• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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The Hurricane-Pt 8: Not At All What I Expected

Notes: I am SO sorry for taking this long to get this chapter out! I’ve been out of town and getting my fall college classes situated and it’s been eating my time this week (plus this is my first official week of summer vacation, so I’m taking it a little easier than usual). ^^
'nother note: Volare crashed his jet the day after the episode that aired on the 24th of March...he never got a chance to see it...
So without further ado, I give you possibly the weirdest chapter in the story up to this point!

August 28th, Noon

Twilight had her belongings for her trip packed away in her saddlebags and had given the keys to the Library to Spike, trusting him to watch the place for the next two weeks.
“Please don’t burn the place down while I’m gone, Spike,” she’d requested as sincerely as possible.

“No worries there, Twilight. I’m a dragon; I know all about fire,” the dragon replied with a proud grin.

That’s what I’m afraid of…
Even so, the train to Canterlot wouldn’t wait, and as this trip had been planned months in advance, it would be awfully rude to be late. Twilight said a little prayer to Celestia and then she, Big Macintosh, and Volare headed for the train station in town.

“Seriously, who’s The Hurricane?” Volare asked for the third time as he followed Big Macintosh and Twilight along the road between the Library and Ponyville.

Twilight sighed at Volare’s constant questions. The guy just didn’t like surprises, apparently…but she had a feeling that if they told the him outright, the skeptical nature of his species might make him think it was all a big joke. She was out of time and places to put him though, so there wasn’t any other real alternative. She looked his way as they entered Ponyville and headed east towards the station.
“The Hurricane is just as Big Macintosh said: a physical therapist of sorts…not to mention the things she accomplished in regards to the Water Tornado this past spring.”

“Whoa, whoa, hold up,” Volare interrupted. “Water tornado? What’s that?” He wasn’t just playing dumb to avoid suspicion here; he really had no idea what she was talking about this time!

“Well, like we talked about, weather here in Equestria is usually created by the pegasi. And every year, the water reservoirs up in Cloudsdale need to be replenished so clouds and therefore weather can be created there,” Twilight nodded towards the clustered puffs of clouds far in the distance north of Ponyville. “Each year, one town in Equestria is picked on a rotation basis to be the town to contribute the water to Cloudsdale. And the way it’s pulled up to the city is via Water Tornado.”

“And I take it the weather ponies in each town have something to do with that,” Volare mused as they crossed the market square already filling with meandering and chattering ponies.

“They have everything to do with it,” Twilight corrected him. “It’s a very specific process because they have to lift a certain amount of water up to Cloudsdale at just the right time of the season because if they don’t get enough up there, there’s bound to be a drought.”

“Good news is it’s near-impossible ta have too much water up there cuz tha extra’ll keep till next season,” Big Mac nodded softly as he spoke, thankful he’d never have to worry about fording excess rainwater while Applebucking; not an inviting prospect to be sure!

“Very perceptive, Big Mac,” Twilight smiled.

“Ah have mah moments,” the stallion smirked modestly, drawing a chuckle from his smaller friends.

“Anyways,” Twilight composed herself. “Water use here remains mostly the same from year to year, so the amount needed to be pulled up there varies little. Thus the only real variable in all this is the amount of power needed to be generated in order to create a large enough Water Tornado. The standard of power measurement is called Wing Power, because the weather ponies create the vortex by flying in a circle around the town’s excess water reservoir. Their circular motion creates a negative pressure, which pulls the water up through the vortex and out, sending it to Cloudsdale,” the Unicorn explained, though Big Macintosh had somewhat tuned her out by this time, not wanting to scramble his brains trying to sort through all her fancy science talk. He understood the process well enough to not require definitions for everything. Instead, he focused on trotting ahead of the two ponies engaged in their conversation, making sure they didn’t bump into anypony as they neared the increasingly crowded area around the train station.

“So how much power is needed to do something like that, Twilight,” Volare inquired, his mind buzzing as he tried to calculate how strong pegasi must truly be to be able to do such a thing…and if he’d one day be able to do something similar.

“800 combined Wing Power has become the standard over the years,” Twilight replied. “Though the record is 910 set by Fillydelphia last year. Ponyville had the task of creating the Tornado this past spring, and Rainbow Dash headed the team, intent on breaking 1000 Wing Power, especially since Spitfire, captain of the Wonderbolts herself was to attend. Dash pushed everypony hard…but…”

“But I take it they couldn’t do it,” Volare asked, noting the slight frown on Twilight’s face as she spoke.

“Well, we were more than prepared to, but The Feather Flu hit a lot of the team, and actually knocked out so many of the pegasi that we were in serious danger of not being able to even reach 800 Wing Power, let alone break the record,” the Unicorn continued.

“What happened,” Volare asked, eyes wide, thoroughly engrossed in Twilight’s recounting. He was mildly surprised when the frown faded from the Unicorn’s face, replaced by a grin.

“The Hurricane happened.”


“Heh, gotta hoof it to her, Twilight can tell a cool story every now and then,” Rainbow Dash smiled down from the puffy little cloud she was situated on just over Ponyville proper. She’d finished her weather duties early that morning and had spotted Twilight, Big Macintosh, and Volare leaving The Library's keys with Spike before heading into town; Twilight carrying two heavily-laden saddlebags.
“Oh my gosh, I totally forgot; today’s the day Twilight leaves for Canterlot,” Dash had berated herself for a bit before she saw the fresh sling Volare’s right wing was held up in.
“Whoa…his wing’s still not any better…” she muttered with more than a small pang of guilt. Propelling herself with the lightest wing flaps she could muster, she’d followed the trio to the train station. But as she’d listened to Twilight’s distinctive voice above the crowd, she began to take notice of a pattern of movement at the edges of the throng of ponies at the station.

Skulking about between the buildings and alley-ways were two green-maned ponies wearing dull brown cloaks that obscured their facial features. They moved in what seemed to be a choreographed pattern, criss-crossing their routes ever so often to pass information along to each other. The cyan Pegasus above caught onto their behavior fairly quickly, taking note of the fact that they were constantly within earshot of Twilight, Volare, and Big Mac, having in fact been doing so since they’d left the Library and entered town.

“What in the hay are those two doing…” Dash’s brow furrowed as she squinted down, keeping track of them but having to lessen her attention on her friends at the train station to do so. She pressed the underside of her muzzle flat against the fluff of the cloud and flattened her ears to make herself as inconspicuous as possible. Why did they seem so familiar…?


“And that’s the story of The Hurricane,” Twilight finished with a grin. True, she’d stretched the truth just a little bit in a few places, but on nothing more than technicalities that shouldn’t affect Volare’s opinion of her too much…at least, before formally meeting her…plus the math she'd used was technically correct...if all else failed, he'd just have to give her a chance...

“Wow,” the Pegasus shook his head in amazement. “That’s pretty wild, Twilight. So The Hurricane gained back her confidence and physically improved herself that much in such a short amount of time?” According to Twilight's account, The Hurricane had increased her Wing Power over 1200% in just under 3 days!

“That’s correct,” the Unicorn replied.

“And now she’s going to basically be my personal trainer,” Volare grinned.

“You got it! If anypony can get your confidence back up to where it needs to be, it’s her,” Twilight smiled. “And because she works at a much more reasonable pace than Rainbow Dash, there shouldn’t be too much danger of you crashing through windows anytime soon.”

“Haha, very funny. At least until you figure out how to fix my wing. Then watch out, breakable objects!” Volare rolled his eyes and laughed as Twilight mussed his mane with a hoof. But then his face softened a bit. “Hey Twilight?”


“Thanks for helping me with this…thanks for everything, really,” his vision slid to the ground in respect and more than a slight amount of shame. “I mean, you’ve been so patient when you could have just said ‘to hell with it’ and tossed me out on my”-
But Twilight clamped his lips shut for a moment with a zap of her horn.

“I don’t wanna hear another word of self-loathing come out of your mouth, ok?” the Unicorn gave him a serious look. He nodded in reply. “Good. Besides, it’s not really me you should be thanking for this; it’s Big Macintosh,” she gestured to the red stallion who gave a modest nod.
“In all honesty, if he hadn’t come up with this idea, I’m not really sure what I would have done,” she admitted.

“Yeah, we kinda already went over that,” Volare said. “Can’t stay at Rarity’s cuz I’ll likely get in the way; Pinkie’s about as manic as you can get which isn’t exactly what I need to recover; and AJ’s granny’ll work me to pieces on the farm. And I think you said that even if Rainbow Dash hadn’t promised to lay off of me for a few weeks”-

“Don’t even think about it, Volare,” Twilight cut him off with another stern look that brooked no argument this time. “You know full well you’d have to fly to get up there-which you can’t-and even if you could, the whole place is made of clouds and since you don’t know how to walk on clouds yet…”

“Heh, I’d fall through the floor anyway,” Volare chuckled as Big Mac shook his head slowly. “So I guess that really does only leave The Hurrricane as an option, huh?”-


“All aboard!” the train conductor pony called out, pulling Dash’s attention back to the train platform. The sudden announcement forced Twilight to give her two friends a brief hug before jumping onto the train. She waved a hoof from the windows and said that she’d be back in time for the Running of the Leaves and that she might even be able to convince her brother Shining Armor to come down and watch his little sister compete. Volare called back that he’d do his best to get into shape before then so he could possibly compete as well, since he owed Twilight back for their little race in The Library a few days earlier.

Rainbow Dash chuckled to herself as the train pulled away in a puff of smoke and steam.
“Flyboy competing in The Running? Heh, I’ll believe it when I see it,” the Pegasus tossed her mane with a smile though, inwardly hoping he did get well enough to at least watch herself compete before resuming her little spy mission. “Now where did you two-aha, there!”

She hovered the cloud a little lower, keeping a close eye on the two ponies as they regrouped at the edge of the buildings by the station, without a doubt watching Big Mac and Volare now as the two stallions trotted away from the train station and headed back west across town. The cloaked ponies flitted between the buildings, keeping to the shadows and staying hidden from Big Mac and Volare and not allowing Dash to get a good look at them herself, despite her advantageous position.

“These guys are good,” she muttered as she followed them. At the very least, since these two were following her friends, she wouldn’t have to keep track of two separately-moving pairs of ponies.


“Oh heya, Volare!” Lyra waved her hoof from the covered porch of the Gilded Griffon. “Long time no see!”

“No kidding,” Volare trotted over and she embraced him with a smile. He grunted in discomfort as her hoof brushed his wing and she gasped in surprise.

“Ah! I’m sorry,” she apologized quickly, but the Pegasus shook his head dismissively.

“It’s ok,” he forced a small smile and tried to shrug his wing, but to no avail. “I’ll live.”

“Jeez, is this why you’ve been gone for a while,” the mint-green Unicorn inquired. “What happened to your wing?”

“Well, let’s just say I had a little flight accident and leave it at that,” Volare said with a sheepish grin. “Big Mac here is taking me to get some treatment from The Hurricane, and”-

“OH, I know her!” Lyra grinned. “She's really good at what she does! She’ll get you fixed up in no time!”

“Heh, thanks for the vote of confidence, Lyra,” Volare replied before Big Mac snorted softly.

“Hey, not ta rush ya er nothin’, but Ah do need ta get back to tha farm,” the red stallion said as politely as possible. “Ah left Applebloom there alone and…well…she may not be as bad as Spike in the ‘burning things to tha ground department’, but…”

“Oh crap, I didn’t know!” Volare said quickly. “Sorry we didn’t get much time to catch up, Lyra, but we’ll get togther real soon again-promise!”

“It’s no problem,” Lyra smiled. “But when we do…you think you could bring some of that music you played yesterday?”

“You heard it?”

“Nah, but the whole town is talking about it,” Lyra explained. “And Vinyl Scratch blasted a lot of it last night, saying she was gonna remix it all in one of her shows and I was just wondering”-

“Ahem,” Big Mac cleared his throat.

“Ah, sorry!” Lyra gave Volare another hug, more carefully this time. “Get going and we’ll see ya when we see ya!”

“Will do! Bye Lyra!” And with that, Big Mac and Volare trotted out past the edge of town and headed for the bridge that spanned the small streamed that bordered Ponyville’s western side. Unbeknownst to them, two cloaked shapes quietly forded the stream to their south before hurrying through the tall grass of the field that stood as a buffer of sorts between Ponyville and Sweet Apple Acres. Just as unknown to all of them was the small puffy cloud that seemed to have a mind of its own, following them all as they left the town.


As the cloaked ponies hurried through the tall grass, Rainbow Dash finally decided on where she’d recognized them from: they were in that random crowd at The Library yesterday. In fact, one of them had been the one that had called out the time and asked for Volare’s name. The fact that they were now seemingly following Volare’s every move unsettled Dash, and although she’d promised not to have any contact with him for his own sake, she wasn’t about to let somepony get the drop on him either!

“But just what are you two doing…” the Pegasus wondered out loud as the cloaked duo jumped the fence and snuck through the northern section of Sweet Apple Acres, always sticking to the shadows of the thickly-clustered apple trees. Despite their calculated sneaking, they were obviously in a hurry, as their pace only increased once they hit the narrow strip of land between the orchard and the forest. Dash hurried after them as quickly as she could without giving herself away, but they were like ponies possessed! They quickly disappeared under the edge of the woods, leaving the Pegasus sorely vexed.

“Well, horse-apples!” she slammed her hoof into the cloud before calming down. She’d have to inform Big Mac there were intruders on his farm as well as let Volare know he was being followed…that is if the others would allow her to break her promise, if only for a moment. Surely they would…maybe she’d even give the guy a hoof-noogie or two…
…you know that’s wishful thinking, Dashie.
Agh, you again?!
…yep, me again.
Now what?!
…just reminding you of your promise, that’s all.
Grr, fine…but what do I do?
…keep an eye out for him if you wish, but don’t interact with him; not only would you be breaking Twilight’s trust in you, but you’d potentially be putting Volare in danger again.
Yeah, well I can control myself just fine this time. Promise!
…don’t promise me, Dashie. I’m merely your conscience and if you lie to me…you’re only lying to yourself…which I think you are.
…either way, this may only be a false alarm. Who knows-it seems Volare gained more than a few fan-ponies after his little musical interlude. Those two might have just been admirers.
I dunno…
What?! Heck no!
…just checking.
I thought you knew what I was thinking.
…not all the time.
Urgh, this is making my head hurt.
…well, arguing with yourself isn’t usually thought of as healthy behavior.
Shut up.
…will do. And just for the record, I’m not entirely worried about you not being able to control your behavior, Dashie.
Then what’re you worried about?
…more worried about how Volare will react to your giving him hoof-noogies, that’s all.
Well, maybe that was an exaggeration.
…even so, in case you haven’t noticed, you affect him, Dashie…not entirely sure what it is, but we’ve both noticed a change in his behavior whenever you’re around him.
Yeah…he does tend to take more risks…
…so, in the meantime while he recovers, watch over him when you can, but let him be for now.
Alright, fine.
…oh, speaking of keeping an eye out….may wanna get back to sneaking after him.
Huh? Crap! And I’m not sneaking, I swear!
Oh shut up!

She quickly looked around and spotted the red and blue stallions heading along the road that skirted the northern edge of Sweet Apple Acres.
“Doing more than just talking about The Hurricane, eh,” Dash mused as she followed the pair.


“So, where does this Hurricane live, Big Mac?” Volare asked as they trotted past Sweet Apple Acres. Just off to their left, nestled in a small clearing among the appletrees that had sprung up outside the farm’s fence, was a treehouse that he knew belonged to the Cutie Mark Crusaders, though none of the trio were anywhere to be found at the moment. A breeze out of the orchard to the south wafted over them, bringing with it the delightful aroma of fresh apples, ready to be bucked and busheled. The pilot breathed in deeply, enjoying the scent for a moment before catching up to the red workhorse.

“She lives right around these parts, actually,” the larger pony replied.

“I see,” Volare responded to the stallion’s vague answer. He wanted to know more, but he deemed it wiser to not push the patient country pony. Besides, they’d be there soon if he was being honest. And being Applejack’s brother, Volare assumed honesty ran in the family, so he resigned himself to trotting along beside him. But after a while, he began to flag behind him somewhat.
“Hey Big Macintosh-*huff*- could you slow up a bit,” he requested as he blinked his eyes, fighting off the light-headed feeling that had been creeping up on him since they’d left town. “Not to be a bother, but I’m not exactly in the best shape for power-trotting, heheh.”

“Oh, sorry,” Big Mac shook his head apologetically, and promptly slowed his pace. “Ah just let mah thoughts o’ Applebloom home alone get me carried away and rushin’, that’s all.”

“Say, why’s she home alone anyways,” the Pegasus asked as they trotted up a low rise in the path. “Isn’t AJ at home? What about Grannysmith?”

“Nah, she’s down at tha cow barn bottlin' some sour cream,” he gave Volare a sidelong knowing look and chuckled. “And bless Granysmith’s ol’ heart, but she can’t keep up with mah youngest sister’s antics fer more’n a minute er two afore her hip starts givin’ her problems. In any case, Applebloom says she isn't feeling too well and is supposed to be catching up on her homework in the meantime," he said with more than a tinge of doubt in his voice.

Volare chuckled at the thought, remembering how he'd gotten on his own sister's case whenever she pulled the same stunt.
“Oh, right…well, I’d hate to be the cause of your home being burned down,” Volare perked up a bit, forcing himself to speed up slightly. “So let’s get me dropped off at The Hurricane’s so you can get back to your…home…” Volare nearly stopped as they cleared the rise and he beheld the home of The Hurricane…a home Volare recognized from the show in a heartbeat.
No…you’ve gotta be kidding…

Sitting there across a small bridge spanning an equally small creek was a quaint little cottage, the roof of which seemed to be built from or covered by a living layer of moss and branches, almost as if it were part of the nature around it. Poking from the roof was a chimney that was covered in bird houses. Running along the red fence that lined the path to the cottage were rows of additional birdhouses, both large and small, as well as what looked to be numerous pet houses along the ground. The choruses of chirping birds and clucking chickens reached Volare’s ears as Big Mac continued towards the cottage.

“Wait a sec,” he tried to protest, but the stallion was already halfway across the bridge, either having not heard the Pegasus or ignoring him. “Please let this be a joke…”
He hurried across the bridge, and halted beside Big Mac at the split Dutch-style front door of the residence. He took note of the fact that the majority of the birdsong that filled the air around them had fallen silent, and the owners of said songs were poking their beaks out of their houses and trees surrounding the cottage, wondering who this strange new Pegasus could be.

“…you gonna knock er just stand there?” Big Mac’s words startled Volare out of his thoughts.

“Huh-yeah, yeah, sorry,” he muttered before knocking on the upper portion of the door with his hoof. After a moment, when nopony answered, Big Mac knocked on the door himself this time, forcefully enough that it echoed across the creek. Within seconds, the upper half of the door swung open, and Volare nearly fell on his flank in shock at who it was that opened the door. You’ve gotta be frickin kidding me!!!

“What’s all the racket out here?!” the huge blue creature on the other side of the door asked gruffly, the smallish yellow eyes beneath his great horns tracking along the path and bridge before looking down and noticing Big Macintosh and a rather shaken-up looking blue Pegasus with a spikey yellow mane. Immediately, his face softened and his scowl was replaced by a friendly grin.
“Well, good morning there, Big Macintosh! What brings you and your friend all the way out here, huh?” He looked down at the Pegasus, who besides visibly shaking hadn’t moved an inch.
“What’s up with you, spike-head?”

“Y-you’re a m-mino”-

“Yeah, I’m a minotaur,” the blue beast finished his sentence for him, straightening the almost obscenely small black business tie that hung from his massive neck with a well-practiced movement. “Never seen one before, eh?” He suddenly flexed both his arms, the muscles bulging along their lengths as he struck a dramatic pose in the doorway and grinned before running a hand through his dark mowhawk.
“Impressed, I take it?”

“Uh…yes, mhm, I am,” Volare found his voice after Big Mac nudged him roughly. But what the hell was HE doing here?!

“Name’s Iron Will,” the minotaur stuck a huge hand down over the door in greeting, nearly enveloping Volare’s own hoof as he grasped it. “I already know Big Mac, but I’m pretty sure I’ve never met you before. What’s your name, spike-head?”

“I’m Volare,” the pilot replied with a bit more confidence now that he knew who this guy was and that he didn’t seem to want to pull his head off…yet. He recognized him from the show, if vaguely. All he could really remember was this guy being Bugs Bunny’d by Pinkie Pie…
“And yeah, I’m kinda new around here.”

“I see,” Iron Will leaned on the bottom door, the wood creaking dangerously with his weight. “So what brings ya out here?”

“Volare’s got a hurt wing an’ well…his confidence has seen better days cuz o' it,” Big Mac answered when Volare hesitated.

“Poor fella,” the minotaur frowned slightly as he eyed the sling Volare’s wing was held up in. “Ya know I’m not really in that sorta business anymore…”

“Oh, Ah know all about that,” Big Mac gave the minotaur a sympathetic smile.

“So I take it you’re not The Hurricane we came out here to ask for help,” Volare couldn’t stop his mouth from venturing his last remaining thought that was keeping him from his growing despair. The minotaur’s reaction surprised him, however.

“Ha…hahahaha-AHAHAHA,” Iron Will laughed heartily for a bit, causing a few startled birds to go shooting off into the sky. He wiped a tear from his eye and straightened his tie again once he’d calmed down. “I should say not! If you’re looking for The Hurricane, you’ll find her out back feeding the little bunnies.”

“Bunnies,” Volare asked, his mind not quite comprehending what had been said…or rather, how it had been said.

“Yep, bunnies gotta eat! Got a whole posse of ‘em running around the place,” Iron Will replied. “Gotta be careful I don’t step on the cute little guys, ya know? Well, enough about bunnies, if you’re here for The Hurricane’s help, I’ll take ya to her.”
And with that, the massive minotaur unlocked the bottom half of the door. As it swung open, Volare caught a flash of-pink?!-around his waist. It took him a moment to realize it was a cooking apron. In all honesty, it looked like something Pinkie Pie would own...if it weren’t for the fact that it had a reproduction of Iron Will’s grinning mug emblazoned upon it. What in the name of all that’s holy…?!

Fighting the urge to laugh for fear of being eaten for breakfast, Volare followed the blue minotaur through the cottage, his massive horns nearly brushing the ceiling as he crossed the floor. The place was just as quaint on the inside as it was on the outside; the walls were soft earth tones, the hardwood floor was covered in a multitude of colorful rugs, and the evidence of animals living there was everywhere, mainly in the numerous food dishes along the walls and the bird cages and miniature houses lining the shelves and window sills. Even the shaft of the fireplace chimney had bird houses attached to it. A staircase in the corner led upstairs. The minotaur’s eyes constantly swept the floor, probably on the look out for any small creatures his hooves would certainly crush if he wasn’t careful where he stepped.

They quickly reached the backdoor of the cottage and Iron Will opened it with a flourish. “Hrm, where’d she go-ah, there she is,” he pointed out into the yard. Volare followed his gesture out into the yard and groaned, his heart sinking past his stomach as he laid eyes on the pink-maned butter-yellow Pegasus surrounded by a sizable group of bunnies she was feeding. Though he could hear her gentle humming and singing all the way from here, it did nothing to help the somewhat nauseated feeling of disbelief that rose in his chest. He swallowed hard and looked to Big Mac with pleading eyes.

“Please…tell me this is some sort of joke.”

“Nnope,” the farm pony drawled.


“She’s the best in the business, believe it or not,” Big Mac replied with a sincere nod.

“But…she’s The Hurricane!?” Volare couldn’t wrap his mind around it…he just couldn’t! Nothing in the show had ever mentioned anything like this about her!

“Mhm, where’d ya think the name Hurricane Fluttershy came from,” Iron Will jerked a thumb towards the small banner hanging in an almost hidden fashion high in a corner inside the cottage, behind some bird nests. The banner itself looked like something a pageant competitor back on Earth would wear. And sure enough, sewn on the banner in large gold lettering were the words HURRICANE FLUTTERSHY.

“Hm, did somepony call me,” a soft voice queried from out in the yard. Volare slowly turned to face the voice’s owner. “Eep, who’s that,” the yellow Pegasus jumped back half a step when she caught sight of the unfamiliar blue pony standing between Big Macintosh and Iron Will.

“He’s a friend, Fluttershy,” Big Mac replied. “And he needs your help somethin’ awful.”

Volare looked up at Big Mac again and nudged him as Fluttershy cautiously approached. “Big Mac,” he whispered.


“One of the reasons why Twilight said I couldn’t stay with Rainbow Dash was because I haven’t figured out how to walk on clouds yet, and since her house is made of clouds, I’d likely fall right through the floor, right?”

“Eeyup,” the red stallion nodded.

“Why am I suddenly wishing you guys had just saved me the trip and done that instead?” he asked despairingly, his light-headed cranium feeling the growing ache of an approaching migraine. How was Fluttershy, the most timid pony on the show-no, of all time-going to help him gain back his confidence and help him fly again?!


“Bwahahaha!” Rainbow Dash couldn’t help herself as she rolled in laughter high above Fluttershy’s cottage. She buried her face in the cloud to muffle her giggles at Volare’s reaction to all of this. If only he knew what was in store for him…he’d likely be reacting a bit differently.
“Well, heheh,” she laughed out loud, tears squeezing from her eyes and soaking the cloud. “You wanted to learn from The Hurricane, flyboy? You’re in for it now!” Fluttershy was by far her most-improved flight student, and the cyan Pegasus was proud to admit it…in truth, if Dash herself couldn’t get Volare back in the air, then Hurricane Fluttershy was the pony for the job!


“Ray, Jill,” Trixie squeaked as the wagon she stood in tilted slightly as the breeze hit it.

“Yes, Mistress Trixie,” Ray asked, though Jill simply sniggered.

The blue magician Unicorn let Ray’s lack of speaking her full title slide this time; there were bigger problems at hoof. “When I said to hide the wagon…I DIDN’T MEAN UP IN A DAMN TREE!!!”

Ray and Jill winced at her shriek of anger and fear, though it barely hid the grins on their faces. “Well, what pony would think to look up there,” Jill called in mock sincerity up to the wagon suspended nearly 60 feet above the forest floor.

“While I admire your ingenuity, it’s outstripped by your lack of common sense!” Trixie cried, scowling down from the wagon window at the two Unicorns whole smiled up at her. “Besides, I can see from here that those two stallions turned off the path and headed northwest away from here, so if you’ll wipe those idiotic grins off your faces and get me down”-

“You wanna get down the slow way,” Ray asked as his horn glowed bright green.

“—or the fast way,” Jill added with a snicker.

“Slow way, slow way!” Trixie shouted, her pale blue mane disheveled and her violet eyes dilated in distress.

“Say please, oh Great and Powerful Trixie,” Jill leered upwards, though Ray shot her a serious look, worried she was taking it a bit too far.

“Grrrr,” the magician growled, finally relenting. “…please.”

“Good call,” Jill replied as she and her brother floated the wagon down to the ground. As soon as the wheels hit the dirt, Trixie jumped out, her face flushed in righteous anger. “Just what in Equestria is the matter with you two?! You’re supposed to be my subordinates! I’m the Great and Powerful Trixie and I won’t be treated like some worthless, low-class foal,” she turned to grab her hat from inside the wagon.

“What’s the difference,” Jill sniggered maliciously out of the corner of her mouth to Ray, who couldn’t help but smile in return, though much less viciously.

“Knock it off sis,” he hissed. “You’re gonna blow our cover!” At that thought, Jill finally relented, her smile fading into an expression of nausea as she imagined what would become of them if they failed their real boss…no amount of cheap tricks pulled on Trixie was worth that sort of hell…

“Now then,” Trixie straightened her mane and jammed her hat on her head before stepping back out of the wagon. “From what I saw, that country buffoon Macintosh and that Pegasus with a bad mane-cut”-

“Volare,” Ray spoke up. “His name’s Volare.”

“Did I ask you,” Trixie snapped. “As far as I’m concerned, his name is Dirt! For now, all I’m interested in is finding out how he’s from Earth, what he’s doing here, why he’s here, and how I can get him to open that room The Green Freak has at that café. For once I learn the secrets of the magicians of Earth, I’ll finally be able to defeat that purple menace”-

“Twilight Sparkle,” Ray interrupted again.

“I KNOW HER NAME!” Trixie stomped her hoof in anger before taking a deep breath to calm down somewhat. “As I was saying, whether this Volare character likes it or not, he’s going to be the catalyst towards my learning a higher form of magic than that purple foal could ever dream of! And once I do…then I shall avenge my honor and take back my place as Equestria’s Greatest Magician!!!”


Author's Note:

Notes: Again, I apologize for the lateness of the chapter! Questions will soon be answered in the next chapter, not the least of which is what the buck Iron Will is doing wearing a pink apron!

Volare: Hell, I’m just finally glad to get outta that old Library! Now then…WTF is with you sending me to Fluttershy to get my confidence back and re-learn how to fly, huh?!

Again, patience Grasshoppah.

Volare: I’ll ‘grasshoppah’ you…right in the nose!
ARGH!! *crash*

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