• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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A Hellish Wedding Part 1

*Ash’s POV*

Wow, a lot’s going on.

Serena spoke "What'd you expect Ash, it is a royal wedding after all."

But then all of a sudden, an Ultra Wormhole opened up.

Danyelle asks "What in StarClan's name is that?"

"It’s an Ultra Wormhole!” I answered before hearing a familiar voice.

A voice spoke "ASH!!!"

A familiar purple blur tackle-hugged me when I saw it was… A Naganadel?!

Hotaru spoke "Daddy!"

The Naganadel asks "Hmm?"

“It’s okay, Hotaru. She’s a friend.” I assured.

The young Fennekin-Mewtwo hybrid was wary of the stranger.

Serena asks "You know her?"

“It’s a long story.” I admitted as I started explaining one of my adventures in Alola.

Serena asks "Wasn't there a Vulpix?"

“You mean Lillie?” I asked.

A shadow ball narrowly missed me before I noticed an Umbreon male and an Alolan Vulpix female.

Serena giggles "Talk about timing."

“Hehe, up for another battle Gladion?” I chuckled.

Gladion spoke "*Smirk* Had a feeling you’d wanna battle me again, Ash."

Lillie spoke "But Gladion, he's got a kid with him."

Hotaru was on my head.

Gladion spoke "I suppose that was bad timing."

A small rock hits me on the back of the head.

I turned around to see Goh the Cinderace.

I chuckle "You sly rabbit."

Goh spoke "But man, I never woulda thought you’re half Mewtwo."

I spoke "That blue fuzzball is part Mew."

Danyelle spoke "SHUT UP ASH!"

Hmm… I wonder where the others are.

Serena spoke "Never mind that Ash, we got a wedding to prepare for!"

“Oh yeah!” I smiled.

A Blastoise Poké-Mobian spoke "Not just that, it's a royal wedding!"

"Gary?!" I gasped in shock.

Gary chuckles "It's been quite a while Ashy-boy."

Grr! That guy!

Serena spoke "Cool it Ash, he only does that to tease you."

But then the Naganadel growled at Gary.

Hotaru spoke "Bad dwagon!"

Naga spoke "H-Huh? But I was just..."

Serena spoke "Like I told Ash, Gary was only teasing him."

Twilight was looking for her bridesmare dress since she needed it.

Twilight asks "Where is it? Where is it? Where is it?"

Flash asks "You okay babe?"

Twilight spoke "*Panicking* I’m the bridesmare of this wedding and I can’t find my dress!"

Flash spoke "Calm down Twily, the wedding isn't for a while since there's a pre-wedding party."

Twilight spoke "I know but… *Nervous whimper*"

Flash spoke "Ryōta is nervous as cuss though."

Flash wrapped a wing around one of Twilight's sides, making her shiver with a blush.

Flash spoke "Twilight, calm down."

Twilight asks "*Voice getting a bit shaky with excitement* B-But how?..."

Flash smirked before he nibbled on one of Twilight's ears and lightly tugged it, making the alicorn blush harder as she started feeling weak in the legs with a dopey smile on her face.

Akari spoke "Mama! Luke bit me!"

Twilight asks "*Snaps out of it* Aw geez… Can you find my dress while I handle this?"

Flash spoke "Rarity's making a new one since you have wings now."

Rainbow soon got her head stuck in a wall.

Rainbow spoke "SOARIN!!!"

Soarin spoke "Oh boy..."

Honeystar asks "<Need a helping hand there Clipper?>"

Soarin asks "Hmm?"

Honeystar spoke "<I'm a bit stronger than most chakats are since I'm not like the others.>"

Honeystar pulled the cerulean alicorn out of the wall, freeing her.

Rainbow spoke "Thanks."

Honeystar spoke "<No problem.>"

“We better be getting ready.” I noted.

Serena spoke "But the wedding's not for a while though Ash."

That fell onto my back at that.

A crack in time opened up before a light blue furred fluffy Mewtwo holding a scared Mew in her arms shot out of the portal, crashing onto the ground.

The fluffy Mewtwo was wary of the others around her and the scared Mew.

“What the?” I asked in confusion.

The fluffy Mewtwo held the scared Mew close.

Serena spoke "Ash, we should back off. It's obvious that the two are scared."

“Okay.” I shrugged as did that.

The scared Mew whimpers "I d-don't want to go back to that awful timeline Sapphire..."

Sapphire spoke "We're not going back Garnet... Not after what happened..."

Garnet whimpers "I've lost so much...."

But then a dust devil suddenly blew it before it formed into Geras.

Geras asks "This… is impossible. How did this happen?"

I spoke "Even I have no idea Geras but the two are clearly scared..."

Geras spoke "These two are not of this timeline."

Danyelle pops up with five Mews on her.

Danyelle spoke "But we can't send them back Geras, just look at how scared they are."

Geras spoke "Hmm… Very well, they can stay for now."

Garnet spoke "I refuse to go back though, I lost too much already... My boyfriend was killed and I lost half of my powers. Sapphy's all I have now."

Danyelle spoke "I oughta talk to Vetur about it first."

The blue furred nekomata teleported to the Chuddle Hotel with her kids to speak to Jasmine and Vetur.

Yikes. This just got complicated.

Blizzardstar spoke "Hey guys! The train's about to leave!"

“Oh! Right!” I remembered.

Garnet asks "C-C-Canterlot? Why there?"

Twilight soon arrives with Nyx and Akari on her back.

Twilight spoke "It's okay, nothing will happen to you two."

Sapphire asks "You sure?"

Twilight spoke "Alicorn's honor."

Garnet seemed to have calmed down at that.

Twilight spoke "And besides, Vetur made some surprising potions."

Starlight pops up suddenly before tail slapping Twilight on the back of the head.

Starlight spoke "Twilight, you shouldn't mention her name to the two newcomers. They don't know what you're talking about."

Twilight spoke "Sorry."

Starlight spoke "We oughta haul tail! The wedding is in three hours and we need to get ready."

Twilight spoke "*Gasp!* You’re right!!!"

Sapphire asks "B-but is it a good idea for Garnet and I to come along?"

Twilight asks "Is something bothering you?"

Starlight whispers in Twilight's ear.

Starlight whispers "They're scared of meeting Princess Luna though since to them, she wasn't purified by the elements of harmony."

Twilight spoke "Oh… Right."

Starlight whispers "And they're close to freaking out since Nyx was once a part of Luna."

Twilight facehoofed.

Nyx burps a bit, causing the others to giggle.

Even Garnet and Sapphire giggled.

Starlight giggles "How much damage can a foal do anyways?"

But then Nyx looked like she was about to sneeze.

A gunshot sneeze was heard from Myth.

Garnet and Sapphire yelped.

An unknown yet powerful voice spoke "YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED, FAREWELL."

Sapphire and Garnet glow suddenly before the light faded away but the two didn't vanish.

Garnet asks "What just happened?"

Danyelle soon pops up with her kids.

Danyelle spoke "That was my fault, I was talking with a friend when I heard the voice of a powerful dragon."

Pinkie spoke "*Shows up while holding an odd clock* And for some weird reason my year clock started moving again when I thought it was broken."

*one train ride later,*

Ryōta was talking with some of the male Wonderbolts.

Ryōta spoke "I'm so freaking nervous!"

Soarin spoke "Kinda obvious, man."

Ryōta spoke "You're one to talk Clipper! Your wife's the freaking owner of the Wonderbolts now!"

Soarin spoke "Heh, you should’ve seen how nervous I was."

Ryōta spoke "What worries me the most is Blitzo, he might not agree to letting his adopted daughter go."

Flash trots into the room with the other males.

Flash spoke "Danyelle's already gone to fetch the bride to be. And a few others as well."

Soarin spoke "Something tells me she’s more freaked out than you."


*In Tartarus,*

Danyelle soon spots Charlie and Vaggie.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Charlie! Vaggie! I got invites for you!"

Charlie asks "Huh?"

Danyelle asks "Didn't Loona tell you that she was getting married?"

Charlie asks "*Excited* What?!"

Rani chirps "It true!"

Danyelle spoke "My kids and I were just about to go pick the bride to be up."

Vaggie asks "Wait, what?"

Danyelle spoke "Oh right, you two haven't met all my kids yets. The white one is Irene, the brown is Rani, the blue is Akoya, the twins are Daria and Damien, the piebald is Aurora. I have others as well but they're adopted. There's Bluestar, Gallus, Graystripe, Ravenpaw, Flintfur, Dart, Pouncer and Ruffrunner. Then there's Tikal, she's the only echidna of the batch. I'm quite sure you know Gallus' parents though."

Vaggie asks "You sure it’s safe to bring Gallus down here to meet them?"

Danyelle spoke "He and the rest of my adopted children are in Canterlot right now with Prince Ryōta since the wedding is about to happen. and Oh shoot! I gotta get Loona! And then get Bee!"

Danyelle flew off with her five kids to Blitzo's place to get Loona.

But when Danyelle went into the apartment and found Loona’s room, it was warning “Keep Out!” “Danger: Beware of Dog” and “Must Remain Locked At All Times”.

Danyelle giggles "Huh, Loona’s truly a goth girl."

Rani asks "Mama, should we knock on the door?"

Danyelle spoke "Actually, you should let me handle it."

Irene spoke "I'll contact that foxgirl."

Irene uses telepathy to contact Beezelbub, letting her know about the wedding.

Danyelle's right ear twitches.

Danyelle spoke "Oh jeeze, she's swearing up a storm in there! Damien, you and your sisters wait out here. I'll deal with this myself."

The six Mews waited in a small group huddle as Danyelle teleported into Loona's room before putting up a soundproof barrier so the kids didn't hear the noise.

Danyelle spoke "Damn it Loona, calm the fuck down!"

Loona was hiding under her bed, whimpering up a storm out of fear.

Danyelle crouches down on the floor to face Loona.

Danyelle asks "What's the matter with you, don't you want to marry Ryōta?"

Loona spoke "Y-Y-Yes…"

Danyelle spoke "For fuck's sake Loona, you're more nervous than when you got your hellbies s-h-o-t...."

Loona stared at Danyelle with pinprick eyes.

Danyelle spoke "For fuck sake Loona! Don't make me drag your sorry tail all the way to Canterlot!"

But then Danyelle thought of an idea, gaining a devious smirk. “*Singsong* Hey Loona…”

But then Loona leapt out from under the bed and rushed out of her room and the apartment, clearly running from Danyelle.

Danyelle and her kids zoom after Loona.

Danyelle soon managed to catch up with Loona before whispering into her ear. “You want it, don’t ya?”

That made Loona’s head blush with her tail straightened, knowing exactly what she meant.

Irene spoke "And speaking of, there's the fox now!"

Danyelle spoke "Oh hey Bee."

Beelzebub spoke "‘Sup!"

Danyelle spoke "My six kids and I were picking Loona up since she's getting married soon."

Beelzebub spoke "Hehe, still can’t believe it’s happening."

Irene giggles "After today, she be royalty."

Danyelle spoke "Come on Loona, Ryōta's waiting for you."

To be Continued

Author's Note:

Start of Season 5

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