• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,800 Views, 1,601 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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A New Day Part 2

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

A New Day part 2

Canterlot Castle
Outside the Barracks

Rainbow Dash stood outside the imposing gates of Canterlot Castle's barracks, her hooves carrying her back and forth as she waited impatiently. Her wings twitched with anticipation as she once again scanned the area, looking for any sign of the friend that was due for release.

After some time, heavy doors creaked open, and out stepped Gilda, her feathers ruffled and her expression a mix of defiance and resignation, despite her situation. It would soon shift, however, as the griffin spotted the rainbow maned mare waiting for her, her eyes widening in surprise.

As quick as a flash of light, the mare moved, landing in front of her griffin friend with a smile as wide as the day was long. " Gilda! Haha… Fancy meeting you here."

The griffin blinked, momentarily taken aback by Rainbow's words. "Dash? What are you doing here?"

“What? You’re acting like this is the first time I waited for you to come out of jail.” The blue mare smirked. “Remember the time you had a few too many ciders at that dive bar a few years ago.” She laughed. “It took four pegasi guards to hold you long enough to cuff you!”

Gilda's feathers puffed up defensively at her old friend’s teasing, but a small smirk tugged at the corners of her beak. "Oh, quit it, Dash. That was one time!" She huffed, shaking her head in mock exasperation. "You stupid ponies shouldn’t make your cider so dang good if you don’t want a rampaging drunk griffon running around."

“Or maybe you should hold your cider in better.” The rainbow maned mare countered with a smirk, her hoof gently hitting her friend’s shoulder. “How’s it feel to be a free bird, Gil?”

Gilda rolled her eyes at Rainbow’s pun, but smiled all the same. "Ha…It feels good to be out, that's for sure, even if that dark princess pony set me up with a comfortable cell. First class bed and everything. Still…not being able to spread my wings was the worst.” She turned towards the mare, “Still can’t believe you came here to wait for me though."

The rainbow maned mare nudged the griffin playfully. "Hey, what are friends for? Besides, who else is going to make sure you don't cause chaos in town like you did in Ponyville?"

Gilda winced before looking away, rubbing the back of her neck with a claw. “Yeah…geeze…Okay… you got a point there,” With a sigh, she cast a soft gaze towards the blue pegasus. “Hey…ah…Dash…speaking of about then…I…ah…”

Another shoulder punch caused the griffon to epp, the blue mare giving her a soft smile. “Water under the bridge, Gil. Though I think apologizing to Pinkie would be the best form of punishment.”

Gilda's beak opened and closed several times at Rainbow’s words. With a deep breath, both in and out, she finally managed to speak, "Yeah, she did kind of take the brunt of my bad mood that day. I owe her one... or maybe ten." Gilda's voice held a hint of sincerity that surprised even Rainbow Dash.

“Oh wow…that's surprisingly big of you, Gilda.” The mare paused before looking at her friend with playful squinting eyes. “Are you sure you’re still not under a spell or something?”

The griffin let out a scoff but couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at her beak. “Don’t get used to it, Dash. I’m just saying…after everything…I owe her…and I am trying to be less of a grump...”

"Well a less grumpy Gil is always welcomed…as long as you stay the coolest griff I know.”

“As if you know any other that’s cooler!”

Rainbow Dash chuckled, the tension between them easing as they fell into their familiar banter. "Hey now, I do know a few pretty cool griffs, but you're right up there at the top, Gil."

Gilda's feathers puffed up proudly at Rainbow Dash's words, a rare smile gracing her beak. "Well, someone has to keep you ponies on your hooves and your feathers ruffled, right?”

“I think ruffled feathers are the last thing we need right now, Gil.” The mare mused before she looked towards her friend. “Subject change though…How ya feeling…ya know…without Starlight’s freaky mind control magic messing up your brain.”

"Yeah, it's... weird. Like waking up from a really bad dream," she admitted, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. "But that dark purple pony…ah…the other one with the wings and horn. She told me no lasting effects so…got a clear bill of health. And hey…even got off scott free for hurting your stallionfriend, Spiky."

“So- that dork isn’t my stallionfriend, Gilda!” The mare hissed. “He’s cool and stuff in his own dorky way but me and him are like…best buds at best!” Rainbow huffed as she turned away from her friend. “Sides, Thought I told you Fluttershy already had dibs on him for a while.” She smiled as she turned back to Gilida. “In fact, they already started dating.”

“Woah…Thats…Wild.” Gilda stepped a little closer to the mare. “You…ah…sure you’re okay with that though?”

"Why wouldn’t I be? I mean... Fluttershy deserves to be happy, right? And Sora is a great guy... I'm happy for them both." the mare frowns. “Why do you even need to ask that?”

“Hey. It may have been a long while but I do know you better than you know yourself you know, Dash” The griffon grunted as she looked away from her friend. “That Sora dude, I told you before…he totally reminds me of Locke and you know it.”

The mare went quiet for a moment before she huffed and turned away from her friend. “They aren’t alike at all, Gilda…Last time. Drop it.”

Gilda could see the tension in Rainbow Dash's body language, the way her usually vibrant aura dimmed ever so slightly. Seeing that it was more than just a touchy topic at the moment, the griffin decided to drop it, wrapping a claw around her friend. “Hey okay. Sure. Whatever you say Dash. So…is there a place to get grub around this stuff pony palace or am I gonna starve.”

The mare sighed before shaking her head, a smile playing across her lips, her mood shifting like a cloud in a breeze. “You and food. I swear…come on, I know a place we can eat and not have to deal with any of those fancy pancy royals.”


“Haha…no really. I didn’t even know she was a girl when I first met her.” Sora laughed. “It took Goofy pointing it out for me to even notice.”

Fluttershy’s melodious laugh filled the air, despite the mare trying her best to cover her mouth with a hoof. “Oh…Oh dear…eheh…It must have been quite the shock for you to find out…I can’t even imagine.”

The two ponies had finished their meal long ago, having fallen into a comfortable conversation that seemed to flow effortlessly between them. Having put themselves in a quiet corner of the Castle’s cafe beforehand, the two had, after a small bit of awkward silence, began asking about each other’s home lives, sparking tales of adventure, laughter, and even a few embarrassing moments.

One such time was the very thing Sora was relaying to the mare now.

“You can say that again.” The stallion leaned back in his chair. “I’ve never been so surprised in my life…and I travel to all kinds of places for a living.” The stallion smiled, as he folded his hooves across his chest. “You totally gotta meet her. I’m sure the two of you would get along great. Oh and also Mushu. He’s a funny little dragon.”

Fluttershy's gentle laughter was infectious, filling the air with a sense of warmth and comfort. She reached out to touch Sora's hoof lightly, a small smile playing on her lips. "I would love to meet your friends one day Sora…I mean…if that's okay with you.”

Sora's smile widened, his eyes reflecting genuine warmth as he gazed at Fluttershy. "Of course it's okay with me. Can’t think of a reason for you not to visit. Besides, I’m sure you'd get along really well with everyone." He paused, his expression turning slightly more serious. "But just a heads up, Donald can be a bit standoffish at first. And he's got a bit of a temper at times, but he’s a good guy deep down.” Sora chuckled softly, thinking of his feisty duck companion.

“I’m sure he means well.” The shy mare spoke, defending his friend. “We all have our rough edges sometimes but from what I remember of your stories…he really seems like a nice pony…or…ah…duck.” She frowned a bit. “I’m still wrapping my head around his species…”

“Haha…It was weird at first for me too but I got used to it. I was hopping from world to world after all. Besides, I’m sure you know that friends come in all shapes and sizes…” He smirked at the mare. “I mean…one of your best friends is a giant bear….ah…what was his name again?”

"Oh, you mean, umm, Harry the Bear?” The timid mare answered with a smile, “Hehe I can’t say that you’re wrong…He is a bit big and intimidating to some, but he has the kindest heart you’ll ever see." Her eyes sparkled as she leaned forward. “You really haven’t met him officially have you? You should do so when you have time. I’m sure he will love you.”

The stallion rubbed the back of his head as he spoke. “I mean…I can try. Never shook hands with a bear before but…I did know a lion so I can’t be that different.”

“Oh! That's right…You did say you knew one before…a lion I mean. Um…His name was…Simba, right?” The timid mare asked.

“Yeah. He helped me back when I first started my journey and I helped him save his homeland.” The stallion leaned back, placing both of his hooves behind his head. “I wonder how he’s holding up…hope he’s okay.”

Fluttershy giggled softly at Sora's remark. "Well, if Simba is anything like you, I'm sure he's doing just fine. You both seem to have that same brave and kind-hearted spirit."

The stallion blushed, scratching his cheek softly at the compliment. “Hehe…I don’t know about that…but thanks all the same, Shy.” Looking over towards her, he couldn’t help but notice that she was looking right at him with a curious gaze, more intensely than he was used to. “Huh…what’s up?”

“Oh…um…no it's just…” The mare blushed, rubbing her foreleg gently. “I mean…it's nothing.”

Sora's eyes softened as he looked at the mare. "You know you can tell me anything, Shy. If I did something to offend you…”

“No! Nothing like that Sora.” The mare quickly denied. “It's just…it's nice seeing you happy.”

The stallion blinked. “H-Huh? I mean it's been a wild few days but…I thought for sure I've been pretty happy lately.”

“It’s…well…It’s hard to explain” She looked away. “You’ve always been so kind and positive to everypony else…it just…feels different now for some reason.”

“I…well…I don’t feel any different.” He told her, his ears folding back slightly . Except for the fact I don’t have my human form anymore. He spoke the last part within his mind, a frown forming on his face. Does…she suspect something…or…

His growing fears were alleviated as the mare quickly shook her head, feeling as if she nearly offended him. “Oh…I didn’t mean anything weird by it…and…Maybe it's nothing…It's just…I mean…Sorry…”

The stallion, relaxing a bit, shook his head as well, “H-Hey, it's not like it's a big deal.” he told her, waving a hoof. “If you say I changed for the better then no need to worry about it. I’ll take that over changing for the worst any day.” And it really does seem like she didn’t know…at least as far as I can tell…

“O…Okay. And sorry again.” She looked down at her empty plate. “A-Anyway. I’m stuffed. Are you?”

"Same. Can’t believe how good the food is here. Been a while since I ate so much.” Slipping from his chair, he made his way around the table towards the mare. “Wanna go see what the others are doing. I get the feeling Twilight been wanting to talk to me for a while now...” He frowned as he folded his hooves across his chest. “It's a wonder she didn’t come and get me yet.”

“I’m…um…sure there’s a good reason if she hasn’t. Twilight did know about…well…um…us after all…before we started…d-dating…” Fluttershy's voice trailed off as she mentioned their relationship, a shy smile playing on her lips. “I-If anything she properly just wanted to give us time to ourselves…”

The stallion thought about it for a moment before placing both of his forehooves behind his head, a wide toothy grin forming on his face. “Yeah, you're probably right. That does sound like something Twilight would do-” Sora's eyes widened in surprise at what he was saying,his gaze flying quickly towards the mare in front of him, "Wait...Twilight knew you liked me!?"

Fluttershy's face turned a bright shade of pink, her eyes widening as well. "Oh...um...w-well, yes... I mean, she did say Applejack told her but-”

"Wait...Applejack told her?" Sora interrupted, his eyes widening even more.”She knew too?”

The time mare nodded, her blush deepening. "Y-Yes, Twilight told me Applejack figured it out before even I knew. She noticed how I acted around you and, well, she has a way of picking up on those things. I Guess…your friends would really know you better than yourself at times…”

The stallion smiled, placing both of his hooves behind his head as he leaned back. "Yeah, I get what you mean. My best friend Riku is the same way. He always seems to know what I'm thinking or feeling before I even say anything. It's a little annoying sometimes, but it's also kinda nice, knowing someone's got your back like that." He frowned a bit. “Even if they can…never mind.” He turned towards the mare. “Lets get. I need to stretch my wings anyway.”

Fluttershy opened her mouth to ask what he was about to say but thought better of it. She decided that if he wanted to tell her, he would when he was ready. Instead, she gave him a gentle smile as she slipped from her chair. Moving beside the stallion, she gently brushed her wing against Sora's own, a shy but affectionate gesture that sent a flutter of warmth through him and at the same time gaining his attention.

“Is…something wrong, Shy?”

The timid mare shook her head as she looked down, "No…um…it's just…I…Um…I guess this would be our first official date then?” She asked softly.

Sora's cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson at her words, a sudden realization dawning on him. This had been more than just a friendly outing—it had been their first date as a couple. "Yeah... I guess it is our first date," he managed to say, trying to keep his voice steady despite the sudden rush of unfamiliar emotions. “It…was…haha…fun.”

“It…was…fun. I had fun, I mean.” The mare squeaked softly. “I…hope we can do this again sometime.”

“Definitely.” The stallion answered with a smile and a nod. “Maybe make it a picnic next time, like we promised?”

Fluttershy's eyes lit up at the mention of a picnic, her smile widening with excitement. "Oh, a picnic sounds wonderful! I'll make sure to bring some delicious treats for us to share. Maybe we can even invite some of our friends to join us. I know Rarity says it's not a date but…It would be nice to have everyone together…um…without…you know…the world being in danger…"

“Haha…Tell me about it…” He sighed softly before shaking his head. “Guessing That won’t be for a while now…still. It’ll happen. That I can at least promise you.”

She smiles and nods. “It's a promise then."


Twilight Sparkle sat nestled among the rows of towering bookshelves that filled the grand library of Canterlot Castle. Soft morning light casts a warm glow over the pages of the ancient tome she was engrossed in, her violet eyes scanning the intricate text with rapt attention. Her ears flicked at the sound of approaching hoofsteps, signaling the arrival of company.

Looking up, she spotted Sora and Fluttershy making their way towards her. Sora, with his vibrant mane and confident stride, waved enthusiastically, his smile stretching from ear to ear. Beside him, Fluttershy peeked out from behind the curtain of her long, pastel-pink mane, her gentle smile a contrast to Sora's exuberance.

"There you are Twi!" The keyblade wielder called out as they drew closer. "We’ve been looking all over for you?" He paused before giving the lavender mare a wide smirk, both of his hooves flying behind his head as he leaned back, “Well…It was only two places actually…your room and then here since we both know you’re kind of a giant bookworm and stuff.”

Twilight closed the heavy tome in front of her, pouting slightly at the stallion’s remark. “You do know I don’t spend all day in the library, right.”

“I…well…yes…but…maybe half the day?” The timid voice beside Sora spoke up before pressing herself against the stallion’s side. “N-Not that there's anything wrong with that Twilight…It’s just…well…you being Twilight.”

The lavender mare opened her mouth and then closed it again before allowing a heavy sigh her lips. She used her magic to pick up a rolled up scroll before gently hitting the stallion on top of his head a few times. “Bad Sora. Stop corrupting Fluttershy with your wit.”

The stallion laughed, rubbing the top of his head where the scroll had lightly tapped him. "Gah! I didn’t even do anything. She said it herself.”

“Bad. Influence.” The mare repeated before giving the pair a smile.”That aside it’s good to see you both.I know I told Fluttershy last night but, still, congratulations are in order for the both of you.”

Sora’s cheeks flushed at Twilight's words, feeling a mix of embarrassment and happiness at the same time as he looked away, raising a hoof and rubbing the side of his head. "Hehe…Thanks, Twilight." He glanced over at the timid mare, who was blushing but beaming with joy as well. “Still in the early stages but…Can’t say I’m not having fun.”

The lavender mare nodded before standing up from her chair. “That's good to know. Like I said, happy for the both of you.” She frowned a bit, a serious tone edging into her voice before she spoke again. “But back to more important matters. There’s a bit I have to talk to you about our next move in…well…everything that’s going on honestly.”

"Does…it have something to do with Grogar?" The keyblade wielder asked, the fur on his chest puffing out a bit as he frowned.

Twilight shook her head. “Of that I don’t know myself. We only have the report that the Diamond Dog’s gave Princess Luna after all.”

Sora blinked. “Huh? Diamond…dogs?”

“Oh! That's right.” Twilight blushed as she smiled awkwardly. “You wouldn’t know what they were, would you.” She cleared her throat, both stallion and mare in front of her knowing that she was going into lecture mode, "The Diamond Dogs are a species of canine-like creatures that tend to live underground, though that is not always the case. They're known for their affinity for gems and their extensive network of mines.”

“So like…they dig for diamonds and stuff?” The stallion asked.

Twilight nodded, pleased that Sora was engaging with the information. "Exactly! Diamond Dogs are known for their love of gems, particularly diamonds, which they mine from deep underground. They have a unique society and culture, with a hierarchy led by an alpha dog. They're usually quite territorial and can be wary of outsiders, but they're not inherently aggressive."

“Um…well…” Fluttershy spoke up, raising her hoof as if she were in a classroom. “The ones that were near Ponyville…they did kidnap Rarity though…”

“W-What!?” Sora barked out in shock. His eyes widened as he exchanged a worried glance with The yellow mare. “Are you serious? Why would they do something like that?”

“Well…it was because of Rarity’s ability to find gems.” Twilight answered with a cough. “She may be into fashion but her ability to find gems for said fashion is second to none. A skill like that would be highly coveted by anyone who would be looking for gems, let along the diamond dogs.”

“Wow…she must have been scared out of her mind.” The stallion thought, picturing the usually elegant and composed Rarity in a situation of distress.

“Well…maybe…” Fluttershy spoke, “But…well…by the time we got there, the diamond dogs honestly wanted to give Rarity back to us…She…pretty much defeated them all by…um…well…just being Rarity I guess.”

Sora blinked before closing his eyes in deep thought. After a while he nodded. “Yep…I can see that happening if it's Rarity.”

"I'm sorry, darling, what is it that you can see happening now?"

Startled, The stallion turned to find the very mare they were talking about standing right behind him, her elegant form poised with curiosity, one delicate eyebrow raised inquisitively and in accusation in his direction.

"Uh, R-Rarity!" Sora stammered, caught off guard by her sudden appearance. "I-I was just saying that I could imagine you handling the situation with the Diamond Dogs... um, with your usual grace and poise I’m pretty sure."

The mare clicked her teeth. “You’re getting sharper on the excuses, Sora. Guess Hanging around Rainbow Dash and Applejack nearly all day would do that…” She smiled as she made her way towards him, placing a hoof on his chest. “Still won’t get you off the hook for whatever it was that you were thinking though.”

The stallion lowered his head. “Drat…”

“Sora’s imminent doom aside,” Twilight spoke, making her way towards the stallion. “The Diamond Dogs we are meeting have nothing to do with the ones that had kidnapped Rarity. Actually, they are two queens.”

“Two…queens?” Sora repeated, raising an eyebrow in confusion.

“Indeed. Sisters actually.” The lavender mare explained. “They split their queendom into two, one ruled by Jennino Lanternlight and the other by her sister Katherina Proudpaws.”

“Split into two? Why did they go and do that?” The stallion asked, both Rarity and Fluttershy looking towards Twilight for clarification as well.

“I’ll get into that when the Applejack and Pinkie Pie get here.” Twilight responded. “As much as I don’t mind, I would rather all of us be here when we talk about what we’re going to do next. That includes Rainbow too. Speaking of.” She turned towards the white fashionsita. “Were you able to find her Rarity?”

“Actually,” Sora interrupted before the fashionista could say anything, “Fluttershy said she went to visit Gilda. Right, Shy?”

The timid mare nodded, her voice soft as she spoke up. "Yes, she mentioned her friend was getting out of custody today and wanted to be there for her.”

Rarity's gaze softened, understanding the significance of Rainbow Dash wanting to support her friend. "Ah, I see. It's so like Rainbow Dash to stand by her friends no matter what. I do hope Gilda is doing well after her ordeal."

“Same…” Sora spoke, touching his chest softly an action that didn’t go unnoticed by a pair of turquoise eyes. The shy yellow mare pushed herself a little closer to the stallion, her wing unconsciously brushing against his side in a comforting gesture. Sora glanced at her, a small smile forming on his lips at the silent support she offered.

“So when do our pink and orange friends make their grand appearance?” The curly maned mare asked with a tilt of her head.

The lavender mare checked the time on a nearby clock. “If the trains are running correctly, it would be half past noon when they arrive. Leaving a small margin of error of course.”

“Then we wait?” Sora asked, looking around at his friends

Twilight nodded in response to Sora’s question. “Yes, for now, we wait. It’s important that we all hear the plan together, and that everyone is on the same page.”

The stallion leaned back, his hooves behind his head, letting out a contented sigh. "Alright, then I guess we have some time to relax a bit."

Fluttershy, noticing Sora's relaxed demeanor, smiled softly and settled down beside him. "We already ate…but…hm…maybe we can go into the city? That way we can meet Pinkie and Applejack by the train station when they come later."

Sora's eyes lit up at his fillyfriend's suggestion. "Hey! That sounds like a great idea! It’ll be nice to stretch our legs and maybe explore a bit. Really didn’t get a chance to last time I was here after all."

Rarity nodded in agreement. "A lovely stroll through Canterlot does sounds delightful. And it gives us a chance to enjoy the city’s charm and perhaps indulge in a little window shopping. Or actually shopping. A hat did catch my eye the other day after all."

The white mare then smirked at Sora, a playful glint in her eye. "And since you have so much energy, darling, you can carry my things for me. Consider it your penance for talking behind a lady’s back."

“Gah…double drat…” The stallion could only hang his head down in resolution, his marefriend offering him gentle pats for comfort on his side with her wing.

"As wonderful an idea as that is, I think I'll stay back here and wait,” Twilight spoke, making her way to a nearby shelf. “For one, Just in case you miss them. And for two, there are a few things I need to read up on before we meet with the Diamond Dogs."

"You sure, Twi?" Sora asked with a tilt of his head.

Twilight smiled reassuringly. "I'm sure. You all go ahead and enjoy the city. I'll be fine here. Promise"

Sora nodded, though he still seemed a bit concerned. "Alright, but if you need anything, you know where to find us."

Rarity linked her foreleg with Fluttershy's, guiding her towards the door. "Come along, darling. Let's enjoy the sights and maybe find that hat. I am kicking myself in the flank for not grabbing it yesterday. I do hope it is still there.”

“Oh…um…Okay…” The timid mare waved to Twilight. “Later Twilight…um…and…thanks again.”

Twilight waved them off with a smile. "Have fun, everyone!"

As they made their way out of the castle and into the bustling streets of Canterlot, Sora took a deep breath, feeling the vibrant energy of the city around them. The sun was shining brightly, and the streets were filled with ponies going about their day.

"So, where to first?" Sora asked, looking around at his friends.

Rarity's eyes sparkled with excitement. "LIke I said, we start with that lovely little hat shop I mentioned earlier? It's not too far from here after all. And now that I have a big strong stallion along for the ride, I can shop to my heart’s content."

“Ugh…” Sora groaned. “I still haven’t recovered from the last time you took me shopping with you.”

"Penance Sora…penance.” The fashionista mused, “Besides." She leaned closer whispering the next part so only Sora could hear, “You might find something special for your little…fillyfriend. What better way to show her your appreciation after all?”

The stallion’s blush deepened, and he glanced nervously at Fluttershy, who was looking curiously between him and Rarity. "Uh, well, I guess that doesn't sound so bad," he mumbled, scratching the back of his head. “If that’s okay with you, Shy.”

“Oh…um…I-I don’t mind at all,” Shereplied softly, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

Rarity clapped her hooves together, delighted. "Wonderful! Let's be off then."


Rainbow Dash gulped down the last of her ice cream Soda before slamming the mug down, wiping the fizz off her muzzle. “Now that's what I call refreshing!” She smirked. “How’s your drink Gil?

Gilda set her mug down with a grin, wiping her beak. “Not bad, Dash. Not bad at all. You always know the best spots.”

The blue pegasus puffed out her chest proudly. “Of course! I’ve got a knack for finding the coolest places in Equestria. And you’ve been missing out, Gilda. There’s a lot of catching up to do.”

The griffin’s expression softened, and she looked around the bustling café. Despite it looking like an everyday pub, the atmosphere was much kinder than the ones she was used to. Not that there was anything bad about that. “Yeah, I guess there is.” She turned towards her friend. “So…those Heartless things…how long you’ve been fighting them?”

Rainbow Dash’s expression grew serious at Gilda’s question. “For a while now. Ever since Sora showed up in Ponyville, really.”

“Hah…that's another point towards him being like Locke. Bringing trouble with him wherever he goes…” The griffin spoke.

The blue mare’s expression darkened further as she frowned at her friend. "Gil, watch it with you-know-who."

“Oh come off it Dash.” The giffin rebutted with a wave of her claw. “Are you seriously going to ignore it all?”

Rainbow Dash's frown deepened, and she leaned forward, her voice low but firm. "I'm not ignoring anything, Gilda. Sora is different from Locke, full stop.”

“Oh yeah?” her friend asked. “From the stories you’ve told me about this…Keyblade Wielder…He sounds exactly the same as him.” She raised a claw and began counting. “He sticks his muzzle into other’s problems. He is stupidly kind to a fault. Always getting hurt due to taking blows for others-”

The rainbow maned mare cut Gilda off, her voice firm. "Stop right there, Gilda. Sora isn't Locke. Okay yeah…maybe they have something in common but Sora has the power to protect himself unlike…ugh…didn’t I say drop it before Gil? Last warning. We’re supposed to be having fun, not getting angry over the past.”

The griffin paused, her eyes narrowing slightly as she considered Rainbow's words. "Alright, Dash. I'll drop it. Just don't want to see you get hurt again."

“Nothing to get hurt over Gil. He’s not even my coltfriend. He’s Fluttershy’s.”

"Maybe so...doesn't mean you don't have your eyes on him D." Gilda mused. "I know you and I know your type after all, even after all this time, I can tell it's the same."

Rainbow Dash's face flushed slightly, a mix of frustration and embarrassment crossing her features. "Gilda, seriously. Sora and I are just friends. He's a great guy, but he's with Fluttershy, and I'm happy for them."

A chuckle escaped though her friend’s yellow beak, the griffin shaking her head slowly. "Alright, alright. I'll drop it. Just looking out for you, Dash."

"Thanks, Gilda. But maybe you should be more worried about yourself. What are you going to do now?"

Rainbow’s friend shrugged, her demeanor more relaxed. “That’s a good question…Honestly turning Starlight into mush for mind controlling me all this time…which I can’t do thanks to your friend…I’m not too sure what I want to do…”

“Well…” The mare began, “If you really got no place to go…guess you could crash in my house for a while…”

The griffin looked at Rainbow Dash with wide eyes, surprised by the offer. "You sure, Dash? I don't want to be a burden."

The blue mare waved a hoof dismissively. "It's no problem, Gilda. We've got plenty of space, and it’ll be like old times. Plus, it'll be good to have you around."

Gilda's expression softened, a grateful smile forming on her beak. "Thanks, Dash. I appreciate it. Maybe it’ll give me some time to figure things out."

“Don’t think me yet.” The mare mused with a smirk. “After the trouble you caused in town before, definitely gonna place some rules you’re gonna have to follow girl.”

Her oldest friend raised an eyebrow, her smile turning into a soft frown. "Rules, huh? Guess that’s fair…”

“That and you’re gonna get part a parttime job. No way am I’m having a freeloading griffin lounging around my home.”

Gilda groaned dramatically, flopping her head onto the table. "What are you, my mother?"

Rainbow Dash chuckled, giving her a playful nudge. "Hey, someone's gotta keep you in line. Plus, it'll be good for you. Trust me."

“Yeah yeah…that’s what they all say.” The griffin huffed. “Whatever. I can handle it.”

“Good. Now…” She raised her cup. “To new beginnings with old friends?”

Gilda lifted her mug with a smirk, clinking it against Rainbow Dash's, the sound echoing through the café. "To new beginnings," she agreed, taking a long sip of her drink.


Sora, Fluttershy and Rarity all entered a charming boutique with a beautifully decorated window displaying an array of stylish hats. The sign above the door read "Haute Hats by Haberdasher".

The fashionista led the way inside, her eyes already scanning the shelves for the hat that had caught her eye earlier. The stallion followed, feeling a bit out of his element but determined to make the most of the outing.

"Welcome to Haute Hats!" a cheerful shopkeeper greeted them. "How can I help you today?"

Rarity smiled graciously. "We're just browsing for now, but I did see a lovely wide-brimmed hat in your window the other day. Might I take a closer look at it?"

"Of course!" The shopkeeper fetched the hat, and the fashionista, with all of her experience dealing with fashion and the like, examined it with a discerning eye.

As the fashionista was seen to, Sora stood off to the side, watching both her and his marefriend, surprisingly, look at the many beautiful hats around the boutique. He couldn't help but feel a bit out of place, not having much interest in fashion himself. Still, he couldn’t help but smile as his eyes followed the butter yellow mare with the soft pink mane and tail as she tried on different hats, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Placing one on her head, she looked around before turning towards the stallion, quietly making her way towards him.

“Oh…um…Do you think this one suits me, Sora?" she asked, tilting her head to show off a tan sun hat adorned with a delicate butterfly on the side, the wings of which looking as if they flap with each step she took.

The stallion blushed, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly as he looked at his fillyfriend. "I think It looks really cute, Shy. It has butterflies just like your cutie mark too."

"Oh... um...” Fluttershy's cheeks turned an even deeper shade of pink, and she looked away shyly. “D-Do you look at my cutie mark all the time, Sora?"

The stallion blinked before his cheeks turned an even hotter shade of red. “W-Wait! It's not…I mean I just…!”

The mare, unable to hold herself back, held a hoof to her muzzle and giggled softly, despite the blush still upon her face. “Hehee…I’m only teasing you Sora…Sorry. That was mean of me.”

The keyblade wielder let out a relieved chuckle, rubbing the back of his head with a sheepish smile. "You got me good, Fluttershy. I didn't know you had it in you."

The timid mare giggled again, the sound soft and melodic. "Me…either…maybe…ehehe…You are corrupting me.”

“Please don’t tell Twilight if that’s the case.” The stallion half joked and half begged before smiling at her. “So…you plan on getting that?”

“Its a nice hat but...maybe a bit too fancy for me," Fluttershy answered as she took the hat off, looking at the hat with a thoughtful expression. "But thank you for the compliment, Sora.

The stallion rubbed his nose softly. “Hey no prob. I mean, it is easy to do when it's you Shy.”

The timid mare’s blush deepened, but she smiled warmly at her coltfriend’s compliment.

The two were soon joined by Rarity, having finalized her choice of hat, approaching them with a satisfied smile. "Well, I must say, this has been a delightful shopping trip.” She looked between the two of them, noticing the red cheeks of both her friends. “Oh my…did I interrupt something?

Sora and Fluttershy both blushed even deeper, their faces turning a shade of red that matched the blush in their cheeks.

The stallion quickly shook his head as he answered the white mare, rubbing the back of his neck. "N-nope! Anyway, we have more places to see! Right Flutters?”

Fluttershy nodded quickly, her blush still evident but a smile spreading across her face. "Yes, that's right! There's so much more to see and do."

Rarity chuckled softly, clearly amused by their flustered reactions. "Very well, darlings. Let's continue our adventure."

The trio left the boutique and continued their leisurely stroll through Canterlot, exploring a few more shops and enjoying the vibrant atmosphere. They laughed and chatted as they went, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment.

As they walked, they passed by a park where a street musician was playing a gentle tune on a harp. They decided to take a break and listen, finding a cozy spot on a bench.

"This is nice," Sora said, leaning back and closing his eyes, letting the music wash over him. "It's great to just relax and enjoy the day."

“Oh I agree, Darling," Rarity mused as she puffed her mane with a hoof. "A few days of relaxing, even if its a short time, is good for the soul as it were. And it has been forever and a day since I've shopped like this."

Fluttershy nodded, her eyes half-closed as she listened to the music. "Yes, it's peaceful. And it's lovely to spend time together like this." She paused, lowering her head slightly. “Though…”

Sora opened one eye and glanced over at his fillyfriend, noticing her sudden shift in mood. "What's on your mind, Fluttershy?" he asked gently.

The timid marehesitated for a moment before speaking softly, "Well, with everything happening lately—the Heartless, Grogar, all the dangers we've faced—sometimes it's hard to just relax and enjoy moments like this. I feel bad…being happy…."

The keyblade wielder frowned as he leaned forward on the bench. “Yeah…I know how you feel, Shy. Can’t say it isn’t always in the back of my mind…But…We can’t let him get to us.” He smiled as he jumped out from the bench, looking between his friends. “We’ll find him and we’ll save everyone he stole. You can count on it.”

Rarity nodded, her expression serious but confident. "Sora's right. We've faced many challenges before, and we've always come through together. Grogar won't be any different."

The timid mare, after a moment, nodded slowly. “Y-You’re right. And…even if I don’t have the same skills as Sora and as brave as Rainbow Dash…I’ll help in any way I can too.”

“Hey Don’t talk too down on yourself, Shy.! If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have been able to help Starlight.” The stallion told her. “Honestly you were the MVP, and don’t let anyone else say otherwise.”

Fluttershy blushed deeply, a small smile forming on her lips. "Thank you, Sora.”

“Oh my. Almost feels like I’m a third wheel in this conversation.” Rarity mused as she looked between the couple.

The keyblade wielder laughed lightly, rubbing the back of his head. "O-Oh! Sorry about that, Rarity. We didn't mean to leave you out."

The fashionista waved a hoof dismissively, a playful smile on her face. "Oh, I'm just teasing, darlings. It's wonderful to see you both so close and supportive of each other. And I must say, I’ve never seen Fluttershy as bold as is except when she’s with you."

Said mare’s blush deepened, and she glanced shyly at her coltfriend. “I…well…I mean…Sora is…”

“Hehe…I’m not saying it's a bad thing Darling. Celestia knows you need to be more assertive after all.” Rarity mused softly. “And if Sora can make that happen then all the better.”

“That aside,” Said stallion spoke as he looked over towards the sun. “I’m pretty sure it's getting close to noon. AJ and Pinkie’s train should be coming this way by now…right?”

Rarity glanced at the clock tower in the distance and nodded. "Yes, you’re right, Sora. We should head to the station to meet them. We wouldn't want to keep them waiting."

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. "Yes, let's go. It will be good to see them again and catch up."

With that, the trio made their way to the train station, chatting and laughing along the way. All the while Blueblood’s airship inched ever closer to Canterlot, bringing with them their new adventure…as well as new trouble.

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