• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,099 Views, 714 Comments

Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab - Habanc

100-500 word prompt-based minifics from the TwiLuna group. Contains copious amounts of adorkableness.

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100 Prompt Special: Sequels!

Author's Note:

Welcome to the 100th Prompt Special Celebration Chapter! a.k.a. the Chapter Wherein Both Archonix and Fuzzyfurvert Challenge the Teen Rating to a Duel Simultaneously.

Thank you to all our readers for reading and supporting this little silly shipping project! Have this über long special chapter revolving around sequels as a gift courtesy of the TwiLuna group.


Humans 2 - Fuzzyfurvert


Twilight fidgeted as she sat on the plush couch in Luna’s livingroom. It wasn’t like the livingrooms of any of her friends - well, the livingrooms of her friends’ parents mostly. Rainbow Dash technically had an apartment of her own with Sunset Shimmer, but their livingroom consisted of a single beanbag and all the boxes they hadn’t unpacked since moving in. This livingroom though - it was fit for a princess or something!

Everything was color coordinated and the furniture all matched. Bookshelves lined the walls and science magazines sat in an artful pile on the black glass coffee table. Luna even had framed, blown-up images of the moon taken by early NASA flybys and the Apollo missions. Those had made her grin like a maniac the first morning after she’d slept over. Everything was neat and measured and in it’s place like one of those cool show rooms at IKEA.

Music, an instrumental cover of some older classic rock song, played from the cleverly hidden speakers while Twilight twisted her hair around her finger idly and tapped her foot against her backpack which was stuffed with clothes instead of books for a change. Luna was in the adjacent kitchen, humming along to the music while she prepared lunch.


“Yes!” Twilight jumped, startled when Luna poked her head into the livingroom.

“Lunch is ready, if you are?” Luna held her hand up to cover her smile as she watched the flustered younger woman. “I was thinking we might watch a movie later? I want you to be comfortable when you visit me...so, we’ll take things as slowly as you need to.”

‘Um,” Twilight blushed and blinked quickly as she got to her feet, “I am comfortable, Luna. This just... new to me.”

Luna nodded. “New to me too. It’s been a long time since…” Luna looked away, her face dark for a moment before she flipped her hair back and flashed those gorgeous teal eyes. “Lets not talk about that though. We have the whole three day weekend ahead of us and my sister is safely on the other side of the continent!”

“And my folks on vacation.” Twilight blushed harder and she looked away from Luna to the small stack of tomato and bacon sandwiches on the table. They really did look delicious but at that very moment it wasn’t what she’d really rather be eating. That line of thought only made her blush grow hotter on her cheeks and Twilight quickly moved to take a seat at Luna’s small dining table.

‘Want something to drink?” Luna opened her fridge and made a show of checking the contents while pointing her posterior at Twilight.

Or maybe she didn’t, Twilight wasn’t really sure she was a good judge of subtle seductive nuance at the moment. Was it getting warmer in here?

“I have water, milk, soda.” Luna looked back over her shoulder with a sly smile. “I have rum and tequila too, if you want it.”
Twilight sputtered for a moment as she registered what she was being offered. Wasn’t there supposed to be playful banter in a healthy relationship? She was sure she’d read that somewhere.

“V-vice principal Luna! Are you trying to ply a student with alcohol? Such a scandal Canterlot High has never seen before!” Twilight grinned with pride for a moment before affecting a mock look of shock. “Besides, if you’re trying to get me out of my skirt, you only need ask nicely.”

Twilight giggled as she watched Luna blush and bristle while she pulled a couple of sodas from the fridge. The older woman took a moment to compose herself and took a seat next to Twilight and set the cold cans on the table with the sandwiches.

After a moment, Luna looked Twilight in eye, teal meeting deep purple. “Twi...I really like you. I know this is a new thing for both of us, but I want this...I want us to be based on more than just some mutual interests and sex.”

“It’s really good sex. N-not that I’m speaking from experience! I-I mean I’ve seen some porn - like once or twice - it j-just seems that it’s…I just really like it…” Twilight swallowed hard and fumbled for her drink to keep her hands occupied.

“Yes, well,” Luna chuckled lightly and grabbed one of the sandwich slices, “it is good sex. Really good. Speaking from experience.”

Luna bit into her little slice of bacony heaven and munched quietly for a moment. “Wait, you’ve watched porn?”

Twilight shoved half of her own sandwich in her mouth and nodded slowly as she chewed and swallowed. “Uh...um, I might...uh, I might have done a tensy bit of research since you invited me over last weekend.”

Luna blinked, stunned for a moment before she leaned in and pulled Twilight into a hug. “Oh Twi! That is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me! See? It’s the little stuff, like that, that I want us to have! I want us to know each other, to be friends just as much as bedroom gymnastics partners.”

Luna sighed and hugged Twilight close. “I want to be loved again, no matter how weird I am.”

“I want that too, Luna.” Twilight wrapped her arms around the person she was coming to think of more and more as her girlfriend. “I think I love you...really, I’m just not sure. I’m just new at this and you’re still just so pretty and mature and out of my league.”

“Don’t say that.”

“It’s true.” Twilight sighed and breathed in the scent of Luna’s hair and skin. She could smell the lightest hint of mint and some sort of flowery perfume and underneath it all the scent of a woman. “Sometimes I fear this is all a dream.”

“You aren’t asleep, Twilight. I’m just as real as anyone and my feelings for you are real too. Never doubt that.” Luna pulled back gently and looked into Twilight’s eyes again and planted a soft kiss on the girl’s lips. She became putty in Luna’s grip, Twilight’s body molding against Luna’s as much as their chairs would allow.

‘Wow...Luna, you are worse than the boys at school. I could seriously fall for you forever…”

Luna smirked and fixed Twilight with a cheesy bedroom leer. “I’m worse than the entire football team, sweetheart. Just wait til you get a look at my toy chest!”



The wind howled against the mouth of the cave in the mountainside as a icy storm thrashed against the rock and wound through the desolate peaks. Water dripped and echoed loudly, creating a steady beat that resounded throughout the cave.

A metal shod hoof reached up and clung tightly to the lip of the cave entrance. It slid uncertainly on the icy stone, before finding purchase on the uneven crag. Muscle rippled beneath black fur and a pitch black alicorn heaved herself up with a grunt, collapsing against the floor of the cave. She allowed herself a moment to breathe before dragging herself further into the dark crevice, away from the howling gales and biting cold.

Shudders wracked the alicorn’s body. Blood dripped slowly from fresh wounds and slashed skin. Cracked and twisted shreds of armour still clung to her chest, legs, and head. Her battered wings hugged a small purple body tightly to her side.

A hacking cough racked her body. She was alive – barely. That wasn’t important, though, not as important as her precious cargo.
The Nightmare slumped against the wall and numbly unfurled her wing. A muddy and bloody purple alicorn slipped out from beneath it, and she hugged her tightly to her body and wrapped her wings around her to conserve heat.

The Nightmare couldn’t feel anything at first, and she fell so very, very close to losing what sanity still remained. But she pushed the dark thoughts away and went about cleaning the comatose body of Twilight Sparkle carefully and lovingly with her tongue, grooming her hair and mane and licking away the blood and mud that coated her.

Then, she felt it – the faint beat of a heart inside Twilight’s chest. Tears stung the edges of the Nightmare’s eyes, but she didn’t bother to wipe them away. Instead, she slumped over, and curled up around her love.

There was silence in the cave, save for the steady drum of the water and the matching thud of Twilight’s heart in the Nightmare’s ears.

Twilight began to stir. Nightmare opened one teal eye and watched her features shift and her eyes open, slowly. Twilight looked at her, purple eyes glazed over with pain, and there was fear there.

Nightmare– Luna– Whoever she was now, she stroked her love’s hair and shushed her as she began to whimper. Her horn glowed and the battered and cracked champron slid off her head and dissipated into ether once more.

“Luna…?” Twilight whispered. “Is that you?”

Teal eyes flickered to draconic slits and back again. “Yes, dear.” She tried a smile. “‘Tis Us, in the flesh.”

“I… I thought I was…”

“No, Twilight. You’re okay. We’re all okay.” Luna repressed a sob and hugged Twilight tighter. “It’s over now. It’s all over.”

Twilight whimpered and pushed her feebly away. “B-But you’re hurt! Luna, you’re bleeding!”

“It doesn’t matter.” Luna held her close and whispered reassuring nothings into her ear. “It’s okay, Twilight. Just rest.”

The cave was quiet again. Liquid shadows mixed with blood as they ran down Luna’s back and pooled in the cracks of the cave. Her mane dimmed and corporealised as the magic receded.

“...What happened to Sombra…?” Twilight asked quietly. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was laboured. Luna didn’t say anything at first, just lit her horn and swept a healing spell across Twilight’s bruised and broken body.

“We’re going to be okay, Twilight.” Luna repeated. Twilight nodded. She understood.

Luna’s magic went out with a small, pitiful spark. She collapsed again, breath escaping with an ominous rattle in her lungs. Her light blue mane fell limp across her face and clumps of black shadow still stuck to her indigo coat.

“Luna!” Twilight tugged at her with her hooves. “Luna, wake up!”

Luna didn’t respond.

Twilight choked on a sob. This couldn’t be happening. Not now, not after all they’d done to survive. She lit her horn and gathered the darkness that coated the floor around them. The shadow mixed with her magic, dying it a thick black. Ignoring the pain that threatened to tear her horn apart, Twilight wrapped her and Luna in a thick cocoon of solid dark magic, cutting off the unearthly cold and the howls of the blizzard outside.

And as the spell finished, Twilight collapsed onto her marefriend and blacked out.



Just past midnight, Twilight found herself in the same position she had been in for the past several nights, pouring over endless texts and comparing the data she found with her telescope. While it wasn’t imperative that she spend every night on the task, she felt that nothing was quite as satisfying, even sleep eluded her when she knew she could be making progress on her study.

She grinned as she finished comparing the final page. It was a heavy old tome that required her to learn ancient Gryphonic to properly translate. However it was all worth it as it allowed her to avoid seeking help. While a certain princess would be more than willing to help her, Twilight wanted to keep the project a secret.

Twilight stifled a tiny yawn as she realized what time it was. The determination that was keeping her awake at such an hour fled upon finishing the task set before her. She might get an entire nights rest for once, something that was sounding very nice. After all, it was hard to sleep at night when thats when your marefriend decided to visit.

Twilight hear soft wingbeats before the clattering of hooves upon the balcony announced the arrival of the princess of the night. Twilight grinned and finished recording the last bit of information on the pages and closed the leather journal and light bound its securing ribbon of cloth.

Luna made her way to the smaller alicorn and laid on some preplaced pillows next to her body. Twilight was pulled into the larger mares hooves and flushed as her left ear was lightly nipped.

“Court was incredibly dull tonight, love. You should stop by some time and liven things up, I never see you there anymore” pouted the princess.

Twilight giggled and nuzzled her snout into the mares neck, comfortingly.

“I’m sorry I haven’t been there in a while. I’ve had a project I’ve been working on for a while now and I finally finished it tonight. I was planning on giving it to you tomorrow, but now is just fine to.”

Twilight turned and faced the older mare who was still holding her. She levitated the journal she wrote in and handed it off to her. Luna carefully removed the cloth and began reading through the journal, what she saw made her jaw drop. It was the remaining star charts thought to be lost to the ages.

“T-Twilight, how did you get this? You’ve saved me once again, I will finally be done fixing my night!”

“A long time ago I assisted a Gryphon scholar with a project to help purify the rivers polluted from river flow in the gryphon territories. Ever since then he has owed me a favor. It turned out his family is a line of tactician and scholars dating back to when you…left. Soldiers found it easier to travel at night, using the stars to guide them instead of marking cliffs and mountains. So they would often record the positions. It took a while to find them and translate. But he got me the original charts. I love you Luna, and want your night to be as perfect as you are. Happy Anniversary.”

Luna stared at the journal in silence for what felt like eons, before she finally spoke.

“Dearest Twilight Sparkle. Two years ago when you gave those charts, you gave me hope on two things that I had deemed impossible. That I could fix my night, and more importantly, that I could love somepony again” Luna said, stroking the mares face with tears in her eyes.

“And now here we are, two years later, showing me the end of the tunnel I’ve been striving so long to reach. But before me is another realization, a new impossibility that will never be overcome or proven false. It is impossible for me to ever stop loving you. I can only hope this gift will tell you what words are unfit for.”

Luna placed her horn among Twilights locks and a flow of magic spread throughout. In Twilights mane, a light wind began to move her mane, and a familiar twinkling began to appear. Twilight gasped as she realized what happened. Luna had given her stars.

“L-Luna, are you…?” Twilight began as her breathing quickened.

“Yes dear Twilight I wish to share not only my heart, but my night. Not just for now, but forever. Twilight Sparkle, will you marry me?”

Luna only had a moment to place the journal out of harms way as Twilight dove on top of her, burying her in a flurry of yes's and kisses.


Happenstance/Serendipitous 2 - Archonix
Original by Pearple Prose


When Twilight woke, it was to the scent of Evening Primrose and the warmth of tangled limbs and silk sheets. She inhaled as she drew closer to her lover's body, while her face sank deeper into a thick, dark expanse of hair.

In response Luna slid her hand across Twilights' arm – stretched over her chest and shoulder – and let out a contented sigh. "I seem to be in your side of the bed again," she murmured.

"It's your bed," Twilight replied from endless depths of Luna's hair. She yawned and smacked her lips, before trying to wet her mouth. "I don't know what we did last night, but I swear I'm seeing stars."

"We did nothing that we have not done before. You simply drank more than you should have."

Luna rolled languorously onto her front, exposing Twilight to the morning light that inched through the thick curtains of Luna's bedroom, along with the entirety of her slender frame. Her pale blue eyes came to rest on Twilight's face. The effect of her smile was ruined somewhat by the smear of lipstick across her cheek, but Twilight really didn't mind in the slightest, even despite the fact that the shade was totally unsuitable for Luna's complexion.

"I see that look," Luna said, with another smile. Twilight felt herself blush at the sight, not to mention the attention. How could this woman do this to her so easily?

"What look?"

Luna wiped a finger across her cheek, catching the lip stick. She stared at the bright colour staining her finger, frowning, as if some other thought had occurred to her. "The one you get when you don't know how to tell me something. Remember when I had that lump of spinach in my teeth? You spent half the evening picking at your gums and squishing your lips into all those adorable little shapes, I thought you were trying to tease me about what we would do together that night."

"I—um," said Twilight, as Luna stretched up to wipe her finger on a towel behind the bed, leaving her breasts to hang tantalisingly over Twilight's face. She blushed again.

"And the chair," Luna continued, once she had laid herself down again, and entirely oblivious to Twilight's dazed expression. "Though I'm not complaining much about the outcome there. Still, you need to tell people what you want more."

"I—I guess I could try," Twilight mumbled, though by now she was more concerned with the way her hand seemed to have developed a mind of its own and was sliding across the bed to Luna's torso. She watched, fascinated, as it inched slowly across the sheets.

"I suppose we should get up. Unfortunately I have a meeting with the board of directors this afternoon, otherwise I'd..." Luna looked down at Twilight's hand, which had stopped moving as she spoke. Rolling her eyes, she shuffled closer to Twilight, took her wrist and gently tugged the hand to her breast. "Otherwise I'd be able to spend the the whole day with you."

Twilight gave her hand an experimental twitch. It seemed to be behaving again, but she didn't really feel like moving it any more. "Oh. It's okay. You're still coming out with us this evening, right? My friends are starting to think I made you up."

"Ah yes, the main five..." Luna's smile broadened. "As long as you let me pay. I'd be remiss to—"

There was a loud crash of a slamming door in the hall, accompanied by muffled swearing that went on far longer than seemed strictly necessary. Twilight and Luna turned to face the bedroom door as the sound of footsteps approached, only to halt on the far side, and a moment later that door, too, crashed open and an elegant, almost regal figure stepped through, accompanied by a cloud of glittering light.


"Can't talk, home plumbing's busted, need a shower," Celestia grunted as she strode across the bedroom. Dust trailed from her hair, hanging in the sun like curtains of glittering light until it reached the floor, where it left a track of white talc across Luna's velvety dark carpet.

"Couldn't you use the one down the hall?"

"Your en-suite runs hotter," Celestia replied. She stopped in her tracks to stare at Twilight; the young woman abruptly tugged her hand from Luna's body and stuffed it under the sheets. "Huh. You could try and be a little more discreet, Lulu. And don't forget you and I have a meeting with the board this afternoon."


Celestia just laughed as she waltzed to the en-suite and slammed the door. A moment later they heard the hiss of running water, and a moment after that the first bars of a very loud rendition of Walking on Sunshine echoed through the door.

Luna sighed as she gathered the sheets up across her chest. She lay back. "You know, it's times like this that I weigh up the satisfacting of thumping her in the face against spending another six months in prison. The thump is winning."

Twilight settled back and lay her head on Luna's shoulder. She let her hand rest on Luna's stomach, her fingers gently tracing around Luna's navel, while her mind roamed over their plans for the evening. It was just a shame she'd not be able to—

"Wait. You went to jail? What for?"

"Well... I may have punched my sister. At a bar." Luna pulled the sheets over her head. "In front of two police officers and a newspaper reporter."


"In my defence, she'd just managed to steal my boyfriend. Again."


"Boyfriend." Luna shrugged. She dropped the sheets back to her chest and rolled to her side to face Twilight. "It was a very confusing time, and it was a long time ago as well, and to be honest I'd rather talk about something else instead."


"Twilight." Luna put her hand on Twilight's shoulder, before moving it to the side of her head. "We all have things in our past that we regret. Well. Mostly regret..." She sighed a wistful sigh and smiled. "The question is whether we remain bound by the past, or whether we grow toward the future. I do not resent my sister and as far as I'm aware she has chosen to forgive me as well, so I see no need to think of it as anything but an amusing anecdote.

I chose to grow," she concluded.

With those long, slender fingers teasing at her scalp, Twilight found herself barely able to think, and when she didn't respond, Luna leaned forward and kissed her gently on the forehead. Twilight managed a jerky half-nod in response, which only served to brush Luna's fingers deeper into her hair, and then tipped her head back to receive the kiss again.

When they broke, Luna glanced toward the shower with a raised eyebrow. Then, giggling, the pair fell at one another.

Luna would later remark that it was fortunate her sister had decided to take such an unusually long, loud shower.

Twilight didn't have the heart to explain.

“Luna?” called Twilight into the darken room of her marefriend.

“The balcony, Twilight.” answered Luna.

Twilight walked over to join Luna on the balcony. Once she reached her spot next to Luna, her marefriend wrapped a tight wing over back. Luna looked over at Twilight and her haggard expression, “So my suspicions are true, you’re still experiencing frustrations over the marriage law we had to pass into law a few back previous.”

Twilight sighed, “I am, I just didn’t want to agree to a law that would prevent same-sex couples from ever marrying. It has been difficult, when we’re together in public I just want to be close to you, treat you as we do when we’re alone together but we can’t. There’s only so much we could do together while outside my place or your’s and since the marriage law was repealed there seems to be more crackdown on same-sex couples in general, even more so than usual.”

Luna nodded, “I know it’s difficult, I do wish for us to be together but far too many ponies disagree with the notion of two mares or two stallions in a committed and deep relationship especially about making said relationship official through marriage. I do carry hope that things will change for the better, it has only been a few months and ponies are generally reluctant to change. We enjoy the consistency of our world, as the sun and the moon rise at their appointed time, as the weather arrives when it is scheduled, when the crops bloom and bear fruit in their correct seasons. Our world is one of consistency of a constant change we can count upon not of changes we can not, it will not be easy to alter the minds of ponies to accept new changes. Even if we were to force them to accept new laws, it would only exist in theory not in practice.”

Twilight pushed herself closer, “I know, but it’s frustrating. I want us to be public and it’s hard sometimes being around even friends and family, most have no idea we’re even together and I’m scared of how they would react if they found out.”

Luna nuzzled Twilight, “Change is never easy, with our structured world even more so. However some of our friends and family are aware and do support us. When we met on Nightmare Night we were strangers, I only knew you as my sister’s student and my saviour and little else. From you I’ve learned about friendship and our current relationship is because of our friendship. You taught me much about being a true friend and I’m certain if your friends were true they would come to understand or at least accept about us.”

Twilight returned the nuzzle, “Right, at this point only Celestia and Spike know for certain. Celestia was a bit shocked at first but she understood. Spike also understood although I’m guessing it’s because of his own feelings for a relationship that likely will never come to fruition.”

Luna snortd, “Sister of course understood, her own tysts over the centuries included some interesting paramours and so I had little doubt she would support us. From what you told me of Spike, he grew up in your company and mine sister’s, he too would be more understanding about unusual relationships especially as he is a dragon who holds you a pony in high regards and shares with you a very close relationship.”

“Spike would understand, he’s been with me through everything since the day I hatched him. He’s been with me through the good and the bad and he’s been one of my strongest supporters through everything. My friends, I’ve only known them for a few years but I do hope they would understand. It’s my family I’m worried about, Cadance is almost like love ponified but she’s open minded about relationships and so I have little doubt she’ll accept it, Shining may take a little time but I think he’ll come around, but my parents are more traditional so I’m also scared of their reactions.”

Luna still with her wing draped over the lavender mare’s back leaned to kiss her, “Regardless of what happens I will be here for you. But I asked you here for another reason. The future is uncertain but there is hope, I hope to allay some of your fears but showing you something.”

Twilight turned to her attention to the mare she was cuddling with, “Now I’m curious, what do you have planned?”

Luna smiled, “A power of mine is the ability to walk the Dreaming Plains, for me it is much easier but others may learn in time, although I rarely enter the dreams of most unless one is in the throes of a nightmare but I am capable of glimpses of what one may dream of.” Luna turned her head to look at Twilight directly, “There are ponies, few in number but some who dream of greater equality much like you do. Some are like us, in a same-sex relationship but can not express themselves for fear of the repercussion but others are not in such a relationship but disagree with the repealed law. The dreamers are from all walks of life and some are in positions of power. I have watched Equestria closely since my return and this Equestria so different from what I once knew has changed greatly and is continuing to do so. It is far more open between ponies, between ponies and non-equines. The old guard who are set against same-sex marriages are a slowly dying breed, given time and some effort society will change. I wish to teach you Dream Magic, my reasons are twofold. So we may have more time together but also for me to give you hope, the hope that I feel that society is indeed changing and things will get better in time even if it does not seem like it. Perhaps in these brief glimpses we could have ideas of whom we may approach in time to aid in our efforts when the time comes.” Luna lit her horn, “So shall we?”

"Twilight Sparkle! So nice to see you again!" Came an authorative but smooth voice.

Twilight winced before she turned around to see her secret lover grinning at her.

"V- vice principal Luna!" Twilight looked around her nervously. She always got nervous when she was out in public with her girlfriend. She was almost ten years older than her and if anyone found out... Oh gosh, was Luna wearing a tight black shirt? Oh my... Twilights vision was blurred as her girlfriend greeted her. Her blouse seemed to be just the right fit.And very, very attractive.

"Twilight? Are you alright?" Luna said, she had a look of concern on her face, but stayed professional since there were other people around the locker area.

Twilight shook herself out of her daydream and nodded quickly.

"Of course Luna!" She said in a fake cheery voice. "Gotta go, bye!" She turned and dashed out of the hallway before anyone could see her cheeks turning a deep crimson.

Phew! Twilight thought. I really hope we can keep this going... I really care about her. I don't want anything to ruin this relationship.

I .... I think I love her....

Meanwhile, Luna stood in front of the students locker area with a surprised look.

Twilight has been acting so strange lately. Thought Luna. She hardly has time to come over anymore, she avoids me all day long at school and she doesn't even say much when we are together in secret!

She used to be so crazy about Luna that Twilight was the one almost giving them away. It seemed to Luna that Twilight was getting bored of her.

This thought almost brought Luna to tears. All this time she figured she was the one who had control in this relationship. She was older after all. But Twilight made her so happy, she was starting to be more dependent on her purple student.

Luna walked back to her office in silence.

Maybe she has been realizing I'm too old for her and wants another girl her age. She has been hanging out with that one girl lately. What's her name? Applejack? Yes, I think that's her name. Thought Luna bitterly. Twilight and that southern girl were together alone a lot lately. Luna saw them walking home together for the past few days now. When she asked Twilight to come over to her house last week, Twilight had answered her saying she couldn't because Applejack and her were going to do a project together.

Luna quickly opened the door to her office and hurried inside. As soon as she sat at her desk, she covered her face with her hands.

Please, don't let this be true!

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