• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,099 Views, 714 Comments

Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab - Habanc

100-500 word prompt-based minifics from the TwiLuna group. Contains copious amounts of adorkableness.

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Poltergeist - ivolkov

Author's Note:

Continuation of Collectables and Ghosts.

Written by: ivolkov


Princess Luna, co-ruler of Equestria, the goddess who raises the moon and paints the sky each night trotted as fast possible without actually running, like a filly that is afraid of the dark running to bed after shutting off the light. Behind her was the entrance to the old Canterlot mines and a lavender alicorn trying to keep up.

"Luna, stop!" Twilight shouted, trying her best not to become frustrated with her lover, who was apparently a big scardy cat despite her status and power. 'How can the powerful mare who vanquishes nightmares and protects us from demons while we sleep be afraid of a spirit, if that's what it even was.' she thought to herself. "Think about the scientific breakthrough if spirits are truly something more than fiction made to scare ponies, we have to go back!"

Luna shot twilight a death glance, then immediately calmed her expression, trying but failing to seem calm as her entire body was shivering. "I apologize Twilight, you can go back, but I uh.... have this... thing, that I forgot about until just a moment ago! What? Oh, thou thinketh that we are afraid? Tis would be a most humorous event!...ha...ha" Luna accidentally added the nervous laugh and reverted to old Equestrian toward the end.

"Luna what is this about?" Twilight asked but only received silence in response and let out a sigh, knowing that her stubborn lover wouldn't give in until after she had calmed down. "Fine we can go back, you wi-" Twilight was cut off as she was enveloped in a soft glow and the sensation of a familiar spell, when the spell receded she found herself alongside Luna in Luna's chambers.

Far below Princess Celestia emerged from the old mines chuckling as the glow faded from her horn.

Twilight could see that the princess was still shaking quite bad and decided to calm her down the best way she knew how. Abruptly Luna found herself locked in a loving kiss with the smaller alicorn, and she felt her fear slowly leave her as she realized how silly she was being, even if it was a spirit, Twilight was right there with her. 'Besides,' Luna thought 'It isn't like spirits can cause any harm anyway...'

Almost as soon as she thought that a mane brush flew from a nearby desk and hit the lunar princess right in the flank. "What the..." Luna jumped around and landed in a defensive stance ready to send anypony that dare interrupt her perfect moment with the pony of her dreams straight to the moon without another word, but was confused when she saw nopony there, and instead ended up banishing a royal lamp. 'Damn, how will I read daring do fanfiction at night now, I suppose I could hang Twilight upside down and make her cast a mage light...' Luna thought, but before she could come up with a way of suspending Twilight her thoughts were brought to a halt as another object decided to fling itself at her feet, knocking her over.

"Luna this doesn't seem like magic, at least not unicorn magic." Twilight stated as she noticed the lack of a tell-tale glow that would indicate unicorn magic.

Out of the blue objects all over the room started lifting from their proper places and flying about the room for no apparent reason.

"Oh, BUCKING FANTASTIC! Now I have a poltergeist following me around!" Luna shouted over the ruckus of things smashing into the walls. Luna could no longer contain her fight or flight response and gave in, along with her anger for the annoyance she decided then and there that if some creepy spirit wanted to throw stuff at her and her beloved, she could at least strike fear into its soul even if she couldn't harm it directly. Luna unleashed an unbridled wave of magic in every direction, Twilight just able to shield herself in time. They both watched, as if in slow motion, all the small objects in the room slowly burst into purple flames and then disintegrated into stardust, and they both noticed at the last second an extraordinarily familiar looking sock with googly eyes at the other end of the room. Both Luna and Twilight would swear later on that a look of horror flashed across Mr. Sock's face along with a single tear of betrayal before he was engulfed by the spreading hurricane of flame and stardust.

"NOOOOOOOO!" Shouted both alicorns in unison.

Down the hall in a supply closet sat an enchanted scrying mirror with an alabaster alicorn sprawled out on the ground in front of it, laughing so hard she was about to pass out from lack of oxygen, and a draconequus literally falling into little tiny pieces from head down as they both watched the scene play out in front of them.

"Great idea making everything come to life, Discord." Celestia said, pausing to glance around the small closet and the huge mess of popcorn.

Months later there was a royal funeral. Two sobbing princesses sat in the front row, crying for their loyal friend Mr. Sock, who passed away from a tragic accident before his time.

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