• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,101 Views, 714 Comments

Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab - Habanc

100-500 word prompt-based minifics from the TwiLuna group. Contains copious amounts of adorkableness.

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Satisfaction - Fuzzyfurvert

Written by: Fuzzyfurvert

Derpy pumped her wings harder as she climbed toward her delivery point. Thermal streams helped her ascend faster in the magically stilled air around the Ultra High Altitude Geo-Stable Observatory Cloud, but at this height there was serious risk of ice forming on her feathers or fur. Thankfully she only had a single envelope to haul along with a re-breather and an under-wing slung oxy tank.

Derpy released a grateful sigh when she finally set her hooves on the super dense cloud bank. She pulled her wings as close to her core as the tank and her mostly empty satchel would allow. The tip of the giant telescope glinted in the light of the setting sun from another three hundred meters above her, pointing into the black. She looked around, trying to spot a pony to give her envelope to.

Derpy shook her head and reached up to her chest to press the rubber bulb on the mail horn. A moment later two heavy parka covered ponies trotted out from thick mists, moving it aside with little flicks of their heads and the haze of unicorn magics.

“Hey Derpy! We weren’t expecting anyone until the next resupply run.” Princess Twilight Sparkle doffed her hood and smiled. “Did you bring news from Celestia?”

Derpy bowed as shallowly as manners allowed and shook her head. “Nope! I have something else for you Princess!” She did her best to return Twilight’s smile around the re-breather clutched in her teeth and opened her satchel.

“It just came in this afternoon. Supposed to go out with tomorrow’s mail and wait back at home but… since you’re fellow Ponyville alum,” Dery shrugged, “I figured I’d bring it by.”

“Aw, thanks Derpy!” Twilight pulled the mailmare into a tight hug that threatened to drive the oxygen she had left out of her lungs.

Twilight let her go after a moment and tore the envelope open, pulling out what looked like a short form letter. Derpy silently crossed her feather tips, hoping that she hadn’t accidentally delivered bad news.

Princess Luna leaned in and looked over Twilight’s shoulder at the note. “Well?”

Twilight whooped and jumped a good three feet in the air. “They’re going to publish it! The magazine is going to publish my paper on that superluminal object we found! It’s my first professionally published work!”

Twilight spun in place and grabbed Luna by the shoulders, knocking the older princess’ hood back. Luna smiled happily and laughed until her eyes went wide when Twilight pinned her in a lip lock. Luna took a step back but Twilight just continued to lean into her. The kiss slowly became less one sided and both mares blushed furiously when they finally parted.

Derpy blushed and scuffed the tip of one hoof into the cloud floor. “Well, glad it was good news. Hehe.” She turned and looked back at the princesses who were still trying to find their voices. “I think I’ll go see what Carrot Top is up to.”

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