• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Visiting Blobtopia Part 2

*Sonic's POV*

Wowza! The building looks as big as a country on the inside!

Danyelle had kept her children close.

Michelle spoke "Don't worry, the place has a lot of advanced stuff, so once a table's available, we'll be there in no time flat."

Tails spoke "This place is HUGE!!!!"

Wait, now that I look again, the place is as big as the Pacific Ocean!

Michelle spoke "The buildings aren’t the only things that are big, this menu here has a TON of options."

Danyelle asks "Even pizza?"

That got the attention of the four Turtles.

Michelle spoke "All kinds and many many MANY more."

Danyelle giggles "I bet there's nachos and tacos too!"

That alone got the attentions of Aria, Sonata and Manic.

Michelle giggles "Chili dogs, ramen and cake as well."

I gasp "CHILI DOGS?!?!?!?"

Danyelle asks "Ramen?!?"

Clarity pops up suddenly with her parents, uncle and cousins.

Celestia asks "Cake?"

Michelle giggles "Of all kinds. Oh! Looks like we have a table, the biggest one yet. Everyone come this way."

We followed Michelle into some kinds of large circle on the floor that all of us fit in before we suddenly found a LONG table in front of us.

A purple dragoness with brown eyes about the same age as Splinter was sitting by herself.

Danyelle noticed the way that the dragoness was sitting so she pointed it out to Splinter.

Jasmine spoke "*Appearing* Hmm? Ah, she arrived only a few days ago, and we made sure to take good care for her since she…"

Danyelle asks "Reincarnated?"

Jasmine spoke "Yeah, along with another female dragon. Lilac scales, blue eyes and white spines."

Danyelle had gone quiet since she had seen something terrible in her vision.

Future Danyelle bristles up before flying into a Spindash, tearing the head of a human male clean off since the person was about to kill Splinter.

Future Danyelle spoke "That was close!"

But then the person simply vanished, revealed to be an illusion.

Jasmine asks "Dany, there’s no bad guys here. You sure your mind wasn’t playing tricks on you?"

Snapping back to her senses, Danyelle spoke "Regardless, that Shredder guy is dangerous.... If he gets out of the hospital, he'll murder Splinter... I saw it all in my Dimensional Scream."

“Hey, calm down, Danyelle. We’re on a tour, it’s supposed to be relaxing.” I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "It was just a vision of what is yet to come."

Michelle asks "Anyway, shall we sit at our table?"

Danyelle switched back to nekomata form.

Danyelle spoke "Yeah!"

All of us took our seat as we saw a HUGE menu!

Midnight spoke "I'm SO HUNGRY!!!"

Michelle spoke "Don't worry, the restaurant serves pets too, so if Kindle was here and hungry, that's okay."

Zephyr asks "*dreamily* Bird seed?"

Kindle and Philomena were on Danyelle's shoulders as six baby phoenixes were perched on the nekomata's wings.

Michelle asks "Ah, are the phoenixes hungry as well, Dany?"

Danyelle spoke "All eight of them are."

Soon, a GINORMOUS waitress, being 5 quintillion pounds, showed up. "Can I have your orders?"

Danyelle spoke "I'll have a jumbo pizza and could I get some bird seed for the phoenixes? Thanks."

The rest of us placed our orders as the waitress went off.

Rarity asks "My goodness, how does one make clothing that size and so flexible?"

Michelle giggles "We'll head to the Fashion half after eating in the Restaurant half."

Glasses of water then appeared for all of us.

Danyelle sniffs her glass of water.

Danyelle spoke "Mine smells like strawberries!"

“Mine smells like chili dogs.” I noticed.

Michelle giggles "The smell and taste of the water depends on the customer."

Ben spoke "Mine smells like curry."

We drank our water, and it was delicious for all of us.

Applejack spoke "Mine tasted like apples!"

Michelle spoke "Yep. And the food should be here soon."

And by stars, there was a LOT!

It was practically a room-long smorgasbord!

Midnight snatches a chili dog off my plate before eating it.

"Hey! that was mine!" I pointed out before a plate with a pile of food on it appeared in front of Midnight.

Midnight stuck his tongue out at me.

Tails was holding the Pokédex as he scanned Rekka.

The machine spoke "Possibility of carrying DNA of a Ho-oh Poké-Mobian is 40%."

Tails then scans Bolo.

The machine spoke "Possibility of carrying DNA of a Ho-oh Poké-Mobian is 80%."

Tails asks "Michelle, was your husband a Ho-oh Poké-Mobian?"

That confused Michelle greatly. "Okay, that pokedex has gotta be on the fritz."

Tails spoke "No it's not!"

Michelle spoke "There's gotta be some bugs in it because I clearly remember my own husband!"

I spoke "Cool it Michelle, you shouldn't fight with an electric type or you'll get zapped."

Danyelle asks "Hmm... Is this a prototype?"

Tails spoke "Yeah.

Danyelle spoke "Prototypes are prone to have bugs."

Tails gasps "Huh?!

Danyelle spoke "It's true."

Tails spoke "Guess I gotta search through this pokedex I made."

Danyelle suddenly had a vision of a year ago, back before Rekka and Bolo were born.

*Danyelle's POV*

I was floating in my Mew form as I saw my nekomata self talking to a Mobian Pegasus stallion.

“I gotta get closer so I can hear what they’re talking about.” I noted as I floated closer with me being invisible and intangible.

Masking my scent as well, I listen to the conversation.

My past self asks "Parker, you wanted to talk to me about something?"

A severely wounded Parker coughs "I won't last long so I'm leaving Michelle in your care..."

My past self asks "*Turns around to see Parker’s condition* PARKER?! What happened?"

Parker spoke "I *Cough* wasn’t sure myself, but dang… *Cough* I’m surprised it managed to get through my defenses."

Knowing that I couldn't interfere, I kept watching.

Parker spoke "And tell Michelle that I’m sorry that I couldn’t live long enough to see the home she was adopted into."

My past self spoke "Giovanni will pay for his crimes, whether it be by my claws or something else. And knowing my adopted brother, he'd be willing to help look after Michelle."

Parker spoke "Well... *Smile* I just know that she'll find you."

*End flashback*

I soon snap back to my senses.

I spoke "I'm sorry Michelle, I couldn't save Parker back then. But I do know that his death was avenged."

Michelle hugged me with a gentle smile. "Thank you, Dany."

I pulled out Parker's feather that I held onto for a while.

After plucking a feather from Sonic's wing as well as one from Rekka and one from Bolo, I spoke "I'm gonna send these to Redheart so she can run a DNA test."

Michelle asks "Need a teleporter?"

I spoke "No need, I've been exposed to magic since I could crawl."

I use my magic to teleport the four feathers to Redheart.

*Back in Ponyville,*

*At the hospital*

Gingerheart spoke "Hey Red, we've got four feathers here for a DNA test. One is from Prince Sonic, one's from a Pegasus that died a year ago and two from a pair of Pegasus twins."

Redheart asks "Really?"

Gingerheart spoke "It was requested by Danyelle Hikari."

Redheart spoke "Oh."

Gingerheart spoke "Yeah."

*After the DNA test*

Gingerheart gasps "This is impossible! We have to go straight to Danyelle immediately!"

Redheart asks "How?"

Gingerheart held up a warp ring.

Gingerheart and Redheart went to our location through the Warp Ring before noticing us after we had our rather ginormous meal. Myself and all of those were as big as mountains, each of us adults, Kindle and Philomena weighed a good million pounds and the babies and six phoenix chicks weighed a good 200,000 pounds, and fortunately, Midnight was as big as us adults before we all simultaneously gave a loud building-rumbling belch, leaving Gingerheart's fur and Redheart's hair, mane and tails frazzled while all of us were full and didn't mind our situation one bit.

Gingerheart shook hir fur back into place.

Gingerheart spoke "Red and I have news about the DNA test."

"What is it *burp!* about?" I asked as all of us that finished our meals had all of our bellies completely bare.

Redheart asks "Maybe I can tell them, Gingerheart?"

Gingerheart spoke "Sure thing Red."

Redheart spoke "Well, Danyelle, what we found out was so rare, it was considered impossible."

I ask "That *burp* being?"

Redheart spoke "Somehow, we found DNA in Rekka and Bolo from Michelle, Parker and Prince Sonic, and both of them."

I spoke "But Rekka looks a bit wolfish yet Bolo doesn't."

Then I noticed Bolo having some spikes on his back and the back of his head.

Redheart spoke "Somehow while *Ahem!* Prince Sonic was having some fun with Michelle while she was still pregnant with the twins, he somehow added some of his DNA to the already two developing foals."

Gingerheart spoke "Which had also overwritten the DNA that was from Michelle's previous husband."

Redheart spoke 'Not exactly if they started out as pure Pegasi."

That’s right! They were pure Pegasus Mobians on the day they were born.

Sonic spoke "But my alicorn gene had overwritten the Pegasus gene!"

Michelle spoke "Everyone calm down. What or how happened doesn’t matter. Besides, *Gentle smile* I already feel like Parker’s still with me in my little wrecking balls."

Ash spoke "Stupid hedgehog..."

Sonic spoke "WHY YOU LITTLE...!"

Ash and Sonic were soon in a fight cloud.

Michelle asks "They don’t realize that in their current state, the place could shake a bit, right?"

Serena giggles "My mate is stupid but I wouldn't want him any other way."

Roll spoke "I could say the same about Sonic."

The rest of Sonic’s wives nodded in total agreement.

Michelle spoke "Once those two calm down, we’ll pay the bill and head to the Fashion half of the Fashion Restaurant."

I was growling since I had picked up the scent of perfume but it wasn't from Rarity.

James was cowering behind Twilight.

I growl "You better show yourself right now Jessebelle!"

But then we heard muffled yelling.

Deep Lilac was growling since she knew that if she left James alone, he'd be forced into a marriage he didn't want.

Jessie asks "Hmm?"

Jessie reached behind her before grabbing something, revealing to be an angry Jessebelle while in her normal size on Mobius since she hadn’t eaten any of the food here.

Deep Lilac growls "What should we do with this brat?"

Michelle spoke "Well, since we’re in Blobtopia, I suppose we could drop her off at a certain destination that’s on our course. In the meantime, she’ll have to get comfy."

Jessie spoke "Oho! I can take care of that."

Jessie suddenly stuffed Jessebelle into her chest until only her head was out while the rest of her body was buried and constrained by soft doughy fat.

Tama was laughing.

Celestia giggles "She had that one coming."

Deep Lilac spoke "You might want to watch out for Bite though Jessie..."

Michelle spoke "With how Jessie is right now? She won’t feel that, as it’ll be only a ripple in the water for her."

James spoke "You shouldn't underestimate Jessebelle, she won't give up until she has what she wants..."

Jessie asks "Hmm? Was that a breeze just now?"

James spoke "Jessie, there's something I want to ask you."

Jessie asks "Oh? What is it?"

Despite the flab, James knelt down on his left knee before pulling out a scarlet red colored diamond ring.

James asks "Regardless of what Jessebelle would say... Jessie, will you marry me?"

Jessie asks "*Smile* To protect the world from devastation?"

James spoke "*Smile* To unite all people within our nation."

Jasmine showed up as she cast an elasticity spell before James put the ring on Jessie’s ring finger on her left hand, and it was a perfect fit thanks to the elasticity spell.

Deep Lilac spoke "Least this will get Jessebelle off James' tail."

Jessie giggles "Well, shall we continue the tour?"

Michelle spoke "Heehee! Yep."

Jasmine spoke "And don’t worry, thanks to that proposal, this meal’s on the house."

I spoke "There's just one problem though."

Deep Lilac spoke "Something tells me that James' parents are NOT gonna be happy about this..."

James spoke with a chuckle "We can worry about them for another time."

My eyes shimmer since I saw a pair of Mobian hedgehogs that were roundabout the same color as James approaching.

I spoke "Don't look now James but your parents are here..."

But as the pair approached, the fight cloud soon faded as Ash and Sonic fell onto their bellies in exhaustion, accidentally getting James’ parents stuck in their belly fat as their voices became muffled.

Indigo chuckles "Good timing bro."

Michelle asks "Might as well let them stay comfy in their jelly-bellies for a while. Who’s ready for the Fashion half of the Fashion Restaurant?"

Rarity spoke "I am!"

Blizzardstar chuckles "Rarity, you may be a fashion nut but you're my fashion nut."

The rest of us agreed as Rarity giggled.

Michelle spoke "Well then, let’s go!"

A voice that Jessie hadn't heard since she was a child had called out.

A reddish purple female Mobian hedgehog asks "Jessie? Is that you?"

Jessie gasped as she looked down.

I snap my fingers thus transferring the weight off Jessie and onto Jasmine while trapping Jessebelle with Chaos Barrier.

The Mobian hedgehog spoke "*tears in eyes* Arceus above... It is you..."

Jessie gasps "Mom? Is that really…?"

The Mobian hedgehog spoke "*tears in eyes* Yeah, it's me..."

Jessie started crying freely as she and her mother hugged each other.

I was also crying tears of joy, knowing that Jessie found her long lost mother.

Soon, Jessie and her mother were riding on James’ right shoulder as Michelle led us to the Fashion half of the Fashion Restaurant.

I put a silencing spell on the Chaos Barrier so the others and I didn't have to deal with Jessebelle's screams.

Michelle spoke "In the fashion half, the clothes made there are not only made with cloth, but also durable and flexible minerals."

That made Rarity’s eyes sparkle.

Midnight spoke "You are NOT putting a dress on me!"

Opaline asks "*Making cute puppy eyes at Midnight* Not even for me?"

Ash and the other guys suddenly got nervous.

Li spoke "Oh cuss no... ANYTHING BUT SHOPPING!!"

The guys all hightail it.

Later, all of us girls got some good clothes as we exited the Fashion Restaurant before we suddenly got back to our normal weight as we noticed the guys back to normal too and that James’ parents were out cold before I put the two of them into another Chaos Barrier. Dang, I am getting better with Magic.

Michelle spoke "Well, our next stop is where we’ll drop off Jessebelle."

I ask "That place being?"

Michelle spoke "Follow me and you’ll find out."

We then followed Michelle to the entrance of what looked like a prison.

Michelle spoke "Even Blobtopia has criminals every now and then, but Jasmine always manage to bust ‘em and stuff ‘em into the Weight Prison."

I spoke "I see no chance of redemption for these three anyway."

Michelle spoke "Well, they’ll only get a month at the least."

I spoke "Not even a restraining order will keep Jessebelle away from James."

Deep Lilac spoke "But hey, at least this’ll teach ‘em a lesson."

A half human half phoenix Mobini male with spiky black hair and a blue lawyer's suit calls out "Hey Twilight!"

Deep Lilac asks "Phoenix?"

Phoenix chuckles "Wings and all!"

I sniff the air.

I ask "Okay, who used a fart bomb?"

Deep Lilac giggles "When something smells, it's usually the Butz. Right Phoenix?"

Phoenix chuckles "Yeah."

Michelle spoke "Anyway, let’s head inside and check Jessebelle and James’ parents in."

I spoke "Good thing we have a trustworthy lawyer on our side."

Michelle spoke "Yeah, but let’s start with Jessebelle first."

After stuffing Jessebelle into a jail cell, I growl "Okay missy, out with it! Why are you so intent on marrying James? And don't try to lie, I know a mare who can see through lies."

Jessebelle only scoffed and turned away as Jasmine showed up before all of us noticed the place being a WHOLE LOT bigger on the inside.

I growl "I said... OUT WITH IT JESSEBELLE!!!"

Even though that scared Jessebelle, she wouldn’t break.

Jasmine asks "Maybe I can help with that?"

I inflict Nightmare on Jessebelle, making her crack up in fear.

“Heh, let’s see if you can’t push Jessebelle over the edge.” I smirked at Jasmine, saying yes.

Jasmine spoke "Alright, but a heads-up, only female adults can look since I’m not sure what’ll happen."

Indigo spoke "The guys and I are gonna do some sparring."

Michelle spoke "Try sparring in the Round Wrestling Ring, it’s the giant coliseum, ya can’t miss it."

I then noticed the jail cell getting bigger as I could see where this was going.

“You’ll wanna stick around to see this, Jessie.” I snickered.

Midnight drags James off to the coliseum for a sparring match.

Tama and Toga follow their fellow demon.

Sonic went off with the kids.

Asuna went with Huey, Pigment and a currently nameless babytwo.

Tama chuckles "It's been too long since we last sparred eh brother?"

Toga spoke "I'm not gonna go easy on you bro!"

The two brothers started sparring immediately.

Meanwhile, with us women, Jasmine brought out a beverage can before approaching Jessebelle as she cracked open the can. “Ya know, no one had the nerve to come here on a vendetta on one of my visitors.”

Poison drips from my fangs as I growl.

I growl "Not to mention having the AUDACITY to force James into a wedding he didn't want!"

Jessebelle gasps "What’re you-"

Jasmine cut Jessebelle off as she made the female Delcatty chug down what was in that can as her belly and chest started bulging out before a big tear appeared, revealing a bit of her fattening belly with a tear above it, revealing a bit of her growing cleavage. The tears soon got bigger, revealing more of her belly and chest as her arms, legs, butt and head started getting fatter. She started giving out muffled moans before the upper front and both sleeves of her clothes were ripped to shreds, revealing all of her front and her arms with her wearing a magenta bra as with the can empty, Jasmine pulled it away from her as Jessebelle started panting, finding it hard to hold herself up, being at least 1,000 pounds.

I snap "SHUT IT BITCH!!"

But then we heard a stretching sound before I suddenly dodged a button that flew off Jessebelle due to the front of her pants unable to handle the stress as her pants and underwear were lowered a bit due to how big her fat butt was.

Jasmine asks "Guess you want two more?"

Jessebelle gasps "What…? No w-

Jasmine spoke "*Puts a funnel into Jessebelle’s mouth* Shh."

Jasmine brought out two more cans before cracking them open and pouring the contents into the funnel, making Jessebelle chug them down as she was still giving off muffled moans while she was getting bigger and fatter and her pants were shredded to pieces, revealing all of her underwear as she looked like 3,000 pounds, and it seemed like she wouldn’t be able to stand after one more pound as Jasmine took the funnel out of her with Jessebelle giving a gasp with a few pants, then she gave a loud burp, frazzling out our hair and fur a bit before she kept panting.

I laugh "That oughta teach the bitch not to mess with a draconequus!"

Jasmine spoke "Ya know, I think you really fit in with the inmates of the place, Jessebelle."

Jessebelle spoke "*Moans* I… I feel so full…"

Jasmine spoke "*Smirks while grabbing Jessebelle’s obese belly* Really? You don’t look full to me."

Jasmine brought out a giant beverage can before cracking it open and made Jessebelle chug down every last drop of it as she got EVEN MORE obese as her bra and panties started stretching thin and getting tighter while she fell onto her butt, becoming immobile with her high-heel shoes flying right off and socks before shredded apart. After reaching one million pounds, her bra and underwear couldn’t take anymore as they snapped and flew right off her. Later, after the giant can was empty, Jessebelle was as big and as fat as the moon, looking 5 quintillion pounds obese as she kept moaning with gurgles heard from her belly.

Jessebelle asks "Hello…? Am I as big as I feel…?"

Jessebelle was still moaning as all of us ladies, excluding Jasmine, who was proud of her handiwork, were laughing uncontrollably, especially Jessie, who was cackling like a wild hyena.

I was howling with laughter."

Jasmine asks "So, finally ready to talk?"

Jessebelle spoke "*Moaning with belly gurgling* Okay… I’ll talk… No lying…"

Applejack spoke "*Calming down from the laughing fit* Hehe, well, she ain’t fibbin’ there."

I ask "Should I call James back?"

Jasmine spoke "Not yet."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as Jessebelle was suddenly wearing a pink thongkini with orange stripes

Jasmine spoke "Now you can. As for why she's wearing that, I know where to put her here."

I spoke "At least we got the message across to James' parents."

Jasmine spoke "Ah, yes. Almost forgot."

Jasmine snapped her fingers as James’ father was in a grey prison uniform with blue stripes, and James’ mother was in a grey prison uniform with pink stripes.

Rarity spoke "A bit on the tacky side but it is what it is."

Jasmine spoke "Tacky would be orange, white and orange, and black and white."

Rarity spoke "Touché."

I spoke "Jessebelle's also unfit to be a mother as well so if she did have children, they'd be taken from her and raised in a better environment. One where a child can grow up happy. Being a mother of 14, I've got experience with kids who have had traumas."

Jasmine spoke "Let’s not jump to conclusions here, Danyelle. *Whispers to me* You never know what could happen to Jessebelle if true love strikes her. Her frozen heart could thaw and she might change for the better."

I spoke "Seriously... I have the dimensional scream for StarClan's sake..."

Jasmine spoke "Listen, just expect the unexpected."

Sakura was shaking since she saw something bad about to happen.

“Well, Sakura… We’ll get ready after the tour’s over.” I assured as Jasmine fattened James’ parents before they were as big, fat and immobile as Jessebelle before Jasmine took the Delcatty to a wing, and the two hedgehogs to a different wing.

Michelle spoke "Next stop, Round Wrestling Ring."

I spoke "Good idea Michelle. We should warn the guys about what Sakura saw in her vision."

Michelle spoke "I try."

We then left the Weight Prison as we soon arrived at Round Wrestling Ring, with the logo being an “RWR” but the first R was reversed.

I pick up on the sound of clashing swords and figured that Toga and Tama were sparring.

Michelle spoke "Huh, guess none of the guys ate any food here."

Orion spoke "Ever since I heard the news from Purity, the guys have taken to sparring in case the remnants of Team Rocket attacked."

I spoke "I fear we might be dealing with more than just remnants of Team Rocket, I heard on the telepath line from Zelda that two more crime groups are on the move."

Sakura spoke "There’s also a Team RAINBOW Rocket."

Orion spoke "I know."

I spoke "I think it's time I call in someone who has dealt with Team Snagem before."

I spoke "Go cough up a hairball Orion, Wes is on our side."

Orion spoke "You better be right."

Michelle asks "Alright, now that we’re back together, saw the whole place and the buffet table, ready for our next stop?"

Before anyone could respond, Zelda's voice was heard clear on the telepath line.

Zelda spoke "Attention citizens and visitors of Blobtopia! This is NOT a drill! Repeat, this is NOT a drill! Teams Rainbow Rocket, Snagem and Cipher have taken full control of Canterlot City and have locked up anyone who have dared to resist!"

Michelle growls "*Annoyed groan* Always during tours."

Michelle did a backhanded uppercut, knocking a dummy’s head clean off and into the sky.

Sonic spoke "Miche, calm down."

Michelle spoke "Yeah. But those grunts aren’t gonna get off easy."

I spoke "We've got three sets of the Elements of Harmony, several adult Mewtwo, three adult sirens... cuss, we got the Pillars too! We got Dragon Lord Torch and the other nations too along with Bayonetta and the other Smashers!"

To be continued

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