• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 13,338 Views, 1,365 Comments

Ascended - BlackWing

2 Years after the events of Monster, 1 year after the epilogue. Sequel. Firebolt fan character.

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Laws and Loopholes (10)


Nightshade flew into the air, carrying the two soldiers. He had woken the commander up. Since they were flying, there was no way he'd try anything. He wasn't stupid.

"Where do you think you're taking us?" He asked in his usual gruff tone.

"To the ruler of this world. Princess Celestia. I suggest that, since you will be in the presence of royalty, you show some manners. She may not look it, but she's been alive for several thousand years. Since you've only been here a little bit, let me explain a few things. See the sun?" He asked

"Yeah." The younger soldier said.

"Well, when it rises in the morning, it's not because of the planet's rotation. As far as I can tell, this planet doesn't even rotate. It's because Celestia moves it. While she and her sister are called princesses, a more accurate term would be godess."

Both the soldiers started laughing.

"You can't be serious." They said in unison. "That's absurd!"

"What's absurd is you are in a land of talking, candy coloured ponies. There are pegasi who fly, and move the clouds, because they don't move on their own, and unicorns who can do magic, like teleportation, levitation, mind reading, transformation, whatever you can think of. There are ponies without wings or horns, who have a magical connection with the land, and are the only ones capable of growing food. And then there are the princesses, who have both wings AND horns, and they move the skies themselves. Look at me, I have freaking wings. There are wolves made out of wood, lions with the tails of scorpions, bitchy griffins, and dragons who send letters by breathing fire on them. You best start believing in fairy tales, you're in one." His explanation just brought more laughter.

"Okay, since you're not gonna listen to reason, I guess I just need to show you. Have either of you ever gone faster than the speed of sound?" Nightshade asked them.

"We're army, not air force. Besides, I don't see a jet anywhere." The commander said skeptically.

"Hold on to your helmets."


The soldiers tried to say something, but the sound waves were left behind as soon as they were out of their mouths. Nightshade finally slowed down, so they could talk again.

"That's impossible. You'd be ripped to shreds by the g-forces." The commander said, white as a ghost.

"Yeah, but I said before, you're not on Earth anymore. You're laws don't apply. And that includes the laws of physics."

Landing at town hall, Nightshade dropped the pale pair of people on the porch. Claire was already there. (try saying that 10 times fast)

"I suggest you collect yourselves, you don't want to be freaking out when you see her, oh, and leave your weapons at the door, you won't be needing them." He said, taking their guns, knives, and anything else he could see that might be dangerous, and putting them in a box. He gently pushed the pair into the room, and Claire followed, gently nudged by Fluttershy, telling her that it would be okay. The rest of the mane 6, the mayor, and Celestia were already inside. The CMC were told to wait outside.

"Hi Celestia." Nightshade said, putting on an air of formality in front of the guests. "I've brought them here. I believe introductions are in order?" He gave a bow, and motioned for the other's to do the same.

"I am commander Curtis of the Vendetta Securities, private branch of the United States military." He said with a salute.

"I'm Claire, ranged support for Vendetta Securities." She said with a bow.

"I'm Mitch, explosives expert for Vendetta." He just stood there.

The three stared at the regal looking horse in front of them, not knowing what to expect. While they had seen the ponies from afar, and they looked like they were speaking, they hadn't actually heard any voices. Hearing her speak caught her totally off guard.

"I am Princess Celestia. Along with my sister, Luna, I rule Equestria, this land that you are in. What is your purpose in this land?" She asked. Mitch nearly fell on his ass, but quickly recovered. Curtis had much more composure.

"We are here to apprehend the dangerous criminal, Davis, and return him to Earth to be sentenced for the crime of murder, as well as destruction of military property, resisting arrest, and assault, and grand theft auto, among other crimes. Should he resist, we are authorized to use lethal force to subdue." He said. Nightshade was just standing in the corner, listening.

"Myself and my sister have seen his memories in full. We know exactly what has been done. The murder of one Richard Trip, was self defense. In fact, the very reason he is dead was due to the wounds he inflicted on 'Davis' by that individual being returned to him. Resisting arrest. He was chased by mercenaries, hired by corporations who wanted to run illegal experiments on him, not law enforcement. Assault, causing a number of workers to fall asleep at their posts is hardly assault, as they would have fully recovered with no damage to their bodies. While he did take a vehicle that was not his own, it was returned to the rightful owner, and given the circumstances that his life was in jeopardy, it was warranted." Celestia defended him.

"Destruction of military property was not by his hand, but actually a magical mishap involving a transdimensional portal being used by my student, Twilight Sparkle. Having seen his history in full, as ruler of this land, I find him not guilty on all charges, and hereby offer him sanction in this land, on grounds of unjust oppression." Celestia had spoken with Nightshade before, and knowing the way Earth law works, they were pretty sure that would shut him up.

"You, on the other hand, have come to this land with intent to kidnap one of it's citizens, held another of it's citizens at gunpoint, and your presence threatens the very peace and harmony that this land strives to uphold. Seeing as how there has been no damage done, I am willing to let you off with a warning. However, you must immediately return to your dimension of origin, and make no further attempts to gain access to these lands. Next time, I will not be so lenient. I know quite well that you are being paid for this task, however, the lives of people and ponies in THIS land, cannot be bought or sold. While here, he is of no threat to your people, and the charges laid on him are unfounded. Deliver this letter to your superiors, officially detailing what has transpired here, and begone from this realm. Any further unauthorized intrusions into this sovereign nation will be considered an act of war."

Celestia was not fooling around. In fact, she and Nightshade had prepared official documents to deal with this issue just in case it ever arose, before he was even put in stone. Since he found his way to Equestria, it stood to reason that eventually, other humans might as well, although highly unlikely. They decided it was a necessary preparation, and it wasn't going to waste.

"Well, that's it boys, time to go. We're not authorized to start a war." Claire was really hoping to just go home. Despite how much she liked the ponies, and thought Fluttershy was adorable and wanted to hug her to death, she had friends and family back on Earth, she didn't belong here. The fact that he had been given sanction meant that trying to haul him back was against international treaty, and unless they had the go ahead from HQ, they couldn't do it. Sure, businesses had billions of dollars which they used to lobby the government for this expedition, and most often the politicians would buy into it, there was no way they could possibly fund sending an entire army through an experimental interdimensional wormhole, just to bring back one guy. That and the fact that it was an unknown enemy, and they might even have to face attack by the Equestrians, there was no way the government would go for it. It was over.

Nightshade saw them out. He handed them back their stuff, and offered to show them the way back to base.

"DAMNIT! Another mission, down the tubes! I can't FUCKING believe this!" Mitch was pissed.

"Calm yourself. The law is clear, and these papers are official. Our hands are tied. All that's left to do is head home, and file the report. Besides, he's not the same guy we chased five years ago. He can't even be called human anymore. We could probably just report that Davis is dead, go home, and get our paycheck." The commander was thinking quite clearly.

"Hell no, they're not just gonna take our word for it. They want the body. That was the whole point of this!" Mitch yelled.

"You knew?" Claire asked him.

"We both did Claire. We're Vendetta Securities, we work for the United States government, but really, we're just mercs. The US just has the biggest payroll, since the businesses have the biggest bank. They want something done, they pay the government, and we get hired to do it, that way it's inside the law. We kept you out of the loop, because you're a nice girl Claire, who always wanted to do the right thing. It would break ya to know that you were killing innocents." He said, trying to sooth her.

"How many jobs?" She asked.

"All of them." He replied.

"Even Jimmy?"

"Even Jimmy knew."

Claire collapsed. She had always thought herself to be a force of justice, helping people to make the world a better place. It had all just been lies. She was nothing but a murderer, who killed for money. The fact that her entire team knew the whole time, even the recently deceased Jimmy, who was always light hearted, and her best friend, had lied to her for the past ten years, it was too much. She broke down on the spot.

"Quit being such a pussy Claire, we're all in the same boat. We're all killers, and when we die, we're all going to hell for it. Get your act together, we're going home." Said Mitch, sensitive as always. Didn't help that he was pissed off at failing yet another mission.

"Have a nice trip. Don't come back. Claire, I'm sorry about all this. At least you know now. You can go home and rethink your life, have a fresh start. It might take a while, but you'll eventually forgive yourself." Nightshade told the group, but then was comforting to Claire. He could clearly see that she was a nice person, who had just been caught up in something bigger than her. Fluttershy walked up to her, and pulled a feather from her wing.

"So you can remember us." She said, handing her the yellow plume. Claire hugged her, then with tears in her eyes, looked up at her two partners.

"I quit."

"What?" They did a double take.

"I quit. I can't do this anymore. They've done nothing but lie to me. You've done nothing but lie to me. I'm going to go home, and I'm going to live my life without regrets, and try to forget all this." Claire said.

"You sure?" Curtis asked.

"Yeah." She replied softly.

"Sorry Claire." Mitch took out his pistol, and pointed it at her head.

OMG NO! She was NICE! Well, they are an ultra high level of military, doing things that are technically illegal. Probably should have seen that you can't just quit, you know too much. She could blow the lid right off their whole operation, and she probably would, given what happened to her. I know you all don't really like the military mumbo jumbo, frankly, I DON'T EITHER! But it's something I need to do to advance the plot, and there won't be any more of it after next chapter. You all saw how late in monster it was before I finally got around to the story, this is gonna be the same. Also CLIFFHANGER! Since I know how much you all love them. So, would you be mad if I took the next three days off writing? Not saying I am, just trying to piss you off.

Ps. I was gonna make it this chapter, but the tearjerker is NEXT chapter. You're all going to hate me, and I think many of you actually might stop reading. I'm crying thinking about it, and I haven't even written it yet. I spent all that time getting ahead, and now I gave you all a quad update, so you're all caught up now. But yeah, next up, everybody cries, people hunt me down and murder me, everyone else rage quits. Aren't I a wonderful author?