• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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Truth or Dare-Pt 3: Mea Culpa

*Mea Culpa is Latin for "My Fault"
Notes: So I'm back a little sooner than I expected! Hopefully this chapter clears up any animosity Dash and Twilight held for each other and wipes the slate clean! Also, be on the lookout for some more shiptease! :P

September 16th, Above Ponyville, Late Afternoon...

Rainbow Dash had to grudgingly admit to herself that she was pretty damn nervous standing so close to the Unicorn that she swore had tried to de-wing her in a fit of rage just five days ago; she had a right mind to simply bolt out of the overly confining basket the first chance she got. But Twilight's sudden declaration of a desire to apologize cut through the rainbow mare's worried mind like a knife, and for the second time that day, the impossible happened as Rainbow Dash was stunned into open mouthed silence while Twilight Sparkle's gaze remained shamefully fixed upon the balloon basket floor, allowing her words to soak in.

For an immeasurably long moment, neither mare moved, the lofty whistling breeze gently rocking the balloon the only interruption of the heavy silence that hung like a thick curtain between them. The brash mare finally broke her incredulous stare with a series of rapid blinks before glancing to the side at Volare hovering outside the balloon, as if waiting for him to start laughing and betray the fact that this had to be part of his prank...except he wasn't laughing. On the contrary, his face was nearly as somber as Twilight's and he gave Dash a slight nod of confirmation.

"I wanna apologize too-" he began before Twilight cut him off with a raised hoof, her sudden preemption causing Dash's wings to twitch slightly; she remembered what happened the last time the Unicorn raised her voice so close to her...

"No, Volare, this isn't your fault," the Unicorn said firmly before sighing and with visible effort, raised her vision back to meet Dash's. The rainbow mare always made herself out to be the toughest pony around, but she knew from first-hoof experience that Twilight was just as tough when it came to shouldering burdens...even more so now, and as she looked into her friend's eyes and saw the tears of regret and uncertainty beginning to form there, something wrenched at her heart and it took all her strength to not wrap her friend in a hug right then and there and tell her it was alright, that everything was forgiven despite everything that had happened...that what she'd screamed at her friend had been borne of fear, not true hatred....though that instinctive fear still tugged at the edge of her mind, bidding her to put just a tiny bit more distance between the Unicorn who'd tried to hurt her when last they met...

No...this is a test she's obviously prepared herself for, and for me to just forgive Twilight without letting her have her say...it wouldn't bother me in the slightest, but knowing how she is, it'd probably weigh on her and...things just wouldn't be the same between us until I let her speak her mind. Be strong, Dash...for her, you gotta be strong.
Rainbow Dash closed her mouth and swallowed, trying to clear the dry lump the cold, dry air had formed there before nodding once for Twilight to explain.

"Rainbow, I-" Twilight's breath hitched as her mind returned to that day in the hospital, where she'd snapped and thrown her friend against the wall by her wings-sweet Celestia what had she been planning on doing?! Ripping them off?!-the thought of that and the memory that went with it nearly buckled Twilight's knees. Volare saw it and made to zip over and help, but Dash saw it first, damned her reservations, and caught her friend and gently held her up.

"It's ok Twilight," Dash gave her an understanding smile. "The high altitude gets to me sometimes too."

"Th-thanks," the Unicorn shook her head and quickly regained her balance, steeling herself once more before speaking. "Dash, I can explain what happened that day and...goddess, I was just so far out of line with what I did!" she kicked the side of the basket in anger before the Pegasus patted her with a hoof.

"Hey, so was I," Dash gave her a weak smile. "We were both pretty freaked out over what happened to Volare and...guess it just shows how much we both care about the knucklehead, heh-heh."

"Yes, but that's besides the point," Twilight insisted with a shake of her head. "The point is I let things get out of hoof within myself and I acted in a way I never should have, and in front of Shining Armor and Luna for Starswirl's sake!" she groaned into her hooves once more in shame, but yet again, she felt that same comforting pat on her back.

"Hey, how ya think I felt about what I did?" Dash replied, feeling a twinge of a chuckle in her chest as she realized she was becoming competitive over who held the most blame despite herself. "I mean, jeez, I frickin' hit Celestia's top student, Luna's best friend, and the Captain of the Guard's little sister all at once...and one of my best friends too," Twilight looked up out of her hooves to see that Dash's eyes were a little wetter than normal. "If anything, I deserve more blame than you do, Twilight. I lost my cool and, well, that's so not cool of me to do, heh-heh. But if it bothers you that badly, let's just forget about it and-"

"No, Rainbow Dash!" the Librarian cried suddenly, pushing her hoof off and causing the Pegasus to give her an hurt expression. Element of Loyalty, indeed...even to a fault. "It's not that easy. It wasn't just about me losing my cool that day...it's bigger than that."

"Oh boy," Dash breathed and glanced over at Volare, who again merely nodded his assent. She slowly returned her attention to Twilight and sighed; she had a feeling she knew what this was about...still, she was willing to hear Twilight out for her sake, and conceded to play along for the moment. "How's it bigger than us both freaking out over Volare being attacked in the woods? Scootaloo too; oh by the way, is the squirt doing ok?"

"Yeah, she's doing great," Volare spoke up but quickly nodded back towards the Unicorn again to keep Dash on track.

"Mhm, she is...but when I say this is much bigger than, well...being worried about Volare's safety, I mean it's more complicated than even I could have imagined," Twilight said slowly and looked outside the basket at Volare for the slightest moment and he gave her a worried look. They'd agreed before-hoof to keep the misguided romantic feelings she'd had for him between themselves unless absolutely necessary, and she didn't intend for that to change any time soon. She smiled reassuringly, his tensed forelegs lowered in relief, and she turned back to the patiently waiting Pegasus mare.
"Did Volare tell you why he put on this little show?" her question catching Dash off-guard; that hadn't been what she'd expected at all.

"Um, yeah, he said he wanted to gain my respect and show that he was more than capable of flying and taking care of himself now," she grinned at the stallion. "And he made a believer out of me, that's for sure."

"Did he say anything else?"

"I felt it was best to explain this bit with you present, Twi," Volare said, and the Unicorn nodded in agreement, further confusing Dash.

"Explain what bit? There was another reason, flyboy?"

"Yeah," he scratched his mane in discomfort before continuing. "Remember how you said that if Twi and I got together, she'd coddle me and wouldn't ever let me be free to do what I wanna do?"

"Ah jeez, you didn't take that seriously, did you?" Dash's ears drooped. Yet again, she'd shot her mouth off in anger and he'd taken it to heart...damn! "Flyboy, c'mon, you know I say stupid stuff when I get mad, right?" And scared... Her eyes twitched from pony to pony, praying that nothing in her expression tipped them off of that.

"Yep, but Twilight took it seriously," he motioned towards her with a hoof. "You hurt her pretty bad with that, Dash." His look of disapproval, of disappointment, the first the rainbow mare had seen of him directed towards herself, hurt worse than any insult he could have thrown at her at that moment. "And so, as actions speak louder and more convincingly than any verbal explanation we could think of, I thought this little plan up to show I wasn't being held back, proving we weren't together and thus nullifying your fears and argument against Twilight. I figured that'd help fix this situation cuz the last thing I wanna be is the wedge driving you two apart and ruining your friendship."

"Volare, for the last time, this isn't your fault-!"
"Flyboy, that's just crazy, you're not the cause of-!"

The Pegasus and Unicorn mares paused in their simultaneous beratement of Volare and stared at each other for a moment before bursting into helpless giggles for a few seconds. Dash gathered herself and spoke first, resolved to the fact that what she was about say might change everything between the three of them forever.
"Look guys, I was the one that was way out of line for saying those things, and I'm sorry for that...seriously," she wiped her nose and continued. "It's...it's really none of my business if you guys are together at all and...if what I said ruined something you two had going, just tell me now and I'll do whatever I gotta do to get you back together!" Her determined vow faded into bemusement, however when she noticed the funny little looks that Twilight and Volare exchanged.
"Uh, is this still part of the prank?"

"Nope, no more pranks here, Dash," the Unicorn shook her head, concealing the threatening smile of pride at Dash's little pledge to fix what she thought she'd broken no matter what it took. Celestia bless you, Rainbow Dash.
"Remember how I said this is a little bigger than that?"

"Yeah?" the Pegasus replied, a little leery of what she was about to hear. "What, so you and Volare aren't together?" At her straight-forward expression of her main concern, Twilight and Volare couldn't hold it in anymore, and they burst out into chuckles of their own for nearly half a minute while Dash simply stood there, confused and growing redder by the minute. What had she said? Weren't they together!?

"Oh Dash, you're unbelievably noble sometimes," it was the Librarian's turn to pat her flummoxed friend on the shoulder before clearing her throat and refocusing her thoughts. "To answer your question, no we're not together."

"But why not? I mean, you two get along great, you're cute together, and you're both the craziest eggheads I've ever met," Dash snickered, causing Twilight to blush heavily and Volare to nearly fall out of the sky in embarrassment. "You're practically made for each other!"

"Yes, ahem-well," Twilight shook her mane and cleared her throat again. "Be that as it may, you also forget how I preached that a relationship was the last sort of distraction he needed while getting accommodated to living in Equestria. I didn't separate you two so I could have him all to myself, Rainbow." Dash winced again at the barb she'd tossed at her friend. "I did that so he'd be safe, not so I could have first dibs and make myself out to be a hypocrite."

"Yeah, I get that part, and I'm sorry for saying that, Twilight," Dash admitted with a sniff. "I know you wouldn't do that...I just got pissed and...yeah." And scared...argh, shut up! I'm not scared now, right? Right, so just shut it already! She quickly recovered with a hopeful little smile.

"Apology accepted, but it's understandable; you're not the only one to come to that conclusion," the Unicorn winced herself at all the little remarks made by ponies in town about Volare being isolated in her home like that. They hadn't been maliciously made, but every one of them still stung in a way that Twilight couldn't explain. "But despite what I'd said, I'll admit that after a while I started to feel...different in regards to Volare."

"Oho, different how?" Dash waggled her eyebrows, hoping to break the tension by poking fun at her friend, but her reponse only seemed to make the situation worse as Twilight made a little noise deep in her throat that immediately made Dash feel like a jerk. "Sorry Twi...just trying to lighten the mood a bit," she nudged her friend, who thankfully nudged her right back with a small smile.

"I know, thanks. This is just...hard for me to explain without feeling like a complete fool." She sighed and stomped a hoof once to steel herself before speaking again. "I began to feel different about Volare in a bunch of ways, but I kept denying it because of what I'd been professing."

"Understandable," Dash nodded, her tone more controlled and supportive now.

"Yeah, anyway, as things progressed, I felt greater urges and fears about Volare's safety while in Canterlot...heh, I was so paranoid about his safety that I nearly got into it with Celestia."

"Whoa, no way!?" Dash gaped.

"Eh-heh, yeah," the Unicorn scuffed the basket with a hoof. "Convinced Shining Armor, Cadence, and Luna to bust into the Canterlot Library at night and confront Celestia cuz I was sure she was going to banish Volare just for being human."

"Whoa, whoa, what?!" Dash cried, glancing at the pilot in worry. "Why would she wanna do that?"

"Apparently, Celestia's known about humans for a long time," Volare explained, adding substance to Dash's growing shock. "And she's known them to be dangerous too...she wants to speak with me as soon Twi and I can go back to Canterlot."

"Well then I'm going too!" Dash stomped a hoof in anger. "She's not gonna threaten you and get away with it, just cuz you're different! That's not fair!"

"Dash, calm down!" Twilight laid a hoof on the incensed mare's shoulder. "It was all a big misunderstanding. Celestia was just being cautious and looking out for her subjects' safety, that's all. It only looked bad because I jumped to conclusions...again."

"Aww, it's ok Twilight," Dash nuzzled the Unicorn briefly, slowly feeling the tension in her chest loosen as her friend allowed more physical contact the further the conversation progressed. "You just overthink things too much, that's all."

"I know, and that's what caused all this mess in the first place," the Librarian hung her head. "And it looked even worse when I did some studying and thought I'd figured out why I felt that way about him...I'm such a damn fool!"

"No it didn't and no you're not, Twi," Volare spoke up, again fighting the urge to fly over and comfort his friend. "This is my fault and you know it."

"Volare, I-"

"No, I won't let you blame yourself for this anymore," the stallion cut her off and turned his attention to Rainbow Dash. "Dash...the reason why Twilight flew off the handle like that is because of me, or rather, my body."

"Uh, you're not that attractive, dude," Dash cocked an eyebrow, eliciting a facehoof from the pilot and a giggle-snort from Twilight despite herself.

"Ugh, that's not what I mean!" he groaned, blushing horribly and nervously fiddling with his scarf to distract himself from her impish smirk. "What I mean is...Twilight explained that she's sensitive to magical things due to her education under Celestia; that's why she's so powerful at using magic. Unfortunately, that also means she can be overloaded by magical things, throwing her emotions all out of whack. And I guess cuz she cares about me, it sends that caring instinct into overdrive."

"Ok, so what's your point?" Dash tilted her head, trying to figure out what he was leading up to but coming up empty. "I still say you guys are just crazy for each other and don't know how to admit it," she chuckled imperiously.

"Dash, he wasn't born a Pegasus...what's the nature of his body?" Twilight tried a different angle, and after a moment's pause, the Pegasus' rose colored eyes widened in realization.

"Holy hay, now I get it. His body was magically created by you and that's causing you to act all crazy," she looked at Volare in a new light and ran a hoof through her forelock with a sigh. "Jeez, this is pretty nuts, guys. Forgive me for being a little skeptical, but..."

"I figured as much," Twilight chuckled and nodded towards Volare. "Notice how he's staying at least ten feet away from me at all times?"

"Yeah, I was meaning to ask about that. What's up with that anyway?"

"Well, by lots of trial and even more error, we figured out that ten feet is a pretty good minimum safe distance for us to maintain for the time being, as the closer he gets, the more...extreme the reaction," Twilight explained. "Celestia confirmed it via letter and suggested I perfect a counter-spell in case things escalated to this point."

"Seriously?" Dash cocked an eyebrow. "How bad could it be?"

"Seriously...and if you don't believe us...Volare, could you come here?" Twilight motioned him over. Dash didn't argue; she was actually curious to see this first-hoof.

"Uh, you sure this is a good idea, Twi?" the pilot asked as he fluttered closer, finally landing in the basket where she indicated.

"Probably not...but still, 'for science', right?" Twilight gave a strained chuckle as she felt the effects of his body begin to affect her almost immediately. "Now then...observe." At first everything seemed normal, and Dash was about to say she didn't see anything strange nor feel anything herself before noticing that Twilight had become substantially more tense. Inside of a minute, the Unicorn's brow was wet with sweat, her left eyelid was twitching, her ears were swiveling like radar dishes, and her hooves were nervously tap-tapping away at the floor of the basket while her tail whisked back and forth almost violently as tiny grunts of stress escaped her lips. In any other circumstance, Dash would have burst out laughing at how silly this looked, but when Twilight started to grind her teeth and stare fixatedly at an increasingly nervous Volare, the rainbow mare decided that this had gone from humorous to downright creepy, and that she'd seen enough.

"Ok, ok, I believe you guys," she stepped between Twilight and Volare, cutting off the Unicorn's line-of-sight and giving her a brief reprieve from the effects, though only slightly; the Unicorn could still feel his presence within the basket. "Jeez, this almost as bad as the Love Poison the CMC cooked up for Big Mac and Cheerilee a while back."

"Y-you're telling me," Twilight shuddered, trying to push past Dash to get another glimpse at Volare. "This is r-ridiculous and it's g-getting worse!" Volare quickly took the initiative and jumped out of the balloon, returning to the "safe distance." The relief was near-instantaneous, and Twilight wiped her brow and sighed in relief. "Feel free to laugh now Dash, cuz I know I would if I were in your horse-shoes." But to her surprise, the plucky Pegasus did nothing of the sort, instead gently nuzzling Twilight and giving her a sympathetic expression that said that she now fully understood the issue.

"I wouldn't laugh at a friend in pain, Twilight," Dash conceded with a tearful smile. "You didn't need to hurt yourself to prove anything...I'm not mad at you for what happened. Irritated and still pretty freaked out about it, but not mad; I've been in worse fights and...I messed up just as bad as you and I don't have any right to be any more angry than you are. And I still wanna fix this...cuz I still wanna be your friend if you'll have me." With a weak little whimper, Twilight allowed her head to fall onto Dash's shoulder leaned into her, allowing the tears of relief to flow and darken the Pegasus' cyan fur. Wow...she never imagined Twilight would take it this hard. The Element of Loyalty patted her friend on the back and smiled at Volare, who she could tell wanted nothing more than to comfort his friend as well.

"We're gonna be ok, flyboy. Just...give us a minute, ok? Go and uh, mingle with your new fans before I snatch'em later," she winked and nodded towards the scattered crowd far below; the last thing she needed was to cry in front of him, again. Volare took the hint and departed their air space for the ground below. As soon as Dash felt he was out of earshot, she allowed her confident exterior to fully dissolve, held Twilight at hooves' length and spoke the one remaining worry left on her mind, the weight of which had been crushing her thoughts ever since those punks had confronted her in Filly.

"Twilight?" Dash's normally confident countenance was replaced with one of uncertainty, but at this point she wasn't about to hide it from her friend who'd just spilled her own guts right at her hooves. "I'm sorry about how this is gonna sound but...it's what I'd do if I were in your place to get back at me, and...dammit," she groaned as her voice cracked.

"Dash, what is it?" It was the Librarian's turn this time to do the nuzzling. "You can tell me...at this point, I don't deserve to be mad at you either."

"Ok...I'm all about efficiency, believe it or not," Dash began, and that brought a small chuckle from her friend. "Hey, how else ya think I can snatch naps all the time, eh? Anyways, I just figured, if I was in your position, the best way to get back at me for hurting you like that would be to...to tell Volare the truth about why he's here so he'd hate me when I got home."

"Wow...you really think I'd do that?" she asked, not in anger, but in worry. Jeez, I never thought of doing that...but what if I had? Maybe it's a good thing I didn't...

"No! I mean, I dunno, maybe," the Pegasus backtracked hastily. "It'd be the best way to get back at me for saying what I said...so, yeah, sorry..." she trailed off and Twilight stared at her for a long, silent moment before speaking.

"I think I understand, and you're right," she smiled as Dash looked at her bemusedly. "That would be a pretty effective way of spiting you." Her smile grew as relief flooded her friend's face.

"Wait, so you didn't tell him? Seriously?! But, I thought you hated me badly enough to-"

"Nope, never crossed my mind until you mentioned it just now," the Unicorn preempted her. "We agreed as friends to keep that secret between us, right?"

"Right...wait, so you still wanna be friends?" Dash's ears perked up as a hopeful smile crept into her features.

"Of course I do, Dash," Twilight nodded and surprised the Pegasus with a hoof to the shoulder. "As long as you're ok with being friends with a jumps-to-conclusions-too-much, emotionally whacked-out, eggheaded-Unicorn," she snickered at her own self-deprecating description. Dash blinked some wetness from her eye and matched her smile with a grin of her own.

"Wouldn't have ya any other way, Twilight," she reached a hoof out to shake the Unicorn's, but again was surprised when the Librarian pushed her hoof out of the way and enveloped her in a powerful hug that Rainbow Dash quickly returned and held for well over a minute, just glad that Volare was gone or else he'd probably make some sort of crack about this being "adorable" or something. Still, it made her heart swell with thanks that her friend still stayed loyal despite how upset she'd gotten. When'd I ever get such an awesome pal?
"Hey, Twilight?"


"If that thought had crossed your mind before I mentioned it," she leaned back to look her friend in the face. "And if you had been pissed enough, would you have told him anyways?"

"No, because I never intended to lose your trust as a friend, Dash," Twilight replied with another hoof to the shoulder of the Pegasus mare. "You're the Element of Loyalty; you should know better than that."

"I know, I know," Dash muttered. "Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend-"


"Bloody Balefire!!" Twilight swore as a loud voice shouted from above the two mares, startling them so badly that the Unicorn nearly toppled out of the balloon before Dash grabbed her hoof and hauled her back safety. They both looked up at-

"Pinkie Pie?!" they gawked in disbelief at the pink party mare who'd somehow popped out of the skirt of the hot air balloon, and was now dangling above them.

"The one and only!" she beamed, seemingly oblivious to the fact that she had just broken every single law of physics known to ponies by appearing nearly a mile up in the air like this.

"H-how'd you get up here?" Twilight asked, still a bit shaky.

"Same way you guys did," Pinkie quipped matter-of-factly and continued to grin as if there was completely nothing out of the ordinary going on here. "What's up? Oh hee-hee, besides me of course-and you two too! Ah-haha, I said tutu, and here I am popping out of a skirt, hee-hee!"

"But we, but you-how did you-agh, I'm not even gonna try," Dash clapped a hoof to her forehead to ward off a headache and sighed in defeat. Twilight simply shook her head and laughed helplessly, though something besides Pinkie being Pinkie suddenly sent a jolt of concern through her.

"Soo....how much did you hear, Pinkie?"

"Oh, pretty much all of it," the pink mare answered with an indistinct wave of her hoof and another smile. "But I kinda knew most of it already too."

"How much is 'most of it?'" Twilight asked cautiously, not too keen on finding out that Pinkie was somehow in the hospital room when the Unicorn had kissed Volare. Yes it seemed impossible but this was Pinkie Pie! If Dianna wasn't her middle it'd probably be "Impossible" instead!

"Well, let's see," Pinkie somehow leaned her chin on her hoof although her elbow had nothing to lean on itself, dangling in mid-air as it was...oh well. She inhaled deeply...and the bombardment of improbable began. "I kinda figured something was up between you and Volare-bear, but I didn't say anything cuz I don't get involved with romantic relationships if I can help it; and a good thing too, considering the circumstances-imagine Celestia's reaction if her top student were dating a creature she semi-feared! I knew about Dashie not meaning what she said to you cuz hey, it's Dash-I know how she gets when she's miffed, hee-hee; and I knew Twilight didn't mean it cuz she told everypony she was sorry and nopony would apologize like that and not mean it. Umm...oh, and I knew about how Volare-bear's plane crashed too cuz Dashie told me a while back. You still haven't told him, Dash? Ooh, you'd better do it soon, or else it'll-mmph!" Dash and Twilight both stuffed their hooves into Pinkie's mouth before their minds could explode from the flood of previously "secret" information.

"Jeez, guess the pink cat's outta the bag on a few things, huh?" Dash chuckled nervously as Twilight shot her a mild glare.

"You told Pinkie about that and here I am fretting over keeping it a secret?"

"Eh-heh, yeah, I had to tell somepony else; it was driving me up the walls!" Dash exclaimed. "Besides, what better pony than Pinkie Pie to keep secrets for ya, right?"

"Yes I know that, but she's not the pony you should be telling," the Unicorn squinted an eye at her.

"I know, I know, it's just-oh crap, sorry Pinkie!" Dash pulled hers and Twilight's hooves from the (now somehow even pinker) mare's mouth, allowing her to breathe again.

"It's ok, I've learned to hold my breath for just such an occasion," Pinkie said and she caught her breath. "Anyways, are things gonna be ok between you two or do I need to break out the secret weapon?"

"Secret weapon?" Twilight cocked a brow before Dash nudged her with a wing.

"I got a bad feeling, Twi..." The image of Pinkie's Party cannon, or Buddy Bazooka, or something else exploding way up here didn't sit well with her, and she was a Pegasus for crying out loud!

"Aww, baked goods aren't supposed to make you feel bad...well, unless Applejack is all woozy and tries to cook, hee-hee! Remember that, guys?" Pinkie continued to speak as she swung up into the balloon and returned moments later with a good-sized cake topped with pictures of Dash and Twilight's cutie marks on it and a big smiley face between them. "It's a Friendship Forgiveness cake! Baked it myself on the way up here!"

"What, how?" Dash queried while Twilight sighed; she just never learned to leave well enough alone sometimes.

"It's a hot air balloon; baked it on the flame. Duh," Pinkie patted Dash on the head and grinned, hoofing the cake to her friends. "So, whatcha think? You gonna be ok or should I break out my super secret weapon?" This time, Rainbow Dash took the hint, as well as the cake, smiling as she and Twilight took a bite: chocolate batter with blueberries and pomegranates, she imagined as much for their similarity in hers and Dash's colors as the flavors that mixed in a surprisingly harmonious way, just as she and Dash were just now. Pinkie really did think of everything!

"Yes Pinkie, I think we're going to be ok," Twilight grinned around a mouthful of cake.

"Yeah, we're good," Dash hoofed Twilight in the shoulder and knocked hooves with Pinkie in thanks for the cake; it definitely added to the "ok-ness" of the situation. "Man...I really missed you guys in Filly," she muttered as she chewed thoughtfully.

"What happened, Dashie?" Pinkie asked in concern, sensing her friend's distress, but Dash waved her off.

"Nothing worth bothering you guys about...ugh, wish I hadn't said anything now," she laid the piece of cake down, suddenly not very hungry anymore as the memory of those leering stallions circling her invaded her psyche once again. "Just...things got a little rough and it made me realize what I was missing here, and I thought I'd screwed it up so bad...so, yeah, thanks for not hating me, I guess." This only brought on a double hug from Twilight and Pinkie that Dash eventually pushed away with a playful growl when Pinkie's grip around her neck got a little too tight for comfort. "Haha, I'm alright guys. I'm alright. But, um...I was wondering: what's the plan now?"

"To be honest I'm not sure; Volare didn't say what he had planned after this little show," Twilight shrugged.

"Heh-heh, guess you can't call me the only short-sighted Pegasus in Ponyville, Twilight," Dash winked before Pinkie spoke up.

"Well, I dunno about you two, but I've owed Volare-bear a party ever since he got here, not to mention we missed his birthday with all the craziness that's been going on, and he's been through so much he deserves like three parties! It's kinda also a "welcome home Dashie" party, so...."Welcome to Ponyville", "Birthday", and "Welcome Home, Dashie"...hey, it's like three parties already! Anyways, Applejack's already providing the refreshments and I got the arrangements made at Octy and Vinyl's, since that's the only place that isn't blown up, burned down, or holding sick ponies at the moment."

"Whoa, hold on a sec-blown up and burned down?!" Dash stared at Pinkie for a moment before looking at Twilight for confirmation.

"Oh yeah, that's right she wasn't here when Ray and Jill showed back up and-" Twilight began but was interrupted as Dash's brow suddenly furrowed.

"Ray and Jill," she rolled the unfamiliar names around on her tongue. "Who are they?"

"The two Unicorns that stalked Volare, who also turned out to be the Cryhenas that attacked him and Scootaloo during the Running of the Leaves, who also turned out to be the ones to drug Trixie into demolishing the Gilded Griffin, burning down the Ponyville Inn, and the ones who attacked Princess Luna and Shining Armor!" Pinkie declared, drawing a facehoof from Twilight as Dash suddenly exploded in a fit of rage, flying out of the balloon to kick some nearby clouds to bits.
"Did I say something wrong?"

"You really need to learn the art of subtly, Pink-wait, what am I saying?" Twilight shook her head and sighed as Dash raged against a particularly "sticky" cloud she imagined to be Jill's face for a moment before calming down and landing in the basket moment's later, breathing hard but noticeably calmer. "Feel better?"

"A bit, yeah," Dash snorted and folded her wings, allowing the fur on her withers to lower before speaking again. "I should have been here...I coulda taken those two out before they had a chance to hurt everypony like that!"

"No Dash, they're a lot more dangerous than you think," Twilight laid a hoof on her shoulder as she spoke. "In fact, Trixie saved a bunch of ponies' lives by warning us about them. That's what led to Luna and Shining Armor confronting them instead. Believe me, even if I wasn't as tired as I was last night, they'd have been a hoof-ful for even me...and according to Trixie they had no qualms about killing innocent things to get their way."

"But if I'd been here, I just know I could have-!"

"Dash, you'd have fought very bravely...but likely died very quickly," Twilight squeezed her shoulder as she spoke, as much to calm her as to keep her from flying off in a rage to find and tear those two Unicorns apart...or die in the process.
"In any case, they're long-gone, and because of Trixie's advice, many lives were saved. And as funny as this may sound, without them, Volare wouldn't be flying right now."

"Say what?!" Dash recoiled and stared at her as Twilight recalled the remaining events from that night, including how they'd nearly made Volare make a deal to get his wing functioning again, as well as their possible connection to the Archives Break-In, which Twilight had to explain as well; apparently that was rather hush-hush outside those in the know within Canterlot, probably to keep the populace from worrying too terribly much.

"In any case, Volare knows just as much as I do about that situation, and a lot more than I in regards to what happened between himself, Ray, and Jill; I'm sure he can explain it better than I can, if you wanna know more about that," Twilight finished, nodding at Pinkie. "Like Pinkie said, he's been through more than enough in his time here, so just...use tact if you're gonna ask him about that stuff, ok?"

"Got it," Dash nodded firmly. At least that cleared up how he was flying, but now Dash felt she owed him at least another hug or two...maybe even a bit more if he wanted it...Celestia knew he deserved it, considering how much hell he'd gone through...hell that was all her fault after all because she had to be selfish fool and race his jet. Dash shook that sudden thought away returning to the subject of the party. "So, we missed flyboy's birthday, eh?"

"Yep, 24th," Pinkie nodded.

"Heh, guess that means I owe him 24 swats upside the head," Dash laughed and nudged Twilight. "Ya wanna come with and hold him down while I whoop on him, Twi?" But the Unicorn shook her head.

"No, I'm good. I really don't think he and I need to be in close proximity to each other with a lot of other ponies around right now...no offense," she smiled sheepishly. "I need to get back to work on a counter spell, and as soon as possible because Volare and I still have many things to discuss. He's also gonna need your help, Rainbow Dash."

"You sure, cuz he seems to have things pretty well in hoof right now," she nodded outside the balloon towards the area of sky where their impromptu show had taken place. "Just needs a little polishing, that's all. Why, what's up?"

"Because he's still pretty adamant about going back to Earth to tie up loose ends."

"Loose ends?" Pinkie tilted her head. "What kinda loose ends?"

"He hasn't said exactly what, specifically; maybe you can get that out of him while I work on the counter spell."

"Soo...what's the problem, exactly? You can send him there pretty easily with the same spell you've been using on me, right?" Dash asked with a scratch of her mane.

"Yes, but the problem isn't sending him there, it's getting him back," Twilight frowned.

"Simple: the Sonic Rainboom," Dash grinned at the thought of her flying with Volare like that, but it faded quickly as the Unicorn's frown deepened and she bit her lip in worry. "Twilight?"

"Yes, that would be the obvious answer...but you saw what it did to his human body, right?" Both Dash and Twilight cringed visibly at the memory of his body lying burned and broken to pieces in her Library, scarcely able to believe that had been a mere three weeks ago.

"But that was cuz of the plane crash, though," Dash protested.

"Yes, the fire from the crash caused the burns, but I've got a theory on where the other injuries came from..." Twilight trailed off before shaking her head. "But that's gonna have to wait until I can do some research, and that's gonna have to wait until I figure out a counter spell," she rubbed her eyes with a hoof and sighed. So much to do and so little time! "Anyways, for now, you've got a party to get to," she grinned and nudged Dash.

"Woohoo, finally!" Pinkie squealed and pumped a hoof.

"Aww, you sure you don't wanna go, Twilight?" Dash asked one last time.

"Would if I could, but I can't," the Unicorn smiled with acceptance. "Besides, it's not for me, it's for you guys. Now go have fun."

"Heh-heh, no worries there, Twilight," Dash gave her a final nod and prepared to fly off before a sudden thought hit her. "Oh hay, where's Volare gonna stay if not your Library?" she looked up at Pinkie for help, but the party mare merely shrugged.

"I dunno, I mean, Mr. and Mrs. Cake were ok with him spending the night, but we've already got Scootaloo staying with us, plus the Twins still are a little pukey and we're about to hit the holiday baking season...so...Fluttershy's?"

"Nah, we already burdened her with him for two weeks, so that's not fair," Twilight rubbed her chin. "Applejack's folks are busy with the harvest and Rarity...nah, Rarity will probably sweet-talk him into using him as a living fashion mannequin," she laughed.

"Haha, yeah, Volare doesn't deserve that kind of torture, plus Rarity only has one bed: hers," Dash pointed out.

"Probably not Lyra cuz she's more human-obsessed than I am and there's not telling what she might try to pull."

"I can think of one thing of his she might," Dash waggled her eyebrows and snickered, receiving a magical nose-tweak from the Librarian.

"Rainbow, gross!" Twilight scolded but couldn't help a small smirk of her own. She had to admit, that was dirty but pretty funny...and strangely enough, Lyra probably would try to-Celestia, no, knock it off!

"Can't be the Ponyville Inn cuz of Ray and Jill," Dash couldn't help but growl their names; she swore if she ever caught them alone on a dark night, there was gonna be hell to pay! "Where then? Bon-Bon's?"

"No, she's still all depressed over the Griffin being demolished, and I doubt Volare wants to spend much time around that," Twilight shook her head. Meanwhile, Pinkie got tired of looking from one mare to other as they sat there wracking their brains when the obvious was right in front of them, or rather right below them.

"How about Rainbow's house?" the party mare spoke up, causing Dash and Twilight to look up at her curiously. "Think about it: all the other houses are kinda taken, and you said Volare's gonna need Dash's help with stuff, right? And since Volare can walk on clouds, as we just saw, and can fly well enough we don't have to worry him about falling...why not Dashie's house?" Dash nearly scoffed at the idea before Twilight preempted her yet again.

"Actually, that's not a bad idea, Pinkie."

"Say what?!" Dash rounded on Twilight and stared at her. "You're joking right?"

"You forget I said no more jokes, Dash," Twilight smiled and continued. "Everything Pinkie said makes sense, plus you've got plenty of room in that huge, empty house of yours."

"Yeah, I guess," Dash grumbled above crossed forelegs; she kinda enjoyed her privacy too, ya know! "But what if I-"

"Save it before I change my mind," Twilight cut her off, knowing she was about to bring up the original reason why she'd separated them in the first place. "I'm not as worried as I was about him making too dumb of a decision and getting hurt...plus I feel I owe you the benefit of the doubt to not trying anything funny, especially after what happened when he lost his wing...and then at the hospital, when I should have just listened to and trusted you," her ears drooped.

"Twilight, don't do this because you feel like you're indebted to me," Dash laid a hoof on her shoulder. "Because you don't owe me a darn thing."

"I'm not," Twilight looked up and smiled. "I'm doing it because I trust you more than myself to do the right thing right now."

"Aww...I dunno what to say, Twi," Dash blushed. "Thanks, I guess...but what about you and him? I mean, are you ok with him staying with me, cuz if not, I can find somepony else to-"

"Like I said, save it Dash; I trust you," Twilight booped her in the nose and sighed slightly. "As for me and him? Well...apparently it wasn't real and did more harm than good for everypony, so I'm perfectly willing to let that go. Besides, it's like you said: it's his business whom he wants to be with...or nopony at all if he so chooses. As it stands, I've got no right to have a choice in the matter, only friendly advice."

"So if something were to happen...not saying it will, cuz I got zero interest in the guy," Dash insisted.

"Then I wouldn't hinder it if he was on board with it," Twilight smiled sincerely, though her heart ached slightly as she did so.

"That's nice and all, but...we got nothing in common, so no worries about that, Twilight," the rainbow mare snorted.

"I dunno, I think you two flew great together," Pinkie gave her the tiniest of smiles. "Could be the start of something more."

"Heh-heh, maybe...still, I doubt it," Dash shrugged and prepared to take off before feeling a tug on her tail and turning back to Twilight. "What's up?"

"Just...whatever does or doesn't happen, be mindful of his feelings, Rainbow Dash," Twilight's suddenly serious tone snagged Dash's fleeting attention like a fishhook, and she fully turned to listen to her friend. "You've got a lot more influence over him than you think."

"Of course I'll be mindful of-wait, what?" Dash queried, but Twilight simply smiled in return.

"Ask him and you'll find out what I mean," the Unicorn suggested, her thoughts drifting back to that patch of Dash's cutie mark that Volare had in his flight jacket...perhaps this was how they'd learn about it... "And that's another thing: if for some reason you do become interested in him-"

"Jeez, I'm not interested in the guy!" she tossed her hooves up in frustration. "Trust me: you know how I feel about stallions, and having one living in my house is gonna be weird enough; whether he's a real stallion and I already know him or not!" But Twilight could only continue to smirk at Dash's flustered insistence that she felt zero attraction to him. "Twilight, come on! Like I already said, he's not even that good-looking. I mean hay, look at me," she tossed her prismatic mane. "Can you imagine this being snagged by some random guy who literally fell from the sky?"

"Looking, but you're starting to sound like Rarity, and we all know you're no lady, Dash," Twilight giggled, adding fuel to Dash's consternation. But the fiery Pegasus wasn't about to get rattled by Twilight of all ponies, and she quickly recovered.

"Pfft, well aren't you the egghead pot calling the radical kettle black?" Dash shot back with a cheeky smirk while Twilight stared at her in disbelief that she'd used such a phrase. "What, I'm reading more stuff than Daring Do, ya know!"

"Oh yeah, well what's the history of the letter Q?" Twilight cocked a brow before Pinkie spoke up.

"Um girls, I think we're getting a teensy bit off-topic here," and that caught the other mares' attention; if it was to the point of Pinkie Pie having to play mediator, they really must be on one heck of a tangent.

"Eh-heh, yeah...sorry, Twi," Dash smiled sheepishly. "Where were we?"

"Talking about you and Volare-bear hooking up," Pinkie quipped before noticing that her own left ear was twitching ever so slightly. Hmm...weird...

"Oh, right-what, no we're not gonna-look, like I said, he's a guy and...yeah, I just don't trust'em," Dash said flatly, ignoring Pinkie as she flicked at her twitching ear while staring off into space.

"Even so," Twilight had a sudden thought: she might not trust stallions, but given his non-stallion mindset...hmm, perhaps a little variety could open her eyes a bit. Besides, knowing Dash and that with her, anything could happen, she might as well voice her concerns because she still cared about Volare's well-being. "If that changes...just...you'd better tell him the truth, Rainbow Dash."

"Uh..." Dash feigned ignorance but she knew what was coming. Damn, how am I gonna forget about this and move on when nopony else will?! I feel bad enough as it is without it being brought up all the time...

"You know what I'm talking about," Twilight leveled her gaze at her friend's, not a hint of kidding in her voice. "The last thing he needs is to get into something serious and get hurt like that on down the road."

"I...I won't have to cuz...I won't get interested in him, yeah!" Dash declared with a grin. Saved!

"If you say so," Twilight sighed inwardly, noticing that her friend wanted nothing more than this suddenly-awkward conversation to end as quickly as possible before also noticing that the balloon seemed lighter all of a sudden as well as the abrupt lack of Pinkie Pie.

"Uh, where'd Pinkie go?" the Pegasus and the Unicorn looked about and even up into the balloon itself, but she was nowhere to be found. When the heck had she left? And how?! Grr, damn headaches!

As expected, the moment Volare landed he was inundated with praise, cheers, and hoof-stomps from the ponies on the ground, and tackle-hugs from the CMC who fought their way through the crowd to him. Wow, never had a reception like this in my life, Volare thought as Iron Will mercifully lifted him and the CMC out of the blur of technicolor manes, tails, coats, and eyes as their owners pelted him with question after question.

"That was some show you put on up there!"

"Thought you were gonna die, kiddo!"

"There's no way you're the real Volare; he's supposed to be in the hospital!"

"Where the hay you been the past few days? He's been out and all over town!"

"Well, excuse me!"

"Wow, what's it like to fly with Rainbow Dash like that?"

"What's it like to be embarrassed by Rainbow Dash like that?" that particular comment drew a smattering of playful boos and laughter, and a heavy blush from Volare as he did his best to stay above the crowd.

"Alright, alright, give him room everypony!" Rarity's voice rang out above the crowd as she pushed them back non-to-gently with her magic before standing beside Iron Will and giving Volare a wink. "Volare's got to breathe before he speak!" Trixie presently pushed her way through the crowd, receiving a friendly nod from Rarity as she joined the fashionista below Volare, as did Fluttershy after a moment's hesitation, with Shae having flown back to her Cottage to avoid the noisy crowd.

"Indeed, so please stand back and give him a chance!" the blue magician commanded, surprising everypony that she wasn't barking about herself, while Fluttershy merely gave a very small, yet very determined nod.

"Heh, thanks guys," the pilot grinned his gratitude before responding to the few answerable questions he could; he honestly didn't know half these ponies and it was a little strange being the sudden center of attention! "Um, it was pretty awesome flying with Dash like that...as for being embarrassed, well...she's a darn good flier and I doubt any of you could match her either," he answered wisely as Scootaloo climbed up onto his back and shouted out above the crowd.

"Listen everypony! This is my bro Volare, and I just wanna take the chance to tell you guys that I love him alot," she hugged his neck. "And I don't want you guys poking fun at him or else you'll have to deal with the Cutie Mark Crusaders, since he's one too!" she waved the end of his scarf in evidence and many of the ponies fled the scene in horror; they knew of the accidental destruction the CMC were capable of and the last thing they wanted was to be on the receiving end of something intentional!

Meanwhile, having dismissed the Weather Team back to Ponyville after Dash still hadn't landed, Cloud Kicker and Ravenfire stayed behind, both seemingly interested in what Volare had to say. The younger mare noticed their simultaneous gazes and nudged the older in the ribs. "Uh-uh, I saw him first."

"And I can hardly see him at all," Ravenfire squinted at the blue and yellow stallion atop the minotaur's shoulders. "Mind telling me what's happening with your better eyes?"

"Oh, well Volare is standing up there with Scootaloo, who's apparently his little sister...weird, I didn't know Scootaloo had a brother," the lemon-maned Pegasus mused while Ravenfire blinked and shook her head a few times, trying to clear a sudden buzz in her ears at the sound of that name.

"Scootaloo, eh?"

"Yep, local kid, member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders; ya know, group of fillies doing everything under Celestia's sun to get their cutie mark, heh-heh," Cloud Kicker explained. "Cute, but the lengths they go to are kinda terrifying sometimes. Uh, hey you ok Ravenfire? You look a little pale."

"Oh, um-yes, yes, I'm fine," she shook her head again, and the buzz was gone as quickly as it came. Weird...
"Just had an old-mare-moment there, haha," she laughed dryly and returned her attention to the ponies atop the minotaur.

"Eh-heh, I think ya overdid it there, kiddo," Iron Will chuckled deep in his throat at Scootaloo's enthusiasm, but she was right: Volare had earned everypony's respect through his actions and he deserved to be treated as such. Plus he had to admit that the spunky little filly backing up her brother like that was just so gosh-darned adorable!

"Volare! Volare son, don't set your sister or friends on me, if you please!" an elderly voice spoke up, drawing the pilot's attention to a blue-eyed elderly Unicorn with a tooth missing from his grin.

"Heya Mr. Smithshoe," Volare hopped down from Iron Will's back and trotted over, leaving the CMC with Rarity while Trixie followed him. "Been a few days, sir. How've you been?"

"Ah, been the same as always; just a few days older and wiser since we last met," his eyes crinkled as he smiled. "I've got good news, son. Remember those supplies you ordered? Well they came in a day early believe it or not, and we can get started on rebuilding the Griffin today if ya want!"

"Wow, that is great news, sir," Volare nodded and turned to Trixie. "You up for some building construction, Trix?"

"Heh, I suppose I can give it a whirl, though I don't know much of it," the magician admitted before Ferrum threw an aged hoof around her shoulder.

"Ha, it's a cinch, Trixie. I may not be an Earth Pony, but I know my way around a building for the most part; hay, seen nearly every building on Stirrup Street go up over the past few years, so that's gotta count for something!"

"But do ya'll know anythin' about tha actual buildin' of it?" the deep voice of Big Macintosh rumbled over them as he approached. "Beggin' yer pardon, sir," he gave the elderly Unicorn a respectful nod.

"Nah, no need Big Mac," Ferrum gave a raspy chuckle and thunked the red pony in the chest. "Big Macintosh here'll help ya out if ya need it, cuz he knows more about barn-raising than anypony I know; even me!"

"Well, more o' tha actual raisin' than anythin, sir," Big Mac scuffed the ground modestly.

"Heck, I can help with that," Iron Will flexed a massive bicep and grinned. "You and me, Big Mac; we'll get that sucker put up in no time flat!"

"And we can help with the carpentry!" Sweetie Belle squeaked before Scootaloo shook her head.

"Nuh-uh, remember what happened with the table?"

"Aww, c'mon Scootaloo, that was a table, this is a restaurant; it's different," Applebloom threw her lot in. "'Sides, how hard could it be?"

Oh dear lord... Volare cringed; maybe they could just direct ponies around the build site as Cutie Mark Crusader Traffic Cops...then again, that might go badly too. The pilot tried to argue that this was technically Trixie's "punishment" but even he felt it foolish to refuse help for something like this, especially since nopony...oh crap...

"Wait, so does anypony here actually know anything about construction?" Volare spoke up, facehoofing when nopony said anything. "Great, so we're all just gonna wing it. Bon-Bon's gonna just eat this up..."

"Actually, I may be able to assist you in that area," a refined voice rose above the group of boasting creatures, causing everypony to look down at the grey mare it belonged to.

"Octavia?" Volare trotted forward to address her. "You know about construction?"

"Why yes, while at law school in Trottingham, I got curious about the architecture of the buildings on campus, and so I studied their history and design in my spare time," the bow-tied Earth Pony blushed modestly. "That included their construction processes...what?" she asked as she noticed everypony staring at her in open-mouthed amazement.

"Fencing, law practice, cello playing, and architecture?" Ferrum gave a low whistle and grinned before turning to Volare. "Ya know, at one point, I said you're quite the catch son, but she takes the cake! What I wouldn't give to be young again!" At that everypony either groaned, blushed, or facehoofed while thankfully the CMC remained mostly flummoxed by what Ferrum had just said.

"Ahem-yes, well...ah-ahem!" Octavia cleared her throat loudly, pulling slightly on her bow-tie as she did so. "In any case, I'll provide whatever service I can, as I still don't believe it fair for Trixie to take up this burden alone." She gave the magician a friendly smile that was returned in kind, albeit a bit bemusedly.

"I-um, th-thank you for the help...Octavia, right?" Trixie scratched under her hat nervously-why was she so darn nervous?!

"Mhm, that's right," the cellist nodded. "Your desire to fix this is admirable, and you obviously need help we can all provide. The question is, since this is your endeavor, do you accept our assistance?" Trixie paused and took notice of how many ponies were there before her, all willing to help her reconcile their differences with her and start anew through this project. The blue magician felt a tear of wonderment begin to leak out of one of her eyes before Ferrum spoke up again.

"May wanna accept these helping hooves while ya can, ma'am; never toss away a chance like this in life, I always say."

"Then..." Trixie looked back to Octavia again-but why back her? Did she seek her approval or something?-before nodding enthusiastically. "Yes, I accept."

"Excellent!" Ferrum grinned before noticing one of their number had suddenly gone missing. "Hey, where'd Volare go?" They all looked up at a cry for aid and started laughing uproariously at the sight of Pinkie collaring Volare with a hood and practically dragging him north towards town, saying that it was a good thing her Pinkie Sense had warned her, because he wasn't going to dodge this party anymore with any other crazy ideas!

"Hey, did somepony say party?" Scootaloo cried and galloped after Volare, Sweetie Belle and Applebloom close on her hooves. Everypony else looked at each other for a moment before deciding in unison that the construction could wait till tomorrow, and thundered after the CMC and Pinkie, leaving Fluttershy, Octavia, and Trixie standing still in mild shock.

"Well, there goes Pinkie," Twilight laughed and shook her head at the sight of Volare being dragged away by the impatient party mare.

"Heh-heh, yep. Well, better go rescue Volare...again," Dash chuckled and stood up on the edge of the basket, preparing to take off; at Pinkie's departure, despite their reconciliation, despite Dash's reassurance that everything was ok, that feeling of nervous vulnerability near Twilight had returned. Not as strong as before, but the fact that it was still there bothered her just enough that she just wanted to go.

"Hey Dash, one more thing."

"Yep, Twilight?" the rainbow mare paused and looked back, itching to get to this party before something crazy happened to Volare; she'd spotted Cloud Kicker down there and the last thing he needed was her sniffing around him and looking for fun. Twilight on the other hoof, still looked worried.

"I know this little problem probably isn't over between us, but I-"

"No Twilight," Dash stopped her with a wingtip to the lips. "As far as I'm concerned, it's over. We're cool," she swiftly insisted and reached down to exchange a quick hoof-bump with her friend. "Like I said, I've been in worse scraps before so don't worry about me being hurt and holding a grudge or anything; what kind of Element of Loyalty would I be if I did that, huh? Besides, it was all a big dumb misunderstanding and I'll be the first to say I was dumber."

"Nah, I was," Twilight replied.

"No, me," Dash insisted with a squinty half-glare.


"Seriously Twilight, I was!" Dash retorted.

"No, no, it was me," the Unicorn shot back before they attempted to stare each other down, realizing at the same moment how dumb they both were acting and breaking into helpless fits of laughter. "Let's just agree to disagree?" Twilight suggested as she enveloped her friend in a final hug.

"Agreed," Dash grinned and broke the embrace after a long moment. "See ya, Twilight! I'll take good care of Volare!" She took off after the crowd below, breathing a sigh of relief and praying that whatever the heck nervousness remained in regards to Twilight took its leave, and soon; she was as sincere in her own apology as she could have possibly been...but more than anything, she just wanted things back to normal between them again.
Twilight shook her head again and chuckled as she steered the balloon northwest towards the small park near her Library, hoping she'd made the right decision for both their sakes. Meanwhile, Dash quickly caught up with the crowd just inside Ponyville, spied Volare among them, and dive-bombed him, tackling him to the ground in a great growling hug before lifting him to his hooves and trotting next to him while Pinkie ran on ahead to alert Applejack and Vinyl of the approaching ponies; they were gonna need a whole lot more cider!
"What's up, birthday boy; enjoying the attention?" she nodded towards the ponies following him.

"Well, it's certainly a change of pace," he conceded with a nod; as said, he didn't have a problem being the center of attention, he simply preferred not to as it made life's inevitable goof-ups less noticeable by so many. Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash was well aware of how far a little public humiliation could go towards showing who was in charge, and she quickly turned up the heat, still intent on getting back at him for his little prank earlier. Trying to turn my own tricks against me eh, flyboy? Well, the master's gonna show you a thing or two now.

"So, ya ready to take your licks like a stallion?" she asked with a suggestive waggle of her tongue, and snickered at Volare's nervous chuckle and sideways semi-leap away from her. She merely strutted closer and intentionally trotted uncomfortably close, smirking the whole while as he did his best to brush her off, much to her mild disappointment; she'd been hoping for a more humorous reaction.

"Ah-haha, got me there, Dashie," Volare nudged her away with a wing, receiving a flurry of hoof-noogies in return. "Just trying to catch the CMC before they reach Vinyl and Octy's and tear the place apart."

"Eh-heh, yeah, we'd better pick up the pace then," the rainbow mare chuckle and flicked his nose with her tail before cantering ahead. "You comin' with, flyboy?" she shot a grin over her shoulder as they trotted up 5th Street, headed north.

"Huh-yeah, yeah, I am," he shook his mane and sped up to match her, quickly putting space between themselves and the following crowd. "So, um...you and Twilight got things figured out? Where is she?"

"She went home-something about your animal magnetism keeps throwing her off," she winked, drawing a loud guffaw from the pilot. "But yeah, we're peachy," she winked. Not quite...meh shut up, it'll be fine! "Thanks to your help, of course."

"Oh well, ya know," he waved a dismissive wing and blushed lightly. "You guys are Elements and it's important for ya to stick together. Last thing I wanna be is the one to screw that up-oof!" he gasped as she swatted him roughly in the chest with a wing.

"Hey, you didn't screw anything up, so stop blaming yourself for this, ok? It's over and done with, so just drop it," she shot a sideways glare at him before pulling it back slightly as she caught the wince on his face. Dammit Dash, cool it; it's not his fault. "I mean, uh...just don't put more on yourself than you can handle, cuz we both know what'll happen, right?"

"Heh, right," he nodded before she ruffled his mane with a wing before turning right onto Stirrup Street.

"But I'll be around to pull your flank outta the fire in case ya do," she smirked, her confidence returning as she poked fun at him.

"Thought you were done with playing the part of my hero," he fluttered his eyes and sighed theatrically, catching another wing to the face from the playful Pegasus.

"Yeah, well like I said before, I'm gonna start charging for my services before too long, flyboy," she stuck her tongue out and looked up as they neared the musical note-plastered home duplex of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch. "But for now, it's high time you kicked back and relaxed."

"You can say that again," the pilot chuckled before noticing the cheeky little smirk growing on Dash's face, and he slowed to a sudden stop just as she had. "What's on your mind?

"Oh, nothing special...just wondering if you wanna lose a hoof-race there," she flexed her legs in anticipation, her grin growing as he growled softly and subtly lowered himself into a launching stance as well

"Funny...I could ask you the same question," he shot back as he looked to the north towards the duplex, struck with a sudden sense of deja-vu which also brought back the memories of Dash's dirty little tactics during their last race...hopefully they didn't end up on the floor like last time either...still, he was onto her little games this time! "Just remember Dashie: all's fair in love and war!"

"Wait, what?" she asked for the umpteenth time that day as he galloped off, glancing over his shoulder as she recovered and took chase. She grinned fiercely as her heart pounded against her breastbone, though she was almost positive it was simply from the race...then again, she'd been wrong before...wasn't like she had to admit it, though...

South of town...
"Well, that escalated quickly," Fluttershy declared, drawing a chuckle from the grey cellist.

"Indeed it did. Well, I suppose I'd best hurry after them; the party is at mine and Vinyl's duplex and I seriously doubt that Vinyl can handle that crowd and keep the house in one piece all on her own." Octavia made to leave but turned back at the last minute towards Fluttershy and Trixie. "Aren't you two coming?"

"Oh, no, I'm fine; I'm not much for loud parties," Fluttershy smiled demurely. "Besides, I'd better get home before Angel and Shae get into it; but you two go and have a nice time. Well, um...good bye!" She softly flew off, leaving the cellist and the magician alone.

"How about you, Trixie?" Octavia fixed the blue Unicorn with a gentle smile, and though the magician was reluctant to do too terribly many social things so soon, something in the Earth Pony's friendly lavender eyes made her think otherwise, and she had to clear her throat of a sudden dry feeling it had taken on before speaking.

"Yeah I-ahem, yes. I'd very much like that, Octavia, though I don't really know where you live."

"Hmm-hmm, good thing we're headed that way then, eh?" And with that settled, they trotted off together, fading into the distance along with their conversation on the venues they'd performed in.

"Well, isn't that sweet," Ravenfire remarked upon the pair. "Who knew ponies like that could have enough in common to talk about?"

"Yeah...they're totally gonna bang later," Cloud Kicker snickered and took to the sky, stopping after a moment and motioning for the older mare to follow. "C'mon old-timer, we don't wanna be late! Lyra's already gone on ahead and I wanna introduce her to ya; you'll like her," she declared with a very suggestive wink.

"Ha, perhaps-wait, late for what?" the rust-red Pegasus asked as she lifted off and followed.

"Sheesh, you really are from outta town, huh? It's a Pinkie Party, the best kind of party in Ponyville, and everypony is always invited to'em! And the more ponies that come, the more ponies a mare can leave with," she winked jauntily.

"I don't know...I'm not really from around here," the grey-maned mare wavered uncertainly, and Cloud Kicker groaned impatiently.

"Grr, fine. I as Ponyville Weather Lieutenant hereby welcome you to the Ponyville Weather Squad, yada-yada-yada, therefore making you a resident of Ponyville. There, happy? Now let's go already old-timer!" Cloud Kicker grasped Ravenfire's weathered hoof and tugged her along towards town. Judging by how well Volare and Rainbow Dash's show had warmed everypony up earlier, having some fun at the party would be a cinch! And since Lyra was unattached at the moment, perhaps she'd get Ravenfire some fun too!
"Next stop: Pinkie Party!" the lavender Pegasus crowed, and Ravenfire chuckled at her infectious attitude. It had been a long time since she'd last let her mane down...what harm could a spot of fun cause?


Notes: Yay, Twilight and Dash are gonna be ok...but what about Volare? Will he survive the craziness that is Rainbow Dash?
The wild Pinkie Party is a go!

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