• Published 25th Jul 2013
  • 26,831 Views, 1,601 Comments

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony - steel soul

The weight of Sora's failure at the keyblade exam slowly began to eat away at him. In his lonely despair a door appears in front of him, opening a way to a new world with creatures he would have never thought he would see.

  • ...

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The Return of Sombra-The Fight (Edited)

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

By Steel Soul

Return of Sombra Part one - The Fight

Green to start music and red to stop music

Sora and the girls could only watch on in horror as the top of the crystal palace erupted in an explosion of crystals and shards. The screams of the crystal ponies being heard all the way where they were standing ringing true in their ears.

“Wha...what just...what just happened?” Rainbow stuttered, her eyes never leaving the scene before her. “What the buck just happened?”

No pony had an answer at first, but the slowly rising figure from the smoke upon the busted tower soon gave it to them.

A creature almost out of a nightmare emerged from the remains of the broken tower. Even from this distance Sora could make out the details of the being, contesting to the fact with how large it was. The creature brought back a familiar feeling. Like he had seen a creature like this before in his darkest of nightmares. The crystal armored creature was like that of the shadows he was used to, though much bigger. A crystal helmet covered all of its face except its eyes and wiggling antennae. Yellow soulless eyes scanned the area before bellowing a mighty roar, as if daring any to stand against it.

And something indeed did.

In the distance, not too far from the giant's reach was a vaguely pony-like white dot, carrying what appeared to be a pink one and a purple one upon their back and forelegs respectively. Though Sora couldn’t quite see them with how far away he was, He knew that at least two of the dots might just be ponies he knew.

“Thats...Cadence and Twilight! Comeon! We gotta get back to the castle!” Sora called out. He was about to lead the charge back towards the crystal castle when the distinct sound of glass shattering rebounded behind him. He and the girls would all turn just in time for them to see the magic barrier break apart right before their eyes. The harsh winds and freezing snow hit like a truck. Despite the cold chill in the air, something else became more apparent as dark smoke slowly began to eclipse the pony’s vision. Slowly the sound of heavy hoof steps could be heard as a dark unicorn slowly made their way from the menacing cloud of darkness, his heavy red cape bellowing, giving his sleek metal gray appearance a more menacing look. Unnatural green eyes overflowing with the power of darkness completing his look.

“Hhehhehe...HAHAHAHAHAHA! So good to be whole again!” The stallion gave a sharp toothed smile as his gaze fell upon the ponies before him. “Hello my little ponies. You have the pleasure of basking in the glory of the one true king of the Crystal Empire.”

The Dark King had risen again!

Sombra had returned!

Kingdom Hearts of Harmony

Return of Sombra-The Fight

Despite the clear and present danger of the being before them, Rainbow couldn’t keep her gaze from drifting towards the monster that was attacking her friends back at the tower. She was never one to outright rely on somepony for aid, least not if she could help it, but for once, she swallowed her pride before turning to the stallion beside her and whispered out the corner of her mouth in a somewhat semi-controlled tone. “Okay hero…if you got a plan to win then might want to pull it out your flank now.”

If Sora heard her he didn’t show it. The stallion was wrestling with his inner self on what to do at that point in time. He dared not take his eyes off the very being before him, but the sound of the monster’s roar caused the stallion’s ears to flick in agitation.

I gotta go help Twilight and Candace, but…This guy...I can't take eyes off him. If I do...

His gaze would shift to the mare and fillies beside him, Fluttershy keeping the frightened little ones right behind herself, despite the mare shaking like a leaf herself.

I can’t leave them alone. Not with him. But I can’t stay here. Darn it!

The voice within himself touched his heart once again. Sora...Calm down. I want to help your new friends too but we can’t be two places at once.

Sora huffed aa Ventus made himself known once more. I know that! But I can't’ just leave either of them!

You don’t have. You just have to practice what you preach. I know you can do it.

The stallion growled lowly before relenting to his inner thoughts, he moved until he was right next to the rainbow mare he needed right now. “Rainbow, you’re the fastest right?”

The mare scoffed at the question. “Faster then the fastest, Hero.”

“Then I need you to go and help Twilight and Cadence. Whoever it is they are with might need someone like you by their side.”

Rainbow frowned, knowing exactly what he was thinking. “What about this poser? You just gonna hog all to yourself?” Despite the harshness of the question, there was a deep rooted concern in her tone. “I can’t just leave yo-“ she stopped herself and corrected her wording. “I can’t just leave all of you here to face this jerk alone.”

“And we can’t just leave Cadence and Twilight either,” Sora shot back before giving the mare a confident smile. “I’ve fought jerks like this guy before. Taking him down gonna be easier than easy.” His gaze shot back to the King of Dark magic. “I really need your help on this one Rainbow. I can’t be in two places at once, but I can trust my friends to do what I can't.”

The cyan mare looked between Sora and the King before giving the Keyblade Wielder a smirk “Geeze, pull my leg why don’t you, hero? You need me to be my amazing self? Fine, You got it. Just don’t come crying to me when I turn that crystal heartless into dust before you can even blink.” Her smug attitude diminished somewhat as she turned around to face the castle, her wings ready to rocket her to help her friends. She paused for only a moment before calling out. “Just don’t get yourself killed, Sora. Got it? And you better make sure you protect Fluttershy or I’ll be the one to kick your flank!”

Sora couldn’t help the smile that formed on his face. “Think I'm more scared of you then I am this guy to be honest. So I’ll try not to disappoint.”

Rainbow laughed softly to herself before taking off, leaving Sora to turn back to turn back to the patient visage of the dark king.

“Done with your little scheming, boy? Not that its going to make a difference in the long run you know. Your friends fate was sealed before it even began.'' Sombra's voice was deep, with a dark majestic edge to it, something Sora didn’t quite like all that much if he was being honest. The black stallion continued, his tone amused. “Though I must admit, when I heard of a stallion with the power to destroy Heartless the princesses had in their employment, I was mildly curious as to what kind of pony he was. I did not, however, picture a welp to be their secret weapon against me.”

Sora would summon his keyblade within his maw before taking a step towards him, ignoring the obvious jab at calling him a child. “Cut it with the small talk Sombra! How about you just give up now and save me the trouble of defeating you!”

Sora’s ears flinched as the dark king cracked with laughter “Do you really believe that I am as easy to take down some two bit heartless drones? I will destroy you. And then I will destroy Celestia. After all that I will conquer Equestia!” Red scythes began to form all around the stallion as the king spoke, the corporeal weapons shimmering with a dangerous edge. “If a boy is the only one standing in my way...then...I guess I already win.”

Sora smirked. “Sorry, Promised a friend I wouldn’t lose. So you winning is not gonna happen!”

The young stallion launched himself at the Dark King, Keyblade clashing hard against the sharp edge of the scythes.


Rainbow Dash stopped in her tracks to look back towards where she had left the others, the sounds of blades clashing against keyblade reaching her despite how far she had gone. She knew what she had to do, and she knew she should be wasting time, but...Leaving them behind to face that monster, it didn’t sit right with her at all. But neither did leaving Twilight and Cadence to face off against the giant crystal heartless either.

It made her feel even worse due to the fact that she admonished Sora just for this exact reason. He had made the hard choice so easily, and that made her so much so angry at him, despite the fact that even a pony like her could see the anguish within his eyes.

This time was different though. He had trusted her and she is trusting him. They could save everyone this time. And then after that, they will save Shining Armor. Together. As friends.

“Just wait for me, Sora. I won’t let you down so you better not do the same to me.”

The rainbow mare kicked it into overdrive as she flew straight for the broken castle, and onwards to saving Twilight and the others.


Sora flipped backwards just as the blade of Sombra’s scythe stuck the ground where he had just been prior. Regaining his posture, the hero flew forwards at great speeds to retaliate, only to find another scythe ready to cleave him in two. Sora was quick to respond to that as well, sliding under the blade with ease. Keeping his momentum, the keyblade wielder jumped, twisting his body to the side just as another blade came flying past him, barely catching the boy on his side. He landed on his hooves before launching himself forward, towards Sombra, galloping at him at full speed to strike. One more of the dark king's blades stood in his way, however, ready to deliver a power strike.

To Sombra’s surprise however, with a simple flick of his blade, Sora redirected the strike, parrying the blow downwards with practiced ease before slipping his keyblade under the handle and twisting his head upwards, causing Sombra to lose his magical grip upon the weapon. As Sombra’s scythe came falling back down to earth, Sora released his keyblade before jumping in the sky and grasping his enemy’s weapon in his hooves. The boy twisted his body in a full turn before bringing the blade of the scythe down upon Sombra’s head.

Sora's face contorted into confusion however as the blade passed through the king like a hot knife through butter. It was almost as if Sorabra wasn’t even there. The Keyblade Wielder barely had time to react as he felt the scythe yanked from his grasp, the butt of the weapon striking Sora hard in the chest causing the hero to double over in pain from the blow. Sombra gave a sharp laugh of satisfaction before raising all of his scythes above the boy, letting the blades fall strike at Sora’s unprotected back.

The Hero was quicker than the king had anticipated; however, rolling to the side just before the blades found their mark. Free of his imminent demise, the hero flipped away from in front of Sombra, before throwing his keyblade at the stallion of darkness. Despite the incoming blade, Sombra couldn’t help the laugh that escaped his maw.

“Do you really think that a mere blade is going to-ERK!!”

Sombra yelled bloody murder as the key began to glow with a light never seen before. A light Sombra had never FELT before. The blade stuck true as his cloudy appearance became that of flesh and blood once again, Sombra reeling back from the blow.

The Dark Lord was too surprised by his forced appearance change and the pain of the keyblade’s strike that he did not see when Sora had dashed towards him, the hero’s keyblade already reappearing within his maw with a gleam of shimmering light. The Keyblade Wielder jumped into the sky, bringing his weapon down hard for yet another strike.

This time it was Sora who was too slow however.

Metal struck metal as the keyblade connected with the Dark King’s armored foreleg, the metal plating on his forehooves acting as a makeshift shield. Both stallions glared at each other as they fought for control of the gridlock, neither giving up more than an inch.

And that annoyed Sombra.

“Tsh...Not bad colt…” the dark king spoke in a menacing voice. “It’s not every day a pony can match me in a test of strength.” Sombra smirked. “And for one so young too…”

Sora did little to answer the king the boy’s glare hardening under the grating sounds of metal scraping metal.

Sombra scoffed. “I see.

Sora was surprised when the Dark King suddenly vanished in a cloud of smoke once again landing not too far away from the body, allowing a wide berth of space to separate both combatants. Sora gave the king a careful glare, not knowing what Sombra was up to..

“Strength like yours is far and few between colt…” Sombra spoke in a cool, almost complementary tone. “And your speed and reflexes aren't half bad either. I have to say you impressed me little colt.”

Sora stayed silent as the king praised him, though his glare would hardened just a little more.

Sombra continued, unabated. “I bet you’re wondering why I am praising you. You see, I am a stallion that will never deny the worth of somepony's strength, especially the strength of mine enemies.” Sombra smirked. “Given time I believe that you can even be a force of nature unlike any other. You need only the right tutor to nurture it.”

That actually got a response from Sora. “What? What are you talking about Sombra?”

“What I am saying, boy, is that I have a proposition for you.” The dark king held out his hoof offering it to the keyblade wielder. “I want you to join at my side. With me as your teacher in the ways Darkness, I can show you the way to your true potential!”

Sora scoffed. “Yeah right!” He stamped his hoof into the ground. “There’s no way I would abandon my friends!!”

"But you have so much potential boy." Sombra smirked as he looked upon the stallion before him. "The darkness within you...I can almost smell it."

Sora flinched ever so lightly as he placed a hoof over his heart, his heart tightening ever so slightly. "I don't know what you are talking about Sombra." The hero denied, his glare intensifying as he readied his keyblade "Stop playing mind games with me already. I'm not gonna join you and betray my friends!"

“Hmm...A pity…” The king of darkness said, almost as if he was a dissapoited father. “On two accounts, really.”

Sora raised an eyebrow at Sombra's words. “What's that supposed to mean? Are you trying to confuse me or something?”

“I'm just saying It’s a pity that you refused me, boy. Killing off those who I find worthy to serve is always the hardest part when being a ruler.” His horn began to glow with dark energy. “And it will be a pity when your very beliefs will be your own undoing.”

Sora shook his head. “Huh?”


Fluttershy had been on edge the whole time Sora and Sombra had been going at it, the mare doing her best not to cry out each time Sora was hurt or struck in any way. Though she had never loved fighting personally, the fact that she could do little else to help Sora seemed to make her feel more useless than anything else. Sora was risking his life for them. Rainbow was risking her life for Twilight and Cadance. She was sure that Pinkie and Applejack were doing their bit.

She knew that she was keeping the fillies safe, she knew that in her heart. So why did she feel so...useless?

“Hey! They...They stopped fighting!”

Fluttershy was bright back to the present due to Sweetie Belle’s voice, the mare frowning softly as she did indeed see that Sora and the dark king had stop their bout.

“Awww!” Scootaloo whined. “It was just getting good too.” She turned to her friends. “I mean I saw Sora fight a bit with those Heartless things but geeze...I never seen moves like that except with Rainbow Dash,” She turned back to look at her friends. “Why’d they stop fighting anyway?”

“Oh! Ah know!” Applebloom piped up. “Ah bet that dark unicorn is trying to get Sora to join the dark side!”

Sweetie Bell gave Applebloom an odd look. “What makes you say that?”

“Isn’t that what all big villains do? When a villain thinks he can’t win he decides to see if the hero will join him,” Applebloom said matter-of-factly. The filly gently squeaked at the looks her friends and Fluttershy were giving her. “Aha...Ah read a few of Spike’s comics.”

“Well who cares what he has to say! There’s no way that Sora would ever join him!” Scootaloo said, puffing her chest out. “He’s Rainbow’s friend so that means that he's already on the cool side.”

Fluttershy couldn’t help but nod at Scootaloo’s words. More so the part that Sora would never join an evil stallion like Sombra. She closed her eyes and placed a hoof over her heart as she remembered the gentle touch of the stallion when he had saved her oh so long ago. The mare knew deep down in her heart that Sora was not the kind of pony to hurt others with good hearts. He would never allow himself to be taken in by the darkness.

The mare opened her eyes once again only to find that Sombra was smiling at Sora. Why was he smiling at Sora?

Fluttershy gave a soft frown before widening her eyes.

He wasn’t looking towards Sora at all. In fact his focus seemed to be directed towards…

Fluttershy’s mind went into overdrive at that moment.

Without even thinking, the mare roughly pushed all three fillies as far away from her position as she could, using all of her strength to do so. The mare could barely register the sudden cry of panic her actions caused before her vision was filled with nothing but darkness. The last word she heard before losing all senses was the panicked shriek of all three fillies calling out her name.


Sora’s head snapped towards the fillies' directions just as they all yelled Fluttershy’s name, the young stallion, to his surprise, seeing neither hide nor mane of the butter yellow pegasus that was suppose to be with them.

“Looking for somepony, colt?”

The Keyblade Wielder's gaze snapped back towards Sombra, a look of shock replacing the look of confusing from before. The sight of his friend, entrapped by the tendrils of darkness that emanated from Sombra’s shadow, did little to calm the more rational part of his mind.

“S-Sora...I’m...I’m sorry...I...” The mare weakly shuddered.

“Fluttershy!” Sora screamed in both horror and anger before rushing towards her, only to stop when he noticed that the darkness that held the hapless mare’s neck began to tighten, causing the mare to struggle to breath.

“Tisk, tisk…” the Dark King said with a smirk. “I wouldn’t move if I were you little Sora. Unless you want me to kill this… pitiful little mare.” As he said the last part, he moved his muzzle slowly, coming within an inch of the mare's face, all the while never taking his eyes off the stallion before him. “Thought, I have to say, if this is the company you keep then I can see why you wouldn’t want to join my side.” Sombra placed a hoof under the mare's chin to raise her head a bit as her tears began to flow down her cheeks. “Yes. I can see why indeed.”

“Sombra!” Sora yelled. “Let go of her now!”

The Dark King glared at him, a snarl reaching his lips, before tightening his hold on the mare, eliciting another scream from the trapped Fluttershy. “Who said that you can speak colt!?” He said in an angered tone.

Sora’s eyes went wide as his ears folded back against his head. Gritting his teeth he glared darkly at Sombra before slowly shutting his mouth.

“See? Isn’t it better when you let others control your every movement?” The king looked the mare over, lifting her chin as he did so. “Yes, very well taken care of. Not as… strong as some of the other mares but very beautiful nonetheless,” He said with a smirk. He looked over to Sora who had a look that would have killed most other ponies. “My my, that look. What’s the matter? Don’t want me to touch her?” The king chuckled before turning back to Fluttershy, his hoof caressing her face softly. “I wonder how long it will take to break her with the power of darkness. A delicate one like her.”

Sora had had enough. He shot forward again, his keyblade appearing, shining brightly, but before he could get more than a few feet, four scythes came crashing down upon him. Before he could react, the weapons were brought down upon the stallion, the blades missing him luckily, but locking him onto the ground, keeping him in place.

Sombra made his way towards Sora. Raising his hoof, he slammed into the stallion’s side, his eyes burning with destructive glee. “THIS! IS! WHAT! BAD! COLTS! WHEN THEY DON’T LISTEN!” With each word from the dark unicorn's mouth, he kicked the hero’s side, causing the boy to double over in pain. When he had finished, he smirked at the crippled form of the young stallion. “Fools should always do as they are told.”


Sombra’s ears flickered at the soft voice that came from behind him. He turned to see that entrapped mare behind him, tears flowing down her face but a look of righteous fury burning in her eyes.

“What was that, mare?” He asked, in a barely restrained tone of anger.

“Y...You're nothing but a monster!” Fluttershy shot back despite her fear. Despite where she was. “Nothing but a cold heartless pony who can’t win without cheating!”

Sombra growled as he turned his full attention to the shy mare. “A good mare...knows when to be quiet and hold their tongue.” He smirked as he raised a hoof poised to strike the mare. “It seems that you are in need of proper education. Education I will deliver personally.”

The shy mare’s gaze widened before closing her eyes completely, unable to do little more then take the strike from the king’s metal hoof.


Fluttershy flinched as...as...what just happened?

She opened one eye to find that the back of the Dark King’s head was covered in whipped cream topping and pie crust. He had turned to destroy the one who had did the unthinkable to him when a orange hoof appeared in his field of vision. The blow came hard and fast, knocking the unprepared king down and breaking the magic that held the butter yellow pegasus in place. She toppled over into pink hooves as she fell to the ground and was instantly wrapped up in their warm embrace.

Fluttershy’s tear field gaze would weakly looked upwards to find Pinkie Pie staring down at her her with tears of her own forming at the corners of her eyes.

“Don’t worry Shy,” Pinkie Pie said, her voice low and tender. “Auntie Pinkie’s got ya.”

Seeing her friends, knowing that right now, right here, she was safe, cause the shy mare to nearly brake down in a blubbering mess.

The anger of Applejack’s voice rang out loud and clear, gaining everyone’s attention. Especially that of the bruised king. “That’s what ya get for messing with mah friends!”

Sombra rose from his downed position to glare at the intruders. “I see more ponies can’t learn their place,” he spoke in a low tone.

Applejack tilted her hat and was about to charge at the stallion, but was held back when Pinkie placed herself in front of her. “You guys go help Sora. I’ll be the one to keep him busy.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow at her friend’s request. “Pinkie…Ya sure that’s such a good idea?”

Pinkie looked back and winked knowingly, giggling. “Of course silly filly. I mean, have you ever know me to ever lose?”

Applejack opened her mouth to refute the pink mare, only to close it once again in realization. “Ah…Ah guess ah haven’t.”

Pinkie nodded before turning to face the Dark King. “Then let me do my thing and you two go do yours,”

The pink party mare, being her pink party mare self, began to bounce towards the downed king, happily singing a song known only to herself. Despite the non-threatening nature the mare was clearly releasing, Sombra was not fool enough to allow the pink one any closer to him then she already was. His horn burned a deep fiery red before he leased a lethal beam towards the foolish mare. His attack, however fast it was, was just not fast enough to strike pink one, beam missing her just by mere inches. With a giggle, she increased the speed of her bounces, clearly undeterred by the death beam that whizzed by her.

Disbelief was clearly shown upon Sombra's features before it was quickly replaced by pure rage. With horn aglow once more, he released a flurry of strikes into the air. The beams arched before coming down, each one aiming for the pink menace. He smirked as the beams struck their target, dust erupting from the ground as each beam landed. Before he could relish in his victory however, the sudden appearance of the mare jumping from the rising dust cloud caused the stallion to release an un-stallion like wheeny of fear.

“Impossible!” Sombra blubbered as he watched the mare close in on him. He lashed out with his horn once more, aiming a multitude of beams her way. It was all for naught however as the mare was clearly having the time of her life, each beam passing her without a single one grazing her bubbly pink fur, the hum still continuing within her.

She was only a few feet away from him now, and all the stallion could do was watch with fascinated horror as the mare, now in mid-air not too far away from him, pulled a giant cannon out of nowhere, aiming the barrel in his direction.

“What in the name of Tartarus are you?!” He yelled trying to back away from her.

Pinkie Smirked as she raised a hoof high in the air.

“I’m a party planner!”

The mare slammed her hoof down hard on the fuse of her cannon, firing off a torrent of streamers towards the Dark King. In a panic, Sombra raised his shield, expanding it outwards as he did so. Pinkie, not expecting this, was blasted away from the dark king, riding upon the cannon she had just used as a makeshift rocket.



The pink mare gasped as her name was called, finding a now free Sora and very much pissed off jumping her way, his eyes cold as ice and his blade shining brightly. With a smile, she lifted herself off the cannon and twisted it until the opening was facing the hero’s way. Sora was quick on the uptake, the keyblade wielder landing hind hooves first inside the barrel. Without missing a beat, the pink mare flipped the cannon back towards Sombra.

“This one is for hurting my firends you meanie!!” She slammed her hoof upon the fuse once more, shooting Sora like a rocket towards the dark king.

Sombra once again erected a barrier to counter the strike, managing to do so just before Sora would reach him. Seeing this, the keyblade wielder would only commit harder to what he was about to do clinching his teeth before holding the tip of his keyblade out as he neared the shield. He began to use his wings to twist in the the air, doing so more and more until he became little more the I giant drill. A field of light slowly expanding into the cone like structure, surrounding him as he closed in on the barrier.

The drill of light stuck the king’s barrier, Sombra’s shield only stopping it for a time before cracks began to show.


Without a word, Sora gave one final push, breaking Sombra’s shield with ease. Releasing the spin, the keyblade wilder landed on his hooves before rushing towards the mad king. With one final slash, Sora struck Sombra with his sword.

Sora landed behind Sombra as the dark king crumbled to the ground without unceremoniously. Hearing him fall, Sora would mutter under his breath, “That was for, Fluttershy.” The caramel stallion released a sigh as he allowed his keyblade to disappear. Turning back towards his friends he found himself being tackled by the pink party mare herself.

“Did you see that combination attack we did!?” Pinkie cheered as she began to rub her cheek against his own as she held him aloft in the air. “It has to be like, the best thing ever in the history of forever and ever!!”

Sora’s eyes went two different directions as the air was slowly being sucked of him. “A-Aa...Yeah...Sure...can you,” Sora squeaked as he struggled within the mare’s grasp. “Could ya...let me...down...please...Pinks.”

Pinkie smiled up at the hero. “Okie-Dokie-Lokie!” She dropped the stallion unceremoniously onto his haunches before bouncing away, heading towards the three little fillies as she did so, Singing happily to herself.

Applejack chuckled softly at her friend’s antics before heling the stallion up to his hooves. “Haha. Glad ta see you’re okay, partner. Would have hated to lose a good farm hoof.”

Sora laughed. “Well I did promise a certain mare that I would make it out of this alive after all. Or else she would kill me.”

“Hahaah.” Applejack gave a hearty laugh. “Ah bet ah know the one who made you promise that too. Guess that just means an extra host of teasing from me."

Sora smiled. “Just don’t be too hard on her.”

“No promises.” Applejack Smirked. Her gaze would shift towards that of the three trouble making fillies. “So that’s where Applebloom and the fillies were," she muttered under her breath before turning to face sora. "Excuse me Sora but I have a set of fillies whose ears need admonishing."

Sora watched as the orange pony made her way towards the filles as well, the girls feeling less happy than they did with Pinkie Pie. The young stallion smiled. “Haha...Kinda feel sorry for them.”


The stallion turned just in time to find yellow hooves wrap around his neck tightly, pulling him into a hug. Before Sora would even get a word in edge wise, his ears would flick at the quite mare’s soft sobs.

“Sora!” he heard her say, muffled by his jacket. “Sora your *Hic*! I-I was so *sob* So s-scared!”

Sora really was out of his element when it came to girls...and mares it would seem. This is the second time Fluttershy had latched on to him and he was just as clueless then as he was before.

Dude, look sharp.

The hero squeaked at the sudden voice within himself, his hooves moving almost instinctively to protect the mare close to him, wrapping themselves around the butter yellow pegasus. An action that seemed to cause the mare’s crying to settle down ever so slightly as she felt his hooves around her. It was some time before the mare could properly talk, slowly lifting herself away from the hero before her. Though she had calmed down considerably, the mare’s tear stained red eyes were a testament to her feelings.

“I-I’m so sorry Sora.” She began, wiping a hoof across her face. “I was so scared and I…”

Sora’s expression softened as he looked down upon the distressed. A feeling of guilt rising up within himself as he looked away from her. “Shy...I...I’m so sorry you had to go though that. I should have...I mean...I shouldn't have...”

The mare shook her head widely, causing Sora’s gaze to fall back upon her. “No! That's not it, Sora. I mean...I...I was scared for myself, but seeing that evil stallion hurt you and feeling so useless, all I could do was just yell at him. It was...It was the only thing I could think of to stop him from hurting you anymore.”

Sora was actually flabbergasted by her admission. He had remembered her yelling at Sombra, but to think she did so to protect himself. Honestly, if he really wanted to think about it, it made him feel just a little bit more useless then he already thought he was, but the feeling in his heart as she spoke the words to him, he couldn’t help but feel...Happy?

Sora gently gripped the shy mare’s forehooves into his own, holding them gently as he smiled at her. “You girls really have the nack of saving me when I'm down, huh? Honestly, standing up to a guy like that jerk. I think that was pretty awesome of you Shy.”

Fluttershy blushed brightly at his words, her wings threatening to pop open.

“I...i mean you...oh my…I’m not but...ah...I mean to say...oh my...”

“How about we save the hugging game for later, sugarcubes?

The sound of Applejack’s voice interrupted the duo, startling both ponies as they both let go of each other's hooves as quickly as they could. Despite that however, the coy smile upon the country mare was enough for both Sora and Fluttershy to blush, despite not doing anything wrong...Right?

The farm mare chuckled softly before continuing. “We need to make sure Twilight and the Cadence are alright. I don’t know how long that bat pony can keep up with that-”

She was cut off by the sound of curses so vile she had folded her ears back in disgust .In fact every pony’s ears followed suit, each head turning towards the source.

Sombra was standing back up on shaky legs, the wild look of a beast within his eyes.

“You think this is over!?” The dark king yelled in hateful spite. “You think I’ll allow you to beat me like this!?”

Sora was quick to push Fluttershy behind himself before summoning his keyblade once more. “It’s over Sombra! Just give up!”

The mad king scoffed. “No, I don’t think I will!” He reached out to the sky, foaming at the mouth with anger as he screamed to the heavens. “Darkness! Come onto me! Fill me with all your everlasting power!!”

The sight of Heartless rising out of the ground around him was that of nightmares, little dark creatures jumping on top of him with reckless abandon. Sora and the girls could only watch with horrid fascination as the dark king was covered in the very darkness he commanded, only to explode upwards in a pillar of darkness.

“What in tarnation...What is that crazy fool doing!?” Applejack called out, holding on to her hat as the blowback from the blast of darkness threatens to blow it away.

“Oh no! My Pinkie Sense is really acting up this time!” Pinkie called out, as she held the fillies close to her, all three little ones screaming in fear.

Sora had pulled Fluttershy towards himself, as he braced himself against the wind, frowning deeply where the dark king had just been. “Geeze...can't the badguy stay down when they lose.” he said with exasperation.

A flash of dark light rose from where the Dark King had been, causing everypony to cover their eyes despite the contradiction. When the dark light had finally cleared, they were met with an unsettling sight.

Where Sombra had once stood, a creature of nightmares now was.

The Not-Sombra towered above the ponies before it as it stood on its hind legs, its hooves replaced with that of long jagged claws, each pointed tip bathed red as if it was blood. Its pony-like snout was longer to fit the sharp teeth it now held. The horn upon its head was much longer and much sharper than before. The creature whipped its head back and roared, the black flames that had once been its hair flaring to life as it did so.

Deep green and yellow eyes would focus in on the ponies before him as it finished its battle cry, the wild look of a beast taking over all semblance of the pony that had once been.

Fluttershy had gripped Sora tight as she looked up in fear towards the monster before her. So much so that she had barely registered when somepony had called out run, and barely felt it when Sora had gripped her hoof in an attempt to lead the mare to safety though she did not resist. Applejack and Pinkie both had the fillies between them as they ran ahead of Sora and Fluttershy.

“Pinkie!” Applejack called out in a huff.

“Yeah AJ?” Pinkie answered, looking to her side.

“Ah ever tell ya ah hate bad guys!?” said Applejack.

“Nope I don’t think ya did!” Pinkie answered.

“Oh…well ah do!” Applejack groaned.

“Fluttershy! Sora! AJ Stop!”

Applejack did as her sister asked, looking back only to find that Sora was tending to a fallen Fluttershy, the yellow mare struggling to get back on her hooves, only to fall again as she yelped in pain. “I…I think I sprained it on that rock!” Fluttershy cried. She looked at the stallion with tear stained eyes. “Sora…I-I- Sorry please you have to...”

The stallion looked towards Not-Sombra, the monster’s horn glowing with dark energy as it ran towards them. Sora moved to stand between himself and the shy mare, summoning his keyblade in a flash of light.

“I’m not gonna leave you Fluttershy. This time I’m going to protect you.” he said softly. Pinkie and Applejack stood on either side of him, the former growling softly and the latter fixing a glare towards Sombra.

“Girls?” He questioned with a raised eyebrow. “What about Applebloom and the other fillies.”

“For now, safe enough.” Applejack answered. “But with this beast in front of us and the crystal heartless behind us, no place is safe right now. Sides, Running from danger just isn’t my style.”

“Yeah! If this big meanie wants to throw down then I’ll throw the biggest leave us alone party ever.” the Pink party mare added, smiling brightly.

Sora, Applejack and Pinkie Pie all stood their ground as Sombra shot an oversized beam towards the group, each one preparing for the attack head-on.



The princess of the sun was took yet another scroll from the pile that was nearby, unraveling it just as she did all the others. It was another case of a pony going missing. Vanishing into thin air just like so many others, and nary a trace to be found of them. It wasn't random though. At least...not to her. They were spicific ponies. And not just ponies, other creatures too. She was worried about those in the Kirin Village who has yet to answering a letter she sent. The dragons as well

She sighed softly, gently setting the scroll back down. "He is gearing up for something...I know it...but...what?"

Suddenly, Princess Celestia would gasp as she felt an energy unlike any other she had felt before. She teleported from her study, vanishing in a blink of light, only to appear in front of the vault holding the Elements of Harmony. Releasing the lock on the spell, the princess threw the gates wide open before levitating the box over to her. Carefully, the mare opened it, only to find that what she had feared was true.

“The elements! They’re gone!”

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