• Published 23rd Jan 2014
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Fluttershy Batwings - Brony God

Mare Do Well fights to save the gloomy, wintery, and gothic city of Ponyville from the tragic and freakish Pegabat

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Chapter 5

Soarin and Rainbow fought off Crystal pegasi soldiers who were attacking the airship with bazookas and some of them tried to land on the airship, but the Equestrian troops aboard the airship fought them off. Tammy could hear the battle from outside of the airship, the sounds of explosions and machine gun fire were very loud as well as the screams of the ponies aboard.

"Please make those Crystal monsters go away," Tammy mumbled nervously to herself.

Then the loud noises stopped for the battle was over, the airship was now far away from the Crystal air fleet.

Soarin and Rainbow Dash flew back inside the airship victorious.

"Those demented bastards, they just love killing anything that moves in front of them," said Soarin angrily.

"I know, they make me sick, oh sweet Luna the carnage I saw today will give me nightmares for the rest of my life, especially all those dead fillies at the pediatric wing of the hospital. EVEN HOSPITALS ARE NOT SAFE FROM THESE SONS OF BITCHES!!! THEY BLEW UP THE HOSPITALS!!! THEY EVEN WENT AND SHOT AND STABBED THE PATIENTS ON THEIR BEDS!!! EVEN THE FILLIES!!! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE CRYSTAL PONIES?!!!" cried Rainbow Dash who was in tears.

"I wish I knew, but one thing is for sure that these psychos are going to have a very hard time attacking Cloudsdale and we shall personally send legions of those monsters to Tartarus if they dare come after Cloudsdale," said Soarin.

"I am going to check on the supplies just in case there are bombs or stowaways on board so I leave you in charge for now Rainbow" said Soarin.

"Yes sir," replied Rainbow Dash.

Soarin went to the supply room and he began opening all of the crates to see anything unusual inside them.

Tammy shooked quietly in fear if Soarin found her and his reaction would be unpleasant. So Soarin opened up every crate and found nothing suspicious and then he went to the last crate. The very crate Tammy was hiding in.

Soarin opens the crate and finds a very scared Tammy who was now drooling black bile from her mouth.

"Oh my sweet Luna it's you Tammy," said a surprised Soarin.

"I'm sorry for being a stowaway but this was the only way I could get away from those Crystal monsters," said Tammy.

"It's alright Tammy," replied Soarin.

"They broke into my cottage outside of town in the woods, they killed my animal friends. THEY EVEN TRIED TO RAPE ME AND TAKE ME AWAY TO A LAB!!! cried Tammy.

"How did you escaped from those Crystal bastards?" asked Soarin,

"I fought and killed my way out of my cottage, it was just like that night at the Ponyville River Bridge all over again." replied Tammy.

Soarin gives Tammy a big hug and says "As long as I live nopony is going to hurt you. And I think that it would be best that you come and live with me."

"You mean it?" asked Tammy.

"Yes I mean it. You are staying with me in my home in Cloudsdale." replied Soarin.

"You are truly the most kind pony that I have ever knew. Giving me a place to stay," said Tammy.

"Not all ponies are depraved monsters and I think that you are going to love in my place," said Soarin.

"What about your friends and family? Will they accept me being with you?" asked Tammy.

"Once I explain to them they will accept you," replied Soarin.

"Alright," said Tammy.

"I have to talk to Lt. Rainbow Dash though, but she will understand," said Soarin.

"Okay," said Tammy.

"I got to go now. I will be back soon, just stay here till I come back alright," said Soarin as he left the room.

Soarin finds Rainbow Dash in a hallway.

"Rainbow I need to speak to you about something important that I found in the supply room, more specifically somepony," said Soarin.

"What? You mean somepony got inside of the airship in one of those supply crates? Let me guess a Crystal saboteur out to cause trouble, right Soarin?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"No she is not a Crystal saboteur, she came to this airship after her home was attacked by those crystal scum," replied Soarin.

"Then why she went inside of the airship with the supplies instead of coming in with the rest of the evacuees?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"That's because she does not want to scare everypony else, that's why," said Soarin.

"What's so scary about her?" asked Rainbow.

"You may not going believe me, but it is the Pegabat," replied Soarin.

"You know if it were not for the security cameras in the grocery stores and pharmacies that her on tape, I would not have believe that she existed. And also I would not believe that story of how you met her on the day Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts disappeared," replied Rainbow "Is she dangerous?"

"No she is actually quite gentle and what I said about Spitfire and everything else is true," said Soarin.

"Well that explains why the murder rate dropped in the part of Cloudsdale where Wonderbolts Academy is," said Rainbow.

"I told Tammy to stay in my house in Cloudsdale. She has nowhere to go and I would like her to stay in my quarters for the rest of the trip," replied Soarin.

"I would like to meet this Tammy?' asked Rainbow.

"Of course, follow me," said Soarin.

The two pegasi went the supply room where Tammy was. When Rainbow Dash sees Tammy she gasped to see the Pegabat Mare in person "Oh my sweet Luna."

"This is my second in command and friend Rainbow Dash," said Soarin to Tammy. Then he turns to Rainbow "This is Tammy."

"Hello Rainbow Dash," said Tammy in a timid tone as she nervously grabbed her mane.

"Hello Tammy," replied Rainbow who looked curiously at Tammy.

"Well now you two met now can you get Tammy to my quarters unseen?" asked Soarin to Rainbow.

"I'll just put her in a crate and send it to your quarters," replied Rainbow.

"Alright," said Tammy.

Then Tammy went to a empty crate and it was wheeled in to Soarin's quarters. It was like an apartment with the living room window that overlooked the snowing sky and the rest of the other airships and planes.

Soarin and Rainbow opened the crate to let Tammy out.

When Tammy came of the crate she was overwhelmed by the luxuriousness of Soarin's quarters.

"Wow this is really fancy not even my cottage was this fancy," said Tammy in a excited tone.

"Well this is just a officer's room, it is not Canterlot Castle," replied Soarin.

"It's like a fancy hotel room that I only see in movies and tv. I never been in a place like this before," said Tammy.

"Where did you live Tammy?" asked Rainbow.

"In a cottage in the forest, but it was attacked by Crystal soldiers and many of the animals I looked after there were killed," replied Tammy sadly.

"I never met anypony like you before," said Rainbow.

"That's because I am the only pony like this. I think it is a congenital deformity," said Tammy.

"I think we should get back to work. You never know when those psychos might attack us again," said Soarin.

"Yes sir," said Rainbow.

"Make yourself at home Tammy. I will be back in a while," said Soarin as he and Rainbow left Tammy alone in Soarin's quarters.

Tammy went to sit on a couch that faced the window. All of the airships and planes were now above the snowing clouds and it was now nighttime. The moon was full and the stars were sparkling very brightly.

Tammy said to herself about seeing the night sky above the clouds "After all the nightmarish things I saw today, I would never expect to see such a beautiful sight."

Then Tammy turned on the tv and it was just news about the Crystal Empire's surprise invasion on Equestria.

The news reporter says "The death count alone in Ponyville is over 3000, but the death toll could be as high as 10,000."

The news reporter continues "Most of the airships and planes made it out of Ponyville safely but couple of airships were shot down. Each of them carrying 300 ponies at least so the death toll might be over 600."

"The Equestrian Imperial Army is still battling the Crystal invaders in Ponyville and other besieged cities and towns throughout Equestria."

"Canterlot, Cloudsdale and the other cities that are behind the frontlines are on high alert as Empress Luna declares a nation wide state of emergency."

Tammy's stomach turned and she drooled black bile form her mouth and got some of it on Soarin's couch.

Then Tammy got worried "Oh no. I hope Soarin does not get mad at me for this,"

Then Soarin comes back in the room and says "We will be arriving at Cloudsdale Airport very shortly."

"I'm so sorry for making your couch dirty, you see when I get upset sometimes I drool black bile uncontrollably," said Tammy.

"Yes I remember that when we first met and don't worry about it," replied Soarin.

"Ten thousand dead in Ponyville is that true?" asked Tammy.

"I am afraid so and if the intelligence that I am receiving is correct at least one million ponies were killed today nation wide," said Soarin with a somber look on his face.

"Why is the Crystal Empire doing this?' asked Tammy.

"Because the Crystal Empire is ruled by a demonic son of a bitch and whose army is entirely composed of sadistic rapists and filly killers, that's why," said Soarin.

"That sounds like Spitfire and her gang," replied Tammy.

"You are absolutely correct about that, except on a larger scale" said Soarin.

"They even share the same lust for blood of helpless animals, they shot my animal friends in the forest for fun," cried Tammy.

Then Soarin walks towards the window and says "It looks like we are already here in Cloudsdale."

Then Tammy walks towards the window and sees a city in the clouds with skyscrapers, white spirals and pillars.

"It's so breathtakingly wonderful," said Tammy.

"Cloudsdale was built by pegasi and thank to modern technology anypony can travel there easily," said Soarin.

"Will Cloudsdale be safe from the Crystla Empire?" asked Tammy.

"Yes it will be safe after all it is where the Wonderbolts Academy is. The city is guarded by the best of Equestria's military. Those Crystal fucks will have a hard time if they dare try to attack Cloudsdale," replied Soarin.

Then Rainbow Dash comes in the room "Captain we are now approaching Cloudsdale."

"I know, tell everypony to prepare for our arrival and make sure that this crate goes to my house." orders Soarin.

"Yes sir," replied Rainbow as she saluted him with a raise right hoof and then she left Soarin's quarters.

"It's time for you to get back into that crate," said Soarin.

"Alright," said Tammy as she went back inside of the crate.

The crate was wheeled out of Soarin's quarters by Soarin. Tammy could still see through the cracks of the crate. She sees hundreds of ponies in the airship leaving. Once outside of the airship Tammy sees thousands of ponies leaving the other airships and planes, but plane caught attention, and it was Prince Blueblood's private plane. All of it's passengers were off and Prince Blueblood was arguing with the pilot and the military officials greeting him and he others. Soarin stops to catch his breath.

"I wanted to go to Canterlot, HOW DARE YOU FUCKING PEASENTS ORDER ME TO LAND HERE!!!" yelled Prince Blueblood.

"I'm sorry your highness, but the Empress herself gave orders to have all evacuees from Ponyville to be sent to Cloudsdale, no exceptions," replied one of the military officers.

"I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT WHAT MY AUNT SAYS, NOPONY HAS THE RIGHT TO ORDER ME AROUND!!! yelled Prince Blueblood as he stomped angrily his hooves in the ground.

"DADDY WHY ARE WE HERE INSTEAD OF CANTERLOT?" cried Diamond Tiara as she held Winona's leash.

"The Empress thought it would be safer for us to stay in Cloudsdale for now Diamond," replied Filthy Rich.

"It is sad that are stuck with these the rest of the unwashed masses," said Tucker.

"Indeed it is sad infact it is quite beneath us," replied Esther.

"I'm bored. And I hope your aunt does not send us to the refugee camps too," said Pinkie Pie.

"She better not,' said Blueblood.


"Indeed you all act like a bunch of spoiled fillies except for Diamond because she is an actual spoiled filly, and you should be grateful that we got out of Ponyville alive" said Fancy Pants.

"ARE YOU INSULTING ME?!!!" yelled Diamond.

"Well you should not have kicked my seat for the whole trip," said Fancy.

"SCREW YOU!!!" yelled Diamond as she kicked Winona, the poor dog just yelped and cowered in the floor.

"Blueblood keep your psycho lover of your under control, she was giving me weird looks and waving that knife around," said Fluer.

Then a earth pony with a bluish gray coat and a dark gray mane named Silver Shill comes out of the plane carrying some luggage.

"You are just jealous that I am with Prince Blueblood and you are with that nopony Fancy," replied Pinkie.

"Why should I be jealous of you Pinkie? Blueblood is a crooked and arrogant son of a bitch so you can keep him you mental patient," said Fluer.

"You are nothing but a miserable trophy wife Fluer and nothing more," replied Pinkie.

In a fit of rage Fluer charges at Pinkie and then Silver Shill rushes to Pinkie's and hold a gun at Fluer.

"You better watch yourself Fluer because I will mutilate your face before I end you," said Pinkie in a threatening and creepy tone.

"Blueblood put a muzzle on that bitch Pinkie and her trigger happy pet Silver," said Fancy.

"HOW DARE YOU ORDER ME!!!," screamed Blueblood.

"Excuse me but I am not the one who is sleeping with a cannibalistic lunatic. And by the way you should be careful with Pinkie because if you betray her she will turn you into a cupcake literally," said Fancy.

"Just piss off you lowly imbecile," replied Blueblood.

"I think it as time for we go our separate ways," said Fancy.

"Yes let's leave these horrible excuses for ponies, and the only good company that I have throughout the flight is Winona the dog. I feel very sorry for Winona, poor thing having spinal problems ever since Filthy hit her with that limo. It is highly unlikely that Winona is going to have a natural death. not the way both Filthy and Diamond treat her" replied Fluer.

Then a bluish gray earth pony with a blue violet mane wearing a helmet with a spike on top of it named Maud Pie comes to greet Blueblood and the others.

"I heard that you are giving some of the military officers problems," said Maud Pie.

"Those fools should know better that it is not proper to order a prince like me around," replied Blueblood.

"The Empress herself ordered everypony to come here, and she even mentioned you by name," said Maud.

"Luna is a big meanie," said Pinkie.

"Hello sister," said Maud glumly.

"Hello General Maud Pie the pride and joy of the Pie family," said Pinkie sarcastically.

"I see that you are still with Prince Blueblood, Pinkamena. And we are the last of the Pie family. I know father was insane and what he did to you and us was wrong and it is very sad to see you in the mental state that you are in. You have father's madness and it is very obvious that you are his daughter" said Maud in a sad tone.

"So are you Maud," snarled Pinkie.

"But I at least made something out of myself and what did you do? Become Blueblood personal assassin," said Maud.

"But one day I will be a princess, you boring stick in the mud with a rock fetish," said Pinkie angrily.

"Father was a bastard but you should not grow up to be like him, a sick serial killer. And remember he tried to kill you when I shot him after he murdered the rest of our family" said Maud sadly.

"SCREW YOU!!!" yelled Pinkie.

"Why are we doing here General, please explain yourself," said Blueblood.

"I am going to say this once your highness, the Empress has ordered everypony to stay in Cloudsale for the time being. And if any of you cause any more problems here, I will arrest you," said Maud.

"Fine,' snarled Blueblood as he gave Maud a nasty look. A look that made Blueblood looked as so if he wanted to tear Maud's throat open with his teeth.

"Can we please come with you. We don't want to stay with them," pleaded Fluer.

"Of course," said Maud.

So both Fancy and Fluer left without saying goodbye with Maud.

"What a couple of pitiful fools they are," said Tucker.

"The very nerve that Fluer said that my dog is better than the rest of us," said Filthy.

Blueblood, Pinkie, and the rest left in a taxi cab as Diamond kicked Winona inside the cab screaming "STUPID DOG YOU ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME!!!" and then Winona's yelped in pain.

As Soarin went back to wheel the crate he says "It is genuinely sad that those overgrown filles rule Ponyville."

Then a army jeep drove and stopped next to Soarin and out came Rainbow Dash and she says "I got the jeep now let's get Tammy in the back."

Then Soarin and Rainbow Dash is greeted by Maud Pie, Fluer, and Fancy.

"Good job on saving all those ponies today," said Maid Pie.

"I wished that I could have saved more General," said Soarin sadly.

"Don't blame yourself Soarin, you did your best. The only ones are to blame are those helium gas junkies that Sombra uses for soldiers. I will personally recommend the both of you to be rewarded the Iron Crescent medal by the Empress herself," said Maud.

"Thank you General," said both Soarin and Rainbow excitedly.

"Alright and you two should go and get some rest because you never know when the next battle is going to be," said Maud and then she raised her right front hoof upwards and shouted "HAIL LUNA!!!"

And then both Soarin and Rainbow raised their right front hooves upwards and shouted back "HAIL LUNA!!!"

Then Maud, Fluer, and Fancy left.

"Alright let's lift the crate in the back," said Soarin. Then both Soarin and Rainbow lifted the crate and put it gently behind the back seat.

"Let's go to my house," said Soarin.

Then Rainbow Dash drove the army jeep out of the airport and went into the city proper. Tammy sees that many of the city structures looked like they were made out of clouds. All of the white pillars and spirals that many of the buildings in Cloudsdale reminded her of the Ponyville Zoo a little bit. There were many ponies driving, flying, and walking about in the city but all of them had a worried look on them.

"I guess all those intelligence reports about Sombra's army being made up of helium junkies are true. Only somepony that is completely insane and high can possibly act like the Crystal army," said Rainbow.

"Sombra deliberately made his soldiers to inhale gases like helium and feed them other drugs like Crystal Meth that make them go psycho," said Soarin.

"But why he would do that?" asked Rainbow.

"Because Sombra is a sadistic bastard who wants to make sure that his soldiers to obey every atrocious order he gives. And also having a army of lunatics that long lost their sense of what's right and wrong decreases the chance of somepony with a conscience staging a coup against him. That's why," replied Soarin.

"I guess there were not enough actual crazies to join his army so he insures that his army is completely bonkers," said Rainbow.

"Exactly and anyways a lot of the soldiers that joined Sombra's army are already scumbags but with the drugs they are so much worse. And I hope that my family got out of Baltimare safely," said Soarin.

"Don't worry I am sure that they will be here soon or probably they are at your house at this moment," said Rainbow.

Then Rainbow stopped at a large white house that looked like a cloud and she says "Alright we are at your house Soarin."

"My parents are not here," said Soarin in a worried tone.

"I hope the airships from Baltimare are alright," said Rainbow.

Then Soarin and Rainbow got out of the army jeep and opened the crate.

"Welcome to my home Tammy," said Soarin as he pointed to his house.

"Wow it is so big," said Tammy.

"Well when your the captain of the Wonderbolts the pride of the Equestrian Imperial Air Force you can afford to live in a place that is big," replied Soarin.

Then Rainbow stopped the army jeep in front of Soarin's house. The three ponies went inside the house, it was large full of furniture and Hearth Warming Eve decorations including a large Hearth Warming Eve tree in the living room.

"Wow this place is amazing," said Tammy as she look around with an amazed look on her face.

"Yes it is, and now this is your home now Tammy. And it was thanks to you actually that I became captain of the Wonderbolts since you put an end to that lunatic Spitfire and her gang. And me being the only surviving member of the Wonderbolts team I was automatically made captain," replied Soarin.

Then Tammy gave Soarin a big hug and said with tears in her eyes "Thank you very much, you truly are the kindest pony I have ever known."

"You mean nopony has ever been this nice to you?" asked Rainbow.

"No, not even the other circus freaks were nice to me. I was the pariah of the circus. I guess I reminded them of the vampire bat epidemic," said Tammy in a sad tone.

"That is so sad, it's not like you are dangerous," said Rainbow.

"It's just that some ponies can't see past my looks," replied Tammy.

"I think all those ponies you looked you down can't see past their muzzle," said Rainbow.

"Indeed," replied Soarin.

"Well I better get back to my house, I will see you two tomorrow morning. So goodnight," said Rainbow and then she left and drove the army jeep away.

"We better go to sleep ourselves, I'll show you the guest room," said Soarin.

"Alright," replied Tammy.

Soarin led Tammy upstairs to a large bedroom with a huge window in the wall that show the skyline of Cloudsdale and I the other wall a large tv screen.

"This is where you are going sleep," said Soarin as he pointed at a large bed.

"Wow even your guest room is big," said Tammy.

"Well it is a large house and I hope you like it here," said Soarin.

"Oh I really do like it here already," replied Tammy.

"Well then I have to go to my room now so goodnight Tammy and Happy Hearth Warming Eve," said Soarin.

"Goodnight to you too Soarin and Happy Hearth Warming Eve," replied Tammy.

Then Soarin left the room. And then Tammy went to look out at the window to see Cloudsdale's skyline and then Tammy said to herself "I hope this city is never attacked by those monsters. I never spent any holiday with anypony before, everypony would just ignore me. Only the animals would spend time with me."

A little while later Tammy fell asleep on the bed and she dreamed about finding herself in a cage in a large room with a fireplace on the wall and in the other wall was a window that overlooked the snowy skyline of Ponyville. A Christmas tree stood next to the window.

Tammy hears a cat's meow coming from behind her. She turns around and sees a large white cat. Then Tammy realised that she was the size of a newborn filly and Tucker and Esther Cobblewing in the room and they were big.

They both ran towards the cage and opened it.

"It is decided that Fluttershy has to die, I would rather have the house of Cobblewing die out than it to continue through that ugly thing we have for a daughter," said Tucker in a callous manner.

"Yes Tucker I agree. Why are we cursed to have such a hideous freak for a baby? We are going to be the laughing stock of Ponyville," replied Esther.

"Let's go for a walk in the Ponyville Park," said Tucker as he grinned evilly.

Then Esther opened the cage and picked up Tammy with a disgusted look on her face and put her in a carriage.

Then they rolled the carriage out of the mansion into the snowy night. Tammy was now getting scared for Tucker and Esther did not spoke for a long time until a family of unicorns broke the silence by saying "Merry Christmas."

Only then Tucker and Esther said "Happy Hearth Warming Eve" back and continued for a walking till they stopped.

Tammy was now terrified more than ever. The carriage was now shaking violently till it was in the air. Then it fell and landed in water. Tammy looked up and saw that Tucker and Esther were on a bridge with a cold look on their faces. Tammy only then realised that they tossed her and the basket that she was in off the bridge and she was on a current. When Tammy saw the river led to a black hole, she screamed in terror as she and her basket drifted to the dark tunnel and fell off the waterfall at the tunnel's entrance.

Then Tammy drifted and saw the night sky through storm drains in the tunnel's ceiling. Tammy now realised that she was now in a sewer and she drifted for a few minutes till the basket stopped. Then Tammy sees a large skylight in the ceiling of a large room in the sewers and then a group of rabbits appeared to greet Tammy.

Then Tammy finds herself back in bed at Soarin's guest room and she screamed and cried. It was still nighttime. Soarin comes in to see Tammy crying in the couch.

"What happened?" asked Soarin.

"I just had a nightmare," replied Tammy as she wiped the tears in her eyes with her front hoof.

"After what happened today, everypony is going to have nightmares for years to come," said Soarin.

"I dreamt of that pegasi couple that I saw in Prince Blueblood's entourage," said Tammy.

"That must be those two snobs Tucker and Esther Cobblewing," said Soarin.

"Yes that is their names," said Tammy.

"Tell me about your nightmare," said Soarin.

"I dreamt that I was a filly and it seems that those two pegasi were my parents. They conspired to kill me because of my looks. They called me a hideous freak and they ended up throwing in a river which sent me to the sewers with the rabbits that raised me," said Tammy as tears rolled down from her eyes.

"That's horrible," replied Soarin.

"What do you know about the Cobblewings?" asked Tammy.

"All I know is that they are members of Ponyville's aristocracy and they are close friends with Prince Blueblood and Filthy Rich. And also there are rumours of them being involved in organised crime," said Soarin.

"Do they have any children?' asked Tammy.

"No but I heard that they had a newborn daughter that died fifteen years ago," replied Soarin.

Soarin's statement about the Cobblewing's newborn daughter dying fifteen years earlier sent shivers to Tammy's spine.

"Can you please find out more information about them? said Tammy.

"Of course and don't worry, it's only a bad dream," replied Soarin.

"But I am afraid it is something more," said Tammy in a worried tone.

"Like what? asked Soarin.

"What if it is a memory?" said Tammy.

"Maybe it is. And what you have just told me about your nightmare, it really is something that the Cobblewings would do. They are not the nicest ponies and like I said they are rumoured to be in organised crime," said Soarin.

"So I might be the daughter of a couple of monsters?" replied Tammy.

""You might be and we better go back to sleep. Nothing is going to hurt you, not when I am around. So goodnight again Tammy," said Soarin and then left went back to his room.

Then Tammy went back to sleep and this time there was no nightmare. She woke up the next morning and went downstairs to the living room where Soarin was.

"Good morning Soarin," said Tammy.

"Good morning to you too Tammy and breakfast is ready at the dining room," replied Soarin.

Tammy and Soarin went to the dining room with a large dining room table. On the table was two plates with apple pies on them.

"Apple pies are my favourite food," said Tammy.

"Mine too," replied Saorin.

Then Tammy and Soarin eat all of the apple pies up. Then Tammy hears a loud ringing bell sound echoing throughout the house. Then Soarin says "I'll get it."

Soarin goes straight to the front door and finds a very somber looking Rainbow Dash.

"You look sad today Rainbow," said Soarin.

"I have some very bad news and I think you should be sitting down when tell it to you Soarin," said Rainbow.

"Umm okay," said Soarin as he led Rainbow to the living room and sat down a couch.

Then Tammy comes to the living room and says "Hello Rainbow."

"Oh hello to you too Tammy," replied Rainbow in a sad tone.

Tammy then suddenly got a sense that something was just not right. Rainbow Dash was just unusually gloomy looking compared to the way she was last night.

"So Rainbow, what bad thing just happened?" asked Soarin.

"It's about your parents. The airship they were on was shot down in the ocean near Baltimare by those Crystal bastards last night. Soarin, your parents are dead," cried Rainbow.

"WHAT? Are you sure about this? asked Soarin.

"Yes I am sure. It has been confirmed by military intelligence. I checked it and it is all true," said Rainbow.

"My parents are dead and lying somewhere in the ocean floor with hundreds of other ponies. "I feel sick now," replied Soarin and then vomited all of the pancakes he just ate on the floor and cried out loud "WHY?!!! I SAVED THOUSANDS OF PONIES AND YET I FAILED TO SAVE MY OWN PARENTS, I AM SUCH A FUCKING FAILURE AS A SON!!!"

"Don't blame yourself Soarin, it was not your fault. It was just a bad case of wrong place and wrong time. Remember it was a surprise invasion. It came all too fast. You were in Ponyville when the invasion started. You can't be at two places at once. The only ones are to blame are Sombra and is army of barbarians, not you," said Rainbow.

"I need to be alone in my room now," said Soarin as tears began to roll out of his eyes. Then he ran upstairs to his room screaming and crying. Then he slammed the bedroom door loudly and continued crying aloud.

"I got to get up there," said Rainbow in a worried tone.

"I'm coming too Rainbow," replied Tammy.

The two pegasi ran upstairs as fast as they could. Rainbow tried to open the Soarin's bedroom door but it was locked. "Soarin please open the door," cried out Rainbow.


"Oh my sweet Faust, he is going to kill himself," exclaimed Tammy.

"We got to get in there before it is too late," replied Rainbow.

Then Rainbow walked a few feet backwards and then she charged towards the door, but the door did not open. Tammy charged at the door at and it opened and found Soarin sitting on his bed holding a pistol in his mouth with large streams of tears rolling from his eyes. Both Tammy and Rainbow charged at Soarin and with a quick move Tammy knocks the gun out of his hoof before a split second before Soarin would fired the gun in his mouth.


"That's not true. You are a hero Soarin. Hundreds of thousands of ponies would be dead now if it were not for you and you are my friend," said Rainbow.

"You are the kindest pony I know and I don't want you to kill yourself over something that you couldn't do. It is Sombra and his army of psychos are to blame, not you. You are the opposite of worthless. Who else would even as go as far as letting somepony like me stay in your house, while others would have called the police after me as soon as they saw me," cried Tammy.

"You two don't look me down?" asked Soarin.

"No," replied both Rainbow and Tammy at the same time.

"I am going to have a very lonely Christmas this year," cried Soarin.

"No. I am here for you. I won't let you be alone at Hearth Warming Eve," said Tammy.

"Yeah and I am here for you too. So I am going to be spend Hearth Warming Eve with you," said Rainbow.

"I'm so sorry to put you two through this, the news of my parents death overwhelmed me. I never had so much grief before in my life,' said Soarin.

"It's alright Soarin, you lost two very important ponies in your life in a horrible way. That will send anypony over the edge," said Rainbow.

"You still have ponies that cared for you like us. Your parents raised a good colt and your death would only serve the very bastards who killed your parents," said Tammy.

"You two are right. I have to be strong now. The Wonderbolts would fall apart without me and those Crystal bastards would like that very much. I will not give them the satisfaction. If they want me dead, they would have to fight me first," said Soarin.

"That's the spirit Soarin," said Rainbow happily.

"This world still needs you," said Tammy.

"Alright I still have war to fight, and how about we do some Hearth Warming Eve shopping today to get my mind of all the misery and death this war has brought," replied Soarin.

"Sounds like a good idea Soarin," said Rainbow.

"I guess I have to stay here," said Tammy.

"We will get you something and you will have a proper Hearth Warming Eve this year and every year as long as you live" said Soarin.

Then Tammy hugged Soarin tightly and said in a happy tone "Thank you so much."

"No. It is I who must thank you for saving me, if it was not for you. My brains would have splattered all over the walls," replied Soarin.

"It's true. I am just a bit too slow to knock out that gun off your hoof," said Rainbow.

Then suddenly the phone on Soarin's night table ranged and Soarin answered it "Hello."

"Captain Soarin this is General Maud Pie. I just heard about the death of your parents and I am truly sorry about it," said Maud Pie in the other side of the phone.

"Thank you for your sympathy General," replied Soarin.

"Your welcome and I have decided that you and all of the members of the Wonderbolts team should still go on a Hearth Warming Eve vacation. Not only to give you time to mourn for your parents but also our forces pushed backed the Crystal army from many cities. So in other words, the Crystal Empire suffered many defeats and it will take time for them to recover. And that gives us time to relax for now. Of course you have to go to the memorial tomorrow for all those from Cloudsdale who died. Of course I may not have to order you to go since it is your parents memorial too," said Maud Pie.

"Of course I will go there General and thank you for letting me to be off duty for the holidays," said Soarin.

"I will see you tomorrow. Hail Luna," said Maud Pie.

"Hail Luna," replied Soarin and then Maud Pie hangs up the phone and then Soarin hangs up his phone.

"Good news. General Maud Pie has decided to let us stay here off duty for the rest of the Hearth Warming Eve season. Because our forces have pushed back the Crystal Empire back," said Soarin in a cheerful tone.

"But the only official engagement I must go tomorrow is the memorial to all those from Cloudsdale who died including my parents. It is the closest thing to a funeral for them since they are at the bottom of the ocean, said Soarin as tears began to roll from his eyes.

"Your parents and all those killed will be avenged. Sombra will pay with his blood," said Rainbow.

"Those filly killers will not get away with this," said Tammy.

"I know. Now let's do some shopping now," said Soarin.

So both Soarin and Rainbow Dash left for a hours leaving Tammy behind. Then they came back with bags full of groceries and presents.

"We're back," said Soarin.

"Let me help you with some of the bags," replied Tammy as she took some of the bags from Soarin and Rainbow.

Then a little later the three ponies had dinner together. They ate hayburgers. They watched some movies for the rest of the evening.

"I better get home now, we gotta go to the memorial tomorrow," said Rainbow.

"Oh yes. It's in the morning," replied Soarin.

"So I bid you two goodnight," said Rainbow.

Then both Tammy and Soarin said back to her "Goodnight" as Rainbow left Soarin's mansion.

"We should go to sleep too," said Soarin.

"Yes. I am quite tired, and thank you for giving such a wonderful evening in spite of what happened," said Tammy.

"Your welcome. And I guess that this is the first time you had an evening with friends like this," said Soarin.

"Yes it is, the closest to a day like this is with the animals. Nopony in the circus would even wish me Happy Hearth Warming Eve," replied Tammy.

"Well you are going to have days like today a lot from now on. Except for the part were you rescued me from a suicide attempt," said Soarin.

"I guess that makes it the second time I saved you since I saved you from being killed by Spitfire and her gang," replied Tammy.

"Yes. If you did not kill Spitfire. She would have killed me for disobeying her. So goodnight Tammy and thank you again for saving me," said Soarin and then he hugged Tammy.

"Your welcome and goodnight Soarin," said Tammy who was a little surprised with Soarin's hug. It was the very first time that somepony actually hugged her.

So the two ponies went to their bedrooms. Tammy went to her bed and she heard Soarin crying softly for a while until Soarin went asleep. Shortly afterwards Tammy fell asleep.

The next morning both Soarin and Tammy awoken and had another apple pie breakfast together. Then Rainbow came in with a somber look on her.

"It's time to go now," said Rainbow.

"Alright," replied Soarin.

"I would love to come and pay my respects too, but I guess I won't be able too," said Tammy in a sad tone.

"Yes you still can after all it's televised," said Soarin.

"Oh okay," replied Tammy.

Then Soarin and Rainbow left and Tammy turned on the tv and it was a live broadcast about the memorial service. Then about 10 minutes later Tammy saw Soarin and Rainbow on the tv screen being seated next to General Maud Pie. The service was held in a park and there were pictures of the ponies who died at the podium. There were speeches and eulogies. Many of the ponies were crying including Soarin. The service last for two hours and then Soarin and Rainbow came back and they were greeted by Tammy who was crying too.

The three ponies talked for the rest of the day about Soarin's parents and according to Soarin they were wonderful ponies who truly did not deserve to die to horribly. They were always there for Soarin in every airshow and parade. Something Tammy's parents never did and it truly broke Tammy and Ranbow's hearts when they heard of how highly Soarin spoke of his parents. At midnight a sad Rainbow left for her home with tears rolling from her eyes for Soarin's parents were something like a uncle and aunt to her and both Soarin and Tammy went to their beds. It was another night of Soarin crying himself to sleep.

For the next two weeks Rainbow would come over to comfort Soarin and so did Tammy. Soarin kept himself happy with Hearth Warming Eve shopping and sometimes he would not buy anything. He would just wonder around the shopping mall all day. At times Tammy and Rainbow would feel like they were on suicide watch for Soarin. Eventually Soarin stopped crying himself to sleep. On the night before Hearth Warming Eve Soarin and Rainbow left for the annual Hearth Warming Eve Gala at the Wonderbolts Academy.

"We are going to the Hearth Warming Eve Gala at the Wonderbolts Academy. We will be back in a couple of hours. Then we will have our party here," said Soarin.

"Alright," said Tammy.

So Soarin and Rainbow left for the Wonderbolts Academy.

Then Tammy got a little worried "I hope everything will be alright there. I got to go there"

Then she sneaked out and it was easy for her for there was nopony in the streets.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 5. Please stay tuned as Tammy celebrates her first proper Christmas with Soarin and Rainbow Dash as the war rages on