• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 23,205 Views, 773 Comments

Upheaval: Breaking Point - Visiden Visidane

A desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever.

  • ...

Special Operations

Upheaval: Breaking Point

Chapter 20: Special Operations

"We've just gotten reports that the wolven are already closing in on the city!"

"Preparations are still underway. Terrato's bloody hooves, we won't be ready on time!"

"The draft turned out only half of expected numbers. We need those reinforcements soon!"

From his seat, Commander Dreadstep listened as his subordinates piled one problem after another. He had his eyes closed, and his forelegs crossed, but everypony in the room knew that he was listening to every detail. He had been beset with problems the moment he stepped foot into Bastion City. That wasn't even counting the problems he was already carrying with him.

The city had become complacent during the past few years. He should have recognized it when the number of enlistments began to dwindle, and when supply quotas missed an item or two. To his shame, he admitted that it had been possible for the city to be complacent because he was too. They had depended too much on Fangbreaker's centuries of impregnability, as if history could protect them instead of vigilance. They had underestimated Wolvengard, thinking that the wolven would be satisfied with raising an army once in a while to inflict casualties. Worst of all, they had underestimated the dissension within the Legion itself.

"Commander, what of this group of saboteurs mentioned in some of the reports?" Logistics Officer Frostmane asked. "In addition to our gates falling from the inside, we've discovered that a lot of the supplies in Fangbreaker had been ruined!"

Dreadstep nodded. "I've had Special Operations working on it since we started retreating. Results should be forthcoming." He didn't add that the pony likely responsible for destroying the gates, Pyre Valor, was a member of Special Operations. There was no need to play up everypony's paranoia before the wolven even got here. He looked out the window of his office. Vanguard Clash had slipped in his vigilance as well. How else could he not have noticed his vice-captain's building betrayal? 'At a time when we were all slipping, disaster struck,' he thought. 'The Legion will be made to pay for this dishonor, especially me.' His eyes narrowed. There will be time for punishments once the crisis has passed. Right now, it was time to make up for the lack of vigilance. They were starting with the ponies who dared to side against their kin.

The end of their first day as legionnaires brought both a sense of relief, accomplishment, and apprehension for Twilight and her friends. They had done well so far. Most of them anyway. Twilight had immediately returned to studying Pyre Valor's old spells. It was a little disheartening that she was improving by learning spells discarded as basic material. Still, she had to start somewhere.

Spike had spent the day roaming Bastion City while trying to keep from being caught underhoof. He happily told of how the city found a use for him wherever he went. It had started with the public baths, but he was just as welcome in the foundries, the kitchens, and the smithies. Twilight was initially surprised, but she remembered that she was in the northernmost city in all of Equestria. Here, fire was a valuable commodity.

Rarity had gone to bed early. Twilight wished that she hadn't used that Burning Hooves spell. Her attempt to please Mage Captain Owlsight made Rarity look twice as bad. It wasn't even within Rarity's control that the tests went badly for her. It wasn't fair for Mage Captain Owlsight to judge Rarity's magical aptitude when her powers were hobbled by magical drift.

Still, Owlsight's reasoning was sound, even with the magical drift factored in. They didn't have time to adjust to the drift. It was for the best that Rarity be transferred to a part of the Legion that didn't put her in direct combat.

Rarity wasn't the only one who went to bed early. Next to her, Pinkie Pie was snoring away. Applejack told them of how training in barding had sapped even Pinkie's boundless energy. It had to be more than just the weight that wore on Pinkie. Marching in orderly lines, moving, stopping, and turning when told to, and having orders barked at you were things far outside Pinkie's element.

As for Applejack, she had the best day out of the lot of them. That wasn't much of a surprise either. She was used to manual labor so spending the entire day doing it was nothing new. While the barding had been torture to Pinkie, she looked quite proud of the metal plated suit, and made no secret of wanting to try out the "fancier ones" she had seen officers wear. She had also made a friend among the recruits: a stallion named Twocolt.

Twilight had expected the same from Rainbow Dash. After all, Rainbow was just as athletic as Applejack, and even more enthusiastic. But Rainbow Dash had flown in earlier in an irritable mood, muttering something about making Scarlet regret underestimating her.

Fluttershy came in last. Twilight had asked her how she had done, but didn't quite hear the reply. It wasn't just because of Fluttershy's soft voice either. As soon as Fluttershy had opened her mouth, Twilight was assaulted by a frightful smell. When asked what she had been eating, Fluttershy blushed and said that it must have been the drink that Doctor Redbrand had shared with her.

Then, there were the ponies who were not around.

Twilight wondered if she should even be concerned with what Vanguard Clash and Scarlet Rabbit were up to. Now that she was part of the Legion, she had to consider them as higher-ranked soldiers with their own duties to attend to. They shouldn't be bothered to look after a bunch of recruits. She dearly wanted to consider them friends: life-long, reliable friends she would be writing friendship reports to Princess Celestia about if they were back in the Heartland. But part of her was afraid that they were simply doing what they had been ordered to do. When they were done with those orders, she would walk past Vanguard without him even looking at her.

Twilight shook her head, and concentrated on the notes. Burning Hooves looked impressive, but the range was far too short. She didn't want a wolven to be ten feet away from her before she could hit it with a spell. Fireball, the most difficult spell in Pyre Valor's book, was the best option.

Some time had gone by when the door opened. Vanguard Clash peered into the room without stepping in. "Applejack," he called out.

Applejack looked up. She had taken to spit shining her barding. "Need something, Vanguard?" she asked.

"Fancy a little evening stroll?" Vanguard asked. The question snapped Twilight out of her reading. She looked at Vanguard. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Spike mirrored her shock.

"Well, I was thinking that, after this, I should hit the--" Applejack stopped when she saw Vanguard's face. "Sure, why not? Lemme get my coat. Looks a mite cold out."

"What was that all about?" Twilight asked after they had left.

Spike shrugged. "Maybe Vanguard just wanted some company."

Twilight raised an eyebrow. "He sure was quick to pick Applejack in that case."

"Why not?" Spike asked. "You looked busy, Rainbow was sulking, and he probably won't have much to say to Fluttershy, or me."

"That's not the reason." Rainbow said. Her mood had lightened at the subject. She motioned for all of them to come closer. "I know what's really going on!"

Twilight closed the book and listened along with Fluttershy and Spike.

"Remember that last night we spent out there in the plain?" Rainbow began. "Well, I woke up after everypony had gone to sleep. I saw those two being all cozy by the fire, and chatting!"

Fluttershy's eyes widened. "Really?" she asked. "Does that mean--"

Twilight held a hoof in front of Fluttershy, "What were they talking about?" she asked.

"I couldn't hear," Rainbow said, "but I saw him pat her on the shoulder. When she went to sleep, she had a smile on her face!"

Twilight snorted. "Is that it? They could have just had a friendly chat."

"So why did he ask her out now?" Rainbow asked.

"I'm sure there's a good explanation," Twilight said. She forced some of the self-assurance. "We're in the middle of a crisis. Vanguard Clash isn't so frivolous as to…well...do those things while he's busy with his duties."

"He's Special Operations," Rainbow said with a knowing look. "They do a lot of crazy stuff as part of their duties. That includes hanging around doing nothing, and asking mares out."

"Well, we'll just have to see then, won't we?" Twilight said. She returned to her studying. What a waste of time.

Spike yawned, and headed for his bed. "No need to be snappish. I'm turning in. All of you should too. You're the ones with new, busy schedules."

The night air was even colder than Applejack expected. She was thankful that Vanguard had insisted that they get these wolven-fur coats. It wasn't just the air that made her chilly, however. Vanguard had motioned for her to follow, then walked ahead. This was no casual walk.

Bastion City looked different at night: scarier, and much more grim. The taller buildings rose ominously, partly obscuring tonight's waxing gibbous moon.

"So what's this all about?" she asked.

"Work," Vanguard answered without looking back.

After rounding several corners, Applejack soon realized that she was lost. Before she could even think about her predicament, a group of ponies emerged from the shadows, each one of them garbed in mottled gray cloths. Applejack suppressed a gasp. She didn't see or hear them coming. Scarlet Rabbit hovered above them in a similar outfit. When she looked back to Vanguard, he was also covering his barding in similar cloths.

"Okay, can somepony tell me what in tarnation is going on?" she asked. "I don't like being led around like this."

One of the ponies placed a sack on the ground with a metallic clank. Vanguard pulled out a piece of barding from it, and gave it to her. "Congratulations, Applejack," he said. "For tonight, you've just been promoted to Infantry Captain."

"Infantry Captain?" Applejack asked. "I just joined up today! And what in tarnation do you mean by 'for tonight'?"

"Talk less, and put it on," one of the other ponies growled.

Applejack glared at the pony, but she started putting on the barding.

"We need your help for this mission, Applejack," Vanguard said. "Do you see that tavern over there?" He pointed towards a nearby building with a pair of free-swinging doors for an entrance. The lights were still open. Loud talking, and the occasional clink of glasses striking together came from the place. "All you have to do is to walk by the entrance, peer inside, then walk back here."

"I may still be a greenhorn legionnaire, Vanguard Clash, but I know when I'm walking into trouble," Applejack said. "I'd appreciate some honesty before I do anything."

One of the nearby ponies snorted, but Vanguard glared at them for silence. He held Applejack by the shoulders with both front hooves. "I'll honestly tell you three things," he said. "This is important, you will be in danger, and I will protect you."

Applejack was taken aback for a moment. His nearness, and the shadows around him highlighted just how disconcerting Vanguard's eyes were. They looked so fierce, as if they were constantly glaring ahead of them without him even trying. They also glowed slightly in this dark place, like the eyes of the wolven did. "There's no need to be so dramatic about it," she said with a grin. "Count me in!"

"I appreciate it," Vanguard said. He looked over to the other ponies. "All of us do."

"We'd also appreciate it if you told nopony about what we're about to do," one of them said.

"Let's do this," Applejack said. The barding they gave her chafed a little, but felt fine otherwise. 'Well, I was just thinking about how wearing these capri-things would feel,' she thought. She watched her step. If she tripped on the cloth now, she'd probably die of embarrassment.

"Listen carefully," Vanguard said. "This is what we need you to do…"

The Boozelicker did not enjoy a particularly stellar reputation among Bastion City's taverns. Located in the seedier portion of the city, it was frequented only by ponies who didn't mind finding a winged insect or two in their drinks once in a while. It made only enough business to keep itself open. Its proprietor, an earth pony named Bottle Spin, didn't mind keeping it that way.

For tonight, the Boozelicker entertained an unusually large group of patrons. In addition to the regulars, five legionnaires huddled together by one side of the tavern. Bottle Spin was normally wary of legionnaires, but these ones looked too busy talking among themselves to bother anypony. Besides, he needed every customer he could get. With Fangbreaker fallen, news was already out that the notorious Storm Brew was in Bastion City. It wouldn't be long before the local taverns would be struggling to stay afloat.

"We're going to have to act soon," Stoneshod said. Each word was agony to his bound up jaws. "The wolven will be here in a day or two."

"We're halfway through," Halftail replied. "We should be ready when the time comes."

The other ponies around them nodded. They sipped their drinks, and looked around. If anypony from the Legion caught wind of their discussion, they would all end up hanging. Somepony came by the entrance. "Hush!" Stoneshod said. "Infantry captain coming inside."

They looked down, pretending to enjoy their drinks. Stoneshod eyed the pony by the doors. The Boozelicker was certainly no place for somepony of that rank unless…the orange coat and yellow mane were dead giveaways. The barding covered her flanks, but there had to be a picture of three apples there. She peered into the tavern, giving a clear view of her green eyes before leaving. "Impossible!" he growled. He stood up and immediately went after her.

"Stoneshod, you idiot!" Halftail hissed. He followed, prompting the rest of their group to do the same.

Her heart pounding, Applejack walked towards the alley at a steady pace. She swallowed, and glanced behind her. Several ponies were tailing her. This part of the city was so dark, lonesome, and terrifying, like a stone version of the Everfree. As she approached the alley, she dearly hoped that Vanguard Clash was ready and waiting. The ponies behind her didn't look like they were going to congratulate her for making Infantry Captain.

To Applejack's horror, the alley was empty. Had she entered the wrong one? Or was this some kind of set up? "That's enough walking, chosen," a familiar voice said from behind.

"Who's there?" Applejack asked. "What do you want?"

"Infantry Captain!" Stoneshod snarled. "It's a disgrace that they even allowed you to sign up. Now, they make you Infantry Captain in a day? I'm not standing for this!"

"Enough talking, Stoneshod," another pony beside him said. "Let's just kill her, and get out of here before somepony sees us."

"Why'd ya'll want to kill me?" Applejack asked. "We're all legionnaires now!"

Stoneshod spat on the ground, and pulled a knife from his harness. "We've endured enough without having to watch chosen play at being legionnaires."

"If you kill me, ponies will notice I'm gone," Applejack said. "Ya'll be criminals!"

"I've done worse things for the Legion," Stoneshod said. "You won't be the first pony to pay for it!"

"Sounds like a confession," Vanguard said.

A bolt whizzed past Applejack. Stoneshod cried out, and dropped his knife. A wooden shaft stuck out of his right foreleg. The shadows came alive as several ponies surrounded the group, each one aiming a crossbow at Stoneshod and his ponies. Above them, Scarlet chuckled, and reloaded.

"Special Operations!" Halftail quailed. The name was followed by weapons being dropped to the ground. One pony tried to make a run for it. He took two steps before finding Vanguard's two-bladed sword inches from his face.

Vanguard and his group herded Stoneshod and his ponies to a corner, and began binding them. They pushed Stoneshod up the wall, and began talking. When Applejack tried to listen in, Scarlet Rabbit flew in front of her.

"Woah there!" Scarlet said. "Rough night, eh? How about we take off that barding, and head back to our friends?"

"What are they talking about over there?" Applejack asked. She removed the champron, and gave it to Scarlet.

"Special Operations stuff," Scarlet replied as he stuffed the barding into a sack. After he collected all the pieces, he gently pushed Applejack out of the alley, and hovered by her side. "Thanks again for your help. It made things a lot easier for us!"

"If you're really grateful, how's about letting me in on what just happened?" Applejack asked. "Why all this hiding in the dark, and why do I need to be involved?"

"I suppose I could fill you in on some details. We've been watching Stoneshod since his tussle with you from before. We got a good feeling he was part of a more dangerous group, but we couldn't just walk in, and arrest him in front of others. Ponies would start asking around about what he did,and we'd have to make stuff up. So we thought 'what if they went to a dark alley on their own, and we just happened to be waiting for them?' That's when you volunteered."

"I didn't volunteer for anything!" Applejack said.

"You voluntarily kicked his face," Scarlet replied. "He hated your guts, which we found useful. Thanks to you, nopony suspects anything while we question them. If somepony still asks, we'll say they tried to kill you. Of course, you'll say it's true if they ask you, since that was what they were about to do."

Applejack swallowed. That wasn't a suggestion. She recalled the bolt that had gone through Stoneshod's leg, and looked at hers. "Special Operations" sounded more and more ominous. "What's this 'dangerous group' you were talking about?" she asked.

Scarlet was quiet for a time. "You were there when we made that report to Commander Dreadstep, so I'll tell you," he said. "Don't go blabbing it to everypony you meet." Scarlet eyed Applejack carefully until she nodded. Once she did, his grin was back. "Right, they're part of the traitors who helped the wolven take Fangbreaker. Who knows what they've been up to in the city? We still have to check things out. You chosen have been really useful, though. We've been keeping an eye on reactions to you girls, and you've been turning out a lot of suspects!"

Scarlet talked casually, but there was a glint in his eye that sent a chill down Applejack's spine. Something lurked under all those smiles and cheery banter. She wasn't sure if she wanted to meet that something.

"I hope you don't take it against us," Scarlet said.

"Take what against you?"

"That we're keeping an eye on you too."

Applejack stopped momentarily, prompting Scarlet to do the same. "Are you saying that you've been watching me?"

"Well, not me," Scarlet said. "I'm tasked to watch Rainbow He- I mean, Rainbow Dash. But, yeah, somepony's watching you to see if more of these traitors show up."

"What about Vanguard?" Applejack asked.

"The Captain? What about him?"

"Is he watching one of us too?"

"Of course!"

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Well, which one?"

"Which one what?"

"Who's he watching? It's Twilight, isn't it? He sure does spend a lot of time with Twilight."

Scarlet's smile split into a wide grin. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he said.

Before Applejack could reply, they were already standing in front of the building they were staying.

Scarlet winked at Applejack. "Let's keep this to ourselves, alright?"

Applejack could only nod before the two of them entered.