• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Scars of the Past

*Celestia's POV*

I was a nervous wreck since my heart was torn between Pyre and Tama. I couldn't decide who I wanted to stay with.

But then Newlestia showed up.

I ask "What now??"

Newlestia asks "You look really tense. What's wrong?"

I spoke "It's Tama and Pyre, I can't decide who I should be with..."

Cadence spoke "*Appearing through teleportation* My magic was going crazy and to think a torn heart would be why, auntie."

Newlestia and I turned around to see Cadence.

Twilight spoke "Cadence, it's good to see you."

Cadence spoke "And it's a good thing I came here."

I spoke "I can't decide..."

Cadence spoke "It's clear you need my help."

Danyelle spoke "Given that a reverse harem isn't an option here."

Newlestia asks "Remember me?"

Pyre soon arrives.

*Gulp!* This is bad. Really bad!

Newlestia gasps "Alexa?"

Pyre asks "Do I know you?"

Twilight spoke "Hmm... Sounds like a memory-lock spell. Time to unlock them."

Danyelle spoke "Agreed."

Danyelle and Twilight combine their magic to unlock the memories of Newlestia and Pyre.

The two alicorns suddenly held their heads in pain.

Danyelle follows up with Chaos Heal to ease off the pain.

Pyre spoke "Princess Celestia, I'm sorry for lying to you. I'm not who you think I am."

That left me confused. "What do you mean?"

Pyre spoke "Though I may be a stallion on the outside, I'm actually a female... The one that now goes by Newlestia is actually male on the inside."

Okay, now I'm lost.

Pyre spoke "As you heard from Newlestia, my real name is Alexa."

"What happened?" I asked.

High Goddess Faust appears.

High Goddess Faust spoke "This was my fault, I foresaw a disaster coming for Equis that the current group of alicorns couldn't stop so I had to look elsewhere for a pair of heroes to stop the disaster. That's when I found Steve and Alexa... No, Newlestia and Pyre."

Twilight spoke "Explain."

High Goddess Faust sighs "Very well."

*One long explanation later*

Pyre asks "But why me and Newlestia?"

Cadence spoke "Yeah, I don’t think any of us here understand why."

Danyelle spoke "I think it might have something to do with Tirek."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Yes… it does."

Danyelle spoke "If Cerberus leaves his post, that will give Tirek a chance to escape. And it'll put all ponies and magic-wielding Mobians in danger."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Exactly."

Danyelle spoke "And if Tirek got his hands on me or Korra, it'll be bad news for everycreature... Even more so if he got inflicted with Oripathy or Tarkat."

High Goddess Faust spoke "Let’s not think about that last part."

Danyelle spoke "But we still have to be careful High Goddess, Oripathy and tarkat are no jokes."

Twilight spoke "Teermakus did say Tarkat isn’t easily gotten and you can’t risk close exposure. In a way, Tarkat isn’t as deadly as Oripathy."

Tails spoke "Exactly but there are scars that will never fully heal."

Dren spoke "My scars never healed..."

Pyre spoke "Celestia… I’m so sorry."

I didn’t have any negative emotions as I only hugged Pyre.

I spoke "I think we should annul the marriage since it just won't work out between us."

Pyre spoke "*Hugs me back* Yeah. It never happened."

“But you and Newlestia are still welcome to stay here. We’re friends, aren’t we?” I asked with a smile as Pyre smiled back.

Pyre spoke "Yeah and there's something I want to ask Newlestia."

Pyre knelt down on his left foreleg.

Pyre asks "Newlestia... will you marry me?"

Newlestia giggles "Of course, even though it’s supposed to be the other way around ya silly stallion."

Tama asks "And going off that note... Celestia, I know I never asked this 218 years ago but will you marry me?"

Little did the others or I know, Pixie had some rather nasty scars on her back that never healed right.

“Yes! I will marry you!” I answered while hugging Tama with happy tears.

*Sonic’s POV*

Something seemed off with Pixie.

Pixie asks "What now Sonic?"

“Pixie, you doing okay?” I asked.

Pixie spoke "It's not your concern."

Pixie zooms off through a warp ring to her house.

Danyelle places a tiny hand on my shoulder.

Danyelle spoke "Best to leave her be."

An Alolan Ninetales Poké-Mobian female spoke "She’s still afraid."

Danyelle and I jumped a bit as we saw Miyuki behind us.

Tails asks "What do you mean by that Yuki?"

Miyuki sighs "You sure you wanna know?"

Dren spoke "I suppose it's got something to do with her scars..."

Miyuki asks "So you noticed her back?"

Dren spoke "No but as you can tell, I also have a scar on my body that never healed right... And a stab wound as well..."

Miyuki spoke "Ouch…"

Dren spoke "Both scars were caused by Deep Blue... Before his reformation though."

Miyuki spoke "Oh."

Dren spoke "I'm no Danyelle but I can tell that Pixie is hurting on the inside because her ex-boyfriend had whipped her too often."

Zoey giggles "Perceptive as ever Dren."

Miyuki sighs "That’s exactly what happened."

Danyelle spoke "She's afraid of falling in love again because of her PTSD."

Miyuki spoke "Yeah. And we might need Cadence’s help."

Cadence spoke "I'm sorry but I can't help with that."

Miyuki asks "What? Why?"

Cadence spoke "love-related PTSD problems aren't my specialty."

Miyuki facepalmed at that.

Dren spoke "The scars of the past will never fully go away..."

Danyelle spoke "Chicken pox scar on the top of my nose... Another scar above my right eye from when Knuckles tripped me..."

Knuckles shouts "*From a distance* IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!"

Danyelle shouts back "YOU ARE AN IDIOT THOUGH KNUCKLES!!!"

*Sigh* I might need to help Pixie…

Pixie was sitting on a heated rock in the bathroom of her house since she was bathing.

Danyelle spoke "Sonic Maurice Ogami, you better not think of walking on her when she's taking a bath."

Tails spoke "Danyelle's got a point Sonic. I don't think your wives would appreciate it if you got flame-grilled."

But then Michelle, in her restrained form, and Roll showed up.

Michelle spoke "Maybe Roll and I can talk to her. My little wrecking balls are taking a nap."

Danyelle spoke "She might attack you two since she's on edge..."

Roll spoke "We can handle ourselves."

Danyelle spoke "I'm coming too in case she lashes out with Flamethrower."

Michelle spoke "Okay."

Danyelle heads off with the two to Miyuki's place.

Roll spoke "I should knock the door, just to be safe."

Danyelle spoke "She might not answer right away."

Michelle spoke "Yeah, but we should still try."

Danyelle suddenly burped up a letter from Tails' father.

Danyelle's eyes shrank in shock.

Danyelle spoke "Roll, could you go get Tails and Miyuki? I have bad news for them..."

Roll asks "Okay…?"

Danyelle spoke "*ears droop down in sadness* It's about their paternal grandmother..."

Michelle spoke "*Realizes what it means* Of all the three siblings, Pixie will need the most help after hearing this."

Danyelle spoke "Don't forget Aqua, she's part of the Prower family too."

Michelle spoke "Right."

Danyelle spoke "We should round the Prowers up and head to Mobius..."

Michelle asks "*Knocks on front door* Um… Pixie?"

Pixie spoke "The front door's unlocked!"

Roll spoke "Um, when you’re done, could you come with us? There’s something you and your family need to know."

Pixie soon left the bathroom with a bathrobe on.

Pixie spoke "I'll be along soon."

Roll spoke "Good."

*Some time later on Mobius*

Danyelle was with Miyuki, Tails, Pixie and Aqua.

Danyelle spoke "I'm really sorry for what I'm about to tell you four, but..."

An older male Mobian fox with an eyepatch spoke "No miss, they need to hear it from me."

Danyelle spoke "...Okay, Mr. Prower."

Aqua asks "Is Grandma going to be okay Uncle Amadeus?"

Amadeus spoke "*Wince* I’m not sure, Aqua."

Danyelle spoke "We should probably check on her though..."

Amadeus spoke "Yes, indeed."

Danyelle floated into the hospital room where a wounded Mobian vixen was resting.

Danyelle checks for any injuries.

Danyelle soon floated back out.

Danyelle spoke "I'm sorry but there's a lot of internal bleeding and I don't think Chaos Heal can fix it..."

That shocked the five of them.

Tails spoke "*in tears* Tell me it's not true..."

Danyelle spoke "*ears droop down* I'm sorry Tails..."

Pixie asks "…Can we at least see her before…?"

Danyelle spoke "Of course... but I fear that she may be dead by now..."

Miyuki spoke "Look… Grandma’s always been tough. If anything, she’s trying her very hardest to stay awake to see us one more time."

Pixie spoke "Exactly but if what Danyelle said is true... We might have to attend a funeral soon..."

Miyuki grabbed Pixie as they went to the hospital room with Tails, Aqua and Amadeus, hearing a slow beeping.

Danyelle was with the five.

Danyelle spoke "Explaining this to Rusty won't be easy..."

Tails spoke "I’ll have to tell him though…"

Grandma Kikyo asks "Miles…? Is… that you?"

Pixie spoke "Miyuki, Aqua and I are here too."

Danyelle asks "Are you okay, Kikyo?"

Kikyo softly spoke "*Smile* I am now… that my family is here."

Danyelle spoke "I'm sorry but Chaos Heal can't fix internal bleeding..."

Kikyo spoke "It’s alright, Danyelle… I know you tried your hardest to help me… *Notices Pixie’s expression* Pixie… Please come here…"

The two tailed Mew floats off a bit to cry.

Pixie cries "Grandma..."

Kikyo spoke "Pixie, please let go of your fear… The past does not define your present or future…"

Pixie spoke "But... my scars..."

Kikyo spoke "Listen to me, Pixie… Scars heal, even though it is not completely for some… You are the only one who chooses your own destiny, and no one else…"

Danyelle spoke "True there..."

Kikyo spoke "I'm tired... So tired... I need to rest..."

Pixie spoke "*Voice breaking with tears flowing* Please... You can't leave us. Please don't leave me."

Kikyo spoke "*Smiles weakly* Nonsense, Pixie. There is no way I could not leave you and your family even after this."

Danyelle was crying as she looked away.

Kikyo hugged Pixie and the others before she laid onto her bad with her eyes closing while she kept smiling. And then... Flatline.

Danyelle lets out a mournful yowl which rang clear.

Two days later, the funeral was over and Pixie holed herself up in her house... I need to do something to cheer her up.

Danyelle spoke "She needs time to herself Sonic..."

"But she's been in there for a whole day." I pointed out.

Danyelle spoke "Good freaking grief..."

Danyelle knocks on the door.

Danyelle spoke "Pixie! You need to come outside!"

But then Danyelle's ears twitch as she sighed. "She's depression-binging, eating food."

Danyelle unlocks the door before going inside and dragging the Vulpix out.

Ein spoke "*Suddenly shows up* Huh, she got pudgy from all that eating."

I backfisted Ein, sending him flying with a scream.

Danyelle spoke "He really oughta keep his rude comments to himself."

Pixie only whimpered.

Tails asks "You okay Pixie?"

Pixie only shook her head.

Miyuki spoke "Look Pix, Grandma wouldn't want us to be sad forever."

I gently hugged Pixie. “Look, I’m not asking you to join my herd. But I’ll make sure that you’re always happy.”

That seemed to have broke Pixie as she hugged me back while crying into my chest freely.


Pierce then leapt at us.

Danyelle sent Pierce flying with a powerful Gust attack.

Pierce yelps "GAH!!!"

The attack also caused Pierce to drop the stone onto the ground.

Danyelle picks the stone up with Psychic.

Danyelle spoke "Pixie, you should decide whether you want to become a Ninetales or stay a Vulpix."

Pixie spoke "…I… I need to become stronger… Both mentally, and physically."

Danyelle spoke "Just remember, there's no going back after you evolve."

"Whatever choice you make, I'll be there for you." I assured Pixie.

Pixie spoke "...Sometimes, we cannot go back, we can only move forward. So I believe... It's time for me to start moving forward too!"

Pixie then grabbed the Fire Stone as both she and the stone started glowing.

Pixie glows brightly as she evolves, her russet red fur sheds off as light golden yellow fur grew in while three of her tails split into six.

Pixie's brown eyes turn red as the evolution is finished.

Pixie spoke "*Slowly smiles before giggling a bit* Maybe we could wrestle sometime, Miyuki."

Miyuki spoke "Just because you have the type advantage over me doesn't mean you have the advantage against Aqua."

Pixie giggles "Oh what? You afraid that you might not be able to beat me?"

A loud scream came from Eve's place since she had recently evolved into something that was neither Espeon or Umbreon but something in between.

Pixie asks "What in the...?"

A female Daireon Poké-Mobian that had been hired by Asuna and Haru rushes past, causing the newly evolved Ninetales to spin around suddenly thus landing in my arms.

I ask "You okay?"

Pixie spoke "*Blushes while looking at me* Y-Yeah."

Danyelle was giggling.

Tails chuckles "Seems you've got it bad Pixie Stix!"

Pixie spoke "Guess I'm the final addition to your herd after all, Sonic."

I chuckle "Yeah, who would have thought a random yet unknown Eeveelution would be the cause of it?"

Michelle showed up with a smile. "Well, I hope us ladies get along."

Danyelle giggles "Something tells me Jasmine is totally gonna LOSE IT when she sees how many wives Sonic has!"

Michelle giggles "And what about Luna?"

I chuckle "Grandma Luna's gonna freak the hay out."

Sonia spoke "You're one to talk Bro, I've got two wives! One of which is a Mewtwo!"

"Who?" I asked.

Danyelle spoke "My clone..."

Danytwo spoke "Hiya!"

"Oh. Right." I noted.

Adagio spoke "I've heard rumors that Twilight-two has been following Manic around..."

Danyelle asks "Wait, what?"

Danytwo's ears perked up when she felt a psychic burst before zooming off, dragging Twilight-two with her.

Adagio spoke "I stand corrected."

Sonata spoke "Dagi, you're an idiot."

Sonia spoke "She may be an idiot but she's one of my idiots."


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