• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 23,204 Views, 773 Comments

Upheaval: Breaking Point - Visiden Visidane

A desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever.

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Upheaval: Breaking Point

Chapter 17: Necessity

Bastion City had always maintained a reputation for being a rough and tumble place, far from anypony's mind when thinking about good places to settle down in. Knowing that it was going to be the first city in the path of an invasion, the city's founders built it for defense. Its high walls were made of massive stone blocks from the mountains of the Western Barrier Land, reinforced with timber, and patrolled daily by the city's garrison. It's rounded towers sported ballistae as well as snipers.

Only the hardiest crops grew on the several farms outside the city. Mosses and lichen served as staple food this far north and the city was famous for them. Southern cities traded for these products, considering some of them to be delicacies in their own right. In return, Bastion City received vegetables, quarry, and lumber. A nearby lake, though partially frozen for half the year, provided a supply of water.

Bastion City was also famous for another product it had in ample supply: wolven fur. A steady stream of them came from Fangbreaker Fortress. The city's tanners were experts in converting them into clothing, having developed a method for softening the normally tough fur. The Northern Barrier Land prized them for their excellent insulation and hardiness.

There would be no deliveries coming in from Fangbreaker any time soon. News of its fall was already widespread throughout the city. Constructions sprung up as walls were reinforced and barricades created. The farmers moved into the city with all the crops they could harvest, and all the fresh water they could collect. Barding and trampler prices tripled practically overnight.

"These ponies don't look very happy," Fluttershy said as she passed through the massive city gates. They arrived by noon, and were greeted with a mixture of relief and grim confirmation by Bastion City's residents.

"They're expecting a wolven attack in less than a week," Vanguard answered from up front. "You'll have to forgive them for not being in a festive mood."

"I'm just glad that we've finally arrived," Rarity said wearily. "I hope they have plenty of food to spare."

"What are we going to do now, Vanguard?" Twilight asked. Before Vanguard could reply, Scarlet Rabbit came into view.

Scarlet Rabbit took his place next to Vanguard. "I just spoke with one of the sentries." he said. "They have several buildings ready for us. Dreadstep just ordered everypony to get there, rest up, then take part in getting our defenses ready."

"Good," Vanguard replied. He turned towards the others. "First, we need to get you some cloaks. We've got a week or so of fall before the first blizzard sweeps in from the north. You won't be much use to the Legion as frozen corpses."

"Good idea," Rarity said. She let out an exhale and rubbed her forelegs against her chest. "It is getting rather chilly."

"But fall was just about start back home!" Applejack said. "Don't tell me that time moves faster out here!"

"It is fall," Vanguard said. "Or it is down south. Here, we get a short spring and summer, followed by winter. I take it that Princess Celestia didn't let you pack before banishing you?"

"No." Twilight looked at the ground.

"Well that answers my old question," Rarity said. "In exile, one packs warm."

"We don't have any bits on us," Twilight said.

"I doubt that Heartland bits would be recognized here even if you had any," Vanguard replied. "Scarlet and I will take care of expenses. You can pay us back with your first salaries."

"Thank you," Twilight said. "I think you've saved us again."

"Don't bother keeping track. Lives are endangered and saved far too often here," Vanguard replied. He turned towards Scarlet. "Spot us a good deal while I get some back pay. Hopefully, somepony remembered to save some of the treasury before the fort fell."

"On it, Captain!" Scarlet replied. He saluted before flying ahead.

About a quarter of an hour passed after both Vanguard and Scarlet went off. When they reconvened, Vanguard had a pouch full of bits while Scarlet was escorting a peddler, a tan-colored pony with a graying, light brown mane and mustache. Behind the peddler was a covered wagon. "Six of your warmest cloaks," Vanguard said.

"Make that seven!" Spike said from atop Applejack.

"Seven then." Vanguard replied. "Six for ponies, and a small one for the dragon."

"I'll give ya a good price since ya legion-types are the ones getting the material anyway," the peddler rasped. The mention of "dragon" didn't seem to bother him. He removed the covering, showing a pile of gray cloaks and boots. Twilight and the others moved in to see the merchandise.

"They look a little plain," Rarity said. "But the feel of it is wonderful. Why, you'd think it was actual fur from the texture!"

"That's 'cause it is actual fur, miss," the peddler said.

Rarity's jaw dropped, as did the cloak she was holding. "A-actual fur?" she asked. "As in this once belonged to an animal, and you peeled it off its body?"

Fluttershy gagged behind them. The others gasped at the revelation.

"Well it's not really peelin'," the peddler answered. "Ya need a good 'n sharp knife and some of that smelly tannin. Don't know much of the process myself, but ya won't find better wolven cloaks outside Bastion City."

"Wolven?" Rainbow Dash asked. She frowned and took a sniff of the material. "As in those monsters coming after us?"

"Yup," the peddler answered. He turned towards Vanguard. "Strange bunch o' folks yer buyin fer. I'm not even talkin about that filly's crazy mane, or those weird pictures on their flanks."

"They're new here," Vanguard said. He started counting out his money. "How much are you selling them for?"

"We can't wear these!" Twilight said.

"They're cheap, durable, and the best insulation you're going to get," Vanguard replied. "Without them, your first Barrier Lands winter will be your last."

"It's bad enough that we have to kill them. Now, we have to skin them and wear their fur for clothes?" Twilight asked.

Vanguard turned and stared at Twilight. "When the wolven kill a pony, they take the mane and tail for trophies, eat every inch of the flesh, then use the bones for tools and ornaments. Not a single body part goes to waste. Each time a pony is killed, the wolven are sustained. We can't match that efficiency, but we do what we can."

Twilight's eyes narrowed. "If we do as the wolven do, then we're no better than them."

"This isn't about showing off how much better we are," Vanguard replied. "It's about surviving. Whether it's against a horde of wolven, or a merciless barrage of snow and wind, we do what we must."

Faced with that hardened, unflinching stare, Twilight looked away. "It's still wrong. Can't we use some other material?"

"Look around you. Does this look like a place where you can grow cotton or raise silk worms?" Vanguard sighed. "Why don't we talk about this some other time? Spend some time in Bastion City. After you go through a winter storm fresh from the frigid valleys of Wolvengard, we can discuss how wrong it is to skin the wolven."

"Uh…are ya buyin' the goods or not?" the peddler asked.

"We'll take seven cloaks and seven sets of those boots," Vanguard said.

"Thanks. I hope they help ya kill more of them wolven."

The peddler moved on while Vanguard distributed the cloaks. The others looked as if they were holding the freshly severed wolven heads instead of clothes. He walked over to Twilight, and grasped her by the shoulders, forcing her to look him in the eye. "You said that you would stand with the Legion," he said. "That you would stand by your words. Was that all a lie?"

Twilight returned the hard gaze, her eyebrows furrowing. "I meant every word!" she snapped.

"I don't believe you," Vanguard growled. "All of you wince this much over the fur of a wolven you didn't even kill." He swept his gaze over all of them. "What could possibly be left of any of you when you have to walk over the corpses of the ones you kill? If this is your limit, then go back to the Heartland, and beg for your princess' forgiveness. She'll take you back, and you can forget we exist." He looked to Twilight again. "How do we stand stronger together when you can't even stand strong on your own?" Twilight pushed away Vanguard's hooves so that he had to take a step back. She took the cloak and put it around her while glaring at him. The rest of her friends followed, their eyes downcast. Fluttershy looked like she was draping a sheet of fire over herself. "Let's go. Scarlet, lead the way to our new barracks."

Hours passed after Twilight and the others bought their cloaks and boots. Inside one of the buildings provided for the Legion, they waited restlessly for any news of what they should be doing. They intended to join the Legion, but they had ended up in some vague state of being part of it and, at the same time, not. Vanguard Clash had gone out to check on that matter while Scarlet Rabbit stayed behind.

They had been treated to a meal of fresh moss with lichen tea. Though they were a little suspicious of the food's appearance, they quickly agreed that it was not only far superior to Sharpfangs' sandy feed, but that it was actually quite delicious. The only complaint came from Spike, who wished he had a few gems to go along with with the food. After eating, they had taken to lounging about. Impatience filled the room like a dark cloud.

"Well, I have to admit this much," Rarity said. She was still holding her wolven fur cloak. "Its source might be horribly morbid, but the material is quite good."

"How can you say that?" Fluttershy asked. "It's fur! It belonged to another creature!"

"I know, darling," Rarity said, "but I'm inclined to agree with Captain Clash. In the absence of other materials, we have to make do. "

"Make do," Fluttershy said. She tossed her cloak aside. "I would rather--"

"Die?" Applejack asked. Everypony looked at her. She sighed and set her cloak aside. "Look, I don't like these things. I think they're disgusting, not 'good material'!" She glared at Rarity. "But I ain't freezing to death because I'm scared of some dead varmint's fur. 'specially if that dead varmint is a dead wolven. At the end of the day, useful beats disgusting."

Rainbow Dash turned towards Scarlet Rabbit, who sat by one corner, whistling to himself. "Hey, Scarlet!" she said. "Just how long are we going to sit here doing nothing?"

"Relax," Scarlet replied. "The Captain will take care of it."

"What exactly is 'it'?" Rarity asked.

"I dunno, but the Captain will deal with it anyway. Don't worry your silly flank-pictures off."

"They're called cutie marks!" Rarity called. "Not silly flank--"

The door swung open and Vanguard stepped inside. Rainbow immediately flew over to him. "So?" she asked. "Do we get to do something now?"

"Soon," Vanguard replied. He faced the group as he continued. "We've just received word that Princess Luna is coming to Bastion City. Prince Terrato will arrive afterwards. Commander Dreadstep will present all of you to them once they arrive, so we can decide just how to deal with you."

"More waiting," Rainbow muttered. She collapsed on one of the beds, and put a pillow over her face with a loud groan.

"Wait," Twilight said. "Princess Luna is out here? What is she doing in the Barrier Lands?"

"Nopony knows," Vanguard answered. "But Prince Terrato let her stay in his realm, so he must have some purpose for her. For now, I'd like you to come with me, Twilight."

Twilight was taken aback for a while, then followed.

"Why does Twilight get to do everything?" Rainbow Dash grumbled.

It was already late afternoon, but the city remained bustling with activity. As she walked next to Vanguard, Twilight took the chance to take in the city sights. Bastion City favored stone buildings reinforced with heavy lumber. They tended to be low and flat, with gabled roofs to keep snow from piling. The streets were paved for smoother traffic, but they showed cracks in several places. All around her, carts of supplies moved back and forth.

"So where are we going?" Twilight asked.

"Did Princess Celestia teach you any spell specifically for killing wolven?" Vanguard replied.

"Of course not!"

"Then all you have is your telekinesis to fight them. Maybe some force blasts as well. Telekinesis a strong spell, but the focus you have to maintain to keep it up leaves you open to attack. Force is useful too, but it takes too much to make it lethal. You need an offensive spell that you can cast quickly, and on the move. We're going to get some of those."

Twilight gasped. "Are you taking me to the library then?" she asked hopefully.

"No. Bastion City's library is mostly records. The spell books, especially the ones with combat spells, were placed in Fangbreaker's vaults for training unicorn magi. Unfortunately, we saved only a few of those. They're currently in safe-keeping and they're reserved for legionnaires. I think I might be able to get you something, though. Here we are."

They stopped in front of a small house at a side street. The light by the window indicated somepony was inside. Vanguard knocked on the door, and waited. After a minute, the door opened a crack and somepony's eye peeped through. "Who is it?"

"It's me, Vanguard Clash," Vanguard answered. The door immediately swung open, and they were greeted by an elderly unicorn couple.

"Vanguard!" the blue stallion exclaimed in his raspy voice.

Before he could say anything else, however, the white mare interrupted. "Where's my Pyre?" she asked. "Why isn't Pyre with you? Has something happened?"

Twilight's eyes widened at sight of the white coat, the black mane, even the brown eyes.

Vanguard's expression softened. When he spoke, his voice was heavy. "Pyre Valor fought valiantly when the fortress was attacked," he said. "I'm sorry for your loss."

"No…no…no…" the elderly mare's knees gave way and the stallion quickly supported her. "Not my Pyre!" she wailed.

The elderly stallion's face crumpled with grief, but he held it together when he talked to Vanguard. "Thank you for telling us. You're a good colt, Vanguard. Always were." He looked at his wife and stroked her mane with a hoof. "We knew that this might happen, dear," he said. "We knew."

"Do you still have some of her possessions?" Vanguard asked. "The attack happened so quickly…"

"I understand," Pyre Valor's father said. "We kept her room exactly as it was when she left for the fort. Go on, take something to remember her by."

"We'll be respectful," Vanguard said. He gestured for Twilight to follow as he entered. The house was small and cramped, with only candles and a small fireplace for lighting. Pyre Valor's room was separated from the main room through a hanging piece of fur. Inside was a simple bed, a few shelves by the wall, and a dresser, all made from what looked like wood salvaged from some other construction. Vanguard sorted through the assortment of books on the shelves, then pulled one out. "Pyre wrote down her earliest spells there," he said as he gave it to her. "You should find them useful."

Twilight flipped through the pages. One word quickly stood out: Fireball. It said much of a unicorn when the first few spells she learned involved making a powerful explosion to kill her enemies.

"Let's go," Vanguard said. The two of them left while the elderly couple watched from the door.

"Miss!" Pyre's father called after Twilight. She turned around. "You're the new unicorn mage for Vanguard's squad, aren't you?"

"Um…well…actually…" Twilight stammered.

"Honor your predecessor!" Pyre's mother snarled. Tears were still streaming down her face while she spoke. "For Pyre Valor's sake, burn a hundred of those flea-bitten, murdering mongrels!"

"I will," Twilight said. It was only after the words left her lips, and they had already rounded a corner, did she realize the implications of what she said. She turned towards Vanguard. "Why didn't you tell them the truth?" she asked.

"Tell them what?" Vanguard asked. "That their daughter was a traitor who was willing to get hundreds of ponies, including them, killed? Would that comfort them in their loss?"

Twilight had no answer. "Why did you bring me along?" she asked. "You could have gone on your own. and brought the book back."

"I wanted you to see."

"See what?"

"The things we bear out here. The reason why we do what we must. To try to keep that from happening to everypony in Equestria, even if it's a futile effort, I will kill the wolven by the hundreds and wear their skins."

Twilight stared at the pavement as they made their way back.

"What about you?" Vanguard asked. "Did you mean what you told them?"

"That I'd burn a hundred wolven for Pyre Valor?" Twilight replied. "I'm not even replacing her in your squad. I doubt that I could even if I tried."

"But you will try. Or are you just as much a liar as I am?"

"I…I don't know." They were silent the rest of the way. By the time Vanguard spoke up, they were about to enter the building where their friends were.

"Take care of that book. I may have lied to them about Pyre Valor's intentions, but I didn't lie about wanting something to remember her by."

"Why this book then? I mean, I know it's to give me some spells to use, but is it significant for you as well?"

"I gave Pyre that blank book when I was just a colt," Vanguard answered. "It's a remnant of a time when all she cared about was collecting fire spells." He stared off at a distance. "Good times."

"Are you still going to kill her if you meet her again?" Twilight asked.

"If she's somehow still alive…yes. She's a dangerous traitor who needs to be put down. It'll tear me up inside, but I will kill her."

Twilight stifled what she felt was a self-satisfied snort. Instead, she cleared her throat, trying to make sure her tone was even. "Pardon me for saying so," she said, "but I'm a little glad that it will at least tear you up inside."

Without answering, he opened the door and the two of them went inside.