• Published 23rd Jan 2014
  • 2,371 Views, 1,473 Comments

Fluttershy Batwings - Brony God

Mare Do Well fights to save the gloomy, wintery, and gothic city of Ponyville from the tragic and freakish Pegabat

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Chapter 2

Rarity comes to her apartment calling out "Honey I'm home," then she remembers "I forgot I am not married."

A white cat with long hair named Opal comes in the window above the kitchen sink and greets Rarity.

"Ah Opal, I see you have come back share more stories of your sexual escapades, which like I try have some myself," said Rarity as she gave Opal some milk on her plate on the floor, and Opal went straight to drink the milk, and when she was done drinking, she meowed.

"What? How can anypony can be so pathetic? Well to you, yes to you I seemed to be pathetic, but I am a working girl, I gotta pay the rent. Maybe if chipping instead of stepping out," said Rarity to Opal as she went check on the messages on her answering machine.

The message said "Rarity dear, this is your mother, calling to say hello, but I am disappointed that you are not coming home for Hearth Warming Eve with me, your father, and your sister Sweetie Belle, and I want to discuss why are you still languishing in Ponyville as some lowly secretary after you said that working for Filthy Rich might help you with that fashion designer job you wanted," then the message ends.

Rarity scoffs "That's lowly assistant not secretary."

Then a second message came and it said "Rarity it's me Trenderhoof about that Hearth Warming Eve getaway we planned together. I will be going alone, my doctor says that I am my own person and not an appendage," the message ends.

"Some appendage?" said Rarity angrily.

Then she went to sit down on her couch in the living room that was filled with stuff toys saying to herself "Party never stops at Rarity's answering machine, guess I should have let Trenderhoof to win that last racket ball game."

Then a third message came and it said "Hello Rarity, we are calling to tell you about our exciting new Ponyville Lady perfume, it makes women feel like women, and the colts don't have complaints either," the message ends.

Then a fourth message came and it said "Hi Rarity this is yourself, calling to remind you honey about going back to the office, and prepare the files for the meeting with Princess Twilight Sparkle on Wednesday," the message ends.

"STUPID CORNDOG!!!" yelled Rarity at herself as she jumped of her couch and ran back to Rich's Department Store.

A little later in the night at Filthy Rich's office at the top floor of Rich's Department Store, Rarity was hard at work preparing for the meeting between Filthy Rich and Princess Twilight Sparkle that was to take place tomorrow.

Filthy Rich walked back to his office after his meeting with the Pegabat and walks into Rarity who was looking at the files from a file cabinet and asks "Working late?"

I am just boning up for your meeting with Princess Twilight Sparkle in Wenseday morning. I pulled all the files on the proposed power plant and um Princess Twilight Sparkle's hope for investment. And um I even opened your protected files," said Rarity nervously as Filthy Rich was looking at her in a intimidating manner.

"How industrious of you and how did you opened my protected files, may I ask?" replied Filthy Rich.

"Well um well I figured your password is Winona your late dog and it was," said Rarity as she pointed to a stuffed black and white dog that was on display on a shelf near Filthy Rich's desk.

"Hmm," Filthy reply.

"And all this is very interesting on a technical side, um I mean about the power plant is a power plant in name only, since in fact it is a giant capacitor, and um instead of generating power it would be sort of sucking power, storaging it, um stockpiling it, which is a very novel approach I say," replied Rarity who is now starting to get really scared of Filthy.

"And who do you said this to?" asked Filthy.

"Um nobody," replied Rarity.

"What did curiosity do to the cat?" asked Filthy who was more menacing then ever.

"I am no cat, I am just a assistant um secretary," said Rarity who is now walking backwards from Filthy.

"Hmm and a very good one," replied Filthy.

"Too Good?" asked Rarity.

"Yes," said Filthy as he walk towards Rarity forcing her walk back towards the window behind his desk.

"Listen, it's our secret, honest. HOW CAN YOU BE SO MEAN TO SOMEPONY WHO IS SO MEANINGLESS!!!" cried Rarity.

"This power plant is my legacy, it's what I leave behind for Diamond, nothing must prevent that." said Filth in a threatening tone.

"Okay, go ahead intimidate me, bully me if that makes you feel big, I mean it's not like you can just kill me," snapped Rarity.

"Actually, it's a lot like that," said Filthy and he move closer as if he wanted to bit her neck, but then he stopped and said "HA!" with a happy face.

Then Rarity just laughed and then Filthy laughed too as it as a big joke.

"You know for a second you really frightened me," said Rarity.

Filthy just smiled, but suddenly he pushes Rarity with his front hooves out the window, sending her screaming downwards toward a back alley below, but on the way down Rarity falls through several awnings from the lower windows before she hit the snow covered ground.

Filthy watched Rarity lying dead on the ground from the window and said to himself "Hmm alright," then walks away.

Down in the back alley many alley cats appeared and swarm at Rarity walking all over her, and some of them were biting her hooves, but Rarity came back to twitching and having convulsions for a minute till she stopped twitching and regain full conciseness.

A little later Rarity walked back to her apartment and exclaimed "Honey I'm home," then she turned on the lights "Oh I forgot I am not married."

Rarity was now in a semi disoriented state, her mane was a mess, and she had a streak of blood on her forehead just above her left eye.

She walked towards the kitchen in a zombie like state dropping off a lamp from a table to get the milk from the fridge, first she gives the milk to Opal, but overfills Opal's plate, then Rarity drinks the milk right out of the carton very messily, spilling milk on herself.

Rarity while holding the milk carton checks the answering machine and a message came and it said "Rarity this is your mother call me."

Then a second message came and it said "Rarity this is your mother why have you not called me back?"

Then a third message came and it said "Hello Rarity, we are calling you to make sure you try out Ponyville Lady perfume. One whiff at the office your boss will ask your to stay after work for a candle light staff meeting for two. Ponyville Lady perfume sold exclusively at Rich's Department Store."

Then Rarity screamed at the top of her lungs and threw the milk carton at the answering machine and then she grabbed the answering machine and smash it on the table before throwing it across the living room, and then Rarity tosses the table away heads towards the couch.

The couch was full of stuffed animal toys, Rarity with a crazed look on her face grabs the toys and puts them in the kitchen sink and grabs a knife to stab them, then she turns on the food disposer which ripped the toys apart, sending the cotton stuffing fly all over the kitchen as a group of alley cats came in the kitchen window to see Rarity's meltdown.

Rarity grabs a frying pan and smashes the framed pictures on the walls so hard the drywall was damaged and then she threw the frying pan at shelf full of fragile collectible figurines breaking them.

The alley cats came inside the apartment as Rarity grabbed a spay can full of black paint and started to vandalise the walls and doors.

Rarity opens the closet door and finds dresses that she designed for her dreaming was to become a fashion designer, but nopony including Filthy cared about her designs. She sprayed painted them black and tore them down for their coat hangers, but then she saw a black leather raincoat and took it her bedroom.

Her bedroom a neon sign that said "HELLO THERE." Rarity just smashed a couple of letters with her spray can leaving the neon sign to say "HELL HERE."

Rarity had a dollhouse on a table, but then Rarity sprayed painted it and smashed it with her spray can and throw it off the table, and grabbed a pink box, and emptied it's content on the table, it was sewing threads and accessories.

Rarity grabbed a sewing scissors and began to cut the black leather raincoat to pieces and begins to sew it together with her sewing machine, she makes a pair of black leather gloves for her front hooves tip some wires and some sewing thimbles attached to nails, screws, needles, and cutie scissors, making them into sharp metal claws. Rarity tries the gloves with the sharp metal objects as she continues sewing the other pieces of the black metal raincoat.

A little later in the night Rarity finishes her creation, a skin tight black leather bodysuit and mask with two black leather cat ears sticking out held together by white stitches all over the costume and she tries it on her eyes and mouth were still visible and her front hooves were covered with the metal claw gloves while saying to Opal "I don't about you Opal, but I feel so much yummier."

The next day at Ponyville Plaza Mayor Carrot Cake was making a speech at the podium with dignitaries including Filthy Rich and his family at his side, his wife Cup Cake a light cerulean earth pony with a crimson mane, and his twin newborn fillies Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Pound was a light goldish gray Pegasus with a with a brown mane and Pumpkin was a yellow unicorn with a orange mane, most likely Cup Cake had a extra marital affair to have fillies like that.

"Well ladies and colts, I stand before you once again to denounce the urban chaos that we have to live with in our great city, it's gotta stop and it's going to stop, our community is coming apart in a season where we should be coming together," said Mayor Cake as reporters were recording the speech and some of them were taking photographs, but underneath them was the Pegabat and she lifted open the nearest manhole.

"I don't care about what the cynics say, this is the Hearth Warming Eve season, it should be a time of healing, and I tell you that not only as a elected official, but as a husband and a father, and LAST NIGHT'S VIOLENCE WILL NOT HAPPEN AGAIN!!!" continued Mayor Cake as a clown pony appears from behind and grabs the Cake twins from Cup Cake's arms.

The clown pony goes to the podium and pushes aside Mayor Cake and says "I am not one for making speech so I will just say thanks."

The clown somersault out of the podium and goes down into the open manhole.

The reporters huddled towards the manhole to hear the two fillies crying and then they hear the clown pony's voice screaming out loud "NO, IT'S THE HIDEOUS PEGABAT WOMAN, HERE TAKE THE FILLIES, BUT DON'T HURT ME PLEASE!!!"

Down below the clown pony was just putting an act on he hands the fillies to the Pegabat who was on a boat that made from one of the cockatrice shaped ski lifts from the Old Ponyville Zoo.

"The Pegabat says to the Cake twins softly "Don't worry you will be back with your mommy and daddy soon, everything is going to be alright."

The fillies calmed down as the cockatrice boat began to rise up into the air as it turns out it had metal lift underneath that looked like a giant accordion and once the griffin boat reach the ceiling of the sewer, the Pegabat climbed up the ladder and out of the manhole with the two fillies.

The reporters back away as the Pegabat came out of the manhole with the Cake twins and hands them to Mayor Cake who was now standing nearby.

The reporters started to take picture of the Pegabat and she began to cower from the flashes from the cameras and then Filthy rushed to her side.

Meanwhile at Sparkle Manor, Spike were decorating the Hearth Warming Eve Tree while Princess Twilight Sparkle was watching tv and saw everything that just happened at Ponyville Plaza for it was broadcasted live.

A reporter says on the tv "This was a remarkable scene happening only minutes ago at Ponyville Plaza, the mysterious Pegabat saving the lives of the Mayor's twin fillies, and announcing her presence to the world."

Then the tv cuts to the Pegabat who looked pitifully at the cameras saying in a soft voice "All I want in return is a chance to find my mom and dad, a chance to find out who they are, and thusly who I am. And then with my parents, trying to understand why, why they did what I guess they felt they have to do, to a filly who born a little different," then the Pegabat looked at her bat wings with a genuine sad sad look on her face.

"A filly who spent her first Hearth Warming Eve and many since in a sewer," continued the Pegabat.

"Twilight is there something wrong?" asked Spike who was on the other side of the living room still putting on Hearth Warming Eve decoration on the Christmas tree.

"No, it's her parents" replied Twilight.

The tv reporter speaks again "Again this scene direct from Ponyville Plaza where just see the appearance of the Pegabat Mare of the sewers and here standing along side with her is Ponyville's leading citizen Filthy Rich."

"I hope she finds them," says Twilight as the tv screen shows Filthy Rich posing for the cameras with the pitiful looking Pegabat who was still a little startled with the camera flashes.

A little later at the Ponyville's Hall Of Records the press swarmed at the building with cameras and there were police pony guarding the entrance.

The front door opens and a police pony comes out with a reporter that got in and pushes the reporter out yelling" THE PEGABAT IS NOT TO BE DISTURBED!!!

The reporter says snaps back "The Hall of Records is a public place, the ponies have the right to know, and you are violating the freedom of the press."

The police pony just yells back "JUST WALK AWAY FROM HERE!!!"

Then Filthy Rich comes out of the front door and speaks to the reporters "Wait a minute, how about the freedom to rediscover your roots, with dignity and privacy."

The same reporter who got thrown out of the Hall of Records asks Filthy "What's the deal Mr. Rich, is the Pegabat a personal friend?"

"Yes she is a personal friend, of this whole city, so have a heart okay ,it's Hearth Warming Eve," replied Filthy then he walks away mumbling to himself "Giving freedom to the press is one of the most stupidest things that Empress Luna has done in her 1000 year reign."

Back inside the Hall of Records, the Pegabat was busy looking at birth certificates while writing down the names that were on them on a list.

Under Sparkle Manor, Twilight was in a underground cave with computers and weapons that she called the Mare Do Well Cave and this is where she parks the Mare Do Well Mobile.

Twilight was looking at some files at the computer looking up old newspaper articles about the Purple Square Circus Gang.

She reads out loud "Purple Square Circus putting on a swell show, circus returns for two weeks, fillies will love."

Spike appears with a bowl of soup and gives it to Twilight.

Twilight eats a spoonful of the soup, only to spit it out and yells "IT'S COLD!!!"

"It's vichyssoise Twilight, it's suppose to be cold, sorry for about not telling you earlier, I just wanted to try out this recipe," said Spike.

"It's alright Spike," said Twilight as she continues to eat the soup.

Then she continues reading aloud the newspaper articles "Circus back with a freak show something that fillies would enjoy, featuring a poodle mare, the world's fattest pony, and a bat girl."

Then Twilight looks at Spike with a worried look.

"Are you telling me that this Pegabat is not what she seems? Must you be the only lonely mare in town? asked Spike.

Then Twilight continues reading the newspaper articles "Circus tents folded yesterday, perhaps forever after reports of several missing fillies, the police closed down the Purple Square Circus fairgrounds however at least one freak show performer vanished before she could be questioned.

"And I suppose you feel better now Twilight? asked Spike in a sarcastic tone.

"No I feel worse," replied Twilight.

Then Twilight went to look at all of the newspaper articles in the computer and surf the internet and even looking up classified documents that Empress Luna left her for anything that has to do with a creature that is half bat and half pony and she found a lot of strange things about it. Twilight finds out that the Pegabat was seen all over Equestria after the Purple Square circus was shut down and she was even seen at a military base in the Crystal Empire on the day that Emperor Sombra was killed.

Twilight found a video from one of the classified files that showed a younger Pegabat fighting against Crystal soldiers, she was ferocious, she ripped then apart with her wings and teeth, some of them were stomped to death with her hooves and even she managed to break their necks by twisting their heads backwards, and then took one of the machine guns and blasted away anyone who got in her way till she escaped the base, it was a gruesome massacre.

Twilight reads some more documents that finds out that Emperor Sombra was trying to create super soldiers that were half bat, and then Twilight see more videos, and one of them showed the Pegabat dodging cannon balls in a room for hours, she keeps crying out "PLEASE STOP PLEASE THIS I'M TIRED!!!" then she falls to the ground unconscious, only then the cannon balls stopped firing.

This deeply disturbed Twilight for she had no idea that the late tyrant of the Crystal Empire conducting these sadistic experiments on the Pegabat in order to create an army of bat soldiers, but Twilight simply said to Spike "There is one thing about this that makes me feel better, for one thing now more than ever it is a good thing that Emperor Sombra is dead and his sick plans for the world died with him, and now I know for sure who killed him."

Twilight put on her Mare Do Well costume and went to the Mare Do Well Mobile and drove off into the snowy night.

Mare Do Well drove through the snowy, empty and dark streets of Ponyville and then a monitor inside the Mare Do Well Mobile turns on and there was Spike and he said "Why are you still out? Are you still concerned about the strange and heroic Pegabat person? After all she did stopped a genocidal war by killing Emperor Sombra."

"Remember Spike the Purple Square Circus Gang are like timberwolves, they hunts in packs at night, that's why I am still out. Yes I am a little concerned about the Pegabat. I think she knows who her parents are and there is something else," replied Mare Do Well as she drove to the Hall of Records and there Mare Do Well saw through a window, the Pegabat still writing her list and looking at documents.

Then Mare Do Well drove away.

The Pegabat while still writing names on her list thought to herself "The aristocracy that my bastard parents belonged to will pay dearly for what my parents did to me, and see if these aristocrats are willing to pay up for their loved ones, just to see what they love more, their money or their family? This world is sick, all of ponykind is sick and it does not matter what age they are because I have met some fillies that were just as monstrous as Emperor Sombra and my parents, but now it is my turn to shine, to take my rightful place in this world, not only as a member of the aristocracy, but most importantly, a pony."

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 2 and stay tuned for Chapter 3 for this is where more elements from Elfen Lied comes in.