• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,099 Views, 714 Comments

Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab - Habanc

100-500 word prompt-based minifics from the TwiLuna group. Contains copious amounts of adorkableness.

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Teabaggin' - Knight of Cerebus

Written by: Knight of Cerebus


Luna stood amongst a pile of corpses, sniper rifle cocked upon her shoulder.

'HUZZAH! Such pitiful resistance is a pittance before the queen of the night! Approach my position with all your courage, male siblings!" Luna pressed her advantage, descending the stairs with a stolen machine gun.

"I have purchased your obedience in bullets, foals! 'Tis as our subjects do say! Ownage! Ownage!"

Luna ignored the buzz of comments to her side. Fiends! They would not distract her with idle chit chat!

A particularly difficult opponent by the name of "Eggyhead38" was finally downed when an ally began shooting at him from behind, causing him to break focus against her and return fire.

"Victory is ours!" Luna lowered her hips over the corpse of her fallen enemy's head, performing the custom ritual of victory in the modern era. Abruptly, her screen returned to the start menu. "WHAT?! WHAT IN THE NAME OF MY NIECE'S HAIRY NIP--" Luna cut her curse short, blinking at the notification in her inbox. "...What is...."griefing"?" Abruptly, a scroll materialized in her lap.

Dear Lulu,
Please stop shooting me when we play together.
Love, Twiley.

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