• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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The Calm Before the Mission

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

by steel soul

The Calm Before the Mission

Ponyville Train Station

“So Ah think Flutters sweet on Sora.”

Twilight stopped all magical functions and more then likely some non-magical one’s at Applejack’s sudden admittance. The lavender mare, ever so slowly, turned to her farmer friend, who had decided to join her in waiting for her train to Canterlot. The studious mare’s mouth worked wordlessly as her mind tried to comprehend what she had just been told.

“It’s hard ta say about Sora tho.” The farm mare continued, not at all worried about Twilight’s mental faculties. “With everything going on, ah guess ah can see why he’s not thinking too much about stuff like that and what not, but Ah’m never one to say never when it comes to matters of the heart, and Sora has plenty of heart if Ah do say so myself.”

Twilight blinked long and hard before forcing her mouth to produce words once again. “I…what…How do you…I mean…” She shook her head before giving the mare a comically questioning gaze. “Why are you telling me this all of a sudden?”

Applejack looked back at her friend with a smug of a smile. “Cause it looked like something was bugging ya and ah figured something to take your mind off of whatever it is might just be the cure for it is all.”

Twilight’s ears folded back against her head before giving the farm mare an apologetic smile. “Oh…Ahah…I guess you could say that.” She sighed softly before towards where her train would be coming from. “I know I said I have a theory or two and that, but the fact that we are splitting up like this.” The mare shook her head slowly. “I don’t know if it's a good thing or not.”

“Hey now Twi. Me and Pinkie Pie, we’ll be right as rain.” The farm mare assures her. “Sides, No pony is gonna mess with me with these bad girls right here.” she motioned towards her hind legs, emphasizing the point. “And with Pinkie Pie? No pony is gonna mess with a mare like that, not that any pony rightly can. She’s a whirlwind in her own right. Not ta mention Celestia’s very own guards being here to pick up the slack, what with our resident hero away saving the world. We ain’t got nothing to worry about in Ponyville and neither should you.” She smirked. “All ya need ta worry about is figuring out a way to stop those heartless fer good.”

“Right…Of course.” Twilight smiled. “Thanks Applejack. I needed that.”

“Anytime Sugarcube. Me and the girls. We always got your back.”

“Hehe…I know you do.” Twilight gave the mare a sideways hug. “The best friends I've ever had.” Releasing the hug, Twilight gave the mare a mook look of anger. “Still…Didn’t know you were such a Jokester. What with that Fluttershy and Sora thing. Still, I don’t think it's very nice to talk about your friends that way, even if it was to make me laugh.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow at the mare. “Who said ah was joking?”

It took only a few moments for the farm mare’s words to sink in before Twilight’s eyes nearly bugged out of their head at that sudden admission, her mind once again working a mile a second. “Wait! What?! Really?! Fluttershy…she…And isn’t Sora…What?!”

“Is it all that surprising, Twi?” Applejack muse with a gentle chuckle, patting the poor lavender mare on the back. “Ah’ve been looking at the way she brightens up whenever Sora enters the room. The way she always sticks close to him when they are together. Heck what really sealed it was the way she puffed up when that female guard friend of yours got all chummy with Sora way back at Canterlot. The look on her face was downright adorable.”

“Woah woah woah…hang on!” Twilight exclaimed, still reeling from the whole revelation that she had never caught on to this information before. “Fluttershy…got…jealous? Can she even get jealous? I didn’t think that was physically or mentally possible.”

“Was quite a surprise for me too, but a mare is a mare, no matter how shy our little yellow friend may be, and a mare wants what a mare wants. Ah reckon she must have made up her mind long ago that Sora was somepony special ta her. A pony just knows, I guess.”

“Still…Sora isn’t…I mean…He isn’t…A pony…” Twilight trailed off, biting her tongue ever so slightly as the words left her lips. She didn’t mean for it to sound so...

“Don’t worry, Twi. I know what ya mean.” Applejack reassured her, not at all judging the mare. “Even though he isn't a pony, he is a living, breathing, thinking being. In every sense of the word, he might as well be a pony like you and me.” Applejack shook her head. “Sides, Fluttershy is a grown mare. She can make her own decisions. Rather they are for good or ill will depend on both her and Sora.”

Twilight’s ears folded against the back of her head at that, looking towards her friend. “You…Don’t think Sora would hurt her feelings too badly if he rejected her…do you?”

Applejack shook her head. “When it comes to his friends, Ah do believe Sora would rather hurt himself than allow himself to hurt his friends. Still, this isn’t fighting against a giant foe or hundreds of Heartless he is dealing with. It's more of a battle of the heart, you can never know how someone will react when it comes to something like that. Still, we have to be there…for both of them, no matter the outcome, cause that's what friends are for.”

“Hehe…Wow A.J, that honestly sounds like a good letter to write to the princess.” the Lavender mare giggled softly. “Though. I never expected you to give me advice about love. Seemed like something more down Rarity’s alley.”

The farm mare rolled her eyes. “Ya can actually blame Rarity’s stupid romance novels, ta be honest. She let me borrow one of them and Ah’m ashamed ta say that despite how cheesy they are, they can be a good read now and then. Take all the stupidity out of them and they just might have some good lessons ta learn ah reckon.”

The sound of the train coming into the station silenced any and all other conversation that the two would have gotten into, the heat of the soft steam lapping at the shoes of both mare’s hooves.

“Looks like my ride's finally here.” Twilight said with a shake of her head. She turned to her farmer friend, smiling. “I'll be back, hopefully with the info that we need.”

“Like Ah said before, ah trust ya Twi and so do the others. If anypony can work miracles it's our resident book horse.” Applejack teased, playfully pushing the mare’s shoulder.

“Haha…Then I better not disappoint.” She wrapped a hoof around her friend in a sisterly hug. “Thanks for waiting with me again. Having somepony to talk to and take my mind off things really did help.”

“Any time Twi.” Applejack mused as she tilted her hat at her friend. “Ah’ll be sure to save a whole heaping helping of pie just for you and the others when ya get back. We can make it a whole party. Ah’m sure Pinkie would like that.”

“I’m sure she will.” Twilight, carrying her suitcase within her magic, made her way on board the train, the mare turning to look at her friend once more. “Make sure to check on Spike every now and again. I know he’s old enough to take care of himself, but he still is a baby dragon. Oh and make sure he closes up the Library in the evening. And make sure he doesn’t eat his weight in gems and ice-cream like last time. Oh! And don’t forge-”

The doors of the train closed just as the lavender mare was just getting started, the train pulling off as the purple mare’s cheeks puffed out in a brilliant shade of red.

The farm mare could only shake her head and chuckle softly before turning to make her way back to the farm. She had a whole reunion to plan for and less than a day to finish it, and as Pinkie Pie would more than likely tell her, ‘PARTIES WAIT FOR NO PONY!’


Within a certain little baking store, a familiar Pink Party Pony smiled widely, though she didn’t know the reason why. Not like it had ever stopped her before.


Twilight huffed softly as she allowed herself to settle down after her little spat with the train. Taking an empty seat, the lavender mare pulled out a book marked with a familiar crown. She opened its pages, once again starting at the beginning of Sora’s tale. If the mare had not seen Sora in action herself, she would honestly scoff at the idea of such things as other worlds and the lives upon them. The dangers of the Heartless and those as of yet to show up Nobodies. Not to mention all that stuff about diving into the sleeping hearts of worlds long lost to the Heartless.

If she had still been living in Canterlot she would have scoffed at such wild claims, telling the guards to toss the crazy colt into the madhouse.

Now though, with all the adventures she and her friends had under her reigns, and with every new thing that Sora himself seems to show off, how could she ever deny what was plain in front of her. Now here she was, going off a wing and a prayer that her answers could be found in the corridors of Canterlot’s library. More than likely one puzzle piece among thousands of others, but still…it would be one more than she ever had. And whatever it was might just lie in between the pages of a book as of yet unread.

She was just hoping that she could find it.

Still, despite that, she smiled as her gaze fell upon the words within Sora’s story. They spoke of worlds unlike her own, and things ponies could only dream of. One in a state of perpetual Nightmare Night, and another where creatures lived deep within the oceans of their world. There was even a world where he had to jump into a book to enter. She was really intrigued with that one. The thoughts of recreating a spell like it even came to her mind. And lets not forget about the inhabitants that he spoke to there, The plush little bear who wanted honey. Mama kangaroo doting over her son. Even the old rabbit planting his garden. They all seemed like really good…creatures.

She was sure that Fluttershy would be head of hooves in visiting such a place one day. I bet Rarity would have loved to visit that princess Sora met...Belle was her? Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie…What kind of worlds would they want to see. Twilight knew the world she wanted to visit was the one in the computer, It just seemed too much of an amazing experience to pass up. Though she hoped she didn't meet that master computer pony.

“That world too had a heart. Just like all the rest he had been to.” The lavender mare said softly, the reality of it all slowly hitting her, despite her calm mood. “Every world, no matter how big or how small, is special. And that means ours too, and it is being threatened by the darkness of those who control the Heartless…all for…The Heart of all worlds. Kingdom Hearts.”

The gentle lull of the wheels of the train running along the tracks pulled the mare into a gentle respite. If she was going to help Sora save Equestria from this unknown darkness, then she had best get to rest while she could.

Something in the deepest parts of her mind told her that the story had just begun. And that she was going to need all the rest that she could get.

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