I’m gonna figure it out!

“Volare, you dog” she chuckled incredulously as she watched him gallop away. “I’ll get to the bottom of your little secrets sooner or later. But for now, I’ve got a race to win…urgh, and I gotta fix my poor house…again.” She shot up into the sky, intent on really beating the thunder outta those clouds this time!


Over In Good Ol’ Canterlot…

Twilight Sparkle had had trouble sleeping, and with good reason considering the implications for their planet she’d learned last night. But it had been her excitement over Celestia not only allowing Volare to stay despite his past, but actually offering to do whatever it took to help him out that had Twilight so energized that she’d literally woken up Shining Armor and Cadance in the middle of the night to tell them the good news. Though just as joyous, the couple didn’t possess the younger Unicorn’s almost hyper-active energy when it came to new discoveries, and they soon had to go back to bed before she got the chance to tell them the rest.

Sleep had finally found her though, but she was up bright and early the next morning, ready to finally find some help for Volare’s wing. To her surprise (though at this point it really wasn’t much of a surprise so much as the early hour of it), who of all ponies should come knocking on the door but Princess Luna herself yet again! The night princess had refused her offer of breakfast though, saying she had only a few short minutes to gather more intimate information on Volare’s particular injury, from start to finish.

“Well, from what I can gather from Rainbow Dash, when he tried to pull out of a steep dive, the stress on his muscles locked his wings into place, not allowing him to steer which eventually led to him crashing through my Library window and…” she swallowed the lump in her throat and doing her best to recall that horrible event as objectively as possible. “The glass and the impact combined to shred his right wing joint…and I guess the way that he tumbled when he hit the floor did the rest, and it tore the wing completely off.”

“My goodness,” Luna held a hoof to her mouth. Twilight then went on to describe the surgery that left his wing intact, with the nerves properly repaired, but the connective tissue such as muscles, ligaments, and even the bones themselves apparently weakened to the point that he had very little movement in the limb at all. It might possibly have something to do with them being locked in place at impact, making them behave much like a rigid but brittle piece of glass when dropped…

“Do you know how to help him, Luna?”

“I’m afraid not, no,” she shook her starry mane sadly. “Treatment for that kind of an injury is beyond my knowledge, though I do have a word of caution for you on something that’s been bothering me ever since you described how he arrived here in Equestria and more importantly, how he came to be in the form he is now.”

“What about it?”

“Well…this may not apply to his particular situation, but after you and your friends saved me from the curse of Nightmare Moon, and I reverted to my current form,” she gestured at herself. “Perhaps it was a side-effect of the transformation magic of the Elements of Harmony that re-created me in my previous image, but my new body wasn’t able to cope with any additional magic for some time. If I so much as attempted a spell, or if somepony attempted one on me, then I became light-headed and…well, some would say a little unruly.” Though the princess chuckled, Twilight cringed at the thought of what a goddess like Luna considered “unruly”…whatever destruction that might entail…

“Oh-hohoho my, those were some interesting days, Twilight Sparkle. You know the north tower, where Shining Armor’s detail posts at night?”


“Well, that used to be a lot taller, let’s leave it at that, ahahaha…trying but interesting times, indeed…why Twilight, you look a little green. Are you alright?”

“Oh, yeah, I’m fine,” the purple Unicorn waved a hoof and nearly fell down at the implications of what Luna had just said. Considering all the other magic that Twilight had used on Volare since his transformation, she was almost glad that he’d been crippled in bed! “Luna, when you were…unruly…did you have any strange dreams?”

“Oh yes, very much so,” Luna’s face fell slightly. “I had nightmares galore every time I closed my eyes. Why? Does this have to do with the dreams you said Volare was having?”

“…possibly.” At her hesitant tone, Luna finally put two and two together and let out a small gasp.

“Twilight Sparkle…did he tell you about his dreams or did you procure that information via other means, such as dream-scrying?”

“The second one,” the Unicorn finally groaned.

“Ah, well, that might explain a bit about the rather disturbing images you described,” she sighed and closed her eyes, not relishing the answer she was expecting. “Besides the healing spell you attempted, did you perform any other magic on him?”


“What kinds?” If Luna had opened her eyes while she persisted, she would have seen Twilight’s head sinking further and further behind her forelegs.

“…levitation magic to help him walk. Some minor telekinesis. Um, flight magic to help him stay in the air while he learned to fly”-

“Wait, you were teaching him how to fly?” Luna’s eyes snapped open. “How soon after his transformation?”

“…about 18 hours,” Twilight managed to squeak from behind her hooves, her heart dropping like a stone as she realized that she’d been doing Volare so much more harm than good. At her answer, Luna actually double face-hoofed and sighed loudly into them for a long moment.

“Twilight…to say that was rather irresponsible would be putting it lightly,” she paused and reached across the table and placed a friendly hoof on Twilight’s own to reassure her that she wasn’t angry…just worried. “Despite the fact that he has a full-grown Pegasus body, you know that Pegasi take years to master flight. It’s not just about wing strength; it’s about a Pegasus’ relationship with the air itself, and that can’t be built in a day.”

“I know, I know…it’s just that he seemed to wanna fly so bad, and Rainbow Dash was egging him on, and”- Luna held up a hoof to cut her off.

“Wait, Rainbow Dash got involved in this too? How involved?”

“Um, she’s the one who brought him here and wanted to make him a Pegasus instead of letting him die.”

“Ah, I see now,” Luna mused. “Have you ever considered that perhaps Rainbow Dash has designs on this fellow?”

“Designs…no, she wouldn’t,” Twilight shook her head. “She’s too proud and too respectful for that sort of thing…I think…I hope…urgh,” her face fell into her hooves again.

“Might want to ask her about that when you return to help Volare, Twilight. Eh-heh, though I must say, your pre-emptive instructions for them to stay separated until you come back were quite insightful,” she gave a small chuckle. Satisfied, she got up to leave, and as Twilight showed her to the door, she turned to give her one last piece of advice. “Twilight, although you had a hoof in creating his body, you don’t own him; just keep that in mind, alright? And no offense, but you really don’t even know what’s best for him.” At her statement, Twilight’s heart sank even further until Luna gave her a fridnly nuzzle. “But, you thought you did, and that’s what counts. Just…be cautious in what magic you use on him for the time-being-oh, it would be a good idea to speak with Tia about this detail as well before you research the correct spell to use on him tonight.”

“R-right,” Twilight nodded. “Thanks for the advice, Princess Luna.”

“Oh, just call me Luna from now on, Twilight; we’re family now and the formalities aren’t needed outside of the court,” she began to give her a slight bow before catching herself with a laugh. “Old habits, you know?”

“Heh, wish I could say I knew the feeling,” the Unicorn chuckled as Luna waved a hoof and set out for her quarters, leaving Twilight one worried Unicorn. Things had gotten so much more complicated all of a sudden. Just what damage had she done to Volare by going into his mind like that? He’d said it had been a long while since he’d had that particular nightmare…what repressed memories had her curiosity awoken? And further more, if what Luna said was true in regards to the after-effects of transformations-the mental instability…how were they going to even use a spell on Volare to fix his wing now?! Would Celestia even help her if she knew the possible effects? She suddenly wished she hadn’t been away for so long. She’d buck herself if he got hurt while she was gone…especially if it was on her account.
“Just hang in there, Volare,” she groaned as she shut the door and ground her hoof into the wood in frustration. “We’re gonna get this figured out…I swear it.”

Carousel Boutique…

“Rarity!” Sweetie Belle called as she bounced into her sister’s upstairs workroom, the room she reserved for her most delicate of projects-projects that weren’t helped by the excitably loud Unicorn filly bursting in unannounced like that. Rarity flinched at the commotion, very nearly ruining the stitch pattern she’d been working on before carefully laying her work down and turning to her sister with a bit of a flustered smile.

“Ah, Sweetie Belle. How was school today?”

“It was great!” the Unicorn squeaked and grinned.

“Well, it certainly seems like it was,” Rarity laughed lightly. “What did Ms. Cheerilee teach you today?”

“Oh, it wasn’t that that made the day so great. It was the pony me and Applebloom met today!”

“Oh, and who might that be? And Scootaloo didn’t meet this pony too?” Rarity asked, curious how such a young filly could lead her on like this, whether intentionally or not.

“Oh no, she knew him already. His name’s Volare and he’s helping Scootaloo learn how to fly!” At her answer, Rarity couldn’t help but grin at how swimmingly her and Fluttershy’s plan was proceeding. But she humored her sister and allowed her to explain what happened with Pinion, how he even seemed a little scared of Scootaloo, as if something bad might happen if he bullied her.

“Well, I happen to know this pony, and that Pinion had best watch his behavior, or Volare may very well publicly humiliate the little ruffian yet again,” she nearly cackled at the justice that was served that day before composing herself.

“Where’d ya meet him, sis?”

Rarity nearly answered before her mind flashed through the times she’d met him: first had been practically in bed with Twilight, and secondly had been when she’d thought he was dead in the street; and both situations had involved some form of humiliation on her part… “I met him at lunch, Sweetie,” she finally decided. It wasn’t a lie and it preserved her lady-like reputation she valued highly, even to her own little sister. “And he’s quite the interesting fellow. And an interesting fellow like him deserves an interesting gift,” she waved her hoof at the item in question.

“Oooh, what is it?” the younger Unicorn asked as she ran a hoof over the smooth white fabric before being lightly snapped at by a floating yellow tape measure. “Ah, what gives?”

“Uh-uh, careful Sweetie Belle,” Rarity warned. “This fabric is delicate right now, and until it’s cured and sheathed in stronger threads, it’s very easy to disrupt the pattern I’ve woven into it.”

“What’s it made of?”

“Can’t reveal that quite yet either,” she smiled. “Everything about it is a surprise, but suffice to say that it fairly well fits his origins.”

“Origins? Oh yeah, that reminds me,” Sweetie Belle asked just as Rarity realized she’d stepped into the very issue that Pinkie had warned her about at the door as she’d dropped the white filly off from class. “Do you know where Volare is from; cuz me and Applebloom and Scootaloo were about to ask him when Pinkie said something about Applebloom needing to go…pig-tipping or something like that, so we never got to ask….sooo, do you know, big sis?”

“Erm, that’s also part of the surprise,” Rarity explained quickly. “I’m sorry but if I let even one little iota of information out on this, the surprise might get ruined. Sorry, Sweetie Belle, you understand, right?”

“Aww, nuts,” the green-eyed Unicorn crossed her hooves and pouted for a moment before nodding her head. “Yeah, I guess I do…when’re you gonna give it to him?”

“Ohhh, soon enough Sweetie Belle,” Rarity answered cryptically enough that her sister finally gave up and went to do her homework. “Soon enough…”
Volare, you owe me big time…

That Evening…

“So, Volare, I’ve got a question,” Scootaloo asked as she and Volare entered Ponyville on the way to Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie Pie’d had to leave earlier than usual, but she said she’d be home in time for Volare to drop off Scootaloo. That afternoon had been more of the same, though Fluttershy had further gone over the specifics of wing angles and how just the slightest difference in them could cause a pony to glide or to fall out of the sky. That had been followed by Volare further chasing Scootaloo on her scooter, during which time he’d nearly caught her again, but every time she changed direction suddenly, his legs just couldn’t keep up, and more often than not, he’d ended up further digesting more of the road outside of Ponyville. He’d finally figured out a way to sharply turn left using the drag of his flared good wing, but when it came to right-hand turns, he continued to fail miserably. However, he had noticed that he wasn’t nearly as tired as he had been at the end of the other days. It was like he was imbued with a new energy of some sort. Maybe it had something to do with his earlier meeting with Rainbow Dash…maybe…though it still hadn’t allowed him to do any further damage to that tree he’d been kicking. Sooner or later, he swore to himself he’d break that damn thing!

“What’s up, Scoots?” he glanced down at the younger filly keeping pace with him, her small hooves clipping lightly on the cobblestones contrasting with the heavier clop-clop of his own.

“I was just wondering something about you,” she hesitated, as if searching for the right way to ask it.

“Ask away, pal,” he assured her with a smile.

“You won’t get mad?”

“Why would I get mad?” he frowned slightly.

“I dunno…cuz it seemed like you were avoiding answering it earlier, sorta…”

“Scoots, what’s on your mind?” What followed was a silence that carried them nearly completely across the rapidly-emptying main square of the town before she spoke again.

“It’s…” she finally nodded in resolve and met his friendly gaze. “It’s about those burn marks that Sweetie Belle asked about that you’ve got on your body.”

“Ah, that,” he nodded solemnly.

“How’d you get them? Did you get in an accident involving a buncha fire or something?”

That’s putting it mildly, Volare chuckled to himself as they passed the empty Apple-selling booth that Big Macintosh ran during the day. “Yeah…yeah I did.”

“What happened?”

“Well…I’ll spare you the gory details and just say that I got into a flight accident…a really bad one.”

“Aww, but I like gory details…wait, what’s 'gory' mean?” Scootaloo’s innocently bold question knocked him for such a sudden loop that he couldn’t help but chuckle and give her a loving pat on the head.

“Trust me, if I could be in your position of being innocent enough to not know the specifics of that particular word, I’d do a little dance where I stand,” he laughed and smiled, though it was in a tone that pleaded to not ask anymore about the details. Inwardly, he hoped and prayed that this innocent little kid lived as long as possible without having to be exposed to the cruelties of the world anymore than she already had...

“Ok, well, you’re here and mostly in one piece,” Scootaloo nodded to his wing. “How’d you make it outta a mess like that?”

“Well, believe it or not, Rainbow Dash saved my sorry flank,” he smiled despite the violent imagery that played in his head. “And that’s actually how we first met.”

“Heh-heh, that’s like the opposite of the fairytale of the knight in shining armor rescuing the princess,” Scootaloo grinned.

“Oho, you know that story, eh?” he gave her a squinty smirk as they turned onto the road that dead-ended at Sugarcube Corner.

“’Course, all little ponies know that one. The princess is captured by a dragon or something, and then the prince rushes in and slays the dragon and rescues the princess,” she explained animatedly, kicking and bucking fiercely at an imaginary dragon and making Volare’s heart nearly explode at the adorableness of it all. “Then they fall in love and all that other mushy stuff,” she snickered.

“Hahaha, well trust me, it’s nothing like that between me and Rainbow Dash,” he assured her with a dismissive wave. “Besides, do I look like a princess to you?”

“Hee-hee, a weird-lookin’ one,” she sniggered, before putting on a curious expression. “So you don’t feel anything for her at all?”

Did he? He paused for a moment to consider the question that he’d been avoiding asking himself…it had to be somehow ironic that this little filly would finally broach such a question he himself had been-what, scared?-of asking himself. But why had he been avoiding it? Was he afraid of what the answer might be? And if so, why was he afraid? He’d just been through numerous near-death experiences including, but not limited to, having his body permanently taken away, staring down a psycho bird, and actually making friends with Angel Bunny…and he was afraid of a simple question…from the mouth of an innocent filly who didn't mean him any harm, no less? He shook his head before deciding on a somehow less-than-satisfactory answer. “Only gratitude, really Scoots.”

“Nothing more?” she gave him an eyebrow waggle that unnervingly emulated a little too much of Rainbow Dash from earlier. Makes me wonder what else she’s picked up from her…
“Cuz I could have sworn I saw you and her making eyes at each other, earlier.”

“From all the way up in the air, Scoots?” he gave her a skeptical look. How much HAD she seen? Dammit Dash!

“Sure looked that way,” she shrugged her shoulders.

“Oh, trust me, I simply said I had something in my eye and she was checking it out for me, that’s all,” he forced a grin and ruffled her mane. “Besides, Dash and I…we’re just too different for something like to ever happen. Plus, even if I did have any feelings for her…I just think she’s waaaaay outta my league and way too awesome to wanna waste time on a guy like me anyways.” Well, at least that much was true, he thought as they finally reached the bakery.

“Aww, I dunno,” Scootaloo hugged his foreleg and grinned up at him. “I think you’re pretty awesome too.”

“Heh, thanks Scoots,” he composed himself and returned the hug before he felt her snickering in his ear. “Ok, what gives?”

“…a pretty awesome princess!” she leaned back with a cheeky grin filling her features.

“Hey c’mere you,” he laughed and started tickling her, not noticing the blue-eyed pony peering through the window and smiling from ear to ear at the playful ruckus they were causing without a care in the world that they were drawing some stares from the early-evening ponies trotting through town.
Oh yeah…I’ll bet my last banana bread bundt cake this works out just superrific!

Down on the Farm…

After explaining to Applebloom that Pinkie must have been mistaken about the pig-tipping, Applejack had helped Grannysmith and Big Macintosh prepare dinner. Things went as normal, with the occasional spot of conversation breaking out over Applebloom’s school lessons and Big Mac’s observations of the ground being fairly tough this time of year before the youngest Apple family member spoke up about something other than school or farm work.

“Hey Applejack?” the yellow filly looked up from her apple fritters with an expression that for some reason aroused tension in the strong country mare; an expression that warned that Applebloom was about to get something fairly weighty off her mind…and she could guess who about.

“Yep, Applebloom?”

“Ya know what Volare feller?”

Yep, Ah was right.
“Mhm, Ah know’im fairly well. What about’im?”

“Mole-hair?” Grannysmith spoke up from across the dinner table. “Who’d name a pony after some varmint fur?”

“Nah Grannysmith, Volare!” the youngest filly giggled and shouted to the hard-of-hearing old mare.

“Ah, gotcha, gotcha, dearie; no need ta yell at the dinner table though,” the pale green mare chided the younger. “Gotta take that sorta tom-foolery outdoors. But who’s this feller? Ah ain’t never heard hide nor hair o’ him afore.”

“Oh, he’s a friend of Scootaloo’s an’ he helped scare off some bullies messin’ with her last week,” Applebloom said matter-of-factly. “An now he’s helpin’ her learn how ta fly over at Fluttershy’s place.”

“Aww, ain’t that sweet’a him?” Grannysmith smiled widely.

“Yeah, he’s a mighty nice feller,” Big Macintosh put his two cents in. He looked across at Applejack who gave a subtle shake of her head, indicating they should say as little as possible right now. “Former military stallion.”

“Ya’ll have met’im too?” the elderly mare queried. “Applejack, what about ya’ll? Ya met him afore today, cuz Ah'm feelin' a might outta tha loop here.”

“Yeah, me an him have met once er twice,” AJ’s mind flashed back to the images of holding the bloody and dying Pegasus and having to explain why she had crimson stains on her own coat once she’d returned that day. “He’s the feller Ah told ya about who cut himself a while back.”

“Oh, is that how he messed his wing all up?” Applebloom spoke up. “When Ah saw’im today, he was walkin’ round with his wing all trussed up like a turkey, heh-heh.”

“Yeah, it might’ve had somethin’ to do with that,” Big Mac mused.

“Sounds like a funny-lookin feller,” Grannysmith chuckled.

“Oh, ya’ll don’t know tha half o’it! He’s all blue colored with these fuzzy spots on’im that look like them burns Big Macintosh got last year workin’ with ol’ Ferrum.”

“Ahh yeah, Ferrum,” the eldest mare sighed with a smile. “He was a mighty fine drink o’ water back in the day…did Ah ever tell ya tha time he an’ Ah went on a little date and’ snuck off behind tha”-

“Grannysmith!” Applejack cried, not needing to hear of her romantic exploits at a time like this. “Not at the dinnertable!”

“Aww shucks, ya’ll ain’t as fun as ya used ta be, AJ,” she tapped the table with a weathered hoof. “Anyways, what else ya notice about Volare, Applebloom?”

“Erm, he had this kinda wild-lookin mane that spiked every which way, and…oh, tha weirdest thing about’im is he ain’t got a cutie mark!”

“Wha-no cutie mark?” Grannysmith frowned. “Tha poor dearie. Ya’ll say he’s about Scootaloo’s age?”

“Nah, she said he’s twenty-three.” At her answer, Grannysmith’s eyes shot wide, making Applejack’s stomach tighten. Uh-oh, she was afraid she’d react like this!

“Twenny-three and no cutie mark?!” the old mare practically shouted. “Why that’s…that’s just plain unheard of!”

“Ah know; ain’t it weird?”

“If bein’ as old as Ah am has taught me anything’, it’s some ponies get their cutie marks slower’n others,” Grannysmith sunk back down into her chair. “But twenty-three years? Whew, that’s a new one fer me; an Ah thought Ah’d seen it all, heh-heh.”

“Why ya think he’s like that?” Applebloom queried. Applejack and Big Mac both had to fight the urge to wrap this subject before things got a little too complicated, but Grannysmith wouldn’t let them get a word in edge-wise. If it were a different subject, Applejack would’ve found it amusing, as the old mare hardly ever got this riled up for anything anymore unless it involved Zap Apples, of course.

“Hrm, can’t reckon Ah can rightly answer that’n in confidence, dearie,” she rubbed her old chin with a hoof. “Only thing Ah can think of is maybe he ain’t found his callin’ in life yet.”

“You mean like me an’ Scoots an’ Sweetie?” Applebloom’s face lit up as a thought began to germinate in her helpful young mind. Applejack could see the wheels in her little sister’s head turning, and she was powerless to stop what she said next. “Hrm, The Cutie Mark Crusaders are all about findin’ out what we gotta do fer our own cutie marks…maybe we can ask Volare ta be a member an’ we can all help each other figure it out?”

Applejack and Big Mac exchanged glances in which they both decided that this was not the best course of action, and they moved to squash it as fast as possible. “Now, now, Applebloom,” the red pony drawled. “Ah dunno how bad Volare wants ta hang around with a buncha school-fillies.”

“Yeah, that’s kinda weird ta say tha least,” Applejack agreed. “Ah mean, what if other ponies start sayin’ stuff?”

“Like what?” Applebloom asked innocently.

“Well, er, about how strange it is fer a twenty-three year old stallion ta be runnin’ with fillies half his age,” the country mare cringed at the thought. She knew that Volare wasn’t like that, but still...

“Well, Big Macintosh an Ah run around all tha time with each other and nopony says anythin’ bad about it,” Applebloom persisted.

“That’s cuz ya’ll are brother an sister,” Applejack said sternly. “An as nice a feller as Volare is, he ain’t relations with none of ya, and it…it just ain’t right.”

“Well, what if he was”-

“That’s enough, Applebloom,” Big Mac rumbled. “If’n he was ya’ll or your friends’ brother it’d be alright, but…just ta avoid complications, get them thoughts outta your head right now.”

“But he runs around with Scootaloo,” Applebloom grumbled into her hoof, leaving Big Mac with no real response to that. He looked to Applejack for advice, but before she could speak, she was yet again preempted by Grannysmith, who’d been patiently listening to and digesting this exchange.

“Aww, fiddlesticks ta tha both of ya,” she spoke up suddenly, gaining the rest of the family’s attention. “Ah think what Applebloom’s suggestin’ is awful sweet, an’ if this here Volare’s had twenty-three years and he still ain’t got his mark, well…than Ah say he can use all tha help he can get. And ya’ll know dern well tha Apple family has always been about helpin’ tha ponyfolks. Ain’t that right, Applejack?”

“Yeah…” she replied to the table, recalling her own words from years ago.

“But Grannysmith”- Big Mac began but the elder cut him off with a raised hoof and began to address them as she would her Zap Apple jam jars.

“Big Mac, ya’ll seem ta know this feller purdy well. An Ah’m throwin’ in mah lot with’im based on ya’ll’s information here. Now, if’n what ya’ll said was a buncha fibbery, best out with it right now. Otherwise, Ah expect ya’ll ta support your little sister’s idea right along with me and get your friend some help with his cutie mark findin’,” she looked from one pony to another. “Now then, is this all true? Speak now er forever hold your peace.”

Ignoring the strangely-placed wedding quotation, Applejack finally nodded her consent as she recalled Volare's emotional response to Scootaloo's background earlier. “It’s true…he ain’t one o’ them foal-creepers; Ah can guarantee that.”

“That’s true…Ah…Ah guess Ah trust him with Applebloom,” Big Mac agreed. “He’s been doin’ mighty well with Scootaloo so far too…”

“Then it’s settled,” Grannysmith grinned nearly-toothlessly. “If’n Applebloom asks Volare ta be part o’ their little group, ain’t none of ya’ll gonna stop it, ya hear? Furthemore, if’n anypony says anything ta tha contrary o’ tha good things what ya’ll said about him tonight, then Ah don’t wanna hear anything about it spreadin’ beyond that point, cuz ya’ll are gonna tell’em tha truth and back’im up cuz he’s your friend. Sound fair?”

“Ah guess,” Big Macintosh replied reluctantly.

“S’ppose Ah can’t argue that logic,” Applejack said with a nod. She knew Grannysmith was right and she trusted Volare with Applebloom as much as she trusted him with Scootaloo.

“Good,” Grannysmith declared with a short nod and turned to the young yellow filly. “Ah’m mighty proud of ya’ll for wantin’ ta help other folks like this, Applebloom. But are ya sure your friends’ll be ok with this?”

“Heh, Ah’ll talk to’em about it,” Applebloom reassured her. “But seein’ as how Volare scared that bully Pinion so bad that he wouldn’t mess with Scoots anymore…maybe he can be like our bodyguard er somethin’ and keep them other folks from messin’ with us about bein’ Blank Flanks," she grinned at her brilliant little idea.

“Ho-ho, Ah bet he’d like that, ‘specially if he’s former military; give’m something ta watch out for, eh?” she cackled. “Who knows: maybe that’s his callin’?”

“Protectin’ stuff?” Applebloom cocked her head curiously.

“Why not? At this point, he’s like ya’ll three fillies: just lookin’ for a purpose, that’s all.”

“Yeah! Yeehaw, Scootaloo’s probably gonna flip once she hears about this,” Applebloom grinned and bucked happily, kicking over her bowl of fritters and launching them all over the room, causing one to actually stick in Grannysmith’s mane-bun. The little filly laughed uproariously as the elderly mare tried to reach the fritter, but to no avail, even with Big Mac trying his best to grab it with his mouth without swallowing half her mane in the process.

Applejack sighed and pulled her hat lower over her eyes. Ah’m awful sorry Volare, but there’s a storm comin’ your way…an’ Ah can’t do a dern thing ta stop it…


Canterlot Library Steps…

As Twilight Sparkle finished her full explanation to Celestia on how Volare had come to be in the body he was in, as well as the way his injury had played out, the Sun Goddess thought for a long moment before speaking. “Well, this certainly is quite the pickle Volare’s in. And what Luna said is very true in regards to too much magic at once causing mental instability. Did she tell you about what happened to the North Tower?”

“Yeah, she mentioned it used to be taller or something,” Twilight cringed.

“Yes, well, suffice to say that Luna’s attempt at magic too soon after her transformation resulted in the top third of the tower evaporating,” Celestia explained as Twilight gaped in shock. “It wasn’t pretty to say the least, though we’re pretty sure nopony was killed in the incident.”

“Wait, pretty sure?” The Unicorn’s eye twitched slightly.

“Well, yes, when things evaporate, they tend to not leave much evidence behind…that would include bodies,” Celestia leaned in and said rather quietly. “So, even though there was nopony scheduled to be up there that night, there’s no real evidence to support what happened either way…in any case, the bottom line is magic-overload is dangerous for all ponies involved. I suppose we’re just lucky that Volare’s body, as unstable as all magically-created things are, was created in Pegasus form. Doubly lucky that he hasn’t really learned how to fly or perform weather manipulation yet either; the last thing we need is a rogue thunder cloud blowing everywhere and terrorizing innocent ponies.”

“Yeah, no kidding,” Twilight groaned at the thought of what might have happened if she’d given him the body of a Unicorn instead…half of Ponyville might have been destroyed…or *gulp* evaporated. She looked up as she felt a friendly hoof on her shoulder.

“However, that doesn’t mean we can’t research the correct healing spell to use on his wing once his mind and body have had a real chance to acclimate to each other’s presence. It’s just unfortunate that his mind is still human, and I have no idea how long that might take.”

“Heh, his mind definitely isn’t the most stable thing I’ve ever encountered either, as good-natured as he seems,” the Unicorn looked to the Library doors and began to trot forward to begin her search before she heard a soft whistle behind her. “Huh?”

“Twilight, I don’t believe that’s where you’ll be needing to search for that healing spell, if you haven’t already found it in there,” she said shrewdly.

“Ok, so if it’s not in the Canterlot Library…then where else could it be?”

“Well, judging by your explanation of the situation and how your little impromptu surgery was attempted,” she paused again and closed her eyes, as if searching her memory for the correct move to make. Finally, she opened them again and smiled. “I believe I know where to look.”


Notes: AAAAAANNNNDDD...this was alot more fun to write than the last chapter, to say the least!
Volare and the CMC...a crippled Pegasus running around with a 12-hoofed hurricane...yeah, what could go wrong?
Volare: I've got a feeling I'm going to heavily dislike you in the near future...
Me: hey, it was Grannysmith-approved!
Volare: and to think I had a soft spot for the old mare...dammit!

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