• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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The Hurricane-Pt 1: Mornings Are Awkward

Ok, so sorry for the delay in updates folks!! As my blog said, I've been pretty sick and busy with college stuff. However, I finally give you the the second Part of Blue Angel.


August 25th, After Midnight

Despite the thrilling entertainment of staying up late and reading an epic adventure story with Rainbow Dash, even Volare found he couldn’t fight his eyelids from shuttering anymore. He felt his grip on Dash’s hoof slacken as she continued to read on, either for his own benefit or for hers, he couldn’t tell. Eventually, mercifully, sleep found the exhausted Volare, and he drifted off with visions of Daring Do battling the evil, dog-monkey Ahuitzotl over the Sapphire Stone.
“Heh, I wonder how much of herself Dash sees in Daring Do; not just in looks, but in her hard-headed, never say die behavior,” Volare thought to himself as an empty, dreamless slumber finally overtook him…but he wasn’t alone for long.

Volare…Volare! a soft voice called pleadingly from the blackness; a thick dark mist that receded scarcely a millimeter as his mind’s eye snapped open and scanned it. But he could see nothing specific in the void around him, only shadows and shades of shadows moving just out of sight.
Volare…please answer me, the voice wafted out again, just as softly as last time, but somehow even more urgent than before. It was a voice he recognized after a few moments…a voice he hadn’t heard in quite some time.

“Huh, what? Mom? What’re you-?”

But the voice cut him off, almost angry this time, but still just as soft as could be.
I told you not to…begged you not to…and look where it got you.

“No! No, this is a dream! You’re not-!”

If that’s what you wish…sad now….disappointed even…

“No, wait, come back!!” Volare reached out into the void of his mind with his hands-“Wait, hands?! But I thought”- He waggled his fingers in front of his face in shock.
“Where are my hooves?! No wait…why am I regretful about this? What’s going on here?!”

Indeed, why are you sad, his mother’s voice mused.
Don’t you want to live your dream, even though it took you from me?

“Mom, please…it’s not my fault; it’s not your fault,” he cried into the dark, feeling his knees hit something solid as he crumbled to them; though when he looked down he seemed to be kneeling in that same void of mists. Like he was kneeling on clouds…which meant that he had just been standing on them.
“Whoa…no, what does this mean!?”

I can’t answer that question, Volare, his mother’s voice whispered again.
So why do you keep asking me?

“I’m not, Mom!” Volare snapped, hitting his fist on the dark clouds swirling beneath him. It was like hitting a bed mattress; solid yet soft at the same time. And when he looked down to investigate, he realized he had hooves yet again. At a flicker of movement behind him, he whirled to face-nothing!
There it was again!
He again spun around, heart pounding, eyes wide. But again, he saw nothing behind him!

“Ok…what the hell is going on…” He paused as he saw and felt the flicker behind him, but instead of spinning his entire body, he simply craned his neck around to find-it was just his wings, and they were both flapping, uninjured!
“Whoa, again, what the hell?!” But this was a different sort of what the hell…it was a joyful type, if such a thing ever existed. He felt the grin widen across his muzzle-yes, his muzzle-as he flapped the wings strongly, enjoying the feeling of the rush of wind over each of his feathers.

Then that’s it then, isn’t it, his mother’s voice returned.

“What’s it, mom,” he called out into the emptiness. Something in the tone of her voice made him feel unsure as to whether he should reach out and search for the feel of the soft dresses he remembered her wearing, or if he should raise his hooves-yes, his hooves…why do I keep emphasizing myself like this!? And in the third person of all things?!-to keep her from striking him in the face in anger and disappointment.

It’s not the best I would have wanted…but at least you’re finally deciding on something real…

“What do you mean? What’s real, mom,” he asked as a feeling of panic began to surge up inside himself; as if he were running out of time to find the answers he needed.

My son, I love you, but you’ve always seemed to have a problem of keeping your head out of the clouds…although this may finally suit that little dream.

“Mom?” He asked, more confused than ever.

But the voice didn’t respond again, instead being replaced by a sound he recognized only as a pony squeeing at something cute….
“Oh great, now what?”


August 26th, Morning

Despite the rough night for everypony, Twilight Sparkle had been up since 8 o’clock. She couldn’t ever remember having spent a night on the couch before, and the answer as to why had bared its fangs in her aching back and sore shoulders.
“Whew, I’d almost rather sleep on the floor than that thing again,” she thought as she loosened her neck and stretched her legs before sleepily making her way to the kitchen to fix breakfast, making it a point to avoid the full-length looking glass hanging from the lobby wall on her way there; she must look like absolute hell.

“I’m not as obsessed as Rarity with looking my best, but I’d rather not have to replace a busted mirror all the same,” she muttered and began making herself a simple breakfast of bran flakes and milk, the noise of which stirred Spike from his own slumber atop the bookcase parapet.

The baby dragon had decided to sleep there to make sure nothing came in through the broken window…the broken window…the blood spots…the horror…eesh, he cringed at the memories from last night as he stumbled to the kitchen. But he nearly jumped out of his scales at the sight before him in there.
“Whoa, what the hay!?” he shouted and fell backwards at the horrendous sight of purple and pink frizz hovering over a bowl of cereal. A pair of bloodshot and irritated purple eyes burned through the frizzy mane before dropping their gaze to the cereal bowl again as a hovering spoon slowly shoveled the food into the mass of fuzz.
“Twilight…is that you?”

“Who else would it be, Spike,” the mass responded before lifting, revealing the tired Unicorn’s face.

“You um….you look like crap.”

“Well, it’s also hard to have bed-mane when you lack one yourself, Spike,” Twilight snapped; she could be a real grouch in the morning sometimes.

“Sorry,” the dragon replied and pulled up a chair to the table before hopping up onto it and eyeing her cereal bowl. After a sigh, she sat the spoon in the bowl and pushed the remains of the cereal to him, which he dug into gladly, which was strange in itself in that he normally preferred gemstones over anything else….maybe the crunchy bran was close enough in consistency for him to tolerate.
“Thanks, Twilight…um, are you gonna be ok,” he asked between bites. When she didn’t respond, he poked her with the spoon.

“Hrm?” the Unicorn’s frizz-head wobbled up from where it had been resting on the table top and she yawned loudly.
“Urgh, sorry Spike; just not with it this morning, ya know?”

“Yeah, no kidding. Saving a crashed pilot from death twice in one day’s gotta be rough, huh,” he patted her hoof affectionately, causing her to return his smile.
“Still, I think you did a pretty good job,” the dragon said matter-of-factly.

“Heh, thanks, Spike,” she smiled, grateful for such a supportive assistant.

“But even so, do us all a little favor, Twilight,” Spike put on a serious face and poked the air between them with the spoon. “Please fix your mane; or tie it up with a rope at the very least. It looks like something out of a late-night movie about to jump off your head and eat me.”

…and gratefulness is gone…
“Alright, alright,” Twilight groaned and trotted to the bathroom. As she clicked the light on and reached for her brush, she nearly gave a small eep of fright when she looked in the mirror above the sink.
“Wow, it really does look like a late-night movie monster, Spike!”
The sounds of her brushing the pesky strands back into place were nearly stifled by the giggles of the baby dragon in the kitchen.
“Well, at least the mirror didn’t”-
Crack…crick…scrick…a small crack formed in center of the glass and quickly spread to the chased silver frame surrounding it.
“Oh, gimme a break…”


“Ah, much better,” she declared after several minutes. Satisfied that the majority of her mane was managed, she headed towards the stairs to check on the duo above them, making a mental note to go pick up a new mirror before she left town. But she slowed her pace to a tip-hoof as she poked her head into the upper room. The first thing she noticed was that the room was all in one piece, making the disaster zone of a first floor look even worse by comparison. The second thing she noticed wasn’t a sight though; it was a sound of two Pegasi still deep in sleep despite it being nearly mid-morning.

But she withheld her scolding once she got a good look at the ponies on the bed. Dash had fallen asleep on top of the Daring Do novel, her legs spread out in all directions over the bed. A small bit of mane dangled in front of her nose and fluttered at each little snore. Volare was propped up by a large stack of pillows, but that hadn’t kept his head from lolling to the side in his sleep, a thin stream of drool trailing from the corner of his mouth to the pillow as he snored somewhat more loudly than his comrade Pegasus. It was obvious he’d fallen asleep as she’d read to him before sleep finally took her as well; the sight was adorable enough to make Twilight involuntarily squee softly.

This was the sound that stirred Volare from his fitful dream. His eyes fluttered open and he gave a large yawn before looking about groggily.
“Urgh, what a dream,” he rubbed his forehead and nodded at the hoof attached to his foreleg. “Well, at least that’s confirmed…huh, what the”-
He looked down the sheets and beheld Rainbow Dash still there, asleep on the book she’d been reading him. Her legs were splayed everywhere and her normally windblown mane was even more unkempt than usual. He reached down and ran a hoof through it, brushing a loose red strand from her face as she groaned a little and idly swatted at her mane before resuming her slumber. He started to give a small chuckle but it was soon interrupted by another huge yawn that managed to squeeze a tear from his eye.

“Guess neither of you got much sleep, huh,” Volare looked over in mild surprise at the voice to his left to see Twilight Sparkle leaning against a small bookcase by the stairs and calmly observing the two Pegasi on the bed.

“T-Twilight!” Volare nearly shouted and caused Dash to mumble something in her sleep. “I swear it’s not what you’re thinking!” He hissed a whisper but was surprised as the Unicorn raised a hoof to halt him, smiling warmly as she did so.

“Heh, and it’s apparent you have no idea what I’m thinking; I know you and Dash didn’t try anything,” she trotted forward a few steps and nodded at the slumbering rainbow Pegasus and held a hoof to her lips, clearly indicating she didn’t want to wake her.
“So don’t worry,” she whispered and sat near the bed, eye level with Volare. Her smile faded a bit as she spoke again, though.
“So, did Dash tell you why I really want you two apart for a while?”

“Oh, um actually no,” Volare said after a pause to gather the thoughts that weren’t totally with him after so little sleep. “Not beyond what she shouted last night, anyways,” he chuckled and looked down at the sleeping Pegasus in a little bit of wonder that such a fiery character could be so peaceful at the moment. The contrast was tangible to say the least.

But even Twilight caught the soft expression on his face, however involuntary, and she shook herself mentally. Time to nip this thing in the bud!
“Well, needless to say, that was only half of the truth; I’m going to be out of town in the next few days for a couple of weeks, and the last thing we all need is you getting hurt while I’m not here to fix you up,” Twilight said with a sincerely concerned look.
“There is Ponyville Medical, but since your body was created magically, I’m not sure if they’d know what to do without me being there to tell them what I did exactly.”

“Yeah, the odds are kinda stacked against me in the ‘staying healthy’ department,” Volare chortled and winced at the ache in his side.
“Hey Twilight, you ever considered working in the medical field yourself?”

The Unicorn’s face turned to mild revulsion. “Oh no…no, no, no I’ve read enough of the horrors of that particular field, and I’d rather that be the only interaction I have with it,” she shuddered visibly.

“But, you fixed me up so well in the kitchen last night,” Volare gave her a grateful smile.
“You saved my life again, Twilight, and”-

“No,” she cut him off with a small hoof stomp. “What happened last night…in all honesty that was…it was,” she tried to find the right words that didn’t make her look like a total foal.

“You were flying by the seat of your pants,” Volare offered.

“Right,” she nodded without really hearing him, and stopped herself once she realized what he’d said. “Wait, what’re pants?” she asked quizzically.

“Really,” Volare started but then shook his head. “Oh right, nopony wears pants. Never mind, then.”

“Nooo, tell me!” Twilight raised her front hooves onto the bed and gazed at him almost pleadingly, her eyes wide like a little kid who’d stumbled onto the adults’ conversation and wanted in on the information.

“Oh…” he couldn’t resist the pleading eyes of these ponies and he finally sighed. “Sure.”

“Yay!” she grinned and levitated a quill and parchment over to herself.

“You’re actually going to take notes on pants?”


“Can’t believe I’m having this conversation,” he shook his head in disbelief. “Well, let’s see… pants are clothes that humans wear to cover up the lower part of their bodies, from the waist down.”

“Interesting,” she scritched away with the quill before pausing. “Wait, why didn’t you have any pants on when you came here; that suit you were wearing was all one piece. Are human pilots not required to wear pants?”

Volare couldn’t help himself and he burst into suppressed laughter, both for the sake of his wing and so he wouldn’t wake up Dash. After a moment, he wiped a tear from his eye and faced the somewhat red-faced Unicorn.
“Sorry Twilight…you’re just so adorable when you’re naïve, that’s all.”

She blushed a little harder and hid her face behind the parchment in embarrassment.

“Hey, it’s ok, Twilight,” he patted her hoof. “We’re all naïve at some point; it’s nothing to be embarrassed of.”

“I know, I know,” she muttered. And him calling me adorable didn’t help much!
“So…” she peeked up behind the paper, a bit more composed. “Pants.”

“Yes, back to pants,” Volare nodded and nearly sniggered again. Damn, I must be more exhausted than I thought; I’m laughing at the mention of pants for god sake!

“So that’s what they’re called,” Twilight mused, forcing on a professional tone again. “I think I know what you’re talking about from the images Dash described to me from her visits to Earth for my research,” she motioned to the sketched and notes strewn all over her desk. “But why do humans do that; wear pants, I mean?”

“Oh, that’s simple. It’s because we don’t have much in the way of fur, so we wear those to keep our lower bodies warm, among other things,” he wished he could grab and force those last words back into his mouth, because as soon as he said them, Twilight’s head shot up over the parchment in curiosity. Uh-oh…

“Among what other things,” she asked innocently, quill at the ready.

“Um, jeez…it’s to cover up our…well, our, you know,” he nodded at his lower body under the bedsheets, feeling the heat burning in his face.

“Humans have bedsheets under their pants?”

Volare facehoofed. “Ow…no, urgh,” he sighed. “Our unmentionables.”

“Oh I see, your un-Oh! Oh my,” the quill tip stabbed through the piece of paper as Twilight ground to a halt in mid-word, her face redder than Volare had ever seen it.
“I-I’m so sorry Volare! I had no idea; I originally thought they were just different colors of skin-I swear! I’m so sorry if I embarrassed you!” She hid her face behind the parchment again.
“I really don’t know a thing about humans beyond what they look like, and you’re the first human I’ve ever talked to, and I just got carried away…I’m such a foal.”

“No, Twilight,” Volare responded quickly. “No foal saved my life twice with her knowledge and brilliance of magic.”
Am I really saying this? Wow, how quickly things change.
She peeped out from under the parchment.
“And like I said, you ponies don’t know anything about pants, so it’s no offense if you don’t know about them…in fact I don’t think not knowing about pants is an offense at all….anywhere!”

Twilight giggled at his statement. “Heh, yeah, I suppose we really wouldn’t even need them,” she trailed off with a thoughtful expression on her face.

“Um, Twi”-

“Shh, I’m thinking about how to educate you here. You remember the Anatomy book, right?”

Oh god…

“I mean, pony mares don’t really have any dangly bits to cover up; our legs and tails do a good job of that”-


“-and even stallions are covered up by…” she paused and looked at his body under the bedsheets for a moment. “Say, do human males have a”-

“Um, Twilight,” Volare finally got a word in edgewise before his brain melted down. “Not to interrupt your brilliant scientific statements and questions here”-

“Oh, you think they’re brilliant?” she leaned up on the bed with a grin, making Volare avert his eyes towards the ceiling so he wouldn’t see below the edge of the bed, especially after her statement. Away, bad thoughts!!!

“Yes, yes, I think they’re perfectly brilliant in a scientific context, but could we please talk about this some other time, especially since Rainbow Dash is laying right there.” He punctuated the sentence with a jab of his hoof at the still-snoozing Pegasus.

“O-oh, right! Heh, I kinda got on a roll again,” she smiled bashfully and got back down on all four hooves, much to Volare’s relief.

Never again…not for a good long while…
“No, it’s ok,” he said after a moment. “I remember when I was younger how I wanted to know everything about everything, and I’d get on quite a roll myself. Anyways, I’m sure I’ll have plenty of time to hear about this later.”

“Yep, plenty, especially if you’re gonna be stuck in bed for a while. Plus I can pack in no time, so we’ll have a few days before I leave to ask all the questions we want of each other,” the Unicorn grinned innocently.

“Oh…joy,” Volare winced a bit.

“So, um…where were again?”

“I think we were talking about me and Dash needing a timeout, Captain Tangent.”

“Haha, very funny,” Twilight rolled her eyes. “Thanks. Now then, I’m absolutely not against you spending time together with her, or with anypony for that matter. However, I do think we’ve been moving much too quickly on all of this, probably because of the excitement of a new face in town and the unique situation through which you got here.”

“Heh, maybe a little.”

“Indeed. However, that’s no excuse for placing such a burden on you so early, because I mean, look where it got you.”

Look where it got you…
Volare shook his head. “Yeah, no kidding.”

“The thing is, even though I somewhat trust you to not cause trouble on your own, I really can’t trust Dash not to pull you into it herself; track record not withstanding,” Twilight sighed and frowned.
“I can’t really blame her for it; it’s just her nature to be competitive after all, but she just sometimes has a little trouble drawing the line on where to knock it off, that’s all. And what worries me is that you, another competitive pony it seems, will only get hurt if you try to do things so quickly again.”

“True…heh, she does kinda light the competitive fires in me, eh?” Volare chuckled, not noticing the worry in Twilight’s eyes.

That’s really the least of my worries…
“Indeed, she does,” she forced a smile and nodded. After a long awkward silence in which she kept re-reading her fresh notes about pants and Volare sat there, waiting for her to continue, Twilight decided to change the subject.
“So um, let’s see; how’s your wing doing?”

“Oh, heh, haven’t tried moving it yet,” Volare replied and focused on his right side. He could feel the nerves and tendons bunching in the base of his wing, trying to lift it….but he fell backwards with a grunt, unable to do more than flutter his feathertips.
“No good…still feels like a ton of bricks is strapped to it.” He tried again, but this time felt a sharp pain in his ribs and he cried out before he could stop himself.

“Huh-wha-Volare?” The rainbow Pegasus on the bed next to him stirred, stretching her wings and raising her head before her magenta eyes opened and focused on him and the pain on his face. “Flyboy, you ok?”
She quickly scooted up the bed and began running her hooves over him.
“What happened? Did you strain your wing? Was it a bad dream? Talk to me, dude! Why’re you hurting and where?”

Volare saw she hadn’t noticed Twilight off to the side of the bed, and both he and the Unicorn suppressed giggles at the sight of Dash suddenly acting affectionate and concerned.
“Nah, I just tried to raise my wing to see if it would work, that’s all.”

“Volare, you numbskull,” Dash hoofed him gently in the chest. “I told you it’s like you had a workout from hell! You can’t just go trying to exert yourself like that or else you’ll hurt yourself worse! And knowing Twilight, she’ll probably come up and here and blame it on me or something!”

“Oh Dashie,” Volare was barely containing the giggles now. “I don’t think she’d do that.”

“Oh yeah? Gimme one good reason why miss big-brain wouldn’t jump at the chance to blame me for getting you hurt…when neither of us wants to see you hurt that bad ever again,” her voice cracked a bit on the last word and she hugged his neck gently. Volare looked past her wings and gave Twilight a helpless look, but the Unicorn shook her head and simply smiled. Perhaps Dash was maturing a bit after all…

“I wouldn’t blame you because I’m standing right here,” Dash froze in mid-hug at the sound of Twilight’s voice right behind her. Even her wings were turning red.

“Volare…did you know she was right behind me the whole time?”


“You’ll pay for that,” she whispered into his ear and let go of him before turning to face Twilight who by this time was laughing audibly. “Volare if you laugh, I’ll slug you right in the nose,” she said over her shoulder as she crossed her forelegs and simply took her purple friend’s giggles head on.

“Heh-heh, yes ma’am,” he gave her a little salute, doing his best to swallow the laughter that nearly burst from his own throat. Like Twilight when she was naïve about something, Dash was simply adorable when she was flustered and embarrassed like this. But Volare valued his sense of smell, so he fought the urge to hug her and simply patted her on the back.
“Hey, thanks for reading to me last night, Dash. It really helped.”

“Yep,” Dash quipped and hopped off the bed as Twilight finally calmed down. “Well, I suppose you’ll want me out of your manes for a while, so I’ll just be on my way.”

“Aww, come on Dash, we didn’t mean anything by it,” Twilight tried to reach for her, but instead got her hoof swatted away instead as Dash headed for the stairs.

“Nah, it’s cool. I’m just cranky cuz somepony made me read him a bedtime story all night,” she winked and grinned, dispelling their concerns that she was angry with them.
“Not to say I didn’t enjoy it myself of course. Well, guess it’s time I get going and honor our agreement, Twilight. You get well soon, alright flyboy?”

“Sure will, Dashie.”

“And hey,” she dropped the aloof façade for a moment and fluttered back to the bed to give him another quick hug.
“Sorry I got ya into all that.”

“Nah, it’s ok,” Volare returned the hug. “I know you didn’t mean it. You’re a great pal, Dashie.” He held her out at arms’ length. “Thanks for saving me so much; hopefully I can return the favor someday.”

“Dream on dude; that’s my job and you know it,” Dash grinned and flipped her mane out of her eyes. “Oh, also…” She suddenly broke away and pulled something small and colorful from under her wing. It was the patch from inside Volare’s flight suit.
“I think I’ll take this with me too,” she smirked at his shocked expression.

“Hey, wait a sec!”

“What, this important to ya?”

“Um, just a lot!”

“Hmm, seems to look an awful lot like my cutie mark…did you know I found this in your flight suit?” She was obviously teasing him again.

“Yeah…that’s where it was,” Volare replied, feeling the shit was about a half inch away from splattering all over the proverbial fan.

“Gasp,” Dash said melodramatically, warranting a chuckle from Twilight and a groan from Volare. “But that would mean you knew about me before you even came here!”
Twilight’s giggling stopped.

“Um…can I just have it back, please,” the pilot reached feebly for the patch, but Dash withheld it. It was obvious to her that he wasn’t going to answer the questions she had about it at the moment.

“Nah, I’ll hang onto it for ya. Don’t worry, I won’t lose it, since it seems pretty important to ya,” she leaned in closely. “Besides, it’ll give ya extra incentive to come and find me when you’re better,” she whispered and playfully nipped his ear, eliciting a soft growl from him.

“Oh don’t you worry Dashie…I’ll find you.”

“Sounds good,” she leaned up and smiled. “And you better bring answers about this as well,” she waved the patch and mussed his mane with her hoof.

“Huh, answers?!”

But she simply gave him a quick nuzzle and headed for the stairs.
“Yep! See ya when I see ya, Volare! Later Twilight! Dude, Spike you need to wake up!” And then they heard the front door open and shut, and she was gone.

“Urgh,” Volare groaned and flopped back onto the bed.

“Are you going to be ok, Volare?” Twilight asked with concern, but he simply nodded.

“Yeah, I’ll live…my pride is just aching somewhat, that’s all,” as he replied his stomach growled loudly. “And that too.”

“Heh, well, I don’t know much about fixing wounded prides, but I can help take care of that other ache. Some Sweet Apple Acre apples for breakfast sound good?”

“That…that actually sounds delicious,” Volare said with no small amount of surprise; ha hadn’t eaten fruit for breakfast in years and all of a sudden he was craving it!

“Sounds good,” Twilight smiled and trotted down the stairs, returning a few moments later with two bowls and a hoof-full of apples hovering over her head.
“I would have brought more, but I think Spike ate the rest of them; his little stomach strikes again.”

“Is he ok,” Volare asked as she split the apples into quarter slices with her magic and placed them in the bowls.

“Oh yeah, he’ll be ok; that explains why he’s still sleeping it off,” she hovered a bowl over to Volare who dug in hungrily, the juicy fruit practically cracking as he bit it; they were so crisp.

“Mmm, these are good!”

“That they are,” Twilight munched on her own food for a moment before pausing.
“Hey Volare?”


“Well...Since you’re going to be here in bed for a while," she twiddled her hooves, as if unsure of how to ask the question.


"I was just wondering...would you please answer some questions about humans and Earth," she asked quickly, expecting him to be irritated with being treated like a research project. "I've just wanted some insight on humans for quite some time now, but just haven't had the chance till now. Sorry if that makes you feel...used." Her ears drooped for a moment and she averted her gaze.

“It’s completely fine, Twilight," Volare smiled encouragingly. "Besides, I've got a few questions of my own about your world; it'll be like a trade. An exchange of knowledge," he said with a dramatic flair and a laugh.

“Yay!” she opened the drawer of her work desk with her magic and pulled out a clipboard and some more parchment. “I’ve already got some questions in mind I want to ask, and I’ll probably think of more as we go along…and I swear none of them are embarrassing ones!”

“No anatomy questions?” he raised an eyebrow.

“Nothing like earlier, no. Promise,” she held up her right hoof for emphasis.

“Alright then,” he swallowed a mouthful of fruit, already starting to sate his hunger.


I figured you guys deserved something light-hearted and funny, especially after that last intense chapter! And that dream sequence in the beginning is a reference of things to come, so be on the look out for them!
So, now I call on your help. I've already got a few questions in mind for Twilight to ask Volare over the next couple of days, but what would YOU, the readers, like for Volare to tell her about Earth and humans?
Please post your questions in the comments below!
I've missed you guys! X3

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