• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 13,338 Views, 1,365 Comments

Ascended - BlackWing

2 Years after the events of Monster, 1 year after the epilogue. Sequel. Firebolt fan character.

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Dancing Of The Leaves (17)

Dancing Of The Leaves

"I have never been drunk before, and now I never want to do it again." Nightshade was holding his head. He had a splitting headache due to a hangover. Fluttershy was sitting next to him for breakfast at Canterlot, whimpering.

"Sorry I put you through that." He told her.

"No, I wanted to do it. Everypony is always saying I need to loosen up a bit." She said while cringing from the pain.

"Except me. I love you just the way you are." He put his hand on her head, and the pain went away, before clutching his own in renewed agony.

"I guess it works on that too. Remind me to never touch alcohol again."

After everyone had eaten, they felt much better, and had overcome their hangovers. That's when Celestia called Nightshade for a private talk.

"Ah, yes. About last night...." She began.

"Did I do something..... uncharacteristic?" He asked worried.

"Well, yes." She replied.

"Well, what did I do?" He said nervously. Celestia just giggled, and put on bedroom eyes.

"Oh hell no. I didn't.... with you?" He started freaking out.

"Gotcha!" She laughed. "No, you didn't. You did say some things though. Just what exactly did you talk with Discord about?"

"Well, first he told me that he changed a bunch of earth ponies into ape like creatures, and made them like drug addicts for pony meat. Then he said your parents used the elements on the humans, making them less violent. It didn't destroy their hatred, just ripped it out of them. Apparently they weren't very good at using the elements. Then for a couple generations the humans stuck around, inventing things like sewing machines, as well as waging war on each other. Then your parents sent them to an alternate dimension. Discord got mad that his puppets were gone, and used Black Law to kill them, after making Nightmare using the collected hate driven from the humans. As for why he made Nightmare, I have no idea. Then he told me he never made any 'pegasus' humans, and theorized that a human had mated with a pegasus, but then dismissed the thought saying that if that were to happen the offspring would be a pony. Something about the non chaotic parent cancelling his magic's influence in making a new life. Then I kicked his scaly butt, and he ran away."

"That's surprising to me. I knew humans originated in Equestria, but I had no idea that they were actually altered ponies. They were around before I was born, and mother never told me their origins before sending them away. Luna was born after they were gone. I watched Discord murder them both in his rage, all the while hiding in a cupboard, cradling my sister. We had to hide for 10 thousand years while we became strong. We discovered the elements of harmony, but since you say our parents had them before, I guess we just found our inheritance is all. Now the elements have passed to their proper bearers." Celestia began to cry when she spoke of Discord's cruelty, and the loss of her parents. She suddenly found an arm wrapped around her, giving her a hug.

"It's okay. I know, it hurts. Now we know that Discord is the cause of all the pain and misery in both our worlds. He killed your parents and created Nightmare, he made humans into cruel and wicked creatures who thrive on pain and madness. We will find him, and we will beat him. The elements can bind him in stone, but he'll eventually break out yet again. On the other hand, I have something he can't overcome. There's you, and Luna, and there's the elements, AND there's me and Black Law. As soon as he shows his ugly face, we'll have him. He can't possibly beat all our powers combined. Maybe this time, we can destroy him for good."

Celestia perked up at the thought. Destroying Discord for good instead of just sealing him away? It would bring an end to all the suffering he caused. Certainly it was possible, now that they had the god killer of a blade, and a proper wielder for it.

"Soon as you find a sign of him, just send Spike a letter, and we'll be here faster than Pinkie Pie on a sugar high."

In A Mountainside Cave

"He popped up. That means he came from somewhere else. Which means he came from wherever they got sent too. I can't just go there, I have no idea where it is, and I wouldn't be able to get back. This is so frustrating! After all this time I still can't get to my creations. After all this time, do I even want to? I like causing chaos, I don't just want to wallow in a pit of it that's already there. Graaaah! I need to think. I need to come up with NEW idea's. Yes, that's it." Discord laughed as he began planning furiously, trying to come up with something original.

In Ponyville A Few Months Later

"Say Fluttershy, the running of the leaves is coming up. Do you want to enter it with me?" Nightsahde asked the pegasus, who just having dried herself off after a bath, had become extremely poofy.

"I don't know. I wouldn't be able to keep up with you, Dash, or any of the other ponies for that matter." Fluttershy said timidly.

"I never said I'd be racing I'd just be running. With you." He replied.

"I wouldn't want to slow you down....." It's not like she didn't want to, she just didn't want to be a burden.

"Silly, walking through the woods with you as the leaves fall is my whole reason for entering the event. I don't care if the two of us come in dead last, we'd be having fun, together. Angel and Valentine would probably like to have the house to themselves for an evening anyway." Nightshade explained. Valentine was a female bunny, Nightshade's pet. The bunny pair took to each other immediately. Nightshade even went as far as to get a mini table, table cloth, plates, and candles, so the two of them could have a romantic dinner now and then. Having his own special somebunny made Angel's opinion of the human infinitely improve, and he no longer cared if he got smushy with Fluttershy.

Fluttershy agreed, and they both signed themselves up. The running was in two days, which were wasted sleepily as most of the animals had gone into hibernation.

"FLUTTERSHY? YOU'RE entering the race?" Dash exclaimed, causing the butter yellow pegasus to press her ears against her head. She didn't shrink at the voice however.

"I'm not racing though, we're just going to relax." She explained.

"We?" Rainbow noticed Nightshade walking up wearing a sweater, and pressing his wings against himself to keep warm.

"You mean you're NOT going to actually race me?" She asked.

"That's right, since we both know you'd win. I'm just going to relax and spend time with my favorite pony." Rather than being happy about being complimented, she got angry that he wasn't even going to try. She knew for a fact that she would not win if he actually tried, but since he was going to be spending time with Fluttershy, she couldn't really argue. After all, she had spent a great deal of effort to get the two of them together, and they were a cute couple.

The race began, and to everyone's surprise, there were three ponies at the head of the pack, not just the regular Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Firebolt was also racing, and was keeping up with the pegasus and earth pony rather well.

"No offense, but I thought you unicorns were weak, you're keepin up like it was nuthin." Aj commented.

"That's because I can't use my magic for normal things, and had to learn to do them the earth pony way. Left me in a lot better physical condition then any normal unicorn." Firebolt replied.

"Aren't you worried about burning the forest down?" Asked Dash, insensitive as always.

"Nah, I practiced a lot and I can keep my flames in check now." She smiled before running ahed of the other two. They quickly caught up. Dash had been training her running ever since she got beaten so badly by Nightshade, as did Aj who was sick and tired of coming in second. The rest of the ponies were running as well, but a pegasus and a human were at the back of the pack. They weren't running, they were dancing.

Leaves swirled into tiny vortexes as the pair of winged lovers spun and leaped. They danced gracefully along the path, still moving towards the finish, just at a very slow pace. They smiled at each other, looking deeply into each other's eyes.

"See? I told you this would be fun." Nightshade said in an 'I told you so' voice. Fluttershy just giggled.

"You were right."

Pretty soon, most of the spectators weren't watching the race, but the dance. Seeing the pair moving in complete unison as the leaves danced with them was truly a sight to behold. They looked like spirits of nature itself, which given Fluttershy's affinity with animals and Nightshade's gift for life, they could probably be considered as such. They smiled wide as they locked lips, still dancing, mane and cloak flowing in the gentle breeze. Octavia, who had been watching, and never going anywhere without her cello, began to play a song, and Nightshade sang softly.

"You are the love of my life,

Before I met you there was nothing but strife.

You make my heart sing,

So please take this ring,

And tell me that you'll be my wife."

He knelt down, opening a box that he took from his pocket, containing a golden bracelet with a diamond on top. (Ponies don't have fingers, how are they supposed to wear a wedding ring?) Rather than the expected reaction of fainting, Fluttershy stood there on the path, leaves on the ground, as a gentle snow began to fall signalling the begin of winter.

"Yes." She whispered softly, bringing up her right hoof. He closed the bracelet around it, clasping it shut. With that, the camera's flashed from beyond the tree line, capturing the couple on film.

"Hey, what do you say we get away from the press, and win this race?" Fluttershy asked. Seemingly having the same idea, Nightshade picked her up as a groom would carry his newlywed bride. She wrapped herself around him as a massive boom occurred. Rather than closing her eyes to the wind, she had them open, all the while looking at him.

"What the hay?" Applejack asked feeling a rumbling in the ground, Rainbow looked back, and saw a black, yellow, and pink shock wave opening up into the sky.

"Everypony RUN!" She shouted. Rainbow, Aj, and Firebolt made a mad dash to the finish, trying desperately to not be beaten by the human who wasn't even racing. There was a photographer at the end, looking in line with the track instead of beside it for judging purposes, since that job was already taken. He took a picture at just the right moment, catching a full face view of Nightshade carrying an overjoyed Fluttershy, right next to a surprised burning unicorn, an annoyed rainbow pegasus, and a confused orange earth pony. For the first time in history, there was a five way tie.

"What the heck are you doin Nightshade!" Rainbow asked angrily. He put Fluttershy on the ground. She was smiling ear to ear. Rarity came up and asked.

"My dear, is that what I think it is?" Pointing at the ring wrapped around her hoof. Fluttershy nodded, before she, Rarity, and Twilight all grabbed hold of each other and began jumping in circles.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE." They squealed in excitement. Dash, Aj, and Firebolt were more dense than the two unicorns, and needed an explanation.

"I asked her to marry me, and she said yes." Nightshade explained, standing behind the three confused ponies. The just looked at him, shocked, before Rarity spoke up.

"We have to plan a wedding! Of course, I would be more than happy to provide the attire." She said, pointing at her chest with her hoof.

"Ah can get the food." Applejack offered.

"And I'll do the decorations!!!!!!" Pinkie Pie, hanging upside down from a rope hanging from her hot air balloon.

"I would be honoured to provide the music." Octavia, with a bow.

"Me too!" Piped up Sweetie Belle.

"I bet I could get the Wonderbolts to put on a show." Bragged Rainbow.

"I could build a gazebo for some outdoorsy type atmosphere." Applebloom stated.

"And I could organize the whole thing!" Twilight said excitedly.

Once all the ponies had decided on what they were going to do, they decided on a date. June 17th, of the upcoming year. It was now December 1st, which left slightly over 6 months for all the planning.

The two arrived at Fluttershy's cottage, and walked in on Angel and Valentine being very busy, so they decided to head to his place instead. Before they left, Nightshade slipped a note under the door.

Thank's man, your idea was perfect. I owe ya one.

Wow, Angel planned all that? Smart bunny. I guess he's finally in approval of Fluttershy's human friend, so much so as to help him propose to her. The song is one I made up all on my own. So now they've got a wedding planned for around the start of summer. I wonder what discord will be up to. No, seriously. I'm having a hard time working out an original scheme for the dastardly draconnequuis. I've got the ending planned, I just can't think of what to have right before it. I'll figure it out soon enough, I always do. So, here we are. By popular demand, Fluttershy is marrying Nightshade. By the way, since she was passed out during his drunken rant, and not present during his explanation to Celestia, she still doesn't know about him. Of course, he doesn't know she doesn't know, since he was drunk at the time. Can you say, 'plot device'? Every single action, no matter how meaningless, becomes another important part of the story later on.