• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 23,205 Views, 773 Comments

Upheaval: Breaking Point - Visiden Visidane

A desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever.

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Upheaval: Breaking Point

Chapter 46: Questions

Two days had passed since the wolven retreat. Supply wagons rolled out as fast as they could be loaded. Repairs on the walls, and equipment were constant. It was the Legion's turn to pursue the wolven, and make them pay dearly for this invasion. The first step was to retake Fangbreaker Fortress, a prospect that those who survived its fall relished. The smithies rang loud, while medics hustled in the wards. The sky was full of pegasus squads returning, or heading out to harass their retreating enemies.

From his stone throne within the Grand Meeting Hall, Terrato stared at the morning sun for a while. Even though it was Black Rose's first attempts at raising the sun, the cycle of day had not missed a single beat. He had expected some kind of signature to remind all of Equestria that the sun was under a new pony's control. This show of humility was unusual. The lack of mistakes was clearly due to her natural skill and flair. Black Rose took to anything with ease. It also sounded better than Celestia's former duty being ridiculously easy. The double doors to the hall closed, a signal to begin this meeting.

The effects of the last battle, from the wolven retreat, to the inability of the Elements of Harmony to deal with an enemy they had beaten before, to Black Rose's ascension, were still settling in. It showed on the faces of everypony that had gathered. He surveyed them slowly, gathering his thoughts before this audience began.

First, there were his two sisters. Luna was still in bandages, and trembled with each step she took. The physical injuries won't be much of a problem. Healing was Luna's specialty. Once she recovered some of her magical strength, the burns would be trivial. Celestia, on the other hoof, was a different matter. There wasn't even a mark where Black Rose had stabbed her. Celestia had slept through the past two days with her student remaining by her side the entire time. He made sure that there was food waiting for her when she woke up, but he hadn't so much as visited her room. This morning, both his sisters stood to his right with Luna being the closer one. Celestia looked dazed, and lost, her -now pink- mane limp around her neck. Luna leaned in close to offer support while the other ponies in the hall watched her in concern.

Then, there were the bearers of the Elements of Harmony along with Vanguard Clash, Scarlet Rabbit, and Spike. Terrato focused first on "the guilty ones" as he thought of them. Spike was busy groveling before Celestia. No one, pony or otherwise, should bear that much guilt at so young an age. Even though Spike was instrumental for Celestia's loss, punishment was out of the question. A hundred lashes wouldn't come close to what Spike was going through anyway.

Next to Spike was Legionnaire Rarity. After the discovery of Spike's "mana battery", she gave up the coin she received from this so-called "Bright Flame": an obvious scrying device. No wonder Black Rose was able to easily coordinate her movements with the chosen. The device had also been magically modified to allow Black Rose to channel some of her power to protect her unwitting spy, and make sure that Nightmare Moon didn't get too out of hoof. Like Spike, punishment was unnecessary.

The next two were Legionnaires Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie. There wasn't much to say about them except that they looked completely out of their element, much more so than the other chosen. They would have been sent them home if they weren't needed to complete the Elements of Harmony, and if they wouldn't wilt faster without their friends.

Next were Legionnaires Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Now, here were two ponies made of sterner stuff. Rainbow's back and head were covered in bandages, but she bore her injuries with a pleasing, soldierly indifference. Applejack, on the other hoof, was likely his favorite out of the chosen: not as much a stand out like Rainbow, and Twilight, yet brave, and reliable. That she was an earth pony helped. It was doubtful that he was her favorite royalty though. Twocolt was still languishing in a dungeon after being interrogated. She had spent the past two days trying to make sure that he didn't hang. That was going to be decided today. Her sides were no longer bandaged. It took a mere five days for her to recover from a life-threatening wound. She was either incredibly tenacious, another admirable trait, or her majesty had gifted her with this favor.

Captain Vanguard Clash, and Scarlet Rabbit looked like the only ponies who were comfortable in the hall, odd given that Vanguard nearly hanged and Scarlet looked far more at home flying about and killing things.

Also in the hall was Commander Dreadstep, who carried himself with slightly more dignity now. He hadn't lost Bastion City to the wolven after all. There were no guards present. It was important not let the city know that their princess was among them, and had lost most of her power.

Then, there was Twilight Sparkle. She hadn't stopped looking worriedly at Celestia. Terrato moved on. What else was there to think or say about Twilight Sparkle?

"Looks like everypony's here," Terrato said. Spike shuffled back to his friends, and stood quietly among them. He summoned a large container that should be familiar to the chosen present. Without any preamble, he opened it, and sent the physical manifestations of the Elements of Harmony to their bearers. He didn't remember these things as gaudy jewelry, but, after a thousand years, he shouldn't count on anything he remembered about Celestia, and the Heartland. "Now that you have these, you might actually be useful as the Elements of Harmony."

The bearers received their Elements graciously enough. From their worried faces, they were going to need more than just these trinkets for the coming battles. The jewelry looked even gaudier now that it was on them. Especially the crown. The thing looked too big, and it marked Twilight out as surely as painting a sign on her that said "kill me".

"When did you get them, big brother?" Luna asked.

"I made quick trip to Canterlot yesterday," Terrato said. "I fetched them, then decided to have a look around the city in secret." His voice lowered. "I didn't like what I saw." He looked at Applejack. "Now, some of you are here on a particular agenda. Now's the time to speak up."

Applejack stepped forward. "Your highness, what's going to happen to Twocolt? Are you going to hang him? He doesn't deserve to be hung!"

Terrato looked to Dreadstep. "Tell me how deep the colt is in," he said. Yesterday, the Legion caught Twocolt hiding out in the cellar of his family home. They had him for dereliction of duty, but interrogation revealed a more grievous crime.

"He claims that he is part of 'the Order of True Equestrians', your highness," Dreadstep replied. "They're apparently a group dedicated to preserving Princess Celestia's reign, and stopping your 'conspiracy' to rule all of Equestria."

Terrato frowned. Dreadstep normally kept his feelings out of work, but the derision was obvious in his tone. "So where is the rest of this oh-so-noble order?" he asked.

"He also claims that Special Operations arrested, and executed most of them," Dreadstep replied. "We have no records of making such arrests."

"Black Rose used them, and killed them," Terrato said flatly. "Just like the so-called "Black Rose Rebellion". She's not going to leave loose ends. That she spared this one means she still has plans for him."

"True, your highness," Dreadstep replied, "but wouldn't she have taken steps to protect him instead of leaving him in our clutches?"

"Maybe she's banking on our mercy," Terrato said. He shifted his gaze back to Applejack. "Maybe that's why she made sure he was friends with somepony willing to speak for him."

"I still think he should be spared," Applejack said. "He ain't done enough to be hung."

Terrato turned towards Luna. "What do you think of this?" he asked. "Should I play it safe, and kill this colt?"

Luna gasped a little at the sudden attention. Terrato surprised himself as well. She recovered swiftly, and looked glad for this chance. "The colt was deluded, big brother. Black Rose used him as she had many of us, but he meant well and she knew it. He should not die for this."

"I'm not going to have him killed then," Terrato said. "But I'm not giving Black Rose any opportunities to use him any further." He turned towards Dreadstep. "Have him transferred somewhere he'll be harmless. He can continue to serve Celestia in some small remote outpost. It only follows that he's not to be given any important position."

"Yes, your highness," Dreadstep replied. Applejack's face was downcast. Natural, as she was likely never going to see her new friend again, but there were traces of relief in there as well.

"Let's move on to what will be happening from now on," Terrato said. "The Northern Equestrian Legion will continue to pursue the wolven, and reclaim Fangbreaker Fortress. I want you chosen to stay together, and take part in this advance in case Nightmare Moon is still at it. We will operate under the assumption that, while she seems inclined to help the Legion, Black Rose won't be doing any more direct attacks. Reinforcements are still on the way from the Western and Southern Legion. Once Fangbreaker has been retaken, we will begin our march into Wolvengard."

Dreadstep looked at Terrato incredulously. "Are you saying that we're launching an offensive against Wolvengard, your highness?"

"Not saying," Terrato replied. "Ordering. You've seen the bodies still smoking outside the city. This is the worst defeat that the wolven have taken in centuries. The Legion will capitalize on this." His voice lowered, and his eyes narrowed. "I will inflict a loss on Fenrir so great that he will be forced to surrender on my terms. The wolven will never be a threat to Equestria once I extract a promise from him."

As Terrato expected, while Dreadstep and Vanguard took to his orders with ease, the rest of the ponies present could not hide their shock.

"But what about Black Rose?" Twilight asked. "We have to bring her down, and take back Princess Celestia's power!"

Terrato glared at Twilight. "Is that so? Sounds like you have a plan, Twilight Sparkle! Do you know where Black Rose is, what her plans are, and how she's going to go about them? Do share!" Twilight fell silent, but she didn't stop her indignant gaze. "Make no mistake," Terrato went on. "I will kill Black Rose, and the power of sunlight will be restored, but I am not wasting this opportunity to lessen the number of fronts we are fighting in. The Legion will not sit on its tail while we wait for a chance to find Black Rose." He turned his gaze towards Dreadstep. "The barrier has been down since yesterday. We will begin a realm-wide draft. Relay my orders to the other Legion commanders. I want an army of chosen reserves ready in six months. They will occupy our walls in the less threatened areas so some veterans can be freed up for the offensive."

Dreadstep saluted. "Yes, your highness."

Celestia finally snapped out of her miserable state. "What is the meaning of this, Terrato?" she asked. "You are going to force my little ponies into your army?"

"It is a draft, but I hardly think we'll be doing any forcing." Terrato replied. "Once the chosen see that their nation is at war, they'll be clamoring to take up arms. We'll be lucky if we find enough gear to outfit all of them. Wouldn't that be the case, Legionnaire Twilight Sparkle?"

Celestia looked to her student. "Legionnaire Twilight" struck her like a blow. Her mentor realizing that she had joined the Legion did the same for Twilight, who wilted under that pained gaze. "I…" Twilight replied. "It's true that the ponies of the Heartland should be given a chance to fight for their homes. But forcing them..."

"Celestia will issue a decree regarding our situation," Terrato said. He looked to Celestia. "I will leave it to you as to how you will break the news." He returned his focus to all of them. "Black Rose may have stolen Celestia's power, but not her authority. The chosen should have no problem fighting for their princess, as opposed to fighting for a prince they've never met."

"And what if I refuse to make that decree?" Celestia asked. Her jaw clenched tightly as she leveled a hard stare at Terrato.

"You can make this transition as easy as possible for the Heartland," Terrato replied. "Or you can force me to resort to cruder methods. I'm going to get that army ready with or without your help."

The defiant stare fell apart. "So this is how it is," Celestia said. "You give me orders like one of your legionnaires, Terrato. Am I only a princess in name now?"

"You tell me, dearest sister," Terrato said through gritted teeth. "You say the Legion is 'my army' when it's called "the Equestrian Legion". You tell me just what you're princess of now."

"Big sister, please," Luna said. She looked at Celestia imploringly. "The Legion needs all the help it can get."

Celestia looked to Luna, then to Twilight, then to the other chosen. Whatever stubborn stance she still had crumbled. "I will issue the decree," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "All I ask is that you use them in defense of Equestria, not the invasion of Wolvengard."

Terrato nodded. "Good. You all have your tasks to accomplish. Leave this hall, and get to them." He closed his eyes, and let out a sigh over the hoof-steps leaving the hall. When he opened his eyes, however, Twilight was still there. "Did all those explosions yesterday leave you a little hard of hearing, legionnaire?" he asked. "I told you to leave this hall."

"I still have something to say," Twilight said. She still shook when he loomed, but she no longer looked as if she was going to bolt any second. Replacing that emotion was a sense of resignation that if he was going to be so petty as to kill her for speaking her mind then so be it.

"Don't you always?" Terrato snapped. "Gamble with your life too often, Twilight Sparkle, and the odds are going to catch up with you." Terrato looked towards the now shut double doors to the hall. Somepony else was listening. Two of them. "Why not?" he muttered. His lapse of attention didn't stop Twilight.

"What do you have against me, your highness?" Twilight asked. "Every time I try to talk, you're always angry. Vanguard said that you don't share in the petty hatreds of your ponies."

Terrato shrugged. "He's right, I don't. I happen to have my own petty hatreds."

Twilight stomped with a front hoof. On another day, she'd be spitting teeth out for that. Not today. Not with Celestia so close. "I can't believe you! The princess has just lost her power! The barrier that she's been trying to protect for so long has been brought down! Instead of trying to comfort her, you're ordering her around, and putting aside her concerns! How can you care so little for your sister? You're just a bully who cares for nothing other than fighting, and killing!"

Twilight spoke loud enough for her words to echo in the empty hall. For a few moments, the two of them didn't say anything while the sound bounced off the walls. She tensed, ready to stand against a roar from him. When he remained silent, she relaxed a little.

"So tell me, Twilight Sparkle, how was your first century?" Terrato asked.

"My first what? I haven't--"

"That's right. You haven't. You don't even have half a century to your name do you? You've been Celestia's student for what? A couple of decades? Less than that?" Terrato's voice rose. "I have fulfilled Celestia's wishes for more than a thousand years. Don't you dare tell me that you have even an inkling of what it means to care for another!"

Terrato stomped with both front hooves. A section of the stone floor rose just beneath Twilight, knocking her on her back. Before she could get up, he was standing over her and staring down. "Do you want to know why you piss me off so much? It's because you stand there with your blink of a lifetime, spouting your little principles at me as if you had an idea as to what they could mean. You've seen, and lived through nothing, Twilight Sparkle. I should beat you within an inch of your life. Maybe, while you're three-quarters dead, you'll be able to get a view of the Eternal Herd. You'd have a glimpse of what I gave up to stay by Celestia's side. You've spent less than a month in the Legion. What could you have possibly sacrificed for her sake?"

He walked back to the throne. "You want me to explain how I can care so little? You should be the one explaining, scholar. Explain how somepony can spend a blink of a life with Celestia, and become so important to her that she would risk what she's protected for so long. Explain how that same pony could betray her, yet still be so close to her that she would stupidly let this pony close enough to stab her with a knife-shaped void."

Twilight took a step back. She would have lost her hind legs for that. "I…I don't--"

"While you're at it, maybe you can explain how my lifetime of unquestioning loyalty can be shoved aside by the accusations of the first random unicorn who stumbles into her court." Terrato's frown deepened into a scowl when Twilight didn't answer. "What's the matter, faithful student?" he roared. "Haven't Celestia's lessons prepared you for this test? Give me an answer, or I'll break every bone in your body!"

Still only silence. Terrato pointed his horn at the double doors. A wave of force struck them so violently that they shattered into splinters. Their stone frames cracked, and a cloud of dust rose from the blast. "Since you don't have an answer, maybe your mentor can help you out," he growled.

The cloud of dust settled revealing both Celestia, and Luna. Luna had raised a shield in time to stop the blast.

"Standing on stone is not a good way to hide from me, dearest sister," Terrato said. He sat back on his throne. "I am not surprised that you've forgotten some aspects of my power.

It was Luna who stepped forward to speak up. Finally, a move that didn't merit being repeatedly bludgeoned. "Big brother, I know you're upset--"

"Of course you do. You've consistently showed that perceptiveness ever since your timeout." Terrato exhaled loudly, and rested his head on a hoof. "Get out of my sight, all of you."

The three left the hall quietly, leaving him to his thoughts.