• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,711 Views, 1,589 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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Of Boats and Parties

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Heartless in Ponyville

Green to start music and red to stop music

Golden Oaks Library

Twilight’s eyes slowly opened to the gentle beams of Celestia’s sun’s light beaming softly through her bedroom window. The mare smiled before sitting up, yawning and stretching her tired limbs, forcing any kinks she had out of her waking body. She genlty pushed off the blanket that covered her and slipped herself out of bed, setting her bed back right.

Tidiness is next to Princessness after all.

It was a silly saying to be sure but one she held with high esteem. Mostly because Celestia always told her those words when she was still a filly.

When she was done remaking her bed, the lavender mare made her way towards her bathroom, standing in front of the mirror. The mare couldn’t help but chuckle slightly at the sight of her bed hair, jokingly thinking that Rarity would have a fit if she saw her now She showed her pearly white teeth, checking for any imperfection they might have acquired in her time asleep. When nothing could be seen, she raised her hair brush and slowly began to straighten out her mane, smoothing out all the loose ends. She was halfway through brushing her hair when a random thought occurred to her.

When had she gone to bed?

She had remembered waking up the day before, way early in the morning to do some reading. She was in the middle of a particular book that, while cheesy in both execution and production, she found it emotionally and, in some ways, physically stimulating. Her mind strayed away for only a moment, remembering a particular scene within the confines of the book. She giggled lightly as a blush formed in a pink hue on her cheeks. The hero of the story had just rescued the love of his life from falling off the cliff the villain of the story pushed her off of. The hero leapt head first after her, holding out his hoof, ready to snatch the mare away from certain death. It reminded her of…

Twilight’s eyes widened as thoughts flashed through her mind.

Memories...her memories…Memories of darkness and fear. Fear of losing everything.

The mare raised a hoof to her muzzle as memories began to flood her mind. I…I was…Somewhere I shouldn’t have been…somewhere I didn’t want to be. I… She remembered the cold darkness pulling her into the abyss, the very thought nearly making her topple over in fear. “The darkness...Those Heartless…They attacked me...”

Realization struck as tears began to flow down her cheeks. She had been in the library reading her book when she had noticed something from the corner of her eye. A shadow…moving by itself. She had thought it was a trick of the light but then…

“Oh Dear Celestia!” She shouted as she ran out the room, replaying the events in her mind as she went.

The heartless! They had been here. They had tried to grab her, but she managed to evade capture somehow. She had thrown Spike onto her back and ran out of the library. She saw more of those creatures everywhere she went. Walls. Roofs. It was the parasprite invasion all over again,but much much worse. It almost seemed like the end of the world. The end of Her world.

She could remember that other ponies were following a gray pegasus away from the town and decided to try and follow after them. It had not been much longer before Rarity joined their little party. She had learned that Rarity was attacked by those beasts as well and had escaped, though she would need a new sewing machine later. With their friend in tow and her Dragon on her back, the three would quickly make their way towards White Tail Woods where they had seen many of the other ponies leave.

I had been behind Rarity. I know she could protect herself well enough but we never faced things like that before. I wanted to protect her. But...everything was fuzzy after that. I have to Find Rarity! I have to find my friends! But first i have to find-




So focused was the poor distressing mare on saving her friends, that running smack dab into one of said friends was something that she would have never seen coming. Neither was tumbling down her stairs in a mix of purple, blue and rainbow colors.

Both Twilight and Rainbow landed in a mess of fur and limbs in a daze, the former having fallen on top of the latter in the tumble.

Being the first to recover, The bookmare rubbled the pain away from her head before looking around in confusion. She would gasp as she finally noticed the cyan mare blow her. “Oh my goodness! Rainbow! Are you ok?!”

“But mom, I don’t wanna go to flight school today.” Was the pegasus’s only response before blacking out.


Sweet Apple Acres

Boy howdy Sora! You’re really becoming quite the apple bucker.”

Sora blushed, at the praise that he was receiving from the farm-mare, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. “Hehe...Come on AJ. Compared to you I’m just a newbie.” The young stallion picked up the bucket of newly fallen apples, placing them in Applejack’s waiting cart before continuing. “Besides, its because of you that I'm getting so good at it. Apple's is your speical talent after all. What better teacher, right?”

Applejack chuckled softly. “It may be my special talent Sora, but you turned out to be a real…a…Savnet? Sarnet?”

“I think the word you’re looking for is savant dear, and I do believe you are not using it in the right context.”

Applejack huffed before turning to face a familiar white unicorn that she was friends with. “Rarity, I know that your place is getting rebuilt and all that, ya know, after that monster attack, but if you’re gonna be hanging out here the least ya could do is help out around the farm.”

The fashionista, in Sora’s opinion, seemed to have set herself up quite well in the apple farm while her home repairs were underway. And while she had decided to stay with Twilight until her home was back to full glory, she made every attempt to find time to visit the apple farm.

Half because she didn’t want to have to deal with the dusty tomes strolled about Twilight's library and half because it was a rather fitting excuse to spend more time with the recent object of her affection.

The time she had spent was rather interesting to say the least. The days she and spent to get the know Sora, the more she began to understand him somewhat.

He was goofy to be sure. A little immature at times, yes? That could always be worked out though. He was a young stallion after all. She thought, back then.

Still, his demerits didn't outshine his kind nature and his ability to adapt. Rather it was fixing up the barn or helping Fluttershy with her bunny herding. He would always go at it with a vigor of knowing what to do, even when he did mess up here and there.

Pulling herself back to the present, Rarity sat pretty with her bright yellow sun hat with a pair of dark purple shades upon a beach chair and table Spike had helped set up for her, sipping at what looked like a refreshing cup of iced lemonade. She addressed her apple farming friend with a kind smile.

“Why Applejack my dear, I am helping. I’m helping supervise the both of you.”

The farm mare’s hoof stomped the ground as she scowled, “If I needed supervising, I would’ve called Granny Smith.”

“Come now, I grace you with my presence and this is how you treat your friend?”

“What does friendship have to do with you being lazy?”

Sora raised his hoof. “Well...I think that-“

“In a minute Darling/Just a second Sugercube.” Both mares said in unison before turning back to face each other.

The boy sighed gently before making his way toward one of the nearby trees, setting himself up comfortably as he watched the two mares start their little word fight. “Those two really seem to like to go at it. Second day in a row.” He chuckled lightly as he smiled. “Must be really good friends.” Sora’s ears drooped slightly at the thought.

I wonder how everyone is doing. Do they even know I’m gone? Did whoever Celestia talk to let my friends know? Does Riku and Kirie even know I’m here? Donald and Goofy?

Sora was so deep in thought that he had barely noticed someone next him staring intently at his face. When he did notice he nearly jumped back in fright.

“Gah! Sweetie Belle!?”

The pale white filly blinked and smiled brightly as she waved a hoof at him. “Morning, Sora! Are you taking a break?”

The stallion blinked, then looked off toward Rarity and Applejack, still knee deep in their argument, which seemed to have somehow derailed into each other’s appearances. “Yeah, I think.” He felt his hoof gripped by the filly’s.

“Then you can help me and my friends out then!”

“H-hey! Wait! What do you mean? What are we doing?”

“You’ll see!” Sweetie Bell answered with a bright smile leading the stallion away from the bickering mares.


Rarity and Applejack watched as Sweetie Bell led the stallion away, both mares doing their best to hide their smiles.

“Heh poor Sora.” The farm mare mused as she shook her head. “Hate to do this to him, but using the fillies is a good excuse for us to get him out of the way for a bit.”

“Yes, quite right, and there is no better distraction then our little sisters and Scootaloo.” The white unicorn turned towards Ponyville. “Come along Applejack. We have to get ready before this afternoon right? No time to dilly dally.”

“Yeah, yeah. I’m coming.” The farm mare said with a huff. "And we still need to finish our conversation."

Rarity smiled coyly. "Oh Applejack, It was all in good fun. I really don't think you need that much work done to your mane."


Golden Oaks library

Rainbow awoke to voices not too far away from her, one female, the other a male, and both recognizable.

“Wow Spike…Just…he really did all that? How could he? It’s just not possible.”

“I don’t know Twi…You should have seen him out there. He was like a machine. I’ve never seen somepony move the way he did.”

“For a pony to have such strength is…it’s just down right...ugh...wish I had a better way of saying it without repeating myself but...It really is Impossible. And you’re saying that he took it on by himself.”

“Yeah! I know I was supposed to be worried for you and everything Twi, but he just…Oh! Rainbow! You’re awake.”

Just as Rainbow sat up from the couch she was instantly beset by a pair of lavender hooves. “Rainbow! Are you ok?! I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you coming up and…”

The cyan gave an awkward smile as she pulled one of her hooves free from Twilight’s grasp. She placed it on the side of her neck and proceeded to rock her head side to side, testing for any kinks she may have gained. “Hey it’s ok Twilight. Not the first time I had a crash like that and I doubt it will be the last.”

“I’m just glad your wings aren't broken.” Twilight sighed with relief. “It was a pretty hard fall after all.”

“Yeah, that would’ve sucked.” Rainbow agreed before her expression turned towards that of worry. “Anyway, forget about me! How are you doing? Are you feeling alright? I mean it's been two whole days and...well...”

“I’m…okay for the most part. Not really something I feel like repeating though.” She shook her head lightly. “Spike filled me in on most of what happened near Town Hall. I still find it hard to believe that the heartless had attacked here. If…If things didn’t turn out the way they did then…”

Rainbow frowned at the thought, looking away from her friend for only a moment. “Tell me about it. So not cool." She turned back towards Twilight. "Still, as annoying as it is for me to say this, Sora really did save the day on this one. Guess he isn’t all talk after all. Though if it had been me, I would have taken that overgrown weed down in 30-No! 20 seconds flat! And you know what else? I...Ah...”

Rainbow had stopped talking when she had noticed her friend's expressions, the cyan mare frowning slightly. “What?”

“I-I’m sorry but…Did you just say Sora?” Twilight asked.

“Ah…Yeah? That’s his name right?”

The purple mare nodded. “Well yes, I know his name. I say it when I address him. The thing is I’ve never heard you calling him by his name before…at least no time I can remember.”

“What!?” Rainbow said, slightly affronted. “I say his name frequently!”

“Uhhhhh, No, you don’t.” Spike quipped.

“Yes I do!”

"I'm nintynine precent sure I never heard you say his name once...least around me." Twilight added.

"You know what! Whatever!" Rainbow groaned before looking towards the window for a hasty escape. “I gotta let the others know you’re ok. They were pretty worried about you too.” Before she left, however, the mare turned towards her purple friend. “Hey...ah...You sure you are okay. I mean if you want, you can come with me, ya know, to keep an eye on you and all that.”

Twilight shook her head but smiled gently at the kindness of her friend. “No, I’m fine, but thank you Dash. I have Spike here So I should be good. Besides, I need to send a letter to the princess…” She also needed to collect her memories.

That weird being floating down towards me in my dreams, just what was it? Was I dreaming or...

“Ok, Ok I get it Twi.” She spread her wings out ready to take off. “Just make sure to call me if you need any help, ya got it?”

"Ill keep that in mind Dash." She laughed lightly before a gentle look of worry crossed her features. “You sure you’re okay to fly though?”

“Are you kidding me? Just watch this!” She snapped her tail once before she flew off out of the tree at top speed, sending papers flying everywhere.

Spike’s face deadpanned as he slapped a claw to his face. “For the love of…I just cleaned this place!”

Twilight chuckled lightly before turning to find her kitchen. She was famished.

The bookmare didn’t get very far however, her cyan friend popping her head into view from out of Twilight’s window. “Oh! Before I forget, there’s a surprise party happening later this afternoon over at Sugarcube Corner. Pinkie told me to tell you to be there when you woke up.”

“Oh ok I…Wait…How did she know I was going to wake up when you came over?”

Rainbow shrugged. “I stopped trying to figure out that pony long ago, Twi. Just chalk it up to Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.”


White Tail Woods Lake

Sora shook the water out of his fur as he trudged his way back to dry land. He was happy he was a good swimmer and still retained that ability even in pony form. He looked towards the trio of fillies as they all smiled sheepishly up at him each one just as drenched as he was.

“Well…I think shipbuilding is off the list of cutie marks for you girls.”

“Sorry about that Sora.” Sweetie Belle apologized as she rung the water out of her tail. “We thought the holes would make it glide faster in the water.”

The Keyblade Weider chuckled as he tilted his head to the side to bang the water out of one of his ears. “Don’t worry about it. It really was a good idea at the time. That is until it started to sink…fast…”

Sweetie Belle sighed dejectedly. “Yeah…Guess we’re not cut out to be shipbuilders, huh?”

“What? Giving up already?” Sora asked, a rather cocky grin playing on his features.

"What no!" the white filly answered with a pout. "But what are we suppose to do?"

"Well...I had a hand in building a ship once...well...more of a raft. How about I lend ya my skills." He took a branch in his mouth and began to draw upon the ground. "First we need this and this..."

While Sweetie Bell occupied Sora’s attention, the other two fillies stayed behind in a hushed conference.

“Alright, we got him alone for now...so…now’s your chance Applebloom.”

Applebloom raised her eyebrow to her orange little friend. “Huh? What do ya mean Scoots?”

The orange filly groaned. “Why don’t you go talk to him? Maybe find out a little more about him.”

“What?!” Applebloom covered her mouth as Sora and Sweetie Bell looked her way. She quickly waved, causing the other two to awkwardly do the same. When Sora and Sweetie Belle began their conversation again, Applebloom continued at a more reasonable tone. “Ah don’t want to sound like a busy body. What if he hates me for asking any personal questions?”

“Well you won’t know until you try Applebloom.” Scootaloo went behind her friend and began to push her towards the crush of her life. “Now get going. As one of your…” She stuck a hoof in her mouth and stuck out her tongue. “Gack…love advisers, I command you to do so.”

Applebloom whimpered as she was pushed by her flank towards the stallion. She was grateful for her friend’s help, but for her to talk to him here and now, couple that with the fact that the stallion that she liked was not only some kind of hero, but also a hero that single hoofedly saved her whole town, caused the yellow filly to become even more infatuated by the stallion.

Of course this rise in infatuation caused her to become extremely timid around Sora, almost to the point that she could barely hold a full conversation with him without squeaking in embarrassment.

“Ah…Ah don’t know what ta say to him.” Applebloom complained. “What do Ah even ask him?”

“How am I supposed to know?! Just ask him about the weather or something!” With one final shove the little pegasus mare pushed Applebloom in front of her crush. She looked up just in time to see those sky blue portals to his soul looking down upon her with a curious look before smiling gently at her, causing her already red cheeks to darken.

“What’s up Applebloom?” His voice caused her to blush hotly as he addressed the filly. “Me and Sweetie were going over a new boat design. It’s a bit more simple, but I think it will work a whole lot better then what we were doing before.”

Applebloom just looked upwards toward the stallion, her heart fluttering wildly. She could barely utter a sound, her voice failing her as miserably as it was. When she did open her mouth all that could be heard was a slight wheezing sound. She panicked when the stallion tilted his head in confusion at her behavior.

Ohnoohnoohno!! What do I do?! What do I say?! Oh this is over before it even began! Ow!

She touched the side of her leg where a pebble had struck. Looking off to where it came from, she could see Scootaloo behind Sora waving to get her attention. When said attention was gained, the orange filly held up an oversized cue card with the words ‘Ask about the weather!’ Written on it.

Applebloom gulped before stuttering slightly. “H-how’s t-the weather up there?”

Sora looked at her for a second before tapping a hoof to his chin in thought. When he was done, the stallion shrugged. “I don't know...How about..." He reached for the filly, grabbing her by her sides and lifting her up high as he could. "You tell me!"

Applebloom squeaked but giggled, wiggling in the stallion's hooves as he held her aloft. “Hey, hahah! Okay okay ah get it! ”The stallion, having had his fun, put the little filly down with a smile. Doing so, the yellow filly turned towards the stallion, with a smile. "haha...okay okay...ya got me good on that one."

Sora waved a hoof dismissively. “In all fairness, I’ve been saving that one for a while.”

“Really?” Applebloom sat on her haunches and stared up at the stallion. “Why would you need to save a joke like that?”

The stallion smiled sheepishly. “Well…you see…I wasn’t always the biggest kid. In fact I was one of the shortest.”

Applebloom’s eyes bulged. “Really?”

“Yeah…Honestly I was always picked on because of that.”

“B-but you’re a hero! Why would somepony pick on a hero?”

“I wasn’t always a Keyblade Wielder you know.” Sora's eyes shifted over to the other two fillies as they listened in on his conversation. “In fact I don’t think I was anything special growing up.”

“You’re kidding!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “But you like...Saved a whole town, and you have that magic key thing! How is that not anything special?!”

Sora raised one hoof and crossed his heart with the other. “Cross my heart. I was just a normal little kid like you.”

Sweetie Bell leaned in as she asked, “So how did you get that key blade thing?”

“Well...thats actually a long story." the young stallion told them. 'You see, it was a dark and stormy night and-”

“There you are!”

Sora and the girls looked up to see Rainbow Dash zipping downwards toward them. She landed in front of the stallion, addressing him when she did so. “Been looking for you everywhere. You’re needed down by town hall.”

“Town Hall?” The hero questioned. “Do you know why?”

“Don’t ask dumb questions.” Rainbow said while turning away from him. “Just be there, okay?” Before the mare could take off, Sora’s voice stopped her.

“Rainbow!" When she paused and turned to face him, he began to speak "I’m glad that you’re ok. Pinkie told me that you were getting chased by heartless when she found you.'' His head lowered and his ears folded back. “If I had known they were coming then…” A tap against his head stopped his sentence short. He looked up to see the cyan pegasus lowering her hoof back to the ground.

“Geez…shut up Hero. I’m okay so don’t worry about it.” She turned her head so that she could look at him in his eyes. Sora was slightly taken aback by the way she looked. Her eyes seemed softer than before, at least softer then he was use to from her. “Just get moving okay? And don’t be late or else I’ll kick your flank into next Thursday.” She flew off leaving the stallion and the fillies.

Sora blinked slowly before turning to face the fillies. "Is she always-"

"Intense?" Applebloom asked

"Weird?" Sweetie Belle squeaked.

"Awesome?" Scootaloo added.

Sora couldn't stop the laugh that escaped him. "Right...So all of the above. Lets get going girls. Don't think I wanna keep Rainbow Dash waiting on me."


Ponyville Town Hall

The fillies had led Sora back to Ponyville, the latter enjoying the gentle breeze of the wind on the warm summer-like day. The young stallion had been talking in length about his time upon his homeland Destiny Island, telling the fillies about all the adventures that he and his friends would get up to. So wrapped up in the conversation Sora was, that it took him some time to notice the rather large gathering converged upon the still recovering building of Town hall. Still when he did notice, he had little time to wonder what was going on due to a certain lavender unicorn trotting her way towards Sora and the girls.

“Twilight? You’re ok!” He ran up to a look a relief upon his face. “Geeze...I was worried about you.”

“You, my friends and all of my family too.” Twilight responded with a tired smile. She seemed to still have a little fatigue but otherwise Sora thought she was doing okay. “Celestia had to stop my parents from taking the first train to Ponyville when they heard that I had...ah...gotten hurt.”

The young stallion chuckled softly. “ I can imagine. You should have seen my mom after I came back from my first adventure Or...was it the second? Thought she would never let me leave the house again. Still don’t know how Master Yen Sid convinced her to let me. I guess thats just how moms are.”

“I'm sure you are right. Still, besides all that, I do have to thank you Sora. Spike told me everything that had happened when I was” Twilight shuddered softly before smiling back at the stallion “...ah...Anyway. Thank you. For saving me.”

Sora blushed sheepishly as he rubbed the tip of his hoof against his snout. “Well...I do what I can." He said in a light and chipper voice

“Besides that thought, There are some things I really need to discuss with you,” Twilight continued.” But that can wait till another time. First I think you should follow me. Don’t want to keep everypony waiting after all.”

Before Sora could even ask what she meant by that, Twilight took the lead, slightly dragging the poor boy with her magic as she led him toward the front of the crowd, continuing onwards towards the top of a makeshift stage. Awaiting Twilight and himself was a beige mare with a curly white mane, a mare that Sora remembered being named Mayor Mare. As soon as she had spotted the pair the mayor’s smile doubled with practice ease, beckoning Sora to stand beside her.

The Keyblade Wielder's belly felt as if butterflies were having a field day within him, and apprehension grew more and more within his being. He had turned behind himself only to find Applejack and Twilight blocking his escape route.

The farm mare chuckled gently as she turned him around and pushed him to the podium. “Going somewhere, partner?”

Sora shook his head, still rather confused. “What’s going on? I don’t…”

The beige mare coughed politely, though loud enough to be heard from all ponies to steadily lower their chant till it died down. “Attention everypony! Attention! I understand that all of you were afraid yesterday. For those monsters to ruthlessly attack Ponyville is unforgivable! I would like to extend my condolences to all that were affected by the Shadow Ponies and the Darkflower.”

Sora raised an eyebrow towards the lavender unicorn. “Shadow Ponies? Darkflower?”

“Well we have to call them something, right? Heartless is good and all but since I found out there are more than just the pony shaped ones, I figured I should take it upon myself to name all the ones we’ve met so far.”

The caramel stallion chuckled in embarrassment. “Hey, not judging. Should see some of the names my friend came up with for many of the heartless I fought before. The two of you would get along, I think.”

Attention was drawn back into the speech as Mayor Mare continued. “I would like to be the first to honor a pony who not only stood up in the face of adversity to tackle the invasion of those nasty creatures, but ousted them from our town completely. A pony who, only arriving in our little town, took it upon himself to protect it with his very life.” She waved a hoof toward the keyblade wielder. “On behalf of Ponyville, I would like to thank Sora for his bravery.” Mayor Mare trotted up to Sora and held out a medallion for him. “Please accept this as a token of our appreciation.”

Sora held the medallion in his hooves before turning to face the Mayor. “I...Wow...ah…”

“Would the young hero of the hour like to address the public?” The mayor offered.

Sora blushed brighter than he had ever done before as he was pulled in front of the podium. The poor boy stood dumbstruck as he stared out into the eager crowd. Never before had he been in this position. Whenever he traveled through the worlds, he always saved the day and then just left to do the same on another world. Sure he was thanked nearly every time, but never to this magnitude.

“I…I’m not used to this. Honestly, if I had my way I would just ask for a whole cake to eat and just sleep it off.” Sora heard a “TRUE THAT” from a familiar pink mare out in the front of the crowd. It only put him slightly off guard before he continued with what he was about to say. “While I do thank you for this whole thing,” He held out the medal. “I don’t think I deserve all this praise. More then a few of your houses were destroyed because of the battle and your lives were put in danger because I-.”

The mayor wrapped a hoof around Sora’s neck and pulled him in close. “Do you see that. Not only is he a hero but he is also a modest one to boot! Give it up for the Hero of Ponyville.” The ponies all stomped on the ground cheering loudly and cutting off any retort he had wanted to say.

Sora could only smile worriedly as he looked out onto the crowd.


Canterlot Throne Room

Celestia sat on her throne looking over all the available data about heartless that been recorded over the years. It had been a long time since she had even considered going over any of the findings that had talked about the elusive shadows. It didn’t help matters that the attack on Ponyville laid heavily on the white alicorn’s mind, as well as the plight that her star pupil was subjected to.

The princess of the sun couldn’t stop remembering the feelings she had held when she had first learned about everything two days prior. She had teleported right away to Twilight’s side as soon as she could. Seeing her student, her friend...Her...Daughter...Hurt in such a way nearly broke the princess' regal façade. She loved all of her subjects dearly but she had always held a special place in her heart for Twilight.

The only other pony to outpace her in righteous fury was that of Twilight's own mother. The Princess had actually forgotten who it was that she was dealing with when it took near six of her guards to finally restrain the mare and talk some since into her before she went on a rampage across Equestira. She wasn't Daring Dos partner and publisher for nothing after all.

She was glad however, for how things had turned out in the end. She was right to place her faith in Sora, the boy having saved her from being lost forever. Still, it was too close for comfort for her liking. She had set up extra guards around all cities and highways because of the incident. Keyblade or no keyblade, she was never going to allow such a thing to happen again, not if she could help it.

The sudden interruption of her throne room door bursting open caused the princess to slightly jump, not quite expecting such an entrance. She watched as a white earth pony guard with gleaming gold armor raced towards the throne room, his voice heavy with fatigue. “News from Northern Equestria!” He said before adopting a more fitting tone for speaking with the princess. “Your highness…”

Celestia held her head high as she addressed the guard. “Yes? What is it?”

The guard bowed low before removing his helmet and addressing her once again. “I am to tell you that it has been found.”

Her eyes widened and she gasped, not being able to withhold her surprise. Regaining her composure, she turned to the pegasus guards beside her, her tone holding a hard, desperate twinge. “Find Princess Cadence and Shining Armor!”

The guards bowed low in acknowledgement before running to complete their mission.

When she was alone the Princess picked up a quill and parchment with her magic and began her letter to her student.


Ponyville - A ways away from Town Hall

“Haha...Ponies sure are a sociable bunch…”

Sora spent the evening communing with many of the town ponies as they all thanked him for saving their town. Despite how he felt about being the main cause of most of the buildings being demolished, seeing all those ponies’ smiling faces caused the hero to smile brightly as well. Making others smile had always been a special talent of his after all. Still, it was a little overwhelming for the poor boy and he was glad when he was able to finally slip away due to the distraction that was a very pink pony causing an impromptu song and dance number. He found himself pulling away from the group to find a little solitude.

He scoffed slightly at such a notion. Two years of being alone, and he always wanted someone around. Now here he was surrounded by overly social ponies, seeking solitude.

Still it goes without saying that he was a hero in all the ponies eyes, and that honestly scared him. If he was to fail, like he had done with the exams…if he was to slip up now…then everypony would be in serious danger. If it wasn’t for that Doctor dude, then things could have gone much worse for Ponyville. Sora had tried to look for him in the crowd before but both he and the gray mare seemed to just vanish. They were the ones who had single handedly saved the whole town. He was just the cleanup crew.

Sora lowered his head. “Why am I beating myself up like this? Sure I wasn’t there to actually protect the other ponies but still…I did do what I could…” He cursed inwardly. “And it still wasn’t enough, was it? Big Mac got hurt, we nearly lost Twilight, and if it weren’t for Pinkie, then Rainbow would have been in trouble too…I guess I really am a useless…”

“You know, I don’t think all that self loathing suits you?”

Sora jumped in fright at the sound of Twilight’s voice behind him, and his wings once again betrayed him by flapping awkwardly in the sky, causing the poor stallion to flip upside down and land on his back with a resounding thud.

Twilight stood over him and smiled. “I’m sorry. Didn’t think I would scare you like that.”

Sora raised a hoof from his downed position. “For some reason…I think you all get joy out of sneaking up on me…”

Twilight giggled before lending a helpful hoof to pull him back up. “Sorry. It’s just, I saw you leaving the party and I wanted to check up on you.” She closed her eyes. “And I wanted to talk to you about something…”

Sora tilted his head. “What’s up?”

Twilight’s eyes grew soft as she looked upon him. She needed to talk to him about whatever it was that was bothering him but first things first, she needed to confront him about her time in the darkness. “Sora…I…I don’t remember too much after I was, um, captured. From what Spike tells me I was trapped inside a magic bubble with him and my…my heart was outside of my body.” She shook her head. "Not my heart heart but my, well...it's hard to describe. It felt like all my feelings were just...well...vanishing. I never felt so empty in my life."

Sora grew concerned as he placed a hoof on her shoulder. “Are you ok?”

Twilight nodded as she wrapped her fore hooves around her body. “Yeah I’m fine. But it was so dark, and so lonely. I didn’t know what to do. I remember trying to get out of the darkness but…I couldn’t…I just…” She shuddered slightly. “I nearly gave up you know. That was until I heard a voice.” She pointed a hoof towards him. “Your voice.”

“My voice?” Sora asked as he tilted his head to the other side.

The lavender mare nodded. “Tell me Sora…what happened on your end.”

He placed a hoof on his chin as he went over the events in his head. He told Twilight he had remembered striking at the bubble that held her and Spike with his Keyblade. He didn’t quite know what was going to happen when he did it. For all he knew he could have made it worse, but as soon as he struck the magic bubble he had remembered blacking out. The last thing he could remember before waking back up was feeling Twilight call for help.

“Wait…You felt me call out for help?” Twilight interrupted.

“Yeah, I mean, It felt like I felt you. Almost like I could feel your heart calling out to me. I remember reaching out to it with my own. After that the next thing I knew I was holding you in my hooves outside of Town Hall.”

Twilight blushed brightly, imagining the caramel stallion holding her close like a mother would a foal. Spike seemed to have left that part out of his version of the narration. She would have to confront him about it later though. What she had to say next was important. “Sora…I remember seeing something.” Twilight began. “It looked like nothing I have ever seen before. It was tall and weirdly shaped. I didn’t know what to make of it.”

“Really? Was it a heartless?”

Twilight shook her head. “No, It" She paused. "...He helped me. I don’t know what he was but for some reason he-“


Twilight’s sentence was cut short by the sound of the familiar voice that was her assistant. She turned just in time to see him approach her, gasping for breath.


The mare’s eyes bulged “A letter from the princess!” She quickly opened it with her magic and scanned the contents. Both Sora and Spike jumped slightly when she gasped without warning. “Oh dear…” Twilight’s eyes focused towards the purple drake at her side. “Spike…I need you to go get the girls. On the double.”

“What's wrong, Twilight.” Spike asked in a worried tone. “Did something happen?”

“The Crystal Empire! It’s reappeared!”

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