• Published 7th Sep 2013
  • 6,099 Views, 714 Comments

Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab - Habanc

100-500 word prompt-based minifics from the TwiLuna group. Contains copious amounts of adorkableness.

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Happy - Fuzzyfurvert

Written by: Fuzzyfurvert

“Luna! Come quick! You’re not going to believe your eyes!” Twilight hopped in place, a huge grin stretching from ear to ear. Her wool-lined parka wobbled off her head as bounced in the middle of the hatchway that lead to the Princess’ personal chambers.

“What is it?” Luna raised her eyebrow and set her quill aside from where she had been writing. Twilight’s abrupt entrance a few seconds earlier had startled her and already a few blots of ink had splattered on the page she had been working on.
“You have got to see this for yourself! It’s unbelievable!” Twilight stomped her hooves and let out an excited whoop. She turned in the hatchway and wrenched open the outer hatch with a burst of magic before diving out into the night without so much as re-donning her hood. “C’mon! This is incredible!”

Luna groaned as she spared her work a final glance. It could wait. Twilight was likely to take a tumble out in the darkness in her youthful exuberance. She pulled on her own parka and closed both hatches to her temporary domicile as she made the short walk to the Observatory. She thanked her sister for the foresight to get enchanted parkas when she found Twilight inside the main viewing chamber shivering and trying to catch her breath. Twilight’s condition did not seem to calm her excitement any.

Twilight shuffled a dozen or so loose sheets of scroll parchment on the huge table. Each sheet was covered in her scratchy hoofwriting. Even the margins were filled in with equations on mass, density and particle distribution in vacuum. Twilight coughed, her lungs rattling with the effort and the air fogged considerably before it drifted to and merged with the cloud floor beneath them.

“What is it you wanted to show me, Twilight? Have you found another exo-planet to put under your claim?” Luna glanced up at the enormous telescope that loomed above them. Twilight has overseen every aspect of its construction, enchantment and placement here in the Ultra High Altitude Geo-Stable Observatory Cloud.

“This!” Twilight shoved two pieces of paper across the table.

Luna leaned down and examined the annotated math that drove Twilight to smile wider than Pinkie was even capable. She squinted, the numbers tumbling through her mind. It was impossible. Improbable. If any other pony had showed her such unbelieveable findings, Luna would have thrown them out on their plots. Not this mare however. Twilight Sparkle didn’t make errors this egregious.

“Are you sure?” Luna looked up, her eyes narrowed. “Really, really sure, Twlight? It’s not just some trick of light or angle of perspective?” Luna jabbed a hoof at the last number on the sheet in front of her. “This number cannot be, Twilight. It throws everything we know about the laws of our world out the window!”

“Oh I’m sure.” Twilight’s grin turned into a smirk as she gestured at the telescope. “Wanna look at it?”
“Buck yes I do!”

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