• Published 9th Feb 2012
  • 23,205 Views, 773 Comments

Upheaval: Breaking Point - Visiden Visidane

A desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever.

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The Next Step

Upheaval: Breaking Point

Chapter 13: The Next Step

Fangbreaker's survivors moved out at the first rays of dawn. Dark clouds were gathering and icy winds were blowing from Wolvengard. The Northern Barrier Land's short summer was already over. They needed to get to Bastion City before Fenrir's wintry fangs fell upon them.

Despite his injuries, Vanguard was up with the dawn. Those in the ward strong enough to get moving were already doing so, lest Chief Medical Officer Redbrand catch them wasting time. Twilight Sparkle and Spike still dozed near him. He moved away quietly to let them get a few more minutes of sleep. They had been through a lot in a short amount of time.

Vanguard found the others still asleep together just outside the ward. Most of them anyway. Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie, had huddled together for warmth and security. Two of Twilight's friends weren't there. Fluttershy was asleep along with four of Redbrand's medics. Redbrand himself was sitting nearby, watching them morosely with an open flask in his hoof. Vanguard couldn't blame the stallion for still being grouchy. Redbrand was staring at his entire medical staff at the moment and one of them was just a volunteer.

One of Twilight's friends was still unaccounted for. A quick inspection of Vanguard's gear revealed that something else was unaccounted for. It didn't take a lot of thinking to conclude that he was going to find the two together. Sure enough, he found Rainbow Dash up in the air nearby with his still-sheathed two-bladed sword clamped between her jaws. She flitted about, swiping away at imaginary foes even as he approached her. It was a miracle that nopony had spotted her so far.

"Out here, it's impolite to take somepony's weapon without permission," he said.

Rainbow Dash nearly dropped the two-bladed sword. She whirled at the sound of Vanguard's voice, then descended in front of him with a sheepish look. She placed the weapon in front of him and backed away. "Oh, sorry," she said with a grin. "I just wanted to try it out. You looked pretty cool with it while you were saving Twilight last night. It's really heavy, though! Don't you find it hard to fight with it?"

"It gets easier with practice," Vanguard said. "Strong jaws also run in my family." Rainbow Dash's strange coloring still left him a little unsettled. She had a small, lean build, but she made up for it with sheer energy. He still remembered her quick flight from last night. "Does fighting interest you, Rainbow Dash?" he asked.

"Yeah," Rainbow answered. "If I wasn't going to join the Wonderbolts, I was thinking of joining the Royal Guard! Although, I've never seen the Royal Guard actually fight. Why'd you ask?"

"The Legion's always recruiting," Vanguard said. "Especially now, given our losses."

"You mean I actually have to sign up?" she asked, eyes wide. "I thought that, since we're going to be living here from now on, we're already a part of the army!"

Vanguard raised an eyebrow. "We do have a civilian sector," he said. "Somepony still has to plant crops, mine ore, and do various other jobs."

"Well, I'm not the planting or mining type!"

"What was your job in the Heartland then?" he asked.

"I was a weather pegasus." Rainbow Dash puffed her chest up. "And the best one at that! I could clear the sky in ten seconds flat!"

Vanguard stared blankly at Rainbow Dash. "Weather pegasus?" he asked. "Clear the skies of what? Birds? I suppose that would be useful around statuary."

"Clouds, duh," Rainbow retorted. "Speaking of clouds, somepony should tell your weather pegasi to lay off the cold winds and overcast skies. I don't think it's good for retreating across this plain."

"We don't have weather pegasi," Vanguard said. "You mean to tell me that the weather in the Heartland is…managed by ponies?"

Rainbow looked to her sides and then above her. "Oh no…don't tell me this is like the Everfree Forest. Clouds moving by themselves…that is so creepy."

"The weather takes care of itself," Vanguard said. "No job opening for weather pegasi here, but I'm sure Reconnaissance could use you."

"Sign me up then, sir!" Rainbow answered with a salute.

Vanguard smiled. "Why don't we see what your friends have planned first?" he asked. He glanced back at the sleeping medics. "It does look like Redbrand's already recruited Fluttershy into Medical."

"Fluttershy taking care of the injured," Rainbow chuckled. "Nothing new there."

"Was she a medic in the Heartland too?"

Rainbow shrugged. "Kinda. She mostly took care of small animals, though."

Vanguard nodded. "Redbrand can work with that. What about your other friends?"

Rainbow tilted her muzzle. "Why do you keep saying my friends? They're also your friends now."

Vanguard paused. "Is that so?" he asked. Rainbow looked at him as if he couldn't see past his own nose.

"Of course! You saved Twilight, and you've been helping us ever since we got here. You can ask them yourself what they used to do."

"Alright then. Let's go see to our friends, shall we?" He picked up his weapon and motioned for Rainbow Dash to follow him.

Fluttershy rubbed her eyes, sitting up with a loud yawn. She looked at her surroundings with bleary eyes, still half-hoping that she just had a horrible dream, and that she was back on her bed in Ponyville. She continued to hope for that, even though the ground felt very hard and cold beneath her.

"You slept like a log there," somepony nearby said. "Is that how all chosen sleep?"

Fluttershy rubbed her eyes again, then brushed aside some of her mane. To her dismay, she was still out in the middle of a plain and surrounded by strange ponies. She turned towards the pony who spoke. It was the angry doctor from last night. "Um…chosen?" she asked.

Redbrand pointed straight at her flank. "I thought you had some bugs biting your flank," he said. "Tried to shoo them off, but they wouldn't budge."

"Oh, you mean my cutie mark," Fluttershy replied. "Why would you--"

Her gaze focused on Redbrand's unmarked flank. "Oh dear, you don't have one? Does that mean you don't know your special skill?"

"I'm really good at patching ponies up, filly," Redbrand answered. "I've a got plenty who can grudgingly vouch for that. I don't need a foal's drawing on my hindquarters to prove it."

Her ears wilted. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything by that. It's just that ponies get their cutie marks once they grow up."

"Maybe that's true where you're from." Redbrand softened his tone. "Look, I don't give a damn about why a chosen is out here. I don't have the time or patience to listen to that harangue going around that a lot of foals get so worked up about. All I know is that I have most of my unit to replace, and getting you is better than getting half a dozen recruits who'd amputate their own legs the minute you turned your back."

Fluttershy remained silent. She wasn't quite sure what Redbrand was trying to tell her.

"Are you listening to me, filly?" Redbrand asked. "I'm trying to recruit you into the Legion! As soon as you sign up, tell your recruiting officer to send your bug-marked flank over to Medical, and that I will saw his muzzle off if he sends you to Reconnaissance. Is that understood?"

Fluttershy nodded. This Redbrand was such a strange pony. He yelled almost all the time, he was mean to his assistants, and he kept talking so coarsely. Still, she still felt that he was a good pony. Last night, he was still working feverishly long after he ordered her to take a rest. While he was harsh with others, he spared himself least of all.

"So what are you waiting for?" Redbrand asked. "Get to Logistics! Talk to some of your friends while you're at it!"

Fluttershy backed away slowly, keeping her attention on Redbrand in case he had something else to yell about. Then, she turned around and headed for her friends.

Everypony had woken up by the time Vanguard and Rainbow had got back to their friends. As soon as they had gotten there, Vanguard began to put on his barding.

"Everypony is on the move already," Twilight told Vanguard. "You should have woken me up!"

"You needed the rest," Vanguard replied as he adjusted his champron. He looked to Spike, who stood next to Twilight. "Don't you think she needed some more rest, Spike?"

Spike nodded and helped with the straps on Vanguard's barding.

"You've only known him for one night, Spike, and you're already taking his side?" Twilight asked.

"What can I say, Twilight?" Spike replied. "He's a really reasonable pony."

"Perhaps," Rarity said. Her carefully coiffed mane was sagging under stress and lack of care. "But there's nothing reasonable about this place, or its weather. Just look at what it's done to my mane already! Surely, we are heading somewhere warmer, safer, and more civilized!"

Applejack shot an annoyed look at Rarity. "Your mane's hardly our biggest concern," she said. "I'm more worried about those nasty, wolven-varmints catching up to us! What should we be doing by now?"

"We're heading for Bastion City," Vanguard said. "It's a two day trek at our pace. They've already sent some pegasi ahead, so the city knows we're coming. Expect a long walk. You should take the time to think about what you're going to do about your exile." With that, he secured the last strap of barding and started moving. The others followed suit.

Everypony was walking along with the rest of the survivors when Fluttershy joined them. "I'm here!" she said. "Did I miss anything?"

"Not much," Applejack replied. "We were just thinking about what we were going to do next."

"This…Bastion City, is it?" Rarity asked. "It's an actual city, correct? As in with buildings, shops, and ponies?"

"Yes, Miss Rarity, that is what the word 'city' implies," Vanguard answered. "It's reasonable to expect it to be rougher than what you're used to in the Heartland, but you can ply your trades there. Except for Rainbow Dash, and that's given that your former jobs don't include things like making sure the water is wet or painting the leaves green."

"Well...that's a start," Rarity said. "I don't know how I'll begin, though. I don't have any money with me, and I don't have any materials."

"This also doesn't look like a good time to be planting apples," Applejack said. "Even if I did have any seeds and a land to plant them in."

"I'm joining the Legion," Twilight said. All eyes shifted towards her.

"Are you serious?" Spike asked. The rest of Twilight's friends mirrored Spike's incredulity.

She nodded. "I am."

"This isn't something you decide just like that," Vanguard said. "Take some time to think about it."

Twilight looked into Vanguard's eyes. "I have. 'Prince Terrato and the Legion stand strong in the Barrier Lands, but they will stand stronger with us.' That is what I said to Princess Celestia. I stand by those words."

"Well, that's it," Spike said. "Sign me up too."

"There are other ways to support the Legion," Vanguard said. “Take up a hoe, or a pick, or a place in a production line; good and safe ways to help.”

"And joining the Legion is as good as any of them," Twilight answered.

"I'm signing up too!" Rainbow Dash added, puffing her chest up proudly. "It sounds like the job for me!"


Everypony looked at Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy!" Rarity gasped "don't tell me you're going to join the Legion too!"

Fluttershy nodded. "Doctor Redbrand said that I'd do very well in Medical. At least, I think that's what he said. There are so many ponies getting hurt here that I think that I should help out as much as I can."

"Sign me up as well," Applejack said. "I can put up a fight, and show those varmints a thing or two. Why, by the time I'm done, they'll be scootin' off to wherever they came from with their tails between their legs!"

"Has everypony gone crazy?" Rarity yelled. She turned towards Pinkie, the last pony anypony expected to turn to for some sense. "And what about you, Pinkie?"

Pinkie was already grinning when she answered. "I'm going where my friends are!" She looked at Vanguard. "Can my barding come with streamers, huh? And pink! It's gotta be pink! Not that black isn't pretty. I mean you look pretty good in your barding."

Everypony turned their attention to Rarity. "I suppose I'm joining as well," she said, sighing. "Twilight already asked me about it at Pinkie's last party."

"There's going to be drafts anyway," Vanguard said. "I just hope that you're joining up because you find our cause to be worthy of a lifetime of service and a violent death." He looked at Twilight. "Not just out of some misplaced sense of guilt or pity."

"We're going to fight for Equestria and keep it safe from invaders," Twilight replied. "What cause would be more worthy of a lifetime?" Her friends nodded.

"Alright," Vanguard said. He let himself show a ghost of a smile. "There's plenty to do for now. I have to make a report to Commander Dreadstep or whoever is currently leading. I'd better present all of you to him as well. Our prince might like to see all of you, if he isn't too busy rearranging the entire Legion to cope with this attack."

"Did he just say 'prince'?" Rarity whispered to Twilight.

"He's Princess Celestia's brother," Twilight replied. "I doubt you'll have a chance with him."

Rarity looked downcast for a few seconds before walking on.

"Then, it's off to Logistics for all of you," Vanguard continued. "The process--"


After the distant shout, a streak of red crashed into Vanguard, knocking him down.

Scarlet Rabbit had put Vanguard into a tight hug. "I knew you weren't dead!" he exclaimed. "There was just no way you'd die from a random encounter! Pyre and Blademane were just too lazy to search for you!"

"Scarlet, you're making a scene," Vanguard said. He pried Scarlet off and stood up. Several passing ponies were looking at them now. To his dismay, they quickly shifted their attention towards the flanks of the ponies near him. 'This better not be trouble,' he thought. Fortunately, the legionnaires were disciplined enough to keep walking. Whatever they felt for chosen, it would not be shown today.

"Scarlet, where is Pyre Valor?" he asked.

"I dunno," Scarlet replied. "Haven't see her or Blademane after the attack." His voice lowered. "I...think they're dead."

Vanguard remembered Pyre Valor's words during their last meeting. If she had succeeded in giving Fangbreaker to the wolven, then she would have died fighting. Blademane would have refused to leave her side.

"You should see Sharpfangs, Captain," Scarlet said. "He was dead set on making a last stand in the kitchen because he thought you were dead. Flight Captain Tailwind had to drag him out of there. You should have seen him kicking and cursing while they flew all the way to camp!"

"Not surprising," Vanguard said. "She just lost her son at that time. There was no way she was going to lose her husband."

"Before that, Commander Dreadstep's already heard about you coming back. He's passed the word for you to meet him."

"Right," Vanguard said. "I may as well bring you to him," he told the others.

"Hold on!" Scarlet said. He flew slowly towards Rainbow, giving her a long, hard look. The cheery expression disappeared from his face.

"What is it?" Rainbow asked. She flew back a little when Scarlet's face came just a few inches from hers.

"Who are you?" Scarlet said. "And...why are you made of rainbows?"

"What the hay?" Rainbow spluttered. "I'm not made of rainbows!"

"Oh?" The serious expression on his face disappeared. "Did you fall into a tub of mixing dye? Wait! Don't tell me you were hit by one of those weird poisons that the ophidites are always cooking up."

"No and no!" Rainbow answered. "This is my natural mane color!"

"You're a natural rainbow-head huh?" Scarlet said dubiously. "So, what's your name?"

"It's Rainbow Dash."

"Oh, now you're just making fun of me!"

"That's enough you two," Vanguard said. Both he and Applejack stepped in and pulled their respective pony away.

"Save the introductions for later, Scarlet," Vanguard said. "Take us to Dreadstep."

Scarlet Rabbit grinned. "Right this way, Captain!" he said. He flew ahead while Vanguard and his new-found friends trotted behind him.

Several minutes passed until Vanguard and the others were walking with Commander Dreadstep. Vanguard explained his story, choosing to omit what the old wolven had told him.

Commander Dreadstep's expression darkened at the mention of Pyre Valor's betrayal. "This situation with the chosen is getting out of hoof," he said. "So Cold Hoof wasn't alone after all. Now, his conspiracy has succeeded with the help of the ponies involved in stopping him. I am almost too ashamed to tell our prince about this."

"Was the prince in the fortress when the attack began, sir?" Vanguard asked.

"No," Dreadstep answered. "He took off after he sent Twilight Sparkle home and he never came back."

"You mean he didn't help when the wolven attacked?" Twilight asked.

Dreadstep fixed his gaze on Twilight sternly until she blanched. "Our prince honors the pact he made with Fenrir, Arugek, and Sesyth. With that pact, all of them promised to never be directly involved in the battles of their armies. If Prince Terrato had joined the battle, King Fenrir would have charged into the fray. What happened to Fangbreaker is a true tragedy, but trust me when I say that casualties would have easily tripled if our leaders involved themselves."

Dreadstep shifted his gaze from Twilight to the rest of her friends. "I'm not sure if I should be glad or worried that there are now chosen willing to join the Legion," he said. "But things will not be so straightforward. Fangbreaker's fall was the result of a betrayal rooted in the grudge some of our legionnaires feel towards the division. The saboteurs responsible are likely still out there mingling with the rest of the Legion. If I have you chosen join up now, you may well be assassinated before we even reach Bastion City."

Rarity swallowed loudly while Applejack glanced suspiciously behind her.

"Then, there's the matter of Twilight Sparkle," Dreadstep said.

"Me, sir?" Twilight asked.

"You may have been exiled, but you're still Princess Celestia's protégé. If I put you in danger, and you're harmed or killed, she could ask her brother for my head on a platter."

"Princess Celestia would never do such a thing!" Twilight said.

"You'll pardon me if I err on the side of safety. My head and neck happen to enjoy each other's company. We will delay your recruitment until we can root out the worst these insurgents. We also have to consult with the prince before we let you join, Twilight Sparkle. For now, you chosen should stay together. Captain Vanguard, I'm assigning you and Scarlet Rabbit to protect them."

Vanguard saluted. "Understood, sir."

Twilight let out a sigh as soon as Commander Dreadstep had walked ahead. "Here I am trying to fight side-by-side, and I'm getting special treatment," she muttered.

Vanguard didn't answer right away. The corners of his lips were doing a little dance. "What's so funny?" Twilight asked.

"I was just thinking about the things you've been saying," Vanguard answered. "If you had been born in the Barrier Lands, you'd be a high-ranking officer by now, and I'd be taking orders from you." He looked at Twilight. "Either that, or you'd be dead after your first battle."

"What does that even mean?" Twilight asked.

"No need to rush," Vanguard said. "We've got a long walk ahead of us. You can think on the way."