• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 13,331 Views, 1,365 Comments

Ascended - BlackWing

2 Years after the events of Monster, 1 year after the epilogue. Sequel. Firebolt fan character.

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Celebration (16)


"Well, Discord escaped, but he'll be back. Nightmare's gone for good, so his original plan was a bust. He's probably coming up with a new plan as we speak. It'll probably be a couple months though, since have to admit, I scared the pants off him, and he wasn't even wearing any to begin with." Nightshade explained to the no longer a statue Celestia. Meanwhile, in a mountain side cave.......

"How? How could he be more chaotic than me? An entire planet! I'm Discord. Chaos is what I do. Six Billion humans, all better at it than I am. Impossible. I..." The spirit of disharmony began to babble incoherently, all the while curled up in a ball sucking his thumb. "I just have to become better, yeah that's it, but how?"

Since Nightmare was gone, and Discord would be taking a break to recover his wit and come up with a new plan, life went back to normal pretty quickly. The princesses were on guard, never leaving each other for even a moment, in order to prevent Discord from sneaking up on them. Unfortunately, since he had gone into hiding, there was no way of knowing where he was. As for the mane six, Firebolt, Spike, and Nightshade, a week had passed uneventfully, until the dragon burped up a letter.

Dear Nightshade and friends,

Due to Nightmare's destruction, and the temporary defeat of Discord, I am hosting a party in celebration of all your accomplishments. It is scheduled for this coming Wednesday, at 6 pm. I do hope you will all be able to attend. It is a fairly private party, having none but yourselves and a few other guests of my choosing, hosted in the Canterlot main hall. The word required to gain entry is 'Phoenix'. It is not a formal gathering, and as such casual attire would be appropriate. I look forward to seeing you all.

Sincerely, Prince Blueblood.

"Well hey, look at that everybody. Blueblood is throwing us all a private party in Canterlot this coming Wednesday. The password to get in is phoenix." Nightshade told the group after gathering them. Of course the mane six, as well as Spike and Firebolt, would go, but he also invited Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Vinyl and Octavia, Lyra and Bon Bon, and Trixie. They wouldn't be performing, they were guests. Rarity cringed at the mention of the prince, but then remembered how much he had changed his behavior since the last time.

"Well, I guess I won't have to make new dresses. And I was so looking forward to creating some new formal attire." The white unicorn had a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Actually Rarity, I need some new casual wear. I know it's not a formal party, but I can't very well show up in a T-shirt and jeans. Do you think you could make some for me? I'll pay you of course, I can't simply allow you to keep giving me freebies." She perked up at the thought. Making clothes for the human always was a challenge, especially now that he had wings. She quickly agreed, and the pair went off to Carousel Boutique. Fluttershy went with as well, although he told her she didn't have to go with, but was welcome to come if she wanted.

"Oh umm, I'll just wait out here while she takes your measurements." The shy pegasus said.

"Why?" Nightshade asks. "You're not the least bit curious what I look like without all the clothing?" Rarity gave him a scoff telling him 'You're getting your measurements taken in a clothing store, not stripping in a club'.

"Come on, It's not like I'll be naked, I'll still be wearing my jeans. Besides, you ponies go around naked all the time, and it doesn't bother me none." He said. Fluttershy blushed. For some reason, even though she never wore clothes, pointing out that she wasn't made her embarrassed.

"Oh umm, I just remembered that I need to go, and um, feed Angel! It's lunch time, and I totally forgot to give him his carrot before we left." She was clearly making an excuse, but she wasn't lying. After being reassured by Nightshade, she headed home to feed the very annoyed bunny.

Nightshade took off his shirt and stretched out his wings as Rarity went over him with her tape measure. He noticed that she was biting her lip the entire time.

"Something the matter Rarity?" He asked. She immediately blushed.

"Oh, it's nothing. Nothing at all." She replied. She spotted her eyeing his muscles.

"You know, you may not be the element of honesty, but you're a terrible liar. I can see it in your eyes." He told her.

"Well it's just, you're so muscular. I never got to see you up close like this, but I have to say, you're kind of a hunk, even if you're not a pony. No wonder Fluttershy is mad about you. I mean, your personality, but just LOOK at yourself." Rarity explained. It took him a moment.

"Ah, that's right. I was meaning to take a good look at myself, but I never got around to it." Nightshade flexed in the mirror. He didn't have bulging muscle like a body builder, it was lean and firm, the muscles of someone who had been slowly building them for years of work. It looked like a cross between a marathon runner and a blacksmith, the perfect balance of size and shape.

"Yeah, now that I think about it, I am kinda hot. If I were back on Earth, I'd probably be a male model. The wings kind of add to the image too. Now that I think about it, Spike's as much of a hunk as I am, although I could be wrong, since I have nothing to reference him to seeing as how he's the only dragon around." At the mention of Spike, Rarity swallowed hard. Nightshade picked up on it right away.

"You have feelings for Spike, don't you?" He stared at the unicorn, who seemingly shrunk under the pressure of his gaze. She opened her mouth to say that it was absurd, but she couldn't bring herself to lie.

"Yes. I do. The entire time he chased after me, I didn't give him a second glance. Now that he's not, I suddenly find myself wanting him. Is that wrong?" She asked nervously.

"It's not wrong. We often find ourselves wanting something we can't have. That's probably why Spike went after you in the first place. Forbidden fruit. It's a challenge. It only has an allure until we get it, then we find out that we don't actually want it. The thing we have to realize is that we're just being jealous, and a relationship built on jealousy can't thrive. If you really have feelings for Spike, you'll be satisfied in having him as just a friend, and letting him be with Firebolt. She's the one who will make him happy, I can already tell. If he's happy, then you should be happy he's happy. That's the basis behind generosity after all. Sacrificing what we want in favor of what someone else wants."

"You know, it's strange. The rest of your kind are cruel, but then there's you, kind and caring, always open and honest, able to speak your mind, always giving of yourself, and always loyal. The six of us represent the elements of harmony, but you seem to exemplify them even better than we do, and you're just one person." Rarity thought.

"Naw, I may be honest, but I hid myself from the world for years. I may be loyal, but that's only because I've been betrayed, and I know how it hurts. I may be kind, but that's only because I was shown kindness in the first place, and I may be generous, but that's because I always try to repay the generosity of others. As for laughter, well, I'm still working on that one. Maybe I ought to hang out with Pinkie Pie more. Magic..... well, I don't think that's even a possibility for me, so no, you don't have to worry about me taking over your positions. I may have a bit of each in me, but it's only because all of you have given of yourselves to make me into who I am today. If not for all of you, I'd still be hiding in that forest, hating my life."

"And that's the other, main reason Fluttershy loves you so much. Last year, Ponyville and Appleoosa's mating seasons were on the same weeks, so a bunch of stallions came to town not knowing. Three of them ended up falling through her roof. Poor dear went crazy trying to restrain herself. Middle of her heat, and three hunky guys literally fall into her lap. She kept herself though, and she did it by thinking of you. She always believed you'd come back one day. Even though the rest of us thought you'd be a statue forever, she kept telling herself that you'd somehow be with her again, and she was saving herself for you. That's why when you showed up she thought she was dreaming. She always keeps to herself, but we could tell her heart was singing."

Rarity's revelation struck straight to the bone. She had been crazy with him, and that was only the first day of mating season. When it was in full swing, not one but three sweaty, muscular stallions literally dropped from the heavens, and she still held out, all for him.

"Thank's for the measurements Rarity. Rather than going for the regular black or white, I'm thinking something a little more colourful. I can't go around being a checkerboard all the time." Nightshade said humorously.

"Oh don't worry, I have something in mind." She smiled.

"Alright. I'll be back sometime around 3 on Sunday to take a look. Right now, I need to go see Fluttershy."

"Naked! Okay, maybe not naked, He would still be wearing his pants, but still." All the times they had fallen asleep next to each other, he had always been fully clothed. She had never actually seen his body. While for Rarity it wasn't a big deal, it was HUGE for her, being as shy as she was.

"Oh Fluttershy." Nightshade called out, walking into her cottage. While she lived in his house, she spent most of her time in her old home, helping animals. It was a place of relaxation for her. Hearing him downstairs, she froze up. She didn't know what to think. She was in her bedroom, which still had her bed in it, as she sometimes had slept there during the two years that she was alone, since it gave her peace.

"Oh hi Angel, have you seen Fluttershy?" He asked the bunny. He simply glared at him.

"Okay, listen. I'm planning on doing something all romantically smushy, but you're the man of the house, and you've been with Fluttershy a lot longer than I have, so I can't unless I ask you, and you give me the okay." He bent down so he was looking the bunny in the eye. Angel looked at him momentarily. He was highly protective of the yellow mare, as she had been raising him ever since he was a little baby bunny. He didn't like how the human had been moving in on her, but the fact that he was actually bowing before him, asking him permission had an effect of him. This of course made the little bunny feel high and mighty.

'This guy's not actually so bad. He's nice, he makes her happy, he's asking me for the go ahead. Eeeeeh, why not.' Angel thought. He crossed his bunny arms, nodded, and proceeded to point towards the stairs.

"She's upstairs? Thanks. don't worry, we won't be doing anything, just being romantic. I know how much you hate that mushy stuff. I'll have to ask her about getting you your own bunny friend." He said. Angel's face perked up at this.

Fluttershy noticed the footsteps coming up the stairs, and let out a soft 'eep'.

"Can I come in?" Nightshade asked. She stiffened up.

"Y-y-yes." Fluttershy said timidly.

"Hey, what's wrong? You seem worried about something." He asked gently.

"Well, umm, I, I , umm." She was stuttering.

"Well, if that's the way it's going to be, then I guess I have no choice." He took off his shirt. Her eyes went wide, and her pupils shrank, slowly going over every aspect of his form, from his abs to his chest, to the arms that had held her so many times. She trusted him completely, but if she was ever going to be completely comfortable around him, he had to expose himself to her, much more quickly than she would have liked.

Fluttershy sat stunned, looking at his highly masculine form, and bit her lower lip. He sat next to her on the bed, and began drawing a line down her spine with his fingers, as he so often did. This was his way of making her relax, as the sensation always brought about calm. Instead of tracing it all the way down as he usually did, he brought his hand to the base of her wings.

"EEP!" She jumped.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I do something wrong?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Oh, it's just that, pegasus wings are...." She trailed off.

"Super sensitive? I know. I have wings too remember. Back when I first got out, when you kept rubbing them, it was all I could do to not scoop you up and hug the life out of you." He explained. Fluttershy blushed. At the time, she hadn't been thinking quite clearly, and given that his wings are soft, she had just been caught up in the moment. They had slept using their wings as pillows, but that was different that having them rubbed and massaged. A gentle touch would cause the entire body to be filled with a warm fuzzy feeling, like wrapping yourself in a blanket fresh out of the dryer. It was something special, only done by those with a special bond. Unicorns were the same way with their horns, although the sensation was different.

"If you want me to stop, I...."

"No!" She interrupted him, suddenly realizing that she had spoken loudly. "I mean, please don't."

He rubbed her wings gently with his fingers, slowly feeling the rigid bone, and tracing along the apex of the wing, straight to the tip. Her wings were still folded up close to her, and he was a little surprised when they suddenly popped open. Normally pegasi keep their wings folded up when not in use, the exceptions being if they were trying to cool off, as the feathered masses trapped body heat, if they were trying to be intimidating, or if they were excited by something. Rainbow Dash's wings would often open up when she was talking about the wonderbolts. Fluttershy was clearly excited, although in a much different way.

"Oh, well then." Nightshade said, seeing her wings suddenly spring out, he brought his own around her so she could rub it. She giggled softly as he gently massaged both her wings, putting his fingers between the soft feathers on the underside of the limbs. She tingled in delight, as did he when she nuzzled into his own plumage, before she fell over, laying on her back on the bed.

"I'm ready." She said softly. He knew her meaning instantly.

"Well, I'm sorry, but that's too bad. I'm afraid we can't do that. Not yet anyway." He said calmly. Fluttershy pouted.

"You are such a tease, you know that?" She huffed.

"Yeah, but that'll make you all the more excited when spring comes, and I spend mating season with you."

Fluttershy proceeded to do a combination of a squee smile, a gasp, and a blush all in one. She got up and flicked her tail in his face seductively.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure. Something else needs to happen first. Something I've got planned for you this winter. What do you say we go for a fly, before Angel comes up here and kicks me out? He's welcome to come along of course. You know, I've never been to Cloudsdale. Think you could show me around?"

Fluttershy nodded, and Nightshade went to his house to grab his black cloak. Rarity had made alterations to it to fit his wings properly, so it wouldn't impede flight. He arrived back at the cottage, and Fluttershy was ready, with the bunny in a saddlebag.

"By the way Fluttershy, I had a talk with Angel, and we both think it's about time that he got his own lady bunny friend." Angel nodded in approval, and Fluttershy just blushed again, before agreeing to finally find her beloved pet a mate.

"Well, here's the cloud factory. It makes all the clouds for the Canterlot area. And over there is where they make the rainbows. I wouldn't suggest tasting it though, it's really spicy." Nightshade had wings, but he wasn't a pegasus, and couldn't stand on clouds. Given that this was a problem for tourism, there were a number of unicorns at the various landing pads who would cast a spell allowing non pegasi to walk on them, for a price of course. Twilight made a fair bit of money from teaching other unicorns how to do it, at Nightshade's suggestion of course, and this caused the cloud city to have an economic boom.

"You know, If it really is spicy, it might make for a funny memory. I'd rather try it and regret it than regret not trying it in the first place." Fluttershy just nodded. She didn't want him to go embarrassing himself, but she wasn't about to try and convince him otherwise. He dipped his finger in the liquid rainbow, and put it in his mouth. Rather than the Pinkie Pie reaction, he simply stood there thoughtfully.

"It's like chewing an entire pack of cinnamon gum, all at the same time." He commented.

"You've done that before?" Fluttershy said shocked that her love hadn't been burned by the extremely hot rainbow.

"You'd be surprised the torture humans would put themselves through for a laugh. I did it on a bet, and found that I actually liked it." He said, thinking of the movie 'Jackass'.

They went around exploring the city, seeing all the sites, such as the Cloudsdale arena, the Wonderbolt's training ground, as well as the various cloud cafés, when they came across two pegasi. One was a tan colour, and the other a darker brown, bearing three basketballs and an exercise weight respectively.

"Oh hey, look, if it isn't Klutzershy. Finally able to fly back up here?" The darker one said.

"Hi Hoops, Hi Dumbbell, I've been up here plenty of times." She defended herself meekly.

"Lemme guess, you keep falling off the clouds since you're so clumsy and have to spend the next three months flying back up?" Dumbbell insulted her.

"Okay, that's enough now. We're trying to enjoy the scenery, if you wouldn't mind getting back to whatever you were doing and leaving us alone, that would be just peachy." Nightshade said with a slight hint of malice in his voice. He hated bullies, and these ones were making fun of Fluttershy.

"Oh, and if it isn't the freak of nature. What brings you here? Looking for some foals to steal candy from?" Dumbbell said again. Hoops just laughed his normal stupid laugh. "hehe, foals."

"Actually yes, although neither of you seem to have any, so we'll just be on our way." Fluttershy giggled a little.

"Are you calling us eduuuh, foals?" Asked Hoops.

"And if I am? It would be accurate given your behaviour." He shot back.

"Nopony makes fun O' us and get's away with it!" They said in unison.

"Listen, I was trying to be pleasant, but your attitude is wearing on my nerves. Besides, you both are clearly out matched. I highly suggest you leave us in peace." He said, clearly annoyed.

"Let's just go." Fluttershy whispered.

"Oh, I get it now. He's sticking up for his little mare friend. How can you like someone who's not even a pony Klutzershy? Or should I say, Slutzershy." Dumbbell taunted. Fluttershy looked like she was about to cry.

"Shut up." Nightshade said in a voice cold as ice. The very sky seemed to darken for a moment, as if to reflect his mood. He snapped his fingers, and the two of them passed out.

"Didn't your mothers ever tell you that if you don't have anything nice to say, not to speak at all?" He said to the pair of unconscious stallions, as the sky regained it's usual brilliance.

"Sorry about that Fluttershy, you know how I feel about bullies, especially since they were picking on you of all ponies. Being put to sleep in the middle of the day is far lighter of a punishment than they deserve. Nobody hurts my precious little butterfly." He said, stroking his hand through her mane.

"It's alright, I know. They've been picking on me and Dash ever since we were little fillies. It was about time somebody put them in their place. They're lucky it was you, and you only made them pass out." Fluttershy pulled a permanent marker from her saddlebag, and drew wacky mustaches on the pair of snoozing stallions. Then she and Nightshade just fell over laughing, before flying back home.

The time leading up to the casual party flew by. Nightshade got his new clothes, some long sleeve shirts in various colours, as well as some sweaters. He also got some dress pants and black jeans for a little more of a classy casual. He decided on the black jeans and a dark green shirt. Rarity said it would bring out his eyes. He also wore his now trademark black cloak, the very same white one Rarity had made that was turned black when he was possessed.

The whole group of Nightshade, Twilight, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Firebolt, Spike, Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, Big Mac, Granny Smith, Vinyl Scratch, Octavia, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Trixie arrived at the castle, and were met by some guard ponies blocking the entrance. A fair number of other ponies were there, trying to gain access. Apparently, news that the prince was holding a private party got around, and many uninvited guests wanted to get in. Each member of Nightshade's group walked up to the guards, one at a time, and whispered "Phoenix" in their ears before being allowed inside.

"Is that Nightshade? The human who beat Nightmare? Is that Rainbow Dash of the Wonderbolt's? Is that Fluttershy, the star model from a few years back who suddenly disappeared from the spotlight? Are they the ones in the prince's private party?" All sorts of questions were buzzing about the media, and several photos were taken of the group. They quickly went inside to avoid the press.

"Ah, so sorry about that. All this media attention. Honestly, I go out and host a couple charity events, and suddenly I'm the talk of the town! As it turns out, as soon as I mentioned that it was your idea that I get involved in public affairs, I suddenly got swarmed by reporters asking how I knew you. It's like everything you touch turns to gold around here!" Blueblood exclaimed.

"Well, I sure hope not, or I'm gonna have some problems in the near future." Nightshade responded with his arm around Fluttershy. She blushed, and the prince got the hint.

"Ah, Lady Rarity, how nice to see you again. While I did say that this was a casual party, your attire never ceases to amaze." Blueblood had learned quite a bit on flattery. He continued to greet the rest of the group, as well as some of his own invitees. Princesses Celestia and Luna were already there, seated in their own special seats. The all bowed as they passed, then proceeded to mingle.

"Ah, hello Octavia. It's nice to finally meet you. I know you were performing with Sweetie Belle at the knighting ceremony, but you left before we could be properly introduced." He said, giving her a hand/hoof shake.

"Ah yes, Vinyl has told me so much about you. I have to say, your taste in music is quite... interesting." The musician said.

"You got it Octy, he's got some sick beats from home!" Vinyl added.

"Everything from orchestra to rock, except country and pop." Nightshade declared.

"Wait, you mean there was classical music on that thing too?" Octavia said wide eyed.

"Yeah. Wait, don't tell me Vinyl only went through the dance and techno! There were entire play lists of classical music on there! Aw, you would have loved it!"

"Well, actually, I got it right here. It was tough, but I found a way to charge it. Don't know how to use it too well though." Vinyl said pulling the familiar white rectangle out of her backpack. Nightshade went through the settings, and found the orchestra playlist. He opened up the 'Shadow of the Colossus' soundtrack, and gave Octavia the headphones. As soon as the songs started, she went wide eyed.

"Well, I know what I'M doing when I get home." The cellist smiled.

Nightshade met with some other ponies, Hoity Toity, Sapphire Shores, and then someone caught his eye. An orange pegasus, wearing an explorer's hat.

"Nice ta meet'cha, names Daring Do, adventurer extraordinaire!" He recognized her as the pony from the famous book series. "Yer book saved my flank plenty a times when I was goin though a bunch a forest temples. Gotta say, nice bit o work there."

"Rainbow Daaaaaaaaash. I think there's somepony here who'd like to meet you." He called out through the small crowd. The rainbow maned mare flew over, and nearly fainted when she saw who he was talking to. Being the main character of her favorite book series, that was actually based on her adventures and not fiction in the slightest, was more than the pegasus could take. Dash began squealing in excitement.

The rest of the party went on fairly smoothly, that is until they brought out the alcohol. Nightshade had alcohol before, but only ever one drink. Rarity drank wine on occasion. Applejack happened to love hard cider, seeing as how it was an apple product and all. Fluttershy and Twilight had never drank before in their lives, while Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie were quite used to getting plastered. Firebolt could drink endlessly and never get drunk, because it would just ignite in her body and disappear.

A cart was wheeled out carrying every type of alcohol imaginable, although it was mostly fruit flavoured 'girly' drinks, as these were ponies who happened to love fruit, as well as the majority being female. Most of the more 'dignified' guests had already gone home at that point, leaving the mane six, Big Mac, Blueblood, Vinyl, Trixie, Lyra, Bon Bon, Nightshade, and Luna to do one of the most time honoured traditions of party goer's everywhere. The drinking contest.

"Aw come on, it'll be fun!" Pinkie reasoned. Spike and Firebolt sat it out, because they would just burn the alcohol away, as did Rarity and Octavia, because they didn't want to seem unladylike. Applejack sat it out because she had to work on the farm the next day, and she was also worried that her friends might get sick. The crusaders didn't take part because they wer just quite not old enough for alcohol, while Granny Smith was too old. Celestia sat out because she had to remain alert in case of discord, and called the medic ponies in before the contest even began. After all, Fluttershy, who had never drank before, was taking part.

"By the way, nothing that is said or done here will leave this room, understood?" Celestia said. She didn't know what would happen, and she definitely didn't want the public to find out if something scandalous happened, especially if it involed her sister.

"And, BEGIN!" They each downed their first drink, a banana coconut concoction.

"ONE!" Applejack counted. They each downed another, this time, a mango drink. "Two!"

"Sixteen!" Twilight and Blueblood had long since dropped out, Pinkie and Dash were looking a little wobbly. Surprising everyone, Fluttershy didn't even look phased. Luna fell from the table as they all downed a shot of cherry whiskey. They were starting to move on to the stronger stuff.

"Looks like da moon princess has never been to a late night partaaaaaay." Pinkie laughed.

"Das cuz they don got bars on da MOOOOOOOOOOOON." Dash said. Celestia laughed. Luna muttered something along the lines of 'very funny' followed by some harsh words that I will not repeat here. She then got back up and sat at the table, but didn't continue to drink. Applejack was keeping score, while Spike, Firebolt and Rarity took care of the inebriated. Suddenly, Fluttershy fell from her seat and passed out, snoozing on the hard tile.

"*Hic*, she made it farder den we thought." Pinkie giggled in between hiccups, before downing another shot.

"Ya know, you look reaaaaallly good Shady. Maybe you me find private spot?" She was leaving out any words that weren't required to make a point.

"Nope. Even drunk off mah ash, I still belong to da fuzzy pink and yellow butterfly." He was fairing about as well as Dash and Pinkie. Alcohol in Equestria was actually weaker than the earth stuff, and having a larger body meant he was able to handle it better. At 20 drinks, he wasn't quite plastered yet, while Trixie, Lyra, Bon Bon, and Vinyl had finally lost it. The rest continued to drink as they talked amongst themselves.

"You know, I love ya ya crazy monkey." Luna said giggling. "If ya weren't with Flutters, I'd be jumpin yer bones right about now." She was clearly drunk, and lost any semblance of dignity.

"Well, dat would be no guud, cuz den we'd have sum crazy lil royal foal runnin 'round here, and I am far too drunk to take car of a babbie." All the non drunk equines looked at him with shock.

"You do know that since you're a different species, that would be impossible right?" Rarity asked.

"Not sho. I hadda lil chit chat with mr mix an match. Found out dat we hooomans are nutin but a bunch discorded urth ponies. If two peoples do it, it comes out another people, but if a people and a pony, then itza pony. I dunno why. Crazy dracoooonequhs. He stoopid. Discord eez stoopeed. Itza guud thing I waddn't drunk durin matin season, or wouldn't a been able ta get away, and I'd 'ave a crazy lil pony babbie wit every one a ya, and der's no way I can take care of all of em." He said with a slur before passing out.

Pinkie and Rainbow just laughed as they too passed out, heads on the tables. Celestia used her magic to teleport each of them to their own rooms, and put a magic barrier on all of them. Partly because she didn't want Discord to get at them in their moment of weakness, and partly because she didn't want anyone sneaking into anyone else's room and doing something they'd regret in the morning. The sober ponies just looked at each other, then Celestia.

"He's not just saying that because he's drunk right?" Asked Twilight, who was not drunk, simply tipsy from her third drink and had quit before she felt any worse.

"Well, who knows what he talked to Discord about, and how much of it was Discord lying. Still, in the event that he's right, that means that we were all very close to unplanned parenthood. It also opens up some unique opportunities for Fluttershy." Celestia said knowingly.

"Hmph, lightweights." Big Mac said as he downed his 40th, not even tipsy in the slightest.

A bit of a longer chapter. First, Discord is sucking his thumb, curled up in the corner of a cave. Then Nightshade got some new duds, then he got Fluttershy ready to do 'it' before suddenly turning it into a date to visit Cloudsdale, but not before telling her that when mating season comes around, he's gonna be spending it with her. I mean, she's been waiting long enough. They also had some humor by getting wasted on weak booze, and we found out that Luna really does like him 'that' way.

babbie= bah bee

Sorry about all the drunken dialogue. I thought it was pretty funny, and it's a lot funnier if you read it out loud. You kind of need to picture the scene playing in your head as you read it for the full effect.