• Published 23rd Jan 2014
  • 2,371 Views, 1,473 Comments

Fluttershy Batwings - Brony God

Mare Do Well fights to save the gloomy, wintery, and gothic city of Ponyville from the tragic and freakish Pegabat

  • ...

Chapter 6

Soarin and Rainbow arrived at the Wonderbolts Academy and there were a lot of ponies there. Soldiers, celebrities, and even nobles. At the entrance stood General Maud Pie, Fancy Pants, and Fluer De Lis.

"I am so glad you came Captain," said Maud.

"I do need some cheering up," replied Soarin.

"Let's hope nothing happens here. That jackass Prince Blueblood is here along with that nutcase lover of his," said Maud.

"You mean that Pinkamena Diane Pie," said Rainbow.

"I am afraid so," replied Maud.

"I just hope that helium junkie behaves herself," said Rainbow.

"She better or I will throw her and Blueblood out," said Maud.

"Good," replied Soarin.

"I can't stand that loser Prince Blueblood and his social circle of crooks and psychos," said Fancy.

"The thought of being in the same building with them turns my stomach," said Fluer.

The five ponies went inside. The party was held in a very large room filled with Hearth Warming Eve decorations, tables, and portraits of Empress Luna in the walls. At the end of the room was a podium and stood there Cheese Sandwich, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, and Lyra Heartstirngs.

"I am now going to sing my all time classic Hearth Warming Eve In Ground Zero. Although in light of recent events it is appropriate and yet disturbing," said Cheese. So he sang that song and other songs for a while until a high pitched yell came out of one of the tables. It was from Pinkie Pie.

"PLAY IT AGAIN!!!" yelled Pinkie who was sitting with Prince Blueblood, Filthy Rich, Diamond Tiara, Silver Shill, Tucker and Esther Cobblewing.

"Umm sure," said Cheese and he sang it again.

"AGAIN!!!" yelled Pinkie Pie as she grabbed a gas mask attached to a can of helium and inhaled it.

"I'm sorry but I got other songs to sing and there are others who would like to perform too," said Cheese.

"Fine, sing your other songs. And let those boring ponies play along with that crippled freak with the scissors too. Good thing that Lyra is a unicorn or she would be cutting her harp that sideshow reject," said Pinkie Pie angrily through her teeth.

"Well I may be a freak for having scissors for front hooves, but I have never been accused of eating other ponies like you. Fucking clown" replied Lyra.

"Whatever," said Pinkie while giving a very dark look at Lyra.

Cheese sang his other songs.

"Wow that Pinkie Pie mare is rude" said Soarin.

"No kidding" replied Rainbow Dash.

"I really hope that Prince Blueblood does not marry that psychotic helium junkie because it would be embarrassing to have that madmare as a princess. Blueblood being a prince of Equestria is embarrassing enough," said Maud.

"Why I am not surprised that Pinkie Pie has to cause a scene here? The very idea of Pinkie Pie as a princess is just laughable," said Fancy.

"It is just plain sad. I mean Filthy Rich's dog Winona would make a better princess than Pinkie Pie," said Fluer.

"Everypony knows that Pinkie Pie is nuts, even Lyra knows that," said Soarin.

"I have a feeling that my sister is going to be Blueblood's undoing. And if she makes one more outburst, I will throw her out," said Maud.

"Oh well that's Blueblood's problem if he becomes a cupcake," said Rainbow.

Meanwhile Tammy found the Wonderbolts Academy with ease since much of the streets of Cloudsdale was empty.

"I found it, but how can I get in?" said Tammy as she looked at the entrance of the place which was guarded by a team of soldiers.

She waited outside, out of the sight of the guards.

Two hours passed and everypony was leaving the Wonderbolts Academy and Tammy went to look for Soarin and Rainbow but she saw Cheese, Lyra, Octavia, and Vinyl running out. The musicians went to their large van in the parking lot only to see Pinkie Pie and Silver Shill standing in front of their van looking angry at the musicians.


"Well you did insult me first," replied Lyra.



"I'll have to teach that Lyra to respect her betters and she must apologise," said Pinkie.

"Why should she apologise to a lunatic like you? asked Vinyl.

"Pinkie is the one who should say sorry to Lyra, not the other way around," replied Octavia.

"I am going to tear all of you apart and I would like to see if you really have guts or not Lyra," said Pinkie in a sinister tone.

"I do have organs, it just my front hooves that are made of metal. And what is the matter with you? Cotton candied coloured clown? What does that even mean?" replied Lyra.

"Oh well. I guess I will have those scissorhooves as trophies then," said Pinkie.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" screamed Cheese.

"Have you danced with the draconiquus in the pale moonlight?" asked Pinkie as she pulled out a pistol and aimed it at Lyra.

"YOU'RE CRAZY!!!" shouted Lyra.

"You just asked to receive a love letter from me. Do you even know what a love letter is? It's a bullet from a fucking gun. STRAIGHT FROM MY HEART FUCKER!!! ONCE YOU RECEIVE A LOVE LETTER FROM ME, YOU'RE FUCKED FOREVER!!! I'LL SEND YOU STRAIGHT TO TARARUS FUCKER!!! yelled Pinkie.

Tammy seeing all this grabbed a lid from a nearby trashcan and threw it at Pinkie's front hoof causing her to drop her gun.


Tammy jumps in front of Pinkie scaring everypony.

"IT'S THE PEGABAT!!!" screamed everypony.

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM THEM YOU PINK PSYCHO!!!" yelled Tammy as she drooled black bile.

"KILL HER!!!" screamed Pinkie as Silver pulled out his pistol and aimed at Tammy. He fired his gun but he missed since he was shaking in fear and his aim was off.


"I'm trying Pinkie" replied Silver.

Tammy bucked Silver in the face, sending him a few feet away unconscious..

"FUCKING WEIRDO!!! yelled Pinkie as she jumped on Tammy and punched her in the face with her front hooves.

Lyra sneaked behind Pinkie and slashed her front right leg.

"AARGH!!! YOU'RE FUCKING DEAD LYRA!!! screamed Pinkie as she charged at Lyra.

Tammy rushed at Pinkie punched her in face so hard that Pinkie tumbled a few feet away, knocking her unconscious. Lyra walks towards Tammy with a smile on her face.

"Thank you for saving us" said Lyra as Cheese, Vinyl, and Octavia walked towards Tammy. They were no longer scared of her.

"What is your name?" asked Lyra.

"Umm it's Tammy," replied Tammy.

"I cannot believe that we just got saved by the Pegabat herself," said Cheese.

Tammy sees Soarin, Rainbow, Fancy, Fluer, and Maud walking out of the Wonderbolts Academy.

"I'm sorry but I gotta go," said Tammy as she flew off.

"Don't worry. we won't tell on you Tammy," said Lyra.

"What just happened here?" asked Maud.

Pinkie woke up screaming in anger and with blood dripping from her nose "I'LL FUCKING BUTCHER THAT PEGABAT FREAK!!!"

"Pegabat?" asked Maud.

"Yes that freak with the bat wings is here in Cloudsdale and she attacked me," replied Pinkie.

"Oh there you are Pinkie. Where did you and Silver went off to?" asked Blueblood who was with Filthy, Diamond , Tucker , and Esther.

"I was just talking to the band Blueblood," said Pinkie.

"Talking?! HA!!! You were trying to kill us," said Cheese.

"Yes you wanted to kill me all because I called you a fucking clown, not a cotton candied coloured clown. Whatever that is suppose to mean," said Lyra.

You're lying," said Pinkie.

"You pointed a gun at me," replied Lyra.

"Pinkie you are obviously high and or drunk," said Maud.

Silver wakes up "Where is that Pegabat freak?"

"You too are talking about the Pegabat?" said Maud.

"Yes she is real," replied Silver.

"Of course you would say that after all, you are Pinkie's pet," said Maud.

"Seriously did you get attacked by that monster?" asked Blueblood.

"YES!!!" shouted Pinkie.

"Did you see any Pegabat creature here Lyra?" asked Maud.

"No. That Pinkie is just making up stuff," said Lyra.

"Anypony else saw the Pegabat? asked Maud.

Cheese, Vinyl, and Octavia replied "No."

"Pinkie you are high and since you tried to harm Lyra, I am going to have you and your friend Silver arrested for assault and attempted murder," said Maud.


"Are you sure you saw that monster?" asked Esther.

"Yes. She kind of looks like you Esther," replied Pinkie.

"What do you mean looks like me?" asked Esther.

"No. The Pegabat is a yellow mare with a pink mane. She is a younger version of you with sharp teeth and bat wings, that is what she looks like. I think that she is that same bat filly we saw at the Purple Square Circus five years ago. It has to be her," said Pinkie.

A chill ran down the spines of Tucker and Esther.

"Alright we believe you," said both Tucker and Esther.

Everypony looked at the Cobblewing couple with confusion.

"HA HA HA!!! Pinkie is so funny. She said that Esther looked like the Pegabat," said Diamond.

"I remember her, she ran out of the circus when Pinkie and those other fillies were throwing stuff at her and laughing at her," said Filthy.

"Tammy was here," whispered Soarin.

"Sure Pinkie Pie, the Pegabat was here and also a pig flew by too," said Fancy sarcastically.

"And the flying pig told me that the best way to move clouds is to have a skeleton to shoot a fireball at a beehive," said Fluer sarcastically.

"Just shut up you two bastards," growled Pinkie.

"Yeah. And come to think of it. Tammy kind of does look like a younger version of Esther Cobblewing," said Rainbow.

"Well. Have any of you seen the news reports on the Pegabat?" said Tucker.

"She was caught on camera several times. How can anypony deny her existence? That freak is real and she was seen by many ponies back in Ponyville," said Esther.

"Yes I do believe that she does exists. I have seen the footage, but the only ponies who claim to seen her tonight are couple of helium junkies. And the sober ponies claimed that there was no Pegabat here. So what Pinkie saw was a drug induced hallucination and Silver is just Pinkie's stooge," said Maud.

A group of soldiers came in and dragged a screaming Pinkie and Silver away to a police car and drove to the Cloudsdale Prison.

"Well that concludes this night. Goodnight to all of you," said Maud as she walked away.

Everypony said goodnight and went their separate ways except for Blueblood, Filthy, Diamond, Tucker, and Esther.

"Damn, now I have to bribe the local prison officials to get Pinkie and Silver out," said Blueblood angrily.

"That beast Fluttershy is alive," said Esther.

"For years I refuse to believe that the Pegabat was our daughter, but Pinkie seen her up close confirms it. Fluttershy is the Pegabat," said Tucker.

"Calm down you two, it's not like she is here eavesdropping us," said Filthy.

"Yes you are right, that freak is probably somewhere in the sewer," said Tucker.

"Now I am not going to have a good night sleep tonight knowing that she is still out there," said Esther.

We should get back to the hotel and I have go get Pinkie and Silver out of prison," said Blueblood.

The five ponies went to their limo and drove off. Tammy however saw and heard everything from the shadows. She cried as she ran back to Soarin's house. She managed to get there first before Soarin and Rainbow. She ran to her room and collapse on the bed crying hysterically.

"THEY STILL HATE ME?!!! WHY?!!! cried Tammy.

"Tammy we are home," said Soarin as he and Rainbow entered the front door. Soarin and Rainbow went upstairs and found Tammy crying in her bed.

"Tammy. What's wrong? asked Soarin.

"Were you there at the Wonderbolts Academy tonight? asked Rainbow.

"Yes," replied Tammy.

"You did a good thing tonight, that psycho Pinkie Pie was going to murder the band. It was nice of them of not telling on you," said Soarin.

"Soarin. Can you please find every information about Tucker and Esther Cobblewing's daughter?" asked Tammy.

"I'll try," said Soarin.

"I need to know for sure that if I am the daughter of those two horrible ponies," said Tammy.

"I'll bring you the information tomorrow," said Soarin.

Soarin went to search on the records on the Cobblewings that night and he found something that disturbed him. He brought the information home. The next day it was Hearth Warming Eve. Rainbow came in Soarin's house.

"Wake up Tammy, it's hearth Warming Eve," said Soarin as Tammy woke up from her bed.

"Yeah. Time to open presents," said Rainbow.

"Alright," said Tammy.

The three ponies went downstairs to the living room. They all sat on the floor next to the Hearth Warming Eve tree and they all open their presents.

"You know what? This is the first time I opened my presents with anypony. I always do this alone except for my animal friends,: said Tammy.

"Well Tammy, Hearth Warming Eve for you is going be like this from now on," said Soarin.

"Yeah. Hearth Warming Eve is a time to be with the ones you care about. Not being alone," said Rainbow.

"Oh I got a very special present for you Tammy. But I think it will also make you angry but I think you should gave it," said Soarin who then handed a envelope wrapped in a bow to Tammy.

"I wonder what it is?" said Tammy as she opened the envelope and read the papers inside.

It was the information about the Cobblewing couple and a copy of a birth certificate of a Pegasus mare named Fluttershy Cobblewing. According to the documents Fluttershy Cobblewing was born to Tucker and Esther Cobblewing fifteen years ago, the same age as Tammy, specifically on December 10. She read more and there it was, the description of the filly. Yellow pegasus mare, pink mane, teal eyes, bat like wings, and sharp teeth. She read more information and found a death certificate that said that she died at the age of 2 weeks of Sudden Filly Death Syndrome. There were no documents of a funeral service of any kind. A chill ran through Tammy's spine. It was confirmed, Tammy is Fluttershy Cobblewing.

"How this death certificate got made?" asked a teary eyed Tammy.

"Your parents bribed many officials and doctors to make that death certificate. To cover up the fact that they left you to die in the sewer," said Soarin.

"Thank you for giving me this present Soarin," said Tammy.

"Are you not angry?" asked Soarin.

"I am angry at my parents but I am also happy that I have the best present that I ever received," replied Tammy.

"What is that exactly? asked Soarin.

"Yes what is it?" asked too Rainbow.

"My pony name Fluttershy Cobblewing and the exact date of my birth," said Tammy.

"Okay," said both Soarin and Rainbow.

"You see I was never really comfortable with the name Tammy. It was given to me by the circus, but Fluttershy fits me so much better," said Tammy.

"But Tammy, that name Fluttershy was given to you by those two monsters who threw you out to die. Why you want to use it?" asked Soarin.

"Because I like the sound of Fluttershy and besides my bastard parents picked that name before I was born. Why would they give me this beautiful name after I was born? They must had big plans for me. Perhaps marrying me into high society including the Imperial Family itself. Of course this meant helping with their status. That must be the only reason why they wanted children, because if they really wanted children, they should have loved me and kept me even with my deformities. I assume that they never tried again to have more fillies after me because they did not want to give birth to another useless freak like me," said Tammy.

"Well I suppose you are right. Come to think of it that name really does suit you Fluttershy," said Soarin.

"I like it," replied Rainbow.

"Thank you. No longer I will be known by my freakshow stage name Tammy The Hideous Bat Filly, now I am simply Fluttershy Cobblewing a pony being," said Fluttershy.

Fluttershy gives Soarin a big hug "You don't know how much this really means to me. I have now a proper name to go by."

A knock comes from the front door.

"Who can that be?" asked Rainbow.

"I don't know Rainbow, Fluttershy you better go hide now," said Soarin.

Fluttershy go to the top of the stairs but she sees Soarin opening the front door and sees Lyra, Cheese, Octavia, and Vinyl.

"Can I help you? Did General Maud Pie sent you guys for Christmas caroling?" asked Soarin.

"No, is Tammy here?" asked Lyra."

"Umm, how did you guys found out where Tammy lives?" asked Soarin.

"We followed her here last night after she saved us from that psycho Pinkie Pie," said Cheese.

"We just thought that Tammy would be alone for Christmas, so we decided to celebrate with here." said Vinyl.

"We were kind of surprised that she lived here, we were expecting her to be in a sewer or something," said Octavia.

"It was my idea, she risked her life to save us. And I know what like to be alone at this time of year," said Lyra,

"Oh well then please come in," said Soarin.

They went inside "Fluttershy, there are some ponies who want to meet you," said Soarin.

Fluttershy flew from upstairs to the living room "Hello."

"Umm was your name Tammy? asked Lyra.

"Oh that. You see I just found out my real name is Fluttershy Cobblewing," said Fluttershy.

"Are related to those two horrible ponies Tucker and Esther Cobblewing? They are always with those other awful ponies Prince Blueblood and that Pinkie Pie," asked Octavia.

"Sadly I am. I am their daughter," said Fluttershy.

"Daughter?! I heard that they did had a newborn daughter that died fifteen years ago. Oh they are worse than I thought, they abandoned you" said Octavia.

"Well what you did for us last night proved that you are a better pony than your parents," said Lyra.

"Thank you Lyra," said Fluttershy as she hugged Lyra.

Lyra was careful with her scissorhooves.

They all talked throughout the day and they watched a couple of movies. Fluttershy and Lyra got along very well, they had so much in common, both were outcasts and now they were adopted by ponies who saw past their freakish nature. Lyra would talk about her late father and that he died in just before Hearth Warming Eve just before he could finish her.

"At least you had a father that loved you. He did not leave you like this intentionally," said Fluttershy.

"I know. My hands were suppose to be given to me on Hearth Warming Eve, but my father decided to give them to me a day earlier. But it was not early enough. I still think about him," said Lyra.

"I am sure that he proud of you, my parents know that I am alive and they are frightened and unrepentant. One day I will have to face them, all I want is an apology," said Fluttershy.

"You better be careful. I hear that they are very bad. They might shoot you dead. They are in a very high up in the Ponyville Crime Syndicate. That means they killed before. The day those two apologise is the same day that Pinkie Pie becomes a sane pony and Emperor Sombra willingly stops committing war crimes. And we all know that is not going to happen," said Lyra.

"I suppose you are right. I will not get any apology from them," said Fluttershy.

"Well you have new life now, it is going to get better for you," said Lyra.

They continued celebrating Hearth Warming Eve, the band even performed a concert just for Soarin, Rainbow, and Fluttershy. Cheese brought extra food for the Christmas dinner from a catering service from the day before. They were originally going to spend Hearth Warming Eve in a hotel room. The band left at midnight.

"What wonderful ponies they are," said Fluttershy.

"Cheese is really funny," said Rainbow.

"Thank you so much Fluttershy. You gave me a great Hearth Warming Eve present and you gave it to me early. My reason to continue living. I should be dead now if it were not for you coming into my life again. I wish my parents were here to see all this," said a teary eyed Soarin as he hugged Fluttershy.

"Your welcome Soarin. And I thank you again for giving me my real name back. I wish that my animal friends were here too. The ones from my cottage are dead. At least the rabbits who rescued me in the sewer are alright," said Fluttershy.

"I better get going now, I see you two tomorrow. Happy Hearth Warming Eve," said Rainbow as she left.

"Happy Hearth Warming Eve," said both Fluttershy and Soarin.

Fluttershy and Soarin went upstairs "I promise you this Fluttershy, every Hearth Warming Eve is going to be like this. You will never be alone again," said Soarin.

Soarin then kisses Fluttershy in the mouth.

"I'm sorry. I don't know where that came from," said a blushing Soarin.

"It's okay" replied a blushing Fluttershy.

"We better go to sleep now, goodnight," said Soarin as he ran to his room.

Fluttershy stood in the hallway wondering of what just happened for a minute, then she went to her bed.

"I thought that this would never happen to me. Me being kissed by a colt. Hmmm, I just noticed something, I did not drooled that black bile on him. Maybe he is the one I am suppose to be with. I guess I am still attractive even with my deformities. This proves my parents even more wrong," said Fluttershy.

The next morning Fluttershy wakes up and goes downstairs and finds Soarin in the kitchen preparing breakfast from the leftovers from the night before.

"Good morning Soarin," said Fluttershy.

"Umm good morning Fluttershy," said Soarin whose face was still blushing.

A knock came from the front door. Soarin opens it and there was Rainbow.

"Do you still have leftovers?" asked Rainbow.

"Yes," said Soarin.

Rainbow goes to the dining room where Fluttershy was.

"Hello Tammy uhmm I mean Fluttershy," said Rainbow.

"Hello Rainbow," replied Fluttershy.

Soarin comes in with the food and sets it on the table and with a embarrassed look on his face.

"Uhmm Soarin, why are you blushing," asked Rainbow.

"Oh it's nothing," replied Soarin.

"Really," said Rainbow.

Rainbow notices that Soarin was avoiding eye contact with Fluttershy.

"Did something happened between the two of you after I went home last night?" asked Rainbow.

"Nope," said Soarin.

"Come on, you can tell me. I know you so well, I can tell that you did something last night," said Rainbow.

Fluttershy was quiet, she did not want to cause Soarin anymore embarrassment. She just continued eating her breakfast.

"I kissed Fluttershy," said Soarin.

Rainbow's jaw dropped "You're serious right?"

"I am serious," replied Soarin.

"Fluttershy, is Soarin telling the truth?" asked Rainbow.

"Yes he really did kissed me," said Fluttershy.

"Oh. To tell you the truth, I was expecting this a lot sooner. Well you are still an attractive young mare and you did save his life, so I guess he has fallen for you," replied Rainbow.

"Honestly I thought that having somepony falling in love with me was something of the impossible," said Fluttershy whose face was now blushing.

"You two don't have to get embarrassed by this. I am not really surprised about this," said Rainbow.

"Really?" asked Fluttershy.

"You're the reason why Soarin is captain of the Wonderbolts, you're even the reason why Soarin is even alive. You saved him twice. First from Spitfire and her gang and second from his suicide attempt. You have done so much for him," said Rainbow.

"Yes it is all true. I owe my very life to Fluttershy. I never once looked at her as a monster like almost everypony else. She is my bat winged guardian angel," said Soarin.

"Nopony has ever called me that before, maybe except for the animals," replied Fluttershy.

"It is true, if I never met you at the circus, Spitfire would have eventually killed me because there was no way that I was joining up with her gang of murderers," said Soarin.

"Come to think of it, I probably would have been killed by her too. Fluttershy killing Spitfire and her gang saved many lives here in Cloudsdale," said Rainbow.

"So I am an actual hero?" asked Fluttershy.

"Of course you are. You saved Lyra, Cheese, Vinyl, and Octavia from that lunatic Pinkamena Diane Pie two nights ago," said Soarin.

"You need to work on your self esteem Fluttershy. You have done good things," said Rainbow.

"Oh okay," said Fluttershy.

"I do confess that I find Fluttershy to be beautiful," said Soarin.

"You actually mean that Soarin?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes I do mean it. You are not repulsive or scary at all. You are an genuinely attractive mare. I love you Fluttershy," said Soarin.

Fluttershy gave out a surprised look at Soarin and said "Nopony has ever told me that before ever. Am I in a dream?"

"No you are awake. I really do love you," said Soarin.

Fluttershy's heart beat fast as she replied "Uhmm to tell you the truth Soarin. I have been wanting you to say this for some time. I have falling in love you for quite some time."

"Why did you not say this earlier?" asked Soarin.

"Because I thought you would laugh at me if I told you this," said Fluttershy.

"No I would not laugh at you," replied Soarin.

"Oh okay," said Fluttershy.

"Oh I nearly forgot to say this but I heard that Prince Blueblood talked to the prison officials into letting Pinkamena Diane Pie and Silver Shill out. But the good news is that Prince Blueblood, Pinkie Pie, Silver Shill, Filthy Rich and that brat of a daughter of his, and the Cobblewings have already left Cloudsdale for Canterlot. Something tells me that Blueblood paid a lot of money to get his marefriend and her stooge out of prison," said Rainbow.

"Well that is how he has been keeping Pinkie Pie out of the insane asylum for years back in Ponyville," said Soarin.

"So my parents are not here anymore. Well good riddance to them," said Fluttershy.

"Fancy Pants and Fluer De Lis actually said good riddance to them too. They are quite happy that they are not in the same city anymore. I hope that Prince Blueblood does not decide to hurt them in the future. General Maud Pie is also happy that her sister is out of town too," said Rainbow.

"So any news about the war?" asked Soarin.

"Well our forces are holding strong. The Crystal Empire has pulled back. But they left such a trail of carnage. There are reports of severed heads of fillies put on pikes in city parks and ponies of all ages being hanged on lamp posts and electric posts along the train tracks," said Rainbow in a sad tone.

"WHAT?!!! THAT'S HORRIBLE!!!" screamed Fluttershy.

"And there are even reports that some towns that have been wiped out by a nerve gas. All the dead ponies have this creepy smile on their faces," said Rainbow.

"Nerve gas?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yes the Crystal Empire is using chemical weapons, and from what the eyewitnesses said that the victims of the gas died laughing," said Rainbow.

"All the more reason why we must win this war. We are fighting against filly killing cannibals with chemical weapons here. It's like something out of a horror movie," said Soarin.

"It seems that the Crystal Empire is just regrouping and preparing for another attack. So we must be on our guard," said Rainbow.


"We all do want to kill Sombra that miserable demon that looks like a pony," said Soarin.

"So it seems that the war will continue throughout the new year. I just hope that Sombra does not have any more surprises like those chemical weapons," said Rainbow.

"Well that is something we have to worry about after the new year. I wish I could end this war as soon as possible," said Soarin.

"I really can't understand how and why ponies do this to other ponies. It just sickens me," said Fluttershy.

Five days later. It was New Years Eve. Fluttershy, Soarin, and Rainbow watched the New Years Eve tv special hosted by Vinyl Scratch in Canterlot. The New Years Eve tv specials were usually festive but this year was unusually somber. Some of the ponies at the Canterlot Plaza had a miserable look on them, it felt more like a televised funeral service. There were still some ponies celebrating but not as much as last year. The memories of the Crystal Empire's surprise attack was still fresh in the minds of the ponies, some of them were grieving for the loss of their loved ones. At the podium there was Empress Luna with Twilight Sparkle at her side. Twilight was not a princess yet and she was still a unicorn. Both Empress Luna and Twilight Sparkle were smiling but they both had a sad look on their eyes. Seated next to them was a younger Spike The Dragon and so was an pale light greyish cerise alicorn mare with a violet, gold, and rose mane named Princess Cadance who is the rightful heir to the Crystal Empire's throne. And seated next to her was white torquoisish unicorn colt with a sapphire blue mane named Shining Amour who was the Captain of the Imperial Guard and brother of Twilight Sparkle. There were other important officials there and seated far away from Empress Luna, Twilight Sparkle, Princess Cadence, and Shining Amour was Prince Blueblood looking arrogant as ever.

Empress Luna makes her speech "I wish you all a happy new year, but I also wished that this year did not end in a bad note. I promise you all that I will do everything in my power to end this war soon so that way Equestria can go back to peace and normalcy. May next New Years Eve be a more happier occasion. The Crystal Empire will never win. EQUESTRIA HAIL VICTORY!!!"

All of the ponies saluted "HAIL LUNA!!!"

"Poor Empress Luna. I bet she has not have any good nights sleep anymore," said Soarin.

"Yeah. She must be worried about what Sombra has in his arsenal. That nerve gas of his is scary," said Rainbow.

"Ponies laughing to death is frightening, I hope it never happens again," said Fluttershy.

The countdown begins as a large glowing ball from the roof of a nearby building slowly descends 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 then large firework sprang out signalling that the new year has come. Everypony cheered, a couple of minutes later the fireworks were giving off a greenish fumes. Many ponies started to laugh hysterically and collapsing in the floor till they died with a wide grin on their faces. The ponies who were not close to the fireworks display ran off screaming in terror. Empress Luna, Princess Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle's horns glowed and made a magical tornado that sucked all the poison gas and hurled it into the night sky.

"I spoke too soon," said Fluttershy who burst into tears.



The tv screen cuts to a breaking news broadcast. The new reporters says with a shocked looked on his face. "There was a chemical weapon attack on Canterlot Plaza just now. Authorities say that at least 100 ponies have died. The attack occurred a couple minutes after midnight. Empress Luna, Princess Cadence, and Twilight Sparkle a student of the Empress stopped the nerve gas attack before more lives were lost. Already this massacre is being on the Crystal Empire and it does seem that is their work since the nerve gas is exactly the same like the towns the Crystal Empire attacked with chemical weapons. All the victims died laughing and they all have a unnaturally wide smile and the victims were from all age groups from the elderly to newborn fillies."

"I am afraid that the new year is going to be an awful one," said Soarin glumly.

"Sombra must die for this," said Rainbow through her teeth.

"This is like a nightmare. A NIGHTMARE!!! ALL THOSE PONIES WHO DIED!!! THEIR FACES, THEIR SMILES, IT'S BEYOND HORRIFYING!!! THIS IS GOING TO HAUNT ME FOREVER!!! cried out Fluttershy as she hugged Soarin tightly for dear life.

"Some happy new year," said Soarin in gloomy tone.

"I am genuinely scared about all this, what if we have traitors in Equestria. Canterlot is suppose to be the safest place in all of Equestria," said Rainbow.

"You mean that there are ponies who are betraying Equestria for the Crystal Empire," asked Fluttershy.

"There might be traitors. Whoever they are, they are going to pay dearly for this," said Soarin.

Fluttershy, Soarin, and Rainbow Dash could not sleep that night. Fluttershy cried hysterically for hours. They all wondered about the horrors that are coming in the new year.

Author's Note:

I hope you enjoyed Chapter 6. Stayed tuned as the new year comes