• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 23,205 Views, 773 Comments

Upheaval: Breaking Point - Visiden Visidane

A desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever.

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Rage and Resolve

Upheaval: Breaking Point

Chapter 9: Rage and Resolve

The loud party music from Sugarcube Corner neither surprised nor disturbed the rest of Ponyville. Passers-by knew that there was another party inside the strange hybrid of house and cake, but that would be as noteworthy as saying that the noon sun at the moment was hot. Inside, five ponies and a dragon enjoyed themselves. There was a sixth pony in the house as well, one who wasn't enjoying the festivities laid out before her. Of all ponies, it was the celebrant.

Try as she might, Twilight could not bring herself to have fun with everypony. The enormous "Welcome back, Twilight!" banner made her feel a little guilty. This party was for her and she' was being a stick in the mud. Applejack's approach showed that it wasn't a subtle act either.

"You okay there, partner?" Applejack asked. "Can't help but notice that you've been under the weather all day."

"I'm fine, Applejack," Twilight answered. "I'm…I'm just not really in a celebrating mood right now."

"I've told that Pinkie that we should give it a few days before throwing anything," Applejack said. "She had to insist that this was what you needed after…whatever it is that happened to you. Can you believe that she threw a "Welcome back" party yesterday? When you didn't show up, she turned it into a "Hope Twilight finds whatever she's looking for in Canterlot" party!"

Twilight giggled. "Oh, I can believe that. Two parties in a row is actually a remarkable show of restraint."

"Well, you're smiling a bit, so that's an improvement,” Applejack put a hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “Cheer up, Twi’. Whatever happened, you've gone past it. That's worth celebrating!"

Twilight nodded. "I guess it is. Thank you, Applejack."

Applejack nodded back, grinning at her, before joining Rainbow Dash at the apple bobbing tub. Twilight shook her head and walked to the buffet table. Applejack was right: she had gone past the experience. Her friends were here: and they were happy. She should be happy too. 'As Princess Luna said, I can just walk away. After a few months, I will forget everything about the Equestrian Legion.'

Twilight wasn't alone by the table. After a quick inspection of the bowl for stray alligators, Rarity was sampling the punch. Upon seeing Twilight, she approached with an apologetic expression. "Twilight, I must apologize most sincerely for the trouble I have brought to you," she said.

"What are you talking about, Rarity?" Twilight asked. "You've never brought me any trouble."

"If I hadn't found that wretched gem, you and Spike wouldn't have had to go through all that trouble!"

"That wasn't your fault at all," Twilight said. "You had no idea what that gem was capable of, and I was the one who was careless with it."

Rarity sighed. "Still, I should have just let it be. I've thought about it, and I realized that I was looting a corpse! A truly horrible thing to do!"

"A corpse, that's right…" Twilight's voice trailed off. There was still that dead pony inside the cave. Prince Terrato called the gem a mana battery; a tool of war that shouldn't exist in the Heartland. For the mana battery to have found its way here would mean that the dead pony was probably a legionnaire. What had happened to him? Why had he come here? Twilight shook her head again. How was she supposed to walk away when she kept digging for answers about the Legion?

Rarity tilted her head. "Are you alright, darling?" she asked. "Is something on your mind?"

"No, I’m not al-I mean yes. And yes, I mean--"

"Spike told me that you don't even remember what happened after you used your magic with that gem. Is that what's bothering you?"

Twilight hesitated. The answer was the opposite. It was remembering that bothered her. "Um…yes," she replied. Should she tell them? Part of her wanted to. It would ease the burden. They were her friends. It was only right that she be honest with them. The stern lecturer side of her disagreed vehemently. It was against Princess Celestia's wishes for one thing. The more ponies in on a secret, the less likely it would remain as such. Would she really involve them when they could be punished for carrying this secret?

Rarity patted Twilight's shoulder. "I'm sure that everything will be alright whether you remember or not," she said. "We're here for you, Twilight, that's what you should always remember."

“Thank you, Rarity.” Twilight forced a half-smile. “Would you mind if I ask you a question?" she asked.

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Well, you're already asking one, but of course, dear."

"If Equestria was under attack, and you were needed to defend it, would you go?"

"But of course! Far be it from me to avoid doing my part if all of Equestria were in danger!"

"What if the danger never went away? What if you had to keep defending Equestria? You'd have no more time for running a boutique or for any kind of fashion. Would you still go?"

Rarity's eyes widened for a moment as she pictured such a life. She shut her eyes tight and shuddered before answering. "That would be horrible! Absolutely horrible!"

"You wouldn't go?" Twilight asked.

Rarity smiled wistfully. "Even if it would be absolutely, dreadfully horrible. There are more important things than what we want to do, and that is who we love, Twilight."

The answer left Twilight a little stunned. When she recovered, she could only nod. 'That's right,' she thought.

Rarity tilted her head to the side. "Now, why such a serious question, Twilight? This isn't normally like you."

Twilight shook her head. "Um…no, not really. Just doing a little speculating. I'm sorry, it's the skeleton and--"

"Oh, I see. Perhaps you can speculate about something brighter next time? I mean, a life without fashion…ugh! What could possibly be more terrible than that?"

"How about if no one even knew what you were doing? That you'd be out there fighting while life went on normally for everypony?" Twilight asked. She regretted the question immediately. She was still at it, hammering away at a topic she should be trying to forget. Why she even started asking Rarity all these questions eluded her.

"Now, that's just impossible," Rarity replied.

Twilight paused again. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't stop asking the next question. "Why is that?"

"You said Equestria was being attacked," Rarity said. "I'm sure that everypony would be doing his or her share. There is no way you could do your part and not have anypony notice."

"You're right," Twilight said. "Everypony would be doing their part. This is Equestria we're talking about." Her voice rose. "Everypony's Equestria!"

The sudden resolve threw Rarity into confusion. "You're certainly getting worked up about this hypothetical scenario, aren't you, Twilight?" she asked.

"I am, aren't I?" Twilight said. "Thank you, Rarity." She left Rarity in an even more confused state by the buffet table and made her way towards the party's host. Pinkie Pie was dancing at the center of the room with her pet alligator and Fluttershy. "Pinkie!" she called out.

Pinkie looked over at Twilight's direction and gave an excited wave, all without missing a beat with her dancing. "Having a great time, Twilight?" she asked.

"I am," Twilight answered. She was sincere this time. Despite the strangeness of the past few days, her friends proved to be an unfailing source of support. "Thank you for the party, Pinkie, but I have to leave early."

Pinkie's mood dropped from bubbly to depressed. Before Twilight could even react, however, Pinkie was cheery again. "Sure, Twilight, I understand. Busy as always, huh?"

Twilight could have sworn that she had seen laboratory explosions that were less mercurial than Pinkie Pie. "Yes," she answered. "I'm sorry, I'll make it up to you some time."

Pinkie giggled. "Oh, you don't have to worry about that. We're friends! It's not like we have to keep score over everything, right?"

"You're right, Pinkie Pie" Twilight said. She reached out and ruffled Pinkie’s mane. Her friend giggled at the gesture. "Thank you again."

"You're welcome!" Pinkie chirped.

Twilight left Sugarcube Corner with Spike on her back. "What's this all about now, Twilight?" he asked. "I was only halfway through that bucket of gems!"

"I'm going back to Canterlot," Twilight answered. She went back to her house to get some things ready. "Take a letter for me, would you?"

"Fine," Spike said. He pulled a piece of paper from…somewhere. Twilight never quite found out how he did that, and he swore he wouldn't tell her his trade secret. "Whenever you're ready," he said.

"Dear Princess Celestia," Twilight said. She paused. This was the same beginning she used with all of her letters. For this one, it felt a little…inappropriate.

"Well?" Spike asked. He tapped the paper with his quill.

"Yesterday, I discovered something a little different from what I learn here in Ponyville," Twilight said. "Today, I've learned something just as valuable. Because of these things, I would like to get a chance to talk to you in person."

Twilight paused again. Images flashed in her mind: a cold, dark dungeon, exile to a vast wilderness, her teacher's furious response...so many terrible ways this could end. Would Princess Celestia even listen to what she had to say? Her teacher had been following this course of action for hundreds of years. Would she still be able to change it?

"Trust me when I say that it will be for my sister's sake in the end."

The rational part of Twilight wanted proof, but she felt that Luna was telling the truth. She shut her eyes tight momentarily. She could feel Spike waiting patiently on her back, with his pen and paper at the ready. "Which is...which is why I'm going to Canterlot to get a private audience with you. I understand that you are very busy, so I will wait there until you find the time to see me. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle." The letter vanished in a fiery cloud of dragon breath.

Her fate was sealed. She was now committed to this course.

They reached Golden Oaks by the time the letter was sent. Spike hopped down Twilight's back and looked at her. "Are you okay, Twilight?" he asked. "You're shaking."

"Spike..." Twilight swallowed as she stared at her home. When she first arrived at Ponyville, she had considered its library to be a temporary stay. It was her home now, and the thought of not seeing again left her cold and afraid. The vast tundra surrounding Fangbreaker Fortress was a void that would suck her out there and leave her adrift. "I…I think I might end up being banished at this rate."

Spike jumped off Twilight's back. "What? Banished? To where? Why? What is going on, Twilight?"

"If that happens, you're going to have to stay with another pony." She tried to muster a smile. "Maybe you can be a full time assistant for Rarity."

"No way!" Spike snapped. "If you're banished, I'll still be hauling books for you in wherever you're being banished!" He sighed.

“Spike,” Twilight said sternly. “You don’t even--”

"Tell me what's going on, Twilight. At least, let me know why we're getting banished."

Twilight looked at Spike both fondly and sadly. He had always been around to help her, no matter how small or large the task, and here she was, about to get him exiled. There would be no convincing him to change his mind. With that look on his face, even trying would be an insult. She owed him the truth, especially after what she put him through when she disappeared, and what she was about to put him through now. Would her friends give her this sort of look if they knew what she was up to? Yes, they would. She didn't want to force them into exile for something she did. Better to keep this a secret from them.

"I'll tell you, Spike," she said. "Then, it's off to Canterlot once more."

"What do you mean he's dead?"

Scarlet Rabbit's cry turned several heads from passing legionnaires. Even Pyre Valor was a little startled, despite expecting it. A day had passed since she abandoned Vanguard's body to the wolven. Before a composed and grim Commander Dreadstep, she reported that their squad had run into an ambush by advance wolven troops before they could even reach the location. She was particularly solemn while she reported how Captain Vanguard Clash died a hero by holding the wolven while they escaped, and that the main wolven army would likely attack in a few more days.

Pyre Valor had no problem calling Vanguard a hero. He had died trying to protect Fangbreaker Fortress, and prevent what he believed was a needless waste of pony lives. He was misguided, but noble to the very end. She respected that.

Commander Dreadstep had not betrayed a single hint of emotion when she finished her report. He gave his condolences, and asked that Vanguard's family be informed. Blademane had volunteered to tell Vanguard's mother while she talked to Sharpfangs.

Vanguard's father had also taken the news stoically. "Expecting tears, Captain Pyre Valor?" he had asked, "My son died fighting for the Legion. I'm a little envious at the moment."

Pyre Valor was a little envious too. Still, she knew that she was going to do the same soon, even if nopony would acknowledge her as they now acknowledged Vanguard Clash. She also didn't fail to notice the title that Sharpfangs addressed her with. For the remaining few days of her stay in Fangbreaker Fortress, she would be captain to two ponies. Her first and only act would be to ensure that the fort fell to its wolven attackers. One of her subordinates, however, was reacting to her news much more badly than its previous recipients. With Blademane back at her side, she had delivered the news to Scarlet Rabbit.

"That's impossible!" Scarlet cried out. "He's the Captain! The Captain doesn't die in a random encounter. You've made a mistake, and I'm going to check it out myself!"

Blademane held on to Scarlet before he could fly off.

"The wolven have already overrun that place," Pyre said. "You'll have bolters on your flank the second you got anywhere near it."

"The Captain will keep them off me while I extract him!" Scarlet cried. "Let go, Blademane!"

"Scarlet, Vanguard is dead!" Pyre snapped. She hated having to say that over and over. "There's no mistake!"

Scarlet squirmed to free himself, but Blademane was the bigger and stronger stallion. "I understand your pain," Blademane said. "But deluding yourself will help nopony."

"You understand nothing!" Scarlet snarled as he struggled harder. "The Captain's gone, and you're having about as much a reaction as a bar of soap! Pyre's alive and kicking, so big shock that Blademane doesn't give a crap about anything else!"

Blademane hurled Scarlet to the ground and stepped on him with his front hooves, pinning him in place. "You will discipline yourself," he said. "With or without Vanguard Clash, we are still legionnaires."

Scarlet pushed the hooves aside and stood up. Without meeting their gazes, he walked off to Storm Brew's. "Try to keep him from getting too rowdy," Pyre told Blademane. He nodded and followed Scarlet, leaving her alone to take care of important matters.

First, she had to talk with the other saboteurs. They had to be informed that she was going along with the plan and taking over what Cold Hoof had failed in. That involved convincing them she wasn't there round them all up. Then, there would be the actual work of getting things ready for the wolven attack.

"Sounds like a lot of work to set up a stage where you can martyr yourself."

The voice jolted Pyre Valor out of her thoughts. Its soft and oily tone seemed to settle upon her being. She looked around and saw only the fort's ponies going about their business. The impending attack had everypony on edge.

She shook her head. Was she hearing things? Were the things she had done already taking their toll on her psyche?

"You murdered your oldest and dearest friend because he was going to stop you from killing hundreds of your brethren. Did you really have to ask that question?"

Pyre rounded the corner of one hall. "Who are you?" she whispered. "My conscience?" She smiled wryly at the suggestion. "You're a little late. Vanguard could have used you."

"Conscience is an excuse. A boring, fearful excuse. You'll find me a little more colorful than that."

'Explain yourself or be silent,' Pyre Valor thought. This…'thing' was reading her mind, so she figured that she may as well answer mentally for her own sanity. She closed and locked the door behind her once she got to her quarters.

"Explain myself? That would take forever. How about I just give you a name? I am Lunalux Umbra. The wolven call me "Moon-Shadow", but you ponies use a more elegant name: "Nightmare Moon"."

'I'm talking to an old mare's tale about Celestia's petulant little sister?'

"And I'm talking to an insect who hasn't lived a century, but spouts big words like "justice" and "truth". We can trade barbs all day, or you can listen."

'Then say what you have to say.'

"I'm here to help you--"

"I don't need anypony's help," Pyre spat. "Especially not the help of somepony whose reputation for losing is literally the stuff of legends."

"You're right, I lost. I know the path to defeat quite well, and I'm quite sure you're galloping on it at the moment. I also happen to know that it took Celestia's strongest magics to subdue me, but it will take her a second and an irritated grunt to deal with you."

The mere mention of Princess Celestia blotted out the voice in a haze of rage. Pyre Valor paused and set aside the name of the pony she blamed for everything, including Vanguard's death.

"And so we come to our common enemy. You've made a brave stand here, Pyre Valor, and the sacrifice you're going to make is grand indeed. Nevertheless, do you really think you can reach Celestia and the Heartland with just this? She will overcome this attack, then continue on acting as if you and what you fought for never existed. You and all the ponies of this fortress will die while the rest of the Heartland fusses over the next grand party at the Royal Palace."

'She will hear me!' Pyre Valor thought. 'All of the Heartland will hear the truth, no matter what the cost!'

"Well spoken. Merge with me, Pyre Valor. Together, we can accomplish what we cannot alone."

'At what price?' Pyre Valor asked. 'You're not looking to be martyred.'

"Shrewd and determined. You want to threaten Equestria to force it to acknowledge the truth, I want to tear it apart completely. You place your faith in the Legion's ability to eventually win despite setbacks, I place my faith in being able to destroy it utterly. I'm not asking for a price. I'm asking that we make a bet with the fate of Equestria at stake. We will attack it with all our might until Terrato is forced to take desperate measures. If the Legion overcomes us, then you win. If we destroy the Legion and plunge Equestria into darkness, then I win."

Pyre Valor closed her eyes. She hadn't agreed to anything yet, but she could already feel immense magical power welling up within. The offer was dangerous, and could easily spiral out of control, but it would be enough for the truth to finally reach the Heartland. If the truth had to shine through Nightmare Moon's darkness…

'So be it!'