• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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A Way Home?

*Lillian’s POV*

*Sigh* Even though I’m happy to be with my friends and family, I still miss home, I miss Earth.

Tempest asks "You okay baby bird?"

“Do you ever feel homesick?” I asked.

Tempest spoke "There are times I miss being a beastman but we have a little one to look after."

Katie was on my head.

Tempest spoke "Then there's Sonic, Manic and Sonia... They've got a foot in both Mobius and Equis due to their mixed blood."

“I know.” I said before Sonic showed up as he ran here.

Sonic asks "Hey guys! Huh? Something wrong?"

Danyelle flew over while carrying Rani and Akoya in her arms as Irene and Tikal clung to her back.

Danyelle spoke "They're homesick bro."

Sonic spoke "Dang… Then again, I’m feeling kind of torn since both Equis and Mobius are my homes."

Danyelle spoke "And then there are the Equestrian-born Mobians and Poké-Mobians... They'd likely suffer from magic withdrawal if they were on Mobius too long."

Sonic spoke "Come on, we don’t know that for sure."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sake Sonic... My real father was from Equis! And so is yours! I'm just as torn between two worlds as you are..."

Espio soon showed up.

Danyelle spoke "Hey Espio."

Espio asks "Am I interrupting something?"

Danyelle spoke "Sonic and I were talking about being torn between two worlds."

Espio spoke "I sense that there is also another topic."

Sonic spoke "Lillian and Tempest miss their home too."

Danyelle spoke "I've heard rumors that a counterpart of Nyx had issues with non-magical worlds given what she was."

Espio spoke "But I have information to give of what I found on Mobius."

Irene mewls in confusion.

Danyelle spoke "Oh. Right."

Lance pops up.

Lance spoke "Hey dad."

Sonic chuckles "Hehe, hey Lance."

Lance asks "You okay dad?"

Sonic spoke "Actually, we might plan a trip to someplace."

Danyelle spoke "I can't take my girls with me, they're too young for cross-dimensional travel yet."

Spitfire spoke "Blaze and I agree with the cat, Percival and Flare Blitz are too young for travel."

Blaze nods.

Katie somehow looked curious.

Danyelle spoke "But Lillian, Katie's too young for cross-dimensional travel yet."

Tempest spoke "Lillian, I'll look after Katie."

Danyelle's neck fur fluffed up suddenly.

Sunset asks "What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "I hate to say this but Team Aqua's made their move..."

Sonic spoke "Oh stars no...."

"...There's no time for safety, we have to head back to Mobius, NOW." I urged.

Twilight spoke "It's the Chaos incident all over again!"

Zoey spoke "I'll help!"

Danyelle spoke "Since Twilight and I can't fight... The ones going are Zoey, Roll, Tails, Lillian, Bayonetta, Lucy and Orion."

Kiri and Ankha showed up.

Ankha spoke "We'll help as well."

Danyelle spoke "I'm still not talking to you two, not after you've tried to kill M'Della."

"Danyelle, let it go. We'll need all the help we can get." I pointed out.

Espio spoke "I shall be assisting as well."

Danyelle spoke "Watch it Lillian, I could turn you into Kentucky Fried Hawk if I wanted to."

Danyelle laughs at what she said.

"I'm just trying to help you stay calm since you're having these mood swings with two kids on the way." I said.

Danyelle spoke "I'm not that far in."

"Again, just trying to help." I responded.

Sunset spoke "The longer we sit around on our collective asses, the longer it'll take to stop Team Aqua!"

I nodded in full agreement as I tossed a Warp Ring to Mobius.

Danyelle spoke "Minus Bayonetta and Sonic, I've put the call out to the other Smashers. They're on the move to help take back Mobius."

But then Raptor and Katrina raced past us and into the warp ring, back onto Mobius.

Sonic spoke "Even though I'm scared of water, I'm not backing out of this! I'm a Smasher as well!"

Sonic flew after Raptor through the warp ring.

Danyelle leaves her daughters in Twilight's care as she flew after Sonic while airlifting me.

Sonia and Adagio follow.

Danyelle spoke "Oof... You need to lay off the junk food Lillian..."

“Can ya blame me? I was pregnant.” I pointed out.

Zoey spoke "You think have it hard Lillian? My cat DNA got so screwed up to the point I can't hide my ears and tail anymore. I blame my alicorn half for that. I'm a permanent cat Mobini now."

Michiru spoke "Oh shut up Zoey...."

Zoey growls "What did you just say stupid racoon?"

The tanuki beastman and cat Mobini were soon in a fight cloud.

"We don't have time for this!" I pointed out.


Both females froze in fear.

Zoey spoke "First off, we need to assess the damage."

Michiru spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle passes me over to Zoey before diving down into the water below.

Danyelle puts an air bubble around her head before swimming towards a Mobian that was unable to get to safety in time.

Danyelle thinks "{Oh no! Sally!}"

Danyelle swam towards Sally before getting the chipmunk back up to the surface.

Danyelle checked her pulse. “Her heart’s still beating! We gotta get the water out of her lungs!”

Danyelle used her waterbending to pull the water out of Sally's lungs.

Sally gasped as she woke up. “That was TOO close!”

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I'm lucky I have the same powers as Korra our it would have been a lot worse..."

Sonic asks "Sal, what happened to Mobius?"

Sally spoke "Right now, this is only a part of it, but if we don’t stop Team Aqua soon, the whole world will become an aquarium!"

Danyelle spoke "But one waterbender alone isn't enough to reverse the whole mess."

Katrina and Raptor surfaced.

Katrina spoke "I don’t know if even Kyogre can fix this."

Danyelle spoke "If Kyo's under Team Aqua's control... I hate to say this but we need Team Magma's help... Don't give me that look Ash."

Rei showed up. "Actually, I know someone else who can help, but it's risky."

Danyelle whistles loudly, calling in a Rayquaza.

Rei spoke "...Not who I had in mind, but it works."

Danyelle spoke "Ray hardly interferes unless Groudon AND Kyo had both gone AWOL."

Danyelle soon get a telepathic message from Orion.

Danyelle spoke "{I hear you Orion.}"

Orion spoke "{It's just as you said Danyelle, Groudon has also gone berserk so calling in Ray was the smart move.}"

Raptor spoke "A dust bowl and a flood? Yeesh!"

Danyelle spoke "Many Mobians, humans and Beastmen are struggling since the balance of nature is out of whack."

Michiru was carrying a Mobian dog in her taloned feet since her arms were bird wings.

Michiru spoke "We need to call in the gryphons and hippogriffs since there could be more Mobians that have gone under."

Katrina spoke "Not to mention we need Ali’s help too, along with any water-type Poké-Mobians on our side."

Danyelle uses her telepathy to contact Hydro to let him know of the situation before opening two warp rings, one that led to Griffonstone and one that led to Mount Aris.

Danyelle spoke "Gilda, Queen Novo. Sorry to bother you at a time like this but we need help. Mobius has been half flooded and I need the help from as many helping talons as I can get. And can Indigo get Luna on the telepath line? This concerns her as well since she has waterbending."

Raptor spoke "Hold on! That means the other half’s gotta be dried out! Dragons might need to help out too."

Danyelle spoke "I've already sent a telepathic message to Natsu, he's gathering the dragons as I speak... But the larger dragons like Wendy's dad will not fit through a warp ring."

Michiru asks "What about the Diamond Dogs?"

Danyelle spoke "Michiru, you might be onto something!"

Michiru asks "I am?"

Danyelle spoke "We could try digging some tunnels to drain the water from one side to fix the dry side!"

Tails showed up. “Hold on, I don’t think that’s the best idea. It could cause earthquakes.”

Danyelle spoke "Something's off about you Tails...."

Tails asks "Huh? What’re you talking about?"

Danyelle pulls Tails' other seven tails with magic, causing the nine-tailed Mobian kyubi to yelp thus startling Sonic.

Rei chuckles "Hehe, I can't wait to surprise your sisters about this, Tails. Or should I call ya NineTails?"

Tails spoke "Even though I just evolved, I'm still the same fox."

Sonic asks "What happened?"

Danyelle spoke "Smells like either a fire stone or ice stone was used on Tails... We should keep this a secret for a while."

Rei spoke "Cool."

But then we heard a crash.

Raptor spoke "I'll go check it out."

Danyelle spoke "If it was a Charizard or some other fire type, they will NOT last long underwater!"

Rei spoke "*Looks ahead* Fortunately, they crashed onto a building."

Danyelle spoke "Even though I'm part Plasmeon, I'm still in the water!"

Raptor swim off before jumping onto the building and picked up the female Charizard Poké-Mobian.

Raptor asks "You alright?"

The female groaned, trying to come to.

Suddenly, Indigo and the other Mewtwo hybrids had arrived to help as Queen Novo swam through a warp ring with a squad of guards.

Indigo spoke "Hold on, I know this Charizard! Oi Starfire! Wake up!"

Indigo used Psychic to move a small amount of water up to him before splashing it on Starfire's face, jolting her awake.

Starfire spoke "GAH! Indigo, would you quit it with-*Notices Raptor* Oh. Hi."

Ash spoke "Sorry about my brother, he can be a pain in the tail at times but only I can harass him with his nickname."

Indigo spoke "Shut up Ash!"

Ash spoke "Make me Gogo!"

The two brothers continue to bicker.

Starfire asks "*Snapping out of her trance* Oh, yeah. Right. So... *Pointing at Raptor* Who's this?"

Serena spoke "That's Raptor... Just don't call him by his nickname since it's just as much a trigger as my brother in-law's nickname."

Katrina jumped onto the building. "Rap! I'm so glad you-*Notices Starfire before charging at her* GET AWAY FROM MY RAPPY!"

The Feraligatr and Charizard were soon in a fight cloud before Serena tail slapped them in the heads.

Serena spoke "That's TWICE this has happened today!"

Sonic spoke "I see something coming!"

Raptor spoke "*Places something below his left horn/antler* Could be trouble."

The Ampharos-Mewtwo hybrid was crackling with static.

The Ampharos-Mewtwo hybrid spoke "I sense it too..."

We noticed a storm brewing. A rain storm.

Danyelle flew up out of the water while carrying Sally.

Danyelle spoke via telepathy with Spitfire "{Captain Spitfire, I need every able-bodied Pegasus to come to Mobius to help stop the storm!}"

Spitfire spoke "{Got it!}"

Soon enough, several able-bodied gryphons and Pegasi showed up to wrangle the storm.

Danyelle sets Sally down on a rooftop before flying alongside Sonic, the gryphons and Pegasi in a hurricane formation to redirect the rainstorm to the dry side of Mobius.

But with how hot it was, the rain was evaporating really quickly.

Danyelle spoke "We can't give up now!!!"

Rei asks "Should I call in some backup?"

Indigo spoke "As may Flying type Poké-Mobians you can think of..."

Orion uses Telepathy to broadcast the call to every Flying type Poké-Mobian.

Purity was among the group that was trying to redirect the rainstorm.

Indigo spoke "All 'Twos that can fight, help Danyelle!!!"

Ash and every other Mewtwo hybrid was using Psychic to transport large orbs of water to the dry side.

Zoey was using her magic to transport the water despite being a firebender.

But the orbs of water were still evaporating really quickly.

Rei spoke "Oh man... I might need to call him in."

Danyelle fired a water based Roar into the sky after flying all the way to the dry side, causing a torrential downpour to happen.

It was starting to work, but very slowly.

Rei spoke "We need to move quicker! We actually might need HIS help now."

Sonic spoke "This isn't his concern!"

All of the Mewtwo hybrids, Pegasi and gryphons were pulling double time to move the water to the dry side.

But then a sudden Eruption hit the water being transported, evaporating them immediately.

the sound of nine whirring tails was heard as a water-type Ninetales Poké-Mobian was riding on a surfboard as she rode the waves, directing a lot of it to the dry side and cancelling the flames.

The water-type Ninetales Poké-Mobian laughs "Talk about being washed up!"

But then fearsome blades of stone erupted from the land, destroying a ton of buildings.

Tails was flying faster than normal since he was an Electric-Flying type Ninetales as he and the others got the folks to safety.

Danyelle's fur turns stark white as streams of water, air and fire along with bits of stone swirl around her before roaring loud at the same time as Ray thus restoring the balance of nature.

But then we noticed a fin surging through the water as we noticed flaming camel-like hoofprints on the ground.

Ash and Peach electrocute the water, shocking Archie thus knocking him out.

Purity knocks Maxie out with Hydro Pump.

But then Heartless went into the two leaders, mega evolving them as well as making Kyogre and Groudon go Primal.

Danyelle goes into Super Avatar Mode before pounding seven kinds of rainbow-colored crap out of Maxie and Archie.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle glares hard at Don and Kyo, making them both submit.

Ray was surprised that Danyelle managed to pull it off.

Sonic spoke "Seems High Goddess Faust had big plans for Danyelle."

Rei spoke "Even I'm surprised about what Danyelle did there."

Ash spoke "Even the other 'Twos and I are surprised."

Espio spoke "We should be close to restoring Mobius."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle glances up at where the sun should be.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle asks "Uh guys? Was there supposed to be an eclipse today?"

Rei looked up before facepalming. “Necrozma better not be UB Black and going crazy again.”

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "If that were the case, then Luna would have gone Nightmare Moon again."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle shot a fire arrow at a tree, causing Ein to scream since his tail was on fire.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Don't even THINK of taking my inhibitor rings you stupid hyena!"

Raptor spoke "Hehe! Nice one, Dany!"

But then we heard fighting as we saw Katrina and Starfire in a fight cloud again.

Raptor spoke "I got this one. Attract!"

Raptor fired a heart at the fight cloud, hitting the Feraligatr and Charizard dead on as they immediately stopped fighting and went to Raptor with hearts for eyes while swooning.

Sonic spoke "For the love of Faust... Guess someone never told them about Poké-Mobian marriage laws..."

Rei asks "Hey, four’s the max amount, right?"

Sonic spoke "Yeah but even though Blaze is half Poké-Mobian, I have to abide by both Mobian and Equestrian marriage laws."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "NOW ISN'T THE TIME TO BE ARGUING!!!"

Raptor asks "*As Katrina and Starfire nuzzled against him* What’s up with the sun?"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Either Necrozma's gone berserk or there's a right nasty eclipse happening... I got it! We need Sol and Lula's help!"

Raptor spoke "Well, better be careful, ‘cause we might be affected."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle teleports quickly before reappearing with a male Solgaleo Poké-Mobian and a female Lunala Poké-Mobian along with Koko, Bulu, Fini and Lele.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "I've already explained the situation to these six. They can help us."

Rei asks "Like make an Ultra Wormhole?"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Sol's power is the same as Celestia's power while Lula's power the same as Luna's power."

Sonic spoke "Whoa, now Twilight will freak out about that."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "I'm not going to tell Sparkles that."

Rei spoke "Knowing Twi, she might find out, sooner or later."

Peach spoke "Uh guys, we still have to straighten this mess out!"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "She's right."

But then an Ultra Wormhole started opening.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle was hissing loudly.

A monstrous roar was heard from inside the Ultra Wormhole.


Rei spoke "Dany? I don't think it's only Necrozma we have to fight."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "I smell shadow Poké-Mobians... Ten total.... One's a female Lugia Poké-Mobian..."

But then a shadow portal appeared.

A pair of roars were heard as Kai and Kara flew into battle as several Pidgeot and other bird Poké-Mobians followed.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Kai! Good timing!!!"

Kai spoke "And let the balance of Mobius to collapse? Not today!"

Kiri brought out a metal bo-staff as Ankha brought out a pair of sais.

Winter and Blizzardstar were racing on ice as they used cyrokinesis to cool down the desert.

Several waterbending chakats work as a team to transport the water to the desert.

Katrina and Starfire snapped out it as they got ready for battle.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle yowls "CHARGE!!!!!"

We charged at the enemies as we fought.

Zoey was wielding two keyblades as she sliced up the heartless.

Kiri morphed into her true form while putting her Bo-Staff in her maw before leaping forward while spinning really quickly, slicing up heartless like helicopter blades.

Renee cracked her whip at a Heartless, yanking it over towards her.

Renee spoke "GET OVER HERE!"

Renee punches the Heartless in the face hard, causing it to pop like a balloon.

Rei asks "Ooh! Nice! You a firebender?"

Zoey spoke "My element is fire, Corina has air, Bridget has water, Kiki and Renee both have earth."

Rei spoke "Oh."

Several Heartless had drowned since Bridget had trapped them in water bubbles.

Zoey spoke "Most bird Mobians are air aligned hence why Corina's an airbender. And nice one Bridget!"

Bridget spoke "Thanks Zoey."

Rei spoke "Time for some illusions and Flamethrower."

Rei transformed his head into a flaming Zoroark skull as he breathed Flamethower at the ground beneath a large heartless, catching it on fire before it exploded in flames.

Rei laughs *Sing-song* ~Toasty!~"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle uppercuts a Heartless with Fire Punch, causing it to explode.

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Good thing Poké-Mobians don't have the same restrictions as most Mobians do... Mobini in Zoey's case since her cat DNA was messed up."

Ankha went into her true form as she grabbed a heartless’ neck with her tongue as the saliva on it was acidic, causing the head of pop off the body before Ankha caught it with her sais and ate the heartless’ face.

Diana lets loose a very loud "EON!!!!" as it rang clear, causing hundreds of Eeveelution Poké-Mobians to charge into battle. Among the Eeveelution Poké-Mobians was a male Scarabeon.

The Scarabeon spoke "Fell Stinger!"

The attack hit the Heartless as it was defeated and increased the Scarabeon’s attack.

Rei spoke "Nice job, Beetlo!"

Beetlo spoke "Thanks."

Diana spoke "I put the call out to my fellow Eeveelution Poké-Mobians and they all answered. Maneke was the first to respond."

A Manekeon rams head first into a Heartless, knocking it away.

Rei spoke "Hehe, let’s hope Cash doesn’t get jealous of the Manekeon."

Diana snickers "Maneke's a girl."

Rei asks "Huh?"

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle spoke "Diana's just as bad as Cadence is when it comes to romance."

Rei spoke "Oh. I bet she, Cadence and Jasmine will get along real good. I think they’d be like a love trio."

Super Avatar Mode Danyelle giggles "Hopeless romantics, they are."

Rei asks "Hey, does Diana have a crush on any guy?"

After powering down, Danyelle laughs "Diana? Oh StarClan no! She's a lesbian."

Rei asks "*As the shadow Pokémon were restrained* Why? And with who?"

Diana growls "Unless you want a Dazzling Gleam to the face, stay out of my personal life foxboy."

Rei asks "Hey hey, I’m just asking. You can’t blame curiosity, now can ya?"

Danyelle spoke via one-on-one telepathy with Rei "{It's a touchy subject for her since she was abandoned by her own parents because of her preference.}"

Rei spoke "{Oh. Okay. Mum’s the word.}"

With the bad guys stopped, things were soon restored back to normal.

Danyelle spoke "Oof... I'm never dealing with this crap again..."

Rei spoke "Don’t jinx yourself, Dany."

Danyelle spoke "StarClan's sakes Rei, I have kids on the way."

A pink seapony dove into the water before resurfacing while carrying Graystripe by the scruff to dry land since the clumsy tom had been thrown into a warp ring above the ocean.

Danyelle pulled the water out of Graystripe's lungs while the pink seapony watched.

Graystripe coughed after waking up.

The pink seapony asks "You okay mister?"

Graystripe spoke "Yeah… I guess so."

Silverstream spoke "I'm Silverstream!"

Images of a silver tabby she-cat appear in Graystripe's mind.

Graystripe asks "Silverstream? That you?"

Silverstream spoke "Uh, you got the wrong one. I'm a fish-like horse... not a cat."

Graystripe spoke "But your name…"

Silverstream spoke "I don't see any silver tabby markings on my body though."

Danyelle spoke "Since you don't know me by my actual name yet, I had gone by Emberstreak one time."

Graystripe asks "What?"

Danyelle engulfs herself in flames as she transformed into a normal cat albeit with sky blue fur.

Emberstreak spoke "This was the form you last saw me in and..."

Another swirl of flames later and Danyelle was back to her normal self.

Danyelle spoke "This is my real self."

Graystripe was definitely shocked.

Danyelle spoke "I'm also fostering someone since her parents along with her aunts are missing."

Sonic spoke "Danyelle's a really kind person too and barring the ones she had adopted, she's got four adorable daughters."

Danyelle asks "Would you like to meet them?"

Graystripe spoke "I guess."

Espio spoke "Now, I must tell the information I found."

Danyelle spoke "I also adopted a gryphon too but please don't ask him about his parents, it's far too sensitive for him to talk about it."

*Back in Ponyville*

Danyelle steps through a warp ring with Graystripe following her as the others follow.

Danyelle calls out Scootaloo's name along with Bluestar's and Gallus' names, causing the three of them along with Ravenpaw, Irene, Rani, Tikal and Akoya to dogpile her.

Danyelle laughs "I'm back kids."

Graystripe spoke "Whoa."

Meanwhile, I was shocked to hear what Espio told me. “For real?”

Espio spoke "Yes, a portal gateway has been found on Mobius that goes to another world."

Danyelle spoke "Since I already told you about Bluestar, I'll introduce the others. The gryphon is Gallus, the Pegasus is Scootaloo, the kitten is Irene, the echidna is Tikal and the two Mews are Rani and Akoya. You already know Ravenpaw."

Graystripe spoke "Wow, I wasn’t expecting this."

Danyelle spoke "I took Gallus in because he had no place to call home. I'm looking after Scootaloo until her parents are found."

Graystripe spoke "Again, wow."

Danyelle spoke "Yeah, I'm a kind-hearted cat but when I get mad... Flames are everywhere."


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