• Published 23rd Jan 2014
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Fluttershy Batwings - Brony God

Mare Do Well fights to save the gloomy, wintery, and gothic city of Ponyville from the tragic and freakish Pegabat

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Chapter 3

The Pegabat continues to write names on her list as she reminds herself of why she is doing all this.

10 years earlier the Pegabat was a young filly in a freak show, she was then called Tammy The Hideous Bat Filly, the circus life is all the Pegabat knows at this point of her life aside from living in the sewers until she was 3 years old when she was found by a sanitation worker who then sold her to the circus. She would either be laughed or screamed at by those who went to see her at the sideshow. The Purple Square Circus would travel all over Equestria.

She was raised by her fellow circus performers who some were quite shady characters, but she would spend most of her time with the animals especially circus rabbits who perform tricks at shows along with a young and egocentric magician named Trixie and her assistants Snips and Snails.

Her looking after the animals was the only thing that gave the young Pegabat then called Tammy comfort for the animals would not make fun of her appearance and they were the closest thing to a family she had.

The circus animals liked her more than anypony else in the circus and she wanted to be a part of a animal tamer act, but because of her looks she was only allowed to be just a sideshow freak, so she was a little envious of her future second in command Trixie for nopony got freaked out by her.

Even the other sideshow freaks did not talked to Tammy for they were freaked out by her so Tammy was friendless.

The circus stopped at the Ponyville Park near the Old Ponyville Zoo for next two weeks.

In every night after everybody from the circus is asleep, Tammy goes out to explore Ponyville, flying through the wintery Ponyville Central Park and the old zoo into the city skyline.

Tammy did not have to stay out of sight when she was out late at night for the snowy streets of Ponyville were eerily deserted for many of the ponies still feared that some of the vampire bats and the carnivorous deer might be still out there.

Even Tammy had to be careful by always looking behind her back every minute and the vampire bats were only animals that she was truly terrified of even though she is bat like herself, she would travel through the streets and the alleys, getting used to the city.

Sometimes when Tammy goes out earlier in the evenings she would have to stay out of sight for she would spot some ponies doing there Hearth's Warming shopping with their fillies happily. Seeing scenes like this breaks Tammy's heart for she will never have a normal Hearth Warming Eve, she would never go out with loving parents who would buy her presents, she would never have what other fillies have like having a normal childhood, she would never be loved.

One night Tammy finds a baby white bunny all by himself in a alleyway, she takes him in fearing a vampire bat or a carnivorous deer might eat him, and she names him Angel.

The reactions from the audience for the shows were the same especially the freak shows either laughing, screaming, or gasping, but when the show was over one day, Tammy went out of the tent were the freak show was to look after Angel at the trailer she lived in, a group of fillies greeted her.

"Hi," said a light gray Pegasus filly colt with dark grayish blue mane "My name is Soarin and what's your name?"

Startled a bit by the group of fillies she replied in a sad tone while holding Angel in her hooves "I am called Tammy, but I know it is not my real name."

"Did your parents named you Tammy?" asked Soarin.

"No, it was the circus ponies who named me, I was found living with rabbits in the sewers under the old zoo when I was just 3 years old, and I don't know my parents, and I don't know if I was born in a sewer or somewhere else, but one thing is for sure my parents did not love me, they abandoned me, and why else would a filly be in a sewer at all," said Tammy with tears in her eyes.

"Sorry for making you cry," replied Soarin.

"It's alright it's not your fault, it's just thinking about where I came from makes me sad," replied Tammy.

"Alright and what a cute little bunny you got there, what is his name? asked Soarin.

"His name is Angel and I just found him a few nights ago in a back alley," said Tammy.

"You are very kind, want to be friends with me? asked Soarin.

Tammy looked at Soarin happily and confused for this was the first time that somepony has actually asked her about being friends, and replied excitedly "YAY!!!"

Then Tammy started to have black bile drooling out of her mouth "I'm sorry that happens sometimes when I get excited," said Tammy who was now wiping the black drool from her mouth and hiding her face behind her pink mane.

"It's alright Tammy, listen me and my friends want you to meet us at Ponyville City Bridge at midnight OK," replied Soarin.

"Yes I will be there Soarin," said Tammy as she started to cry tears of happiness "I got to go back work at the freak show now so it was really nice to meet you Soarin,"

"See you later Tammy and by the way I don't think you are hideous," said Soarin as he and the other filly Pegasi left.

"He actually does not find me hideous? I don't think that anypony has ever said that to me ever, he really is nice, infact I don't think I have ever met anypony who is that nice to me at all," Tammy said to herself.

Tammy put Angel back into her trailer and went back to the tent where the freak show was.

The Pegasi fillies walked till they reached the same bridge where Tammy was thrown off of by her parents.

"So Soarin that weird freak Tammy is coming to the Ponyville City Bridge wow she must be desperate to have friends" said a gold pegasus with a orange mane named Spitfire.

"PLEASE DON'T CALL HER THAT!!!" yelled Soarin.

"Calm down Soarin I was just joking" replied Spitfire "We should get going back to the hotel for the and rest up for we are going to have a lot of fun in a cold town tonight, but I got to do something right now you guys wait for me at the hotel."

Spitfire went back to Tammy's trailer and went inside it as the other Pegasi went to the hotel. There on Tammy's bed was Angel sleeping, Spitfire grabs him and leaves a note on the bed. Spitfire flies out of the Ponyville Park saying to Angel in a very menacing tone "Don't worry you will see Tammy tonight and then that's where the real fun begins."

Tammy was in the freak show tent on display, but she felt something very wrong. She never can get used to the laughs and screams, but this was different like something told her that something was not right and to get out of the freak show tent. Tammy then began to worry and said to herself "Why I feel worse now on this show?"

Tammy notices the ponies at the front row. There it was Tucker and Esther Cobblewing who looked genuinely disgusted and frightened when they looked at her, it was a look of malice. They sent shivers to Tammy's spine for what made them so unsettling was not just the way they looked at her but the way Esther Cobblewing looked for she looked exactly like Tammy but without the bat like deformities. They were seated next to Filthy Rich a very young Diamond Tiara, and a very light grey unicorn with a light amber mane named Prince Blueblood who was the nephew of Empress Luna, and also a light pink earth pony filly with a straight dark pink mane named Pinkamena Diane Pie.

"Why do we have to be here?' asked Tucker.

"That bat filly, scares me," said Esther.

"Well we are here because I promised Pinkie that I would take her to the circus after I ordered the courts to acquit her from her murder trial," said Blueblood.

"You don't understand Blueblood, that bat filly is our daughter. Fluttershy is alive," said Tucker.

"I hope that nopony finds out about this," replied Esther.

"Oh you mean the filly you threw down in a storm drain ten years ago, right?" asked Filthy.

"Yes," replied both Tucker and Esther.

"No wonder why you two gave up on having fillies after that. You don't to bring more freaks into this world," said Blueblood.

"I would rather have the house of Cobblewing die out than it live on through monsters like Fluttershy,"said Tucker.

"You two make weird fillies," said Pinkamena.

Bat filly is weird," said Diamond.

Then some pegasi fillies started to throw garbage including full 2 litre soda bottles at her which made her wet and even some glass bottles were thrown at her and yelled "EAT THAT YOU FREAK!!!" and ran out of the tent.

Then a loud maniacal laugh boomed out of Pinkamena and she yelled "THAT'S FUNNY!!!"

The rest of the crowd started to laugh with Pinkamena including Tucker and Esther. Pinkamena throws a cupcake at Tammy. Tammy starts to have a panic attack, she hyperventilated and more of the black bile came out of her mouth, and then she started to see the audience members transformed into horrifying things like giant floating eyeballs and giant severed white floating heads with glowing white eyes that glowed like spotlights that focused the light beams on Tammy while laughing menacingly at her. But Pinkamena, Tucker , and Esther did not transform into either a giant floating head or eyeball, but Pinkamena's coat went white and her mane went curly and green. And the most disturbing thing about Pinkamena's looks was that hideous and unnaturally wide grin and she made the most psychotic sounding laugh in the whole tent. The cupcake Pinkamena throw was moving and squirting out what seemed to be blood and lots of it. Tucker and Esther stopped laughing and gave Tammy a look of pure hatred as their coats and manes turn black and their eyes turned orange, giving them an appearance of a demon from Tartarus.

Tammy horrified of what just happened being assaulted by fillies and getting laughed at, and the horrifying vision of the laughing floating heads and eyeballs, a twitching cupcake that bled so much that the it made a large red puddle on the floor, two demonic pegasi whom one of them looks like her, and a creepy clownish filly she just have she ran out of the tent crying.

She said to herself as she raced to her trailer "The audience was always rude, but not like this. I have a very bad feeling about those fillies who attacked me, and why did the rest of the audience laughed at me? Why they did they not stop those fillies, are they that heartless, are they really are monsters? Those eyes, those horrible eyes, those terrifying faces. Did they broke out of Tartarus? Who are those two pegasi? I never been looked at with so much spite before in my life. Why that mare looks like me? "

Tammy returned to her trailer and there she could not find Angel anywhere and she cried out for him "ANGEL WHERE ARE YOU?!!!" but he did not answer, then she finds the note on her bed and it read "Don't worry about Angel he is safe with us we plan to have fun all of us together at the Ponyville City Bridge at midnight so and there is no need for the police to be involved here and Angel is quite happy."

Tammy now completely shocked and worried about of all this says to herself "Is this what friends do, kidnap each others pets? This is weird I hope they are just planning to have fun and what a weird and bad day I am having."

Later that night Tammy went to the Ponyville City Bridge it was the largest bridge in Ponyville, it was deserted at night, there she meets the pegasus gang Soarin, Spitfire, and a light artic blue Pegasus with a light gray mane named Fleetfoot were standing next to each other while the other Pegasi fillies were behind them including the same fillies who attacked her at the freak show.

"Welcome Tammy I am so glad that you can make it here tonight," said Spitfire who was grinning in a sinister way.

"Where's Angel and you better not hurt him?!," said Tammy.

"Relax he is just fine and are you wondering why are we here," replied Spitfire.

"Yes I am," said Tammy.

"Well then I shall tell you now, we are from Cloudsdale and we attend the Wonderbolts Academy, but we are on a Hearth Warming Eve vacation so we decided to come here to Ponyville to have some fun and guess what you are it," said Spitfire who was still making a creepy grin.

"I'm it for what? asked Tammy.

"You are the who we are going to have fun with Ponyville is a very large city with a high crime rate so we won't get in to trouble for what we are going to do to you and Angel," replied Spitfire.




"To test your loyalty to me you unruly idiot, and I want to have fun," said Spitfire.

"WHERE IS ANGEL!!!" yelled Tammy.

"He is right here," said Spitfire as she opened a bag next to her and pulled out Angel.

"I am so going to enjoy this and I wish I could do this more often," replied Spitfire in a very creepy tone, "And when I am done with Angel I am going to have fun with you Tammy."

Then Spitfire throws Angel down in the ground and Tammy jumps at Spitfire but the other Pegasi jumped on her holding her bat like wings down, then Fleetfoot hands over to Spitfire a metal baseball bat.

"I enjoy doing this both bunnies and ponies bleed a lot with everytime I do this," said Tammy as she hit Angel with the baseball bat.

"STOP IT PLEASE!!!" cried Tammy.

"Now Soarin I want you to hit this bunny with this baseball bat and see if you really Wonderbolt material and then I want you to help me to do the same for that bat freak too, besides nopony is going to miss her anyways, and that is why I chose her for this," said Spitfire.

Soarin punches Spitfire in the face and screams at her "YOU PSYCHO I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU DO THIS!!!

"YOU MISERBLE FRESHPONY WHO KNOWS NOTHING HOW DARE YOU ASSAULT YOUR TEAM CAPTAIN AND NOW YOU ARE GOING TO DIE TOO YOU TRAITOR!!! yelled Spitfire who was now bleeding out of her nose as she hit Soarin in the face with the baseball bat.

"HOLD THE TRAITOR DOWN!!!" shouted Spitfire at her henchponies as they jumped on Soarin who was bleeding out of his nose.

Then Spitfire hit Angel again with the baseball bat and the poor bunny just yelped in pain.

"Let's see if you can fly," said Spitfire as she grabbed the bleeding Angel and flew up about 30 feet in the air and throws Angel down to the ground.

Angel was now bleeding badly in the snowy ground and he was crying in pain.

"Let's do that again," said Spitfire as grabbed Angel and flew up 30 feet in to air and throws him down again.

Angel still alive but gravely wounded is now coughing up blood from his mouth.

"WHY DON"T YOU JUST DIE!!!" yelled Spitfire.

Then Spitfire grabbed the baseball bat and hits Angel repeatedly as Tammy and Soarin begged for Spitfire to stop, but Spitfire would not stop beating Angel.

Then Angel stopped twitching and coughing up blood the poor bunny was now dead.

Spitfire laughed maniacally and then she grabbed Angel's bloodied body and waved it at Tammy and said "Want to join him?"

Then Spitfire throws Angel's body off the bridge into the icy river below.

Tammy cried hysterically and even Soarin cried too and he said angrily to his former friend "You are going to hell for this Spitfire."

"And who is going to send me there? You? Soarin you stupid fool you and your little girlfriend here are going to join that bunny at the bottom of the river very soon," replied Spitfire as she grinned evilly.

"I think I should start with you Soarin for being a traitor and I shall rip your wings off and by the way it is not the first time that I actually ripped somepony's wings off," said Spitfire.

Spitfire hits Soarin in the face with the baseball bat as her henchponies laughed.

"YOU BITCH I WISH YOU WERE DEAD!!! screamed Tammy.

"How dare you wish that upon me you deformed freak and yes you are garbage after all why are you in a circus did you parents throw you out like the trash that you are, who was living like an animal in the sewer previously as a toddler" said Spitfire.

That remark hurt Tammy like a stab to her heart for she knew that she was abandoned by her parents and Spitfire was gloating about it.

"YOU ARE GOING TO REGRET MEETING MEEEE!!! yelled Tammy as she used all of her strength to expand her wing so fast and with such force that the front legs of the two of Spitfire's henchponies who were holding Tammy broke off only hanging off by some skin and tendons.

The two henchponies screamed in agony as blood squirted out of the open wounds on their shoulders and they squirmed on the snow covered ground crying then Tammy stomped on their faces with back hooves such strength that their faces were crushed and unrecognisable and they just gurgled and choked on their blood till they died.

"KILL THAT MONSTER NOW!!!" bellowed Spitfire who was now horrified of what just happened.

More of the henchponies attacked Tammy with baseball bats and knives but they failed for Tammy was too fast and she twirled her wingspan at them knocking them in to the ground.

Tammy now enraged never in her life that she has ever been this angry had one thing on her mind make Spitfire and her Pegasi gang pay with their blood.

Tammy started to bite the some of the Pegasi on the floor in the face ripping their noses off grabbed one of the knives from them and she started to slash their throats and she was so strong that some of the Pegasi were beheaded.

Fleetfoot pulled out a gun and started to shoot at Tammy, but she missed because she was panicking.

"SHOOT HER YOU STUPID COWARD!!!" yelled Spitfire at Fleetfoot.

"I'M TRYING SPITFIRE!!!" yelled back Fleetfoot.


Tammy flew towards Fleetfoot and grabs her by the neck and twist her head backwards so fast that Fleetfoot was still alive for a few seconds gagging and choking.

More of the Pegasi fillies jumped at Tammy but she grabbed Fleetfoot's corpse and threw the corpse at them knocking them off their hooves.

"How does feel to be weak now?" asked Tammy as she started to rip apart the Pegasi foals on the ground starting with the wings and then she used the knife to sever their front hooves off.

"How does it feel to be helpless, how does it to feel victimised? I bet you bastards don't like it," said Tammy with a bloody smirk on her face as she looked the bleeding ponies on the ground who were screaming, crying, and calling out for help.

Tammy started to kill them off by either cutting their heads off so fast that the headless bodies were twitching and making moaning, choking, and gurgling sounds for a few seconds as the head were coughing and choking, and some were disemboweled, while other were stomped on to death by Tammy's hooves.

"JUST SLASH SOARIN'S THROAT AND GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE BEFORE THAT CREATURE SLAUGHTERS US!!! bellowed Spitfire to her last two henchponies who were holding down Soarin.

"YOU ARE NOT GOING TO KILL ANYPONY ELSE EVER AGAIN YOU BASTARDS!!!" bellowed Tammy as she flew at the two henchponies were just about kill Soarin.

Tammy ripped open the belly of one of the henchponies with her teeth and she put her front hoof inside the would and pulled out his beating heart and threw it at Spitfire's face and then she jumped on the other henchpony and ripped his head off and threw that too at Spitfire's face.

Now Spitfire who was now covered in her follower's blood scream in terror and she flew up into the air, but Tammy flew faster than Spitfire and grabbed her wings and said to her "Let's see if you can fly without wings."

Tammy used all of her strength to rip off Spitfire's wings off as Spitfire cried out "PLEASE STOP IT PLEASE!!!"


Now Spitfire wingless and bleeding out of her back struggled to break free from Tammy, but then she realised that she was at least 50 feet up in the air and then that is where she realised that she was going to die.

"You will learn to fly without wings even it kills you," said Tammy as she threw Spitfire into the ground.

Tammy flew to the ground and picked up Spitfire who had all of her legs broken crying in agony, flew her up 50 feet in the air and drop her again.

Spitfire now her back was broken and can't feel her back hooves and coughing blood from her mouth cried in agony and spoke very weakly "Please stop this."

"If you keep falling down Spitfire then you might spend the rest of eternity at the bottom of the river just like poor Angel." replied Tammy who was now crying.

Tammy picked up Spitfire and this time it was 70 feet up in the air and said with tears in her eyes "How can you do this Angel he just a baby? There is a special place for you in Tartarus and you can spend the rest of your Hearth Warming Eve vacation down there."

"Please let me go I have learned my lesson," begged Spitfire.

"Yes I will let you go and hopefully you will learn your lesson for your next life," replied Tammy.

"NO DON'T KILL ME!!!" screamed Spitfire as Tammy threw her down into the ground.

Tammy flew down to see Spifire who was now having a convulsion in a puddle of her own blood for a few seconds then she stopped moving and died.

The snow covered bridge was now covered with red snow and dead bodies and body parts.

Tammy walked to Soarin and he saw everything and begged "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME I DID NOT KNOW WHAT SPITFIRE WAS PLANNING!!!"

Tammy calmed herself down and said "Don't worry I won't kill you and I don't what came over me this strength and anger that I did not know that I have, you are probably think that I am a monster now?"

"No you are not the monster here and I am very sorry about all this and I want to thank you for saving me and you don't have to forgive me for bringing you here," cried Soarin.

"I forgive you after all you had no idea what was really going to happen, but now what are we going to do?" asked Tammy.

"Let's throw the bodies off the bridge and the snow will cover up the blood," said Soarin.

"I suppose after all if Angel is down there so should these bastards too and I did promise Spitfire that if she did not fly then she can join Angel," said Tammy with tears streaming from her eyes.

So both Tammy and Soarin tossed the bodies and their weapons over the bridge into the icy river below.

When all of the bodies were thrown in the river Soarin vomited for all of the body parts he had to touch and throw in the river.

"I'm sorry for puking, but this is all messed up," said Soarin.

"I can barely hold my food in either," replied Tammy.

"Let's pretend that we were never here," said Soarin.

"Right," replied Tammy.

"I have no idea that the team was full of murderers, I guess now that would explain the murders at the Wonderbolts Academy back in Cloudsdale," replied Soarin.

"We should go back to our homes before anypony sees us," said Tammy.

"Right, and I am truly sorry for putting you through this Tammy," replied Soarin.

They both said there goodbyes and went their separate ways.

Tammy went back to her trailer and cried herself to sleep.

The next day the police were at the park questioning everypony there about the Pegasi fillies from Cloudsdale who disappeared the night before.

The parents of the Pegasi fillies remembered hearing about meeting a freak show performer before they left the hotel only one came back early to the hotel claiming to be sick from a flu after he vomited in front of the others.

Tammy freaked out if the police found out about that she was the freak show performer and she now realised that she could not risk staying in the circus anymore, so it was decided that she had to run away.

Tammy said goodbye to her animal friends and fled the park and went to the Ponyville Zoo where she found the access to the sewers of Ponyville in the Crystal World section.

Tammy still knew her way around the sewers since she spent the first three years of her life in them.

The police shut down the circus when they learned that there was criminal activity unrelated to the missing fillies case like drug dealing, muggings, and other crimes committed by the members of the Purple Square Circus some of them fled while some were arrested, the animals got loose when Trixie, Snips, and Snail fled for they were wanted for questioning for some robberies in every town they visited.

Tammy got out of Ponyville and flew through the snowy highway to search for a new life and she spotted a greenhouse on a farm.

She went inside and there were apple trees and she took some of the apples and ate them for she had not eaten for hours.

It seemed that nopony was there, she climbed up to one of the bigger apple trees and slept there till sometime in the night when three ponies came in one was Granny Smith and the two were fillies one was a orange earth pony with a blonde mane named Applejack and the other is a red earth pony with a red mane named Big McIntosh.

"I thought I locked the door," said Granny Smith.

"Nnnnope you didn't," said Big McIntosh.

"Grandma you always have to lock the doors because we might intruders here," said Applejack

"I'm sorry it just I am a little forgetful,' replied Granny Smith.

"Eeeyup it's like somepony got inside look at these apple cores," said Big McIntosh as he point at some of the apple cores on the floor.

"Aay think that it might be some of those vampire bats or those meat eating deer," said Applejack.

"Nnnnope they are extinct and they didn't eat apples, it might be a fugitive or at least some junkie drifter, just let me get the shotgun just in case we got an armed nutcase here," said Big McIntosh as he left the greenhouse.

"Aay am scared Grandma" cried Applejack.

"Don't worry your brother Big Mac is coming with the shotgun soon," said Granny Smith.

Then a couple of minutes later Big Mac came in with the shotgun and said "Eeeyup now let's see who is in here."

The three earth ponies searched the greenhouse till Applejack screamed when she looked up at the one of the apple trees "VAMPIRE BAT!!!"

Then Big Mac and Granny Smith looked up at the apple tree and saw Tammy sleeping.

"AAY TOLD YOU IT WAS A VAMPIRE BAT!!!" yelled Applejack.

"I have seen vampire bats before but this one looks kind of like a Pegasus," said Granny Smith.

"You're right Grandma it's a Pegabat, half bat half pegasus, it is really freaky," said Big Mac.

"Is it going to eat us?" asked Applejack.

"Let's wake it up and see if it want to slaughter us, but I will kill it before it gets close to us," replied Big Mac.

Then Big Mac yelled "WAKE UP!!!"

Tammy awoken to see the three earth ponies on the ground with one of them pointing a shotgun at her.

"PLEASE DON'T SHOOT ME!!!" cried out Tammy.

Then the three earth ponies said together "It speaks!?"

"Yes I do speak and please don't shoot," said Tammy.

"Are you going to kill and eat us?" asked Applejack.

"No I just eat apples," replied Tammy.

"Why you a young mare have these batwings and teeth?" asked Granny Smith.

"I am not sure why I am like this but all I know is that I was born like this," said Tammy in a sad tone.

"How old are you?" asked Granny Smith.

"I am 10 years old," replied Tammy.

"You are about the same age as my granddaughter, and that is the year of that dreadful chemical plant explosion that made those fruit bats and deer into meat eating killers, I bet that has something to do with your deformity," said Granny Smith.

"I heard about that and I too think it has something to do with me being born as a freak, and I really wish that I knew my parents for they must know why I am like this," said Tammy as she started to cry.

"Aay don't trust you and knowing bats they are just going to wait for us to go to sleep so they can slaughter us," said Big Mac.

"I am not a bat, I am a pony at least I think I am," replied Tammy.

"What is your name?" asked Applejack.

"I don't know my real name, but some ponies call me Tammy," replied Tammy.

"Well Tammy I still don't trust you and nopony is going to hurt my family especially freaky Pegabats like you," said Big Mac.

"I'm sorry for coming in your greenhouse but I was really hungry and I have no place to go and the past two days have been horrible," cried Tammy.

"You can stay here for now," said Granny Smith.

"Thank you very much," said Tammy happily as black bile started to come out of her mouth.

"I'm sorry this sometimes happens when I get excited," said Tammy in a embarrassing tone as she wiped her chin with her front hoof.

"Very well if Granny says that you can stay then I guess you can stay," said Big Mac.

"So aay am going to have a new friend now." said Applejack.

Tammy thought to herself "I hope these ponies don't hurt me later and this word Pegabat interests me it describes me perfectly."

So the four ponies left the greenhouse and went to the large farmhouse on the property.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 3 and please stay tuned for Chapter 4 where we learn more about Fluttershy's past.