• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Games Ponies Play/ Just for Sidekicks

*Sonic's POV*

After being informed by Twilight about the Equestria Games, I got quite curious about it when Danyelle had burped up a letter from Mario.

Danyelle spoke "Whoa. He and some of the others in his world are joining too."

I spoke "Hold on Dany, this is probably the selection as to what city will be hosting the Games this year."

Twilight spoke "He's right Danyelle."

Danyelle spoke "Oh, right."

Opaline asks "What's the Equestria Games?"

Twilight asks "You don't know?"

Midnight spoke "We don't since it wasn't a thing back in Skyros."

Danyelle spoke "We Mobians and Poké-Mobians had the Olympic Games which had a larger variety of sports, including horseback riding."

The ponies were weirded out by that.

Danyelle spoke "And given that the 2024 Olympics are held in France, I think it would cause problems for the Equestria Games."

I spoke "I hadn't thought about that... I'll talk to my grandparents, Great Aunt Celestia as well as Great Uncles Tama and Toga about it."

I teleported off to Canterlot as the others got aboard the train to the Crystal Empire.

*Canterlot Castle*

I waved to the guards on duty as I headed to the throne room.

I just hope all goes well. I then got into the throne room.

Soarin spoke "Oh hey boss, I was just talking about you."

“Hey, Soarin.” I smiled.

Luna was giggling.

I spoke "Soarin, you don't have to call me boss though."

Soarin spoke "Hey, you're the one who married Spitfire so you just have to deal with it."

Couldn’t help but facepalm at that.

Flare was suddenly on my head since she had teleported via Chaos Control.

Soarin asks "Hey boss, who's that on your head?"

"Flare, one of my daughters." I answered.

Flare spoke "Daddy!"

"Hehe, maybe you could be like an uncle to her, Soarin." I noted.

Soarin asks "You sure about that Boss?"

I playfully punched Soarin's shoulder at that with a chuckle. "C'mon, Clipper. You're one of the best pegasi I know."

Soarin chuckles "Then there's Rainbow Dash, she's only a Wonderbolt because she married me."

"Yep. She's like a sister to me." I added.

Soarin chuckles "Not to mention your rival since she's the fastest mare alive."

"Heh, how many rivals does that make for me again?" I wondered.

Soarin spoke "In speed alone, there's Rainbow and Shadow."

Then Celestia showed up.


Celestia sigh "Here we go again."

I ask "Does this happen often?"

Celestia spoke "Having a big family can get chaotic, even without Discord interfering."

I spoke "Don't remind me Celestia... Especially with the amount of wives AND kids I have.... But worries me right now is the Equestria Games. Given that the 2024 Olympics are happening in France back in my world, I fear both events might overlap."

Luna spoke "Least I have it easy sister, my husband would never take another mare."


Danyelle was talking to Blitz via telepathy.

Danyelle asks "{Do you know anything about an orphaned demon fox named Shippo?}"

Blitzo spoke "{Huh? Kid just up and vanished, so people thought he was dead.}"

Danyelle spoke "{No, Shippo's still alive since he's an above-ground demon. I meant his parents. From what I know, his father was killed by demons but I know nothing about the little guy's mother.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Hey, no one talks about it, so it's not like I'm gonna find anything.}"

Danyelle spoke "{I got it! Maybe you could ask Shippo's dad about it since he's now in Tartarus.}"

Blitzo spoke "{He'll be lucky if I find him and he wasn't already exterminated.}"

A male demon fox barks "{WATCH IT YOU ASS!!!}"

Danyelle spoke "{Talk about timing.}"

A new mental connection latches onto the active one.

Clarity asks "{Is this a bad time?}"

Danyelle spoke "{No.}"

Clarity spoke "{I was talking to Blitz, not you Danyelle.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Sorry.}"

Clarity spoke "{Stupid Mew.}"

Danyelle spoke "{Stupid mare-bitch!}"

Blitzo spoke "{You two calm the fuck down!}"

Danyelle and Clarity snap "{STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS BLITZ!!!}"

The two cut the connection after a new one latched on.

I spoke "{Sorry about my cousin and my adopted sister. They bicker a lot.}"

Blitzo scoffs "{*Sarcastically* Oh, that was your first clue, bucko?}"

I sigh "{Don't make me go Darkspine on your sorry ass. That aside, how did your nine-tailed wife end up in Tartarus anyway?}"

Blitzo spoke "{Hey, I don't know how a demon died for real in the living world and ended up down here when said demon's already one in the first place.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Sorry, but killing demons in the living world isn't a part of I.M.P's business.}"

I spoke "{Well, there are demon hunters on the surface though but they only go after dangerous demons.}"

Blitzo asks "{Lemme guess, they're humans and Mobians?}"

I spoke "{Well, Sango's a Mobian fox but sadly her father, her brother and fellow demon slayers were killed... Miroku's father died because of a curse. I heard rumors that Kagome lost her dad when she was little and Inuyasha's mother died of unknown reasons. As for my great uncle Toga, many lesser demons thought he had died of serious wounds but his death was averted by Zoey.}"

Blitzo spoke "{Ya coulda just said yes or no.}"

I spoke "{Oh, most of the new generation of demon slayers are Mobians. Some are Poké-Mobians though.}"

But then a strange ninja approached me. "Pardon me, but are you Sonic Ogami?"

I spoke "{I'll talk to you later Blitz, someone's talking to me.}"

After cutting the connection, I turn to face the male.

I spoke "I am."

Flare asks "Who you?"

The delivery ninja spoke "My name is 762-38."

Roll soon shows up with Lance, Jazz and Volt.

Roll gasps "Brother Robert? Is that you?"

The delivery ninja was so caught off guard he comically fell onto his back.

Jazz and her brothers burst into a fit of laughter.

But then smoke erupted from the ninja before it faded, revealing him to be a hedgefox Mobian just like Roll.

Roll giggles "You never change bro."

Robert spoke "Why must you say my real name like that? I'm a delivery ninja now."

Roll soon has her twin brother in a headlock while giving him a noogie.

Roll spoke "I'm your older twin sister for Amaterasu's sake! I know my younger twin's name!"

"Wait, you're a kunoichi?" I asked in confusion.

Roll spoke "*sigh* Guess the cat's out of the bag now... I am indeed a kunoichi since the Sakurai clan are ninjas."

Robert spoke "*Ahem!* Anyway, I have a letter from the Hidden Mist Village and the Hidden Leaf Village."

Roll asks "Is it about the Sakurai clan?"

Robert spoke "Actually, it's about the upcoming events."

I spoke "Oh right, the Equestria Games and the Olympics."

Robert spoke "Yes, I was informed of them before being handed these letters, and do not worry, I haven't looked inside them."

I spoke "Abut that, the Equestria Games and the Olympics happen in the same month so it might be a problem. And since I'm royalty, I have to sit with my family throughout the Equestria Games."

Robert asks "*While giving me the letters* Who says they can't be combined?"

I spoke "I kinda weirded Twilight and the other ponies out when I mentioned horseback riding."

Roll asks "They're equines, whaddya expect?"

I spoke "That aside, these four are some of my kids. The triplets are Lance, Jazz and Volt while the foal on my head is Flare Blitz."

Robert asks "Hmm?"

I spoke "Guess you haven't heard the news about me yet. Including Roll, I have nine wives in total."

Roll spoke "*Teasing* Soon to be ten."

I spoke "Knock it off Roll! It's bad enough Moltry and Zephyr are legendary Poké-Mobians."

Roll giggles "And your grandparents are legends themselves. Quite fitting if you ask me, blue boy. *Purr!*"

I spoke "Not in front of the kids..."

Roll giggles "Sorry. You know how the ladies and I just love to mess with you, baby."

I chuckle "Good thing none of the chakats have taken an interest in me."

Jazz spoke "Don't jinx it dad."

“Huh?” I asked in confusion.

Roll giggles "I heard from Spitfire that Swiftrunner's got a crush on you dear."

Couldn’t help but facepalm. “Me and my big mouth.”

Roll spoke "Yep, number’s going up to double one."

Soarin chuckles "Wow boss, you are such a ladies man!"

“If I somehow get to 20, then lightning strike me.” I sighed.

Soarin was on his back while laughing.

“Yeah yeah, yak it up, Soarin.” I groaned.

Jazz giggles "Well Swiftrunner is quite fast though but shi's nowhere near as fast as you are dad."

I notice something digging underground since the tiles were getting shuffled about.

I spoke "You might as well show yourself Bugs Bunny."

A cartoony hole appeared as a rabbit came out. “Meh, what’s up, doc?”

I chuckle "Not much. I heard rumors on the grapevine that you and Lola got married."

Bugs spoke "Yeah, and she has a job at the place I’m working at. Also, school at where I work will start back up next season."

Bugs somehow winked at nothing.

I spoke "*sweatdrop* You're just as looney as Pinkie and Deadpool."

Bugs chuckles "I’m a cartoon, whaddya expect? George Burns?"

I spoke "Just, watch out for Ein and Pierce. They're a pair of idiots."

Bugs spoke "Bet they have tapioca for brains."

I chuckle "Good one!"

Soarin chuckles "Last week there, Ein got a fiery uppercut to the face from Rainbow."

“Did she learn that from Ken since he can do a fiery shoryuken?” I asked.

Roll spoke "I heard she learned how from May."

“Oh.” I noted.

Soarin spoke "I swear by Celestia's mane, that dragon never learns!"

“Wouldn’t be surprised if he almost said THAT before Aph and the others piled him to stop him from saying it.” I noted.

Bugs spoke "Hmm, I can see why that saying shouldn’t be said here, doc."

I spoke "It's an insult to all ponies, including those that are mixed breeds."

Bugs asks "Mixed breeds? *Brings out box* Ya mean like this?"

I slightly opened the box before a Dino head roared while stretching out of it. But then it went back in as Bugs closed the box.

Soarin was up on the ceiling in fear.

Soarin asks "WHAT WAS THAT?!?!?"

Bugs Bunny spoke "*Stuffs box* Just a reference."

I spoke "I'm one third alicorn though."

Soarin soon came down.

I ask "You okay Clipper?"

Soarin spoke "Yeah, just have to get used to it."

I spoke "I swear Clipper, you're a bigger scaredy Skitty than Indigo is."

Bugs brought out a napkin before laying it over his right hand, then pulled it up with his left hand, suddenly revealing a pie.

Bugs asks "Blackberry pie, anyone?"

The pie was suddenly gone from the rabbit's hands since Soarin loved pie.

Soarin chows down on the pie.

A brown Mew Poké-Mobian with the same headband as Lan suddenly pops up.

The Mew spoke "Sonic! Ya gotta hide me!!!"

“What now?” I asked.

The brown Mew spoke "Maylu's on a freaking RAMPAGE!!!"

“From what?” I asked.

The brown Mew spoke "She's freaking hormonal!"

“How’d that happen… Lan?” I asked.

Lan spoke "YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW!!!"


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