• Published 26th Mar 2012
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Blue Angel - V-Pony

A Blue Angels pilot is saved from a fiery crash by a most unexpected savior

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Truth or Dare-Pt 17: Sovereign Skullduggery

"Something is Rotten in the State of Denmark"

October 21st, Canterlot, Early Afternoon

While finding Scootaloo wasn't that big of a problem (luckily he didn't have to follow any screams or explosions this particular time), once Volare had located her within the bustling Canterlot Marketplace, it was all he could do to keep her from wandering off to stare at the next big, exciting, colorful thing that passed by on this crisp autumn afternoon. Luckily, Spike was there to lend a claw, though in truth, he was just as glad of the help, having spent the last hour-plus wrangling the rambunctious filly all by his lonesome.

"They ought to build me a big hero statue or something here in Canterlot one of these days," Spike muttered smugly to himself as he stood guard at the entrance of the covered veranda of a restaurant quite literally called "The Posh Salad." Head-high evergreen hedges lined the porch and shielded it from the street, making it somewhat of a peaceful respite from the busy city.
"I mean, me keeping her from frightening everypony out of their fancy frocks with her antics for that long is like, legendary. Puts the Changeling invasion to shame, almost-"

"You say something, Spike?" Volare cocked a brow, interrupting the young dragon's fantasy. On the padded bench next to him lay Scootaloo, completely tuckered out from her romp around the garden and the huge salad she'd practically inhaled by herself, as evidenced by the lonely pile of croutons remaining on the empty plate on the table in front of her. The pilot found it hilarious that she would be so eager to devour something so healthy, but leave the croutons behind. But they're the best part, he chuckled as he crunched on one of the zesty grain bites left over from the salad slaughter.

"N-nothing, nothing at all," Spike affirmed with a shake of his spines, glancing once more at the snoozing filly and wondering how something so innocent and cute could become so destructive in a mere instant. And then he remembered his own personal greedy dragon incident and inwardly face-clawed. Oh, right...
"Just wondering what's holding Twilight up. I mean, do you even know how hard it was for me to get a table for four at this fancy place?" At his small outburst, the business owner and bar tender Unicorn sniffed importantly, proud of his little eatery.

"Considering that you're the closest confidant of Twilight Sparkle," Volare chuckled as Spike blushed at his tease. "I'd be willing to bet not too difficult."

"Yeah, well it has its perks," Spike huffed and turned his attention back to the crowds of ponies that shuffled along the neatly cobblestoned streets that wound among the storefronts tucked behind the high walls of the city. Some of the city-ponies were lost in their own thoughts of what to buy, others in conversations with their friends about the latest food, entertainment, and news-only the most fashionable things to talk about. This was Canterlot, of course!
It all blended together and reminded Spike of why he preferred the quiet hum of Ponyville to the dull, constant background roar of the mountain-side city. Those things were all well and good to gossip about, but frilly frocks and juicy oat croissants just weren't his thing. Now if those frilly frocks were made by Rarity, well then he'd certainly be more tolerant of them!

Volare, on the other hand, was well used to the noise of others, considering where he came from. And although he too preferred the quiet country life, his threshold for noise pollution was significantly higher than his young Dragon compatriot. This higher tolerance allowed him to dwell upon other things, specifically what had just recently transpired up in the Archives Building with Celestia. His audible gulp as he glanced at the distant tower caught the attention of Shae the osprey, even from all the way up on her perch above "The Posh Salad."

Cheereekek? Her chitter of concern drew a chuckle from the pilot.

"Heh, yes, I'm ok," Volare assured the black and white bird of prey with a shake of his mane. Though in truth, as much as he tried to deny it, he was still quite badly shaken by his fiery encounter with the Sun Princess. And who wouldn't be? She'd threatened to take Scootaloo away from him and burn him to cinders! And for what? Yeah, he'd bragged on his military abilities in a jet, but it wasn't like he had one there, and even if he did, he wouldn't dream using its weapons on the innocent citizens of Equestria! Surely Celestia could see that...couldn't she?"

"You, say something, dude?" Spike's query shook Volare from his musings with a snort and saw that the dragon was staring at him with concern, while Scootaloo continued to slumber on. "You were muttering something about Celestia. Did you meet her at the Archives or something? What did you think of her?" Spike pressed on. "She's pretty powerful, eh?"

"Heh-heh, you could certainly say that," Volare nodded. He hadn't told Spike about the recent events for a couple of good reasons, chief of which was he didn't want Twilight to find out about her mentor going all flame on and scaring the living daylights out of him. The less Spike knew the better as the impressionable young Dragon was liable to spill the beans just in passing conversation to look cool, and that would spell a whole world of trouble for everypony.
"Pretty powerful presence for sure."

"Did she give you that book that Twilight is working through?"

"The Rhyme of the Equetic Mariners? Yep, she did," Volare replied tersely, praying that Spike would change the subject before he dug too deep and figured out too much. "But she didn't have much time to spare from her duties; said we'd talk more later."

"Ah, right. Balancing court affairs with town halls and raising the sun has gotta take a toll on her," Spike nodded. "Hopefully she doesn't like explode in frustration like Twilight does when she's overwhelmed, haha."

"Heh-heh, yeah...wouldn't that be something-something bad I mean," Volare gulped again.

"Yeah. Luckily she's not as high-strung as Twilight."

Thank God for that, Volare sighed and glanced back down at the peacefully slumbering Scootaloo. Oh, to be young like her and not worrying about crap like this, he chuckled dryly and risked a gentle brush of her purple mane with a wingtip. The orange filly mumbled something unintelligible alongside a heart-melting sleepy squeak before curling up tighter and resuming her tiny snores.
Despite the stress and fright of earlier that day, Volare took welcome solace in the peace that could so quickly follow in this land. He leaned back on his chair and took a deep, close-eyed breath, sampling the smells of the Marketplace: the sweetness of chocolate cakes, the tart hint of lemon zest the bartender was shredding over an Earth Pony customer's salad, and the unmistakable buttery aroma of fresh yeast rolls rising in the restaurant's kitchen. For a moment, his fearful recollections were replaced with a ravenous sense of hunger as he suddenly became aware of how empty his poor stomach was!

"Hey barkeep!" Volare raised a hoof and hollered as quietly as he could so as not to wake his slumbering sister. "I'll have what he's having, plus some of those rolls I smell!"

Over the Hedge

Meanwhile, a certain pony who was rather fond of frilly frocks and fancy things had been trotting along the storefronts grumbling to himself about how he'd fallen afoul of that "dirty blue magician whorse," the day previous.
"She simply caught me at a bad time. Yes, that's it," Prince Blueblood nodded to himself. "If I hadn't been distracted by that stupid skinny blue Pegasus and his wretched little shrunken-winged sister, I'd have put that Trixie in her place, just like all those years ago," he spat, his face screwing up in a nasty grin as he chuckled dryly while his tongue prodded at the teeth Trixie had loosened with the walking stick she'd so rudely stolen from him.

"Oh man, these rolls taste even better than they smell!"

"Oh, what have we here?" the blond-maned Unicorn cocked an eyebrow at the irritatingly familiar sound of a certain blue Pegasus as he chanced a peek through the shrubbery
It's the bumbling twit himself Blueblood smirked nastily as he watched Volare hungrily down an entire yeast roll in a single go before washing it down with a quaff from a huge mug, suppressing a belch of satisfaction that his Dragon companion chuckled at. The prince curled his lip at the heathenry of their behavior before his eye alighted on the slumbering orange and purple ball of fluff in the chair between the two.

Yeah, you're a douchebag! He didn't even know what in Ponyhell a douchebag was, but if that little Pegasus brat had shouted it, it must have been some low-class, country bumpkin insult!
"Blind, stupid little whelp," he cursed under his breath. "If it weren't for her, all of yesterday's bother wouldn't have happened!" Blueblood chanced a glance at a puddle of water and spat again at the sight of his freshly blacked left eye, another parting gift from Trixie. Between that and his loosened teeth, Volare's flippant joke about the blood from his busted lip staining his coat being a tragedy, and the sheer insolence with which he'd been treated by everypony involved yesterday, the prince was near to snapping in half with rage.

The azure aura of Blueblood's magic enveloped a nearby loose brick lying on the cobblestones, and even as he hefted it he recalled Trixie's crack about him catching a brick to the teeth. Well, it may not be HER exactly, the Unicorn smirked as he took aim over the shrubs at the Pegasi, trying to decide which one he loathed more at the moment. But this is what they get for being friends with that harlot witch-wait, why in the Ponyhell is this brick getting heavier?!

"Oi naow, what 'ave we here?" A great and horrifying familiar belly laugh preceded from behind the Prince as he realized a light green aura had overtaken his own around the brick and was forcing it back down to the ground. Blueblood gulped visibly as he swore he felt the ground shake with great hoofteps-or maybe it was his heart suddenly pounding in his throat. He turned to see-who else-the great Scoltspony Faber carrying both a greatsword on his back and his trademark grin.
"A lost bird in tha bush?"

"N-now see here, you ruffian," Blueblood began, but was cut off as Faber's magic dropped the brick and he suddenly grasped him by his frock coat collar, dragging him within bad breath's distance. And Faber's, smelling of whiskey and oats, was particularly foul; though not quite as bad as the mood this bothersome Unicorn had put him in. He hauled him further away from the shrubs, down a short alleyway towards a nearby masonry guardrail that shielded ponies from falling off the very edge of the city proper.

"A little lost bird, Ah think," Faber growled, and Blueblood was positive that his smile was more of a toothy leer now. "Jus' wha' do ya thin' ya were aboot ta do to ma friends there?" Faber roughly shoved the prince towards the guardrail and bared his teeth, aiming to teach this spoiled brat a lesson that would stick. For although he'd seemed in good spirits at the time in public, after learning directly from Trixie what the prince had done to her...well, his threat to "remove his means of producing heirs" was hardly an empty threat, and he certainly carried the means to do it with, and then some.

"Why don't you mind your own damn business!" was all Blueblood could muster before he gasped in horror as Faber suddenly drew Claire from her sheath more swiftly than the prince thought was possible. The Scoltspony advanced on Blueblood, forcing the prince back towards the guardrail.

"Oh Ah am mindin' me own business, your high an' mightehness," Faber spat as he stepped closer, the edge of his sword glistening in the sparse light of the alley as he raised it level with Blueblood's muzzle. "Tha safety o' mah friends is mah damn business, especially when it involves shite like you!" He took another step closer, forcing Blueblood further towards the edge of the city.

"Y-you-what are you doing?!" Blueblood sputtered, but it had no effect on the glowering Scoltspony, whose eyes were presently full of cold purpose. The prince chanced a glance backwards over the rail and gulped at the sight of the mountain's craggy roots spreading out away and beneath the city. He'd never survive the fall! "Why are you doing this to me?!" he managed to moan, drawing a short bark of a laugh from the Unicorn that now towered over him, his bulk turning the light of the alleyway into a dim murk that backlit him and made help seem miles away from the isolated Prince of Canterlot.

"Because yer a wee little brick-tossin, tiny-stick-havin', blueblooded baby bastard prince," Faber replied, taking another step closer as he loomed further over the cowering prince. "One who jus' can't seem ta learn a lesson unless it's smacked inta him. An' judgin' by yer behavior, Ah'm willin' ta wager that beatin' Trixie gave ya yesterday was the first one in ages! Yer a tiny lost bird tha' never learned to fly, and is doing nothin' more than suckling a' tha teat o' Princess Celestia's reputation in Canterlot high society. Well ta Tartarus with all tha' uppity shite!"

"B-but I'm the prince of Canterlot," Blueblood offered weakly as he pressed himself against the guardrail-no more room left to run. "I'm supposed to be in charge." At his words, somehow-horrifyingly somehow-Faber's green eyes grew even harder. Lightly, almost gently, he laid Claire upon the prince's shaking shoulder before pressing down upon the hilt, making him lean backwards over the edge of the rail.

"Do ye feel in charge?" Faber's question caused a cloak of cold sweat to drape itself upon Blueblood's shoulders-this crazy pony was going to kill him his mind screamed as he felt the edge of the blade begin to bite through his fur.

"I'm one of the richest ponies in Canterlot. I can pay you anything to make you forget I was going to throw that brick," Blueblood suggested hopefully, and for the briefest of moments, he thought he'd succeeded as he felt the pressure of the blade lessen slightly while Faber cocked his head as if to consider the offer.

"So, ye 'ave lots o' bits, eh?"

"Yes, and I can give you as much as you wish," Blueblood nodded vigorously. "I mean, I don't know what a rough and tumble stallion like yourself does for a living, but I can guarantee that I can offer you so much more! A small fortune if need be!"

"........an' that give ye power over me?" At Faber's words, Blueblood felt bile creep up his throat as the pressure on the sword multiplied tenfold; no longer a gentle touch but a forceful shove backwards and downwards over the rail. "Is tha' wah' ye told mah friend Trixie back in school while ye 'ad yer way with 'er, ya dirty shite cur?"

"Wh-what did she tell you?" Blueblood demanded, his eyes wide with terror now. But of course he knew what she'd said.

"More than enough ta warrant what somepony shoulda done a long time ago," Faber snarled as he pushed the Prince nearer to the toppling point. A sudden breeze whisked its way up the mountainside, highlighting just how long Blueblood would have to think about his past actions as he tumbled to his doom. "Time ta end tha' borrowed time ye've been livin' on. Time ta fly, little bird."

"Just what in the name of Ponykind is going on back here?!" a voice nearly as deep as Faber's and twice as pompous bellowed from back in the alley. Both Unicorns glanced up to behold another Unicorn horned, red in the face and fur and nearly as fat as the two combined standing there and stamping his hoof in irritation. "Well?!"

"Jus' a wee lil' social disagreement, sah. It'll be over shortly depending on the wind," Faber chuckled darkly, at the same time continuing to glare daggers through the shaken Prince with the other side of his face.

"That's the High Prince of Canterlot you're threatening there!" the hefty Unicorn sputtered, the jowls of his face quivering from side to side as he marched closer. His very appearance, from his gaudy golden-sashed blue robe to the ring on the stubby horn perched above his portly face made Faber physically ill inside.

"Aye, that he is-what of it?" Faber cocked his head, his unrelenting claymore still weighing upon Blueblood's shoulder and forcing him backwards over the railing. Meanwhile, the Prince's eyes widened as he realized who the approaching pony was-he might be saved after all!

"Killing him would be tantamount to high treason and would result in your very public execution; that's 'what of it,'" the chubby pony retorted.

"Aww, c'mon. What's a little cleaning oot o' tha gene pool between friends?" Faber laughed, but at the third pony's horrified expression, the Scoltspony finally relented with a sigh and raised his sword, allowing Blueblood to tumble to the cobblestones, breath heaving and shoulders trembling. "Ah'm onleh jokin', mate. As much as it would probableh do this city good, Ah'm no murderin' vigilante; wouldn't be worth cleaning tha rust off me blade 'is rotten royal juices would cause anyway. Jus' wanted ta teach this lil brat a lesson in courtesy."

"Yes, well consider it taught. Now be on your way before I summon the Royal Guard," the chunky Unicorn snorted.

"Alrigh', so if he's tha Prince o' Canterlot," Faber nodded at Blueblood. "Then what's your connection to 'im?"


"Oh, Ah got it! Yer 'is daddeh!" Faber smirked as the fat Unicorn mouthed for words for a moment before regaining his composure.

"Hardly. I'm Lofty Lineage; High Councilpony of Canterlot. Minister of Agriculture, in fact," the gluttonous pony sniffed before curling his lip at Blueblood. "But no blood relation to The Prince."

"Heh, ye jumped oop 'alf a step in me book jus' for that, sir," Faber laughed loudly as he sheathed Claire. "Not for yer status, but simply for havin' no relation ta this lil' troublemaker."

"Hmph, I'm hardly the troublemaker here, you great brute," Blueblood muttered as he regained his hooves.

"Yes, well the prince has had an awfully bad attitude as of late," Lofty fixed said Unicorn with an annoyed glare. "And I do agree: he's been quite the hoof-full."

"B-but, Mr. Lineage!" Blueblood suddenly stomped a hoof. "I thought you were on my side in this-"

"Silence, you little whelp. This great brute of a gentlepony is correct-you've been causing far too much consternation around here as of late." Lofty turned his attention back to the Scoltspony. "Your name?"

"Faber McIronshod, at yer service," the great Unicorn gave him his best winning smile and a jaunty salute.

"Which anypony around this city hardly needs," Lofty shook his jowls. "What I do need from you both is to stop causing such a horrible ruckus and to go your separate ways immediately. The Princesses and the rest of the Council have had enough bother as of late without you two stirring the pot further."

"Alrigh', alrigh', Ah can take a hint. Ah know when Ah'm no' wanted aroun'," Faber mock-swooned for a moment before guffawing loudly. "Haha, Ah'll be on me way in a moment, sir. But there's jus' one thing Ah wanna make crystal with tha prince here."

"Oh now what," Blueblood whimpered as the tall blacksmith suddenly loomed over him once more. "I've learned my lesson, you great brute. Now be off!"

"Heh, oh no boyo. It's no' tha' easeh with meh," Faber draped a heavy hoof about the Prince's shoulders and pulled him in closer. His smile faded into a snarl as he spoke quietly but forcefully. "Ah know what yer doin' an' why yer doin' it. Ye enjoy tha thrill o' pokin' a bear with a stick-makes ya feel brave an' important-but only when he's restrained an' behind bars. Thing is, Ah'm no' tha bear ye should be worried aboot, mate." Faber's eyes were wide with warning, causing Blueblood to gulp visibly while Lofty licked his suddenly dry lips. "Oh no, Ah've got no restraints on meh; Ah blow off steam all tha time. Keeps it from building oop inta an explosion, ye see."

"Then who-"

"Heh, if ye knew wha' mah friend had done oot in tha Whitetail Woods ta keep 'is little sister safe from those two villains-what he was willin' ta put himself through ta assure 'er safeteh...well, tha last thing ye'd wanna do is keep pokin' tha particular bear. Ah've seen his type before; nice boyo, even keeled, seems ta let a lot o' shite roll off his back. An' easy target for brats like yerself. But though he may show restraint for a good while, eventually those bars won't hold him anymore, and he'll burst oot an' tear ye to pieces." He suddenly released Blueblood, causing the Unicorn to stumble backwards against the rail once more in horror at the thought of Volare suddenly snapping like that.

"Hahaha, but then again, as long as ye leave 'im an his sister alone, Ah don't suppose ye'd have much ta worry aboot. From 'im or from meh-"

"Alright, that's enough," Lofty cut the Scoltspony off with authority this time. His golden eyes squinted out from behind his red-furred rolls of flab in the closest thing to a leer as he could manage. "Begone, ruffian. Go about your business."

"Alright, fine. Ah'm on meh way. Just 'ope tha' His Royalness there 'as learned tha' mah friends' safety is mah business." As Faber trotted away down the alley, he couldn't help but toss out one last comment. "Keep packin' on tha' pounds there, Oh Minister o' Agriculture-Lofty Laminitis* was it? Nice ta see tha' yer livin' well offa tha toilin' o' others." And with that, the Scoltspony rounded the corner and was gone, his heavy retreating hoofsteps and the sweat beaded upon the brow of both high class Unicorns the only evidence the bulky blacksmith had ever been there. After a few moments' worth of strained listening, content that nopony else was coming down the alleyway, Lofty rounded on Blueblood as he regained his hooves once more.

"Just what was all that about, Blueblood?!"

"It was nothing, honestly, Lofty," the haughty prince tried to brush it off, but the councilpony was having none of it; he jabbed a chubby hoof into the front of Blueblood's coat as he berated him.

"Nothing, eh? That great behemoth of a Unicorn didn't seem to see it all as nothing! Blueblood, what in the name of Luna has gotten into you lately?!" Despite Blueblood's flippant attitude, he couldn't help but flush scarlet under Lofty's withering attack.
"First you get into a very public fight over an old flame from the past yesterday in the streets."

"Hey, she's not my-"

"Then, you have the nerve to call the Royal Guard out on her and that Faber fellow-as if you and not Prince Shining Armor command them. Can you imagine how angry he'd be if he found out-to say nothing of what his wife would do," Lofty wiped his sweaty face with a sleeve before continuing, his voice growing in pitch with every rebuke.
"You continued even to the point of nearly getting into a squabble with Celestia's personal student. And NOW you go and butt heads with the damn blacksmith once again," Lofty snatched the Prince's ear and hauled his head around. "Look at me when I'm talking to you!"

"Ow! Un-hoof me, you old fool!"

"Old fool? Old fool!?" Lofty suddenly yanked downward with all his weight attached to the prince's ear. To Blueblood, he seemed to nearly tear it from his head as he was forced to a knee while Lofty growled into it.
"It's only because of mine and the High Council's own hard work and placation of the Royal Sisters that you even still exist, you ungrateful whelp!!"

"Oh come on, Lofty," the prince struggled upwards, but his agonized ear forced him to stay kneeling. "Let me up so we can talk like equals."

"Pah, you're hardly my equal, little prince; neither in lineage nor in accomplishment," Lofty rolled his eyes. "You should count yourself extremely lucky that you have access to your Aunt Celestia's treasury, otherwise we'd hardly consider you worth the pain in our flanks." He suddenly lessened his grip and allowed the younger Unicorn's eyes to meet his own, his voice suddenly less manic and lowered as he resumed.
"We know he came and spoke to you last night-the Raven. We know he's watching you, as is his Master." Lofty's knowing words sent a fresh chill down Blueblood's spine as he recalled his midnight meeting with Corax. "We know they're both watching all of us, and the more trouble you cause-the more attention you draw to yourself-the more difficult you make The Plan."

"You and your precious plan," Blueblood muttered under his breath. He knew Lofty heard him, and he expected a blow in return. But strangely enough, the Minister of Agriculture suddenly released him, and the prince cocked his head in curiosity as he was allowed to rise back to his hooves and straighten his frock coat. Lofty Lineage half turned and sighed deeply, leaning his head back to stare at the narrow strip of blazing blue sky and wisps of fluffy cloud visible between the walls of the buildings that crowded the alleyway. Just at the very edge of the gap he thought he could see the corona of the sun peeking into the alley, and it reminded him of the promise that had been passed down through generations of his bloodline.

"What do you know of it?" Lofty glanced back at the prince. "Truly, what do you know of it?"

"Oh, well something about you returning to power. I don't care-there's hardly anything in it for me anyway," Blueblood curled his battered lip and snorted. Besides, once I'm on the throne, you won't matter anyway. "Don't you already hold the highest positions in Canterlot at the Princesses' side? What more could you possibly want?"

"Tragic," Lofty shook his head. "Truly tragic."

"What's tragic? That you're old and fat?"

"Hmph, it must be difficult for somepony like you to understand, since you've gone most of your life never wanting for anything," Lofty frowned. "Never having less than exactly what you desire at all times."

"Well, that's not exactly true," Blueblood. "There was this one time where I-"

"Silence and listen for once in your spoiled life!" Lofty snapped, and the younger Unicorn fell quiet. "Thank you. I mean it's tragic that you don't even know your own ancestry, Blueblood. Do you remember what you read about Unicorn history in school, or were you too busy harassing Trixie to recall that we used to control the Sun and the Moon before the Princesses came along?"

"Yes, yes, I remember," Blueblood snorted, ignoring the barb about the magician.

"I and my fellow councilponies can trace a direct bloodline back to those ancient astronomers, as can you, more than likely," Lofty declared, causing Blueblood to cock a curious brow.

"Nopony ever told me about any of that."

"And why should they? Better to keep you and others in the dark then stoke the hopeful fires of a return to the old ways," Lofty kicked a loose cobblestone down the alleyway with a huff. "Who controls those classes? Who controls what you read and learn in those schools?"

"I honestly thought the High Council did."

"Hmph, hardly. We suggest and insist, but ultimately, it was Celestia who for over 1000 years determined what ponykind could and couldn't learn in Equestria. She kept everypony in the dark, up to and including the truth about Luna and her connection to Nightmare Moon. What better way to keep the population docile than to keep them stupid?"

"But the Council knew about all this?" The prince's mouth gaped. "And you told nopony?!"

"We had to play something that you're obviously unfamiliar with, Blueblood," Lofty shook his heavy head. "We played a long, long game, and bided our time; hopeful that one day we'd return to controlling the sun and moon and therefore our own destinies, rather than be governed by fiat royalty."

"What happened?" The shocked prince pressed, for the first time in a good while concerned about somepony more than himself at the moment.

"Luna returned from her banishment, just as the old mare's tale predicted," Lofty chuckled dryly. "Definitely not something we were banking on. You won't find this in any history books due to Celestia's meddling, but we High Council ponies were actually co-custodians of the Moon with her for that long millennium. While she needed no aid with the Sun, the Moon always gave her fits, and so for generations we not only guided her at court and at government, but in the moon's path as well. In fact, I and the current seats on the Council had just taken over Co-Stewardship when Luna returned, sending us back to mediocrity before we could even spread our wings."

"Well, that's unfortunate," Blueblood offered, but received a venomous glare in return.

"That hardly describes it, young one," the fat rolls round Lofty's nostrils flared angrily. "Imagine being promised all your life such a royal gift as that, to follow in the hoofsteps of generation after generation. To carry on the torch of the family name into the future just as our ancestors had done before. And then, when it's finally your turn to take up the mantle, having it snatched away before you've even begun to savor it!" Lofty loudly and emphatically kicked an unlucky potted plant clear across the alleyway and over the guardrail, sending its leafy contents spinning down the mountain face below with a distant echo of crumbling ceramic. "Damn those Princesses!!!"

Despite the fact that he was cursing his Auntie figure, considering the history lesson he'd just been given, Blueblood tended to agree. "So that's The Plan then? To get back in control of the Sun and Moon?"

"More or less, yes," Lofty nodded grimly. "But we can't do it by force, as evidenced by the failed Changeling invasion."

"Wait a moment-you were behind that?!" Blueblood's eye widened.

"Not solely, no. But we were part of a much larger plot," Lofty chewed his fat lip thoughtfully, his eyes scanning the skies for any Pegasus or Guard spies before continuing in a near whisper. "Our part called for aiding in the capture and swap of Princess Cadance with Queen Chrysalis. That swap allowed Chrysalis to distract Shining Armor enough to allow the Raven's master to enter the city undetected and unhindered on a mission we weren't privy to."

"You mean Nycto-" Lofty clapped a hoof over Blueblood's mouth before he could finish the name, golden eyes raking the skies from within the folds of his face before again being satisfied that nopony was spying on them.

"Yes. Him. Now don't speak his name within this city again," Lofty's chest heaved in spasms, as if he was having a heart attack. Maybe he is, Blueblood thought darkly until the elder Unicorn removed his hoof.
"If he can get his own Raven spy in, there's no telling who or what Celestia has roaming around with their ears open."

"I say security isn't all what it's cracked up to be if they can't spot that nasty bird or if they're allowing this sort of skullduggery to happen right under Celestia's nose," Blueblood pointed out. "Besides, that must be his alias. I mean, if he's as smart as you say, he wouldn't even risk telling you his real name, considering your close position to the Princesses."

"You know, you're a bit more discerning that I've given you credit for, My Prince," Lofty's mood brightened for a bit, even allowing a smile to peek out from behind his jowls.

"Hah, told you I could handle myself," the Royal Unicorn boasted, sending Lofty's eyes rolling in their sockets once more. "Why don't you tell me more about The Plan? Maybe I can help further besides just money for your minions."

"And now you're back. My young Prince," Lofty roughly clapped his shoulder and turned him towards the alley entrance, talking as they trotted. "You and I are mere cogs in this mighty machine. It's not our lot to know the whereabouts of every gear, knob, and lever, or even what their own purposes are. That's up to the driver. We must trust him to lead us where we need to go. Only then can we reclaim what he has promised us-what is rightfully ours."

"Alright, if you say so," Blueblood grumbled, though he chuckled internally. Old fool, just keep telling yourself that, doing the dirty work for me, and stay relaxed; it'll be that much easier to slip a blade between your ribs when the time comes. 'Et tu, Blueblood?' Haha, but of course!
He allowed the older Unicorn to lead him back through the marketplace, passing right by the shrubbery where this all began as if it were no different than its common brethren on either side of the lane. The Prince gave the loathed siblings beyond it a passing snort of disgust before joining Lofty in fading into the hustle and bustle of a city oblivious to the infernal plot it played host to.


Speaking of oblivious, before Spike and his pilot friend-the center of said previous consternation-could officially tuck into the steaming mountain of yeast rolls their waiter had just delivered, a bombastic force of nature approached from around the corner.

"Oi!!!" Came Faber's sudden and uproarious greeting as he strode onto the Posh Salad's veranda, nearly making Volare choke on a roll, Spike to duck for cover under the table, and Shae above on the roof beams to chirk in annoyance and embarrassment at not having spotted him coming. Did he ALWAYS have to be so loud!? The blacksmith, equally as oblivious considering his close proximity to Scootaloo still slumbering in her chair continued right up to Volare and gave him a great bear hug out of the blue.
"Whit like, boyo?"

"Ugh, say what?" Volare managed to croak, feeling his ribs creak under the Scoltspony's mighty grip.

"Eh-heh, don't know me own strength mos' days," Faber chuckled sheepishly as he released the pilot, finally noticing Spike's wide eyes and manic pointing at the nearby chair housing the snoring orange and purple ball of fuzz and innocent destruction.
"Spike? Wha's that yer on aboot-oh shite," Faber gasped, clapping his hooves over his muzzle and staring at the tiny filly as if she were a literal bomb about to explode. But miraculously, her eyelids barely stirred and after several seconds she muttered something about "bro, I'll get him for you," before returning to her gentle whinnying snores, allowing everypony present to relax once more.

"Faber, you trying to kill us? Or worse!?" Spike glared at the abashed blacksmith. "You have any idea how long I had to chase her around before she ran out of gas!?"

"Spike, simmer down," Volare wiped his brow after quaffing from his goblet of iced tea to clear his throat of bread crumbs. "Faber, what's going on? Even for you, that was totally out of nowhere! What's up?"

"Well, Ah uh," the blushing Scoltspony shrugged. He hadn't really planned what he was going to say; he was just glad that they were alright and unaware of the near-violent encounter he'd just had with Prince Blueblood and his High Council buddy. "Ye just looked like ye could use a spinal adjustment, so Ah just figured..."

"Uh-huh," Volare eyed him for a moment before gesturing to a seat on the bench, which Faber gladly took. "Is this about yesterday?"

"Yesterday?-oh right, yes. Absoluteleh aboot yesterday," Faber nodded. Totally not about today. "Ah jus' wanted ta officially say good on ye fer standin' oop fer Scootaloo like tha'. Not to mention jumpin' in there with everypony else when Luna showed oop as well."

"Well, you know," Volare blushed slightly. "Guess I just have a bad habit of sticking my nose in others' business when they're in trouble is all, heh-heh."

"Nah, tha's nothin' ta be ashamed of, mate," Faber thumped the smaller stallion's shoulder with a grin. "Not stickin' yer neck oot there an' doin' tha right thing would be worse. Ah mean, if Ah were in tha' same position, Ah'd 'ave probably done worse ta teach The Brat Prince a lesson, given tha' chance."

"Couldn't blame you for that," Volare chuckled. "So what have you been up today, Faber? Head still sore from when Octavia tossed you under the table?"

"Ach, piss off with tha, boyo; tha' was hardly fair. She merely took me by surprise an' after Ah had put away all that Cyser," Faber objected as quietly as possible so as to not wake Scootaloo. "Ah'd love ta see 'er try tha' when Ah'm sober an' ready fer a right scrap."

"They say all is fair in love and war," Volare grinned

"Guess that includes hoof wrestling," Spike added with a toothy snicker at the boisterous blacksmith's expense.

"Well, if tha's tha case, how's aboot you an Ah square off, ye lil' firebrand?" Faber huffed and flexed a hoof. "Go get yer friends an' tha whole Royal Guard too. Ah'll take on all comers an' tha' like with me hooves tied behind me back!" Faber snatched a roll and stuffed into his mouth, chewing mightily while giving Spike the stink eye.

"Haha wow, you're awfully fired up today," Volare pointed out.

"Yeah, mah blood's just fit ta boilin' is all, considerin' what tha prince tried ta do," Faber muttered before catching himself. "Yesterday, Ah mean."

"Did you run into him today or something?" Volare inquired as he took another sip of his tea, keeping his eye on the blacksmith as he did so. As traumatic of an experience as it had been, he had picked up a few things in the discerning department from his latest encounter with Celestia. "Just saying, but you seem pretty fixated on the guy."

"Nah, he's just a brat tha' needed ta be taught some manners is all," Faber waved his hooves, trying to mask his nervous smile by burying his muzzle in a flagon of tea, but the damage was done.

"Say, wait a sec," Spike suddenly spoke up and jerked a claw towards the shrubs. "I could have sworn I heard you talking on the other side of those bushes a few minutes ago. Something about 'a lost bird.' Was that you?"

"L-look boyos, Ah-"

"What happened beyond those bushes, Faber?" Volare pressed. It wasn't that he was angry with what the blacksmith might have done. He was more worried about what trouble might come crashing through the front door of the restaurant to arrest his friend depending on if they found a body or not.

"Ah was takin' care o' a wee rodent problem; nothin' more," Faber insisted with a shake of his red-maned head. "Ah even managed ta let 'im go in one piece, if tha's what yer worried aboot."

"Truthfully?" Volare leaned forward. "I don't want you going to prison on my account, Faber. As your friend, I want the truth."

"The truth, right," Faber sighed, downed the remaining tea much to Spike's chagrin, and grinned. "Truth is, Ah don't thin' His Royal Bratness is goin' ta find botherin' any o' mah friends worth tha trouble anymore, mate."

"So you didn't chop him half or something?" asked Spike.

"Wh-no!" Faber exclaimed. "Why does everypony aroun' 'ere thin' jus' because Ah carry Claire around tha' Ah wanna chop shite oop with 'er? Bollocks ta tha'; Ah'm no murderin' vigilante trouble maker! Honest! Ah swear on me mum!"

"Alright, okay," Volare patted the air with a hoof, glancing at the still slumbering Scootaloo. "We believe you. Just...not saying I don't appreciate the overwatch, Faber," Volare looked his friend square in the eye. "But I don't need you getting tossed in the dungeon for me either."

"Ach, but wha' are friends for, mate?" Faber's trademark grin had returned. "But no, Ah kin. No gettin' in trouble for ye. Jus' gotta make sure ta leave no evidence." He would have belly-laughed at Volare's incredulous expression if not for the sleeping filly nearby.

Chirk-chereekekee-kir Shae suddenly scolded him from the rafters.

"Oi, shut yer beak, Shae. Yer one ta talk-gotten inta plenty o' trouble fer Volare here anyway," Faber chuckled, while Volare swallowed hard.

You don't know the half of it, man...

"Ah promise ta be on me best behavior from naow on, Volare. On me Scolts honor," the blacksmith thumped his chest with a hoof. "Besides, Ah'd never hear tha end o' it from Bon-Bon if Ah got thrown in tha slammer, even if it was for good intentions-hahaha!"

"Heh, speaking of which," Spike got a mischievous look in his eye. "What's up with you two anyway? You guys a hot item yet?"

"Er-well, Ah wouldn't call it tha," Faber suddenly blushed madly as he rubbed his head, taken aback by the young dragon's sudden about-face of the subject. "We're jus' ah...well..."

Chirk-eek Shae chuckled to herself at the hot spot the rowdy stallion had found himself in. The raptor spread her mighty wings and took her leave to the top of the wooden lattice adjacent the shrubbery outside. Her sharp golden eyes traced up and down the alleyways for Prince Blueblood, finally spotting him as he melted away into the bustling marketplace crowd alongside an utterly obese red Unicorn stallion wearing a fine blue and gold robe.

She had half a mind to follow and observe the pair and the other half to investigate what they'd been doing in that alleyway; but before she could decide, a noise like distant boulders striking and crumbling reached her ears, and it stopped her in her tracks. Avalanche?! she thought before realizing the sound was coming from far above, back within the Royal Palace itself. The osprey cocked her head curiously at just what in the world that could possibly mean...

----------Canterlot Royal Palace Lodgings----------

"Look Luna, you don't understand the context of it all! He started it and-"

"And that's supposed to be your best excuse, sister?!" Luna roared as the force of her backhoof to Celestia's face sent the Sun Princess spinning halfway around and tumbling over a divan. As she tried to regain her hooves, she looked up and was met by Luna's cyan eyes blazing in fury. "How DARE you threaten and scare my friend nearly to death like that, and for crimes he's never committed!"

"You weren't there, Luna," Celestia magically shoved her sister off and leaped upright, horn glowing and ready-for what? For battle?! "You just don't understand what he's capable of!"

"Oh trust me, I'm well aware of his condition-of his dependency on that crystal, as is your own student! In fact, you're the least qualified of us to make such a claim about who he is and what he can do," Luna spat. Her own horn glowed dimly as she circled to the left, while Celestia went right. The air between the two Royal Sisters crackled with nervous intensity, both figuratively and literally as sparks leaped from their horns, casting strange shadows of the Alicorns upon the walls; dark echoes of a conflict between them long thought left in the past. But today, it surged to the surface once more.

"Tia, what sort of rulers are we that we'd preempt justice based on what we fear may happen?! Are we not a just, rather than a paranoid, nation? Or have things become so primal in the last 1000 years?" Luna fought back angry tears as she steeled herself to throw down her heaviest gauntlet yet. "And that's to say nothing of how badly you'd hurt everypony's trust in you for punishing somepony for crimes they hadn't even knowingly committed!"

"You'd dare speak out against me for that?!" Celestia growled, magically levitating an end table in preparation of hurling it in fury at her sibling. Luna grabbed it with her magic in turn, and for a manic moment, it seemed like they were dancing across the room as they tugged and wrenched at the furniture, both battling for control.

"Yes I would! Not just for a friend, but for the good of all Equestria!" Luna declared with a flare of her wings that sent books flying from the shelves. "For all of our little ponies!"

"He's NOT one of MY little ponies!" Celestia roared back, tearing the end table in half and sending the pieces crashing about the room. "He'll NEVER be!"

"Have you forgotten, sister?" the corners of Luna's mouth curled into a sly smirk. "He is one of our little ponies according to those citizenship documents he signed. I'd be willing to bet that you held that over his head to make a point of obeying your commands. But it's a double-edged sword, for he is therefore entitled to the protection of Equestria's laws and justice system. And so help me," the Princess of the Night continued, rising off the ground as her eyes glowed a sudden and brilliant cyan, a clear challenge to her older sibling. "If I have to stand in the way of one of the very founders of the laws of our land in order to keep even one single little pony safe, well so be it!"

"You treacherous-" Celestia cut herself off and backed down with a growl, gritting her teeth so violently that her jaws creaked. Between Volare's prior outburst about people like him standing up to bullies like her and this today from her own flesh and blood!-it was almost too much! She was trapped within the very laws that she'd help write and she knew it. Try as she might, she wasn't going to win this through force of will. She glared up at Luna and her heart stuttered, realizing that as angry as she was, she wasn't sure she could bear fighting her sister again like she had so many centuries ago. Instead, she settled for blasting a nearby couch to smithereens in a sudden explosion of golden flames, the light of which flickered across her face and showcased the visage of a caged and frustrated animal, rather than a calm and collected Princess.

"You know, a certain side of my morbid sense of curiosity almost hopes that you're right about Volare, sister," Luna declared as she continued to hover above the Sun Goddess. "Especially considering your threat towards him and young Scootaloo's relationship."

"How do you mean?" Celestia snapped back, eyes narrowed in rage.

"I'm just saying that, as much of a royal pain in the plot my own sister can be at times," Luna alighted and her eyes returned to their normal state, looking upon her older sibling in near-pity. "If somepony were to threaten to take her away from me...well...I'm not sure what I'd do or be capable of doing." To Celestia's surprise, Luna trotted over and stopped a few feet from the white Alicorn, her eyes never leaving hers. "But it certainly wouldn't be pleasant. Tia, what you told him is quite possibly the most horrible thing I've ever heard you say. It's no wonder he lashed out at you. What cornered and frightened animal wouldn't-especially when its loved ones are threatened?"

"Fine, you're right," Celestia huffed. "What I said was wrong, and besides I already apologized to him about it. He seemed to be just fine after that."

"The look on his face when he passed me on the stairs said otherwise, sister. He looked shaken to his very soul," Luna slowly shook her starry mane in disappointment, and it was that chagrined expression that hurt Celestia more than any curse or sword could hope to.

"It still doesn't change the fact that he's dangerous, Luna. Especially with his reliance on that crystal, if your scrying spell is even the slightest bit accurate," the Sun Princess tried once more to salvage this argument, but Luna was having none of it.

"Am I not dangerous as well, sister?" Luna asked with a sideways glance. "And are you not also? Isn't Twilight Sparkle herself dangerous?"

"Yes, but we three possess the self-control necessary to wield such power. Volare does not."

"How can you be so sure, Tia?"

"Humans are the most self-destructive species we've ever encountered, Luna," Celestia pressed, eager to bring this quarrel to a swift conclusion. But again, the Moon Goddess stood firm in the defense of her friend.

"So what? Has he expressed any of those tendencies since he's been here outside of the odd disagreement or squabble that all normal ponies go through?" Luna trotted around so that Celestia had no choice but to look at her again. "In my heart I believe him to be different. He has close friends and loved ones. He's not malicious and ruthless. He's not isolated himself in the slightest in spite of the difficulties he's faced since arriving here," Luna insisted, feeling that she was on the cusp of winning this fight for her friend.
"He'e even put his life on the line multiple times and shown no sign of self-centered behavior. You just need to give him a chance and you'll see. He-"

"No," Celestia state plainly, shooting down Luna's best argument yet in mid-sentence. "It's too much of a risk, and that's that."

"But he just-"

"No, Luna! I'm only trying to prevent what you and I both know will eventually happen," Celestia implored. But instead of extinguishing Luna's stubbornly loyal fires, she merely stoked them. Luna dug in her hooves even further and matched her sister with renewed vigor of her own.

"One pony, Tia," Luna shot back, her lip curled into a snarl of angry denial. "Just one is all we have to go by as an example!"

"And wasn't he enough to handle?!" Celestia countered, the thunder suddenly back in her voice once more. "Do you really want to take that sort of chance again? Don't forget what he nearly did to you. What he did do to me!" She turned her neck, exposing the jagged remains of a centuries-old scar beneath her right ear normally covered by her flowing mane.

"You throw those old wounds at me as if I don't remember?! As if I don't recall you being struck down by the King of Fear, leaving me to stand against him on my own?" Luna bowed her head for a moment, recalling that dark day, ashamed at what she eventually had to resort to in order to win the battle.
"That day, I fought not for Equestria, but for you, sister." She looked up again, tears in her eyes. "Does that mean nothing to you?"

"I never said that," Celestia insisted, her outer shell softened by her younger sister's tears as the memories of what happened next came flooding back.
The Northern Empire
The Elements
A Dark Laboratory far, far away from Canterlot
On the Longest Day of the Thousandth Year...
"We both had to resort to terrible things of our own accord due to those Carbuncles and the fallout of their usage," Celestia blinked away her own hot tears that leaked from under her lashes, trying to remain strong even now. Trying not to break down in front of her little sister who had looked up to her for so, so long. "I just don't want to face those nightmares again."

"And we won't have to, Tia," Luna cautiously made her way over and laid a tentative wing along her sister's back, shocked to find that she was shaking like a leaf in a gale. As angry as she was with her for behavior beneath her stature, Luna remembered that despite her age and title, Celestia was still very much only pony. Draping the wing further over her back, she gave her the gentlest of hugs and a smile. "I'll tell you again: I truly feel that Volare is different, sister."

"How so?" Celestia queried, still shaking and blinking away her tears though now she leaned into her sister's embrace a bit. "He told me of all the horrible and destructive things that humans have created since we last interacted with them. Sky machines called 'jets' that carry guns that spit fire and lead, and bombs that can level whole cities in an instant." Celestia looked up into Luna's eyes with an expression of horror. "It was worse than any magic that Sombra or any other pony has ever used in this world. If they ever somehow found a way over here-"

"Hush now," Luna shook her head and laid a feathertip over her sister's lips. "You and I know both know that's impossible. Merely arriving here nearly killed him, and it's only due to all the luck in the stars that he crashed into the very living room of the only pony in Equestria that could save him-and then only after nearly ending him herself with a transmogrification spell." Luna chuckled lightly despite the morbidity of the situation. "But bringing those machines and their weapons here, unless we intend to or they find a way to perform Unicorn magic themselves is not possible."

"How can you be sure?" Celestia sniffed.

"If humans had any inclination to come here before, if they're so scientifically advanced, don't you feel like they would have done so already? Besides, do you truly feel, despite whatever Volare bragged about being able to do in a plane, that he'd desire to unleash that horror on Equestria? Sounds more to me like you scared him into posturing in order to get you to back off-am I right?" Luna's question doused much of her sister's anxiety, though only for a moment. "Haha, you and I both know that you've got a bit of a bad habit of throwing your regal weight around to make a point-"

"Did he tell you he wants to return home?" Celestia's question caught the Moon Princess off guard, and she cocked her head curiously.

"And just how does he propose to do that?"

"I'm not sure," Celestia frowned, now halfway worried for both her country's safety as well as Volare's. "Perhaps he thinks Rainbow Dash can aid him somehow."

"Surely not via the Sonic Rainboom again?" Luna gasped in horror. "But it could kill him! What in the wide world of Equestria would possess him to want to risk such a thing again?!"

"Again, I'm not sure," Celestia lied, having been told by Twilight of his plans to say goodbye and tie up loose ends. But if Luna was worried enough about her friend's safety, perhaps she'd see reason this way and hinder him from leaving as well.
This is quite the scummy scheme, Celestia, she thought to herself. But if it's the only way to keep my little ponies safe...then so be it

"He shouldn't go," Luna shook her head as she paced in place for a moment. "I mean, maybe between Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle they can figure something out for him but...I just don't know."

"I'm sure you can sort that out with him," Celestia proposed. "I mean, it's not as though he likely wants much to do with me right now, all things considered..." And with that, she believed to have finally buried their little spat as well as put the onus on Luna to do the right thing and keep Volare here in Equestria. However, today had proved that the Stewardess of the Moon was nothing if not a persistent Princess as well as a discerning one.

"Nice try, Tia," Luna's words caused Celestia to cock a brow. "No, don't play dumb. I know exactly what you were trying to do just there-nearly fell for it, in fact. Although I was born in the day, it wasn't yesterday-even though I run the night. But that's irrelevant," Celestia rolled her eyes at her sister's attempt at witty slang. "This is a problem you've created with Volare, and thus is a problem only you can solve. That said, hear me loud and clear this one time: I will not tolerate you leap-frogging over the law to suit your personal agendas. Is that clear, Tia?"

"Oh fine," Celestia muttered. "Crystal."
Cryyyyyystaaaaaallllssssss.... The recollection of that serpent-like hiss of a voice sent a chill between Celestia's wings, and she visibly shivered.
Please...not again...
And then what came after...the thought of her faithful student falling like he had as well...it was just too much.

"Sister, listen," Luna pleaded, pressing the advantage at sensing her sibling finally faltering in her stubborn defense.
"I know not the exact details of what was discussed between you and Volare today. And yes, while I will agree that humans have increased their propensity and capability for destruction a hundredfold or more since we last interacted with them, does it not speak even higher of Volare's character that he chooses to not act upon those urges that worry you so badly? Who's to say that like ponies, perhaps exceptions exist with these humans as well?"

"Yes, but," Celestia trailed off, still undecided about how she felt about this whole situation. Luna made an excellent point there: he'd only fought back against her when his back was against the wall and she'd threatened just as much violence in return. And only after she'd threatened to take Scootaloo away from him. In that instance he was nothing more than a cornered and terrified animal doing what came naturally...how horrible I must seem to him she bit her lip to fend off the hot tears once more as the weight of her words finally struck her full force. Oh stars and novas...What have I done?

"-he's not unlike us in that regard," Luna's thoughts broke through Celestia's sorrowful ruminations.

"How do you mean?"

"That he has the capability to wield such destruction, but has enough morality and self-control to choose not to use it," Luna smiled and nudged her sister with a wingtip. "For wasn't that your argument earlier?"

"Yes, but-"

"And," the Moon Princess pushed further, feeling victory within her grasp. "Why wouldn't that self-control translate to that crystal he's become dependent upon to survive due to his unique situation?"

"But Luna, we've seen what it can do," Celestia gnawed further upon her lip in worry, tasting copper as her mind flew through the possible scenarios; from everything being perfectly fine to Volare destroying half of Ponyville. Those crystals, while amplifying Sombra's strength, caused him to become deranged and power-mad. They never had enough time or the wherewithal to ask him why he did what he did-they barely had the chance to stop him before his influence spread beyond the Crystal Empire he'd founded. And since they didn't even know what Volare's talent was they had no idea how to predict what that crystal would eventually do to him.
"I just don't want-"

"You don't want him to suffer the same fate," Luna interjected knowingly. "Nor his friends or Twilight Sparkle to share in it. You're afraid of it happening again, as am I. But we-"

"You say you understand, Luna," Celestia shook her bowed head, blood now dribbling from her broken lower lip, down her chin, and into her flowing mane. "But you don't. You couldn't understand what I went through," she raised her gaze to meet her sister's and Luna was shocked at how tear-reddened her eyes were.
"Not against Sombra, whom we fought together and yes-you defeated alone. But what came after. The fallout of his terror..." Celestia trailed off.

"Nightmare Moon," Luna broke the pregnant silence in a voice just above a whisper. Nothing more needed to be said after that. For a moment, both sisters relived those dark days that followed, how they grew further and further apart due to Sombra's words and influence upon the Moon Princess. Or at least, that's how Luna knew it. Celestia alone knew the real truth behind her sister's transformation, or at least, she knew more than she'd ever let on. For her sister's sake, she'd buried it. Erased it from the history books to keep her safe when she returned.
On the longest day of the thousandth year...
To this day she'd kept that secret from the public, and even her own sister knew only the barest of details.

"You don't understand what it was like to have to banish your own flesh and blood and then have to bear that secret for over a thousand years by your lonesome," Celestia wiped her bloody mouth with a hoof and sniffed. "How heavy of a weight that was to bear."

"But you were deceived, or so you told me," Luna laid a gentle wing about her sister's shaking shoulders. Poor Tia. Normally so strong and fierce, but now...suns and meteors, what did you endure for so long!?
"It wasn't your fault. You couldn't have known the ramifications of using the Elements of Harmony that way."

"Yes it was my fault," Celestia was near the breaking point now. Although Luna had been back for some time, she'd never confided these feelings with her sister until now. There just hadn't been time or reason to. "I should have known better! About the Elements...about you...about Volare...I-I should have known better about everything!"

And with that, the dam burst. The Princess of the Sun, so calm and so collected for so many centuries, could no longer bear it. The day's terrible events-interrogating Volare, threatening to separate him from the adoptive sister he clearly loved so much, scaring the living daylights out of him via immolation for crimes he was innocent of outside of her own paranoid mind, and now very nearly going to war with her own sister for such an act-were the final breeze blown upon a shaky house of cards.
Celestia broke down into full-on body-heaving, choking sobs. If she wasn't roiling in such painful and mortified sorrow, her mind might have never believed that such an otherwise insignificant mortal Pegasus could bring her to her knees in such a way; her public court image of composed wisdom shattered into innumerable shards. The Alicorn tented her wings over her face and cried into her pinions, blood from her mouth mixing with tears and mucus into a slurry of complete shamefaced despair. How could she ever be forgiven for what she'd done?

For a long, long moment, the Sun Princess grieved alone; just as abandoned and solitary as she'd been for a full millennium. For how could mortal ponies understand? How could she explain how isolated she'd felt for so long? But it didn't last, ending with the arrival of her sibling's warm hooves and wings wrapping about her. Luna held her close, wordlessly letting Celestia weep for what seemed like hours until she was sure that nothing more remained to leak from her sore, red-rimmed eyes.

"Tia," Luna began softly, conjuring a napkin to dab at her sister's ruined lip while gently brushing her mane out of her eyes. "Why must you heap such a burden upon yourself?" Celestia glanced up at Luna; at the sad pitiful smile upon her sister's face. "Why?"

"B-because," Celestia stammered before halting, taking a deep breath to steady her voice. "Because my little ponies need me to be strong and be there for them. To protect them no matter the personal cost." Her voice nearly broke once more, but there was nothing left to cry-she barely managed to swallow past her sore throat as she wiped at her muzzle, her white hoof coming away streaked with crimson from her chewed lip. Her vision blurred a bit as she stared at the blood standing out so brazenly upon her fur, and she was reminded of the bloodshed that followed her Luna's banishment. How it stood out in contrast to the peace she thought she'd gained through her unwilling sacrifice of her own little sister.
But no...that had only been the beginning. Her vision swam further and she suddenly felt light-headed; she would have fainted if not for Luna grasping her hoof and pulling her back from the brink.

"Sister, they're my little ponies too," Luna affirmed with a squeeze of her hoof, hugging her tightly and fighting back more tears of her own. "I'm sorry I had to go away for so long."

"But I-"

"Shhhh, no buts now," Luna shook her head, pressing the napkin over Celestia's mouth and rocking her gently. Ironic, considering how often she used to do this for me, she reminisced. Her older sister had always been there for her, but now it was her turn. "I'm here now. I've only returned for a short time, but I'm back now, and I'm not going anywhere again. I promise: you won't have to shoulder this burden by yourself ever again."

"Oh Luna!" Celestia broke into fresh sobs and buried her face in her sister's starry mane once more, somehow managing to eek out a few more tears in the process.

I'm glad I locked the door when I barged in, Luna thought, none too keen on the Royal Guard wandering in out of curiosity to check on the Royal Sisters and seeing Celestia in such a state.
"It's alright. It's ok," Luna repeated softly, stroking a hoof through her sister's mane, simply letting her cry out what remained of over a thousand year's worth of insecurity. Eventually, Celestia's hiccuping sobs slowed to soft snuffles, all the while keeping her face buried within the hollow of her little sister's shoulder; too ashamed to even look up and see the light of the very Sun she'd managed for so long by herself. In comparison this task seemed so small, but in truth within the Sun Princess' heart, it dwarfed even that.

"How do I fix this, Luna?" Celestia mumbled into her younger sibling's shoulder before looking up, her normally calm eyes now a wide-lidded burning bloodshot cerise, the pupils twitching about in much the same way as a terrified and cornered animal would. Searching for escape but finding no easy exit; only a monumental task that shook their owner to her very core.

Likely how Volare was, Luna thought before shaking the smugness from her mind and grasping Celestia in the most sisterly hug she could possibly muster. Loving but firm, as was her advice.
"Only you can answer that question, sister. As you and I have both come to agree, I was never there during your argument, and I'm fairly certain that the last thing Volare would want would to be brought news that his very existence here nearly caused another violent rift like between Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle."
His refusal to tell me the truth earlier seemed to be proof enough of that.
"And so, the fewer ponies he believes to be involved, the better I'd estimate. But if you can protect Equestria for a thousand years by your lonesome then surely you can find a way to resolve this. I have faith in you, Tia."

Celestia stared at her, incredulity and defeat upon her features at this news. "But I just...I can't...I don't know how to-" the Sun Princess was suddenly cut off by a hoof to the shoulder and a playful smile from Luna that so shockingly contrasted with the whole situation that all Celestia could do was stare for a moment. "Luna, what are-"

"Heh, come now. If you can forgive me for trying to block out the Sun and bring everlasting night to Equestria, surely you can find a way to mend this situation," the Moon Princess chuckled, trying her best to stoke the fires of confidence that she knew were still smoldering deep within her sister's soul. Despite being dampened by tears and trepidation, she feared that if she didn't reignite them, her sister may not ever be the same again.

"Yes, but that was none of your fault," Celestia protested. "I shouldn't have placed my fame and glory over your needs for so long."

"Are we still arguing about water so far under the bridge that it's practically in Tartarus by now?" Luna shook her luminous mane and took to her her hooves, offering a hoof of her own down to her still-reclining sister which she finally took after a moment and allowed Luna to haul her upright. "There is nothing more for me to forgive you for than what I already have. But if you're wallowing in so much self-pity right now that only my words will hold enough weight to suffice, than here they are once more: I forgive you, Tia. Nothing more needs to be said about it." Luna smiled and squeezed her sister's slim shoulder with a hoof.
"I mean you literally changed the history books to make sure I'd have a safe home to return to. As irksome as that was, I understand the intent behind it. What more could you possibly have done to earn my forgiveness?"

"Heh, I suppose you're right," Celestia sniffed and finally chanced a tiny smile. "That was a hell of a difficult thing to pull off, you know."

"And for so awfully long," Luna nodded and grinned, her pity replaced by a sense of awe at how long her sibling had kept up such a charade by her lonesome without cracking under the strain. How she kept the truth a secret until the very last possible moment, and how even now much of it was still hidden from the public eye. She had no idea how she could possibly repay Celestia for such an act, but cutting her some slack for her threats towards her friend while suffering from so much stress seemed to be a fair enough start.
"And I'm eternally grateful for what you've done for me. But Tia," Luna's smile faded a bit as squeezed her sister's shoulder tighter. "This isn't about me. It never was. This is about how you're going to make things right between yourself and Volare. Just you and your little pony."

"But how do I do that?" Celestia pulled away from her sister's grasp, her face no longer pitiful despite her bloody lip and the remnants of mucus covering her muzzle. Her face contorted not in fear but in deep thought as she ran the options through her mind. "How can he possibly understand what happened without context that not even our own citizens are aware of?"

"He doesn't need to know every little detail about why you nearly burned him to a crisp," Luna's comment, while flippant, was supported by another hoof to Celestia's shoulder that assuaged the white Alicorn somewhat.

"That's true," Celestia nodded, debate raging internally within. On the one hoof, she could tell him everything, but then Luna wouldn't be safe unless she swore him to secrecy.
Fat chance of him trusting me enough for that to happen.
On the other, if she only told him part of the truth, he might get curious and go digging. That on its own wasn't necessarily what worried her; it was more if he found the truth on his own without the proper guidance to teach him the context that she feared. Much the same with Twilight Sparkle a few years ago when she was given the barest of bread crumbs that led her to Ponyville at quite literally the eleventh hour before Nightmare Moon's return...she'd have to be cautious in the knowledge she disseminated. But perhaps there was a middle path...

"Tia, are you alright?" Luna nudged her sister. "You were muttering like Volare there for a moment."

"Haha, not even slightly amusing," Celestia cocked a brow.

"You're more alike than you realize, you know," Luna continued, wary of her sister levitating a weighty pillow over her shoulder. "Perhaps you could talk about that."

"We're about to me more alike than you can imagine," Celstia snarked back, waving the pillow threateningly, but the smile on her face belied the rekindled fires blazing within. The Sun Princess had returned, and she had a plan now. "Luna, thank you so much for setting me back on the straight and narrow. But I think I've got it from here."

"If you say so, sister," Luna smiled and turned on her hoof to leave, but not before quipping: "Shall I have the Canterlot weather team stand by in case of a sudden fire?" She took the expected pillow to the back of her head in stride before cantering out of the room with a giggle, glad she was able to save her friend Volare from her sister, but also her sister from herself.
Meanwhile, unseen by either Royal Sister and lost among the sudden poof of down feathers from the pillow case, a single black pinion fluttered down from a high open window in the south wall of the Lodgings-the only evidence that a certain white-necked raven had borne witness to the near-catastrophic encounter hidden from the rest of the eyes of Equestria.
But not for long...

--------------------A Few Hours Later-------------------

"Hrrrraaaaah," Spike gave a toothy yawn and wiped his eyes with a claw, glancing out the front door of "The Posh Salad" at the nearly 30 foot tall sundial in the center of the city's middle ward square. He didn't really even need to see it to tell that it was getting late in the afternoon-the sinking sun told him all that-he really just needed to confirm it for himself before speaking up. "Sooooo, anypony wanna take a bet on what's holding Twilight up?"

"H-hruh?" Volare shook himself out of his doze, groaning as he realized his empty flagon would do nothing for the dry lips he needed to smack together to get working. "What's up, Spike?"

"Oh nothing, just wondering where the burning hay Twilight is, is all," Spike snorted smoke and crossed his claws, fuming over how hard he'd had to fight to get them a table while corralling Scootaloo hours ago. If it weren't for the fact that Faber kept ordering hard cider (literally the only alcoholic refreshment in the entire establishment), they might have gotten tossed out for practically squatting at the best table on the veranda.

"Ach, ye know, naow tha' Ah come ta-hic-think o' it," Faber spoke up from behind a stack of empty cider flagons so massive that it quite literally blocked out the sight of the blacksmith. "Ah haven't seen 'er since yesterday. Where did she go again?"

"I'll give you the short version," Volare replied, glancing at the somehow still-snoozing Scootaloo. She must have really run Spike ragged to be this tuckered out still. Poor guy. "We found this big map in her old Library Tower that was illustrated from multiple explorers' journals and points of view. But to make sense of it all, I had to retrieve this big book from the Archives called The Rhyme of the Equetic Mariners. It-"

"Pfaaaww-ye found what?!" Faber suddenly exclaimed, wiping the cider spittle from his muzzle as he leaned around the stack of flagons. "Did mah ears lie ta me, or did ye say ye found Tha Rhyme?"

"Y-you know it?" Volare cocked a brow at his outburst, glancing back at Scootloo-still asleep.

"Know it? Ah was raised on stories from it, lad. How else ye think Ah got tha wild hair oop me arse ta strike oot on me own?" Faber grinned.

"I heard it was cuz you were broke and got kicked out," Spike muttered, but despite being buzzed, Faber heard his snark.

"Oi ye wee briquette, hush yer yap," the great blue smith growled. "Ah didn't leave because Ah was broke! Ah can't go back because Ah was broke! Learn tha difference afore ye part yer fangs an' gossip about meh!"

Alright alright, sheesh-sorry," Spike patted the air with his claws. "Just frustrated cuz Twilight's taking so long is all. Sorry."

"Eh, it's alright. Ah see yer side of it, Spike," Faber settled back down, the bench creaking as he leaned back on it and stretched. "Did ye send 'er a message or summit?"

"Kinda; I sent a Guard for her after I got the table reserved. But that was literally like 3 hours ago," Spike scuffed the ground with a hindclaw. "I'm sure she's fine, it's just...ugh, she's always on me for not being punchy."

"I think you mean punctual. You're plenty punchy already, buddy," Volare chuckled.

"You know, you're literally playing with fire, dude," Spike crossed his claws and squinted fiercely, or as fiercely as a baby dragon could come across as.

"Mhm, and you're proving my point," the pilot replied with a playful smirk.

"You know, if you weren't my friend and the reservations this tough to get, I'd kick your butt, Volare," Spike balled up his fists, though only in play.

"Pfft, he's already had 'is arse thrashed a half-dozen times at least since he came 'ere, Spike. So Ah would't put much merit on joining that little list," Faber laughed, drawing a incredulous looks from the pilot and baby dragon.

"Hey Spike-truce for like 2 seconds?"

"Heh, sure thing," the baby dragon grinned toothily. But before the brawl could commence, a blinding flash of light filled the restaurant and a loud POP signaled the teleporting arrival of none other than Twilight Sparkle herself. She was levitating a large bunch of notes as well as the map book and The Rhyme, and pieces of paper fluttered out of the stack as she tried to gather herself, obviously flustered by her tardiness.

"Oh holy horsefeathers, I'm sorry I'm so late! I swear it's only because I got caught up in studying Pintogarus' geometric theorems that might help us with figuring out the distance to the moon!"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down Twi," Volare waved his hooves, beckoning the panting bookworm to take a seat on a bench, which she gladly did. "You're acting like you ran a marathon or something! Wait, why do we need to know about-"

"Oh right, uh," Twilight started to flip through the notes, thought better of it, and leaned across the table and looked uncomfortably deeply into Volare's eyes, her own violet orbs containing more than a tinge of mad scientist at the moment.

"Uh, Twi...?" the pilot breathed, making sure the crystal sphere was still dangling around his neck, which it was. "What's going on? What happened up in the-"

"Volare, this is gonna sound nuckin' futs, but..."

Oh crap, now what? And she's using Earth slang now, the Pegasus swallowed hard.

"Do you believe in the supernatural? Like, ghosts and things of that nature?" Twilight's question was so far out of left field that Volare didn't even know how to react, while Faber was simply confused and Spike wondered if Twilight had finally read one book too many. But one pony in particular reacted in quite the opposite way: with extreme excitement.

"Whoa, I love ghost stories!" a small raspy voice declared, drawing everypony's attention to the formerly snoozing orange fluffball sitting upright in her chair, small wings flapping and purple eyes blazing with youthful enthusiasm.

"You gotta be kidding me," Spike face-clawed as the bartender, recognizing Scootaloo and having heard of the Cutie Mark Crusaders' exploits even as far as Canterlot, hung up his Out For Lunch sign and hoofed it out the door as fast as he could. He figured if he didn't bear witness, he couldn't be implicated and have to stand trial for whatever destruction might be imminent.

Nice to know Murphy is alive and well, Volare winced internally, hoping against all hope that if Twilight did have a tale about ghosts and the supernatural, that it was good enough to keep Scootaloo occupied-for The Posh Salad's sake if anything.


Author's Note:

Big recap blog can be found here: Recap Blog

*Laminitis is an infection of the hoof in horses and cattle that can be caused by extreme lack of activity or movement, especially in obese animals.

Comments ( 159 )

Im crying fight now

Holy shit, an update!

*starts reading*

An update! Guess I can finally start reading this.

Any chance of a recap?

The feeling is mutual. It's like 2013 all over again :fluttercry::heart:

Oh crap I forgot to add that to the notes!
I'll fix it and add the blog post :twilightsheepish:

*Sees blue angel has a new chapter after a few YEARS*

Got it up right here: Recap Blog

I thought about this story yesterday thinking "Huh I wonder if that updated yet?"

The universe is funny sometimes

I'm going to read this, 792k is too good to pass up. I must say, I'm impressed to see something come back after 4 years hiatus. let us see what all the fuss is about, yes?

Edit* No human tag? A relic of this thing's age? I do like works from 2012, they have a fresher feel to them somehow.


So if I understand this correctly, the "Plan" is leading up to a coup d'etat by the descendants of the unicorns who used to raise the Sun and Moon, in an effort to regain power over Equestria. And Celestia's meltdown somehow plays into that. Why do I get the feeling that at some point, somepony's going to come up with some trumped-up litany of "reasons" for why the Sisters should be deposed and present that to the general public? Either way, this is not gonna end well.

That's the first wave of bronies that were professionals and/or late high school or collage age, people that had the time to create superb works of literature. Unfortunately I have personally watched some of the best authors of that wave go idle and their unfinished stories just died. I was shocked when I saw this come back. I wish the author good luck, this would be the first story I've seen on this sight that would reach 1,000,000 words.

Funny, I had been wondering about this story recently and poof! new chapter, praise Celestia! :trollestia:
Edit: flipping waiting 4 years on an update, think that's the longest wait yet, usually other stories I've read would be like 2 year waiting times, example being This magic moment, least I think that was the name of the story I'm thinking of :rainbowlaugh:

Aye, those first works were either very, very good, or very, very bad. Anyone writing pony fics in 2012 was doing it for the sheer joy of creation, certainly not for the vast audience.

And if its million word fics you want, I can suggest some. Appledashery by Just Essay is a very slow-burning romance. Legacy by Nfire is action, adventure, and has a very subtle, sly sense of humor. and never forget the longest of all, the multi-story Austraeoh epic by Imploding Colon. Though reading Austraeoh isn't something you do lightly, you gotta take your time. That thing's far too long to binge.

I'll check those out! Thanks. :twilightsmile:

Have fun! See you sometime next month!

Wow, all the good stories are getting surprise updates recently.

Necromancers must be on the loose.

I legit gasped out loud seeing this updated, this was the first big story I read on the site. Time to reread again!


Story still irks me with what you did to Twilight, but welcome back to the world of writing, and good luck on sticking to it till the end.

Well, time to go back and read the whole thing again so I can remember what happens. See you guys at chapter 1

*Deep, deep breath*

What. The. Fuck.

Blue “Angel” my fucking ass—it took only three god damn days for Jesus Christ to revive himself! But this took 4 years! Since when did God nerf angels so hard?! This shits fucking game breaking, man!

God fucking damn...

The light has been shown us the way, and we must follow it.

I hope you know that Just Essay and Imploding colon are just some of the other accounts of shorskirtanexplotion, author of the famous The End of Ponies and Background Pony.

But of course, no one else has such a gift for characterization, or such a fascination with finding the chapter limit on a story.

"Ooh, a new update. I wonder what story it is."

And now I have to re-read almost 800k words to remember what the hell is going on.... Awesome.

Oh shiiiiit, a fucking update? I'm dropping everything! Time to relive this shit! :D

A wild new chapter has appeared

"Shhhh, no buts now,"

No tears now, only dreams.

On a more serious note, this chapter addressed a lot of the issues I'd had with Celestia. Or at least I think it did if I'm remembering the story correctly.

It's good to see this is back, and the plot is moving forward on multiple fronts.

Wow, did not expect an update but i am pleasantly surprised :pinkiehappy:

You reading my notes? :trollestia:

I'll never tell. :trollestia:

Welp it's been to long since i last read this so now I have to reread the entire thing again, wooo:pinkiecrazy:

Seriously thought you died O_O I might have to re-read this I barely remember how it went.

Ok don't post too much. But this right here was one of the first stories that ever drew me into this fandom. I've always hoped it would be updated and man you know what they say about faith... too much drives you crazy. But in all seriousness it was great to see this updated and, like the rest of the story, is a great read.

I...I...I...cant even begin to describe how I feel right now. ^^

There is only one thing left to be said...

:pinkiegasp: It's alive!

I loved the chapter :twilightsmile:

It's alive!

I'm going to have to restart this, it's been so long I can't recall the story.

I actually shed a tear when I saw the chapter.
and the wait was sooo worth it too.

Have some Sogno di Volare!

Huh, I did recall most of this story still. I guess being (a bit too?) into it all those years back might be the reason for that.
But, so glad it lives.

The banter between Celestia and Luna was great. I was worried you were going to take a more, uh, 1000-years-ago kind of approach, but instead we got some great bonding. I don't know how you manage to keep this many characters in the loop, and still give them proper character development; yet somehow it's right there.

Even if a lot of things have changed since the last chapter, this story continues to entertain me, and I'll gladly continue reading.
As if there ever was any doubt.

This story... From good to worse to worse to worse... Well I guess personal preferences and such. Best of luck on your endeavour regardless.

Holy horse apples, been waitin awhile for this too update, great chapter btw. You gonna keep making new chapters? Seriously its awesome to see this going again.

And now to wait another 4 years for the next chapter...


so glad this Warrior of a novel woke up from its coma, i never gave up hope of its triumphant return

wow what a chapter totally awesome.
i can see things are going to be interesting some time in the next few years when the next chapter comes out. :pinkiehappy: :scootangel:

Holy shit an update! I..... I can't remember much about this story actually....... shit happens when you've read 300+ different stories.

So i guess i have an entire story to reread.

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