• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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It was Just Another Day...

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Just Another Day

Green to start music and red to stop music

Apple Bloom could only watch intently as Sora followed after her sister and a few of her friends down the dirt path leading deeper into Sweet Apple Acres open fields. The little filly couldn’t help but release an exasperated sigh as she leapt from her bed and began to take a stroll around the room in an impatient manor.

It stood to reason that, as soon as she had gotten home from the Crystal Empire, she and her fellow crusaders had been punished quite thoroughly for the actions of worrying every grownup within Ponyville with their disappearing act. Even Big Mac had given the trio of fillies a stern talking to, which was something no foal would have ever wanted if one knew just how seldom the normally silent earth pony was.

To top it off, as further punishment, she and her friends had been forced to work at her sister’s farm for a whole week, including her most precious weekends. The only time she would have to herself and her friends due to Applejack allowing her to hang out with her friends due to having to work at the farm during most of her summer break. Such a thing would have made the little filly ball her eyes out if it wasn’t for one simple act by the one she had a crush upon.

“I kinda felt that they got in trouble because of me, so I just thought I should share in some of the work. Besides, I’m still helping around the farm, right?”

Those were the words he pleaded to Applejack in allowing him to help the little fillies out with their work, something Applejack couldn’t help but at least somewhat agree with. To anyone else, it would have just been a young stallion taking pity on the three little ones, but to Apple Bloom, she couldn’t help but see it as her hero once again coming to her aid.

Sure, at first, she had been attracted to the stallion with just looks alone, but the more she had spent with him during the last three days of her punishment, the more she had actually gotten to know the hero behind the key. His happy-go-lucky personality. His reassuring smile as he placed a Band-Aid upon her skinned forehoof. The way he would always try to find an excuse for he and her friends to take a break, just so the three of them could laze the day away. He was kind beyond measure in her eyes, always looking out for others.

During their down time, the filly would watch the stallion as they slept under the shade of the Apple trees. Her gaze watching soft rise and fall of his chest with each breath he took. It was something she had never thought she could enjoy watching but seeing the stallion she liked so much so close and at peace, it filled the filly’s belly up butterflies so strong that she didn’t know what to do with it. She had cherished every moment she had spent with her hero, even though she knew it would soon come to an end. With the last hours of her punishment she would have to stay indoors. Something she was sure her Granny came up with because of how much Sora was making her and her friends slack off.


The little filly released a startled epp at the sound of said Granny Smith’s voice behind her, the old mare tilting her head as she looked towards her grand daughter with a curious gaze. “Applebloom, you were pacing something fierce around ya room, making a lot of racket. Came to check up on ya.”

“Oh…AH…Sorry Granny…” The yellow filly said looking towards the old mare. “I’m not causing no trouble…If that what cha was thinking ah was doing.”

“Ah can see that…What with you wearing a rut in the carpet with all that pacing you’re doing.” Granny Smith made her way to Apple Bloom’s bed, sitting upon as she did so. “Ya look like ya got something on your mind young un.”

Apple Bloom bit her lower lip as she looked away. She knew that when Granny Smith could see one of her kin was out of sorts then she would not let it go for all the apples orchards in the world. With a heavy sigh, the little filly climbed her way to sit beside the old mare, her hooves fiddling with the fur in her own lap.

“Ah guess ya can say that granny…”

The old mare smiled as she placed a hoof over the young one’s shoulder. “Wanna talk about it Young’un?’

“Well…” The little filly began. “There’s this…uh…Filly, who has a crush on a colt…but doesn’t know how to go about it and tell em…” She paused before shaking her head. “No…It's more like...Ah mean she’s too scared to tell em.”

Granny raised an eyebrow. “Well…What’s this colt like?”

“He’s nice…and Kind…Goofy and a bit lazy, but will always help out even if he has trouble doing some things.” A blush started to form on her cheeks. “He would even put himself in harm’s way for his friends, if it came down ta it, though I’m sure that no pony wants to see em hurt.” A twinge of pain formed in her chest as memories of seeing Sora beaten made their way to her mind.

“Sounds like quite the keeper, this stallion of hers.” Granny Smith told her with a sly smile. “And, ya say your friend is too scared ta say anything to him? Why do ya think that is young’un?”

Apple Bloom lowered her head at that. “I…ah mean she doesn’t really know, ah guess.”

“You guess?”

Applebloom tugged at the sheets under her hoof. “Well…ah reckon she’s scared that he might…reject her…For being a silly filly. All she did was cause trouble for him after all.”

“Well young’un…If this pony is as nice as you say he is, then maybe your “friend” should know better than ta think that.”

“Ah know granny…but…Still…”

“Has your friend ever been scared of speaking her mind before she met this colt of hers?”

“Well…Ah…Ah guess not…” Apple Bloom said hesitantly.

“Then why don’t your friend ask him outright, and if he’s as nice as you say, then Ah doubt he would be outright cold to her even if he didn’t see her the way she saw him.”

“Yeah...I guess you're right Granny.” She smiled as she nuzzled the old mare’s neck gently. “Ah promise to let my friend know the great advice ya gave m-ah mean her!”

The old mare chortled softly before gently patting her granddaughter softly upon her head. “Anything for a friend of my kin.” She mused softly.

Apple Bloom watched as Granny Smith made her way out the room and closed the door. As soon as she had, the little filly got to work planning. “Right...Ah got a lot of work ahead of me if ah want the stallion ta notice me!” She blushed deeply as she giggled, pulling out a sheet of paper and her box of writing utensils.


There was a flash of light as three ponies landed in a heap on the ground within the apple orchard’s clearing. Sora landed on the bottom of the pile as Applejack laid sprayed on top of him. Pinkie Pie, herself, sat upon the other two, swaying to and fro from the dizzy spell she had caught.

“Wow…” The Pinkie before shaking the dizziness from her mind “That was more tiring than I thought it was gonna be. I don’t even think I can bounce to the moon with how exhausted I am.”

Applejack groaned, not even bothering to try to comprehend what the Pink mare had said. Instead, she slowly turned to face Fluttershy, the yellow mare making her way to the pony pile. “Ugh…How long were we at it this time Fluttershy?”

The yellow mare held up the stop watch before answering. “A little over five minutes…That’s better than last time at least…” She said, giving the mare a hopeful smile.

“Only by four seconds!” Rainbow compiled as she landed beside the shy mare, grabbing the watch from her. “Not nearly enough time to do any real damage to a heartless.”

Having completed her weather duties for the day, the cyan mare had decided to come to Applejack’s farm to see if her friends needed any help and to “Not visit the Hero!” at all. Her words.

It was through these repeated visits that the mare finally saw what Sora, AJ and Pinkie had done, fusing together to create a powered up version of the stallion, something Sora, himself, had called his Valor Form. Despite him not wanting to endanger the ponies of this world, he knew that he couldn’t protect them all the time so he had suggested to Twilight that he and the others practice.

“I’m gonna start taking my own advice.” Were Sora’s words prior to training, “And start relying on my friends more. Starting with getting used to my new abilities.”

It was their third day of this special training and so far only a little progress was made. But it was still something at least.

“Yeah…but that’s four seconds of time we could use wisely.” Applejack admonished Her cyan friend as she tried to lift herself up, effectively making Pinkie fall onto the ground in a giggling mess of flailing limbs. “But wowwie…hate the fact that it leaves ya so darned drained after we do that fuse thingy. Makes me feel all weird on the inside too…” She added the last part under her breath.

Sora groaned as he rolled onto his back stretching the ache out of his limbs. “It's longer than the usual time I had back when I traveled with Donald and Goofy. I was only barely able to keep my form for more than thirty...Forty seconds?.” The stallion lifted himself up, standing back upon all four of his hooves as he did so. “Maybe we should call it a day for now though. I don't want you guys getting too tired because of me."

Fluttershy nodded as she made her way towards the stallion’s side. “I...um...Think so too. Besides, you just woke up a few days ago. I don’t think it's a good idea to over exert yourself when you are still recovering...I mean...If it's okay for me to say that.”

Some smiled as he allowed his wings to spread out wide. “No worries Shy! Those Potions I got helped me out a lot. I just hope your zebra friend is right about being able to make a few more of those for us.”

“Don’t ya worry none about that Sora.” Applejack assured. “If there is anypony that knows how to whip up a good tonic it would be our pal Zecora. She is one of the best potion brewers in Ponyville.”

“Though…and I hope you don’t mind me saying so…She technically lives in the Everfree forest…” Fluttershy squeaked softly before hiding behind her mane.

“Heh…Ya got me there Shy.” The farm mare turned to Sora as she gave him a wink. “Ah don’t mind calling it a day if ya want to partner? I’m plum tuckered out myself and Ah think a bit of rest would do us all some good. Sides, even ah can tell you’ve been on edge ever since you woke up a few days ago.”

Sora couldn’t help but look away from Applejack, scratching his cheek as he did so. “Yeah…Sorry about that. I just…I just don’t want to get caught off guard again like last time. If Sunset Shimmer attacks again-“

“Then you can bet she’s gonna get a buck to the face!” Rainbow growled as she began to punch at the air, “No pony messes with my friends and gets off without catching a few of these hooves right here."

“Darn tooting.” AJ mused as she tipped her hat. “No way is she gonna pull the same trick twice on us and get away with it.”

“Um…” Fluttershy squeaked. “If you don’t mind me saying, and I hope you don’t, could we possibly talk about something else. If that’s ok with you that is.”

Rainbow was about to protest but stopped when she glanced over towards Sora, the keyblade wielder looking away from the group, a frown upon his usually kind features. The cyan mare rubbed the back of her head before saying. “Yeah...Uh…So any news about where your friend went to Sora?”

Perking up, the caramel stallion’s ears stood up, though his face told the others all of what he had to say before he said it. “No. Sorry Dash. Nothing on my end at least. He kinda just disappeared. Though that's nothing new for him.”

“I’m sure he’s doing fine. If what I saw from him was any indication he can handle himself.” Applejack assured everyone. “In any case, gonna get back home. I’m sure Granny Smith has a heaping helping of dinner hot and ready for us soon Sora.”

The Keyblade Wielder smiled brightly at the farm mare’s mention of food. “Sweet! Granny Smith’s food is always the best!” Before Sora could get too far however, he was stopped by Fluttershy, the yellow mare gently grasping his coat tightly and looking at him pleadingly. The stallion paused before nodding gently to her. “Oh. Yeah I’ll walk ya home Shy. Just like yesterday.”

Fluttershy smiled with relief at his words, the shy mare pressing herself as close as she could to the stallion as he began to lead her back to her cottage home near the Everfree. The yellow mare had been scared to death of traveling anywhere alone when it was close to getting dark, especially with the Heartless attack from before. Sora, being the stallion that he was, couldn’t help but tell her that he would follow her to her home and make sure that she’s settled in and safe with her animal friends. He had done so every night ever since he had woken up, so if anything it was becoming a budding routine for him.

As the pair made their way down the dirt path leading towards the Everfree, Rainbow Dash couldn't help the gruff tisk that came from her clicking her teeth, a mild bit of annoyance slipping past her mood.

“Well…That’s a surprising reaction ya got right there Rainbow.”

The rainbow maned mare turned to glare at Applejack, her apple farmer friend having a slightly smug look on her muzzle.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about AJ.” Rainbow scoffed as she turned away from the farm mare, her hooves folding about her chest.

“Sure ya don’t Rainbow.” The mare mused as she rolled her eyes. “I won’t press if ya don’t want me too.”

“Good!” Rainbow said as she folded her hooves before glaring at AJ. “Because, of course, there’s nothing to press at all.”

“Right…” Applejack mused before she looked off towards the Keyblade Wielder and Yellow mare retreating in the distance. “Whatever helps ya sleep at night Dash. Oh and here.” The farm mare tossed a deeply sleeping Pinkie in her direction, the Pegasus bearing keeping herself aloft as she caught the party mare. “Get her home will ya? Since you’ve clearly got nowhere else to be at the moment.”

Rainbow, struggling to hold Pinkie, glared at Applejack as the farm mare trotted away, chuckling softly to herself.


Celestia’s sun slowly began to disappear behind the horizon of the trees as Sora and Fluttershy made their way down the dirt path leading to the mare’s cottage. The young Keyblade Wielder trotted at a slow and even pace, keeping in time with the shy mare’s own as she did the same beside him. Every now and then Sora’s gaze would fall towards the shy mare before quickly looking back forward, as if not wishing to be caught doing so, even though he did not know why.

To Fluttershy’s credit, she would indeed always catch him doing so, her blushing cheeks never once leaving every time he did. The fact that he was even doing so honestly made the shy mare giddy and her wings flutter against her sides. She couldn’t help but relish in the time she spent alone with the stallion, no matter how fleeting it was. Even if he really wasn’t a real stallion in the first place. Maybe knowing that helped a bit, since she had always felt that the stallions she knew on Equestria were scary. At least to her. But this stallion who was not even a stallion was different.

Maybe that was the reason it made all the difference.

Fluttershy basked in the gentle winds of the summer evening trying to work though such a problem within her mind. So what if he wasn’t really a pony. He made her feel something that she had never thought she had ever felt in her life. It was a weird feeling deep within her chest. A feeling that she never wanted to let go of.

She...Liked him.

Fluttershy frowned at that.

No…She knew it was more than just that. She honestly believed that she really, really liked him. Maybe even…Love?

Fluttershy’s eyes drew to the ground as she tried to reason with the concept. The more she thought about it though, the more it became evident.

Besides a few, many of the stallions around Ponyville would be rough or impatient with her timid personality, which stands to reason; due to many of the mares she knew having more of a take charge attitude about them, a personality she could never hope to impersonate completely. She was, in fact, a rarity among her kind. And many of the stallions who would tolerate her were always after one thing. What that thing was, she dare not say, even in her mind, but she knew they were after it.

Sora wasn’t like that though. While many of the colts his age would usually be all about mares and how many they could get, Sora was more concerned about her and her friends wellbeing, even going so far as to put himself into harm’s way to save them.

To save her.

She blushed at her thoughts.

Sora was nice and sweet and good and kind. Something she had admired about him ever since she got to know him more and more. He was a stallion unlike any other she had met before. He was...special

“Hey Shy?”

The yellow mare epped in surprise, stumbling as she heard her name being called by the caramel pony.

“Woah!” Sora caught the mare before she could know what dirt tasted like, pulling her close to his frame with one wing as he did so. The caramel stallion looked down at the yellow mare, a smile of concern playing across his lips. “You okay, Shy?”

Fluttershy’s face took on a new shade of red as she leaned against Sora. She could feel the gentle throb of his heartbeat within his chest, as well as the heat of his breath upon the top of her forehead. The butter yellow mare gulped as she tried to calm the rapid beat of her heart before reluctantly pulling away from him, the cool of the summer night air chilling her body as she left his embrace.

“Y-Yes…Ah…Sorry…” she apologized, keeping her eyes towards the ground below her.

Sora blinked before putting on that goofy smile she seemed to love so much. “No need to say you sorry, Shy. Can’t tell you how many times I space out and wasn’t watching where I was going either.” His hoof gently brushed off a bit of dirt that clung to the side of her foreleg. “If I was able to help you then its no trouble at all.” He smiled before looking off down the dirt path, “Anyway, I was just letting ya know that we're here.”

She blinked before following his gaze and looking over the bridge that led to her little cottage. The shy mare felt a little dejected about having to part with the Keyblade Weider but gave him a gentle smile nonetheless. “O-Oh…S-So we are…um…thank you for walking me home…again. I hope I’m not burdening you or anything, what with you being tired and all…”

Sora shook his head before smiling at the mare, his baby blue eyes burning heart inner heart ever so slightly. “You girls trusted me, even after everything I told you, let me at least do my part and help where I can.” He looked away from her. “Even if this might be the only thing I can't mess up at…”

“D-Don’t say that!” She refuted before pushing a hoof over her muzzle as soon as she did, cursing herself for the outburst. Sora, for his part, stared at the mare, unable to truly speak as the usually calm and collected mare before him near yelled at him, well as much as as the shy mare could yell. Fluttershy, after a few moments, gathered every ounce of willpower she could and let her forehooves fall to the ground. Shaking her head

“I-I’m sorry, and I really am, but I don’t think you're useless…and...I don't think you should ever think that either. You’ve done so many amazing things, Sora. You fought for others even when the odds where stacked against you and no matter how hard it may have been for you to do so." Ever so slowly, as she spoke, she closed the distance between them. "You saved my friends. You saved worlds. You saved me…” she moved closer, something Sora was clearly aware of and yet unable to process what was happening, only listening to the mare's words. “You told us that your bond with your friends gave you strength, right? Then please, I want you to keep believing in that.” She looked up towards the stallion. “And...if you ever need it, I want you to use me as your strength as well. ”

Fluttershy gently pressed herself into the stallion before she even realized what she had done, nuzzling his neck timidly with her soft muzzle. "So even if you mess up...I'll be beside you..."

The stallion could barely utter a word at the confession, the gentle scent of vanilla clouding every bit of his pony senses. He could feel the heat of her breath tickle the fur upon his neck, causing him to blush a deep shade of crimson, both from the nuzzling and from who was doing the nuzzling. Tentatively, Sora raised a hoof towards the mare, gently wrapping it against Fluttershy's neck.

It was if a trigger was hit, the mare squeaking softly before pulling away from Sora, a hot blush forming on her cheeks, noticeable even in the dim light of Luna’s rising moon. He stepped slightly closer only to earn a widening of her eyes before she dashed away so fast, that even Rainbow would be jealous. The stallion filched as he heard her door slam shut, hiding the mare within the confines of her cottage.

The stallion stood in the middle of the dirt path for a long while before turning away, not knowing how to process what just happened. Still, a more than noticeable blush formed on his cheeks as well as he raised a hoof to gently touch where Fluttershy had just been against him. Unable to do anything else, he started his long trek home back to the barn. Though unlike the usual walks, where he would always think about what he should do for tomorrow, his mind was flooded with the thoughts of the butter yellow pegasus that lived in a cottage next to the Everfree.

"What...Was that?"

As he disappeared down the road, Fluttershy gently rapped her head against the door she had just shut whimpering softly at what she had done. “Fluttershy you dummy…” She blinked back tears of shame, and reluctance before slowly making her way up her stairs, climbing into the warmth and safety of her bed. It was there that she would be greeted by a very concerned Angel Bunny, the normally angry little rabbit, pressing himself gently against the tearful mare. She would welcome his affection, pulling the bunny close to her as she did so. Pressing a hoof to the side of her face, she would touch the spot she had pressed into Sora, rubbing it softly. She closed her eyes as the revelation hit her like a ton of bricks.

“Angel bunny...I think...I think I Love Sora…”


Twilight released a powerful yawn, her hoof making little to no effort to try to stifle the, in her words, annoyingly simultaneous inhalation and release of air. The lavender mare rubbed her eyes before looking back at the mess that was upon her table, pouring over the notes, scrolls, and books she had been writing, working and reading on. Despite each one being there for a different reason, each one revolved around one center core.

Sora. It always involves Sora...

It was through him that they had their first encounter with the Heartless. Through him that their battle at the Crystal Kingdom was able to be won. Through him that she had learned Celestia’s failed pupil, Sunset Shimmer. And though him that other worlds were known to her.

Everything was happening so fast, and it was all because of him. All because of Sora.

She had been hard at work, focusing her studies on what she knew and what she did not. What she knew was that the heartless were a threat. Not only that, but from what Sora had told them, beings called Nobodies should be running around as well.

So why were there no Nobodies? Are they in hiding? Are they even being made? If not, why aren’t they?

She found out from Sora that Nobodies, unlike heartless, have high intelligence and don’t act on instinct. In fact that even formed a group despite them not even having hearts. Not only that but this so-called Kingdom Hearts, a world filled with light, is what that group, that Organization 13 is after.

But to want end? Do they want to destroy it? Or use it?

Twilight yawned again before she began to re-read and take a few notes of interest of the story Sora had weaved for her and her friends, the soft sound of her assistant’s snoring and the scribble of her quill the only noise within the otherwise quiet library.

“There are still pieces missing within his story by his one admission…” Twilight said softly under her breath. “Why was he asleep in those pods? Why does that Organization want Sora so much? Sure he is strong but there has to be another reason.”

He told them so many times during the story that before he gained the keyblade, he was just a normal kid. That he was nothing special. And yet...

Twilight sighed before she placed a hoof upon her notes, looking out the window to see the moon high within the sky. “I...Guess I should tackle this tomorrow and get, at least, some rest…” She blew out the candle and slowly climbed into bed, drawing the covers over her frame as she did so. Her soft snores would accompany her dragon assistant as she fell into a deep slumber.


"Sister...what are you doing still awake?"

Celeatia's head would look up from a dusty old tome she had been fussing over, the princess of the sun giving her sister a gentle smile as the princess of the night opened the door to her personal study. "Can't an old mare have some time to read every now and then. I can never find the time to do so during the day you do know sister."

Luna frowned at that. "Is that so?" The princess of the moon would gaze out a window, the sight of her moon shimmering brightly as the stars twinkled around it catching her eyes for only a moment before she addressed her sister again. "Do tell, dear sister, what is it that you are reading that has you so entrapped in its every page? If you do not mind us asking that is."

Celestia's gaze shifted back towards the book upon her table. "It is...nothing really...just an old fairytale I picked up from the old Canterlot Shelves. A story about an old mare and her foalish mistakes. It is quite funny...in a sad way really...She remined me of a little stallion I know."

Luna frowned deeper before relenting. "I see...then I shall leave you to your...story, sister." The lunar princess made to leave but paused before she shut the door completely, "But if you would permit us to speak, if only for a moment. I do believe that said foalish mare would live a lot better life if she shared her problems with the ones she cared about. It could make her feel better...at the very least. Good night dear sister." The princess of the night shut the door to Celesita's study, leaving the Sun Princess alone once again.

Celesita could not help herself as she raised a hoof towards her heart, her sister's words almost feeling as if it had stabbed her deeply. her horned burned brightly as the book before her transformed into that of a single picture. One of a little filly with yellow and red hair, and a princess that was holding her, almost as if she was her daughter.

"A foalish mare indeed..."


Sunset slowly made her way down the dark pathway of the underground cavern, a sneer ever constant upon her features at the recent events not too long ago.

She was not a pleased mare at all. Not pleased in the least.

She had failed in her duties in commandeering Sora, or more importantly, his heart. Not only that, now she had to worry about another Keyblade wielder.

Not just any Keyblade Wielder though.

That pony was a Keyblade Master.

To make matters worse for her, Queen Chrysalis was seen aiding said Keyblade Master in the last battle back at the Crystal Empire, even going so far as to save those insufferable so called “Elements of Harmony” and Shining Armor to boot. From what she had learned first hoof, both the Keyblade Master and the Queen of the Changelings are nothing to be trifled with, at least, not in the current state she was in.

“The crystal empire went south…”Sunset touched the amulet around her neck, her eyes glowing a deeper shade of red as she did so. “I won’t let them take all that I had worked for away…All that we had worked for…not when we are so close to the power I seek…”

The mare opened a nearby door, her eyes focusing on the nearby occupant, a pure black pegasus pony stallion with a familiar midnight gray mane, their golden eyes unfocused and staring towards the ground at the broken blade that rested at his heels. “Ah...I see that you're up and about.” She received a cold glare from the stallion, though he kept his head down as he did so. “Don’t be that way, my master saved you didn’t he? You were broken and he repaired you. With such powerful enemies, one would need an ally with just as much power…am I right, Keyblade Wielder?”

The black stallion looked upwards to the mare from his prone position, a bored looking expression upon his face.

“Of course, you will be more than rewarded for your service,” She mused as she neared the odd pony. “We can give you what you must desire...or...maybe even help you find the one you are searching for.”

The dark stallion raised an eyebrow, his yellow eyes piercing into the mare before him. “And what do you know about the one I’m looking for.”

“My master knows a lot of things, Keyblade Wielder. He can look into the depths of one’s heart and finds one true desire…even one as broken as yours.” She looked at the mangled mess that was once his weapon. “He might even be able to repair that mess of a weapon at your hooves, if only you would pledge your loyalty to him and him alone.”

The pony’s ears perked before he began to stand on all four hooves, cracking his neck expectantly. Gripping the broken Keyblade tight within his hoof, he held it out to her. “Fine...But don’t expect me to start calling you master or leader. The only master I have is myself, and the darkness I use.”

Sunset smiled as she nodded. “Fair enough...and excellent choice wielder of the keyblade...”

“Will you stop with that already. My name is Vanitas.” he smirked before allowing his wings to unfold, the tips looking as though they were dipped in the reddest of blood. “I’m coming for you, brother. You better get ready.”

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