• Published 23rd Jan 2014
  • 2,371 Views, 1,473 Comments

Fluttershy Batwings - Brony God

Mare Do Well fights to save the gloomy, wintery, and gothic city of Ponyville from the tragic and freakish Pegabat

  • ...

Chapter 7

One week later Soarin and Rainbow left for the Wonderbolts Academy for a special occasion. Empress Luna herself came to reward Soarin and Rainbow the Iron Crescent Medal. Earlier that day Empress Luna toured the refugee camps in Cloudsdale.

"Fluttershy we going now. Watch us on tv alright," said Soarin as he and Rainbow left.

When they arrived at the Wonderbolts Academy. They saw the place with more soldiers than usual. The security was very tight and for good reason especially after the Canterlot Plaza Massacre. At the very same room where the Christmas party was held stood Empress Luna herself. She looked drained and worried and she looked like she had been crying a lot. At her side was her adoptive daughter Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and General Maud Pie, they all looked gloomy and tired from being up all night planning war stragedies. There were many soldiers, news reporters, and camera ponies in the room too.

"Come forth Captain Soarin and Lieutenant Rainbow Dash," said Luna.

Soarin and Rainbow walked towards Luna and bowed to her.

"For your acts of bravery in the battle of Ponyville and saving millions of ponies, I reward you both the Iron Crescent," said Luna as she levitated the two medals and put them on Soarin and Rainbow's necks.

The Iron Crescent medals where shaped liked the crescent moon, they were black with a white trimming that were attached to a red collar.

"Arise Saviours Of Ponyville," said Luna.

Soarin and Rainbow stood up to face Luna.

"I really cannot thank you enough for what you have done in Ponyville, you two are Equestria's finest. Equestria Hail Victory," said Luna as she saluted Soarin and Rainbow.

Soarin and Rainbow saluted back "HAIL LUNA!!!"

"I would like to talk to you in private," said Luna.

After Empress Luna gave out more medals to the other Wonderbolt team members, Soarin, Rainbow, Maud, Twilight, Spike and Luna went to the war room.

"Captain Soarin, I am genuinely sorry about your parents," said Luna as she hugged Soarin.

"Uhmm thank you, your majesty," said Soarin in unsure tone.

"I blame myself for why the Crystal Empire penetrated Equestria so easily. I should have built up Equestria's defenses better. I FAILED EQUESTRIA AS I FAILED CELESTIA!!! I AM FAILURE!!!," cried a teary eyed Luna.

"Don't blame yourself your majesty. It was a surprise attack. Our defenses managed to put a stop to the Crystal Empire's advances," said Soarin.

"You are truly forgiving Captain Soarin, but I would like to talk about another matter. The liberation of Appleloosa," said Luna.

"You mean that the next battle is at Appleloosa?" asked Soarin.

"Yes," replied Luna.

"We have to prepare the troops for the assault. Unfortunately that will have to wait until April because we need to make new weapons and supplies. And a lot of our factories were damaged in the attack," said Maud.

Luna turned around and pounded her front hooves on the war room table repeatedly while screaming "NO NO NO!!! I WANT TO RETAKE APPLELOOSA NOW!!!"

"But your majesty we need to replenish our weapons and supplies first. The factories need to be rebuilt. We want to make sure that we win this battle," said Maud.


"I know that, but I don't want to lose this battle. I too want to go there today, but that would be suicide. The more of our soldiers dies needlessly, the bigger the chances that Sombra will win the war," said a teary eyed Maud.

"Your majesty General Pie is right. We can't send the troops on a suicide mission because they are poorly equipped," said Twilight.

Luna pounds her head on the table several times crying. Everypony just watched in shock as the Empress broke down in front of them.

"I am sorry, but you are right Twilight. I just can't stand the fact that there are a million Equestrians suffering under Sombra's rule. I love my subjects so much that if I could give up my own life to save them, I would do it. The only reason why I have not committed suicide when Celestia died in my hooves or when this war started or even that massacre at the New Year festival is because the Equestrians needed me more than ever. Celestia please forgive me for being such a cry filly," said Luna as she hugged Twilght.

"Your majesty you are not a cry filly. What you just displayed is a sign that you care about your subjects. This is one of the things that separate you from ghouls like Sombra who is incapable of caring for anypony but himself," said Soarin.

"You are a great ruler. You have done so much for Equestria. Only a heartless sociopath would not cry for what happened," said Rainbow.

"I need to be strong. All of you are right. As soon as our military is ready, we will strike back at Sombra. And we will destroy him," said Luna.

Luna, Twilight, Spike, Maud, Soarin, and Rainbow talked for hours about war planning and a lot of other subjects including their families. They all attended the Wonderbolts banquet in the evening.

Soarin and Rainbow came back home very late at night.

"I saw everything on tv," said Fluttershy.

"It was truly an honour to be there. The Empress herself cried when she gave her condolences to my parents. I don't think that the Empress has even smiled once, not since this war started, She even said that the only reason why she has not committed suicide is because Equestria needs her," said Soarin.

"She really does care about Equestria. She even argued with General Maud Pie about retaking Appleloosa as soon as possible to save everypony there," said Rainbow.

"So she really is a nice pony in person. I feel sorry for her to have such a horrible excuse of a colt like Prince Blueblood as a nephew," said Fluttershy.

"Yes she is nice. I have a feeling that the Empress is not going to let Prince Blueblood get the throne if something bad happens to her. I think she would rather let her adoptive daughter Twilight Sparkle take it than Blueblood," said Soarin.

"Oh just the idea of Blueblood as emperor of Equestria scares me. He would be just as bad as that monster Sombra, and that leaves that nutjob Pinkamena Diane Pie as his empress consort" replied Fluttershy.

"I have a feeling that Blueblood might have something to do with the attack on Canterlot Plaza. If he does for his sake, he better not let the Empress find out or he is a dead colt. The notion of an Empress Pinkamena just creeps me out" said Soarin.

"Pinkamena as empress also scares me," said Rainbow.

One month later. Fluttershy wakes up and finds Soarin gone.

"I guess he went to the Wonderbolts Academy early," said Fluttershy.

She goes downstairs and finds the most wonderful surprise that made her jaw drop, the whole house full of roses, heart shaped decorations, candles, presents, chocolates, and candy.

Soarin comes out of the kitchen to find Fluttershy in the living room in a state of awe.

"It is all for you," said Soarin.

"I know you said that you were going to do something special, but I guess you really meant it," said Fluttershy.

"Well this is your first proper Hearts and Hooves day so I was hard at work last night to prepare all this for you while you were sleeping," said Soarin.

"You did all this by yourself?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well Rainbow helped me a little bit. She is off celebrating Hearts and Hooves day with that Bulk Biceps," said Soarin.

"Uhmm, this is absolutely wonderful Soarin. You went to do all this for me," said Fluttershy.

"Of course. You are the love of my life Fluttershy," said Soarin.

Fluttershy hugs and kisses Soarin in the mouth with tears of joy in her eyes "I love you Soarin."

"I love you too Fluttershy," replied Soarin.

"Oh but I have nothing for you Soarin," said Fluttershy.

"That's okay. Your presence here is good enough. I got real good food from a good catering service. So it is going to be like a fancy restaurant. I even got the best brand of apple cider," said Soarin.

"Wow, how did you get the caterers here?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well actually they came to Rainbow's house yesterday. Me and Rainbow have been planning this for a month. So me and Rainbow brought the half of the food here. I bet Bulk Biceps has already ate the rest of the food at Rainbow's house by now. I hope Rainbow got some of it," said Soarin.

"Oh my," said Fluttershy.

"Only the best for you Fluttershy," said Soarin.

Fluttershy and Soarin spend the rest of the day trying out candies, chocolates, watching tv and movies, and opening presents. Fluttershy got a lot fancy dresses and make up. Later in the evening Soarin prepared the candle lit dinner and waited for Fluttershy to come downstairs. She in with a fancy green dress with a butterfly shaped broche. She had make up on. Soarin's jaw dropped as he saw how elegant Fluttershy looked.

"You look beautiful," said Soarin.

"You really thinks so?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes and I really mean it," said Soarin.

"Oh okay," said Fluttershy.

Flutterhshy and Soarin ate dinner and drank a lot of apple cider to the point they were a little drunk. They sat in front of the fireplace for a while until they went to upstairs. Fluttershy went to Soarin's room and jumped on his bed. She looked seductively at Soarin as she took her dress off. Fluttershy looked irresistible and Soarin jumped on the bed kissing Fluttershy and the two made love for the first time.

"I always that that I would never have sex. Things like love and sex were just for normal ponies not freaks like me," said Fluttershy.

"You are still a very attractive young mare. Seriously you are beautiful and also you are very kind. You deserved to be loved," replied Soarin.

"What we did felt so right. I never once drooled out that black bile. Come to think of it. I have not done that in a long time," said Fluttershy.

"Good thing or that would have killed the romantic mood," said Soarin.

"So I know now what is like to be a normal pony, mostly," said Fluttershy.

"Perhaps one day the rest of ponanity will accept you as me and Rainbow have," said Soarin.

"I am worried that if I have fillies. Would they inherit my deformities?" asked Fluttershy.

"Judging from what I read from the medical files I got together along with your birth certificate. You may have a congenital condition. It might not pass on to the next generation," said Soarin.

"That's good, but now I am angrier at my parents. They knew all this. They knew that it was only me who has this problem. My fillies would be normal ponies and yet they still threw me away and decided to end the family line with them," said Fluttershy.

"They will pay somehow. I know that they will go to Tartarus when they die," replied Soarin.

For the rest of the winter, Soarin and Rainbow would go to the Wonderbolts Academy making and carrying out plans with General Maud Pie. There were no more attacks like the Canterlot Plaza Massacre. The investigation concluded that the Crystal Empire had inside help to carry out the nerve gas attack. There were skirmishes but it seemed that the Crystal Empire was not ready or incapable of launching another big scale invasion like at the start of the war. The Equestrian military did not know if this was either a good sign that the Crystal Empire might be losing the war or it was a bad sign that they were planning something big. The Equestrian military recaptured many towns from the Crystal Empire, uncovering many sickening atrocities along the way. But Appleloosa however has a very large Crystal army occupying it. The city was turned into a giant military fortress.

"I just can't wait to end this war," said Rainbow.

"Me too. Everything that the Crystal Empire does sickens me. Not only they kill for fun, now we just learned that they take innocent civilians to the slave camps inside the Crystal Empire," said Soarin.

"Why?" asked Fluttershy.

"Probably to make weapons and ammunition. And knowing how sick Emperor Sombra's regime is, there might be pony experimentation in the labs," said Soarin.

"You mean that Sombra is experimenting on ponies? For what?" asked Fluttershy.

"To test weapons and to refine torture. I hear a lot of horror stories coming from inside of the Crystal Empire and especially their labs. Sombra for years has been torturing his own Crystal ponies. Sombra is kind to no one," said Soarin.

"That is disgusting," said Fluttershy.

"This war is not just driving away the Crystal Empire from Equestria, this is a war to save all of ponanity. We have to also end Sombra's enslavement of the Crystal population and if we lose this war. Then we suffer the Crystal ponies fate, we have to end Sombra rule forever," said Soarin.

"I wan to kill that bastard so badly," said Rainbow angrily.

"It is the will of Empress Luna that the war will continue until Sombra is overthrown and sent to Tartarus. Luckily Sombra is on a losing streak, replied Soarin.

"Time to go to the Wonderbolts Academy," said Rainbow.

"Right. We will be back later today," said Soarin as he kissed Fluttershy.

"Alright, I will prepare supper tonight" said Fluttershy.

Hours later Soarin and Rainbow returned home.

"How was your day?" asked Fluttershy.

"Good I suppose. We are now poised to retake Appleloosa from the Crystal Empire, but we have to lead the troops personally there. So we going to be gone for a while. But don't you worry because I am going to buy a three months supply of food so you don't have to go outside," said Soarin.

"Oh, will you two get hurt?" asked Fluttershy.

"Maybe, but we are skilled fighters. We can easily protect ourselves from those high screw ups from the Crystal army," replied Soarin.

"Yeah those fucking fools are going to lose Appleloosa," said Rainbow.

"Alright, I guess you two will be fine," said Fluttershy.

One week later Soarin and Rainbow prepared to go into battle.

"Fluttershy, look after my house. And do not answer to anypony unless it is either me or Rainbow, Lyra, Octavia, Cheese, and Vinyl alright," said Soarin.

"I know Soarin and please be careful you two," said Fluttershy as she kissed Soarin.

"We will be alright," said Rainbow.

Both Soarin and Rainbow went to the Wonderbolts Academy where many of the troops were preparing for battle and going onboard a fleet of airships. Soarin and Rainbow went inside of one of the airships and they found Empress Luna, General Maud Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Spike in the control room.

"Oh good you both are here. Now we can bring about the beginning of the end of Emperor Sombra," said a smiley faced Luna.

"Let's send some more Crystal sons of bitches to Tartarus," said Rainbow.

"Right Rainbow," said Soarin.

"Me, Colonel Sparkle, and General Pie shall personally lead the ground troops while you two take command of our forces in the air. The Crystal Empire will regret unleashing the wrath of this alicorn," said Luna.

The airships took off from Cloudsdale and landed just outside of Appleloosa where Empress Luna, Twilight, Spike, Maud, the troops, jeeps, and tanks disembarked. The airships went back to the sky only with the Wonderbolts Team onboard. The city skyline was filled with many damaged skyscrapers and there was a 30 foot tall concrete wall topped with barbed wire and pikes with severed heads on them surrounding the city's perimeter. Above Appleloosa was a fleet of Crystal airships. And all of the power lines along the main highway to Appleloosa had rotting corpses hanging from them and in the highway itself were burnt cars with charred skeletons inside them.

"This is disgusting. No wonder why this place is referred to as the Highway of Death," said Rainbow.

"Who knows what other atrocities are behind those walls," replied Soarin.

"I am definitely going to have nightmares about this," said Rainbow."

"Looks like we have to take out the airships first," said Soarin.

"Let's make some Crystal pigs go splat on the ground below," said Rainbow.

Then a large and muscular white Pegasus with a light amber mane named Bulk Biceps screamed "YEAH!!!"

The battle in the air began with airships firing missiles at each other while pegasi soldiers from both sides engaged in mid air hoof to hoof combat. Both Soarin and Rainbow slashed many Crystal troops with their swords sending them falling to their deaths while Bulk used his strength to ripped the limbs and wings off his enemies. The three pegasi landed in one of the crystal airships and fought their way into the control room.

"Let's go and crash this airship into the other airships," said Soarin.

"HALT IN THE NAME OF EMPEROR SOMBRA!!!" shouted the captain of the crystal airship as he and the other crystal soldiers fired their machine gun at Soarin, Rainbow, and Bulk.

The three pegasi jumped quickly out of the way.

"I got a present for you," said Bulk as he grabbed a grenade from the pocket of his uniform and tossed it at the enemy troops, blowing them to pieces.

The control room was a mess with body parts and damaged machinery all over the place.

"Good work Bulk my love," said Rainbow as she found the main controls of the airship.

The captain of the airship still alive with his back legs missing crawled with a knife towards Rainbow.

"It is not nice to stab a mare in the back you," said Bulk as he pounced on the injured Crystal officer and grabbed his knife and stabbed him under his muzzle, the blade sliced into his brain killing him.

"Oh thanks Bulk," said Rainbow.

"Your welcome," replied Bulk.

"I want this airship to run at full speed towards the other airships behind us," said Soarin.

"Ye sir," replied Rainbow as she turned the airship around.

Bulk jumps on the controls smashing it. The three pegasi flew out of the airship and watched as it crashed into another airship causing a domino effect on 10 airships. They all exploded and the fiery wreckages rain down upon the city below.

"Now most of the Crystal air force in Appleloosa as been taken out," said Rainbow.

"Now we must now go to the ground and help General Pie and the ground troops," said Soarin.


Luna, Maud, Twilight, and Spike led the ground troops to the wall, fighting off the Crystal forces along the highway. Both sides had tanks.

"YOU THINK THAT THIS WALL CAN STOP ME!!!" yelled Maud as she punched her way through the wall with her bare hooves.

Once Maud finished making a large hole in the wall, the ground troops stormed inside the city. Luna, Maud, Twilight, and Spike ferociously fought off the Crystal troops. Luna fired magical fireballs, Twilight blasted away the enemy with a machine gun, Spike breathed fire, and Maud pounced on the enemy troopswith her hooves shattering their ribs. Soarin, Rainbow, and Bulk joined up with Luna, Maud, Twilight, and Spike. Maud began stabbing the Crystal soldiers with the spike of her helmet by ramming her head against them like a raging bull. Behind the ground troops were a tv news crew filming the battle live.

Back in Cloudsdale Fluttershy watched the tv and saw the battle. The sight of the dead ponies in the "Highway Of Death" and the heads on the walls made her feel ill and she prayed "Faust please protect Soarin and Rainbow."

Back in Appleloosa Soarin, Rainbow, and Bulk reunited with Luna, Maud, Twilight , and Spike.

"Your majesty, most the Crystal airships have been destroyed," said Soarin.

"Good work Captain. Now we have to wipe out the Crystal ground forces in the city. We have to capture the Appleloosa City Hall for that is where the Crystal Command Center is," said Luna.

As the battle continued, the Equestrian Imperial Army makes more gruesome discoveries in the city. Rotting bodies nailed to the walls and hanged on street lamps. Some of the bodies were fillies. There were Crystal propaganda posters of Emperor Sombra everywhere proclaiming him as The Genius Of Ponanity, The Wise Helmscolt, and Concierge Of Magic. The local population look unusually thin. It was very clear that Appleloosa was suffering from a pony made famine. Once they saw the Equestrian Imperial Army coming they joined in the fight. Some of the ponies of Appleloosa went as far as dragging the Crystal soldiers behind cars all over the street. The loved ones of the ponies who were hanged in the street lamps cut the ropes down to retrieved the bodies and hanged the Crystal soldiers to death on the very same street lamps. The Equestrian army went house to house and building to building fighting the Crystal troop. Along the way in some of houses and apartment building the Equestrian army finds more dead bodies in various states of decay from fresh to partially skeletonised. The most decayed of the bodies must have died at the start of the war four months earlier. There were entire families were dead in their homes.

"Oh my Faust! This is horrifying!" said Soarin.

"This is why we must win this war at all costs Captain," replied a blood soaked Maud.


"The smell. The smell of rotting meat is everywhere," said a teary eyed Rainbow.

Bulk, Twilight, Maud, and Spike just cried silently.

The Equestrian army finally approached the Appleloosa City Hall which was a large building guarded by tanks.

"That is the command center. Let's send all those degenerates there to Tartarus," said Luna.

"YEAH!!!" said Bulk.

Back in Cloudsdale, a teary eyed Fluttershy saw all everything the tv crew filmed from the atrocities to the ongoing battle including the gruesome fights between the angry ponies of Appleloosa and the Crystal soldiers. "How could ponies do all this to other ponies? Is this what is like everywhere Sombra rules?"

Back in Appleloosa. The Equestrian tanks fought and destroyed the Crystal tanks guarding Appleloosa City Hall. One of the Equestrian tanks shot a missile at the front door of the City Hall blasting it away.

"NOW LET'S MOVE IN!!!" bellowed Luna as the Equestrian troops stormed in the building.

The inside of the City Hall was filled with many heavily armed Crystals soldiers. The walls were covered with pictures of Emperor Sombra and Crystal Empire propaganda posters. Maud, Soarin, Rainbow, and Bulk now armed with machine guns blasted away the Crystal soldiers. It was a room by room battle and when the Equestrian army went to the basement, they discovered that the Crystal Empire made a dungeon there with many starving and beaten ponies and buffaloes held in chains. The unicorns had their horns broken off and some of them bleed to death from their wounds in their foreheads.

"Oh thank Faust you are here. Please help us. None of us has eaten in days," said one of the prisoners who was a male earth pony with a light gold coat and a brilliant gamboge mane named Braerburn.

"Alright we will let you out," said Soarin as he cut the chains with his sword.

"Oh thank you. We were going to be executed by hanging tonight," said Braeburn.

"Why?" asked Soarin.

"Because me and all those here were part of a resistance group and we caused a lot of trouble to those Crystal pigs. You have to get the commander of the Crystal troops who calls himself "Governor" of Appleloosa. That canniballistic fillyphile is probably at the mayor's office on the top floor right now. Please save Little Strongheart, she is a young buffalo and a resistance fighter. They took her to the commander of the Crystal troops to be killed and cooked for his supper. The Crystal commander is a cannibal who has eaten ponies and buffalos. YOU HAVE TO SAVE HER!!!," said Braeburn.

"Alright we will keep an eye out for her," said Soarin as he freed all of the other prisoners.

"Thank you, I'll fight along side you," replied Braeburn.

"Okay, here take this rifle," said Soarin as he handed a assault rifle and a canteen of water to Braeburn which he drank it all up at once.

The Equestrian army fought it's way upstairs until they reached the top floor and in the kitchen they found ponies and buffaloes dismembered. Some of the body parts were getting roasted in the ovens. Soarin and some of the other Equestrian soldiers vomited at the gruesome sight while Luna, Twilight, Spike, Maud, Rainbow, and Bulk just stood silently in shock. Braeburn looked frantically at the dead bodies and then Braeburn finds the freezer room and finds frozen dead bodies of ponies and buffaloes hanging on meat hooks. He looks at them closely.

"None of them is Little Strongheart. I hope we are not too late," cried Braeburn.

"This is going to haunt me forever," said Soarin.

The Equestrian army stormed the rest of the top floor killing all of the Crystal soldiers there. Soarin, Luna, Twilight, Spike, Maud, Rainbow, Bulk, and Braeburn, found a large door that read "Mayor's Office."

"That is where the highest ranking monsters are. Oh Faust please let Little Strongheart be still alive," said Braeburn.

Bulk throws a grenade at the door blasting it away. The blast killed all those who were nearby. The five ponies storm in the room and found five ponies in red and black armour one of was a unicorn and he looked extremely vicious and he shouted "WHAT?!!! HOW DARE YOU INTERUPTED OUR DINNER YOU FILTHY MULES!!!"


Braeburn looked at the table and saw a small roasted filly on a plate with an apple in it's mouth and he yelled "WHERE IS LITTLE STRONGHEART YOU DEGENATE FUCKS?!!!"


"FUCK YOU!!!" bellowed Braeburn as he charged angrily at the Crystal governor.

The Crystal governor dodge Braeburn and use his unicorn magic to levitate Braeburn and threw him across the room. The Crystal Governor and the four other high ranking Crystal officials blasted away some of the Equestrian soldiers with machine guns. They run off to the damaged door.

"STOP THEM!!!" screamed Braeburn as he got up and chase the five Crystal ponies.

Luna, Twilight, Spike, Maud, Rainbow, Soarin, Bulk, and the surviving Equestrian soldiers followed Braeburn. The Crystal ponies blasted away any Equestrian soldier that got in there way as they head towards the elevators. They got in and shot at Braeburn until the elevator door closed but he dodged the bullets.

"FUCK!!! THEY ARE GETTING AWAY!!! yelled Braeburn.

"Nope. They are just going to the basement," said Luna as she blasted the elevator door open with a fireball from her horn.

Luna, Twilight, Braeburn, and Maud jumped on the top of elevator. The Crystal officials fired their machine guns up the ceiling of the elevator. Luna, Twilight and Maud jumped off and landed on another elevator. The bullets damaged the wires holding the elevator and it snapped sending the elevator crashing down to the basement below.

"What a bunch of idiots," said Twilight as she carried Maud and flew to the bottom of the elevator shaft with Luna who carried Braeburn.

Soarin, Rainbow, Bulk, and Spike ran to the basement and when to the elevator they found all of the prisoners standing in front of the elevator door as it opened. The five Crystal ponies were still alive but they were badly injured with broken limbs and the Crystal governor himself had his horn broken and it was gushing out blood. The prisoners grabbed the five Crystal ponies out of the elevator. The Crystal Governor got away from the angry mob and he crawled towards the stairs, Braeburn blocks him and bucks him in the face.

"AAARGH!!! YOU AGAIN?!!! GET OUT OF MY WAY MULE!!! screamed the Crystal Governor.


"That little buffalo bitch was sent to a lab deep inside of the Crystal Empire proper," said the Crystal Governor.

"Thanks for the info," said Braeburn as he buck the Crystal Governor in the face again, sending him flying five feet back towards the angry mob.

"YOU PROMISED TO LET ME OUT!!! yelled the Crystal Governor.

"I promised you nothing," said Braeburn.

"PLEASE LET US GO!!!" screamed all of the five Crystal ponies.

"Why the fuck I should do that? Especially after what you did to Little Strongheart. Hmm? Now she is suffering a fate worse than death. Now she is going to tortured and experimented on," said Braeburn.

"Empress Luna please show us mercy," said the Crystal Governor.

Luna just stared at them with look of disgust on her face.

The Crystal governor crawls again but Twilight bucks him hard in the face sending ten feet away. The prisoners jumped on the five Crystal ponies, beating, stomping, and biting them. Their screams of agony were soon replaced by gurgling and chocking sounds and as well as the sounds of cracking bones. The prisoners then jumped back and the five Crystal ponies were no longer on the floor. Instead it was a large puddle of blood and some pieces of internal organs. The prisoner then hold up the severed torsos, heads, and limbs of the five Crystal ponies and then they threw them in the floor. They were literally ripped to pieces.

"What a fitting death for those ghouls," said a smiling Braeburn as Luna, Twilight, Spike, Maud, Soarin, Rainbow, Bulk and the rest of the Equestrian soldiers nodded in agreement.

Shortly afterwards Luna went to speak with the news crew outside of the City Hall and said "The Battle Of Appleloosa is over. Equestria is the victor. This was a major defeat for the Crystal Empire. All of the leaders of the occupational forces are dead. We uncovered numerous atrocities including systematic acts of cannibalism throughout the city. We also learned that a lot of the ponies of Appleloosa were taken to the Crystal Empire slave camps."

Back in Cloudsdale, Fluttershy prays "Please Faust let Soarin and Rainbow be alright."

Soarin, Rainbow, Bulk, Braeburn, Twilight, Spike, and Maud came out of the City Hall and joined Luna.

"Oh thank you Faust, They are alright," said Fluttershy.

The news team went inside of the City Hall, documenting everything from the dead soldiers from both sides to the dungeons where the prisoners and the dismembered remains of the five Crystal Ponies who previously were the rulers of Appleloosa. The camera closes in at the severed head of the Crystal Governor whose face was smashed in, his right eye was hanging out of his socket. The news teams also documented the gruesome scene in the kitchen and in the freezer. The news team eventually went to the Mayor's Office and documents the filly's roasted corpse on the dining table

Luna then speaks to the cameras once again in the Mayor's Office pointing at the filly's body "This is what Sombra wants for the whole world. Everypony should see all this. This is the evil that Equestria must face. This is why the Crystal Empire must be defeated at all costs."

Fluttershy vomits on the floor and drips out black bile from her mouth. Fluttershy cried hysterically for hours. She could not eat or sleep for days until she passed out. Once she went unconscious in the living room floor, she dreamt of the things she saw on tv like ponies and buffaloes hanging on meat hooks and the filly's cooked body. The only comfort Fluttershy had was that she knew that Soarin and Rainbow were alright.

One week later Soarin and Rainbow came back to Cloudsdale, both of them exclaiming at the front door "We're home."

Fluttershy opens the door and hugs both Soarin and Rainbow "I am so glad you two are back. I saw everything on tv. I will never get those horrible images like that of little roasted filly out of my head"

"Everypony is going to be haunted by all this forever," said Rainbow.

"I have decided to take you to a place where I can train you about using weapons. I don't want to take chances of those cannibalistic sons of bitches hurting you," said Soarin.

"Where?" asked Fluttershy.

"In a farm outside of Appleloosa. It is owned by somepony I rescued in the battle. His name is Braeburn. He has a weapons stash for the pro Equestria militia he was part of. He said that I could use his weapons and his farm to train the civilians that I know. It was his way of saying thanks to us," said Soarin.

"So I'll be shooting guns and stuff like that?" asked Soarin.

"Yes and you will also learn how to drive a tank, fight with swords, and even use a flamethrower. You have to learn how to fight properly. I don't want you to end up in a Crystal Empire lab," said Soarin.

"Call me crazy, but after what we saw in Appleloosa, I think everypony from all ages should know how to fight, even fillies," said Rainbow.

"It has gone that bad that the idea of arming fillies is not that crazy sounding. I mean we are fighting cannibalistic fillyphiles," said Soarin.

"So when I go to this farm?" asked Fluttershy.

"Tomorrow, you'll taken there by airplane. It will be perfect because I have to stay in Appleloosa for a while just in case there are still Crystal troops there and I get to be with you," said Soarin.

"Oh okay," replied Fluttershy.

The next day Soarin and Rainbow brought in a crate to put Fluttershy in.

"This reminds me of when you found me in the airship when the war started," said Fluttershy as she went inside of the crate.

"I wish I did not have to do this to you. Putting you in a crate," said Soarin.

"It's alright Soarin. I understand that I must not scare anypony," said Fluttershy.

Soarin and Rainbow lift the crate and put in in a army jeep. They drove to the airport. There Soarin and Rainbow lifted the crate and put it in a military plane.

"I am going to get Fluttershy out," said Soarin to Rainbow who was piloting the airplane.

Soarin lets Fluttershy out of the crate and takes her to the cockpit.

"We are going to landing in Braeburn's farm so no more crates for a while," said Soarin.

"Does this Braeburn know about me?" asked Fluttershy.

"Kind of. All I said to him was that I was going to be training my marefriend," said Soarin.

"I hope he does not get scared of me," said Fluttershy.

"After seeing so much depravity, I think he won't be scared of you since he has dealt with real monsters for four months straight," said Soarin.

"Oh okay," said Fluttershy.

The plane lands outside of Braeburn's farmhouse. Braeburn now wearing a Iron Crescent Medal around his neck comes out of the house to greet Soarin and Rainbow who came out of the plane.

"Hello Captain Soarin and Lieutenant Dash. So Soarin where is your mare friend you wanted to train?" asked Braeburn.

"She is in the plane, but I must tell you this. She is different from the rest of us," said Soarin.

"Well my marefriend Little Strongheart is a buffalo, so your marefriend won't bother me. I miss her so much," said a teary eyed Braeburn.

"She is a pegasus, but she was born with a congenital deformity," said Soarin.

"Poor thing, I am sure I won't get freaked out," said Braeburn.

"Okay. Fluttershy you can come out now," said Soarin.

Fluttershy comes out of the plane and walks towards Soarin, Rainbow, and Braeburn.

"Uhmm hello. My name is Fluttershy Cobblewing," said Fluttershy shyly.

"OH MY FAUST!!! YOUR MAREFRIEND IS THE PEGABAT MARE OF THE SEWERS!!! My cousins from Ponyville talked about you a lot. Do you know Applejack, Applebloom, and Big Macintosh? They run a apple cider company," asked Braeburn.

"Yes, unfortunately," replied Fluttershy.

"I'm sorry for Big Mac's horrid behaviour towards you. He can be a paranoid, stubborn, and pinheaded mule at times. Applejack and Applebloom are still sad about what happened to you," said Braeburn.

"I don't know if I can forgive Big Mac easily. I was almost killed that night. I am not a cannibal. Real cannibals look like normal ponies," said Fluttershy.

"That is so true. Oh my cousins said that said you went by the name Tammy," said Braeburn.

"That was the name the circus gave me. I found out recently like last Hearth's Warming Eve about my real name," said Fluttershy.

"Good for you. It seems that I have nothing to fear from you since you are with these two great heroes Soarin and Rainbow Dash. You are welcome to use my farm and weapons," said Braeburn.

"Thanks," said Fluttershy.

Author's Note:

Stay tuned for Chapter 8 as Fluttershy is trained to use weaponry

Comments ( 82 )

"It is the will of Empress Luna that the war will continue until Sombra is overthrown and sent to Tartarus. Luckily Sombra is on a losing streak, replied Soarin.

Oh Buck you man, buck you! You just jinxed yourself and Faust (ProMonarchy) is gonna buck you shiz so far up yo flank it's gonna go into orbit man.

No offencies but this could use a little bit of editing as the conversations feel a little arkward. Though still a good chapter

I'm sorry to say but I agree with 5466842... The story has great potential and is great to read but it could use 'a little bit of editing'.. not to put you down or anything... I do enjoy it! :raritywink:

5467780 I am glad you guys like my story. I know I need some more editing

ALRIGHT I LIKE IT BOY THAT WAS NASTY Im glad Applejack and Applebloom miss Fluttershy

5470600 I am very glad you liked it. So think the new chapter was nasty

5470606 Pretty sick though not to nitpic but i felt it was a bit ...rushed and i think more emphasis could be put in the horro and atrosities but thats just it was still a great chapter

5470613 There will be more sick stuff in the future :pinkiecrazy:

5470626 ah i seee this is a preview for things to come

5470649 Indeed this is preview of what is to come. We have not seen the full extant of the evil of Sombra's regime

5470654 yikes and this was FOWL also feel so one should warn the ponies about not letting their rage control the they seem so ready to kill the enemy a little too ready someone should warn them if taken too far they will become what they hate and fear most

5470663 Well the ponies and buffaloes who killed the high ranking Crystal ponies were tortured, starved, and have loved ones either killed or deported to slave camps and laboratories inside the Crystal Empire. And Appleloosa was under Crystal Empire rule for 4 months. So imagine what the horrible conditions that the civilian Crystal ponies are in

5470674 I'm just saying their is something interesting retrospective their

5470698 I wonder what Breaker would say about what happened in Appleloosa

He'd be appalled and maybe puke but just hat the killing on both sides he hates Sombra but doesn't forget that he and his followers are life as well

5470739 Well that's war for you. Don't worry the Equestrians are not going to commit atrocities on the Crystal population since they are just as equally victimised as the ponies and buffaloes of Appleloosa

5470744 ok I am just saying their is some good internal conflict and drama and psychological perspective you could jump on there

5470756 I'll keep in mind on that. There will be psychological drama and internal conflict with Fluttershy as the story progresses particularly with her view on ponykind

5470826 And Little Strongheart will make an appearance in a future chapter

*I really cannot thank you enough for what you done in Ponyville,*
"what you HAVE done" or "what YOU'VE done"
*I should have build up Equestria's defenses better.*
*It was a surprised attack*
cut out the "d"
*Luna turned around and pounded her front hooves in the war room table *
pounded her front hooves ON the war room table
*if I could give up on my life*
I'm not sure if you meant that or if you meant "give up my own life"
*The only reason why I have not committed suicide when Celestia died on my hooves*
died IN my hooves
*I have a feeling that the Empress is not going to let Prince Blueblood to get the throne if some bad happens to her.*
remove the second "to" and make it "if something bad happens to her"
*If he does for his sake, he better not let the Empress to find out or he is a dead colt.*
delete "to"
*The notion of a Empress Pinkamena just creeps me out*
The notion of AN Empress Pinkamena
*made her jaw dropped*
*I got real good food from good catering service.*
Put "a" between "from" and "good"
More later

5504363 Thanks for pointing out the typos

Finally read this... I was planning to for a while now, but i had some net problems, and i was hooked on this anime Hajime No Ippo, so i couldn't earlier.

5515074 So what do you think about the newest chapter of my story?

5518864 Well, i'd say it's pretty solid. It doesn't really have anything to do with Batman or Elfen Lied, butthat's okay.

5518930 It's something from my imagination

5518935 I know, just saying. So, seen anything new?

5518942 I am watching an anime from the late 1990s called The Big O

5518964 Huh. Never heard of it. Gonna see what it's about, thought. As i said, i've been watching this boxing anime Hajime No Ippo. Dunno if you'd be interested.

5518967 If it is about sports then count me out, sorry. So what do you think about how the Crystal Empire ruled Appleloosa?

5518981 Okay. I never really considered boxing a sport, more like a fighting style. Hell, the only reason i can get trough the fact that this is a sports anime's because people beat the shit out of each other. Anyways, if i'm not mistaken, in the previous chapters there's been talk of cannibalism. And now we see it. So i'd say the destruction of Appleloosa's pretty well done. Also, i checked out The Big O. Imma watch it, just so ya know.

5519001 There will be more destruction in the upcoming chapters. The Big O kind of reminds me of Batman

5519010 Okay. Just wondering, but have you ever played the Megaman X games?

5519020 I played a MLP FIM hack made from Mega Man 3 for the NES called My Little Pony: Dr. Discord's Conquest

5519036 I know that. So you never played a Megaman X game? Because... Yashould. IT'S FUCKIN' AWESOME!

5519043 No I have not played that one

5519050 Well as i said, you should. It'd be best if you were to emulate it, seeing as i doubt you have an SNES. I'd go fanboy over this game's awesomeness, but... Search up on Youtube "Egoraptor Megaman". Just... Do it. Look for a "sequelitis" video.

5519061 I have a SNES emulator program in m computer

5520216 Okay. Most, if not all, computers can emulate SNES games. Now ya just need a ROM. If i'm not mistaken, Coolrom had its Nintendo ROMs taken down, so you should probably try Emuparadise. I'd send you a link, but... My phone doesn't really wanna cooperate with me.

5520238 I know where to get roms. I usually go to Doperoms

5520241 Yeah, or there. It's just that Nintendo's been taking down roms for their consoles from various sites, such as the aformentioned Coolrom, and i knew for a fact that Emuparadise's roms weren't taken down... Yet, and i wasn't sure about Doperoms, seeing as i haven't gotten a rom from there in a week or two, so i didn't mention it.

5520267 Well I don't like going to Coolroms anyways, they have a poor selection. I just go to Doperoms and Emuparadise.

5520660 Yes it was a reference to AVGN's review of Beetlejuice for the NES. And yes you are right Octavia plays a cello not a violin :facehoof:

5522922 Yeah, you're right, it's just that most people i know just know of Coolrom, so i figured you were the same.

5523145 I just checked both Doperoms and Emuparadise and they still have Nintendo games :pinkiehappy:

5524986 Great, then! You know what to do... If you wanna do it, of course. Also, i didn't get a chance to check out Tge Big O yet, but i DID check out the opening... Is it just me, or does it kinda sound like that Queen song from that movie Flash Gordon? If you've heard it, then i'm guessing you know which one i'm talking about.

5525022 I have not seen Flash Gordon in long time

5527108 Actually, i never saw Flash Gordon from start to finish... Do ya think i should?

5555782 Sure go ahead and watch it. I heard it is a good movie

6320607 I am planning a prequel story about Pinkamena Diane Pie in the future

I like the dark tone of this story. It reminds me a lot of something Tim Burton would write or make into a movie. I'm usually not into dark/ edgy stories but this one drew me in right away. Keep on writing it. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next.

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