• Published 23rd Jan 2014
  • 2,371 Views, 1,473 Comments

Fluttershy Batwings - Brony God

Mare Do Well fights to save the gloomy, wintery, and gothic city of Ponyville from the tragic and freakish Pegabat

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Chapter 1

It was a very cold snowy night in Ponyville, a dark, gothic, and industrialized nightmare of a metropolis. In a mansion on the outskirts of town lived a couple of aristocratic pegasi named Tucker and Esther Cobblewing.

Tucker was in the large living room on the third floor. a fireplace on one wall and a Hearth Warming tree right next to the window that Tucker was looking out from. Tucker was a yellow pegasus with a brown mane and a monocle on his right eye. He was very worried about his wife Esther, a yellow pegasus with a pink mane, in the bedroom across the large hallway at the other side of the living room giving birth to their first filly.

Tucker had good reasons to be worried because a few months earlier Esther was bitten by a vampire fruit bat in the stomach. She recovered, but it was not known that the filly inside was harmed. Ponyville had a chemical factory explosion which affected many animals including fruit bats which made them into vampire bats, and the deers became carnivores.

Empress Luna sent the Equestrian Imperial Army to hunt down and kill these animals after many ponies were injured and killed. It is has been only a week since Tucker last heard gunshots and screams coming from outside and almost every time he went outside for the past few months. And he would usually see soldiers shooting vicious bats and deer and mangled bodies of dead ponies. It seems that all of the murderous animals have been killed.

Esther was screaming in pain as the doctor and a couple of nurses were helping her to give birth. Tucker heard the screams and labour breathing very loud and clear. And then Esther screamed more louder than ever as if it was a scream of fear. Then she just made breathing sounds of relief then a baby filly's cry came.

Esther just gave birth, but a few seconds later the nurses ran out of the bedroom completely scared and so Tucker ran through the corridor. Then the doctor too ran out but he was slower because he was carrying his equipment in a large suitcase and passed Tucker. When Tucker went inside the bedroom the doctor stopped and turned around and he heard Tucker scream while the filly cried.

Two weeks later at Hearth's Warming Eve Tucker and Esther were looking outside from the large living room window which a view of Ponyville's snowy skyline drinking cider. Then they turned around to see a small cage on the floor ratting with a couple of small hooves and a couple of bat like wing sticking out.

It was there baby daughter who they named Fluttershy. She was a yellow pegasus with a pink mane and teal eyes just like her mother, but she born with bat wings instead of bird wings like a normal pegasus, and she was also born with a set of sharp teeth. The filly usually behaved like a normal filly, but today she rattled the cage violently because she was in there for two days and she had not fed, not since her parents put her there.

Before Fluttershy was put in the cage she really enjoy apple sauce, but her parents grew ashamed of her for they were of a noble family and for them to have half bat for a filly was too embarrassing for them.

Then the family cat came in she was a white long haired cat she took noticed of the filly in the cage. Fluttershy stopped shaking the cage bars and her hoof out through the bars and grabbed the cat and her through the cage bars then the cage rattled for a few seconds then it stopped.

Tucker and Esther just swallowed the whole glass of cider in one gulp and they went to the cage to see what Fluttershy did to the cat, but then they heard purring they looked inside the cage and they looked inside the cage, the cat was cuddling with Fluttershy.

But since Tucker and Esther only cared about what the other members of high society think of them and they could not take it as being parents to a abnormal looking filly even though the filly is normal aside from for her looks. They did not want to be looked down as the couple with the freak baby so an insidious thought came to their mind and they plotted to get rid of their embarrassment once and for all.

Later that night Tucker and Esther took Fluttershy out of the cage and put her into a basket. The basket was put on a carriage and Tucker and Esther went out into the wintery park near where the zoo is.

The Ponyville Zoo was a strange looking place full of statues of animals, amusement park rides and large spirals and behind the zoo was the Ponyville skyline which was filled with large arches, spirals, and skyscrapers.

The Ponyville Zoo was abandoned months earlier when the vampire bat epidemic began, for the zoo was the sight of a gruesome massacre, most of the animals, except for the rabbits went mad and killed 100 ponies. The Ponyville police had to kill the animals and shut down the zoo, but the vampire bats escaped.

As the Cobblewings walk towards a bridge a unicorn couple with a purple unicorn filly in a carriage passed them saying "Happy Hearth Warming Eve." The Cobblewings recognised them, it was Night Light, and his wife Twilight Velvet and their newborn filly Twilight Sparkle who was born on the same night as Fluttershy. They are a another aristocratic family but they were not selfish snobs like the Cobblewings.

So both Tucker and Esther only said back "Happy Hearth's Warming Eve," and waited till the unicorns were gone then they continued towards the bridge. Once they were on the bridge Tucker and Esther looked around to see if anybody was near, but they were alone.

They looked over the bridge and under was a river that lead to a sewer drain. Tucker and Esther decided that this is were they would get rid of their embarrassment and they went straight to do their heartless deed. They both picked up the basket from the carriage with Fluttershy inside it and toss it over the bridge into the river.

The basket floated down the current towards the sewer drain Tucker and Esther just watched as the their baby was being sent to a watery grave in the frozen sewers , but they did not felt remorse only relief they watched the basket until it fell into the sewer drain with Fluttershy crying.

The basket floated in the dark, frozen sewers with the stormdrains on the ceiling providing light into the sewers. Then the basket float through a broken grate into a large room that looked like a aquarium with seats in one side that looked like it belonged in a stadium and in the other side a large power generator.

And in the middle of the room is a concrete island with a stone iceberg on it the basket floated towards the island were it reached the edge were the filly was greeted by the rabbits that lived in the zoo.

20 years later Ponyville is now even more more larger city and it is Hearth Warming Eve time everypony was out doing there Hearth Warming Eve shopping. In the Ponyville Plaza which is a large square surround with giant statues of ponies including two very large one pulling down giant levers in one side.

And between these two statues was a large Hearth Warming Eve tree and a podium there was some ponies there including a beauty queen named Derpy Hooves a blueish gray pegasus with a apple green mane who also had crossed eyes.

She went up to the podium and spoke to the microphone "Can I have your attention Ponyville, it is time for tonight's lighting of the Hearth Warming Eve tree".

Then she pushed the button that was top of a big box next to the podium which it looked like big present then the Hearth Warming Eve Tree light up and in the loudspeaker came out the Christmas song We Wish You A Merry Hearth' Warming Eve. All of the ponies in the plaza cheered on, but there was somepony under the storm drain watching the Hearth's Warming Tree lighting ceremony.

This pony wrapped it's hooves around the bars of the storm drain for a few seconds before it put it's hooves down. Atop from the storm drain a young newspaper colt was passing around newspapers and all of the front pages were about reported sightings of a half bat half pony in the sewers.

The newpaper colt was talking aloud "Hideous bat pony living in Ponyville's sewers read all about." Then a small dragon named Spike walked passed the Newspaper colt and the Newspaper colt put a newspaper in front of him and asked Spike "Are you concerned about this monster Pegabat living beneath us?"

"I don't have time to read such garbage most of the time it is a waste of time," snapped Spike.

Then Spike walked off annoyed and the newspaper colt just said back to Spike sarcastic "Yeah whatever," Then he continued with harping aloud about the Pegabat creature in the sewers.

As soon as Spike stepped off the sidewalk into the streets he heard something moved by the storm drain. He turned around to see if anything was there, but it was nothing there so he just brushed it off and continued with his Hearth Warming Eve shopping.

Across the street there was a large building called Rich's Department Store it was a spiral shaped tower and at the top of the building was a large rotating metal cat head which is the logo of Rich Enterprises. At the top floor there was a conference room. In there was Mayor Carrot Cake and Filthy Rich the CEO of Rich Enterprises two of the most powerful ponies in Ponyville along side with other important ponies.

Mayor Carrot Cake was a light amber earth pony with a orange mane who was a owner of a bakery and catering business who won last year's election against the long time incumbent Mayor Mare, and Filthy Rich was a grayish amber earth pony with a dark gray mane. "I hope we a good Hearth Warming Eve this year because Ponyville has not had good one in a long while," Mayor Cake said to Filthy Rich.

"I feel vulgar to bring this up in this yuletide season but we got break ground when we got to break ground for my new power plant I need permits and all that pesky nonsense," Filthy Rich replied.

"Filthy we got surplus of power enough to get us into the next century," Mayor Cake said back.


Filthy calmed himself and continued talking "Imagine Ponyville of the future, like a blanket of stars, with the lights blinking on and off, sadly the batteries are low on juice, frankly I cringe, Mr. Mayor."

Mayor Cake replied "I'm sorry Filthy, but you have to go to the usual committees through the usual channels."

Then a voice spoke from the other side of the conference room "I got a suggestion."

Then Filthy Rich, Mayor Cake, and the other politicians who were at the meeting turned around to see who said that. It was a white unicorn with a purple mane named Rarity.

She stood there nervously holding a coffee pot with her unicorn magic, she continued "Actually more of a question."

Then Filthy said to everybody in the room with a smirk on his face "It seems I have not housebroken my assistant Miss Rarity, but she makes a hell of a good coffee."

Then everybody laughed. Only Rarity remained quiet and she was embarrassed that she got laughed at be the most powerful ponies in Ponyville except for Empress Luna who is in Canterlot and Princess Twilight Sparkle who is a recluse who rarely attends meetings, but is scheduled to meet Filthy Rich tomorrow.

Then came a pale megenta earth filly with a violet mane came in the room wearing a tiara. It was Diamond Tiara the daughter of Filthy Rich. "Dad, Mr. Mayor time to bring joy to the masses," said Diamond Tiara.

Then everybody knew it was time to end the meeting there and go to the Ponyville Plaza, so they all left the room in a hurry.

Only Rarity stayed behind to clean up the room talking to herself "Actually more of a question, I am a such a stupid corndog."

Down in the sewers the pony who was watching the tree lighting ceremony was on the move to another storm drain to watch the festivities on the surface, it had bat like wings.

As Mayor Cake and Filthy Rich walked out of Rich's Department Store they continued talking. "You know there are enough people who work for me that would make enough signatures to make a recall election, that's not a threat it is just simple numbers," Filthy Rich said.

"Well maybe, but you don't have a issue Filthy and sure hell you don't have a candidate," Mayor Cake scoffed back.

Then they stopped at a pony dressed as Santa Hooves raising money for charity, Filthy Rich pulled out two 50 bit bills with Empress Luna image on and gave it to the Santa pony smiling for the cameras as the reporters were taking pictures, and then Filthy, Diamond, Mayor Cake and the other continued walking as the Santa pony looked at the banknotes with a sad look on his face as it turns out only the bill on the front was worth 50 bits but the other was a 5 bit banknote instead of a another 50 bit bill.

Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, Mayor Cake, and the other dignitaries went up to the podium, then Mayor Mare went up to the microphone and began his speech "I would like to say on behalf of city hall Happy Hearth Warming Eve, and we have a pony who needs no introduction for he has given so much to our city, we welcome Ponyville's very own Santa Hooves, Filthy Rich."

Then Mayor Mare handed the podium to Filthy Rich, but before he begins his speech he grabs a bunch of presents from a pile next to him and toss them to the cheering crowd.

Then Filthy Rich walks to the podium to begin his speech, but meanwhile back in the conference room Rarity was still cleaning up the place putting away the coffee cups from a wall with many pictures of Filthy with many famous ponies including Empress Luna who is a dark blue alicorn with a sapphire blue mane who wears a black tiara, who has been Equestria's sole for 1000 years ever since her sister Princess Celestia was killed in a fight againts a demonic centaur named Lord Tirek. Ever since then the nights are unusually longer, and her image is on all of the bit coins, banknotes, postage stamps, medals, and even statues of her are erected all over the Equestrian Empire, she talked to herself "Go pick up the contracts for personnel, pick up the dry cleaning, and get the paper towels."

And then Rarity remembers something very important "Oh damn it."

She looks at a counter at the wall and there was some paper, it was Filthy Rich's speech then Rarity grabs her boss's speech and runs downstairs and hopefully gives it before Filthy starts his speech.

Back down in the plaza Filthy realizes something is wrong and talks to Diamond "I forgot my speech, remind me to take it on what's her name umm Rarity I think it is her name."

Then Filthy looks at the crowd thinking up a new speech in his head and he came up one "Santa Hooves afraid not, I am just a poor colt who got lucky and sue me if I want to give something back." The crowd cheered as he continued "I only wish I can give more than expensive presents, I wish I can hand out world peace and unconditional love wrapped in a big bow." The crowd cheered again as Filthy finished the speech he made up on the spot.

Down in under the storm drain the pony spoke in a female voice " Oh but you can Filthy, oh but you will."

Then a giant present rolled in the plaza surprising everybody in the plaza. "Great idea Filthy," said Mayor Mare.

"Not mine," replied Filthy.

Then the present exploded with confetti and came out these weird circus ponies.

From clowns to fire jugglers and even skull masked ponies in motorcycles and they started to attack the innocent ponies. Rarity walked out of the entrance of Rich's Department Store only to be shocked to find that a riot has broken out in Ponyville Plaza.

The police came in immediately but they overwhelmed by the psycho clowns, but these circus themed psychos were heavily armed and they were shooting at the ponies, police and civilians alike killing some of them including Pegasuses that were flying in the air were shot down, while others were setting ponies on fire, some of the thugs were throwing bombs around which caused more deaths, the skull masked biker clowns were running over ponies and even some clowns with chainsaws butchering ponies and there were also a lot of mugging too.

Derpy Hooves ran off the podium and pushed out of the way an elderly orange earth pony with a yellow mane named Granny Smith causing her to fall to the floor as the dimwitted Derpy flew out of plaza to save herself.

Ponyville Plaza was now a war zone with filled with destruction, chaos, and carnage. As more of these circus themed thugs came out of the giant present including a large clown bear named Larry, a azure unicorn with a blue mane wearing a blue wizard hat and a blue cape named Trixie appeared together with two small colts named Snips and Snails. Snips was a gray unicorn with a orange mane and Snails was a amber unicorn with a turquoise mane.

She used her magic to summon a organ grinder and it played music, but then it stopped and then the front panel opens revealing a machine gun. Trixie uses her magic on the organ grinder and it started to shoot bullets at the Hearth Warming Eve Tree while yelling "TAKE THAT TANNENBAUM!!!." She continued firing her machine gun organ grinder till all of the lights on the Hearth Warming Eve Tree were off.

Nearby a minotaur named Iron Will was rampaging on the street grabbing a stop sign and savagely beating ponies with it including one dressed as Santa Claus. A police car drove near by him and Iron Will just threw the stop sign on the windshield smashing it.

Inside of the police car is Police Commissioner Romana a sky blue unicorn with a blue mane with a white stripe and another police pony. Romana orders the police pony "What are you waiting for call headquarters to get the signal on."

On the outskrits of Ponyville atop a seaside cliff there stood a huge mansion. On the sky a appeared a round light that originated from a search light from the city it has a large letter M in the center of the light on the sky. The roof of the mansion had glass that moved when the signal appear on the sky it reflected the light into one of the windows of the mansion.

There in the dark library sat Princess Twilight Sparkle a purple alicorn with a dark blue mane. She just sat in silence just thinking then she was disturbed when the searchlight appeared through the window into the wall. Twilight just stood up and looked at the window to see the big M in the dark clouds in the sky.

Spike came in the room with the bags of groceries and Hearth Warming Eve presents he just bought in town. Spike noticed the search light with the M in it was in the room and in the sky. "I shall get your Mare Do Well costume ready Twilight." Then Twilight ran out of the room.

From the sewers the bat winged pony looked at the sky and told herself "It seems that Mare Do Well is coming."

At the podium Trixie asks Mayor Cake "We want the big guy, the guy who runs the show?"

Mayor Mare steps forward and asks back "What do you want?"

Then Trixie yells back "NOT YOU!!!" Then one of the clown ponies punches Mayor Cake in the face.

"WE WANT FILTHY RICH!!!," replied Trixie as she pointed at Filthy.

"You come to come through me." said Diamond Tiara as she jump in between her father and Trixie.

Snips, Snails, and the clowns just points their weapons from guns to swords at Diamond. "Dad go save yourself, DAD GO!!!" said Diamond as Filthy ran away from the podium.

On the road in outskirts of town a big black car with fire coming out of the exhaust pipe in the back was racing toward Ponyville at a great speed.

Back in the plaza Filthy is trying to find a safe way out of the plaza as he walked around the chaotic scene, one of the skull masked biker clowns nearly run him over as a clown pony was firing a semi automatic gun nearby.

Down below the bat winged pony was on the move again.

Filthy came close to a fire breathing pony dressed as a devil torching a toy store when Filthy saw that he continued running as ponies who tried to get out of the plaza were being set on fire by a couple of fire jugglers who were blocking the exit.

The big black car enters the plaza and it is Mare Do Well behind the wheel. Mare Do Well is Twilight's other identity she now wore a black cape, a mask that covered her face expect her mouth, and even a black hat, and on her chest was a yellow oval logo with the letter M in black.

Mare Do Well looked two fire jugglers who were blocking the entrance to the plaza so she simply ran them over with her Mare Do Well Mobile killing them.

A couple of Skull masked biker clowns charged at the Mare Do Well Mobile but a machine gun appeared on the hood of the black car and they were shot off their motorcycles.

A clown pony was chasing a mare while firing his semi automatic gun, but he got run over by Mare Do Well he ended up in the windshield shooting at the glass as another clown jumped on the windshield to help his fellow psycho clown but the bullets did not damage to the windshield.

Mare Do Well drove around till she stomped her hoof on the stop pedal in front of the burning toy store, sending the two clown ponies flying into the toy store burning them to death.

The fire breathing devil pony blew fire at the Mare Do Well Mobile but it had no effect on the black car. Mare Do Well turned the car around and pushed a button which turned the flaming exhaust pipe into a flamethrower setting the fire breather in fire, she drove to the other side of the plaza as the fire breather screamed in agony and then falls to the snow covered ground dead.

Rarity who was cowering near the entrance of Rich's Department Store the whole time that the massacre took place then a clown pony grabbed Rarity and held a stun gun on her neck.

Mare Do Well stopped the her car and came out, only to have a bunch a clowns charging at her, but they were no match when she just punched and kicked them hard enough that blood splattered from their faces and even had their necks broken when she twisted some of the thugs heads backwards.

Mare Do Well walked up to Rarity and the clown with the stun gun. "TAKE ONE MORE STEP MISS MARE DO WELL AND SHE GETS IT!!!," the clown yelled while firing the stun gun in the air with electrical sparks coming out.

Mare Do Well grabs her gun and fires at the clown, but hitting the wall behind him.

The clown just laugh and said "You missed."

Then Mare Do Well used her magic to get the bullet out of the wall which it flew right into the back of the clown's head killing him. As the clown falls to the ground Rarity screamed.

Mare Do Well stared at Rarity silently. "Wow the Mare Do Well or is it just Mare Do Well?" said Rarity.

Mare Do Well did not say anything and just walked away.

"Umm your choice of course," said Rarity but Mare Do Well still did not say anything back as she walked away.

"Well that was brief," said Rarity and she looked down at the dead clown and took notice of his stun gun which was still on his hoof. She picked it up and looked at it. Rarity then decided to try it out and zapped the dead clowns arm which it moved a little bit till she stopped the stun gun. Rarity giggled nervously and decided to take the stun gun home.

The surviving circus themed thugs fled the plaza.

"Thanks for saving the day Mare Do Well, I am afraid that the Purple Square Circus Gang is back," said Commissioner Romana.

"We'll see," replied Mare Do Well and then she went back to the Mare Do Well Mobile and drove away.

Mayor Cake walked up to Commisioner Romana and said "Those lunatics almost make off with our mover and shaker Filthy Rich, but where is that insufferable son of a bitch?"

In a alley outside of the plaza Filthy Rich stopped to take a breath from all of that running. The bat winged pony was right under him and she pushed a button on the sewer wall. The ground under Filthy opened up and he fell into the sewers bellows it was a trap door that he was standing on.

A little later in the night at the Old Ponyville Zoo now runned down looking for it's abandonment 20 years earlier. It was a surreal place filled with giant statues of all kinds of animals including a dragon, empty cages, amusement park rides that included a ski lift with seats that looked like cockatrices.

And in the center of the zoo was a structure that looked like a iceberg with a statue of a polar bear the top along with big letters that said "CRYSTAL WORLD" and at the bottom of the structure was a glass skylight that overlooked into the room under the iceberg shaped structure.

In there Filthy who lost consciousness when he fell into the trap door in the alley awoken in a underground room he was in a concrete island surrounded by water in one side of the cavernous room in the sewers was a row of seats across the water and in the other side was a large power generator.

Filthy saw the circus thugs, they were eating dinner in a large dinning table. Something jumped across Filthy's hooves startled him when he looked down it was a white rabbit. Then the white rabbit hopped towards a large group of rabbits were the bat winged pony was feeding them with carrots and apples.

The bat winged pony turned around and said "Hi."

It was Fluttershy Cobblewing now a grown mare, she is still a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane, and with sharp teeth. She would have been a very acttractive pony if she did not had these bizarre deformities. And she had a sickly look on her, she had small dark circles in her eyes.

"I believe the word you are looking for is AAAAHHHH!!!" The Pegabat continued "Actually this is all a bad dream, you are at home in bed, heavily sedated, resting comfortably, dying of the carcinogens you personally spewed in a lifetime of profiteering, tragic irony or poetic justice, you tell me?"

"Oh my sweet Faust, it is true, that weird mare in the sewer exists," said Filthy to himself.

The Pegabat walked up to a colourful barrel with a bunch of weapons and umbrellas and grabbed one of the frilly umbrellas and said "Odd as it may seem Filthy,you and I have something in common."

The Pegabat pointed the umbrella upward and out came a stream of fire, the umbrella was a flamethrower.

The Pegabat put back the flame thrower in the barrel and grabbed another one and continued talking "We are both perceive as monsters," then a sword appears at the top of the umbrealla appears then it went back inside of the umbrella.

The Pegabat put the sword umbrella back in the barrel grabbed another one and walked passed Filthy saying "But somehow you are a respected monster and I am to date not."

"I am a business colt, tough yes, shrewd maybe, but that does not make me a monster," replied Filthy.

"Don't embarrass yourself Filthy, I know all about you, what you hide I discover, what you put your toilet I place on my mantle, get the picture," said the Pegabat as she opened the umbrella and point it at Filthy.

It had black and white swirls and the umbrella moved clockwise.

"Is that suppose to hypnotise me?" asked Filthy.

"No, just to give you a splitting headache," replied the Pegabat.

"It's not working," said Filthy.

A loud noise like a gunshot came out of the umbrella and made Filthy to jump back.

"You big filly, it is just blanks, you think that I went all the trouble tonight just to kill you, no Filthy I have an entire other purpose and it not drinking your blood, unless you have pure apple juice flowing in your veins," the Pegabat said.

The Pegabat walk towards Filthy with sad look on her face "I am ready Filthy, I have been down here too long, it is time for me to ascend, to re emerge."

The Pegabat then pointed her hoof at Filthy "With your help, your know how, your savvy, I was not born in a sewer you know."

Then the Pegabat pointed her umbrella towards the skylight with tears in her eyes "I come from like you and like you I some respect, a basic recognition of my basic ponanity."

The Pegabat became even more sadder as more tears rolled out of her large eyes and there was this black drool that came out of her mouth "But most of all I want to find out who I am by finding my parents learning my pony name. Simple stuff that the good ponies of Ponyville take for granted."

Filthy simply asked in a unfeeling tone for he did not care about the Pegabat's problems "Tell me exactly why should I help you?"

The Pegabat's demeanour changed from sad to annoyed and she smirked baring her sharp teeth with streaks of black drool on her chin and said "Well, let's start shall we."

Then she sat down a throne that was next to the colourful barrel of umbrellas and looked at her top minions. Iron Will had a big red Hearth Warming Eve stocking with the words Filthy sewed in gold on it, and he pass it to to Larry then he passed it to Trixie, and then she passed it to the Pegabat. "Oh look, let's what got in here," the Pegabat said in a mocking curious tone.

"That's the Hearth Warming Eve stocking my late grandmother made for me when I was a young filly, how did you get it? It's suppose to be in my bedroom," said Filthy with a shocked look on his face.

"Oh we got your granny's Hearth Warming Eve stocking exactly the same way we got it's contents," replied the Pegabat.

Then she pulled out of the bag a canister filled with a green liquid and opened it and pour it's contents on the desk in front of the throne, it was a thick green sludge that fumed as it touched the desk.

"A batch of toxic waste from your so called clean textile plant, there is a whole lagoon of this crap in the back," said the Pegabat.

"That could have come from anywhere," replied Filthy.

"What about the documents that proved that you own half of the fire traps in Ponyville?," asked the Pegabat.

"If they were such documents and that is not an admission, I would have personally have them shredded," said Filthy.

Then the Pegabat looked inside the bag and pulled out a roll of paper that looked shredded but taped back together "A lot of tape and a little patience make all of the difference," replied the Pegabat as she put down the shredded documents on the desk.

"By the way how is Cranky Doodle Donkey your old partner?," asked the Pegabat.

"Umm Cranky, umm he is on a extended vacation for the past week, yeah he is on a vacation he is doing good," said Filthy with a smirk on his face.

"Oh yeah doing good," replied the Pegabat as she went to look inside the bag and pull out something gruesome, a severed gray front hoof.

"Hi Filthy remember me I'm Cranky's hoof, hey you wanna greet any other body parts?," said the Pegabat as she waved the hoof in front of Filthy's face.

Filthy just jumped back in fear for somepony knows that he had his business partner murdered recently.

The Pegabat got off the throne and walked towards the startled Filthy and said "Remember Filthy, you flushed it, I flaunt it."

It became very clear to Filthy that this was blackmail and if he does not help the Pegabat then she will tell the police of his wrong doings and he could end up getting the electric chair just having his partner Cranky butchered over a business disagreement.

"Miss Pegabat I think I can arrange a welcome home scenario for you, perhaps we can help each other out," said Filthy calmly.

"You won't regret this Mr. Rich and let's shake hooves on it," said the Pegabat happily as she handed over Cranky's hoove to Filthy shaking it then walked away.

Filthy now holding Cranky's hoof only say to the severed body part "Greetings."

Author's Note:

Hi everbody I hope you enjoyed my first fanfiction stay tuned for the next chapter