• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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Truth or Dare-Pt 15: ...and Prejudice

"There is, I believe, in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil— a natural defect, which not even the best education can overcome."
-Pride and Prejudice

October 20th, Canterlot Station, Late Afternoon...

"Whoa, this is so cool!" Scootaloo grinned as she pawed the train platform in anticipation while staring out at the white-walled and pristine City of Canterlot; she'd behaved herself the whole train ride and the suspense to be herself again was killing her! Her wide eyes gleamed in the light of the waning sun as she looked back over her shoulder at Volare and Co. who were debating about what to do first now that they were finally here.

The train ride had been exciting for Volare and Scootaloo at first, for neither had ever been to the Capital, but after the first two hours the wait became somewhat tedious. By the time the seventh hour had rolled around, both decided to catch some sleep after lunch, later being woken up by the proddings of Shae's beak as they arrived in the plateau-perched city.

"Ach, Ah dunno, lasseh," Faber squinted at the shining walls, soaring towers, and glistening golden domes of the buildings surrounding them. The high winds of the mountain side were muffled by the tall masonry battlements, hemming the streets in neatly and amplifying the echoing sounds of hoofsteps and conversation from the ponies trotting about their business. The occasional Royal Guard gave them a cursory glance, but at the sight of Snowhooves and Firetail overseeing the group, they went about their way as well, keeping the peace as was their wont.
"It's almost too clean for mah tastes." The large blacksmith trotted to the edge of the platform and poked a hoof at the cobblestoned street. "Too neat an' tideh; too...sterile. Ah need a lil' wildness-a lil' dirt an' grime ta feel normal, ye ken?"

"Ken?" Scootaloo cocked her head curiously.


"Oh, right, I do!" the Pegasus filly's wild mane bobbed as she nodded and grinned. "I ken!"

"Ach, yer a right terror, but a good'un if tha' makes aneh sense lasseh," Faber grinned and patted her on the head. The Scoltspony's eyes wandered towards the well-dressed stallions and mares that trotted proudly along the roads between the shops, fountains, and places of interest, and he cringed a bit as a few well-to-do-looking ones returned his gaze with smug smiles and barely-muffled laughter at his obvious pony-out-of-pasture appearance. He could tolerate rich ponies and the like just fine, but Faber simply loathed the snooty, uppity ones that felt their own roadapples smelled like...well, fresh apples! Scootaloo mimicked Faber's frown as Volare and Bon-Bon approached, the latter of whom hooked her foreleg around Faber's and gave him an encouraging smile.

"Now don't you worry yourself, Faber. Not all ponies in Canterlot are snooty," the business mare gave him a sly grin. "Though I will say this: they're wonderfully easy to sell to."

"Heh, think ye could rip a few of'em off fer a giggle?"

"Oh, we'll see what happens," Bon-Bon smiled and turned to Volare. "How about you, Volare? What do you think of the city?"

"Well, it's um..." Volare tried to put it into words the sheer majesty that Canterlot gave off, as well as how insignificant it made him feel. It felt like the first time he'd visited Dallas when he was younger, and he remembered nearly falling over backwards as he stared up at the skyscrapers crowding downtown. Combine that with the fact that they were over a thousand feet above the Ponyville valley below and that the city seemed to be balanced on the lip of the plateau, and it was no wonder that he felt those same emotions creeping up on him again. But, seeing as how he couldn't fall down in front of everyone, he settled for a simpler: "It's big."

"Biggest city in Equestria besides Manehattan," Lyra suddenly popped up beside him with a grin and tossing a hoof around his neck. "And despite what some ponies might lead you to believe," she shot a squint at Bon-Bon, "this place has got plenty of places to live it up at. Just gotta know where to look." After simply taking in the sight of the city for a moment, Twilight Sparkle approached and nudged Volare's opposite shoulder with a hopeful smile.

"So, you like my hometown?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, I mean for first impressions, it's definitely up there," Volare nodded while eyeing the scattered scaffolding poking out from between a few of the buildings. "Looks like they're still cleaning up after the Changelings, though."

"I'm tired of looking, though!" Scootaloo poked Volare's leg impatiently. "I wanna go check out Canterlot now!" Everypony present couldn't help but chuckle at the rambunctious filly, which only served to irritate her all the more until she'd gone from orange to a dull red of embarrassment and frustration. Before the smallest volcano that Equestria had ever seen could erupt though, Lyra flashed her a winning smile and beckoned Scootaloo to follow her down the street.

"C'mon, kiddo! I gotta grab a few things from my apartment before we get going and I could use the help. We'll let these old stick in the mud ponies stand around and chatter till their teeth fall out in the meantime, eh?" Lyra gave the group a quick wink as the overjoyed Scootaloo galloped after her. "We'll be back in two shakes, guys!" the green Unicorn announced before the pair raced around the corner towards the housing district.

Twilight caught the slightly worried look on Volare's face and nudged him with a hoof. "You ok?"

"Huh? Yeah, just...a little worried to let her out of my sight if I can help it; hate to say it, but Scoots draws trouble like crap draws flies." He caught a purple hoof to the chest for his comment.

"Yuck, don't say that about your little sister, Volare!" Twilight made a face through her chuckles before nudging him a bit more gently. "She'll be fine. It's Canterlot; what's the worst that could happen?" Volare didn't say anything at her comment, but deep down, he felt the familiar stirrings of Murphy rising from the depths like some evil kaiju monster hell-bent on destroying...eh, then again maybe he was over-thinking things. What exactly could go wrong in Canterlot?

Lyra's Apartment...

"Whoa, what's in all these boxes, Lyra?" Scootaloo asked as she weaved her way between the sizable stacks of cardboard filling the Unicorn's abode, most labeled with words like "HATS", "SHOES", and "GLOVES." But what the hay were gloves?

"Oh um, ya know, just a buncha human stuff I've picked up over the past few months," Lyra said as she rummaged through one of the boxes in the corner of the room.

"Ooh, what's in this one?" Scootaloo approached at a box labeled "FUN," but before she could peek inside, Lyra grabbed her hoof with her magic and tugged her away with a stern look masking the relief that the box blissfully remained unopened. "Aww, what gives, Lyra?"

"Sorry kiddo; no 'FUN' for you."

"But why not? What's wrong with-?"

"I'll uh....tell ya when you're older," Lyra quickly cut her off and kicked the 'FUN' box across the floor and into a precariously stacked wall of clothes hangers, lamp shades, and assorted doodads that came tumbling down and buried the box. Whew, filly her age doesn't need THAT stuff just yet...or probably ever.

Unperturbed, Scootaloo turned her attention to a box full of forks, curious as to the purpose of the crazy-looking things. "Um, can I ask why the heck you're all...obsessed over humans?"

"Heh, that's um...kinda like asking why Twilight's obsessed with books," Lyra offered.

"Twilight likes books cuz of what's inside them, duh," Scootaloo pouted, her eyes trailing hopefully back to the buried "FUN" box. "So you like humans cuz of what's inside them or something?"

"What the-no! I mean, kinda," Lyra scratched her nose with a hoof before shrugging. "I mean I wanna know what makes them tick, how they are, what they are, and why they are the way they are. And before Volare showed up, the only way to know was to study what I could find of them: their stuff," she waved a hoof at the boxes.

"You must have done a ton of studying," Scootaloo mused. "Blech, I hate studying. It's so boring! All that book-work and sitting around and stuff," the filly pouted before Lyra smiled and nudged her once more.

"Oh yeah? Well, studying humans can be pretty sweet," the Unicorn grinned before returning to the box she was digging through. "They've got all kinds of doo-dads and gizmos they've created and just tossed out; why the hoof they'd do that is beyond me, cuz some of this stuff-oof!" Lyra toppled back onto her flank, her front hooves gripping a flattish, heavy-looking wooden case. Scootaloo's eyes widened as Lyra threw the top open and pulled out record albums that looked to be decades-old.

"Heh, some of this stuff is pretty cool; and since my cutie mark is all about music...well, I kinda took a liking to these things," Lyra laid out the flat albums with care upon a table, their colorful coverings flashing band titles such as "The Beatles," "The Rolling Stones," "Metallica," and "Led Zeppelin" among others. "These are all rock band records, stuff I heard you and a certain rainbow Pegasus might like," Lyra grinned and pulled out a rolled-up piece of glossy paper and hoofed it to Scootaloo. "Here ya go."

"What is it?" the filly asked, her young mind still a-buzz with the imagery and possibilities the albums presented.

"Well, unroll it and find out," Lyra chuckled and packed the albums back up into the case. "Methinks somepony is bound to like it." Scootaloo unrolled the paper and stared at the simple, yet-prominent image gracing the paper:

"Notice anything in particular about-"

"Whoa, it's like Rainbow Dash's cutie mark!" Scootaloo blurted out in excitement, causing Lyra to burst into a chuckle and pat her head affectionately. "She'll love this! Oh wait, can I give it to her?"

"Ha, you gotta work on your subtlety, kiddo," Lyra pointed out as she put the case back into storage. "But since that was kinda the reason I brought ya here...yep, you can give it to her."

"Oh my gosh, sweet! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" Scootaloo wrapped her small hooves around Lyra's neck in a tight hug that belied her small size before rolling up and tucking the poster beneath a wing and galloping for the door. "C'mon, I wanna show this to my bro! We can give it to Rainbow Dash together!"

"Haha, ok, ok, hang on squirt!" Lyra laughed as she followed Scootaloo into the street, locking her door and catching up to the filly in short order. But before they'd gotten too far, Lyra grabbed a hold of her small charge and skidded to a halt. When Scootaloo looked up in question, she followed Lyra's pointed nod towards a whitish Pegasus stallion with a shaggy, dark blue mane surveying a steaming row of freshly-baked pies at a bakery stand. His back was to them and his equally shaggy blue tail was flicking back and forth in interest over the pies that seemed to be his whole world at the moment. Even from this distance they could hear him muttering "cherry, or pumpkin, ooh, or even raspberry" under his breath.


"Shh, watch this, kiddo," Lyra smirked and leaped over a low row of shrubbery, stalking towards the stallion like a manticore hunting its dinner while Scootaloo looked on in bemusement. The stallion, completely oblivious to the hidden Unicorn approaching him, continued to lick his lips while deciding on which pie he wanted the most for that evening. Suddenly and without warning, Lyra leaped from the shrubs and tackled her "prey", knocking him away from the bakery stand and into a rolling pile of hooves and manes which halted with her atop him and grinning like a mad-pony. "Hahaha, long time-no see, Soarin! Heh, I see you've gotten fatter from all that pie-eating."

"What the hay, Lyra?!" The stallion gaped before twisting his way out from under her and leaping to his hooves, ready for anything.

"Just like old times, eh pal?" Lyra snickered at the red-faced Wonderbolt.

"Yeah, a little too much like old times! But try that again when I'm ready and see where it gets ya!" Soarin smirked and tensed himself, wings flexed and legs bent for Lyra's follow-up assault. But to his surprise, Lyra didn't tackle him again but merely beckoned behind her towards a small orange filly who was staring at the curious situation as she approached. Instantly, Soarin's face softened and he gave the little filly his best winning smile. "Well now, who's this little one, Lyra?"

"This is-"

"Hey, I'm not so little!" Scootaloo declared with a puffed-out chest, buzzing wings, and a fierce look in her eye that made him halt in amused surprise.

"Definitely not in spirit, that's for sure," Soarin chuckled as Lyra laid a comforting hoof on Scootaloo's mane. "I'll do my best not to judge you on your size then, Ms...?"

"Name's Scootaloo," she replied after a gentle nudge from Lyra, though she was rather bemused as to why Lyra was smiling the way she was.

"Well, I'm Soarin, and I'm the Co-" he halted at Lyra's quick head shake and wink. "Er, old comrade of Lyra's, yeah. We go waaay back."

"All the way to elementary school here in Canterlot," Lyra nodded and hooked a hoof over Soarin's neck. "You know, Soarin was my special somepony when we were younger."

"Lyra, come on!" Soarin pushed her off of him with a little blushing growl and a flaring of wings. "That was years ago! Things are different now."

"Yeah, but there's nothing wrong with reminiscing, buddy. Remember Prance?" Lyra grinned and leaned back against him, drawing a groan of disgust from Scootaloo.

"Yeah, I remember," Soarin conceded, his blush deepening as the memories returned.

"Never knew you liked to eat pie so much till then," Lyra crooned. "What was that nickname you gave me?"

"P-pyra," Soarin swallowed dryly, his eyes flicking towards a frowning Scootaloo. "Ahem, but considering our current company and my current...engagement," Soarin flexed his right wing to show the gold band clasped around the base of the limb, an unmistakable flaming phoenix stamped into the metal that made Lyra's eyes go wide in shock as she stared into his. "More so what'd happen if she caught me like this..."

"Oh crap, y-yeah, sorry dude!" Lyra immediately disengaged the Pegasus and pawed nervously at the ground, her eyes flicking skyward every few moments.

"Um, what's going on?" Scootaloo finally asked, breaking the awkward silence between the two friends.

"Oh uh-well ya see-" Soarin stuttered helplessly before Lyra spoke up and saved him.

"Hey Soarin, Scootaloo here is a big fan of Rainbow Dash."

"Oh really?" Soarin cocked a brow and smiled.

"Yeah, the biggest fan!" Scootaloo replied with buzz of her wings and a huge grin of pride. "I'm the founder of the Rainbow Dash fanclub, in fact!"

"Impressive resume, Scootaloo," Soarin nodded. He winked at Lyra and leaned in a bit closer. "Do you know who Rainbow Dash is a fan of?"

"The Wonderbolts, duh. Everypony knows that," Scootaloo tossed her mane. "She's gonna be the best Wonderbolt there ever was one day!"

"Haha, well from what I hear, her hard-headed work ethic is only matched by her sheer laziness," Soarin chuckled and placed a wing on Scootaloo's head. "But if she can just rein that in, you're right: she'll be a heck of a Wonderbolt one of these days. But in the meantime, she'll just have to keep chasing that dream...one that I happened to achieve a while back."

"Pfft, Soarin, you're so full of yourself," Lyra laughed and thumped his shoulder while Scootaloo's eyes slowly widened at his words.

"Well, when one becomes Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts, one kinda has a right to be-"

"OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE A WONDERBOLT?!" Scootaloo blurted out, her wings buzzing in excitement. At the Captain's nod, she practically danced in place before gathering herself, though only just. "Oh my gosh, a Wonderbolt! I mean, a Wonderbolt Captain! Dude, I gotta go tell my bro I met the Wonderbolt Captain! He's gonna freak!" And with that, Scootaloo tore off down the street towards the train station, leaving Soarin a bit stunned and confused as to who this "bro" was.

"C'mon, Captain," Lyra bumped Soarin with a hip and grinned. "I'll fill ya in on the way."

Canterlot Station...

"Volare, where are you going?" Twilight queried as he stepped off the station platform in the direction that Scootaloo and Lyra went.

"I'm gonna find those two," Volare's head swiveled left and right as he trotted forward before turning back for a moment. "I've just...got a bad feeling is all."

"A bad feeling of what?" Twilight cocked her head in worry. "This is Canterlot, not the Whitetail Wood-" the Librarian cut herself off, but the damage was done; she could see it in Volare's eyes. "S-sorry...I didn't mean it like that."

"I know, Twi," Volare nodded and snorted lightly. "Just humor me here, ok?"

"But you don't know your way around the city; what if you get lost?" Twilight asked as she made to follow him before Trixie stepped forward.

"I'll go with him," the magician offered, much to Twilight's surprise.

"Wait, but you've never been to-"

"It's been a while...but I think I can manage," Trixie smiled before turning back to Volare. "C'mon, let's go find them and put your fears to rest. I swear, you're such a worry-wort sometimes."

"Yeah, well my track record says I've got good reason to be," Volare retorted as the pair trotted off, leaving Twilight rather confused; when the heck had Trixie been to Canterlot?

"True, but as Twilight said: this is the Capital and there's security out the wazoo here. I'd bet my hat they're just fine," Trixie assured him as they trotted along the streets, earning passing glances but nothing more from the citizens, though Trixie drew a few strange looks from a group of Royal Guards that marched past. "Besides, if Ray and Jill were near, I'd smell their cowardly stink before we saw them. And we both know what'll happen if I ever get another crack at them," Trixie's horn flared momentarily and a nearby shrub crumbled into dust before she took control of her emotions. "S-sorry, I'm just never going to forgive myself for letting those two fool me like that and hurt you and poor little-"

"Whoa, whoa, Mister please don't!! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Ahh!" Trixie and Volare froze in their tracks as a familiar cry reached their ears over the bustle of the Canterlot streets.

"You little chicken-nugget, you'll pay for this-this insult!" an angry yet cultured stallion's voice rang out in reply.

"Scootaloo," the duo said at once before nodding to each other and pelting off down the street in the direction of the voices, Trixie's hat falling from her head and lying forgotten in the street as they ran.

Corner of Brass Blvd and Equus Ave...

Scootaloo looked up from her flank in fear at the large Unicorn stallion that towered over her. His blonde mane rippled in the breeze while his blue eyes and perfectly white teeth flashed in anger as he glared down at her. He grasped a pretentiously gaudy-and honestly useless for a pony-golden headed walking stick with his magic over his head, threatening her with it like a club as he growled down at the frightened filly.
"You come running around the corner like a mad-pony and dare crash into me-me-and nearly covering my just-brushed coat in dirt and refuse, you little street urchin!?"

"I'm sorry, mister!" Scootaloo scrabbled backwards on her hind-quarters, her eyes glued to the waving stick in fear. Where the hay were Lyra, Soarin, and the Royal Guards?! "I didn't see you! I didn't mean it! I don't even know who you are!"

"Ugh, so you're from out of town, then," the Unicorn rolled his eyes as he advanced on the crawling filly. "A filthy little country pony with nothing better to do than run into a royal prince and get him all dirty! Well, allow me to teach you your first lesson of living in Canterlot and just who you should respect: Prince Blueblood!"

"Hey you son of a bitch!" Blueblood and Scootaloo looked up to see the source of the fierce roar barreling towards them. "Get offa my little sister!"

"Bro!" Scootaloo cried as Volare clattered up, throwing his shoulder into the larger Blueblood with an oof and staggering the prince a good half dozen feet away before he regained his footing.

"How dare you interrupt me as I mete out punishment!?" Blueblood sputtered, glaring at the blue and yellow Pegasus stallion that stood between him and the "guilty," wings flared, nostrils snorting, and eyes blazing a brilliant silver-blue. Blueblood stood up to his full height, brandishing his heavy walking stick as a sneer curled his lip. A few ponies that had been watching from the corner cafe decided it was time to leave, and galloped off before it got ugly. "Don't you know who I am?!"

"I could give a goddamn, you prick," Volare spat and took a stomping step closer while Scootaloo stared at the scene with wide, fearful eyes, though she did manage to get her hooves under her and stand up. "Nopony lays a hoof on my little sister and gets away with it!"

"You must lack brains, peasant!" Blueblood snorted in disgust as he circled his opponent, walking stick twirling threateningly as his gaze tore into the duo's horrid-looking ensembles complete with that foolish little blue pony emblem. He snickered with smug glee as Volare kept himself between the Prince and the filly; this pony was unarmed and clueless. He was nothing more than a loose-tongued twit. "By the looks of your outfits, I'd say you both lack them. Here, allow me to beat some sense into you and remind you of to whom you're speaking!" With that, he raised his heavy walking stick, grinned, and swung it down at Volare's head full-force with a loud clunk that nearly drowned out Scootaloo's shout of fear.

But what caused the clunk wasn't Volare's head, but rather a sizable chunk of 2x4 timber that intercepted the blow. Blueblood's gaze roved from the violet-blue magical aura surrounding the plank to its wielder a few feet away, and his walking stick very nearly mirrored his jaw as it dropped it shock. "Y-you!"

"Yes, me," Trixie growled and pushed the hastily-grabbed construction plank against Blueblood's walking stick, forcing him backwards a step before he caught himself and stood his ground. "Volare, Scootaloo-move." Her friends made haste and complied, scrambling out of the way as the two Unicorns faced off.

"What're you doing back here, you charlatan?! This isn't your place anymore!" Blueblood growled, jabbing his walking stick towards the magician.

"Here between you and the friends I swore to protect?" Trixie snorted and swished the 2x4 through the air. "No, I think I'm in just the right place, so back off!"

"You dare order me around!?" The Prince gritted his teeth and shoved his stick back against Trixie's plank, shocked when she hardly budged. "Hrmph, you're stronger than I remember!"

"And you're smaller than I remember, you jackass," Trixie shot back with a smirk. "As hard as that is to believe."

"I take it you two know each other?" Volare tried to get a word in edge-wise to stop the fight, but Blueblood merely chuckled nastily and smashed his walking stick down at Trixie's 2x4.

"Haha, oh we've known each other multiple times back in the old Gifted School, peasant," The Prince's blue eyes flashed with glee. "Over and over until she moaned like the whore she still is!"

"Funny, I recall a little entitled hall monitor whelp who was doing the moaning and whining; something about an 'equipment malfunction'," Trixie retorted, not giving an inch. "Over and over again."

"Harlot!" Blueblood disengaged and swung his cane with a snarl, his eyes widening as Trixie neatly flicked the stick aside with her plank and returned it to a quarte guard a few feet in front of her body. Her violet eyes were flat and narrowed, her breathing even, and her hooves stanced solidly upon the cobblestones; immovable and unafraid.
"Hrm, seems you've been studying something other than carnival tricks; who taught you, witch?" Blueblood asked as he slashed his stick downwards in a feint before thrusting for Trixie's head. Almost without effort, Trixie's plank twitched to the side, smacking Blueblood's stick away before she returned to her guard position once more.

"It doesn't matter," Trixie shot back, letting the insults roll off her back as she advanced, slashing sideways and thrusting at Blueblood's chest and causing him to hop backwards in a decidedly unrefined manner. "Just know that she'd tear you to pieces compared to what I'm doing! And I'm not the insecure little filly you remember from all those years ago!"

"Hrmph, well just for nostalgia's sake, I'll spank you all the same!" Blueblood roared and leaped at Trixie, renewing his attack with wild abandon. But every thrust and strike he aimed at the magician was turned effortlessly aside as she used the skills she'd learned from Octavia, keeping her line as she moved backwards and forwards, side-stepping blows and thoroughly embarrassing and enraging the Prince. Hooves clip-clopped upon the streets while their snorting breaths echoed off the masonry as they traded blows and blocks while Volare and Scootaloo looked on, the younger Pegasus fearing injury if she intervened and the older Pegasus staying out of it in respect for the duelists. Whatever bad blood existed between them had boiled over, and him getting involved-unarmed as he was-wouldn't help in the slightest.

Trixie attacked first this time, striving to beat the stick from the Prince's grasp, but he parried and kicked a potted plant into the magician's eyes, momentarily blinding her with soil and allowing him to get in several good whacks around her shoulders before she picked up and hurled a brick at him, forcing him to back off with a yelp. "Hey, that's cheating!"

"Oh I dunno, I figured you were overdue to catch a brick or two in the teeth!" Trixie spat, shaking off the smarting bruises of the Prince's blows and resuming her stance. "Come, your grace, I thought you wanted to spank me!" The Prince's growing shouts of anger attracted the attention of a contingent of Royal Guards who quickly marched over and surrounded the duelists.

"Stay back, you fools!" Blueblood ordered as he took a small breather, wiping the sheen off his forehead and glaring at the arrival of Lyra and Soarin. "And keep them all out of this as well! This is between me and the harlot witch!"

"Seems the years have been kinder to me than to you, Blueblood," Trixie taunted, surprising even herself in how calm she was remaining despite the insults and threats being breathed against her every other moment by the incensed Prince. It was as Octavia had taught her, both in moments of sparring and without: calm, controlled breaths equaled calm, controlled behavior. Besides, Blueblood didn't know that she could rend him to pieces with her magic if need be, and that fact simply added to her overall calm.

"Yeah, well you've gotten uglier!" Blueblood shot back, knocking her plank aside and getting a clean shot at her head. But once more, the walking stick was flicked to the side, though this time she used her magic to do so, making it seem as though Blueblood had missed, and badly.

"Get him, Trixie!" Scootaloo shouted encouragement from atop Volare's back.

"You've gotten old! Soft! And slow!" Trixie retorted, slashing the plank down across Blueblood's walking stick before flicking the timber upwards and then sideways, slamming it against the Prince's horn just as Octavia had taught her. The impact jarred his magical grip on the walking stick loose and sent it tumbling end over end into the air to land outside the circle of Royal Guards, leaving Blueblood unarmed and vulnerable as Trixie brandished the battered plank with renewed authority. "Yield, Blueblood!"

"Peh, you give orders to me?" The Prince spat and turned to one of his Guards, snatching a spear from the armored pony's grasp without hesitation and turning to face Trixie, a look of sheer hatred in his eyes. "I'll stick you once more before the end, Trixie!"

"What the hell, man?!" Volare tried to push past the Guards, but they simply closed ranks. "Stop this shit!"

"We don't give orders to The Prince," one of the Guards replied stoically, though Volare could see his jaw tightening with disgust as Blueblood advanced on Trixie, speartip glinting in the sunlight. "Much as I hate to say it..."

"Lemme 'elp ye clear yer conscience then, boyo," a voice called out as a greenish aura snatched the broadsword from the Guard's belt. An orange-maned, blue Unicorn describable only as 'large' and 'loud' shouldered his way past the Guard with a great belly laugh, placing himself between the spear-wielding Prince and Trixie and twirling the sword in a great flashing arc. "Hahaha, so laddeh, 'ow about ye calm daown afore ya poke yer eye out, eh?"

"Wha-who in Tartarus are you to butt in and mouth off to-"

"Ah'm sorreh," Faber cut him off with a laugh. "Lemme make meself a bit more clear: ye'd best be droppin' tha spear lad, or else ye won't believe wha' 'appens next...even while it's 'appenin'," he growled through his teeth with a jab of the blade.

Well, this is escalating quickly, Volare thought as he did his best to keep Scootaloo from jumping in to help.

"Gah, how dare you threaten me?" Blueblood snarled, the hesitation evident in his features as he kept his spear pointed at the blacksmith. "I'm a Royal Prince!"

"Ooh, an' Ah'm king o' tha lan' o' "Ah could give a shite'," Faber bowed mockingly, his gaze momentarily flicking over Trixie's form. Satisfied that she was no worse for the wear, he turned back to Blueblood. "Naow tha' we're acquainted yor majesteh, ye wanna stop tossin' aboot silleh lil' titles an' pickin' on mares, or would ye rather face me so Ah can send ye runnin' with yer primped an' permed tail tucked oop against yer twat like tha coward ye are?"

"Ragh, I'll run you through for that!" The enraged Prince shouted, thrusting his spear straight for Faber's chest. With a side-step and flick of his sword, the blacksmith slashed the head off the spear and stepped right up to Blueblood, sword-point nipping at the Prince's throat. The royal Unicorn leaped back with a red-faced squeak, teeth bared and growling threats with every breath.

"Heh-heh, nice try, laddeh. But methinks ye may wanna get a better weapon," Faber grinned and gave a half-salute with the blade. "Then again, ye're already compensatin' quite a bit with that one, so best not be too obvious next go, eh? Riddle meh this: did Trixie tell ye she could 'ave torn ye limb from limb with 'er spells by naow, or did ye really think ye ever 'ad a chance o' winnin' this lil' scrap?"

"What the-you're bluffing!" The Prince countered, though his eyes flicked fearfully at the magician, recalling how she'd just made him miss without even moving. "She's just a trickster; she can't do that! She never could!"

"Heh, keep pushin' 'er an' find oot...or ye can be a stallion an' fight meh instead, oh mighteh Prince," Faber chortled. "Either way, methinks ye've got aboot tha chance o' a wee sheepeh with a loneleh Scoltsponeh on a cold winter night!"

"Woohoo, yeah, you go Faber!!" Lyra stomped her hoof and cheered, though Volare pulled a face at the blacksmith's rather graphic metaphor.

"He's crazy," Soarin stared at the grinning blacksmith.

"Nah, crazy would be Blueblood having the Guards kill him or something," Lyra tossed her mane, though she quickly clapped a hoof to her mouth as the Prince smirked evilly at her. "Oh no."

"Why what a wonderful idea, my dear. Guards...eliminate him! The harlot witch too." The Guards looked at one another in hesitation as Faber backed up towards Trixie, blade at the ready and eyes flicking back and forth. "Well, what're you waiting for?!" The Prince shouted. "I'm the Prince, I'm in charge, and they threatened my life! Kill them! Kill them both!!"

"What-no!" Volare shouted and grabbed at the nearest Guard, who merely shrugged him off and lowered his spear, as did his comrades. "You can't!!" But his cry was drowned out by the ringing of drawn sword blades.

"Sorry, citizen...truly," The Guard muttered as he advanced towards the blacksmith and magician. As Faber's blade flashed in a threatening arc, black sparks of energy leaped from Trixie's horn as it glowed scarlet, ready to defend herself and Faber at all cost. Volare and his friends could do nothing but watch in horror as one would a train wreck about to happen.

"Guards, lay down your weapons! Sheath your swords!!" A commanding voice shouted, and the Guards halted in their tracks to stare at the source of the command, as did Blueblood. There, standing in the middle of the street with a small herd of ponies at her back and Spike the dragon at her side, was none other than Twilight Sparkle herself. Her eyes blazed a brilliant violet and embers leaped from her mane as she glared daggers at each and every one of the Guards and The Prince. Above her hovered the osprey Shae, who added her own harsh cheereek-eek to the conversation as well. "Those are my friends!"

"You heard Twilight Sparkle: shoulder'em!" The Guard nearest Volare bellowed, and without hesitation, the Guards did as commanded, leaving Volare and Co. breathing a sigh of relief and Blueblood stomping mad.

"What're you doing, you fools!? Kill them!!" To the Prince's surprise, the Guard nearest Volare stomped up to him and snatched the broken spear from his grasp. "What're you-?!"

"My apologies your grace, but I'm not about to have the blood of Ms. Sparkle's friends on my hooves," he leaned in a bit closer. "I value my head just a little too much for that." And with that, he shouldered the broken spear and turned to Twilight for further orders. "My Princess?"

"That'll be all," Twilight took a calming breath to keep herself from tossing Blueblood halfway across town. "Er, dismissed."

"Yes ma'am," the Guards saluted before marching away, with Faber returning the sword to its rightful owner and continuing to smirk at Blueblood as Trixie tossed aside the battered 2x4.

"Tch, figures you'd cede to your replacement, even after all this time, Trixie," Blueblood spat, drawing a strange look between himself and the magician from Twilight, though Trixie simply snorted wordlessly in reply.

"Well, well, ye gave it a good go there, boyo," Faber trotted up and clapped Blueblood on the shoulder in an infuriatingly chummy fashion. "But ye may wanna try usin' somethin' smaller next time...since, ye know, that seems ta be what you're more comfortable with anyway."

"I swear to you," Blueblood snarled as he swatted Faber's hoof away. "I'll get you for this. You'd best sleep lightly, fool, lest I come for you in the black, terrible night when you're all alone and helpless in your bed!"

"Ah see...guess Ah'd best sleep on me back, then," Faber chuckled and Blueblood's face flushed even brighter red as nearly everypony present exploded in laughter.

"Oooh, burn!" Spike chortled helplessly as he leaned on Twilight.

Grumbling under his breath, The Prince began to stomp off before Faber picked up his walking stick and waved it at him. "Oi, ye forgot yor lil' stick, laddeh!"

"Grah, shut up about my little stick," Blueblood snatched it away, his eye twitching in irritation.

"Oh, so ye do admit that it's lil', then?"

"What the-grah!! To Ponyhell with all of you!!" The Prince spat and turned to go on his way, disgraced and defeated.

"Jeez, what a douchebag," Volare muttered as he shrugged helplessly at Twilight. "Guess my trouble magnet's still working, eh, Twi?" But just as he thought the danger was passed, a certain orange Pegasus filly just had to get the last word in as she galloped forward and stopped a few steps from the retreating Prince.

"Yeah, you're a douchebag!" Scootaloo announced, and right on cue, Blueblood whirled around and approached her. This time though, Volare managed to get between her and the freshly-angered Prince.

"What did you say, you little brat?" Blueblood spat. "Get out of the way and let her repeat herself to my face, peasant!"

"Alright pal, my name's not peasant," Volare narrowed his eyes and flicked his wings irritably. "My name's Volare and it's better for everypony if you just head on down the road and go home."

"Oh really?" the larger Prince raised himself to his full height and stared down at the Pegasus. "And I suppose you'll be the one to make me?" On impulse, he began to raise his walking stick a final time, but before it got above his head, he felt an iron-like aura grasp it. Looking up in confusion, he realized it was Trixie who'd grabbed it, and that she was smirking coolly at him. Before Blueblood could react, the stick was jerked out of his grasp and smashed across his muzzle with enough force daze him.

"Fetch, dog," Trixie commanded and hurled the walking stick down the road, never once breaking her icy stare with the stunned Blueblood. Faber was right: he never stood a damn chance! She'd been toying with him the entire time! The Prince felt something warm and wet dribble down his upper lip and he blinked the haze from his eyes as Volare prodded him in the chest with a hoof.

"Hey Blueblood," the pilot said with a grin. "Might wanna go wipe yourself off. It'd be a tragedy if your coat got dirty, eh?"

"What-huh?" Blueblood mumbled and reached up to touch his lip, his eyes widening as his hoof came away bloody. "O-oh no! It will stain!!" With a rather feminine moan of horror, the Prince galloped down the street towards the Palace, leaving the herd of ponies rolling their eyes and snickering helplessly.

"Heh, his tail tucked in after all," Faber chuckled as he thumped Volare on the shoulder. "Shite, Ah hate ponehs like that."

"Yeah, no kidding," Volare snorted in relief and knelt down beside Scootaloo, who was still chuckling herself. "Hey you, look at me," he tipped her chin upwards and gave her a serious look. "You gotta stop asking for trouble, Scoots."

"Yeah, but you were here, so I wasn't worried," Scootaloo quipped and nuzzled his shoulder. Nopony, no matter how stern, could withstand such a heartstring assault, and after a moment of helpless eye-rolling, Volare relented and wrapped her in a tight hug, drawing "awws" from the various mares of the group.

"You ok, Scoots?"

"Mhm, thanks bro. Oh hey, I got Rainbow Dash this," the unfazed filly lifted her wing and pulled out the now rather crumpled poster and unfolded it. At the sight of the band logo on the poster, Volare's face split into a grin of amazement and he ruffled her mane with a chuckle. "We can give it to her together, right?"

"Absolutely, Scoots. I got a feeling she'll love it." Shae flew over and landed on Volare's back, giving him and Scootaloo a quick once over. Satisfied that they were unhurt, she began to preen herself, though she kept an eye in the direction that Blueblood retreated.

"We're good Shae, thanks to you guys," Volare looked up and nodded to Trixie and Faber. "You didn't have to-"

"Peh, twas nothin', lad. 'Sides, what kinda friends'd just stan' by an' let tha' sorta shite 'appen, hm?" Faber brushed him off with a grin. "Really, he was nothin'; a pretentious brat tha' needed ta be put in 'is place. Hardleh worth tha broken sweat that rolled off me arse! Hahahahaa!!" Trixie shook her head in disbelief at the crude blacksmith. "Hmph, claimed ta be a prince o' all things. Who was 'e really anyway? This shite 'appen often round 'ere?"

"That truly was the 'great and entitled' Prince Blueblood," Bon-Bon rolled her eyes as she approached Faber. "Nephew to Princess Celestia, the co-ruler of Equestria herself." At her words, Faber's smiled faded and he gulped visibly; he truly had just assaulted a prince! A prick prince, but a prince nonetheless, and nephew of the most powerful pony in the land at that!! But Bon-Bon merely laughed and hooked her foreleg around his. "Pfft, don't worry too much about it; not even the Royal Guard likes him much. And with Ms. Sparkle here to vouch for you," she nodded towards the Librarian, "I don't think you've got much to worry about."

"Even so, I think it'd be a good idea not to incite further trouble; everypony here's still very much on edge since the Changeling attack," Twilight observed. "The Guard especially, since they got rather embarrassed by getting taken by surprise like that."

"Bah, fine. Ah'll do mah best not ta embarrass 'im again," Faber replied, drawing a thump from Bon-Bon. Meanwhile, Volare turned back to Trixie and extended his hoof in gratitude, his eyes roving over the magician's injuries.

"Thanks, Trix. I dunno how to repay you for this. You didn't have to take my lumps-"

"You're my best friend and I'll be damned if I stand by and watch you get hurt, especially by somepony like him," she stomped a hoof and winced at the bruising around her neck and shoulders. Twilight took a tentative step forward, but Trixie waved her off. "I'm fine...it's fine. It was worth it to get back at him."

"Yeah, about that," Spike poked Trixie with a claw. "He said something about your 'replacement.' What was up with that?"

"I think he was talking about Twilight," Lyra pointed out, drawing curious looks from everypony present.

"I dunno what he meant by that," Twilight shrugged and looked back to Trixie, who had a strange expression on her face. "Trixie? What'd he mean by me-?"

"By you replacing me," Trixie's eyes closed and her jaw tightened as energy crackled about her horn as she finally put two and two together. "All those years ago, after all this time...it's still you. Still you stealing the spotlight from me," her eyes opened and she glowered at the confused Librarian. "Twilight Sparkle, hoof-picked student of Celestia...Element of Magic."

"Wait a second, you went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns?" Twilight's eyes widened. "I mean, that'd explain why you know some of the spells I do, but I never would have guessed that you-"

"Yes, and you directly replaced me years ago as Celestia's favorite student when I hit a wall and couldn't improve myself further. She turned her attention to one with more potential," Trixie's eye twitched and her starry cape began to billow about her. A nearby sapling burst into flames and caused everypony to jump back in alarm. "For all this time I've wondered who took my place at Celestia's side, but considering how fate has treated me, I'm not really terribly surprised that it was you, once again, that took my honor from me! Of course it had to be you!!"

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, Volare thought as Trixie turned to fully face her former rival. He figured if he kept his mouth shut, nopony would ever know, but now that cat was outta the bag, and she was pissed! Spike leaped behind Twilight as the Librarian reluctantly prepared a counter-spell for the magician's impending attack, hoping against hope that she could save the surrounding buildings in the process. But she knew Trixie's power personally and had taught her too well to hope that this could end anyway but badly. Volare managed to scoop up Scootaloo in a wing and in desperation placed himself between her and the danger, but it turned out it was all for naught, as Trixie inexplicably calmed down and bowed her head in what seemed to be defeat. She even conjured a bucket of water and extinguished the burning tree before she spoke.

"My apologies, Twilight. You're my teacher and though you and I were once enemies, those times are passed," Trixie wiped her face with a hoof and looked up once more at the ponies she'd come to call her friends, and smiled. "Nor does the fault lie with you...any of you." Her eyes roved among the crowd but couldn't find the grey mare she sought. With a disappointed sigh, she turned to face the palace and spoke with her back to the Librarian.

"Twilight Sparkle...I need you to know something."

"Y-yes?" Twilight took a tentative step forward.

"I think I love Octavia." Multiple jaws fell at her words, including Twilight's. But before she could gather herself, Trixie continued. "Please tell her for me." And with that, she began to march stolidly towards Canterlot Palace.

"W-wait a sec, Trixie!" Twilight called out. "Wouldn't it be better if you told her?"

"I would, but she's not here," Trixie said without breaking stride. "I intend to exchange rather harsh words with my former teacher...and I doubt I'll be returning from it." After a beat of shocked silence, Twilight did the first thing that came to mind: she tackled Trixie. "Gr-agh, let me go!!" The magician struggled and kicked and hurled spells left and right, but Twilight surrounded them with a bubble spell that absorbed the blasts as the other stunned ponies looked on, hoping that the bubble held. But hold it did.

"I'm not gonna let you get yourself killed, Trixie! It's not worth it!!" Twilight explained as she magically held the magician down. After several minutes though, and already rather winded from her duel with Blueblood, Trixie tired out and flopped onto the cobblestones, defeated and breathless. "Now then, are you going to remain calm?"

"I don't have much choice in it," Trixie muttered, but even she could see that if she was no match against Twilight's magic, then she'd stand zero chance against Celestia if it came to blows. "I'm done. Please let me up."

"Ok," Twilight nodded, releasing her grip and dissolving the bubble. Trixie staggered to her hooves and gave everypony else a sheepish grin.

"Hmph, guess I should be glad that Twilight is more powerful than me. Wow, never thought I'd say that out loud. Sorry about that everypony, heat of the moment got to me."

"Is that right?" came the sound of Octavia's voice as she trotted up through the small herd of ponies, Snowhooves and Firetail right behind her. Sitting rather comically on her head was Trixie's hat and when she was within hoof's reach she took the hat and swatted Trixie across the muzzle with it. To everypony's surprise, Trixie dipped her eyes in shame as Octavia stared her down. "You mean to tell me you'd save your friends from harm only to go off and get yourself killed to save your honor?"

"Octavia, look I-"

"Without me right there with you?" Octavia grasped Trixie's cape and tugged her closer until they were nose to nose. "You matter to me too much to lose you like that...especially if you love me as well." Before Trixie could reply, Octavia planted a deep kiss on her lips that Trixie returned with equal aplomb after a beat, oblivious to Spike and Scootaloo puling faces alongside the awkward hoof-shuffling of the bystanding ponies. Octavia pulled back with a gasp and looked Trixie's bruises over before plunking the hat on the Unicorn's head and hugging her gently. "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help; I got caught up back at the station with the luggage."

"Would've broken it up lickety-split if we'd been there-ow!" Firetail rubbed the spot on his head where Snowhooves thumped him.

"It's ok. I think I handled myself pretty well," Trixie smirked confidently and received a gentle hoof from her lover. "Hit him in the horn and made him drop his weapon just like you taught me."

"Oh, who was it?" Octavia asked.

"Prince Blueblood." At her words, Octavia's back hooves dug into the ground and her hug on Trixie tightened a margin.

"Did you pay that bastard back?"

"Not as much as I could have," Trixie replied, and finally Lyra stepped forward to ask the question on everypony's minds.

"Ok, what's up with you and Blueblood anyway?" Octavia looked at Trixie who nodded her assent.

"As you all now know, Trixie went to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns when she was younger, and was quite the student," Octavia smiled and nuzzled her fillyfriend. "She advanced quickly and was on the verge of moving on to the next level of studies but she became distracted. She hit a wall, as it were. Volare, Scootaloo, I believe you two both know of what I'm speaking."

"Yeah, I remember," Volare nodded, as did Scootaloo. "You just couldn't get any better and nearly destroyed your horn in the process."

"Yes, but did I ever tell you why I was pushing myself so hard?" Trixie asked.

"Cuz you wanted to distance yourself from your former life and make something better of yourself, right?"

"That's how it was at first," Trixie sighed and bowed her head for a moment to gather her thoughts. "But all that changed when a certain self-entitled Unicorn stallion was sent to the school and allowed to have the run of the place due to his status; even made him a glorified hall monitor. He was demanding, over-bearing, and overall intolerable, and once he set his sights on me...it was sheer misery from that day forward as I was constantly reminded that if I retaliated, he'd set the Guard on me or tell his Auntie I'd threatened his life...and that'd be the end for me, regardless of my position as Celestia's personal student."

"Wait a sec...not Prince Blueblood?" Spike gaped as Trixie nodded grimly.

"But wait, Celestia wouldn't let anypony do that! It's gotta be some sorta bad mistake, right?" Twilight protested, unable to believe that she'd allow such suffering of a pony to come to pass without recourse-although she had caught a glimpse of the manipulative side of her teacher the last time they'd met. Even so, she had to have been horribly distracted; she wouldn't just ignore such behavior, would she?! "Surely there must be an explanation?"

"If there was, I never really got one," Trixie shrugged as Octavia nuzzled her once more and Scootaloo trotted forward to hug her leg. "Only that 'time is short, not enough to go back and start things over.' For soon, I began to study other magic...magic designed not to help and aid other ponies like Celestia wanted me to, but to hurt and even kill them instead. Well, kill one stallion in particular. I was blinded by my anger and lust for vengeance and soon making him suffer became the only goal in my world. I could only take so much, you see...after a few years, I figured he'd stop, but it only got worse. He beat me with yardsticks and teased me that I'd never be able to fight back, so I was better off laying there and taking my lumps. He even...when we were in our teens, he...well, not all he said about me was false-" Trixie broke off with a choked sob and a stomp of her hoof that drew growls from Spike and Faber.

"Why I oughta...what a friggin jerk," Spike snorted flames and balled his scaly fists. "He better be glad I'm not a grown dragon."

"Ah'll remove tha lil' batard's means o' producin' heirs if Ah ever lay eyes on'm again, Prince or not," the blacksmith bared his teeth as Scootaloo hugged Trixie's leg even tighter.

"I-if he's still bothering you when I'm older, I'll come and beat him up for you, Trixie," the little filly declared, her adorable enthusiasm tugging at everypony's heart strings and meriting a firm hug from the magician before she spoke up again.

"Don't worry about avenging me, you three," Trixie sniffed and forced a smile. "You've done more than enough for that today. A simple smack across the face and public embarrassment will never be quite enough to completely make up for the pain he caused me...but I gotta say," Trixie's smiled brightened as she wiped her eyes. "It felt damn good all the same."

"I can imagine," Volare nodded grimly with a glance towards the palace, actually quite partial to Faber's suggestion. "But something's not clicking for me: what did Celestia mean by 'time is short?' What was so pressing that she couldn't see the abuse you were taking right under her nose, as well as the crap going on here with the Guards?"

Octavia shrugged, and before Trixie could speak, they were interrupted by the nearby landing of a golden-colored Pegasus mare. Her wild and spiky amber mane flashed back and forth as she took in the scene before her. She stepped forward, took a deep sniff of the air, and promptly pulled a face.

"Pee-yew, smells like Royal Pain around here! Did I hear you ponies mention Blueblood?" Her gaze drifted over to Soarin standing next to Lyra and without hesitation, she fluttered over between them and slugged him in the shoulder before giving him a peck on the cheek. At this distance, it was plain to see that her cutie mark matched the mark stamped into Soarin's engagement ring. This was Spitfire, co-captain of the Wonderbolts. "Well, Soarin? I detect the distinct stench of The Pain in the plot. What happened?"

"Heh, heya Spits," Soarin returned the peck with one of his own before nodding towards Scootaloo and Volare. "Well, basically, the little one there-"

"Hey, I said I'm not little!" Scootaloo fumed.

"Oops, right. Scootaloo there, big fan of Rainbow Dash by the way, she kinda ran into Blueblood. He got all mad and tried to hit her with a stick, and then-"

"He did what?" Spitfire cried, her eyes drifting over the smaller filly who was being inspected by Spike for further injuries for a moment before Soarin continued.

"Yeah, but before he did, her brother slammed him outta the way."

"Who's her brother? Skinny blue guy with the bird on his back?"


"Hmph, well anypony that wallops that brat is worth knowing in my book," Spitfire cocked a brow as she approached. "What's your name?" To her surprise, Volare straightened up and threw her the crispest salute he could muster.

"Ma'am, Lieutenant Volare!"

"Impressive salute...Volare," Spitfire nodded and gave him a quick once-over with her eyes. "Lieutenant of what though? I don't remember seeing you in the ranks around here. Oh, and at ease; I'm not in uniform, ya know."

"It's erm...a bit of a long story, ma'am," Volare relaxed. But before he could speak, he was interrupted by the loud rumbling of Soarin's belly, which drew a smattering of chuckles from everypony present.

"Aww man, can't it wait? Somepony did kinda interrupt my dinner," Soarin shot Lyra a look, but the Unicorn's grin quickly went from sheepish to impish.

"How about we kill two birds at once, eh? Seeing as how it's about dinner time for everypony, after all." Lyra glanced at the fading sun and then turned to Twilight, her grin positively Cheshire by now. "Hey Twi."


"I couldn't help but notice how close we are to your sister Cadance's house. Somepony told me she's a pretty good cook and that she has quite the sizable dining room." Twilight's eyes widened in realization of Lyra's words. "And we all know how much she loves serving the good citizens of Equestria."

"Nope," she shook her head, but the damage was already done.

"Yeah, I'm sure Princess Mi Amore wouldn't mind a pit-stop there, right?" Soarin joined in with a grin of his own.

"No way!" Twilight protested, but it was like trying to hold back an avalanche single-hoofed.

"Come on, we crave sustenance," Spitfire joined in loudly.

"Spitfire, you just got here! Come on, you guys, we are not invading my sister's!" Twilight fought back as valiantly as she could. "Tell them, Volare!" But to her horror, the pilot joined in with the Wonderbolts and Lyra; it had been a long train ride, after all!

"Food!" he grinned.

"Food!!" Spike grinned and joined in.

"Yea, fooood!!" Lyra echoed as she bumped hooves with Volare "FOOD!! FOOOD!!" Soon the entire herd was calling for food, and even Shae was adding her own shrieks of hunger into the mix.

"Hey!!" Twilight stomped a hoof despite the smile she felt growing across her own face at her friends' boisterous antics. "We are absolutely not going! Seriously!!"

West Ponyville Park...

"Haha, better but not quite, Boss!" Cloud Kicker laughed as Rainbow Dash once more leaped to her hooves, spitting soil and grass-clipping as she straightened Cloud Kicker's borrowed sparring helmet for the umpteenth time that day. But although she'd been tossed aside like a ragdoll again and again, instead of becoming discouraged, the hard-headed Weather Captain merely became more determined to find a way to win.

"Grrah, one more time!" Dash yelled as she turned to face the Krav-Pega Master, her safety-padded hoof pawing and tearing out chunks of turf. As sadistic as it might appear, Cloud Kicker had to admit that it was kinda nice to whoop on her Boss for once, and without fear of recourse. And she made it a point to remind Dash of it every moment she could, claiming that a suplex throw was for "forgetting to give her a raise," a wing-bar was for making her buck a whole thunderstorm herself one day, and one particular joint lock was for Dash "refusing her generous offer to share her bed a few years ago."

"I mean, seriously, I couldn't be any nicer, Boss," Cloud Kicker chuckled while Dash thrashed about, trying to unhook her wing from under her Lieutenant's armpit, but to no avail. "Wine, cheese, a movie, more wine, romantic music, and a whole night of rowdy banging. What more could you ask for?"

"Getting me drunk so I'd hop in the sack with you won't prove I swing that way, Cloud Kicker-ragh!" Dash retorted, surprising her friend with a sudden duck-under move that allowed her to grab Cloud Kicker's back right leg and twist her to the ground. She raised her padded hoof to strike, but Cloud Kicker responded by grabbing at her hoof with a grin; she too knew that Dash hated having her sensitive hooves touched. Dash hopped backwards with a snort, her fighting blood boiling as she bum-rushed her Lieutenant once more.

"She's being far too predictable," Ravenfire rolled her eyes and watched from her cloud as, equally predictably, Cloud Kicker countered Dash's rush with a side-step and a trip that left her eating turf once more. This had gone on for most of the day as Cloud Kicker showed Dash a few sparring moves beyond wrestling. But every time that progress seemed to be made, Dash's temper would rise, she'd forget what she'd learned, and simply rush in, relying on her blinding speed to do the deed. This worked the first few times, but Cloud Kicker was a seasoned West Hoof student, and she quickly picked up on Dash's simple patterns as she made a mule out of her boss time and again, her devilish delight plain for all to see.
"Rainbow Dash, try using a little variety for once!"

"Aww nah, don't stop her Raven," Cloud Kicker chortled as Dash squinted up at the cloud-perched older mare. "This is kinda a fantasy of mine: The Boss throwing herself at me cuz she just can't resist the old Cloud Kicker charm! Ooh, or maybe she's throwing herself at me cuz she's pretending I'm some pony else. Some stallion else," Cloud Kicker winked at her boss. With a shout of mortified rage and panted threats of all sorts of bodily harm, Dash charged her Lieutenant, and it was all Ravenfire could do to not step in and show her herself. Unless Dash controlled that temper, she'd never make any progress in....well, what Dash claimed to be a "new hobby" and in no way related to anypony else. She insisted it, in fact.

Well, I wasn't born yesterday, much as I'd like to be a little younger. Oh if wishes were fishes, Ravenfire thought as she glanced up at the distant city of Canterlot as it caught the final glimmering rays of the waning sun. Something in her gut told her that the real reason for Dash's change in behavior was likely settling down for dinner right now, his friends all around him and surrounded by strong, safe walls.

Cadance and Shining Armor's Home, Early Evening...

The smell of a veritable autumn feast permeated the sizable home of Princess Cadance and Prince Shining Armor. While the former worked her magic in the kitchen, stirring up and preparing dishes from recipes she'd picked up from her travels the world-over, Shining Armor prepared the table in the dining room. As Cadance carefully watched the vegetable contents of one pot coming to boil, she continued to keep and eye on the main course of the evening that simmered in a shallow pan on the stove: Desert Stew, a type of lentil and rice curry picked up from Saddle Arabia the summer before she married Shining Armor. It was one of her favorite foreign dishes, and although spicy, it was balanced out nicely with a bowl of chilled dates, the Saddle Arabian national fruit. The dish was simple enough to make, but if one lost their concentration for even the slightest bit, it could easily burn.

"Hey good lookin," despite her focus, a smile crept across her face as a voice crooned in her ear. She felt warm breath upon her neck as soft lips gently nibbled her before parting and speaking again. "Whatcha got cookin'?"

"Hmph, your dinner and it'll burn if you distract me too much, mister," Cadance half-turned and met Shining Armor's blue eyes with her own purple ones. He was wearing the goofy little grin he often got when they were alone like this, as if he were happy just to be in her presence-which he was of course. Even so, it was a smile he shared only with her, and it sent a little thrill up her spine to know he appreciated and loved her so much.

"Mmm, smells good," Shining Armor murmured and snuffled her neck once more. "Dinner too."

"Heehee, is that so?" Cadance fully turned and planted a teasing nip of a kiss on her husband's lips with an impish grin. "You like the smell of me working in the kitchen and getting all dirty and smoky for you?"

"Well yeah, cuz that means I get ta clean ya up later," Shining Armor replied and returned the kiss. "Cuz as great as ya look now, I know you'll look better after dinner and a hot bath...and maybe a massage, hmm?"

"Oho, you'd best keep your silver tongue tucked away, Captain," Cadance poked his shoulder with a cooking spoon.

"Ha, depends on where I tuck it away at," Shining replied with a soft growl and ducked under the spoon to catch her lips in hers once more. Cadance had to admit, though he could be a little irritating at times-and what husband wasn't on occasion?-he more than made up for it in charm and sincerity. "So babe, what is for dinner?" Shining cocked a brow at the bubbling pots and pans, and his face fell slightly in recognition of the ingredients. "Not...Desert Stew again?"

Aaaand charm is gone.
"Again?" Cadance jabbed at him with the spoon. "We haven't had this in weeks! Besides, you claimed it was your favorite...Or were you just saying that?"

"Um, you see, uh..." Shining wilted slightly under his wife's stern look. "If I was only just saying that, it was only to make you happy, honey."

"Uh-huh," Cadance rolled her eyes and turned back to stir the meal once more. "I figured as much when you dumped gravy all over it the last time."

"But gravy is awesome!" Shining insisted, his eyes flicking towards the food and back at his wife. "I mean, everything you make is great, this just gives it that coupe de grace oomph!" Cadance' eyes flicked back to his hopeful expression, and she barely managed to hold in a laugh at the sight of him giving her puppy dog eyes. Big beautiful puppy dog eyes that only made her love him all the more despite his occasional moments. With a small shake of her mane and a sigh of defeat, Cadance relented.

"Oh fine, I suppose you can go get the gravy boat," she smiled and pecked him on the lips as she passed him on the way to the dining room, simmering pans and dishes levitating around her. She thought she heard a small yay as Shining Armor galloped towards the larder downstairs, but she didn't have much time to think on it; as soon as she sat the plates down, she heard a knock on the front door.

"Now who could that be this time of day?" Cadance glanced at the clock-it was a quarter past six-before trotting towards the door. "Who is it?" she called, and her face split into a grin at the familiar reply.

"Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake!" Without hesitation, Cadance unlocked the door and threw it open, her response halfway out of her mouth before she could stop herself.

"Clap your hooves and do a little...oh my." Cadance froze in mid-shake, her posterior protruding over the threshold and her eyes wide as saucers at the sight of the small herd of ponies outside the door, the closest of which were Twilight and a lanky blue and yellow Pegasus stallion. His eyes were as wide as hers as he tried to tear his gaze away from Cadance' shapely pink plot practically poking him in the person...but to no avail.

Shining Armor, you lucky bastard, Volare's stunned mind managed to mumble before Twilight elbowed him in the ribs, and he quickly threw a wing up over his eyes. "Agh, oh damn, s-sorry, Plot-Princess flank-Cadance! Princess Cadance." Volare felt his face burn as hot as the sun as he heard Cadance regain her composure with a small ahem of embarrassment.

"Smooth one, dude," Spike face-clawed.

"Gawd, I'm just gonna go fall down a sewer grate now, bye."

"No, wait," Volare felt a slim hoof lay itself on his shoulder and peel his wing from his eyes. Facing him was a lithe pink Alicorn half a head taller than he and projecting an air of elegance and kindness that tore him in two directions. On one hand, he wished to bow, if not out of respect than solace for staring, but on the other, he was almost compelled to hug her in greeting, as if she weren't a Princess but a long-lost friend. Thankfully, before Volare could embarrass himself further, Cadance acted first and wrapped a wing around him in a kind and gentle embrace. "You must be Volare, right?"

"Y-yes Princess," Volare nodded, now even more embarrassed as he caught the looks from his friends. "I am."

"I've heard so much about you, it's almost surreal to see you in person," Cadance replied with a smile as she released him and looked him over, noting the barely-visible burn scars from his origins that Twilight had spoken of, as well as the scarf with the CMC logo and the saddlebag he wore close to his side. It was then that she noticed the little orange filly in her matching cape by his side, trying not to look too terribly conspicuous so that she stayed out of trouble for now.
"Well, well, who might you be, little one?" Cadance knelt down to the filly's level with a gentle smile.

"I-I'm Scootaloo, and I'm Volare's sister," the youngster answered after a moment's hesitation.

"Oh yes, I remember now. You two were competing in the Running of the-" Cadance cut herself off at Volare's pained expression, settling for an awkward rearranging of her tiara for a moment before turning back to Scootaloo, noting the faded scar on her face that Shining Armor had told her about. Poor little one's been through so much. "How old are you, Scootaloo?"

"Ten," she answered proudly and unfazed.

"Aha, graduated to double digits. Quite the accomplishment," Cadance smiled and patted her head with a wing. "Well, I'm Princess Cadance, Shining Armor's wife and Twilight Sparkle's sister-in-law."

"Whoa, sweet!" Scootaloo beamed brightly before sniffing the air wafting from the house. "Mmm, what smells good? I'm starving!"

"Hahaha, I'll bet you are. It's a special dish from one of the countries I've visited in the past."

"Aww, can we have some?" Scootaloo pleaded before Volare patted her on the head with his own wing and gave Cadance a helpless shrug. But Cadance merely chuckled and turned to Twilight and embraced her even more strongly. "It's good to see you again, Twilight. I heard what happened down in Ponyville and I just...oh you should have seen how I scolded Shining Armor when he came home," she chuckled.

"I can imagine," Twilight laughed and hugged her once more before turning to her friends. "Um, you wouldn't be terribly offended if a few of my friends invited themselves over for dinner, would you?" Soarin, Spitfire, and Lyra picked up on her pointed request and added their own hoof waves and hopeful smiles to the mix.

"All of them, hmm?" Cadance pondered with a hoof to her lips before smiling. "I suppose I can whip up a few extra dishes...if they're willing to pitch in of course." Her words brought a chorus of yays, alrights, and hoof-bumps from all present as she led them inside, though Shae was content to perch on the roof instead, preferring the open air to the indoors. Besides, the roof had a skylight and she'd be able to keep an eye on everypony that way, and so she settled in with a content cheerek, preening her feathers and keeping a sharp eye out for any further trouble of the Blueblooded sort. As their home swelled with guests, Shining Armor returned with the gravy boat hovering alongside him and he stopped dead in his tracks in sheer surprise at the amount of ponies and creatures within their home. He wasn't angry, just plain stunned.

"Um, honey," Shining called out over the hustle and bustle. Cadance' eyes met his as he looked from her to the gravy boat and back. "I think we're gonna need a bigger boat."

A Short Time Later...

"Whoa, that was some trip," Spitfire gasped and took a long swig of her drink as Volare returned the earbuds and memory sphere to his saddlebag while the impromptu dinner party continued back in the dining room. "That was...whoa, man. Just, whoa." Spitfire leaned back on the living room couch and wiped her forehead, her mind buzzing with imagery of military jets, mid-air dogfights, explosions, fire, music, and a myriad of other sights, sounds, and even smells related to the events that Volare had personally encountered since his arrival in Equestria.

"Heh, I think that's about how you first reacted when Vinyl did that with you, Volare," Twilight chuckled and nudged the pilot.

"Nah, I wasn't that out of it, was I?"

"Sure were, dude," Spike smirked and slurped from his own drink, rather amused by the Wonderbolt Captain's reaction to the memory sphere. "Your eyes were giving Derpy a run for her bits and you nearly fell over."

"Well excuse me, but I'd nearly bled to death a few nights before if I recall correctly," Volare stuck his tongue out at the young dragon.

"Eesh, don't remind me; gives my scales the shakes every time I think about that night," Spike shivered visibly before Twilight placed a comforting hoof on his shoulder.

"I think that can be said for everypony present," Twilight frowned before moving her hoof to Volare's and looking him in the eyes. His gaze met hers, but words weren't necessary. They both knew he was damn lucky to be alive and sitting where he was today. She gave him a quick smile and a pat of his hoof before turning back to Spitfire, who was still looking a bit dazed. "But let's not spoil the night, hmm? Spitfire, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, just...damn, I saw that too," the normally confident Captain's orange eyes were glinting with rarely-seen moisture and she kept looking at Volare to see if he was truly in one piece, because judging from what she'd seen, he should be six feet under by now. She was known by many as a hard-boiled Pegasus with a take-no-prisoners attitude up at the Wonderbolt Academy. But here...she'd just born witness to all of the pain and suffering this human-turned-pony had experienced, and to tell the truth, it was inspiring to see him still alive and seemingly normal. "Are you...damn, are you ok, Volare?"

"Heh, yeah, I'm good, Spitfire. Why?"

"That just-" she trailed off with a shake of her mane. Though he'd explained that he was simply sharing memories with her to save time, he didn't tell her about what she'd feel as well. With a short snort and a quick swig of the last of her drink, she shook her head once more and tried to focus. "Like I said, that was a trip. I saw the military things you told me about, and I see now what you meant when you introduced yourself as Lieutenant. If we were outdoors and in uniform, I'd salute ya."

"No need, ma'am," Volare shook his head and smiled, very aware that Twilight's hoof had yet to leave his own below the level of the table. He gave her a quick sideways glance but she was turned around and chatting with Cadance behind her chair, so he simply shrugged and let it be for now, though something in the back of his mind told him to be careful, that perhaps those feelings that Twilight had to repress were coming out again. Wouldn't be so bad now, he thought, what with that crystal keeping him stable and he being ok with the thought of having a relationship with a pony. Sure, Twilight could be a little out there sometimes, but she was a nice mare, funny, smart, and easy on the-
Oh my god...keep it together, dude!

"-scooch on over, buddy!" Volare was pulled out of his musings by a mint-green and white tail flicking across his nose. He snuffled and looked up to see Lyra standing there with a wide grin and drinks hovering around her head. "Scooch on in and gimme some room, dude."

"Oh, r-right," Volare nodded and moved over, breaking his touch with Twilight's hoof and causing the Librarian to look up for a moment before moving over as Lyra deposited the drinks on the table.

"Sup, Twilight. Heya Spits," Lyra grinned and offered her a drink, but the Wonderbolt Captain held up a hoof and shook her head.

"No thanks. I think I hear my special somepony calling," Spitfire stood up and gave Twilight and Volare a curt nod before trotting off to find Soarin in the kitchen. Cadance, sensing some strife, nodded to her guests as well and beckoned for Spike to follow her and Spitfire just in case, leaving Twilight, Volare, and Lyra alone in the living room.

"Wow, she seemed kinda...on edge," Twilight observed with a tilt of her head. "And not just cuz of the memory sphere-by the way, that was a good idea, Volare. Really saved us hours of explanation."

"That was the idea behind it," Volare replied as he patted the saddlebag. "Vinyl's quite the genius when she puts her mind to it. You think she'll be ok? She seemed kinda shaken."

"Heh, Spitfire's one tough cookie; she'll be ok," Lyra tossed her mane and slurped her drink. "And as for that sphere doo-hicky, I'm proud to be one of the first ponies to add stuff to it," Lyra pumped a hoof and grinned, though that faded somewhat as Twilight fixed her in a frown. "What?"

"Spitfire seemed to direct her comments towards you, Lyra. Is something going on between you two?"

"Huh? Oh, well maybe," Lyra waved a hoof. "I mean, not anymore I thought, but apparently she's not over it yet. Shame too, cuz I remember her being pretty cool to hang with back in the day."

"Back in the day, eh?" Volare cocked a brow and sampled the drink that Lyra had brought. He couldn't place it at first, but it hinted strongly of apples and honey of all things. And by the taste on the back of this throat, it was fairly alcoholic as well, and so he resigned to sip it rather than gulp it. "What is this stuff, Lyra?"

"Hmm? Oh, that's Cyser, made from Canterlot Clover Honey and Apple Family Cider," Lyra replied and took a draught of her own mug and sighed in pleasure. "It's a type of old Norse-Pony mead from way up north. Good huh? Twi, you gonna try any?"

"I dunno if I should," Twilight hesitated, but at the encouraging smiles from Lyra and Volare, she resolved herself to try a little bit of it, if only out of politeness. She tipped up a mug and the warm mead washed her tongue and throat, warming her to the core and quite instantly relaxing her a tad. To put it simply, Twilight was a bit of a lightweight, and she gave a small, embarrassed burp before regaining her composure. "Ahem, it's good. Thanks Lyra. Now then...back to Spitfire. You knew her in the past?"

"Yeah, she and I go way back to elementary school, actually," Lyra nodded and proceeded to relate how she and Spitfire had been the best of friends for years, always getting into trouble, causing a ruckus in and around the Canterlot Palace, and scaring the daylights out of the staff there on occasion. They seemed inseparable. "But then one day when we were both about 17 or so, this hunk of a Pegasus stallion with a killer blue mane and the silliest, most adorable laugh ever came into our lives." Lyra smiled and swigged her drink. "He wasn't the brightest guy, but by Celestia's beard was he friendly and chivalrous. And dat plot...heehee!"

"Moving right along. Why the tension between you and Spitfire?" Volare nudged her with an elbow, and she gathered herself once more. Thus began a long-winded tale of desire, passion, suspicion, jealousy, anger, and betrayal that culminated in Spitfire, Soarin, and Lyra all ending up in the same bed four years ago. And there were details...oh so many details. In fact, according to Lyra, it was a wonder neither she nor Spitfire ended up with foals.

"And that's how I proved that I was better in the sack than Spitfire. And ever since then she's done everything she can to keep Soarin away from me, including apparently becoming his fiance." Lyra downed the rest of her drink and slammed her mug down before staring curiously as Twilight and Volare's gob-smacked faces. "What?"

"Um, nothing Lyra," Volare blinked twice and shook his mane, his mind trying to process all that she'd just told him-quite proudly it seemed-and the mead wasn't making it any easier! And judging by the curious look on Twilight's face as she peered over her empty mug, she was feeling the same effects. "Just...I can see why Spitfire wants to keep you away from him."

"Yeah, she can't compete so she just eliminates the competition I guess," Lyra shrugged and waggled her empty mug. "Want some more Cyser, guys?"

"Hmm-oh, no, I'm fine," Twilight shook her head as did Volare.

"Aww, ok," Lyra pursed her lips, leaned back on the couch and let loose a wall-shaking belch that drew hoots and hollers of encouragement from the dining room. "Ahhh...Cyser's always good among friends, ya know?" Lyra threw a hoof over Volare's shoulders and grinned at both him and Twilight. "Man, you know what stinks? Out of everypony here, we're the only ones not getting any action."

If Volare and Twilight had any drinks left, there'd have been a simultaneous spit-take of epic proportions. But lacking the prerequisite liquid, they both had to settle for a duet of "What?"

"Yeah, think about it," Lyra waved a hoof towards the dining room. "I mean, Shining Armor and Cadance of course. Spitfire and Soarin. You can bet that Snowhooves and Firetail are gettin' some back in town-"

"Ahem, this is hardly a dinner-appropriate topic," Twilight replied lamely, though Lyra merely laughed.

"Aww come on, Princess. Aren't you curious as to who's with who around here? I know Volare probably is," she nudged the blushing pilot with an elbow. "Come on, dude. Since you're on the prowl and all, you'd best know what's going on so you don't get all frustrated later when you-"

"Whoa, whoa, timeout a-hic-sec!" Twilight waved a hoof and half-stood up before the mead dragged her back to the couch cushion. "What do you mean, 'Volare's on the prowl?' He's already said he's not ok with being with mares because it's too weird for him."

"Ahaha, you may not have a lot to learn book-wise, but from a practicality stand-point," Lyra smirked and her hold on Volare's neck tightened a smidge. "You're kinda lacking. Surely even you noticed ol' flyboy's reaction to Princess Cadance' little door greeting." Lyra's golden eyes flashed with mirth while Volare's face flared scarlet as Twilight put two and two together. "Oh yeah, Volare here had a nice little conversation with Cloud Kicker and according to her, any sorta taboo he might have had against a pony relationship is dead and buried now, eh Volare?"

"Eh-heh, you could um...kinda say that," Volare mumbled, unable to bring his eyes to meet Twilight's for the moment, though Lyra simply laughed again and shook him gently.

"Haha, no need to be nervous, dude. Twi and I are your pals, and admitting your feelings is nothing to be embarrassed about, right Twilight?"

"Uh, r-right," Twilight replied quietly, her eyes shying away from Volare's as well. If Lyra's system didn't already have mead coursing through it, she might have noticed the awkward body language between the two, but fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on one's point of view) she continued on, oblivious to their nervousness.

"So, right, where was I? Oh yeah, I swear something's going on between Bon-Bon and Faber, cuz she keeps mentioning something about a bung-hammer, even when they aren't talking about the wine barrels in the basement. And Trixie and Octavia together and doing it every time I turn around," Lyra halted at a series of thumps from the upstairs bedroom and smirked. "Speaking of whom...I think I saw them headed up the steps after dinner. You know, I've never been the after-dinner type. Always felt like digesting first before having a little fun, know what I mean, guys?"

"Eh, sure," Volare forced a smile, supremely uncomfortable with having this conversation in front of Twilight.

"I er...wouldn't know, honestly," Twilight replied, drawing a look of surprise from Lyra.

"Whoa, Twilight so you haven't...you know?" she waved a hoof in a circle.

"....N-no," came Twilight's quiet response.

"Dang, I'm sorry Twi," Lyra reached over and patted the mortified Librarian. "You'll find the right guy soon enough. I mean, hay, I'll bet even Shae's gotten some lately," she quipped, trying to lighten the mood as she nodded up at the osprey peering in through the skylight. Unfortunately, the mead wasn't helping her subtlety much this evening as she raised her mug in a toast to Shae. "Hey Twilight, you're smart. Ever wonder how birds do the deed?"

"What the hell?" Volare muttered as Twilight's eyes shot wide and her face flamed red.

"Well, er...of course I know I just..." the Librarian's eyes darted towards Volare's and he gave her a 'hell no' sort of look. "But the Cyser's kinda gotten to my head and made it all foggy. Sorry," she smiled sweetly and Volare had to surpress a grin as they bumped hooves under the table...hooves that once more stayed in contact after the act.

"Ah, yeah I hear ya there," Lyra nodded and smacked her lips. "You know, us three and Trixie were supposed to study up humans more soon, right?"

"Yep, that's right," Twilight nodded, grateful for the change of subject.

"I've always wondered about how they get it on, like, how much more fun it could be with those fingers and extra joints and stuff," Lyra grinned toothily while Volare face-tabled with a groan. "Volare, what's your favorite position? Speaking of which, what're you guys doing later tonight? You think we could-"

"No!" came Volare and Twilight's responses, quickly shooting down Lyra's crazy request.

"Aww, ok," Lyra checked the bottom of her empty mug once more, shrugged, and picked up the empty containers with her magic. "If you guys change your mind, lemme know, ok? In the meantime, guess it's another night of me and the "FUN" box."

"Ok, I'm afraid to ask," Volare said as Lyra turned to go. "But what's in the "FUN" box?"

"Heehee, come to my apartment and find out, pal," Lyra bumped her hip against his side with a smirk. "Gotta say, you humans invent all kinds of stuff for lonely girls...guys too."

"Damn, Lyra," Volare shook his head in disbelief as she started to trot off. "No offense, but you're kinda a freak."

"Hmm...yep, guess I kinda am. But hey, can't make a jar of peanut butter without a few nuts, right? See ya!" Lyra said matter-of-factly as she left the room, leaving Twilight and Volare alone and in the grip of a heavy, awkward silence. After several moments of throat-clearing and hoof-shuffling, Volare broke the silence.

"So, um...that was interesting."

"Yeah, a little too interesting," Twilight chuckled nervously and looked tentatively towards Volare. "Was she serious? I mean, about the...fun box and the stuff in it?"

"Believe it or not, yeah, she's right," Volare scratched the back of his head and blushed. "Humans do all sorts of crazy things to...well, take care of business."

"You mean achieve sexual pleasure?" Twilight corrected him so bluntly that he gaped at her until she hoofed his shoulder. "Oh come on, just because I don't have any hooves-on experience doesn't mean I don't know about the act of it, Volare. Don't forget: we did go over pony anatomy together."

"How could I forget?" Volare chuckled and returned the hoof.

"So what was more awkward? You learning about pony anatomy or Lyra's...experiences?" Twilight inquired.


"Mhm, I'd like to know."


"Oh, I have my reasons," Twilight smiled and leaned in closer. Volare could smell the mead on her breath and it gave him pause in worry for a moment before continuing.

"Fine...probably this."

"And why's that?"

"Cuz you're right here practically taking notes, plus you're a...well, a-"

"But you didn't know I was until I said it," Twilight pointed out with a smirk. "Does that change things between us?"

"Um, I mean, uh...we're just friends right, Twi?" Volare asked, and though it hurt a bit, Twilight did pull back to contemplate his statement with a frown.

"Well, yeah, of course," Twilight nodded, realizing how her behavior must be coming off to him, although a small portion of herself questioned why that was so wrong. Because, well...Celestia didn't know things were safe now, with that crystal, there was a way for them to...

"I'm glad, by the way," Volare's voice cut into her thoughts.

"Hrm, what?"

"That we're friends, Twi," Volare grasped her hoof in his and smiled. "Everypony could use a friend like you."

"Heh, well I'm not perfect, Volare," Twilight shrugged.

"Neither am I, though," Volare countered with a nudge. "But it's friends like you that help fill in those gaps of imperfections and lift others up to higher places."

"...Volare, you're either mocking me or you're very drunk," Twilight pointed out with a hiccuping laugh that Volare soon echoed once he registered her words.

"Hmph, well trust me Princess, I wouldn't mock you," Volare's bow coincidentally made him dodge a swipe of a throw-pillow. "So that must mean I'm quite buzzed. Even so, considering how you saved everyone's butts out there today, though you may not like it much, I'm pretty damn glad you're a Princess."

"Heh, well in that regard, I guess I am too," Twilight conceded.

"I'm gonna have to bow more so you don't set the Guard on me one of these days."

"Pfft, like I'd do that," Twilight rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Then again, I might have them chunk you in the moat to clear your head if you don't knock it off, Mr. Blue Angel Lieutenant."

"Junior Lieutenant," he corrected.

"As if titles matter between friends," Twilight laughed and snuggled up against Volare, the mead making her head a little foggy and sleepy. And he was warm, so why not? She subconsciously fumbled her front hooves about for a moment before grasping his own hoof between them and pulling it to her chest as she settled in and closed her eyes, a bit too tired to notice him tense up slightly at her actions.

Well, this is kinda awkward, the pilot thought before allowing Twilight to grasp him, enjoying her company and closeness, something he had to admit he missed since they discovered their little "problem." But one look down at the gentle smile on her sleepy face and all semblance of reluctance melted. Heh, gotta admit she's kinda cute like this...when she's not freaking out, of course, he chuckled and relaxed against the couch shrouded in the semi-dark of the empty living room. The sounds of the party faded into the background, leaving just their quiet breathing and heartbeats to fill the silence of the house corner.

It made Volare reconsider how important he was to her, especially if just being with him like this made her happy. It scared him a bit, among other things, but it also made him realize that he owed her so much already. To take that happiness away from her...was that really fair? Besides, Volare thought as he wrapped a wing about Twilight's shoulder, inducing an adorkably sleepy little groan and a swat at her mane-bangs from her hoof. She's kind, caring, adorable, smart, funny...maybe a little neurotic, but hey, who am I to point fingers at for not being perfect? I mean, she's not really my type and I don't wanna rock the boat between her and Celestia again...still, the fact that she'd fight for me like that...wow.

"Twilight," Volare whispered as he brushed a hoof through her mane, lifting her tickling bangs from her scrunching nose.

"Hmm?" she mumbled and nuzzled up against his chest, listening to his heart...his hammering heart. "Volare, you ok?" she cracked an eye up at him.

"Yeah, I'm ok."

"Your heart's pounding," she pointed out and gave him a look before he shook his head.

"Seriously, I'm fine. Thanks. I just..." he trailed off and looked down at her, a cute little bookworm, a powerful Unicorn, a Princess, his friend. He smiled and wrapped her hooves in his and pulled her closer. "Thanks for being there for me, Twi. I dunno how I'll ever repay you."

"Aww, well you're very welcome, Volare," Twilight smiled and closed her eyes again, her own heart speeding up a bit too. Perhaps his feelings, whatever they may be, weren't totally gone too. Oh please don't let them be gone. But how to bring it back up without things becoming super awkward again? Twilight yawned hugely, eliciting a chuckle from Volare and she snorted lightly at him. Well, perhaps not tonight...too darn tired anyway. She snuggled back up against him once more and smiled contentedly. "Heh, breaking up fights, spur-of-the-moment dinner parties, crazy...er, exploits...not like today can get any crazier, right?"

The quiet alarm bells in Volare's mind rang out anew at her statement, but before he could admonish her, Murphy seemed to beat him to the punch via the swiftly dimming streetlights outside, plunging the living room into near-darkness, lit only by a single candelabra in the corner.

"So, um...you'd be ok with being with a mare, now?" Twilight murmured, oblivious to the towering black shadow passing by the window.

"Twilight, what've you done?" Volare mumbled numbly.

"Hrm, what did I do?" Twilight looked up to see the pilot's eyes growing wider by the moment. Clink-clank...clink-clank...clink-clank came the unmistakable sound of steel-shod hooves on the pavement outside the house...and they were getting closer. It was then that the fur on her neck stood on end as she finally spotted the shadow.

"Twilight, what've you done?!" Volare said, trying to scramble to his hooves to warn everypony, but instead he got tangled up with Twilight.

"What'd I do!? What is that?!" Twilight shouted as the hoofsteps stopped just beyond the door, the darkness outside so heavy that there was no hope of getting a glimpse of it before it-

Boom! Boom-Boom-Boom! The door shook under the blows of a heavy hoof before it burst wide open, shrouding the room in blackness as the wind blew out the candle and a tall dark figure with blazing cyan eyes stepped through the threshold with a confident grin on its face.

"YAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!" Twilight and Volare screamed as the Librarian reflexively leaped into the air, landing in Volare's lap and nearly knocking the couch over. The pilot barely managed to catch her and realized for half a moment that they probably looked like Scooby and Shaggy jumping all over each other before he attempted to stand and flee the room to get Twilight to safety. Instead, he only managed to trip over the table and crash to the ground on top of Twilight.

"L-look, you, get outta here!" Volare feebly demanded as he rolled over and stood protectively above Twilight. Whatever this thing was, if it broke in the door like that, it could probably tear him to pieces at will, and-

"Hahahaha! Zounds, it's been too long, Volare! And you as well, Twilight Sparkle!" Came the most unexpected reply Volare could possibly imagine. As his eyes adjusted to the dark of the room, he was aware of other ponies rushing to the dining room door to stare at the scene before them as he gazed upwards at none other than Princess Luna herself. The Princess of the Night, foregoing all semblance of decorum, lifted both Twilight and Volare in a bone-crushing hug.

"Oof, good to see you too, Luna," Volare gasped, his heart still racing and his face burning in embarrassment as was Twilight's, perhaps even more so than he.

"Luna I love you too, but I think you're killing us," Twilight managed to squeak before the Princess of the Night realized her over-enthusiasm and released them to the floor once more.

"A thousands pardons, truly," Luna bowed quickly as her friends recovered, though she noticed something curious: Twilight and Volare were in close proximity to one another, yet Twilight wasn't exhibiting any strange behavior like her old letter had described, not did she herself feel that presence his body gave off the last time they'd met. Curious, very curious... "I trust I didn't startle you too badly?"

"Us? Nah, though I think Cadance may wanna check the couch for stains," Volare coughed as his breath returned.

"Yes, and I'll yet again have to repair my front door," Cadance rolled her eyes as she entered the living room. "I mean, really Auntie?"

"Eh-heh, forgive me. I don't know my own strength in my exuberance at the news that my friends were in town," Luna's face flushed as she winced at the sight of the broken front door. "At least it's still hanging on the hinges this time, right?" Everypony burst into chuckles as Cadance hugged her aunt, who in turn passed bows and embraces all around, albeit now they were a bit more controlled.

"How'd you know we were in town, Luna?" Volare asked as Luna sampled Cadance's cooking with an approving smile.

"Oh a little bird named Blueblood informed me through a bloody muzzle that some crazy ponies had attacked him and threatened his life right in front of the Royal Guard," Luna's tone became almost sardonic as she eyeballed the suddenly nervous group of ponies. "He gave the names Volare, Faber, Trixie, and Scootaloo of all ponies as the ones who tried to...oh how did he put it-'tear him limb from limb.' Now then, is that the truth, or is he just embellishing things again?" The other ponies weren't sure if she was joking or not-this was Luna for crying out loud, self-proclaimed master of pranks and good humor, right? But Luna's cool gaze roved among the ponies for a moment before realizing that one of the accused was absent. "Where is Trixie? I was told she was here. I trust she's in better spirits since we last met, especially if she was healthy enough to want to tear Blueblood to pieces."

"Uh, well..." Lyra spoke up as her gaze flicked towards the ceiling. Almost right on cue came a thump and a muffled giggle, the owner of which obviously oblivious to the front door being practically kicked in. "She's kinda....indisposed at the moment."

"...Upstairs I take it?" Luna cocked a brow which Lyra feebly answered with a shrug and a feeble grin. "No worries, I'll fetch her." Before Lyra could say another word, Luna made for the stairs.

"Oh holy shitfire," Volare muttered and covered his face with his hooves as if to ward off the inevitable as Luna trotted up to the second story. Twilight mirrored his expression as the Princess' steel-shod hooves clinked along the upstairs floorboards, halting outside what Volare could only guess was the room from which Trixie and Octavia's-ahem-noises were emanating. Luna knocked on the door, but the giggling and thumps continued until they all heard the door begin to creak open...and then...

"Hello? Trixie are you in-AAAGH!!!"

"What in the-Princess Luna?!" came Octavia's mortified cry of panic accompanied by scuffling hooves and what sounded like a nightstand being knocked over.

"L-Luna?!" Trixie's shout burst forth as two new sets of hooves clopped along the floorboards, both shuffling about very nervously by the sound of it.

"O-oh my meteors," Luna mumbled. "A thousand pardons, but um...if you two could just-"

"Begging your pardon, your majesty, but get out!" Octavia shouted, and down the stairs stumbled a very red-faced Luna. The Night Princess wore a thousand yard stare as she trotted numbly back into the dining room, gave the others a very short nod, and proceeded to mutter some sort of prayer under her breath as they all waited for the arrival of the two fillyfriends. Thankfully the silence didn't have to last long as Trixie and Octavia shuffled down the steps a few moments later, but as red-faced as Luna and clearly out of breath...for whatever reason.

"Y-you wanted to see us, Princess?" Trixie asked as she approached, giving her friends a small shrug and embarrassed smile.

"Badly enough that she interrupted, apparently," Octavia remarked, trying her best to wrangle her abnormally messy mane into a half-presentable state.

"Whoa, why do you have rope-marks on your forelegs, Octy?" Lyra pointed out, causing Octavia to try to hide her hooves, something nearly impossible for a pony to do and still remain standing.

"Erm, we were um..."

"Trying a magic trick, that's all," Trixie cut her fillyfriend off with an emphatic grin. Lyra wasn't buying it, but there would be another time to discuss this little kink. For now, Luna cleared her throat and repeated Blueblood's accusations to the blue magician.

"So Trixie, is this true? Did you threaten Blueblood?" Trixie's eyes fell for a long moment before she looked back up with a defeated sigh. She was caught and she knew it. Octavia gave her hoof a squeeze as she spoke.

"Yes, I-"

"It's true, Princess," Volare interrupted Trixie and stood up beside his friend. "I threatened him too."

"Aye Ah did as well, ma'am," Faber declared and stood up as well with a sideways wink at the two blue ponies. "Threatened ta chop 'is 'ead off, in fact."

"Ugh, too much, Faber," Bon-Bon facehoofed as Scootaloo hopped up on the table to stand in front of her brother.

"I-I started it, Ms. Luna," the purple-maned filly admitted, much to the Night Princess' amusement. "I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into him. I'm sorry."

"Well, we lost track of Scootaloo," Lyra stood up and pulled Soarin with her, much to Spitfire's chagrin. "So we're to blame for letting her run into the guy, ain't that right, Soarin?"

"R-right," the Wonderbolt captain nodded, albeit rather reluctantly; he really didn't need to be under this kind of pressure from a Princess. He could barely handle Spitfire for crying out loud! Luna's vision moved from one "offender" to the other, a small smile sneaking out into her features. But before she could speak, one more pony added her voice to the chorus.

"If we're going to go that far back, then I'm to blame for all of it," Twilight Sparkle herself announced as she rose to her hooves and stood protectively in front of everypony. She glanced back and gave them all a smile before turning to face Luna once more. "I allowed Lyra to leave the station with Scootaloo in the first place, so if anypony is to blame for this mess, it's me, so let your judgement fall away from them, Luna." Twilight bowed before the Night Princess, unsure of what might be about to happen. Behind her, everypony standing tensed visibly, not about to let their friend get hurt without protest; Volare most visibly of all as he took a half step in front of Twilight to shield her if need be. But yet again, the most unexpected of things occurred when Luna began to titter, then to chuckle, then full-on belly laugh in a manner reminiscent of Celestia in the Library a few months back.

"Oh my goodness! Zounds and meteors, this is outrageous and altogether wonderful!" Luna laughed and wiped her eyes with a hoof before gathering herself and beaming proudly at Twilight and company. "You are all so loyal that you'd take the blame for one another for such a crime, and you Twilight, would take the blame for all?" Luna approached the confused Librarian and laid a hoof across her shoulder and smiled. "You may not like it much, Twilight, but you're truly earning the title of Princess, and I'm proud to greet you as such."

"So wait, are we in trouble, or...?" Soarin's query brought a fresh bout of chuckles from Luna as she shook her starry mane.

"Not in the slightest, Captain. From what the Guard reported after Blueblood went crying for the medical wing, seems the whelp got what he deserved for attempting to assault an innocent filly for such an insignificant slight. I swear, if he weren't a stallion, I'd bet a billion bits it was his time of the month," Luna's reply deflated the tension in the room significantly as everypony had a good chuckle at the snooty Prince's expense. "Besides, the dungeon here isn't nearly as big as everypony assumes it to be, and wouldn't hold all of you 'terrible, horrible criminals'. Well, at least not comfortably."

"So can we get back to eating-ow!" Firetail rubbed his head and glared at Snowhooves' stern expression.

"Haha, yes young Guard, you may return to your dishes," Luna nodded her consent as she herself peered at a bowl of candied dates with a hungry eye. The bowl soon emptied once Cadance turned her back, and for a few minutes at least, Luna was too occupied with chewing to speak as the dinner continued around her. However, despite the warm greetings and amusement she garnered from the antics of the entourage that Twilight and Volare had brought along with them, her mind kept flitting back to just how in Equestria Volare and Twilight could be so close now. Either she was right all along and there was nothing going on between those two besides the feelings she'd suspected for some time, or Celestia was right and something had changed things. Whatever the case, she intended to get to the bottom of things.

Luna soon found a gap in the conversations surrounding the dinner table and managed to beckon Twilight aside into the small library adjacent to the dining room. With a quick glance behind her to see if anypony had followed, Luna shut the door behind her and turned to face her niece with a barely-masked expression of concern.

"Luna, what's going on?" Twilight cocked her head as Luna poured herself a cup of water, sipped deeply of it, and got right to the point.

"You and Volare looked fairly cozy back there in each others' hooves," the Night Princess declared, causing Twilight's cheeks to flame pink, but Luna merely smiled and patted the air with a hoof. "Now, now it's nothing to be embarrassed about, Twilight. However, if I recall one of your letters, I believe you said something about you having strange, nearly unbearable sensations when near Volare. However, you seemed fine just then. Not to mention that I sensed a certain lack of...magical presence when I embraced him myself." Luna took another sip of water and fixed Twilight with a sincerely curious expression. "Would you mind explaining what's going on so at least I don't feel like I'm losing my mind?"

"You want the truth?" Twilight sighed after a long moment of thought. At Luna's nod, she left the room for a moment, only to return with a travel bag full of notes that she began to lay out on the coffee table. Most of it looked like gibberish scribbles to Luna, however one long piece of creased-up paper caught her eye: Volare's brain scan test results from a while back.

Twilight laid a hoof on the results and looked Luna in the eye with a perturbed countenance. "In all honesty, I wish I could give you the truth, but the fact is I wish I knew the truth myself."

"Oh?" Luna cocked a brow and leaned forward over the notes, peering at the squiggling lines where she'd assisted Celestia in pointing out certain thought patterns and sequences within the thought processes of Volare's mind activity. "What can you tell me that's changed from this, then?"

"Well, it's more of a theory than anything," Twilight replied with a scratch of her mane before spreading out a new series of papers over the results. "But even by my standards, it's a doozy..."


"Ahahaha!! Ah gotta tell ye, laddeh," Faber boasted as he thumped his mug down and gave a mighty belch before grinning across the table at his adversary: Prince Shining Armor. The Prince, who was looking decidedly more green than usual, stared over the lip of his own mug and weakly mumbled something under his breath. "Ye got a lot o' spunk, Ah'll give ye that. But ye gotta 'ave tha constitution ta back it oop!" Firetail, Soarin', and Spitfire hooted and hollered at his jest while Snowhooves merely facehoofed. Captain though he may be, the youngin' was still a youngin'. Meanwhile, to escape the craziness of the noise and to hopefully prevent a bad influence on Scootaloo, Octavia and Trixie had taken the young filly into the adjoining room, promising to play whatever game she wanted that didn't involve wrecking the house.

Volare gaped at the empty barrel of cyser sitting on Faber's side of the table. True, though he and Rainbow Dash had polished off a keg between them, the Scoltspony had done it all by himself! And he looked ready for more! The pilot shook his head in disbelief as Faber snatched Shining Armor's mug and downed it as well, looking almost disappointed that the alcohol was all gone.

"Got aneh more, marm?" Faber shook the mug at Cadance, who was looking more than a little irritated that her husband had agreed to such a contest; that cyser wasn't exactly cheap!

"No Mr. Faber, I think you've completely cleaned us out," Cadance smiled politely as she took the mugs from the blacksmith, doing her best to hold her smile till she made it to the kitchen and began washing the dishes in a huff. After a moment, she noticed Shae sitting on the window sill staring at her, and she opened the pane to let her in. But the osprey remained on the sill, and after a moment, Cadance went back to cleaning. "I swear, I love him to pieces, but my Shining Armor gets himself into the craziest situations sometimes."

Cheerekek, Shae replied, drawing a strange look from Cadance. The osprey nodded as if saying do continue, I'm listening

"Can you...understand me?" Cadance cocked a brow, suddenly a bit uncomfortable and thankful she didn't say anything too harsh about her husband. When Shae shrugged her wings and proceeded to preen her breast feathers while keeping an eye on Cadance, the Princess sighed and continued. "Well if you can, I hope you agree with me that he needs to think more and act less. I know he's the Captain of the Guard and I know he's expected to act without indecision...but I just wish he took more into account what others besides his Guard think about those actions. The dangers it could put him in, for example. Even something as minor as that," Cadance jerked her head over her shoulder at the laughter in the other room. "Gah, maybe I'm being too worrisome. I mean, I should have known what I was getting into when I married him, right?"

Cheekekeer, Shae tittered with a nod, done with preening and sitting there watching her every move as she finished cleaning and began to put the mugs away.

"Oh who am I kidding?" Cadance muttered as she shut the cabinet doors a bit more roughly than necessary. "I suppose I should just be a good Princess and deal with it. Keep my mouth shut, smile, and all that no matter what he does. Because I guess anything I say to him is superseded by his duties as Captain of the Guard."

"That's not true-hic at all." Cadance turned to see Shining Armor standing-well, more like leaning out of necessity-in the doorway of the kitchen. The green was still there in his face and his eyes were still a bit derped, but the sincerity rang clear in his words as he spoke. "I knew and loved you before I became Captain, and that still holds true today, babe-whoa!"

Cadance barely managed to catch him as he attempted to trot forward and merely fell face-first to the floor. She rolled him over with a helpless sigh to see him smiling up at her. In any other situation, she might have been angry and taking it as a mocking grin, but...oh darn it, why'd she have to love his goofy ass so much?! "And just what's so funny, mister?" Cadance did her best to look fierce as she levitated a wet rag over and toweled his face with it. Meanwhile, Shae remained on the windowsill, curiously watching the couple.

"Just-hic-how a stallion like me married such a great mare like you," Shining Armor continued to smile as he attempted to sit up. "And how a great mare like you-hic-could put up with a stallion like me." He leaned up closer until his lips nearly touched Cadance's before focusing his eyes on hers as best as he could. "Cadance...you're right, I gotta do better. Can you still put up with me till I do?"

If Cadance was younger, she would have smacked him; she'd have dropped him back to the floor for tugging on her heartstrings like this, but she just...couldn't! Instead, she looked him straight in the eye and gave him that gentle smile she'd become known for. "For any other stallion, no way in Tartarus. But for you...I suppose I can make an exception. You darn knucklehead. Better be glad I love you to pieces."

"Heh, better put that silver tongue away, babe," Shining Armor retorted with a drunken giggle. "And I know you do; heard ya say it to Shae."

"Heard me say it-wait a second!" Cadance drew back with a cocked brow. "You were standing there the whole time?"

"Leaning, but yes," Shining Armor admitted, preparing himself for a smack upside his head. "Was gonna come help with the dishes but heard you talking to Shae and just figured I'd, ya know, listen in."

"Why you sneaky, unbelievable, wannabe Prince who I can't believe I love so much!" Cadance half-heartedly thumped him in the chest with a smirk, causing him to cough lightly.

"Ach-I believe there should be a 'Captain' in there somewhere too, honey." With a chuckling laugh of amusement, Cadance pulled him up into a deep kiss, ignoring the taste of cyser on his breath and simply losing herself to the stallion she'd come to love so much against all odds. Back on the windowsill, Shae decided it was time to go and flapped her way to the rooftop. Though ospreys technically couldn't blush, her feathered face felt decidedly warmer all the same as she distracted herself by returning to watching the streets and alleyways of the growing night.


Meanwhile, back in the dining room, though Faber was out of alcohol, he'd proceeded to challenge any and every pony to a raucous hoof-wrestling contest. Needless to say, Volare and the Guards wisely declined, having personally seen what the hulking Unicorn was capable of. Nopony, not even the rough and tumble Spitfire stood a chance against the massive Unicorn, blitzed as he was, until Lyra and Volare got the idea to call Octavia in. The comparatively diminutive Earth Pony mare sat down across the table from Faber with a calm look on her face, while Faber laughed loudly at the absurdity of such a thing. However, Lyra and Volare winked knowingly at each other; they knew just what Octavia was capable of as well. Bon-Bon knew it too, but she decided that seeing Faber taken down a notch would be too amusing to pass up by warning him.

"Ach, lasseh, are ye sure ye wanna do this?" Faber teased as he wrapped his massive hoof around hers. His smiled faltered slightly though as he looked her in the eye and found her calm and cool as a tomb. Her mulberry eyes were hard and flat and her breathing even, while the corner of her mouth was crooked up in a slight smirk that robbed Faber of some of his confidence. "Oi you, jus' wha' do ye 'ave oop yer sleeve, eh?" Faber growled and gripped her hoof tightly, trying to elicit a reaction, a wince, anything! But no, she didn't flinch, she merely continued to fix him with that calm expression.

"Are you quite done now?" Octavia queried coolly, her eyes never leaving Faber's suddenly shying ones. She flexed her hoof, and the blacksmith finally felt all the strength she'd built up from the years and years of lugging around her cello and the tough musculature that belied her rather lithe frame. She returned the grip and the edge of her hoof bit into his, causing him to bite his lip to keep from making noise. Faber had never felt such strength in a mare, and quite frankly it scared him a little bit. Lyra and Volare bumped hooves and chuckled; apparently Faber didn't know the age-old rule of Earth Ponies: never get into a wrestling match of any sort with one.

But before Octavia could take Faber down a notch, Volare felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned to see Princess Luna wearing a strange look on her face, and it wasn't directed at the hoof-wrestling contest. Next to her stood Twilight wearing an equally curious expression, this one tinged with concern. Her hooves shuffled in agitation upon the floor and her ears flicked nervously until Luna laid a comforting wing across her shoulder and gave her a warm smile and a nuzzle. "Twilight? Hey, you ok?" Volare made to approach her but Luna's wing moved to block him.

"Be assured Volare, she's fine," the Night Princess replied tersely before nodding towards the backdoor of the house. "But I need you to come with me quickly."

"Whoa wait, what's going-"

"Please don't misunderstand me, Volare," Luna gave him an intense stare that brooked no argument. "I need you to follow me out of this house immediately, and bring that crystal-powered speakerbox with you. Twilight, you stay here with your friends." Volare hesitated at this sudden turn of attitude and events, but when he opened his mouth to protest, Twilight gave him a quick nuzzle and a nod of encouragement.

"Please listen to her, Volare. It's for your own good." At Twilight's words and the tone they carried, Volare felt a jolt of fear course through him.

"W-what's happening, Twi?" But she merely shook her head and nuzzled him again, with more force and lingering a bit longer this time, as if she'd never get the chance to do so again. Needless to say, it only served to spook Volare further.

"Please Volare. She just needs to confirm a few things, that's all. Remember the other reason we brought you here besides research?"

"...oh crap, yeah I do. To check my mind out," he chuckled in relief and shook his head before following Luna. "Jeez, but don't scare me like that, Twi. Made me think it was a matter of life or death or something." As Volare plucked up his saddlebag and followed Luna out the back door, his spirits significantly higher now, Twilight felt a lump of worry growing in her stomach such that she tasted tonight's dinner once more. She marked the location of the nearby bathroom just in case, and prayed that hers and Vinyl's theory about that crystal wasn't as dire as they thought.


As Luna led Volare out of the house, her mind wandered back to the charts, mind-scan results, and figures that Twilight had thrown her way. Though Luna wasn't considered to be nearly the science aficionado that Twilight was (then again nopony really was), the one area that she excelled at was the area of the mind, more specifically of dreams and their translation. Fitting really, being the Keeper of the Night which was the time of dreams, but unless one knew her well, at first glance they'd never guess she knew so much about the mind and its quirks. But what was truly on her mind involved Twilight's explanation of just how she and Volare were able to be so close again. And she prayed to the Moon that she was simply misinterpreting things, for if she wasn't...Volare could be a ticking time bomb.

"Alright, this is sufficient," Luna announced as they reached a granite-columned gazebo perched next to a small fountain, the running water of which chorused with the clip-clop of distant Guard patrols, the fall breeze whistling along the streets, and the sudden flapping of wings overhead. Luna looked up curiously to see that Shae had followed them and perched upon the gazebo, watching their every move with fierce eyes. "Hmm, seems Shae is still watching out for you."

"Yep, she's my friendly neighborhood stalker," Volare chuckled and tossed a wing-salute at the osprey who responded by preening a stubborn pinion and cherking softly to herself. "Like Fluttershy said: she's not a pet and I don't intend to force her to be one. Still, I appreciate the watchover, ya know?"

"Yes, I too can appreciate a watchful presence when needed," Luna smiled and settled herself beneath the gazebo, tucking her forelegs under herself and beckoning Volare to join her, which he did after a moment of thought, settling himself just as Luna was. Though he considered Luna a friend, he still felt strange basically hanging out with the Moon Goddess herself. She didn't seem bothered in the slightest though, and she quickly forwent any further formalities by throwing a wing over him and embracing him, asking him question after question as to how he'd been, how weather work was (she'd never personally participated in it and her genuine curiosity of it despite her age cracked Volare up), if he enjoyed flight, how he was progressing in it, and if he'd found any pony he was particularly interested in.

"Erm, excuse me, Princess?" That last question kind of threw him for a loop and made him all the more aware that she still held her wing over him. She looked down at him with an impish smile and gave an expectant hmm? sound. Framed by the rising moon, he admit that she was beautiful and a little intimidating...and he thought she looked a little hungry, even after dinner. Uh-oh, please tell me this isn't going where I think it's going...Twilight, Dash, and probably Celestia would kill me...eep!

"Just wondering, not to mention I heard Lyra mention something about you being 'on the prowl' as it were, before I kicked the front door in-inadvertently I assure you," she shook her mane and waved a dismissive hoof. She'd also heard quite a bit else between himself and Twilight, but continued to retain the guise of naivety, deciding she'd learn more by putting him at ease than spooking him. She needed to know if he shared the same feelings she sensed still existed in Twilight, for if they did...then that blew this entire theory to pieces and there was never anything to worry about. Still, even this close, she felt nothing of that presence she'd felt when last they'd met, so there was that backing up the theory as well. Oh please let it be wrong! "So I just put two and two together, that and the blush on your face tells me I'm probably on the right track." She gave him a gentle shake with her wing and chuckled softly. "Oh goodness, don't be so tense! It's all in good fun!"

"Heh, well considering today's events, I'm about all funned out," Volare snarked. "And it seems like everypony has been awfully curious about that little tidbit lately too."

"Aha, so you admit it as truth, then? You are on the prowl?"

"How the hell does everypony know about that anyway?!" Volare threw his hooves up in the air, sighed when he realized how loud and obnoxious he was being so late at night, and finally gave a defeated sigh. "Yes, it's true-wait, no, not on the prowl, just...if the right instance came along then yes, I'd be ok with having a relationship with a pony."

"Haha, that's wondrous news, Volare," Luna nodded her approval. "I've heard that it was quite the burden on you until you accepted that there would be nothing wrong with it. And before you ask...well, I and my sister have ears everywhere, so you'd best watch out!" Volare jumped a bit at her exclamation though she simply chuckled. "Did I get you?"

"Say what?"

"The jest, did it 'get you' as they say? Or did I go too far? I went too far, didn't I?" Luna's smile faded into a frown until she noted Volare seemed more confused than irritated. "I um...eh-heh, I've been working on my prank and joke delivery for the upcoming Nightmare Night, you see. I don't want another near-disaster like last year."

"Ah, I see," Volare nodded and patted her hoof hesitantly-was it ok to pat the Princess? But again, she seemed to welcome the contact and so casting aside all caution, he laid his hoof on hers and smiled up at her. "Well, to answer your question: yes, you got me. Got me pretty good, actually, especially with all this lead-up. Bit of a round-about way to give somepony a jump, but it sure worked. I say if you make an entrance like you did tonight, you'll be the life of the party," he chuckled and made to stand up, but to his surprise, Luna's wing held him still. "Um, Luna? This was all a prank, right?"

"Well, not entirely to be honest," Luna shook her mane and tipped her head up to gaze at the moon nearing its zenith, hardly able to believe that it was nearly midnight. "How time flies, even for one as old as I. Promise me you'll treasure the time you have here, Volare." She turned back to regard him with a soft expression; she was honestly not at all prepared to do what must be done if Twilight was correct about him. If he truly was that dependent on that crystal...then it might already be too late, for all she knew. "Especially with Scootaloo, Twilight, and the rest."

"Oookay...I promise, but you're kinda creeping me out again, Luna."

"I assure you, that's not my intention this time," the Night Princess insisted and leaned forward to peer at his saddlebag, her aura plucking at the clasp that held it secure. "Do you mind?"

"Um, no go ahead, ma'am," Volare lifted his wing and Luna levitated the spheroid speakerbox out of the bag and held it up in front of her.

So this is it, Luna thought as she turned the device over and inspected it. The speaker itself looked fairly advanced and Vinyl Scratch claimed ownership of it via her note shaped cutie mark stamped into the bottom of it. "Impressive," Luna commented as she turned it over again, using her magic to gently undo the screw that held the front screen on. Once they were undone, she carefully set the screen aside, lifted off the inner cone...and nearly dropped the speaker in shock at what she saw. No...it can't be...Volare, please not you...

"Luna? Hey Luna, what's wrong?" Volare nudged her, but the Night Princess' memories had suddenly flashed across her mind, and none of them were good. Pain, horror, tragedy, slavery, fire, death...Crystals! An animalistic grin full of sharp teeth, maniacal laughter, and finally scarlet eyes rimmed with violet flames that threatened to devour-
"LUNA! Snap outta it!"

"Wha-huh-oh my stars," Luna shook her mane and sat the speakerbox down to catch her breath while Volare continued to pat her hoof comfortingly as Shae settled back down, having been startled by his sudden outburst. He wasn't at all sure what just happened, nor was he sure what to do, and so he just sat there like a fool, holding Luna's hoof until a Unicorn Guard Patrol happened by and approached to see what was the matter.

"Princess Luna, what's happened? I heard a shout and-"

"No Corporal, I'm fine," Luna waved him off with a wing. "Thank you, but...yes, yes I'm fine."

"This guy ain't bothering ya?" The Guard tipped his spear at Volare as he eyed him closely.

"No, he's out here at my behest. Thank you Corporal, if we need you, we'll call."

"Yes ma'am," the Guard dipped his horn and marched off. Luna waited until his hoofsteps grew distant before turning back to Volare.

"Thank you Volare. You...well, you may not know what you did, but it was needed, and as said, I appreciate aid when it's needed."

"Y-yeah, anytime," the pilot nodded and glanced sideways at the speakerbox. "Um...dare I ask what happened?"

"Oh just...old, old demons, you could say," Luna chuckled and waved her hoof for a moment before wiping her brow and conjuring up a pitcher of water that she drained in a single go before addressing the speakerbox once more. Ok Luna, you can do this...just bad memories and nothing more. Besides, you need to be strong and not spook your friend. She levitated the speaker up again and turned it so she could see the interior...and there it was. A tiny crimson crystal no bigger than a bit coin floating of its own accord within the confines of the device. It seemed insignificant, but Luna knew the power such an object possessed. Oh yes, Twilight and Vinyl were on the right track with their "inspiration theory" alright; more than they'd ever dream they'd be, for it could do more than just that! "So, Twilight tells me the reason why you can be so close now is because this little crystal seems to block or absorb the effects of your body, correct?"

"Yeah, I think that's kinda what we figured out."

"And she said you got this one from a dragon cave, yes?" Luna sat the speakerbox down and noted that once she broke contact with it, the crystal fell back down within the cavity and stopped floating. This is impossible...Tia promised she got rid of them all in the old war with the sea-ponies-

"Yep, Vinyl said it's some sorta Appalantean crystal, though how the dragon got a hold of them is anyone's guess cuz she said the city sank over 1000 years ago. You know how it sank, cuz I got told nopony really knows why?"

"Never took Vinyl to be one to know ancient history." Good thing she's not THAT intuitive.

"I know, weird huh? Anyway, got these burn scars on my rear when we took them from the hoard so we could-"

"Wait, them?" Luna eyed him intently. "As in more of these? Where, how many more?" At Volare's alarmed expression, the Night Princess took a deep slow breath and shook her head. "My apologies, it's...been a long day."

"Y-yeah, no problem," Volare nodded, getting more freaked out by the minute. "There were a couple dozen blue ones and-"

"Any red ones?

"Uh, yeah one other one. Luna, please you're worrying me. Just tell me what's going on here." Volare felt a feeling of inexplicable dread growing in his chest, like he was stumbling onto a secret that nobody should ever know about. The scary thing was, this wasn't the first time he'd felt this way.

"Volare, did you know that dragons can live well over a thousand years?"

"Um, no can't say that I did, Princess. Doesn't exactly answer my question, though."

"Not directly, no," Luna shook her head once more and stood up, trotting a short distance away to gather her thoughts; she must look like a half-frazzled nut right now. "But well, now you do I suppose." She stared down at her reflection in the fountain and sighed. The fact was, she just didn't have the slightest idea of how to break things to him gently. Then again, she didn't exactly have the damning evidence in hoof either, so perhaps there was still hope for him. She prayed that there was, for although it was her duty as co-ruler of Equestria...she didn't know if she could do what needed to be done if no hope remained.

"Luna?" Volare had trotted to her side and nudged her with a wing. She turned and regarded him with worried eyes, and it was the worry that truly scared him. She was supposed to be strong and mighty and yet, she seemed to be looking at him with pity. "Luna, please. Tell me what's going on."

"In all honesty I can't yet, Volare," Luna stared at the rippled moon's reflection, if only to avoid his gaze.

"Then what's it going to take? What do I have to do? I mean, you brought me out here for more than just talk about flight, crystals, sex, and dragons right?"

"Yes, I did. I promised Twilight I'd check your mind's stability through a dream, but now I..." To be honest even further, now that it came to it, she was afraid to know the truth for the terrible possibilities it could bring. True, she didn't believe that Volare was capable of such terrible things, but...neither did anypony else of the Dark King, not really anyway. True he was gruff and a bit of a gloryhound, but he was also a wise military tactician and never ran from a battle, so that was somewhat expected of him in that case. But then came those red crystals...those carbuncles of doom that warped his mind, turned his eyes blood-red and twisted his own horn into a scarlet spike of power. She glanced back at the speakerbox-so small and inconspicuous-and its dangerous contents, and she felt a chill crawl up her spine. Please not my friend too.

"Then let's do it," Volare's voice called back to her and she looked to see him gesturing to his cranium with a hoof. "Let's get me checked out, doc."

"Volare, I don't know if-

"C'mon, you're the Princess of the Night. Twi says this is your forte," the pilot said as he settled back down near his saddlebag and beckoned for Luna to come near. "What, are you scared or something? Pfft, you were Nightmare Moon. What's scarier than that?"

"Oh...you're never too old to be surprised," Luna replied as she slowly sat down next to Volare and settled herself. She took a deep breath, counted to ten, and exhaled, finally somewhat calm. "Alright, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Hell yeah I am. Wanna see how screwed up I am, ya know-heheh," he nudged her with a wing and she gave a dry laugh but little more. "So what do I do? What're you looking for in my noggin?"

"Just relax and you'll see." Luna's eyes closed and her head bowed as her horn began to glow a soft magenta. Lower and lower the horn fell until it finally rested millimeters from Volare's forehead. The glow was warm and comforting, and to his surprise, it gave off the soothing scent of lilac. He felt his eyelids droop and his thoughts slow as his muscles began to go limp. "Are you relaxed yet?"


"Good." All of a sudden, Luna's horn contacted his head and before Volare could think, he perceived his consciousness disconnected from his body and sucked through a narrow tunnel of whirling darkness lit with stars, galaxies, and universes. If he had a mouth, he'd scream. If he had a body, it likely would be a scream of agony, but stark terror would have sufficed just as well. But for some strange reason, a comforting presence laid itself about his "shoulders" and made him feel safe. He tilted his "head" up and saw a translucent blue cloud of stars following him.

It's alright, Volare.

W-what's going on?

This is the visualization of your mind that this spell creates.

Yeah, well I don't remember all of THIS being in here-whoa! Volare "cried" as they zipped past what looked like Saturn...that is if the gas giant possessed sixteen green and orange rings.

Hm-hm-hmm fascinating, isn't it? The visualization of a scrying spell differs between users, often by their interests, Luna "chuckled" as they spiraled through the icy tail of a comet. I of course have my interests in the stars, and each of these planets and bodies represents some form of your consciousness, be it memories, emotions, or what-have-you.

Wow...I think I get it now. But damn Luna, this is amazing, Volare "gaped" as they flew through the colossal shadow cast by a behemoth of purple and blue-striped planet. Cyclones and hurricanes raged and swirled across the planet's surface above them while lightning crackled and jolted hundreds of miles out into the blackness of space. So where are we headed?

I'm searching for the significance of that little crystal to you, she replied, and he felt her vision scanning in all directions before sighting in on a familiar-looking blue-green planet. There's our heading, Volare.

Whoa, wait a sec-that's Earth!

Yes, it's been a long time, but I could never forget such a beautiful place, Luna mused as they zipped towards it. But as they neared it, one major difference between the Earth they both remembered and this one reared its head: most of the ocean was completely covered in black stormy clouds and that was right where they were headed!

Hey, hey, Luna are you seeing what I'm seeing?

Yes I do.

We're gonna hit those clouds! That means this space-stuff is gonna end! he "cried" as they hurtled closer and closer until the planet filled their entire field of vision.

Haha, yes I know! The spell is taking us there and I have no choice! I'd say 'hold on tight' but I technically have neither the mouth nor you the appendages to do so!!! She gave a wild laugh and Volare felt himself jolted forward into the black swirling fog..................
..............only to mentally facehoof when he realized that they didn't have bodies that could die. He "opened his eyes" after a moment to find themselves hovering over an ebon ocean. The roiling black clouds formed an near-impenetrable canopy above them but just enough light squeezed through for them to both catch sight of something altogether confusing, breath-taking, and a little terrifying in the near-distance.

Th-that's...whoa, that's me Volare "gasped" as he beheld himself in his former human body standing on something reddish just above the surface of the water and staring the whirling storm straight in the eye. His Blue Angels uniform was clean and unburnt, the brass shined and bright, his hair spiky and blonde just as he remembered, and his right hand at the bill of his officer's cap in a crisp, stoic salute despite the rain that slashed from the sky and struck him in the face. Volare "turned" to Luna's starry cloud in confusion. Luna. Wh-what's going on?

That's your mental interpretation of yourself, she explained quickly as they floated nearer. Everypony, every creature has an "ideal self" and the closer to home one is, the more clear and honest of an image a scryer can achieve. And I must say, you looked good in that uniform, Volare. He felt a soft touch on his "shoulder" and he grinned reflexively.

Thanks, Princess. That means a lot. But what's going on here, though? I thought we were looking for that crystal-

Shh! Luna silenced him for a moment; she thought she'd heard a voice on the wind of the approaching storm...but maybe it was just her-

Hehehehehahahahaaaa...... came a dreadful peal of laughter from the clouds ahead. The rain worsened and Volare's self image winced as the droplets began to truly sting.

Whoa, what the hell was that?! Volare stared at his self-image, seemingly oblivious to what was going on. Luna, what was-?

Volare, get behind me! The pilot suddenly felt himself "pushed" backwards as Luna's starry form placed herself between him and the storm. Even so, as translucent as she was, he could still see what was happening...and what was approaching his image. The clouds somehow grew blacker and descended to the surface of the water in the vague form of a gargantuan dark grey pony with shadowy wings that stretched for thousands of feet across the sky. Armor made of lightning and hail glistened about it and teeth of flames flickered into a wicked grin beneath its single-horned helm as it trotted forward, massive hooves clomping up small tsunamis of tar-like water as it approached Volare's self-image.

Dude, get outta there!!! Volare tried to shout, but his image either didn't hear him, didn't care, or Luna was stopping him. Either way, the Navy officer merely stood there, still saluting, and still glaring into the teeth of the beast. The huge pony gave a grating laugh and raised a hoof above the tiny human. NOOOOOO!!! Luna tensed and Volare shouted as the hoof came down with a mighty splash, burying his image beneath it before turning in their direction and grinning toothily.

Stay back, beast! Luna commanded, yet the massive pony merely threw its head back and laughed like a thunderclap before speaking in a voice that both Luna and Volare recognized, and for terrible reasons.

You? Give orders to me? You're naught but a cloud of stars-hot air, really, Luna! Besides, you're quite the hypocrite to call another a beast. And you, pitiful human...you cast aside the offer I made you, so why should I not give you that which traitors like you deserve? SWIFT AND TERRIBLE JUSTICE!!!!. The pony's voice roared like a thousand lions and his helmet opened to reveal two horridly flat, dead green draconic eyes that stole Luna and Volare's breath from their lungs. You think yourselves invulnerable here without bodies? Well trust me, you don't need bodies to suffer and die-WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHH!!!!! Without warning, the hoof that had stomped upon Volare's self-image simply exploded and was tossed violently into the air, sending the monstrous pony flying back up to bounce off the cloud canopy before crashing back down and shattering upon the surface of the jet-black ocean with great cursing scream.

Whoa, holy shit!! Volare exclaimed.

Y-yes, holy excrement is certainly quite appropriate here, Luna agreed shakily as they peered through the dark ocean mist tossed skyward by the explosion to see Volare's image standing there, unscathed but for his officer's cap being a bit askew. The image straightened the hat, flicked them a quick salute, and resumed his sentinel-like stance. But even more amazing than that was what it was standing upon, fully revealed now that the ocean water had been tossed aside for the moment. Is that...oh my stars and meteors... Luna gasped. Beneath the image's boots was a giant rendition of the red crystal, unblemished and shining brightly. But unlike the real crystal, it wasn't floating. Instead, the very bottom point sat a few feet above the black water, attached to something silver and metallic and wholly unfamiliar to Luna....but to Volare, however.

What the-that looks like a mast antenna from aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa- was all he was able to get out before he felt that sucking sensation again. His vision squeezed to a pinpoint of white light as he and Luna rushed backwards at a speed beyond comprehension. Off of this strange Earth, past the stars, through space, the comet's tail, the green and orange ringed planet, and right through an exploding supernova before he felt sensation suddenly come slamming back into his hooves.

"Holy flaming horseshit!!" Volare managed to shout in surprise before he toppled backwards right into Luna, causing her to stumble as she came to, kicking and spilling the contents of the saddlebag and knocking them both over the wooden railing of the gazebo and into the shallow fountain below. With a blustering spray of water and feathers, the duo made their way out of the fountain, both glad that somehow, someway, half the City Guard didn't come rushing in to investigate. Shae however, came flapping down clicking her beak and making tittering noises, rather amused by this whole wild affair.

"Haha, wow that was some ride," Volare said sardonically as he shook water from his ears. "I hope you enjoyed that Luna, cuz I will not be doing that again anytime soon! Er, Luna?" he turned when she didn't join in with his laughter and saw her silently staring down at her own reflection once more rather than him. "You ok?"

"I'd be lying if I said everything was alright in the world, Volare," Luna replied without looking up, her normally flowing mane drenched and drooping sadly, reflecting her inner thoughts as all of her worries-from Twilight's theory to this-were all finally confirmed in one single stroke. The power of the crystal had symbiotically infiltrated his body and now the stability of his consciousness depended on it, just as its nature portended. She'd seen it before and it had never once ended well, with the users either eventually losing their sanity trying to resist its influences, or worse...losing themselves wholly to its temptations of power. Like an addict, they'd need more and more and more until it was all that mattered and they were driven by their next fix-the chance to demonstrate the crystal's power. For that is what they believe happened to the Dark King, thus the change in the law and the destruction of the carbuncles.

Without a word, Luna nodded for the bemused Pegasus to follow her as she slowly plodded up the short ramp back to the gazebo, unsure if she could do what must now be done. For although he was her friend and it would pain immensely her to do so, wasn't that truly why she brought him out here alone in the first place; to ease his suffering away from everypony else if need be? Wouldn't that be what a true friend would do if she saw her friend suffering so? Yet she thought as she looked back at Volare with Shae now riding on his back and playfully poking him behind the ear with her beak, he isn't suffering...yet. Still, there has never been an exception in this and you know the law. You know what must be done. Now be a good friend and a responsible Princess and at least make it quick-

Her thoughts ceased as she trod upon a few knick-knacks that had fallen out of Volare's saddlebag. Curious, she picked them up and very nearly collapsed to her knees in anguish at her task. There were hoof-drawn scribbles from Volare's fellow Crusaders, what she recognized as the rock band poster for Rainbow Dash that Scootaloo had been waving about earlier, a feather or two from Shae, one of Twilight's red quills, his scarf bearing the CMC logo, and even the bit-bank account information she herself had given him in reward for his good deeds. There was also a short note scribbled to him from Rainbow Dash herself, presumably for this trip:
Hey flyboy, it's RD,
Hope ya enjoy Canterlot, it's a pretty sweet place, 'cept for a few weirdos. Don't get in too much trouble and don't do anything I wouldn't do...then again, that WOULD kinda get ya into trouble, huh? Haha! Anyways, I'm lookin' forward to seein' ya when ya get back, so you better be ready! Don't tell anypony else, but I kinda miss ya already. Tell anypony else and I'll slug ya, so help me! See ya soon, dude!

Luna sat the trinkets down and stumbled to the gazebo railing and stared down at her reflection once more. For a terrifying moment, she saw herself as Nightmare Moon again, and her heart quaked in fear before the fountain's ripples sweapt away the image, leaving only herself once more. Was she Nightmare Moon, or Luna? Tyrant or Protector? Judge or Friend? For the first time in a very long time, Luna's will faltered, for she saw that if she followed the law, not only would she be losing a friend and a potential innocent soul, but his friends would be losing one they'd come to care for as well. He was no longer some off-worlder that could be cleanly put out of his potential misery as the law dictated she should. This place had become his home. They had become his family. And even though she was a Princess was it truly her right to deny him that, even for the sake of the subjects of the kingdom she'd sworn to protect, and that included all of them, even-Zounds, wait just a meteor-burning moment...

"Luna?" Volare's voice trickled into her thoughts, but she was hardly listening, for another train of thought had suddenly come barreling through her brain.

Perhaps there was not only a way to circumvent the harsh law, but perhaps there could even be an exception proved within himself! I mean, I was evil once, and I turned out alright with help. And Volare shows NONE of the tendencies that other carbuncle users have, so perhaps there IS a way to-

"Luna, you're seriously freaking me out here," Volare nudged her one more time before she turned back to face him with a smile and an excited gleam in her eye. "Whoa, um, I know I sound like a broken record here, but what the heck's going on now?"

"Volare, you still have that bit bank account, right?"

"Uh yeah, I do," he scratched his head, not sure what she was on about now. "Why?"

"Because having citizenship is a prerequisite to have one, which I now recall Twilight setting you up with," Luna nodded, hope springing anew within her. If she weren't in present company, she might have given a little giddy hop and a whinny, but she kept it to herself for now. "That's all, you're free to go back now."

"Wait, seriously?" Volare stared at her incredulously, wondering if this was another little 'gotcha' prank. But she looked totally serious as she settled down under the gazebo to watch the moon. "But what about all that crazy crap in my head, and that thing showing up again! Hey, that was the same voice as the guy that tried to-"

"Make a deal with you, yes I remember," Luna nodded with a frown. "And now that I have confirmation, I may know who we're dealing with."

"Who? Who is this guy?"

"I'm honestly not at liberty to say, especially if it's not the truth and could be misconstrued as late night gossip," Luna gave him a terse smile and quick brush of her wing. "It honestly could have been anything from a superimposition of my own emotions on your consciousness, a vision of the past warping things, or even something simple as us both enduring nothing more than a very intense nightmare. But until I discuss these things further with my sister, I won't know for sure, nor do I wish to alarm you further. Now go on, I'll be fine here. Besides," Luna winked cheekily as Twilight came trotting out from the direction of the house, curious of the sudden commotion outside.

"Volare? Luna, are you two ok?" The Librarian asked as she approached, her mane askew a bit and her eyes tired, having obviously been fretting quite badly this whole time.

"There's a cute little Unicorn just there who cares about you and is raving about some sort of science experiments you two have planned for tomorrow."

"Princess Luna, not you too!" Volare face-winged and hoofed her shoulder before he even realized what he'd done, drawing a small gasp from Twilight. Oh crap, you fucked up now, flyboy, he thought as he smiled weakly at the unfazed Princess. "Um, oops?"

"Haha, fear not, I'll return the favor on Nightmare Night...and it shall be glorious," Luna smirked devilishly and sent Volare galloping off with a swipe of her wing. As soon as he was within hoof's reach, Twilight grabbed him in a tight hug and looked him over before staring into his eyes for a moment. Volare was a little afraid she might do something rash in her worried state but instead, she merely smiled and tried to fix a frazzled part of his mane before giving up and hugging him again.

"I take it things went well, Volare?"

"If you consider re-entering your body ass-first through the head at lightspeed and some impromptu skinny-dipping with Luna as having a good time," his answer drew a strange look from his bookish friend. "Then yeah, it went about as well as it could."

"Luna, what in Equestria did you do to him?" Twilight laughed.

"Oh you know, the usual," Luna waved her hoof non-descriptively with a knowing smile.

"So wait, is my mind ok?" Volare turned back for a moment.

"Yes, just keep that crystal close and do not lose or break it! It's...integral for you two to stay close like this." Yes it's dangerous, yes it can be terrible, but exceptions exist everywhere. Besides, he is a citizen of Equestria, and it my job as Princess to protect him too if possible. And I think it's very possible! "Fare well you two, and I shall ensure a good night!"

"Got it! Thanks a bunch, Luna!" And with that, they headed inside past the overturned hoof-wrestling table with Faber passed out beneath it. Other ponies had already drifted off to sleep on tables, sofas, chairs, and the floor, leaving the place a dull drone of snoring and restless mane-scratching, withers shaking, and tail twitching. Cadance and Shining Armor had to be asleep as well, because he strongly doubted they'd be ok with this, he thought as he facehoofed at the sight of Spike fallen asleep right in the middle of the dinner table. Twilight shook her head in disbelief and deposited the baby dragon on a chair next to Spitfire and Soarin who were cozily curled around each other. "Whoa, this got wild in a hurry. Dare I ask who won the contest?"

"Bro, you shoulda seen it!" A good portion of the air was knocked from Volare's chest as an orange and purple meteor launched herself through the air at him in an almighty tackle-hug. "Faber was winning at first but then Octavia was like 'no way, not today' and she like threw him under the table. It was the craziest thing ever!!" Scootaloo exclaimed, her violet eyes shining brightly with excitement. Volare gave her a hug and sat down on the only unoccupied couch in the house with her and Twilight with a chuckle.

"That's pretty wild, Scoots. Is Octy ok?"

"Oh yeah, she went upstairs with Trixie again," Scootaloo cocked her head up at the ceiling. "They were making a buncha noises again, but I guess they got tired or something. What's up with those noises anyways?"

"Ummm..." Volare and Twilight exchanged blushing glances for a moment before Twilight slowly shook her head. Science was fun and all, but there were certain things one should probably wait to learn, and Volare was apt to agree. "Tell ya what, how about I tell ya what Luna and I saw outside just a while ago, hm? And I promise it's cooler than any noises or hoof-wrestling contests you've ever heard or seen!"

"Aww, but what could be cooler than this," she waved a hoof at the general chaos of the house and Volare had to admit, from a CMC standpoint, this was horrendously awesome; probably top five in destruction she'd witnessed.

Oh gawd...please don't let her get any ideas!
"Ahem, well believe it or not, I think it just might be. Twilight, you might wanna take notes on this crazy crap."

"Way ahead of you," Twilight smirked from behind a scroll, quill at the ready. "Annnnd go."


Back outside, Luna settled herself one more time to watch the passage of the moon with only Shae for company; for some reason or another, the osprey had decided to stay and watch over Luna for the moment.

"How farest thee, friend Shae?" Luna tried out the traditional Olde Canterlotian greeting, but found it almost strange to do so, having been working so hard to purge the olde tongue from her vocabulary. She chuckled lightly and in reply, Shae chirked quietly and ruffled her feathers against the chilly air. Luna eyed the moon once more and concentrated on improving its arc tonight, closing her eyes and attuning herself with it to do so. "Well, at least you aren't trying to attack me like the last time we met back in the hospital. Strange that as old as I am, things so recent can seem so far in the past."

"Speaking of the past, it seems like you need to explain the past few minutes to me, sister." Shae cheereeked in alarm and Luna's eyes flashed open to see Princess Celestia herself standing at the entrance to the gazebo, her white coat and iridescent mane glimmering in the light of the moon before she stepped into the gazebo, filling a significant portion of it with her form. "Oh please, don't get up on my account," she said as she sat down opposite her sister, though her eyes never left Luna's. "Tell your friend there, that she should probably go, though."

"R-right," Luna nodded, still a bit shocked that Celestia could sneak up on her like that. "Shae, go back with Volare. I'll be ok." Shae gave a reluctant chirk and Celestia a fierce stare before flapping off back to the house. "So, um...what brings you out here, sister?"

"A Guard told me you were out here with Volare, but I see no Volare," Celestia stated matter-of-factly. "And I thought I'd finally greet him myself but instead I find you in the middle of a scrying spell with him before you both took a funny little tumble into the fountain there. So, my concern still is: what did you see in his head? What was so intense as to make you two do that, unless of course you just felt like taking a midnight swim? And of course, most intriguing of all: just how in the wide world of Equestria were Twilight and Volare able to be so close without her having a reaction?" Celestia's eye fixed itself upon her sister, not so much demanding answers as commanding them, but in the strangely gentle fashion of a teacher that she'd become known far and wide for. Luna couldn't quite tell if Celestia was being slightly snarky or speaking out of sincere amusement, but she knew better than to lie to her.

"Alright, this may take a while."

"It's fine, it's a wonderful night thanks to you. I could sit out here all evening if need be," Celestia conjured up a teapot, dainty cups, and a little table for them all before holding out a cup for her sister. "Tea?"

Backstreets of Canterlot, Post-Midnight...

The white-necked raven Corax impatiently clicked his claws against the rearing pony statue he was perched upon and continued to glance up at the moon as it slowly began its decent towards the western horizon. The raven ruffled its feathers and spat in disgust. Pah! Not only does this fool have to cause a massive ruckus in the streets earlier today, but he also has the gall to be so bloody damn late! Again! Corax gave a low croak and snatched a lone firefly from the air with his sharp beak, furiously crunching the unfortunate insect into a useless mass of legs, guts, and chitinous wings as he waited. He didn't even like insects-he was merely fantasizing about the day his master would let him finally devour the corpse of this half-useless informant.

Corax's jet-black head jerked up at the sound of approaching hoof steps and he cursed under his breath. Too loud, too showy-the trot of the entitled. The raven rolled his eyes as the informant finally rounded the corner of the alleyway in an almost nonchalant fashion, as if he had nowhere at all important to be. Needless to say, his very behavior incensed the great bird and he croaked loudly at the pony to beckon him closer. Well, at least he's cloaked this time, damned fool.

"Oh isn't it at all possible to have these meetings when I don't have to sacrifice my beauty rest?" the pompous pony beneath the cloak whined and tossed off the hood to reveal the shiny and groomed blonde mane of none other than Prince Blueblood, and Corax barely resisted the temptation to vomit the firefly all over the damned fool. But they needed his influence and money among other things and so he held his gullet for now.

"You know the answer to that-crroakakak!" Corax stared down at the Prince from his statue. "Besides, considering the scene you caused today"-

"A scene that was hardly my fault!" the stallion stomped a perfectly hooficured leg and once more, Corax felt the bile rise in his neck at the worthless over-indulgence of it all. He knew his Master Corvus' vision like the back of his wing and he would be glad to see such useless fripperies pass into nonexistence when the time came. For that would mean corpses...rich and mighty corpses. Corax had eaten many a body part, organ, and limb, but never the heart of a royal and he could hardly pray more fervently for such a day to hasten nearer! But unfortunately it would have to wait for now.
"-and then she hit me in the nose and stained my beautiful coat!" the pony's voice tuned back in and grated into Corax' blissful thoughts, forcing him to look down at the tiny crimson stains on the stallion's otherwise brilliantly white breast fur. "See? See what she did?"

"Surprised it's not yellow," Corax croaked, though his eye remained fixated on the Prince's chest, rising and falling with every beat of his heart and every breath of his lungs....ooh, those lungs were always tasty! Chewy, but tasty!

"I beg your pardon, you rat with wings?" Blueblood attempted to glare up at him, but with the bruising around his nose and eye from the fight earlier, he looked more clownish than threatening, and Corax' laugh sounded like dried leaves being blown across the cobblestones.

"Crakakoakoakak! I mean it would be fitting if you bled piss, your Highness. That's all." The raven continued to chuckle as Blueblood's face flushed in anger.

"Why you-you horrid little demon bird! I'll have the Guard on you and your Master if you don't shut your beak!" At his words, Corax quit chuckling, but he wasn't silent.

"You fool," he hissed as he hopped down the leg of the pony statue and stuck his beak right in Blueblood's face. "You dare assume you have authority over us?"

"Yes, I do, or have you forgotten who has paid off the Guard and let your Master approach the Archives during the Changeling attack?"

"One act of kindness does not make up for treachery, you corpse! Crorakakoak!" Blueblood backed up a step as the raven snapped his beak half an inch from his eye. "Besides, do you truly think my Master needed your help? You've seen what he can do and how easy he can do it...you simply made it less messy-keerak!"

"Y-yes I know," Blueblood shivered at the descriptions he'd been given of the efficient brutality of Corax' Master. "But doesn't that count for-"

"Not for treachery such as you've threatened this moon, fool," Corax continued to glare into Blueblood's eyes, staring him down though that was hardly a challenge as the cowardly Prince quickly backed off a few steps and out of range of that wicked beak. "In fact, I have a right mind to tell my Master now."

"N-no, wait! Please don't!" Blueblood bowed his head and grovelled, much to Corax' amusement, and he folded his wings after a moment of drawn-out musing.

"Hrm...I suppose I won't, then. Tell me Blueblood, why is it a loud-mouthed, pompous, piss-bleeding fool like you wishes to aid us again; it's been so long, you see," Corax' beak split in a horrid semblance of a grin at the Prince's cowardice.

"Y-you promised m-me the throne if I did."

"And why DO you want the throne?"

"Because my Auntie Celestia humiliated me when she didn't punish that bitch Rarity for embarrassing me at The Gala years ago! After three years she still hasn't!"

"My, my, what a terrible, horrible injustice that is," Corax nodded, his voice dripping with false sympathy. "And why didn't she punish her?"

"Because she's an Element of Harmony, and Twilight Sparkle's friend" Blueblood rolled his eyes and spat. "I'm so damn tired of hearing that old excuse. It just makes me want to...to...well, do something nasty-I don't know what, but it'll be-"

"It will be nothing until my Master says so," Corax cut him off with a clack of his beak. "Until that time comes, you play the part we've given you and nothing more. Don't think yourself invulnerable because of your connections within the Guard because when it comes right down to it," Corax hopped off the statue and fluttered right up to Blueblood's nose again. "They will fear Celestia's wrath more than your money." Corax turned and fluttered back up onto the statue in silence for a moment.

"Well, can't I just-"

"No. No you can't just nothing. You must wait for the right moment, and then," Corax followed a moth with his eyes for a moment until it got within range and he quickly chomped it up. "Then you strike. I know it's probably hard for you, but have patience; for haven't you heard that revenge is a dish best served cold? For once you are King, you can disband the Elements and have your way with dear Rarity however you see fit. See, much more fun yes? Keroakakak!" Corax made to fly away before a thought struck him and he paused once more, slowly turning back to Blueblood with a wicked grin on his beak.

"Wh-what now?" Blueblood's eyes bugged as Corax's black, bottomless pit-like eyes bored into his.

"And if you ever, ever threaten treachery against me or my Master again, you'll learn that we have no qualms against cutting our own purse strings if need be...cut to teeny, tiny, insignificant little twitching pieces that nopony will ever recognize as anything close to Princely." Corax turned and glanced at the falling moon before spreading his wings to leave and giving one final parting shot at the cowardly informant.
"Don't ever confuse usefulness with importance, dear Prince...or else it will be you that gets come for in the black terrible night, when you're all alone and helpless in your bed. If you sleep on your back, you may catch a final glimpse of your demise before you wake up in a box-or many boxes." He turned back and clicked his beak. "And that's if you're lucky! Kerakaoakakaoakakakaka!!!"

Prince Blueblood shivered mightily as the raven flapped away into the night, wondering just how in the name of the Sun and the Moon he'd gotten tangled up in all this. "Oh well, no matter. He's right," Blueblood told himself to screw up his courage. "Once I'm King, none of it will matter. Hell, after I deal with Rarity, Trixie, and the rest-especially that Volare fool. Haha, and perhaps old Corax will fall afoul of some poisoned rat or something? Heeheehee, Blueblood, you're a genius," the Prince chuckled as he left the alleyway, secure in his own little plans and oblivious as to just how small a part he was truly playing in this game.


Author: Woooo, finally got it all done, and yes Twilight, things CAN get crazy in Canterlot! Sorry about the wait you guys, but V-Pony's life has been pretty darn crazy lately. Hopefully it gives him a break soon!
Volare: Yeah, that and you can't edit worth a damn without him either XD
Author: Yeah, well why don't you help smart guy? *thump*
Volare: Ow! Cuz I don't have any hands to type with anymore, ya derpus!
Author: Derpus? I'll show you a derpus! *tackles*
*objects crash in background*
Me: *facepalm* Guess I'm back, you guys. Ya miss me? :P Just like always, spot the references if you can!

Author's Note:

I honestly didn't like this chapter at all XD;

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