• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

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Reunion Day

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

by steel soul

Reunion Day

The midday sun bathed Sweet Apple Acres in a warm glow as the party of ponies talked and laughed with ponies they had not seen for a whole year, the air filled with the sweet aroma of both fresh and baked apples. Applebloom, fully awakened and washed up, excitedly raced through the bustling crowd of family and family friends, her eyes scanning the farmland as she waved absentmindedly to any that would say hi to her.

Despite laughter all around her she could still make out the hushed whispers of the older ponies, and through those whispers she could make out snippets of conversations. Ones involving certain black shadow creatures she was all too familiar with. They would quite down when she passed but there was no stopping what she already knew.

Guessing them black critters they talkin' 'bout are them heartless," she muttered to herself, a frown forming on her facet. "Much as ah hate to admit it, makes everythin' seem a heap more real now. Ah sure hope Sora's okay."

It was after her inner musing that her ears would perk at a familiar voice in the distance. Her smile returning, she dodged though the crowd until finally spotting the one filly she was looking forward to seeing all year, a wide grin spreading across her face as soon as she did so. Without hesitation, the little filly dashed towards the slightly thicker orange one, the joy of the reunion evident in every step.

"Babs! There ya are!" Apple Bloom exclaimed with a grin, spotting her friend.

Said filly's ears perked at her name. her magenta maned flipped to the side as she turned, smiling brightly at the sight of her her cousin. "Applebloom!" The two fillies embraced as the yellow one reached her, their laughter echoing through the orchard.

"I've been waitin' forever for this day! Missed ya tons, cousin!" Apple Bloom said, squeezing Babs tightly before pulling back to look at her with sparkling eyes.

Babs returned the sentiment, her grin matching Applebloom's enthusiasm. "Same here, Applebloom! What's it been? Like...forever and a day?" Pulling away and blowing a strand of her magenta mane from out of her own face, the orange filly frowned slightly. "I got a ton of questions for you like you wouldn't believe. Something along the lines of shadow creatures attacking Ponyville."

Applebloom's eyes widened. "You must be talkin' 'bout those Heartless things." She looked around before whispering. "Listen. I'll tell ya all about that when we meet up with the girls. I've got so much to go over with you it isn't even funny."

Her cousin nodded, matching her voice to the other's. "Sure thing, A.B. I'm all ears whenever you're ready. But you gotta tell me the whole story. Deal?"

Applebloom grinned and nodded. "Deal, Babs. I'll tell ya everything, from start to finish. But first, let's go find the others. Sweetie and Scoots been dying to meet ya. We're all at the treehouse. Ya remember the one, right? Out in the orchard."

Babs chuckled weakly as she rubbed the back of her head. "Y-Yeah. The one I kicked you out of when I was hanging around that jerk Diamond Tiara and her friend." She looked away as she scratched her cheek. "Sorry about that...again..."

Applebloom waved off Babs' apology with a reassuring smile. "Aw, come on, cuz. Ya know that's water under the bridge by now."

Babs nodded, grateful for Applebloom's forgiveness. "Yeah, I know. It's just... I still feel bad about it sometimes, ya know?"

"Well don't. We're family and family always sticks close." The yellow filly held out her hoof. "Right?"

Babs smiled warmly, her apprehension melting away as she reached out and bumped her hoof against Applebloom's. "Right." She paused. "And thanks. So...we gonna go meet up with Scoots and Sweets?"

Applebloom nodded enthusiastically. "Yup! C'mon, follow me!" She took off, her tail swishing behind her as she weaved through the apple trees, Babs hot on her heels, both fillies laughing and joking as the warm summer breeze rustled the leaves, carrying with it the sweet aroma of ripe apples.

"So...Have those two knuckleheads been giving ya any trouble, Cus?" The orange filly asked, moving at a brisk trot next the Applebloom. "Diamond and that Silver girl I mean."

Applebloom let out a chuckle, shaking her head. "Nah, not really. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon have actually been actin' kinda strange lately. With everything that's been going on this Summer we really haven't had a chance to run into those two bullies." She frowned softly "I mean, I've seen them around town here and there but they really are just leaving us alone pretty much." She smiled again. "Which is a good thing to tell ya the truth."

The orange filly raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Really? Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon not causin' trouble? That's hard to believe." She quickened her pace to keep up with Applebloom, her curiosity evident in her voice.

"It is, but ya know what they say. 'Never look a gift pony in the mouth'. I say if they don't wanna mess with us, I don't wanna mess with them."

Babs grinned, impressed by Applebloom's level-headedness. "Haha...Wow A.B. That's pretty grown up." She gave her cousin a playful nudge, earning a giggle from the yellow filly.

"Haha...well...I guess love can do that to ya." The yellow filly mused before squeaking and covering her mouth.

Despite her “ Best” efforts, The yellow filly's cousin couldn’t help but gasp before a mischievous glint filled her eyes. "Love, huh? Is there somethin' you're not tellin' me, Applebloom?"

Blushing furiously, Applebloom stammered, "N-No! I mean... well... maybe... but it's complicated!"

Babs giggled, teasingly nudging her cousin again. "Oh come on, spill the beans! Who's the lucky pony?"

"L-Like I said. It's complicated." The filly huffed. "Sides, I'll tell ya when we get to the treehouse proper. Scoots and Sweetie already know so...I don't mind telling ya everything. You are part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders after all and members don't leave other members behind."

The pink-haired filly chuckled, her curiosity piqued. "Alright, A.B, I won't press ya further. But I'm definitely lookin' forward to hearin' all about it at the treehouse."

Applebloom blushed even more, her hooves kicking at the ground. "Fine, fine! Just don't go spreading it around, okay? It's a secret!"

Babs nodded eagerly, a sly grin on her face. "Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Applebloom couldn't help but giggle at Bab's Pinkie Promise oath, nodding in content. "Alright, that's good enough for me! Now lets git! We're keeping the girls waitin!"

With their playful banter lightening the mood, the two fillies continued their journey towards the treehouse, their laughter echoing through the orchard. As they approached the familiar structure nestled among the branches of a sturdy apple tree, Applebloom pushed open the door with a flourish.

"Ladies and gentlecolts, may I present... Babs Seed!" Applebloom announced with a grin, gesturing for Babs to enter.

Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, who were deep in conversation, looked up with surprise and delight as Babs stepped inside. "Babs! You're finally here!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, rushing over to give her a hug.

Scootaloo followed suit, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey, Babs! Welcome back to our headquarters. It's about time we had a meeting with the full roster! Written letters are fine but speaking in person is always awesome." She raised a hoof, gently bumping it with Bab's own.

"Thanks, guys! It's great to be back!" She looked around the cozy treehouse, her gaze falling on the bulletin board covered in maps and notes before turning back to the others. "So, what's the deal? What's all this about shadow creatures and stuff the older ponies were always whispering about? And did you three really go to that Crystal Empire place?"

"Oh!" The orange pegasus mused. "I see Applebloom already told you about our escapades."

Babs shook her head. "Not really? I mean she did mention that you guys went to that crystal place but the shadow creatures? I heard a lot of other stuff from the grownups whispers tho. That and lots of the newspapers were talkin' about not goin' outside at night if ya have to." She paused. "Oh and not to mention the extra guards me and the other fillies and colts would see on our way to the park. It's like they're gearing up for somethin'."

Applebloom exchanged a glance with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo before turning back to Babs, her expression serious. "We had some of the same restrictions here too. Zecora even had to come from the Everfree Forest as a just in case measure. Though she decided to stay at a house on the edge of town. It does make visiting her easier, but I would hate to have to move from my home because of those dang Heartless, so I can imagin she feels as bad as I would."

The orange earth pony shivered. "You said that name before. Heartless. Is that what they are called? Those shadow creatures in the paper"

Applebloom nodded solemnly. "Yeah, that's right. They're called Heartless. They're these shadowy creatures that are drawn to darkness and negativity." She paused. "At least that is what Sora told us."

Babs blinked. "Sora? Who's that?"

"Oh, right! I forgot to mention him," Scootaloo chimed in. "Sora is this awesome guy we met from a different world. He's got this cool weapon called the Keyblade and he's a total pro at fighting the Heartless and-"

"Scoots!" Sweetie bell yelled. "You weren't supposed to say that he's from a different world!"

The orange pegasus blinked before squeaking and wincing, realizing her mistake all too late. As Scootaloo apologized for her slip-up, the treehouse fell into a momentary silence. Broken only by Bab's words.

"So... you three gonna explain to me what that means or am I gonna have to nuggie it out of ya till ya say somethin'?"

Applebloom exchanged a nervous glance with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, unsure of how to explain the concept of different worlds to Babs. Taking a deep breath, she decided to give it a try.

"Well, Babs, this is gonna sound crazy but... hmm... ya know how our lands is called Equestria, right?" Applebloom began tentatively. Babs nodded, her eyes fixed on Applebloom in anticipation. "Well, Sora... ah... He’s not from Equestria... or anywhere anywhere on our world. He actually comes from a place No on our world. Somewhere he said that master guy call Destiny Islands."

"Destiny....Islands? Who would call a world Destiny Islands?" She frowned. "Are you three pulling my chain?"

Applebloom shook her head, a playful glint in her eyes. "No, no! Ah promise we ain't tellin' no fib, Babs. After everythin' me and the others saw, There's no way we don't believe Sora don't come from a different world. Ah mean. He's a pegasus that summons a blade that looks like a key for Celestia's sake."

"E-eh? No foolin?" Babs asked with wide eyes.

"It's all true!" Sweetie Belle chimed in. "Oh! But...we weren't suppose to tell anypony about it, so you really do have to keep it a secret okay. We told you because you are part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. And…A certain orange pegasus couldn’t keep her muzzle shut." She glared at said pegasus who squeaked under her gaze.

“I said I was sorry!”

Interjecting between the pair, Babs nodded eagerly, "Got it, Sweetie Belle. I ain't no snitch!" She leaned back in her chair. "So...ah...this Sora guy...something tells me he was the one AB was talking about on the way to the clubhouse." She smirked. "I'm I wrong?"

Applebloom blushed slightly, realizing Babs had caught on. "Well...I...um...." She glanced at her friends for support.

“Ha!” Scootaloo grinned mischievously, happy to have the heat off her for a time. "You got it in one go, Babs!"

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes playfully. "She's been swooning over him ever since she saw him in town!"

Applebloom's face turned even redder as she tried to defend herself. "I-I haven't been swooning! I just...uh...admire his bravery and stuff."

"Didn’t you tell us when you first saw him that you were in love?" The orange pegasus asked her friend, poking her cheek.

Applebloom's blush deepened as she stammered, "I-I might have... It's just...you know?" She glanced nervously at Babs, hoping her cousin wouldn't tease her too much about it. “Admiration and…stuff…”

Babs chuckled, her smirk widening. "Uh-huh, sure, Applebloom. Admiration, love... tomato, tomato, right?" She leaned in. "So...tell me more about this heroic colt you like so much. What's he like?"

Applebloom hesitated, not sure where to begin. She glanced at her friends for help, and Sweetie Belle nudged her forward. "Go on, Applebloom. You're the one with the crush, so spill it!"

Applebloom's cheeks flushed even more at her friend's words. Looking down and fidgeting, she slowly began to speak. "Well, he's really brave and kind. He's always ready to help others, no matter what. I mean...he is a bit silly at times. And can be slow...but....that just makes him even more endearing. Ya know?"

"Hehe. Yeah. He's also really determined," Sweetie Belle added with a grin. "Once he sets his mind on something, he'll do whatever it takes to achieve it."

Scootaloo nodded in agreement. "And he's almost as cool as Rainbow Dash." She smiled. “Which is an impossible feat, I know but he is up there os that means he’s kinda cool in my book.”

"Haha…Sounds like quite the catch." She looked around. "Where is he by the way? Did he come to the reunion too?"

Babs nodded understandingly. "Ah, I see. Well, it sounds like he's got his hooves full with important stuff. Fighting Heartless and all that."

"Yeah," Applebloom replied with a wistful sigh. "He's always out there helping others, even if it means he can't stay for long."

Sweetie Belle placed a comforting hoof on Applebloom's shoulder. "Awww don't worry Apple Bloom. I'm sure He'll be back soon and you can swoon all over him."

Applebloom blushed even brighter at Sweetie Belle's teasing. "I-I don't swoon!" the little filly pouted. Her friends began to laugh softly before filling the room with warmth and laughter before the yellow filly joined with after a roll of her eyes.

Wiping a bit of a tear from her eye, Babs smiled at her cousin. "So...since the cats already out of the bag. Mind telling me about this Sora guy? LIke...If he came from another world, how did he get here?"

"Oh! OH! I got this!" Scootaloo squeaked as she jumped onto the table. "Allow me to tell you the tale of the second coolest pegasus Equestira has ever known! You see...it all started on a dark and stormy night... "

Not too far away, a curious sharply pointed little creature could be seen. Despite its erratic movement, it seemed to stay focused on the girls within the tree house, the spikes there seemed to be its ears perking ever so slightly.


Applejack placed the cold barrel of apple cider on the table before giving her big brother a nod. When he returned it, she went back into the fray. When she had been told that she was going to be the lead host of this year's Apple Family Reunion, she had nothing but big plans for it. Wanting to find out all the traditional activities that they had done in the past and keep it focused on that.

Now though, after everything she had been through with the girls and Sora, fighting against an evil she couldn't even comprehend, having something nice and comfy was more then enough for a time like this. Sitting back with her family, mingling with friends, and enjoying the simple pleasures of the reunion was all she needed in that moment.

She was sure she would be back into it with Sora and the others. Fighting against the Heartless, putting herself in danger. But for now, Applejack was content to embrace the joy and simplicity of this moment. The laughter and chatter of the other ponies filled the air, creating a lively atmosphere that she couldn't help but be swept up in. She watched as Granny Smith regaled a group of foals with stories of the olden days, her voice filled with warmth and nostalgia. Applejack couldn't help but smile at the sight.

As she glanced around, her eyes landed on Pinkie Pie, who was effortlessly balancing several plates of apple pie on her back. Pinkie's mane bounced with each step she took, and her bright blue eyes sparkled with excitement. "Applejack! Wanna help me set up the pie-eating contest? It's gonna be super duper fun!" Pinkie exclaimed, her voice full of infectious enthusiasm.

"Sure thing, Pinkie! Lead the way!" she replied, rising from her seat and following Pinkie to where the contest was to be held. She could worry about serious stuff later. For now, she was content. Her only regret is that she couldn't have the rest of her friends with her at this time

She paused and looked towards the warm blue sky above her. "There's always next year...right?" Though she spoke aloud she didn't expect anypony to answer her. Tilting her head back she turned to follow after her bouncing pink friend, a smile and a half on her face.


As the festivities continued below, a pony with dark gray fur and a jet black mane lay hidden from everyone's sight on top of the barn. His deep yellow eyes gleamed with dangerous amusement as he bit into an apple he held in his hoof, a smirk playing across his face, "Haha...laugh it up ponies. I promise…the real festivities are only beginning."

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