• Published 7th Sep 2013
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Dark Paradise: the TwiLuna Group Collab - Habanc

100-500 word prompt-based minifics from the TwiLuna group. Contains copious amounts of adorkableness.

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Kismet - Taranth

Written by: Taranth


"I wish he'd come home soon," asks a pegasus mare, the first petitioner at my Stellar Court tonight. I smile, and grant her wish, without ever laying eyes on her.

There are four princesses in Equestria, and as such there are four courts - Solar, Lunar, Crystal and Stellar - but they are four very different things, managed by four very different princesses.

The Solar court dealt with affairs secular - government, money, power, and so on, and was based in Canterlot. The Crystal court, as might surprise nopony, was one for matters of the heart, and primarily dealt in marriage and negotiation, and was firmly based in the Crystal Empire - though Cadance occasionally had a habit of appearing where she was needed, without warning or explanation.

It seems to be a thing about pink mares. Two data points is a trend, right?

The Lunar court, on the other hand, had no physical basis at all, and dealt in dreams and mysticism, secrecy and knowledge.

But my court is everywhere, throughout the night.

All you had to do was wish upon a star.

Magic. Friendship. Stars. Wishes. Fate. It all tied together, and though I might not be able to provide the direct rule of Celestia, the knowledge of Luna, or the empathy of Cadance, I could guide the stars themselves, the fates of ponies, and nudge...

Fate, destiny, kismet, call it what you will, but it held a lot of power over the lives of ponies. Before or after my ascension, there would have been few who understood that more than me.

The stars shimmer, and circumstances change... a path becomes easier, a yearning for home becomes stronger... and two long-separated ponies become fated to soon come together again.

I smile. Cadance would be pleased.

"I wish I can do well on my test tomorrow!" hopes a young unicorn stallion.

I laugh at that. On the one hand, it's kind of cheating... but I could appreciate a pony doing everything he could to do his best on the test.

As I gave him a boost to his focus, removing distractions and providing clarity, I realise I recognise the pony. Not personally, but... well, the funny thing about fate is that time is kind of an... optional thing. The stars exist beyond the time and space we know and understand, and provide their fate widely.

And though I received the wish tonight, and granted it tonight, the test in question was years ago. I remember seeing the touch of altered fate on him then, not knowing why - well, he seemed fairly happy then, so hopefully he'll take advantage of this opportunity...

"I wish I could get my cutie mark," wishes a young earth pony colt, staring out his window.

I chuckle - that was a common one. I remember, long ago, a young filly begging me for just that same thing, but at the time, there was nothing I could do…

Once, Celestia had told me, they were called 'kismet marks', the marks of fate; not even she or her sister knew when or who that got corrupted into the modern wording...

I could do it, now. I embody the twinkling points of fate, and I could force them to grant a cutie mark for that colt. I could probably even choose it myself, and he'd never truly know it had happened...

But of course, I would never twist fate like that. It's best to keep a light touch, because every fate touches every other fate around them. I didn't railroad ponies into their destinies - I had no intention of living a pony's life for them - but I could create opportunities, guidance...

And even though I didn't know that colt myself, nor what he sought to do, the stars knew him, and given instruction, gave him the opportunity... I wouldn't be surprised if, should chance lead me to see him in the weeks to come, he would be proudly displaying the new image on his flank...

"I wish my mother would get better," cries an earth pony mare to the heavens, from her rooftop.

My smile vanishes. Not all the wishes are happy, for fate had its limits, and this wish is beyond them.

The connections in the stars tell me that the mother has little time remaining. Perhaps I could extend that by a day or two with a bit of power, but at this time...

The heavens shift - with nothing more than a twinkle seen below - and bring a measure of peace to the crying mare, and to her mother. I link together her friends and other family, guiding them to stay close, to offer support in her time of need. It is the best I can do, and hopefully it will help them through their time of loss. I’ve never met the mare, or her mother, but I still have to hold back a tear or two.

I sigh, looking something more encouraging after that...

"I wish I had someone to love me," gripes a miserable young mare from a balcony.

Ahh, that was the sort of thing I was after.

I throw forth the nets of fate, letting the stars decide, setting in motion events that would lead a likely partner to this young mare. An easy piece of work, though the rest woul--


No, wait, what?

What is... ahhhhh!

Power! Power streaming out, as the heavens shake! I think I'm screaming, my horn is burning, the rest of my body numb as the careless change I set in motion cascades. I don't think I've ever handled power like this in a single spell before, not even when I had all the powers of the other three together, and it's only getting stronger!

The little part of my mind sitting aside and watching the torrents of power seems somehow detached, shunted out of my body to watch as if it's happening to somepony else. I can't even remember the last time I even felt the slightest bit drained from the use of magic, but right now I can feel my reserves growing emptier. The change is chewing through my magic like Pinkie through a five-layer cake, and I can't stop it, and if it doesn't stop soon I'm going to have nothing left and nobody will ever...

...And then it finally stops without warning, shoving my mind back in control of my body and leaving me to collapse in a heap on the ground, barely dregs left of my power, panting and unable to move.

What in Tartarus was that?

It was just a wish to find someone to love! What on earth would make that use enough power to tear the stars from the sky?

When I can focus again, I try to extend my mind back into the heavens, and soon enough find that that is apparently exactly what I have done. Instead of the subtle movements that guide fate, my magic has torn stars from their places, setting them free-wheeling on a new path. One, two, three… no, four stars... why does that sound familiar?

Who made that wish?

I follow it back to its source, seeking more knowledge of the wisher, and see a young, purple unicorn mare - barely into adolescence - slumped miserably on Canterlot castle's balcony... her dark mane blending into the night except for a pink streak o--



Oh Celestia, I remember... I'd been excited to hang out with Shiny, but he'd been dragged off by Cadance... and Celestia was busy, and so were my teachers... and I didn't have any other friends yet...

It had just been a little lonely fit of teenage angst, years before I had even first gone to Ponyville. Forgotten the next day, when I'd gone to visit my parents, but I just had that one little moment of feeling lost, alone and unloved...

And I'd wished, without thinking...

But, why would that tear free four stars from the sky, to...

And then suddenly the door to my chambers crashes open, tearing me away from the stars and the past to the present, and the presence of a mighty Alicorn warrior.

Luna blazes with power, the sparks of her etheral mane hissing and flicking, clad in armour of darkness and wielding a blade of moonlight and energy, an avenging valkyrie staring around the room.

"Twilight Sparkle! What has happened here? We felt your surge from Canterlot and feared you under attack! Are you hurt?"

And I stare at the dark mare before me, who had rushed to my defence, from Canterlot to Ponyville in minutes, ready to smite...

The fates... the stars didn't demand, or force... they just provided opportunities. And the best opportunity for love for me had brought about...

The stars shall aid in her escape.

Unable to help myself, I burst out laughing. Still weak from the incredible working I had wrought, I lose my balance entirely and collapse to one side, laughing joyously, as a bemused Luna looks on.

"Are you well, Twilight? What has happened here?" Her armour and weapon begin to fade away as she sees no immediate danger, and trots over to me to help me up.

As I finally regain control of myself I let her guide me to my hooves, looking over the mare before me in a new light as she checks me for hurt. She’s rather beautiful - of course she is, she’s one of the Princesses - but I’ve never before found my eyes lingering across her star-speckled form as they do now. Of course, I probably look a mess - using that sort of power is never easy on the mane.

It had been a wish in the heat of the moment, given with all the conviction of a spurned teenager but forgotten soon after, given no more thought in all the years since. I'd not given any consideration to such matters since I ascended, let alone with Luna, but...

Opportunity is opportunity, and who am I to argue with the kismet I give myself?

"I think..." I smile knowingly as I meet the eyes of the confused and worried Princess of the Night. "I think it might possibly have been the start of something beautiful."

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