• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 13,331 Views, 1,365 Comments

Ascended - BlackWing

2 Years after the events of Monster, 1 year after the epilogue. Sequel. Firebolt fan character.

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Frozen Feelings (18)

Frozen Feelings

It was now the middle of winter. Snow falling, frozen lakes and rivers, and warm fires. The Frostbite Festival was approaching, a ceremony dedicated to having fun in the snow. They made snow ponies, drank hot chocolate, and carved ice sculptures. Nightshade tried again and again, but couldn't make his sculpture turn out right. He never was an artist. Fluttershy on the other hand made a first prize winning ice carving of Angel and Valentine. Each of the bunnies rode on their respective owner's backs, and kept nudging the two of them closer together. Unlike Angel, Valentine was a good natured bunny, content to snuggle and cuddle as much as possible. She balanced Angel's temper quite nicely, as he would do his best to behave around her.

"That's alright Shady, nobody is good at everything." Fluttershy told him, as he failed his fifth attempt to make an accurate representation of her.

"You're right. How am I to recreate beauty itself in ice?" He gently scratched behind her ear. She giggled. The pair were cold, so the walked into the cabin set up for the festival, and got some steaming hot mocha to warm themselves up. Pinkie Pie and Braeburn were inside, having a grand time.

"Hey, since when we're you two together?" He asked.

"Well, since we met in Appleoosa a couple years back, we've been mad about each other. We'd write pretty much every day. Soon the letters turned into visits, and next thing you know, I'm moving to Ponyville to be with my cotton candy honey bunch." He replied.

"Well, good on ya! Pinkie finally has sompony to go crazy with, maybe she'll lose a little of her energy." Nightshade hoped. They all looked at the puffy pink mare, who was covered in hot chocolate, drinking it as fast as she could.

"Nnnooope." Said Big Mac. He had become a lot more social lately. It helped that the farm didn't have anything that needed doing during the winter, so he started hanging out with the group more. Rarity and Blueblood were now dating casually, having forgiven each other after seeing their worsts, they were now looking forward to seeing their bests.

"Darling, you worked miracles on him. He's like a completely different stallion! He's kind, caring, generous!" Rarity exclaimed.

"I can't thank you enough for all you did for me Nightshade. I needed a reality check, and while it left a bad taste in my mouth at the time, I couldn't be happier." The prince stated.

"Hmm, I wonder if Rainbow, Aj, and Twilight have found a special somepony?" Big Mac perked up at the mention of the purple unicorn, something everyone present noticed. No sooner did the words come out of his mouth did the three walk in.

"Well, no. Not really. Ah mean, I've been lookin at that Soarin feller quite a bit. He's a kindly sort, and he loves apples. He wouldn't be too bad ta settle down with, ah just haven't asked him yet." Applejack told the group.

"What about you Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked softly. She began to blush.

"Well, I don't have anypony, and while I'm looking, I haven't really found what I'm looking for. Well, actually, I have, but he's already taken." Dash explained, shooting Nightshade a glance. Firebolt and Spike, who were holding each other close, quite obviously a pair, looked at the rainbow maned mare.

"That get's awfully tough doesn't it? Especially with Hearts and Hooves day, followed by mating season coming up?" Spike asked.

"Well, it is kinda hard on H&H, but mating season not really." She cast a nervous glance at Applejack, that betrayed her secret.

"What do you mean by that......" Firebolt asked.

"Ummm, err, uuuhhh." Dash began to stutter. Applejack took the burden of explaining it on herself.

"Well, it's kinda embarrasin but, ever since two years ago, when ya tricked us into landing like that in the barn, well, let's just say that instead of chasin after stallions like madmares come that time of year, we help each other, deal with our urges." She said blushing.

"Huh?" Nobody else got it.

"We ain't filly foolers, but when that time comes around, she eats my apple pie and I taste the rainbow okay? Saves us a whole lot of crazy. Besides, it's not a relationship, it's just between friends. Dash better hurry up and get somepony though, cuz once I get Soarin, I won't be helpin her out anymore." The orange earth pony was clearly embarrassed, but being one who has to speak her mind, she couldn't help but spill the beans.

"So, Twilight, anypony you got your eggheaded eyes on?" Dash was desperately trying to change the subject. She should have made Aj Pinkie Promise not to tell, but she had forgotten to do so.

"Well, yes, but I don't know if he feels the same way. I haven't asked him, and I'm kinda nervous about it." She stammered, trying to not make eye contact with anyone. Nightshade just facepalmed.

"You know who she's talking about?" Applejack asked.

"Yep, but I can't say anything. I Pinkie Promised, and as much as I don't want Pinkie Pie to kill me, even more so I don't want to make Twilight mad. If I told you, she'd probably hate me....."

"FOREVER!" Pinkie yelled, her head popping up from behind the couch.

"Well, then you're pretty much bucked then aren't you?" Rainbow asked.

"Yeah." Big Mac looked at him. He knew who Twilight liked? Was it him? He couldn't say because he promised, just like he had promised the stallion not to tell anyone, including Twilight. They all went home for the evening, and Fluttershy asked Nightshade a question.

"She likes Big Mac, doesn't she?" She asked.

"You know I can't say anything. But I'll tell you she definitely does not, NOT like him." He said. Fluttershy was always in tune with the feelings of others, so she picked up on how her friend felt.

"And he likes her, doesn't he?" She asked. He made a motion of zipping his lips, and throwing away the key.

"Oh dear, I got into a situation like this once with Rarity. She was jealous of my modelling, but she didn't want me to find out because she didn't want to hurt me. I hated modelling, but I didn't quit, and I didn't want her to find out because I thought she wanted me to. It ended up being a great big problem because we wouldn't share our feelings, and poor Twilight got caught in the middle. But you ended up making a Pinkie promise, so you can't just get them together and tell each of them how the other feels." Fluttershy said,thinking back to that time. (Episode 'Green isn't your colour')

"Hmm, well, I think I know a way I can get them together without breaking my promises. It involves doing something a little out of the ordinary, and it will also let me get Big Mac back for mating season two years ago." He proceeded to tell Fluttershy his plan. She blushed the whole time, saying 'Oh my' once in a while. It was a particularly good plan, and it would work out best for everyone involved, although it was a little risky.

Hearts and Hooves day came and went, Nightshade got Fluttershy a pair of sapphire earrings, while she got him a watch that could flip open and hold a picture. He immediately put a photograph of her and Scootaloo inside, so he'd always have them with him, no matter where he went. Her earrings looked stunning in contrast with her yellow coat and pink mane. Plus they matched her eyes. They both wore their gifts non stop.

"It's winter wrap up. Twilight's got me working like crazy this season. First I'm helping you with the animals, then I'm helping Dash on the weather team. I can't kick the clouds, but a sonic boom pushes all the clouds together nicely, meaning the rest of the weather team's jobs get easier. So me and Rainbow are going to be pulling them off all day. It'll be at high altitude, so we don't have to worry about scaring the animals, but we're going to be pulling it off non stop. In fact, we're thinking of making a show out of it."

Nightshade, being capable of doing so much, meant that he was helping pretty much everywhere that was needed. It was important that they wrap up winter on time, because occasionally, mating season would be the first two weeks of spring, and that meant that nobody was in any condition to wrap it up. If they were late, they'd risk having mating season come around, and then they wouldn't be able to start spring for another two weeks, getting terribly behind schedule for everything the rest of the year. It's something they just couldn't afford to do.

"Wake up little otters, it's time for spring." Fluttershy's job was a lot easier, as the animals were very much ready to get up, since Nightshade had given them all such energy, they were raring to go.

"Hey there snakes, come on, up an at em." After waking the animals, he flew into the sky with Dash.

"Are you ready for this?" The cocky mare asked.

"You know it. Let's give Ponyville a show." Rainbow flew as high as she could, and went into a free fall. She flapped furiously, trying to gather more speed. Nightshade went from the ground up, straight at her. Mach cones appeared around them both, as they pulled of a simultaneous sound barrier breach. Her front hooves collided with his outstretched hands. Grabbing hold, the pair spun around each other, creating a mid air, super sonic cyclone of rainbow and black. It didn't get anywhere near the ground, but it sucked up all the clouds not driven away by the booms, and condensed them into one big cloud. As their momentum died, and they came to a halt, Dash gave the cloud her hardest kick, and it poofed into nothingness.

"That. Was. AWESOME!" Rainbow screamed. Being the only member of the wonderbolts capable of flying faster than sound, she had never pulled off a double boom, or done any synchronized faster than sound flight. It was a whole new experience. She looked at him dreamily as she put her hooves around him.

"Whoa, hold on there hot shot. I'm Fluttershy's remember? You know, getting married in 4 months?" Nightshade said pushing her off of him.

"Yeah, okay, I know I know. It's just, you're so awesome! All those years ago, I never would have believed that there was somepony more awesome than me, but, you are. I don't know how, or why, but you are. You're the only one who has ever kept up with me, the only one who's ever escaped, and, I WANT you." She looked lustfully at him. He gulped.

"RAINBOW! How could you? You know I'm with Fluttershy. Doing that would be betraying her. It's something neither of us can do, and you know it!" He was a bit angry that she'd suggest that.

"What's the big deal? Plenty of stallions are with two mares, or more. Remember? Only 10% of the population? Even with all the filly foolers out there, somepony's gotta share. Lots of times they borrow a married stallion." She had a valid point.

"Yeah, too bad humans are, for the most part, monogamous." He explained.

"Mono-what?" She was confused.

"They only have one girl. I mean. Not that there's anything wrong with you, I do like you, and I'm open minded, but you'd have to talk with Fluttershy about it. Then I'd have to talk to her about it. Then we'd have to talk to her about it. And, she'd still always be number one in my book. Are you sure you'd want to go through life being someones, 'number two'? Also, I don't know if I'd be okay with it either. We spent years getting to a comfort level that we're okay with each other. Would it be right for you to just jump in?" Nightshade tried reasoning with her. It worked.

"I guess you're right. Maybe one day, if you're all okay with it, I could borrow you?" She said, a little sullen.

"This is because you don't have a special somepony, isn't it?" He asked.

"Yeah. I mean, I look at you, and you're everything I want in a stallion. You're strong, fast, loyal, way smarter than me, and kind. Not to mention a hotty. I've never seen anypony else like you. I've felt this way for a while now but, you know how I am with feelings and stuff." She was looking down.

"Whenever we do things together, it's always so much fun. You make me smile like nopony else ever has. Because of you, I ended up getting in the wonderbolts. Even that prank with putting the pin in my hair, you're the first one to ever make me feel beautiful. Rarity tries, but she's just way too stuffy." She was near tears, knowing that she couldn't have him.

"Well, let's go talk to Fluttershy then shall we? This is something you need to tell her. If you keep it a secret, then things will never work out, and you'll drift apart. You two are friends, you always have been. You need to talk to each other." She looked like she was going to fly away. He grabbed her tail when she tried, and dragged her to the ground. Standing in front of her yellow and pink friend, she stopped trying to escape, because she didn't want to appear afraid.

The three of them went to Fluttershy's cabin, and they all sat down.

"Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash has something she needs to tell you." Nightshade began.

"Yes, what is it Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked innocently.

"Well, umm, I, umm." Dash stuttered, before getting an elbow in the ribs.

"Okay, this might sound weird, and I know you two are getting married and all, but umm, I kind of like Nightshade." She said. After getting another elbow to the ribs, she spoke up.

"Okay, I REALLY like him. He's strong and fast, he's nice, he's smart..... he's got the flanks of a god....... " she trailed off, trying to take a peek at his back end.

"And um, I was wondering, if you wouldn't mind, um, sharing him?" Rainbow winced, like the last part had actually caused her pain to say.

Fluttershy just sat there for a moment, before she giggled.

"Oh you feather brain, I've known for a long time how you felt. Just how you're bad with telling your feelings, you're also bad at hiding them." Both Nightshade and Rainbow Dash had a look of shock. She had known this whole time? Why didn't she say anything?

"And yes, I'm okay with sharing. I was okay with it three years ago when the princesses came around. You're my best friend Dash. I want to see you happy. I guess this means the three of us will be a big happy family now? I mean, if that's okay with you Shady?" Fluttershy giggled, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Um, I don't know. I mean, it's kind of weird. A lot of polygamist relationships on earth end poorly. I really didn't think you'd be okay with this. I guess there's things I still need to learn about this world." He was clearly nervous. One of the rare times in his life that he didn't know what to do. The pegasus pair looked at him with pleading eyes. Just as much as Dash wanted him, it seemed Fluttershy wanted Dash to be a part of it. Looking at them, there was no way he could say no.

"Oh alright alright already. You know I can't take the puppy dog eyes. So long as you're both okay with it, I don't mind. But nobody else okay? I know for a fact that Princess Luna has it on for me, and I don't want her knowing I'm available. She's crazier than Pinkie Pie when it comes to her heat. She was ready to jump me back at the drinking contest." The two mares tackled him and hugged him tightly, each giving him a kiss on one of his cheeks. Rainbow had tears of joy. He thought it was beyond strange that Fluttershy was totally okay with sharing him with her best friend, especially given what was coming up, but then again, she was her best friend, and Fluttershy would give anything for her friends to be happy.

"It's not really like that." Rainbow added. "You'd be married to Fluttershy, so she'd get first dibs. I'd just live with you, and you'd just be with me sometimes is all. Maybe, all three of us together once in a while?" She said, nibbling on Fluttershy's ear. She was actually suggesting a menage a trois. (Threesome)

"Are you sure you're not a filly fooler Rainbow?" Fluttershy teased.

"Just because I prefer guys, doesn't mean I'm not okay with girls. You both know that since AJ spilled the beans." She confessed.

"That reminds me, are both of you feeling okay? I saw something in your eyes earlier Rainbow, something I saw 3 years ago." They mares looked at each other.

"Well, okay, maybe it's starting. I've been craving sugar for a while now, but not so much that I'm going crazy for it. We're both still very much in our right minds." Fluttershy explained.

"Alright, Fluttershy, since I can't break my Pinkie Promise, can you let Rainbow in on the plan?" Nightshade asked. Fluttershy whispered in Dash's ear, who got a stunned look on her face, before breaking out in a mad grin, and finally falling on the floor laughing.

"That's rich! Oh, I never would have thought of that! Brilliant! I'm more than happy to help! And I know just the way...."

First Fluttershy, then Lyra, then Luna, now Rainbow Dash? Geez, Nightshade, is EVERYPONY after you? But seriously though. In a culture that only has 10% male population, there IS going to be a lot of multi-partner relationships. Even the same sex couples borrow a guy when they want foals. The difference is, this is a female centric society, so it's not like in our world where a lot of polygamy results in men dominating the women. Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash have been friends as long as they can remember. Dash has liked Shade ever since he beat her in the running of the leaves, the first time around. It's more like having a wife and a mistress, but the wife and mistress are totally okay with each other, and it's actually accepted by society, and the wife is actually the boss. He was actually more shocked about it than they were, because it happens all the time in their world, and when it happens in his, there's always a huge fight and legal battle, broken hearts, crying, yaddi yaddi yadda. Just goes to show how different the worlds really are. Also, I did not come up with this at random. It's going to fit into the plot near the end I swear.

[IMPORTANT] Right here, I'm about to give you control of the next couple chapters. That's right! Now, I KNOW I said that this isn't a clop fic, and that there would be no sex, HOWEVER, seeing as how this is a dedicated fanbase, and a lot of people like my story, I'm giving you all the choice. Do I continue on my regular method, using innuendo and nothing more, or do I change the content rating to mature, and let and enraged Pinkie Pie slap me upside the head for going the rule 34 route? If I go the second method, I'll make the chapter be non plot relevant, so that if anyone here does NOT want it, they can just skip the offending chapters over without missing anything. Don't get me wrong, there's still going to be an innuendo chapter, but if the vote is to go cloppy, there will be an added 'clop' chapter. After that, the rest of the fic will continue as normal. So really, what I'm asking is do you want one clop chapter in here, and an innuendo chapter to be a little more descriptive, or not?

Please please PLEASE only one vote per person. Any duplicates and I'll delete the doubles. I'm giving you all two days to put your votes in the comments, after which I'll pick which ever has more. I won't give an update chapter, I'll just write the next chapter with a header giving the result. This is your chance to participate in the creation of the fic, and since I didn't have a cover art contest, I went with this instead. I got the idea from watching the Tobuscus interactive vacation. Let the audience have some choice. Bless your face. Peace off BOOP!