• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 23,205 Views, 773 Comments

Upheaval: Breaking Point - Visiden Visidane

A desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever.

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Defiant Stand

Upheaval: Breaking Point

Chapter 10: Defiant Stand

My dearest and most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,

Of course I have time to see you, especially since your letter sounds so urgent. Come to the palace as soon as you are able to and, I will be here to discuss your recent findings.

Princess Celestia's reply was swift, as Twilight had come to expect given Spike's abilities. "Dearest and most faithful student" was a point of pride for her. Now, it felt like a very heavy title. For all of Princess Celestia's faith, here she was carrying knowledge that she shouldn't be. 'And I have just as much faith in her as she does in me,' she thought. 'Which is why I'm going to talk to her, instead of sneaking around.' The threat of punishment loomed again. 'Even…even if I'm afraid of what she might do.'

Once more, Twilight was back in Canterlot. The slowly setting sun cast everything in the city in a red-orange light. The magnificent buildings didn't feel so welcoming now. Today, Canterlot was not the old home where she spent many wonderful years studying under her beloved teacher. Today, Canterlot was the mighty capital of Equestria: the home of their ruler, the most powerful pony in the entire world, and a testament to the unbroken centuries of her dominion. Canterlot had always been big, but this was the first time it made her feel very small.

On her back, Spike shivered slightly. "We're really going through with this, aren't we?" he asked.

"Yes," Twilight said. "Spike, it's not too late for you. You can go back and forget what I told you."

"I won't!" Spike said. "Especially if you won't. I've never met anypony from this 'Equestrian Legion', but if you believe that you have to do this, then I believe in you."

Twilight stopped briefly, nuzzling Spike while he clung to her neck. "Thank you, Spike. That means a lot."

Spike grinned. "Maybe we could stop at Donut Joe's first?" he asked. "They might be the last donuts we'll ever eat in 'the Heartland'."

"Spike!" Twilight replied with a groan.

"I'm just kidding!" Spike held out his claws, then looked around. "I could use a little humor, especially when all these buildings look like they're going to fall on me for going along with you."

Twilight made her way immediately to the Royal Palace. Had she taken Spike's suggestion, she would have vomited the donuts in her out of anxiety. This was the only thing she could do until it was over. She'd consider the doughnuts, or two dozen, if everything miraculously went well with Celestia.

Walking through what should be the familiar halls of the Royal Palace, she noticed details that had escaped her before. The white stone walls looked especially cold today. The halls and chambers looked much bigger and grander. The royal guards posted at the entrances looked especially stern.

Finally, Twilight reached the throne room and faced the long stairs that led to Princess Celestia's seat. Atop the stairs, the princess was as majestic as ever. Her colorful mane flowed around her despite the lack of wind, and her great, white-feathered wings fanned out from both sides of her body. She towered over everypony, and the elevation of her throne only heightened that great difference between her and the rest of her subjects. Here in the Heartland, to look upon the princess was to look up.

"Twilight, you've arrived," Celestia said. She gestured for the guards that flanked her throne to leave. In a moment, the throne room was empty.

The great doors behind Twilight clanged shut, the sound echoing within the empty room with a sense of finality. Hundreds of chances passed her by on her way to the palace to leave, to turn away from what she was about to ask, and she had ignored each one of them. There was no turning back now.

"Your last letter sounded very important," Celestia said. "What did you want to talk about?" Nothing had changed in the way she spoke. For all of Celestia's power and rank, Twilight had always been at ease with her. Their lessons had always been fun and their conversations casual.

She walked forward while Spike dismounted and followed by her side. She was determined to stay honest no matter the cost. "Your highness," Twilight said. "I came here to talk about the Equestrian Legion."

"Tell me again why we decided to come all the way out here to Canterlot."

With a slightly annoyed frown, Rarity directed the question at Pinkie Pie, who was happily leading the rest of her friends through the streets of Canterlot.

"Haven't you noticed how Twilight's been looking really stressed and acting really weird ever since she came back from wherever it was that she disappeared to?" Pinkie asked.

"I have," Rarity said. "I don't see where following her to Canterlot fits in."

"I figured that we can all surprise her and help her out. Maybe if we can help her with whatever she's doing, she won't need to go to Canterlot so often!"

"Or we could just be disturbing her, which will result in less of her work being done, making her have to come here even more." Pinkie's wide, uncomprehending grin was enough for Rarity to abandon the line of conversation.

"Rarity, if you don't think we should be doing this then why'd you come along?" Applejack asked.

"Well, she was acting strangely," Rarity replied. "And the odd questions she asked me in the party…I was curious."

"Um…girls?" Fluttershy looked around the city and edged closer to her friends for comfort. Canterlot was huge and bustling with activity. Much more so if compared to Ponyville. "How do we even find her here?"

Despite their better judgment, all of them turned towards the pony who brought them all here.

"I don't know!" Pinkie replied. "I didn't plan that far ahead!"

Several hooves encountered their respective faces.

"I know!" Rainbow Dash said. "Let's ask one of the guards. They're bound to know where she is!"

"Listen to what you're saying, darling," Rarity replied. "It's not like every royal guard in Canterlot knows who Twilight--"

Before Rarity could finish, Rainbow Dash had already flown towards a nearby pair of guards. When the rest of them came closer, one of the guards was already answering.

"Miss Sparkle? I saw her heading for the Royal Palace earlier. The previous shift said that she requested a private audience, so her highness booted everypony from the throne room. Makes me wonder why she even has-!"

The other guard nudged the talking one hard.

The guard shuffled in place. "Er…like I said, she should be in the Royal Palace." The two moved on after that.

"It's getting a little late, but let's wait for Twilight in the palace!" Pinkie said.

"Do you think that's alright?" Rarity asked. "Is the Royal Palace even open to the public, especially when it's getting close to nighttime?"

"Can't hurt to try," Applejack said. "We'll wait outside if they won't let us in."

The Royal Palace was bustling with activity when they got there, with guards in the middle of changing shifts and preparing for Princess Luna's moon raising. To their relief, they were allowed to enter, so long as they didn't get underhoof.

"Miss Sparkle is still in the throne room," another guard said when they asked him for directions. "Don't cause trouble while you wait. The next shift is getting antsy because they have to stand outside until she finishes. She hasn't caused this much of a commotion with the guards since that Cloud Conjuration incident." The guard shuddered before moving on.

"I take it back," Rarity muttered. "Every royal guard does know who Twilight is."

They reached the hall to the throne room, where a squad of royal guards was indeed waiting.

"Wonder what they could be talking about in there," Rainbow Dash said.

"Rainbow, put a damper on that train of thought," Applejack said. "Next thing you know you'll be--"

"Halt!" one of the guards shouted. "What do you think you're doing?"

The warning had come too late. Rainbow Dash had flown past the guards and put her ear to the double doors.

"How do you know about that?"

Twilight had expected a range of emotions from Princess Celestia: anger, surprise, disappointment. She hadn't expected a withering, despairing look that made her cringe on the spot. For a moment, the princess looked as if she was watching a nightmare come true. The urge to run nearly overpowered Twilight. "I…" She swallowed hard. "I broke the memory lock."

It was as if something had descended upon Princess Celestia and sucked away all her emotions. Twilight blinked and looked closer. Celestia appeared less vibrant. Even that colorful, flowing mane fell still. The silence made the throne room, which had always been a majestic sight, feel like a dungeon.

Finally, Celestia spoke in a subdued monotone. "My brother never liked using his magic. His legionnaires call him names like 'Trampler Terrato' or 'Bloody-hoofed Terrato' because of it." Her lips hardened into a grim line. "But that doesn't mean that his magic is weak. As strong as you are, you would have needed help; a trigger of some sort. What was it? Do you still have it?"

"It was--" Twilight inhaled sharply. Celestia would ask Terrato to find out to whom the emblem belonged, and it wouldn't be long before Captain Vanguard Clash faced punishment. As a legionnaire, he may come out of it worse than her. Celestia continued to stare at her. She had to give some answer. "I can't tell you," she said.

A hint of emotion finally crossed Celestia's face: disappointment. Twilight all but shrank on the spot. "You are protecting somepony," Celestia said. "I understand. Twilight, I cannot allow knowledge of Equestrian Legion to spread here. I won't ask you how you came upon it, but you must give me the trigger and submit to another memory lock. It's for the best."


Celestia tilted her head slightly. "What do you mean?"

"Why would it be for the best?" Twilight asked. "This is why I came here today. Why must nopony in the Heartland know about the Equestrian Legion?"

"If it will convince you to submit to a memory lock, then I will tell you." Celestia descended the stairs. "When we first took it upon ourselves to rule Equestria, my siblings and I strove to protect all of ponykind. This realm was always been meant to be a safe haven for ponies, a place meant to nurture harmony."

Celestia's eyebrows furrowed deeply as she continued. Twilight shivered. She had never seen such a face, not even during her worst miscasting during their lessons.

"We never provoked anyone, but our neighbors attacked anyway."

"Why would they attack?" Twilight asked.

"Fenrir wanted Luna to be his bride." Celestia spoke as if she had the vilest taste stuck in her mouth. "When she refused, he declared that he would tear into Equestria to take her. Arugek hates anything that isn't an ursan, while Sesyth doesn't want neighbors, he wants a source of slaves and food. Despite their vicious and cruel ways, we kept all of them at bay." The venom in Celestia's tone dissipated, and her gaze fell to the floor. "But we were losing. Terrato led the Legion to one victory after another, but it wasn't enough to stop the loss."

"I don't understand," Twilight said. "You were protecting Equestria."

"I was protecting our territory," Celestia replied. "I was protecting everypony's body, but I also have to protect who we are. The constant fighting was an assault on our very identity. Ponies are creatures of harmony: of honesty, loyalty, kindness, generosity, laughter, and magic. The war was destroying that identity and I could do nothing to stop it. You have been to the Barrier Lands. Did you see what the wolven were like?"

Twilight shivered and nodded. For a moment, she could almost hear those long, frightful howls and those savage snarls.

"Terrifying creatures." Celestia said. "Fenrir wants his subjects to be as vicious as possible and they are eager to please him. Yet, they are not what I fear most. The stuff of my nightmares is seeing my subjects become more and more like them. I've walked past a group of ponies while they talked about the best way to crush a wolven. I've listened to captains comparing how many ursans they have killed, then had them look to me for praise. I watched as a pony got shot to death with poison arrows, while the pony next to him shrugged and went on fighting." Celestia fell silent. When she spoke again, her voice had dropped to barely above a whisper. "I watched my own little sister clap excitedly while my brother told her how he stabbed out the eye of the King of Wolvengard. These were the things that we were losing Equestria to. These things kept me up at night. Sometimes, they still do. Something had to be done."

The last rays of the sun filtered through the throne room's great windows, casting them in red-orange hues one last time before darkness settled completely. The pale silver moonlight only served to deepen the already ominous shadows around the three.

"I am not all-powerful," Celestia said. "I had to accept that. I cannot wave a hoof and make all our enemies disappear. The Legion is needed and there must always be ponies to join it. So, I took as many as possible with me and created the Heartland. It was a hard decision, but it had to be made. Even those who were to be left outside believed that it had to be done."

Celestia looked at Twilight pleadingly. "Do you understand now?" she asked. "Sacrifices were made to protect Equestria. If you spread the knowledge of what the Legion is, they will all be for naught. Please, Twilight, give me the trigger and submit to another memory lock."

Twilight froze. It wasn't fear, it was hesitation. Spike reached out and grasped one of her forelegs. He looked up to her, wordlessly reminding her that he would go along with whatever decision she made. She couldn't ignore the part of her that wanted to agree with Princess Celestia. Perhaps she'd be better off trusting her mentor's decisions. But, try as she might, she couldn't listen to that part. "I can't," she said.

Celestia's eyes grew wide and her voice rose. "Twilight!"

"I understand why you did it, but I can't agree with you on this. No matter what kind of fate awaits ponykind, even if war does change us for the worst, we have to face it together. Not by leaving others behind and forgetting them. Please, princess, this division must stop. Your brother and the Legion stand strong in the Barrier Lands, but they will stand stronger with us! Please, take down your barrier and let everypony fight for our Equestria!"

Celestia trembled and stayed silent. Her face twisted and she shut her eyes tightly. When she opened them, fresh resolve restored her stern demeanor. "I won't. This is how things should be. You must understand, Twilight! Understand and go through the memory lock! Otherwise, I will be forced to banish you. I must sacrifice even my faithful student to protect Equestria."

And there it was. She had expected it, but to hear it actually come from Celestia left Twilight breathless. The throne room was silent, save for the hammering of her heart in her ears. Her life in the Heartland flashed before her: her days being with her parents, her days studying in Canterlot, her days in Ponyville…

"I'm going to miss this place," Twilight whispered. She looked at Princess Celestia, her mentor and dear friend, and tried to muster a weak smile. "And I'm going to miss you. But I can't just turn a blind eye and walk away. I just can't."

A trickle of tears flowed from Celestia's face, dropping forlornly unto the cold, white stone floor. Twilight's own tears joined them in a heartbeat. Spike looked away, sniffling as he buried his face in his claws. For some time, they simply wept.

The tears stopped and Celestia raised herself to full height, her face stern in judgment. When she spoke, it was in the traditional way of a princess addressing a subject. "Then so be it." Her words echoed across the throne room. "For Equestria's sake, Twilight Sparkle, you are hereby banished to the Barrier Lands." Her face softened and her voice cracked. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "But you've left me no other choice."


A streak of rainbow colors burst through the doors.

Twilight gasped. "Rainbow Dash!"

"Your highness, please don't do this!" Rainbow Dash cried out. She bowed so low that her forehead touched the floor. "Whatever Twilight did, please forgive her. Please don't banish her!"

A royal guard flew in and pinned Rainbow to the ground. "Stop right there, pegasus pony!" he snarled. "Your spree is at an end!"

"This is bad," Spike said. "If Rainbow's here then--"

Twilight turned around just in time to see the rest of her friends charge in. Princess Celestia gestured at the guard, who let Rainbow Dash get up.

"Is Dash right, Twilight?" Applejack asked as she came running up to them. All of their friends followed soon after. They stood in a protective circle around Twilight. "Are you getting banished?"

"What could you have possibly done to merit such punishment?" Rarity asked. She turned towards Celestia and bowed. "I also respectfully ask for reconsideration, your highness."

"I do not wish to do this," Celestia replied. "It is Twilight who has chosen this fate."

The other ponies looked to Twilight, eyes quietly asking for an explanation.

"I can't tell you," Twilight said. "Or you'll be dragged into this too!"

"I'm not getting dragged anywhere!" Applejack replied. "I'm jumping right in! Spill the beans, Twilight!"

When Twilight refused to answer, Rainbow Dash stepped in. "Who cares what she's done?" she asked. "If Twilight's getting banished then…then I'm going with her!"

Twilight gasped. "Rainbow, no! Don't do this!"

"I'm going too!" Applejack added. “Whatever happens, I’m with Twilight through and through.”

"And I as well," Rarity said. "If this is our fate, so be it!"

"I…I'm going if my friends are," Fluttershy said.

"Count me in!" Pinkie chimed in. "Can we throw a farewell party first? Banishment party?"

Upon seeing Twilight's horrified expression, Celestia spoke again. "Now you have a taste of the kind of decisions I must make. Are you still so willing to stand your ground in this when your friends must share your fate?"

Twilight quailed at the thought of involving all her friends in her banishment. Could she do this? How could she even live in banishment with all the guilt? She looked at each of them. "Don't do this!" she implored. “I can’t have you all be dragged into this!”

"We'll go through this together!" Applejack said. "I ain't leaving ya hanging. Not now, not ever!"

"But you have family! They'll miss you!"

Applejack hesitated for a moment, but her determination returned quickly. "They still have each other. I'm not letting you go on alone."

"But you don't even know why I'm getting banished! Or where I'm being banished to!"

"Doesn't matter!" Rainbow Dash said. "If you believe in it, that's good enough for me. I'm with you, Twilight!"

"And don't you go back on your decision either," Rarity said. "This is a sacrifice we're willing to make. Don't turn it around and give up on what you believe in because we held you back."

"Everyone…" Twilight sniffed and choked. "Everyone please…" One more look at their determined faces and she gave up. Her voice quivering, she stood at their center and faced her mentor. "I won't change my mind. Just as I said, no matter what fate we face, we face it together. This is how ponies should be."

Celestia looked away. Already, her horn glowed a brilliant white light. The royal guards stepped back, fearful of the punishment their princess was about to inflict.

"Is there anywhere in the Barrier Lands you wish to go?" Celestia asked.

Twilight knew her answer right away. "Fangbreaker Fortress."

Princess Celestia waved her horn above them, surrounding them in a nimbus of brilliant white light.

"Well, at least Rarity's coming," Spike muttered. "Barrier Lands, here we come!"

A flash of magic seared away the sight of Celestia's emotionless gaze.

Once more, Twilight found herself on the wings of a powerful teleportation spell. This time, she knew exactly where she was going and why. Celestia's spell was perfectly precise: no falling on anything or anyone. She was standing on a stone floor as soon as she felt the spell recede. It was only a matter of time before the glare gave way.

"Where are we?" Spike asked as he rubbed his eyes.

Twilight was already looked around while her friends were still adjusting. They weren't used to even short teleportations, let alone a long distance one. They were in the same audience chamber where she met Prince Terrato, but it was empty this time. "Fangbreaker Fortress." she answered.

"Fang-breaking what?" Applejack asked. She looked like she was about to throw up.

"I can't believe we actually went through that," Rarity said. "I just hope we're somewhere civilized."

Before Twilight could reply, the doors to the audience chamber burst open. She turned towards the sound, expecting to encounter some guards.

A trio of snarling wolven spotted them and charged.