• Published 20th Feb 2012
  • 13,340 Views, 1,365 Comments

Ascended - BlackWing

2 Years after the events of Monster, 1 year after the epilogue. Sequel. Firebolt fan character.

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Attack (27)


"Well, today's the day." Nightshade gulped nervously, standing atop a Canterlot balcony with the princesses. "Today's the day Discord said he'd be back. I hope we're ready."

"We will be fine, Sir Nightshade." Luna said, trying to calm his nerves, not letting on that she too was scared. He had been so full of confidence when they had fought the last time, and he was cheerful at the wedding, but now that it was a serious fight, and he had no idea what Discord had planned, it was eating him up inside. Seeing him in such a state also made the princesses wary, especially Celestia, who had seen first hand the horrors their ancient adversary was capable of. He didn't want anyone to get hurt. The quicker it was over, the better.

"Hello there everypony. Did you miss me?" Discord said as he appeared in a flash of light, wearing beach gear.

"I've had such a wonderful vacation, time to get this over with so I can get back to it."

"I have to say, I'm surprised Discord." Shade said.

"Oh, by what?" The draconnequuis asked.

"You said you were giving us three months, I didn't expect you to actually show up on time. I figured you'd either be early for the element of surprise, or wait a month or two, so constantly being on guard would wear down our resolve." Discord looked at the human for a moment, then stroked his beard in thought.

"Well horse feathers, why didn't I think of that?" Shade facepalmed.

"I thought it was pretty obvious. I can't believe you missed an opportunity to fool us all like that. You're slipping." Taunting is a very big part of combat, as it makes you lose your fear and take the edge off.

"And YOU'RE pissing me off." Discord scowled.

"I've thought up a little game. I call it Shady locks and the three bears. I have three ursa's, each near a major town. They're going to start wrecking everything, and you lot have to try and stop them, and me. Let's spin the wheel and find out the lucky cities. After all, Ursa sighting's are rare, and they'll never see one again." The meaning was clear. While Discord was normally mirthful, this time, he was murderous. Snapping his fingers, calling up a big wheel with a number of cities on them, he spun it.

"Trottingham? Ooh, good choice. I wonder if the Great and Powerful Trixie can vanquish an Ursa Major? I think you all know the answer."

Nightshade was about to move, but Lyra stopped him.

"Wait..... Nohvak is there. He's handling it. He has fought an Ursa before. The town is already beginning the evacuation. The Ursa is still outside, and he's holding it there. He seems confident.

"And next is...... Hoofton! Little backwater place like that will probably get wiped off the map. Oh well, it was practically falling apart anyway. Nothing lost there."

Shade felt his rage building.

"Joke's on him. Hoofton was evacuated already. They knew they were vulnerable, so they left by boat. They're laying over at the Zebrican isles. That calmed him down a bit.

"Finally, ooh, lucky for all of you! It's Canterlot!" Snapping his fingers again, the wheel of misfortune disappeared, and a massive Ursa took it's place just outside the city.

"Well, I'm headed to Ponyville to deal with the pesky elements. Have some fun with these little ponies would you?" He poked the ursa, which suddenly got a look of rage. It turned red, as if all the stars within began to supernova. It's spikes extended, and it slammed the ground, causing earthquakes that shook the city. In retrospect, building the capitol on the side of a mountain wasn't the best idea. Shade was about to take off when he felt Celestia's magic holding him back.

"No, trust in them. They can handle Discord. Just in case, we will be going too. You handle the ursa here, then head after us." With a flash of light, Celestia, Luna, Gilda, and a number of guards disappeared. With a roar, the Ursa sent trees flying, and began to lumber towards the city.

"Everyone! Evacuate to Stalliongrad! Follow the plan! Commanders, to the cave command center. I'll try and subdue it!" The winged human yelled in the Royal Canterlot Voice. All the city heard him, and began doing as they were told.

"I wonder where that came from? I could never do the voice before."

"Injury reports coming in, Canterlot and Trottinghom, minor scratches and scrapes from the quakes, nothing serious. Damage reports, Hoofton is getting ripped up, it's a good thing there's nopony there. It can be rebuilt easily enough, as it has been destroyed several times in the past. Evac report, well underway. Affected area's are 35% finished clearing out. The shelters are beginning to fill, half of them are already at capacity. Lyra reported psychically.

"Have the diamond dogs dig out more space underground to hold them, and unicorns make supports for the cave systems." Blueblood commanded.

"Hoofton is lost, Zebrican vessels have began shelling the ursa in an attempt to drive it away from shore. Minimal effectiveness."

"Have the griffins chain it, try to bring it down. We don't want to kill them, just subdue them until Discord is taken care of."

"Nohvak is losing ground in Trottingham, he's slowly being pushed back. City is 50% evacuated. Casualty report, 14 dead, 20 injured. There was a cave in from all the shaking."

Prince Blueblood had a scowl on his face. In the short year he had spent traveling, doing charity and such, he had come to think of the population as Celestia had. They were HIS little ponies, and he had failed to protect 14 of them. He shook his head. 'There will be time for mourning after, right now I need to focus on preventing any more loss'.

"RRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" The ursa roared, furious at the audacity of the small creature barring it's way. It had been pushed back several times from it's goal. It wanted nothing more than to rip the mountaintop castle right off and throw it into the ocean, but a small winged monkey was holding it back. As it's rage grew, so did it. It grabbed the obstruction in it's claw, and swallowed it. Since he was only holding it off while Canterlot evacuated, Nightshade couldn't fight it to his full potential. He wanted to get it further away from the city before he brought it down, hoping he wouldn't have to kill it, as it was simply being used by Discord. It wasn't the poor bear's fault.

"Hello you six, thought you'd never see me again?" discord laughed at the mane six.

"Never would be too soon Discord!" Twilight yelled.

"Oh ho! Somepony is awfully grumpy. Are you upset because you've all gotten fat?"

"Excuse me, I resent that." Rarity spoke up. "While the other's may have gained some weight during their pregnancy, myself and Rainbow Dash are still trim and fit."

"Pregnancy? Oh my, looks like several someones have been very naughty ponies." He was interupted by Pinkie Pie grabbing hold of his beard, and painfully ripping it off.

"YOU WANT NAUGHTY? I'LL SHOW YOU NAUGHTY!" She said as she bit the spirit of chaos, causing him to yelp in pain.

"Pinkie! The elements, remember?" Twilight scolded.

"Okie dokey lokie!" They all got into formation and were surrounded by a familiar light. A bright shining rainbow shot out of the group, striking Discord, who just yawned.

"Wait, what, huh, hold on a minute!" Twilight said after she picked herself back up. "Why didn't it work?"

"Oh, that would be because of this." Discord said nonchalantly, holding up a black sword with a slight curve, that seemed to drain the light from the area around it.

"That was hidden in Shady's basement! How'd you get it?" Pinkie demanded to know.

"Well, before Nightmare kicked the bucket, it told me where the sword was hidden. Then I teleported in, opened the safe using my wonderful safe cracking skills, put the sword in a sheathe to seal it's power temporarily, then teleported out. I drew it just now, making you waste your one shot with the elements." Discord explained.

"So that's what you were planning?" Twilight asked. "Now Shade will just take the sword from you. That was pointless."

"Aha, except that he doesn't know I have it!" He replied in a 'Na na na na boo boo' melody. "And as of right now, he's in the belly of an ursa, so I don't think him finding out will be a problem."

Fluttershy and Dash looked furious. There was no way they were going to let him get away with it. Shy flew up and gave him 'The Stare' while Dash prepared to do the 'Sonic Dive Bomb'. Discord looked unamused, simply catching them both, one in each claw.

"Well now, we can't have that can we? Those eyes are trouble, I'll have to take care of them right away. And those wings, yes, I think I like you better as an earth pony. No, I'm not just going to make them disappear, I think you all need to learn a lesson in humility. Hmm, yes, the eyes first." Making a cage pop up and throwing Dash into it, the spirit of disharmony tightened his grip around the yellow pegasus's neck, brought his eagle talon forth, preparing to pluck the sky blue orbs from their sockets.

"Gaaaah! What the hell!" Discord yelled as he found he was no longer holding Fluttershy. Looking at his lion's paw, he was shocked to see that it wasn't there. A griffin carrying a massive black sword was holding it, smirking.

"Geez, you lameo ponies can't do anything right can you?"

"G-g-g-g-g-g-g-GILDA?!?!?!?!" All of the six yelled in surprise.

"So what if I am? I got out about a year ago, and now I'm here to kick ass." She said with a proud smirk.

"You're annoying." Discord deadpanned, cutting the cocky griffin in half with his claw. Her eyes became pinpricks as she noticed she was missing her lower half, before they closed as she fell to the ground. Discord just took his missing limb and reattached it.

"GIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!" Rainbow shrieked from her cage, crying. While they did have a falling out, Gilda was still her oldest friend, and she wouldn't wish what she saw on anyone.

"Well, I guess I can't go around killing a pregnant pony, otherwise I won't have any little chaotic minions running around in the future, so I'll just settle for one of you, that way you can't use the elements again. Hmm,yes, you. You like that griffin so much, you can join her." He coldly walked over to Rainbow's cage, brandishing Black Law, ready to slice it, and her within, in half. Just as he swung, the blade disappeared, causing him to smack his hand on the cage.

"Ouch! What the?" The draconnequuis brought his hand to his head, feeling that both his horns had been cut off.

"Damn it! I don't have time to sit around, being eaten by a stupid nebula bear! I'm sorry, it's not your fault you're like this, but I'm going to have to kill you." At that point, even several miles away and inside the stomach of an ursa major, Nightshade heard a scream. One he recognized as belonging to Rainbow Dash.

"I hate using this thing, but I don't have any other choice." Calling Black Law to him, Shade swung the sword in a great upwards arc, letting out a deafening roar and flying up at the same time. He sliced the ursa in half, from it's stomach out the top of it's head. Black blood sprayed all over, soaking much of the now evacuated Canterlot. The bear fell forward, the two haves landing on either side of the mountain with a crash. The great capitol city of Canterlot came loose from it's foundation, sliding to the bottom of the mountain, and breaking in two. Nightshade didn't even see it. He was already gone.

Igniting into a brilliant while flame from how fast he flew, time seemed to be moving in slow motion. He spotted Discord, bringing his claw down on a caged Dash, Gilda's corpse lying nearby. He swung the sword, cleaving the spirit's horns from his head. Coming to an immediate stop on the far side of the chaotic spirit, he turned around, his eyes changed to glowing green. Twirling the black blade, which hummed as it cut the air, Nightshade pointed it at the confused draconnequuis, and using the full force of his new found voice, said,


That's right, Nightshade flew about 30 miles in a half second, and used the Royal Canterlot Voice. Can anypony tell what's going to happen next? I bet you can't! Well, other than Discord getting slaughtered.