• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 13,331 Views, 1,365 Comments

Ascended - BlackWing

2 Years after the events of Monster, 1 year after the epilogue. Sequel. Firebolt fan character.

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Royal Pains (7)

Royal Pains

After learning that Twilight could play piano, (and thus keyboard), Fluttershy can play base, (Wait what? Apparently, the slow, steady vibrations of her strumming made the animals feel at ease), Firebolt could play guitar, (if she didn't end up lighting it on fire), and Rainbow could play drums, (You really shouldn't be surprised by that one), they all grabbed their instruments, and headed over to Vinyl's.

Walking through town, it was like the first time he had been there all over again. Everyone ran inside, closed their doors, and hid. nobody else had gotten up when they heard the horn. Apparently, since the sound came from the direction of Pinkie's residence, they all just dismissed it, but now that it was a little later, they had all begun to go about their business. That is, until they saw him.

"Aw come on, THIS again? You all know me, why ya running away? Is it the teeth?" Nightshade wasn't happy that everyone was afraid of him, he had worked so hard to stop that the first time around. That's when he was bumped into by a familiar filly.

"Hey, watch where you're...." The filly stopped. "You, you died!" She screamed.

"No, I was trapped in stone, and now I'm out." He replied with a smirk. Silver Spoon ran up to the frightened filly, who he now recognized as Diamond Tiara. Silver nudged Diamond, who spoke quietly.

"Listen, I, umm, never got to thank you for saving my life." She said softly, hoping nobody else would hear.

"Don't mention it." He said back. That was old news.

"Yeah, well, you're still lame, even if you did save me!" She said, ready to storm off.

"We'll just see how lame I am at the grand galloping gala, by request of the princess." Nightshade hated to pull the 'I'm an important person' card, but seriously? How can you call the guy who saved your life lame?

Diamond left with a 'hmmpf', and Silver gave a quick apology about her friend's behaviour, before following after her.

They finally arrived at Vinyl's house, she opened the door right away. She had a look of disbelief, and pulled off her sunglasses, revealing her baby blue eyes. (Magic colour = eye colour, watch the episode, although I prefer to think of her's as red)

"Now I know I ain't dreamin. Who'da thought you'd be back? What can a get for ya?" The DJ pony said in a smooth tone, like jazz music. How a voice can be like jazz, I don't know, but hers was.

"We need a place to jam, we're planning on taking the gala up a notch this year, and I know just the song to do it."

After thanking Vinyl for her time, they all left, and headed back to their respective homes. It only took them a day to memorize the song. After all, they were skilled with their instruments, and had been randomly breaking out into musical numbers for years now. Fluttershy, Scootaloo, Rainbow Dash, and Nightshade all flew home, seeing as how they all had wings, and were all headed in the same direction. Suddenly, with a flash of light, Nightshade was gone.

"Wha? Nightshade? Where are you? Oh no!" Fluttershy started thinking that she had already lost him.

"Relax Fluttershy, I know what that light is, it's the princess. Luna probably told her about the checkup, and she zapped him right to her. He'll be back. He told you he'd never leave you, and he's almost as loyal as I am." For once, Rainbow was sensitive, could it be she was feeling more girly, having that hair pin?

Nightshade on the other had, had been flying particularly quickly, and slammed headfirst into a wall. The royal sisters had a giggle at that.

"Ow. Celly, next time you're gonna do that, PLEASE give me a little notice." He said, the wound healing up immediately.

Irked at being called 'Celly', she wasted no time getting to the point.

"Well, it's time for your checkup. Here's hoping you don't have, *snort* indigestion." Luna couldn't contain her chuckles. With that, Celestia burst out in laughter, something quite uncommon for her.

"Okay okay, yes it was funny, but can we please be professional about this?" Nightshade tapped his foot, waiting impatiently for the sisters to stop. Once they regained their composure, they gave him a once over, using their horns like scanners at an airport.

"Okay, you're all clear. No traces of residual... whatever Nightmare was. It's been fully fused with your body. Even if Nightmare were to possess you again, here's hoping it doesn't, it looks like it wouldn't be able to turn you back to normal." Luna gave the report. Having had first hoof experience with the demon, she knew much more about it than her sister.

"Well, just in case." Nightshade pulled out a dream catcher from under his muscle shirt. "Don't wanna take any chances. Fluttershy gave me mine back, I'll have to make her another one. She never took it off even once the entire time I was gone." He said thoughtfully.

"She loves you, you know." Celestia pointed out.

"And I, her." He responded poetically.

Same Elsewhere As Before

"Ok, we've got it ready, we'll try again in three days."


Celestia had teleported Nightshade to Twilight's house, and he went home to apologize to Fluttershy for worrying her, after visiting a craft shop to for a certain something. They slept soundly that night, her using his wings as a pillow, and him using hers as a blanket. He never recalled her wings being so warm. Then he realized that, as the most sensitive part of a pegasus, he had never touched them out of respect for her, since she was so timid. The fact that they were sleeping like this meant they trusted each other completely. They both awoke, feeling the best either of them had in years. Fluttershy looked at him, and almost had a tear in her eye.

"I kept thinking that it was all a dream, that I'd wake up, and you'd be gone." She said, nuzzling him.

"Well, it looks like you'll be needing one of these then, now that we know they work." He took out another, expertly crafted dream catcher, using some of his own feathers for decoration, and some strands of his own hair for the netting. It was beautiful, and represented him perfectly. She loved it.

"Now, no more nightmares."

The rest of the days leading up to the gala were spent busily. Rarity had to make a whole slew of new dresses for her friends, as well as one for Firebolt, and a pair of tuxedo's for Nightshade and Spike. She had to design them taking their wings into account, given the odd shape compared to pegasus wings, they were quite a challenge. Firebolt's however, had to be completely fireproof, and had Rarity shrieking in frustration. Everyone just left her alone the whole week. They didn't want to get chased with scissors. Nevertheless, she finished them on time, and they were perfect. The rest of the ponies did their own thing, Fluttershy, Firebolt and Rainbow Dash getting in some extra practice for their performance.

Nightshade had popped up on Lyra's doorstep, and she fainted. Forcing her awake, he explained what had happened. She hugged him and couldn't apologize enough for what she had done. He told her that since he was back, there wasn't any problem, and gave her and Bon Bon tickets to the gala, telling them it would be a night to remember.

The whole group arrived at the palace the day before, not wanting to be in any rush. They still had preparations to make. Pinkie brought the food, and stored it in the fridge. Sweetie and Octavia set up the stage where they'd be performing, Applebloom did decor, filling the place with tapestries and various art pieces that complimented the room perfectly. Vinyl set up Nightshade's groups secret stage, with proper sound system and everything, hidden under the orchestra stage so it could slide out.

Once everything was prepared, Celestia and Luna took Nightshade to a private room. It had a fairly long, oval table, half marble and half obsidian, with the minerals swirling through it. Celesita and Luna took their seats, and motioned for Nightshde to take one next to Luna. Pretty soon, various other creatures came in. There was one of each flavour of pony, a griffin and his two bodyguards, a bipedal dog and his two guards, and various other creatures that he had never seen before. The guards stood at attention, while what must be diplomats, took their seats. They all seemed to know each other, at least to some degree, but were eyeing him cautiously, not knowing what to make of him. Finally, a white unicorn, wearing fine clothing and a snobbish air walked in and took a seat next to Celestia, opposite of Nightshade. He looked at the human, and gave a huff in disapproval.

"Just what exactly is thing thing and why is it sitting amongst the diplomats?" The unicorn asked. Celestia had a scowl. Nightshade opened his mind, as there may be something she wished to say in private. Celestia told him. "This is my nephew, Prince Blueblood, feel free to shut him up, this is embarrassing". Having the okay, Nightshade decided to have a bit of fun with the spoiled prince.

"That's MR. Thing to you sir. As for what I am, I am an extremely intelligent, highly civilized monster." He told the royal pain in the flank in as 'hoity toity' of a tone as possible, giving him a grin that fully showed his sharp teeth. Blueblood shuddered at the sight, and quickly shrank in his seat. The diplomats stifled a chuckle. They were obviously glad to see someone stick it to the snob as well.

"As for what I'm doing here, I haven't the slightest clue. Celestia, perhaps you would care to elaborate?" Everyone was a little startled that this unknown creature was speaking with Equestrian royalty on a first name basis, but Blueblood was downright shocked.

"Ah, yes. Well, several times a year, the various nations of this world hold a summit. Equestria, being located in the center of all of them, is the usual meeting place. The meeting is actually tomorrow, before the gala, however, I wanted to have everyone present tonight to discuss tomorrow's business, as well as to make them aware of you." Celestia said, expertly keeping her composure, despite having her nephew finally put in his place. Luna giggled slightly.

"As yes, well, shall we begin the introductions? I'm sure you all know each other, so, I'll begin. My name is Nightshade, I am a human from an alternate dimension, who has been staying in this realm for the past five years." At the mention of human, everyone started looking a little worried, especially Blueblood. Having a real live monster in the room was quite unsettling.

"Judging by your looks, you have heard the old rumors as well. I assure you, most of them are true, however, they do NOT apply to me. I am, unique in a sense. Now, shall we continue? Do forgive me if I do not remember your names right away, I tend to have a terrible memory when it comes to such things." Having to hold in his happiness at finally being free was difficult. These were not your average stuck up politicians. They really looked like they just wanted to have a good time, but couldn't since they were on official business, with the exception of the prince, who was always a stick in the mud. How he was related to Celestia, he couldn't tell. Personality wise, he was nothing like her. They went around in a circle, starting with Nightshade, and ending with Blueblood.

"I, am Prince Blueblood." While Nightshade hated using the 'friends in high places' thing, like with Diamond Tiara, it looked like that was what the prince used EVERY time.

"Pleasure to make your acquaintance, Blueblood." He said nonchalantly.

"That's Prince Blueblood." He restated.

"Come now, I don't think there's any need for titles here, we're all on equal standing in this room." Celestia simply mind chatted her approval, and gave him a few pointers on what to say. It was joint operation trolling on the prince. He'd never expect it. "Formalities aside, It's a pleasure to meet you all. Was that all I was required for, or is there something anyone would like to add?"

"You, on equal standing with me? Just who do you think you are?" The prince demanded to know of the human.

"I think Luna could answer that best." He motioned to Luna, who had also been in their little mind chat. She was in on the 'humiliate the prince' plan as well. Having the attention of the group, she began.

"Thank you. 3 years ago, Nightshade's existence became known to us. At first, we believed him to be a herald of Discord, however, that proved to be false. Since then, he wrote a famous book on survival in forests, started the worlds first maple sugar company, rescued students and faculty from a school fire, used his acquired wealth to rebuild said school, and finally, when Nightmare, the entity that had possessed me for over a thousand years returned, he fought it single hoofedly, and defeated it, saving all our lives. Then, to save it's host, he took the ancient evil into his own body, and allowed himself to be sealed in stone."

"If he was sealed in stone, then what is he doing here now? Nightmare is a threat to the whole world, not just Equestria!" The griffin spoke up.

Luna motioned back to Nightshade.

"I ate it." He replied plainly.

"I'm sorry, could you repeat that?" The diamond dog said.

"I ate it. More accurately, it's body became fused to mine when a certain magic trinket ripped it's soul out, leaving all it's power behind with me, which I then absorbed. Basically, I'm possessed by Nightmare, except I'm the one in control, and Nightmare's mind is trapped in a necklace eight miles below the surface, in a secret location, unable to affect anything. It's safe to say that it will NOT be coming back." Everyone present had a sudden understanding, and Blueblood had a sudden realization.

"Auntie, you mean to say that this creature is the topic of the business tomorrow?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes nephew, tomorrow at the gala, with officers of each of this world's nations present for recognition, he is to be knighted." Now it was Nightshade's turn to for a double take.

"Excuse me Celestia, did I hear that correctly?"

"Why yes, you did. Tomorrow at the gala ceremony, you are to be knighted. It is a great honour. Yourself and the bearers of harmony are the only ones to be knighted in Equestria in the past 3000 years. I cannot think of one more deserving, considering your accomplishments. The gala, your knighting ceremony, and the celebration of your return are all tomorrow, after the summit." Celestia was beaming. "Of course, we will be discussing the normal politics as well, but you need not be present for it. You simply need to show up at the gala, enjoy yourself, and accept the honour."

"Thank you princess. With you're permission, I'd like to stay after the meeting with the prince, I am very interested in his many achievements, and who better to tell me of them?" Celestia agreed. Blueblood knew he was mocking him, as he didn't have any achievements.

After the discussions, the diplomats left the room, as well as the princesses, leaving Nightshade and Blueblood alone.

"How could you embarrass me like that? Do you know who I am?" The prince was infuriated.

"You are Prince Blueblood, nephew of Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria and reagent of the sun. And the reason why I embarrassed you is because both Celestia and Luna agreed that you needed to have your attitude dropped a notch. Think about how the conversation would have gone if you had used some humility." He may have hurt his pride, but this was for the best. He needed to change.

"I wouldn't have insulted you, and therefore would not have been made a mockery of in front of the delegates." The prince was getting it slowly.

"We must always remember to treat others with respect and dignity, even if we don't think they deserve it. Who knows, they might actually be important. Even if they're not, you don't want to take that chance. Just fake it till you make it. I am curious however, as to how you didn't know about me. I've been in the Equestria Daily practically nonstop for a year, before I got petrified." Nightshade was genuinely curious.

"I tend to avoid dealing in the affairs of the lower classes." He said proudly.

"Yes, but those same lower classes are what make up this country. Their troubles are the country's troubles, and as royalty, your troubles as well. There is a reason Celestia and Luna hold court almost nonstop, and usually only take a single day off every year. They are making themselves as available as possible to their people. Working nonstop for thousands of years has got to be straining, yet they do it anyway, because the citizens count on them. It's why they're held in such high regard." He explained.

"You seem to know a great deal about how a country operates, for someone who lived in a forest." The prince was now actually curious about this strange creature, who, in a single year, had done enough to be knighted.

"The world I come from, the politics are much more..... complicated. The rulers are elected by the people, but usually, the only ones running for office are those who want power in order to abuse it. Because of that, the people live in misery, and the world has begun to rot. Look out the window. What do you see?" He brought the spoiled prince to the window.

"I see Canterlot, the ponies are happily going about their business. Beyond that, I see a vast green field, and a blue sky above it. There is a forest, and it's raining above that." The prince said, pointing out several features.

"Good, in my world, if I were to have such a vantage point, I would see filthy streets, with homeless humans begging the wealthy for money, so they could hopefully get something to eat, only to be spat upon. The vast expanse is a barren wasteland, the sky is grey, and the forest is dead because the rain falling on it is not water, but acid. That is the difference between Celestia's way of thinking, and the way of thinking my world has. Your way of thinking is disturbingly similar to the way most of my people think. People starve every day, even more die from disease. Droughts and plagues are frequent. Natural disasters like earthquakes and tidal waves, hurricanes and tornado's. It's like the planet itself is trying to get rid of a rash that just won't go away, and the rash is my people." Nightshade began to cry.

"It's not like that everywhere. Some places are really good, and the people strive to help each other. There are some places that just get ripped up, and the other, better off countries try to help, but most of it lies in the average citizen. The problem is, after constantly being called to aid, they begin to ignore the pleas. They became insensitive to the plight of others, and only sought to help themselves." Blueblood thought that at least is wan't all bad, and there were some places that were similar, but judging by how Nightshade was reacting, there weren't many.

"I lived in a country that had been blessed with wealth, global influence, mild climate, natural resources, everything. The people lived in happiness. Then, the leaders of that nation decided they wanted more, and attacked other countries, claiming to be helping them overthrow an oppressive government. It was an excuse to ensure their own seat of power. Pretty soon, it all headed down hill. I don't know how it turned out, but if it continued the way it was heading, my old home is now a dump."

"I had the power to help them." He continued after a time. "I still do, but when they found out about it, instead of letting me help, they tried to wretch the power from me, even though it was impossible. They would drive the world even further into those depths to advance their greed. I left everything behind. I had to run for my life. I was called a monster by my own people, because they tried to kill me, and I fought back. I didn't want to die, but more so I couldn't let them discover the secret of my power, because if they did, my world would end inside of two decades. I had to do things, things that nobody should ever have to do, things that will haunt me for the rest of my life, which is now infinite." Blueblood looked at the one he had insulted and spoken down to, and realized that in trying to help him become a better pony, he had willingly opened up his old wounds.

"That is why, once in a while, we all need a slice of humble pie. Even the princesses had a piece, and unfortunately, it seems I'm the one who always has to give it." He had stopped crying, but his eyes were red. Seeing this creature, with wings that shimmered in the sun, dressed in black, weeping over the loss of it's people, and doing all he could to improve this world, he couldn't help but think of the angels of legend. Looking at Nightshade, he saw him in a new light. He actually looked quite magnificent, now that he thought about it.

"I, I had no idea. I never knew that things like that could happen. This whole time, I took life for granted, and relied on my title to see me through things, never achieving anything on my own." The prince had his share of humility, and he found that it tasted terrible.

"That's why you need to get out more. Tell you what, why don't you come camping with me in the Everfree, before fall?" The mere mention of that name sent shivers down his spine.

"Oh come on, don't be such a wuss, I lived there for two years, and I'm fine. Heck, my adopted daughter lived with me for a year before I went public, and she was just a filly. Went camping last year with a dragon, and he could practically be a male model now. It's a good place to get your head out of the clouds, and find out... or remember, what's important." The prince reluctantly agreed, then headed out of the room to contemplate his life.

"That was very well done, Nightshade. I know it was uncomfortable, but he needed this. It's changed his outlook for the better. Besides, other than Spike, he's the only guy around you can talk to, since Big Mac doesn't say much." Celestia said in his head. "You gonna be okay? I know it's something you'd rather forget."

"Yeah, I think I just needed to get it out. Still, I'm glad I'm here, I never want to go back, too much pain and misery."

"Yeah, I've seen it too, and I agree completely." The sun princess knew this was a touchy subject, and tried to be as comforting as possible. He needed to cheer up, it was the day before the gala, and he couldn't show up to be knighted all depressed. Celestia reminded him to keep quiet about the ceremony, since she wanted it to be a surprise to all his friends.

That night, sleeping in Canterlot castle next to Fluttershy, Nightshade's thought drifted to Earth. He wondered what was happening there. Was there another war? Were they still looking for him? Had they wiped themselves out? He didn't really want to know. In fact, Earth could go buck a dead apple tree for all he cared. He was still curious though as to whether or not his people could resolve their differences for a better tomorrow. Little did he know that he'd soon find out.

I'm getting really good at cliffhangers aren't I? I always though Blueblood needed a reality check, and this was a good chapter to recap the events of monster, all the while giving a bit of humor and balancing out the obsessive happiness of the previous chapters. Also, I know Earth isn't THAT bad of a place to live, if you're in a first world country. Nightshade is taking the entire planet into account, like how people in Africa die every day. And let's face it, using Equestria as the reference, Earth is a shithole by comparison.