• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Trouble in White Tail Woods/ Night of the Werebeasts

*Zoey's POV*

While the others had their vacation, the Mewtwo and I headed to White Tail Woods since that was where the Mewtwo colony was located.

I ask "We going the right way Haru?"

Haru spoke "Definitely. *Snicker!*"

I scoff "You do realize that I'm a married cat right?"

Haru spoke "I know, but that’s not what I find funny."

Tail swishing, I spoke "It's enough that Danyelle has diluted Mew blood in her veins..."

“True.” Haru admitted.

My ears were twitching as I listened for any other voices that weren't from me or the four Mewtwo.

Orion asks "Hey Asuna, why did we bring the cat along?"

Asuna spoke "She could help us, Orion."

Jericho spoke "Not only that, she rarely lets that little Mewtwo out of her sight. If you thought that one pony was scary, the black cat AND the twin-tail are just as scary when they feel that their children are threatened."

Orion was a bit confused at that.

I spoke "What he meant was that Twilight straight up murdered a guy that tried to hurt Nyx... So yeah... Twilight's got a short temper."

Orion definitely looked impressed at that, surprised too.

I giggle "She was madder than an Ursa Major in a fit!"

Haru giggles "Wow, no joke?"

I spoke "Yeah, it just goes to show that you don't mess with an alicorn that has Cyniclon powers."

Asuna spoke "That mare is scary when pissed and here I thought Shadow was scary when mad."

Haru spoke "Heehee! Who knows, we might encounter a Mewtwo-Zoroark hybrid here."

Asuna giggles "You sly Eevee! That gives me an idea for a prank to pull on Rei!"

Haru asks "If the hybrid is female? *Snicker!*"

Huey spoke "Wadala!"

Asuna snickers "Yeah, what Huey said."

“Man… If Rei gets more wives, Sonic will feel relieved and more lucky that he has two.” I noted.

Asuna spoke "You forget that some stallions do form herds since there are more mares."

“Oh. Right.” I noted.

Asuna spoke "And given that Sonic is a little bit stallion since he's half alicorn, it'd only be natural for Sonic to start a herd if he wants to but Roll's the lead female."

But then I suddenly encountered myself, like I was looking in a mirror.

I spoke "This better not be one of your tricks Orion!"

Haru spoke "Calm down, Zoey. That’s the Mewtwo/Zoroark hybrid I talked about earlier."

Pigment tilted her head.

I spoke "It's enough that Pigment's half Gengar despite my fear of ghosts..."

Haru was rather surprised.

Asuna spoke "Huey's a shiny since I had one too many Lum berries..."

Haru spoke "Oh."

I giggle "Ash freaked out when Huey was born."

Asuna giggles "Yeah, and you should’ve heard the first time when Huey tried to say water."

Pigment spoke "Wadala!"

Haru, the rest of the girls and I laughed.

Asuna spoke "It's funny, I know."

Orion chuckles "I've told Asuna a few times to take her spawn back or Huey's going outside."

Huey asks "Why does Uncle Face have to be mean to Huey?"

The other me suddenly transformed.

Haru spoke "Hey Jennifer."

Jennifer spoke "Been quite some time, Haru."

Haru spoke "I know and you won't believe what I had found while over in the Alola region!"

Jennifer asks "What’s that?"

Haru spoke "Four purebred Mewtwo and a Mewtwo with cat and alicorn DNA."

Jennifer asks "Say what?"

A female asks "What’s going on now, sis?"

Another Mewtwo hybrid showed up, this time, a Hisuian Zoroark.

A scream was heard since Brad had got sent flying with an air blast from Tails.

Asuna spoke "Oh great... the annoyance is here..."

I couldn’t help but facepalm.

Asuna spoke "Uh Zoey, your claws are on fire."

“Say what now?” I asked before my hands started feeling warm.

Orion spoke "My guess would be that your fire powers are starting to manifest."

The ground shook violently as all of Equis split into seven pieces while the Elements of Harmony were rendered inert.

A stray burst of dark energy had absorbed into my chest, causing me pain.

Haru gasps "Are you okay?!"

Asuna spoke "this sort of problem has happened before with Sonic..."

Orion spoke "If you think dealing with a werehog howling at night is bad enough, try dealing with that along with a WERECAT!"

“GAH!!!” I yowled as I started changing.

Dren and Anzu suddenly pop up, worried about me.

But then Anzu yowled, starting to change too.

Dren spoke "Uh babe, the Dark Gaia curse doesn't work that way."

“I really don’t know how it works.” I admitted.

A bright blush was on Dren's face.

Dren spoke "You look hot as a werecat."

“R-Really?” I stammered in embarrassment.

Dren spoke "Yeah."

A winged werehog soon flew out of a warp ring.

Sonic asks "Woah! What happened to you Zoey?"

“Did you see Equis?” I pointed out.

Sonic spoke "Yeah, I felt it. Dark Gaia has returned. I blame that stupid Shaymin for this mess."

“But I’m the only one who can stop it.” I sighed.

Sonic spoke "I can teach you the basics then, from one werebeast to another."

“Really?” I asked in surprise.

Sonic spoke "Yeah, I didn't have anyone to turn to for werebeast basics so I had to figure it out myself."

A Suicune-Mewtwo hybrid approaches the two werebeasts.

The Suicune-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "It was foretold that Dark Gaia would return but without Light Gaia's presence, it will seek to plunge Equis into eternal darkness... Just as Nightmare Moon tried to do 1000 years ago."

Sonic spoke "Chip!"

All six Mewtwo, all of the hybrids and I were confused.

Sonic spoke "Sorry, *Brings out Warp Ring* I’ll be right back. I gotta go find him!"

I spoke "Uh, he's sealed deep within Mobius' core..."

Sonic spoke "But if Dark Gaia’s out, so is Chip!"

I spoke "We don't know where he is."

My cellphone went off as the ringtone of Endless Possibility was heard playing.

Renee shouts "WHAT DID YOU DO ZOEY??"

“Whaddya mean?” I asked in confusion, clearing out my ears from that yelling.

Renee spoke "I'm a FREAKING WEREWOLF!!!! Corina's screeching since she got turned into a werebird!"

Did… Did I hear that right?

Renee spoke "Not to mention that Kiki’s a weremonkey and Bridget’s a weredolphin!"

Sonic spoke "…I think I know where Chip is."

Werelight was screaming in the background.

Sonic spoke "And this is bigger than we thought, a whole lot bigger."

Renee spoke "You just HAD to jinx it Sonic! Danyelle's most recent vision was that of Mobius and Equis fusing into one planet!"

Sonic spoke "Oh no… No no no no! We gotta split them back up before time starts to permanently freeze for both worlds! Dark Gaia’s the least of our worries now!"

I spoke "But Renee, you forget that Sonic has a foot in both Mobius and Equis. He's half alicorn half hedgehog."

Renee spoke "Crap, I forgot about that..."

But Sonic was still panicking about this time problem.

Haru tail slaps Sonic upside the back of the head.

Haru spoke "Wake up and smell the chili dogs will you? We'll find a way to stop this without causing all of the first gen Mobians that came here by accident to go back to Mobius."

Sonic asks "But how, and while fighting Dark Gaia?"

Jasmine suddenly appeared. “‘Sup.”

I explained everything to Jasmine.

Jasmine spoke "Whoa, that explains why those two seemed so eager to come along."

That left the rest of us confused.

Tempest was squawking in the background.

Tempest spoke "I hate it when I'm right! 12 years ago, I said that we didn't need a repeat of the Dark Gaia incident and look where THAT got us!"

“Sorry, those two?” I asked Jasmine.

Jasmine spoke "Yep, residents of my dimension. They’re great friends when you get to know them."

I spoke "But if the Mobians that ended up here by accident were forced to go back... The Mobians that were born in Equestria would end up staying behind... Families would get torn apart."

Renee spoke "Zoey, you're a GENIUS!!! We can ask Shenron to stop the time suspension progression! We can wish that free travel between Mobius and Equis can happen and not worry about worlds colliding or families getting torn apart!"

“Aw… Really?” I asked before Pinkie popped up.

Pinkie spoke "Hi!"

I spoke "For Amaterasu's sake Pinkie! Don't scare me like that! You should know better than to scare a cat Mobian!"

Pinkie asks "I heard about two mystery creatures, who are they?"

Jasmine spoke "Heehee, good friends of mine, and a lovely couple."

Pinkie gasps "Ooh! I wanna meet them!"

I ask "Pinkie, have you not noticed the danger all Mobians are in?"

Pinkie spoke "I noticed, just thought we could use the help."

I facepalm and sigh.

I spoke "No amount of alicorn or draconequus magic can stop the Time Suspension Phenomenon..."

Pinkie asks "The say what now?"

Sonic spoke "In a nutshell, it's the result of what happens if two worlds merge... Time slows to a halt, no advancements are made and nobody ages... And the worst part is... No more parties... No birthdays... Basically, you'd be trapped in a limbo-like state... forever..."

Pinkie gasps "WHAT?!"

Sonic spoke "Afraid so, we have to figure out a safer way to merge the worlds without causing time to freeze."

“Maybe Shenron could help?” I noted.

Sonic spoke "Don’t forget we have Dark Gaia to worry about too."

I spoke "I know but without the elements working right, all of Equestria is left defenseless!"

Sonic spoke "There’s gotta be six Gaia Temples connected to the Elements."

Pinkie spoke "Please bring in help, Jasmine!"

Jasmine spoke "Sure, but who said the two were Draconequi? They’re more of a furry cyborg couple."

Looking at a map of Equestria, I spoke "There's one in Canterlot which is guarded by Celestia and Luna, one at Mount Aris which is currently unguarded since something had caused the guardian along with the rest of the inhabitants to go into hiding, one at the Peaks of Peril, one in Manehattan but the guardian is missing, one is located in Tartarus which is guarded by the three headed dog known as Cerberus and the last is located in Cloudsdale."

Jasmine spoke "Let’s just hope Cerberus doesn’t go into his real form."

Sonic spoke "Or worse... a magic stealing centaur might use Dark Gaia's power for itself."

A voice spoke "Come on, Dark Gaia would eat him for breakfast."

Someone appeared.

Sonic spoke "It's been a while Chip!"

Chip spoke "Yep! I got good news and bad news though."

Sonic spoke "Let me guess, Dark Gaia's influence is causing more werebeasts to appear... As well as causing Mobius and Equis to be pulled towards one another."

Chip spoke "Not what I was gonna say. The temple at Mount Aris is destroyed, but I sensed its energy, so it’s still operational! That’s the bad and good news, in that order."

Sonic asks "And what of the guardian?"

Chip spoke "Don’t know how, but she’s currently living under the sea."

Pinkie suddenly did a rimshot.

I spoke "Now isn't the time Pinkie! We have to restore the elements of Harmony AND piece Equis back together before it's too late!"

A female voice spoke "Then let us try to help."

A couple suddenly appeared.

I spoke "I'm sorry but cyborgs and water don't mix so Bridget and Rarity will be handling the gaia temple at Mount Aris."

Renee spoke "I just asked Bridget to head to Mount Aris with Maria and Rarity. Water is their element after all."

*Bridget's POV*

Maria, Rarity and I soon arrive at Mount Aris via warp ring with the elements of generosity and kindness.

I spoke "This place is a mess!"

Rarity spoke "Oh, here here!"

Maria spoke "Uh girls, the temple is underwater."

“Well that makes things a bit easier for me.” I noted.

Rarity spoke "Not so much for Maria and I though..."

Rarity's left ear twitches since she heard singing in a cave.

Maria asks "You heard it too Rarity?"

I call out to the singing voice "We need help!"

The being warily asks "How do I know I can trust you three aren't working for the enemy?"

I spoke "I'm sure that you've already seen the damage that Dark Gaia has caused."

I head into the cave with Rarity and Maria before wading into the water.

Rarity spoke "We need to get to the Gaia temple."

The being gasps "You know of the temple?"

The creature swam over to me and the two females.

I spoke "Yeah, we do."

The creature spoke "My mom told me not to bring strangers into Seaquestria but this is an emergency. Follow me! I'm Skystar by the way!"

There was soon a bubble around Maria's head and Rarity's head as I had shifted to my aquatic form.

Skystar spoke "I've been stuck down here ever since he attacked my home."

Maria, Rarity and I follow Skystar to another seapony.

Skystar spoke "Mother, before you yell at me for bringing strangers in, this is an emergency!"

Novo asks "What is it?"

Skystar spoke "These three females came a long way to the Gaia temple since Dark Gaia has broken free and is causing our world to be merged with another."

It was clear to Queen Novo that Rarity's element and Maria's element were inert since both had blackened out due to Dark Gaia.

Novo spoke "I see. But the Kraken has been… Acting strange lately."

Maria spoke "But Rarity and I can't breathe under water though."

Novo spoke "Perhaps I can help with that."

I spoke "I automatically take on aquatic form whenever I'm in water though."

Maria asks "If it's too painful to remember, why are you all down here hiding?"

Skystar asks "Ooh! Can I tell them? Can I? Can I?"

Novo spoke "Even if I told you no, you're gonna say it any ways."

Skystar happily exclaims "Yay!"

Novo sighs in annoyance.

Skystar spoke "Once upon a time, like, a while ago, the Hippogriffs did live on Mount Aris. Fine! I can't tell you! Also, that horned beast did show up to steal their magic! But, to keep it out of his clutches, their brave and majestic leader, Queen Novo, hid them deep underwater where he could never go! We are... Well, we were the Hippogriffs! Ta-da!"

I spoke "You can let some cloven hoofed Storm King get the better of you OR you can be awesome again!"

Rarity spoke "Bridget, now really isn't the good time for a..."

I started to sing a different version of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wjsv-6wfqyg, encouraging the seaponies to rally together.

Maria groans "...song..."

Ocean Flow spoke "Sister, I don't want to live the rest of my life hiding all the time!"

Novo spoke "Seaponies! For far too long, we have been hiding down here! It's time we TAKE back what is rightfully ours! We can't be living in fear all the time!"

The Seaponies cheered before a monstrous roar was heard.

I swam off towards the noise, finding myself face to face with a Dark Gaia Kraken!

“Whoa!” I yelped before I dodged its tentacles.

Aria was soon beside me while in siren form as she roared at the kraken, challenging it.

But then one of the Kraken’s tentacles came at us.

Aria and I swam fast to get out of the way, dodging the attack.

Aria and I both started singing loud, causing the kraken to freeze up.

But then crab legs suddenly revealed themselves on the Kraken as they moved on their own, causing the Kraken to charge at us with its body.

A trident hits the kraken, diverting its attention away.

Novo spoke "You've gone too far!"

But then monster starfishes and leeches made of Dark Gaia energy appeared.

Novo and I both charge into battle as the seapony guards followed.

I used my waterbending to blow the leeches away.

A voice spoke "Don’t forget about us!"

I turned around to see… Rarity as a Seapony unicorn and Maria as a merfox?!?

I spoke "But Rarity, I sense that you've got a foal on the way so I don't think you should fight. And I'd rather not be on the receiving end of a Chaos Blast if Maria got hurt."

Maria spoke "Don’t worry, we’ll only help heal the others and strengthen their defenses for now."

A Suilotic was heard singing, causing immense pain to the Dark Gaia Kraken.

“Whoa, did not see that coming.” I admitted.

Novo spoke "That's our temple guardian and songstress."

The kraken was soon purified of the darkness.

The kraken fell unconscious after that as the enemies vanished.

The Suilotic looks at me, Rarity and Maria before motioning for us to follow her to the temple.

“Okay.” I responded as we followed the Suilotic.

Rarity spoke "This might be a trap."

Maria spoke "Not very likely. From how Sonic told me, there wasn’t anything in the temples of Gaia."

I spoke "It's still funny that Tempest was right the entire time. 12 years ago, he said that we didn't need a repeat of the Dark Gaia incident yet it happened again."

We soon arrived at some kind of pedestal before Chip appeared, able to breath water just fine.

I ask "Now what?"

Chip spoke "I got this."

Chip swam over to the pedestal before his orb glowed with the pillar as a smaller one rose from the hole in the top of it.

Chip spoke "Put the Elements on here."

Rarity and Maria place their elements on the pedestal at the same time Roll and Fluttershy had with theirs since the two were in Manehattan thus restoring the Elements of Generosity and Kindness back to normal, causing two pieces of the planet to return back to where they should be.

Chip spoke "Alright! Two down, four to go!"

I spoke "Yeah, I think Zoey had gone up to Canterlot with Danyelle and Twilight to handle the Element of Magic."


Author's Note:

Side chapter to Alolan Adventures

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